Ejemplo n.º 1
static Res rankBufInit(Buffer buffer, Pool pool, Bool isMutator, ArgList args)
  Res res;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVERT(ArgList, args);
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_RANK))
    rank = arg.val.rank;
  AVERT(Rank, rank);

  /* Initialize the superclass fields first via next-method call */
  res = NextMethod(Buffer, RankBuf, init)(buffer, pool, isMutator, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  BufferSetRankSet(buffer, RankSetSingle(rank));

  SetClassOfPoly(buffer, CLASS(RankBuf));
  AVERC(RankBuf, buffer);
  EVENT4(BufferInitRank, buffer, pool, BOOLOF(buffer->isMutator), rank);

  return ResOK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static Res MFSInit(Pool pool, Arena arena, PoolClass klass, ArgList args)
  Size extendBy = MFS_EXTEND_BY_DEFAULT;
  Bool extendSelf = TRUE;
  Size unitSize;
  MFS mfs;
  ArgStruct arg;
  Res res;

  AVER(pool != NULL);
  AVERT(Arena, arena);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);
  UNUSED(klass); /* used for debug pools only */
  ArgRequire(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MFS_UNIT_SIZE);
  unitSize = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY))
    extendBy = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MFSExtendSelf))
    extendSelf = arg.val.b;

  AVER(unitSize > 0);
  AVER(extendBy > 0);
  AVERT(Bool, extendSelf);

  res = NextMethod(Pool, MFSPool, init)(pool, arena, klass, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failNextInit;
  mfs = CouldBeA(MFSPool, pool);

  mfs->unroundedUnitSize = unitSize;

  if (unitSize < UNIT_MIN)
    unitSize = UNIT_MIN;
  unitSize = SizeAlignUp(unitSize, MPS_PF_ALIGN);
  if (extendBy < unitSize)
    extendBy = unitSize;
  extendBy = SizeArenaGrains(extendBy, arena);

  mfs->extendBy = extendBy;
  mfs->extendSelf = extendSelf;
  mfs->unitSize = unitSize;
  mfs->freeList = NULL;
  mfs->tractList = NULL;
  mfs->total = 0;
  mfs->free = 0;

  SetClassOfPoly(pool, CLASS(MFSPool));
  mfs->sig = MFSSig;
  AVERC(MFS, mfs);

  EVENT5(PoolInitMFS, pool, arena, extendBy, BOOLOF(extendSelf), unitSize);
  return ResOK;

  AVER(res != ResOK);
  return res;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static Res BufferAbsInit(Buffer buffer, Pool pool, Bool isMutator, ArgList args)
  Arena arena;

  AVER(buffer != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);

  /* Superclass init */
  InstInit(CouldBeA(Inst, buffer));
  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  /* Initialize the buffer.  See <code/mpmst.h> for a definition of
     the structure.  sig and serial comes later .init.sig-serial */
  buffer->arena = arena;
  buffer->pool = pool;
  buffer->isMutator = isMutator;
  if (ArenaGlobals(arena)->bufferLogging) {
    buffer->mode = BufferModeLOGGED;
  } else {
    buffer->mode = 0;
  buffer->fillSize = 0.0;
  buffer->emptySize = 0.0;
  buffer->alignment = PoolAlignment(pool);
  buffer->base = (Addr)0;
  buffer->initAtFlip = (Addr)0;
  /* In the next three assignments we really mean zero, not NULL, because
     the bit pattern is compared.  It's pretty unlikely we'll encounter
     a platform where this makes a difference. */
  buffer->ap_s.init = (mps_addr_t)0;
  buffer->ap_s.alloc = (mps_addr_t)0;
  buffer->ap_s.limit = (mps_addr_t)0;
  buffer->poolLimit = (Addr)0;
  buffer->rampCount = 0;

  /* .init.sig-serial: Now the vanilla stuff is initialized, sign the
     buffer and give it a serial number. It can then be safely checked
     in subclass methods. */
  buffer->serial = pool->bufferSerial; /* .trans.mod */
  SetClassOfPoly(buffer, CLASS(Buffer));
  buffer->sig = BufferSig;
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);

  /* Attach the initialized buffer to the pool. */
  RingAppend(&pool->bufferRing, &buffer->poolRing);

  EVENT3(BufferInit, buffer, pool, BOOLOF(buffer->isMutator));

  return ResOK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static Res MFSInit(Pool pool, ArgList args)
  Size extendBy = MFS_EXTEND_BY_DEFAULT;
  Bool extendSelf = TRUE;
  Size unitSize;
  MFS mfs;
  Arena arena;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVER(pool != NULL);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);
  ArgRequire(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MFS_UNIT_SIZE);
  unitSize = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY))
    extendBy = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MFSExtendSelf))
    extendSelf = arg.val.b;

  AVERT(Bool, extendSelf);
  mfs = PoolPoolMFS(pool);
  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  mfs->unroundedUnitSize = unitSize;

  if (unitSize < UNIT_MIN)
    unitSize = UNIT_MIN;
  unitSize = SizeAlignUp(unitSize, MPS_PF_ALIGN);
  if (extendBy < unitSize)
    extendBy = unitSize;
  extendBy = SizeArenaGrains(extendBy, arena);

  mfs->extendBy = extendBy;
  mfs->extendSelf = extendSelf;
  mfs->unitSize = unitSize;
  mfs->freeList = NULL;
  mfs->tractList = NULL;
  mfs->total = 0;
  mfs->free = 0;
  mfs->sig = MFSSig;

  AVERT(MFS, mfs);
  EVENT5(PoolInitMFS, pool, arena, extendBy, BOOLOF(extendSelf), unitSize);
  return ResOK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static Res segBufInit(Buffer buffer, Pool pool, Bool isMutator, ArgList args)
  SegBuf segbuf;
  Res res;

  /* Initialize the superclass fields first via next-method call */
  res = NextMethod(Buffer, SegBuf, init)(buffer, pool, isMutator, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;
  segbuf = CouldBeA(SegBuf, buffer);

  segbuf->seg = NULL;
  segbuf->rankSet = RankSetEMPTY;

  SetClassOfPoly(buffer, CLASS(SegBuf));
  segbuf->sig = SegBufSig;
  AVERC(SegBuf, segbuf);

  EVENT3(BufferInitSeg, buffer, pool, BOOLOF(buffer->isMutator));
  return ResOK;