Ejemplo n.º 1
int BackupStoreAccountsControl::HousekeepAccountNow(int32_t ID)
	std::string rootDir;
	int discSetNum;
	std::auto_ptr<UnixUser> user; // used to reset uid when we return

	if(!OpenAccount(ID, rootDir, discSetNum, user,
		NULL /* housekeeping locks the account itself */))
		BOX_ERROR("Failed to open account " << BOX_FORMAT_ACCOUNT(ID)
			<< " for housekeeping.");
		return 1;

	HousekeepStoreAccount housekeeping(ID, rootDir, discSetNum, NULL);
	bool success = housekeeping.DoHousekeeping();

		BOX_ERROR("Failed to lock account " << BOX_FORMAT_ACCOUNT(ID)
			<< " for housekeeping: perhaps a client is "
			"still connected?");
		return 1;
		BOX_TRACE("Finished housekeeping on account " <<
		return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    BackupStoreCheck::CheckObjects()
//		Purpose: Read in the contents of the directory, recurse to other levels,
//				 checking objects for sanity and readability
//		Created: 21/4/04
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BackupStoreCheck::CheckObjects()
	// Maximum start ID of directories -- worked out by looking at disc contents, not trusting anything
	int64_t maxDir = 0;

	// Find the maximum directory starting ID
		// Make sure the starting root dir doesn't end with '/'.
		std::string start(mStoreRoot);
		if(start.size() > 0 && (
			start[start.size() - 1] == '/' ||
			start[start.size() - 1] == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_ASCHAR))
			start.resize(start.size() - 1);

		maxDir = CheckObjectsScanDir(0, 1, start);
		BOX_TRACE("Max dir starting ID is " <<

	// Then go through and scan all the objects within those directories
	for(int64_t d = 0; d <= maxDir; d += (1<<STORE_ID_SEGMENT_LENGTH))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    BackupStoreCheck::DumpObjectInfo()
//		Purpose: Debug only. Trace out all object info.
//		Created: 22/4/04
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BackupStoreCheck::DumpObjectInfo()
    for(Info_t::const_iterator i(mInfo.begin()); i != mInfo.end(); ++i)
        IDBlock *pblock = i->second;
        int32_t bentries = (pblock == mpInfoLastBlock)?mInfoLastBlockEntries:BACKUPSTORECHECK_BLOCK_SIZE;
        BOX_TRACE("BLOCK @ " << BOX_FORMAT_HEX32(pblock) <<
                  ", " << bentries << " entries");

        for(int e = 0; e < bentries; ++e)
            uint8_t flags = GetFlags(pblock, e);
            BOX_TRACE(std::hex <<
                      "id "  << pblock->mID[e] <<
                      ", c " << pblock->mContainer[e] <<
                      ", " << ((flags & Flags_IsDir)?"dir":"file") <<
                      ", " << ((flags & Flags_IsContained) ?
Ejemplo n.º 4
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    int GetNextWindowSize(int bytesChange,
//               box_time_t timeElapsed, int rttEstimateMillis)
//		Purpose: Calculate the next recommended window size, given the
//               number of bytes sent since the previous recommendation,
//               and the time elapsed.
//		Created: 11/02/2012
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int TcpNice::GetNextWindowSize(int bytesChange, box_time_t timeElapsed,
	int rttEstimateMicros)
	int epsilon = (mAlphaStar * 1000000) / rttEstimateMicros;
	// timeElapsed is in microseconds, so this will fail for T > 2000 seconds
	int rateLastPeriod = ((uint64_t)bytesChange * 1000000 / timeElapsed);
	int rawAdjustment = epsilon + rateLastPeriod -
	int gammaAdjustment = (rawAdjustment * mGammaPercent) / 100;
	int newWindowSize = mLastWindowSize + gammaAdjustment;
	int newRateEstimateMovingAverage = 
		(((100 - mDeltaPercent) * mRateEstimateMovingAverage[1]) / 100) +
		((mDeltaPercent * rateLastPeriod) / 100);
	 * b is the number of bytes sent during the previous control period
	 * T is the length (in us) of the previous control period
	 * rtt is the round trip time (in us) reported by the kernel on the socket 
	 * e is epsilon, a parameter of the formula, calculated as alpha/rtt
	 * rb is the actual rate (goodput) over the previous period
	 * rbhat is the previous (last-but-one) EWMA rate estimate
	 * raw is the unscaled adjustment to the window size
	 * gamma is the scaled adjustment to the window size
	 * wb is the final window size

	BOX_TRACE("TcpNice: "
		"b=" << bytesChange << ", "
		"T=" << timeElapsed << ", "
		"rtt=" << rttEstimateMicros << ", "
		"e=" << epsilon << ", "
		"rb=" << rateLastPeriod << ", "
		"rbhat=" << newRateEstimateMovingAverage << ", "
		"raw=" << rawAdjustment << ", "
		"gamma=" << gammaAdjustment << ", "
		"wb=" << newWindowSize);
	mRateEstimateMovingAverage[0] = mRateEstimateMovingAverage[1];
	mRateEstimateMovingAverage[1] = newRateEstimateMovingAverage;
	mLastWindowSize = newWindowSize;

	return newWindowSize;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void intercept_setup_error(const char *filename, unsigned int errorafter, int errortoreturn, int syscalltoerror)
	BOX_TRACE("Setup for error: " << filename << 
		", after " << errorafter <<
		", err " << errortoreturn <<
		", syscall " << syscalltoerror);

	intercept_count = 1;
	intercept_filename = filename;
	intercept_filedes = -1;
	intercept_errorafter = errorafter;
	intercept_syscall = syscalltoerror;
	intercept_errno = errortoreturn;
	intercept_filepos = 0;
	intercept_delay_ms = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void intercept_setup_delay(const char *filename, unsigned int delay_after,
	int delay_ms, int syscall_to_delay, int num_delays)
	BOX_TRACE("Setup for delay: " << filename <<
		", after " << delay_after <<
		", wait " << delay_ms << " ms" <<
		", times " << num_delays <<
		", syscall " << syscall_to_delay);

	intercept_count = num_delays;
	intercept_filename = filename;
	intercept_filedes = -1;
	intercept_errorafter = delay_after;
	intercept_syscall = syscall_to_delay;
	intercept_errno = 0;
	intercept_filepos = 0;
	intercept_delay_ms = delay_ms;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    ProtocolUncertainStream::Read(void *, int, int)
//		Purpose: As interface.
//		Created: 2003/12/05
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int ProtocolUncertainStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
	// Finished?
		return 0;
	int read = 0;
	while(read < NBytes)
		// Anything we can get from the current block?
		ASSERT(mBytesLeftInCurrentBlock >= 0);
		if(mBytesLeftInCurrentBlock > 0)
			// Yes, let's use some of these up
			int toRead = (NBytes - read);
			if(toRead > mBytesLeftInCurrentBlock)
				// Adjust downwards to only read stuff out of the current block
				toRead = mBytesLeftInCurrentBlock;
			BOX_TRACE("Reading " << toRead << " bytes from stream");
			// Read it
			int r = mrSource.Read(((uint8_t*)pBuffer) + read, toRead, Timeout);
			// Give up now if it didn't return anything
			if(r == 0)
				BOX_TRACE("Read " << r << " bytes from "
					"stream, returning");
				return read;
			// Adjust counts of bytes by the bytes recieved
			read += r;
			mBytesLeftInCurrentBlock -= r;
			// stop now if the stream returned less than we asked for -- avoid blocking
			if(r != toRead)
				BOX_TRACE("Read " << r << " bytes from "
					"stream, returning");
				return read;
			// Read the header byte to find out how much there is
			// in the next block
			uint8_t header;
			if(mrSource.Read(&header, 1, Timeout) == 0)
				// Didn't get the byte, return now
				BOX_TRACE("Read 0 bytes of block header, "
					"returning with " << read << " bytes "
					"read this time");
				return read;
			// Interpret the byte...
			if(header == Protocol::ProtocolStreamHeader_EndOfStream)
				// All done.
				mFinished = true;
				BOX_TRACE("Stream finished, returning with " <<
					read << " bytes read this time");
				return read;
			else if(header <= Protocol::ProtocolStreamHeader_MaxEncodedSizeValue)
				// get size of the block from the Protocol's lovely list
				mBytesLeftInCurrentBlock = Protocol::sProtocolStreamHeaderLengths[header];
			else if(header == Protocol::ProtocolStreamHeader_SizeIs64k)
				// 64k
				mBytesLeftInCurrentBlock = (64*1024);
				// Bad. It used the reserved values.
				THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, ProtocolUncertainStreamBadBlockHeader)	

			BOX_TRACE("Read header byte " << (int)header << ", "
				"next block has " << 
				mBytesLeftInCurrentBlock << " bytes");

	// Return the number read
	return read;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Count valid remaining entries and the number of blocks in them.
void BackupStoreCheck::CountDirectoryEntries(BackupStoreDirectory& dir)
	BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
	BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
	while((en = i.Next()) != 0)
		int32_t iIndex;
		IDBlock *piBlock = LookupID(en->GetObjectID(), iIndex);
		bool badEntry = false;
		bool wasAlreadyContained = false;

		ASSERT(piBlock != 0 ||
			!= mDirsWhichContainLostDirs.end());

		if (piBlock)
			// Normally it would exist and this
			// check would not be necessary, but
			// we might have missing directories
			// that we will recreate later.
			// cf mDirsWhichContainLostDirs.
			uint8_t iflags = GetFlags(piBlock, iIndex);
			wasAlreadyContained = (iflags & Flags_IsContained);
			SetFlags(piBlock, iIndex, iflags | Flags_IsContained);

			// don't double-count objects that are
			// contained by another directory as well.
		else if(en->IsDir())
		else if(!en->IsFile())
			BOX_TRACE("Not counting object " <<
				BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(en->GetObjectID()) <<
				" with flags " << en->GetFlags());
		else // it's a file
			// Add to sizes?
			// If piBlock was zero, then wasAlreadyContained
			// might be uninitialized; but we only process
			// files here, and if a file's piBlock was zero
			// then badEntry would be set above, so we
			// wouldn't be here.

			// It can be both old and deleted.
			// If neither, then it's current.
				mBlocksInDeletedFiles += en->GetSizeInBlocks();

				mBlocksInOldFiles += en->GetSizeInBlocks();

			if(!en->IsDeleted() && !en->IsOld())
				mBlocksInCurrentFiles += en->GetSizeInBlocks();

Ejemplo n.º 9
// Test stream based interface
int test_stream()
	// Make a load of compressible data to compress
	CollectInBufferStream source;
	uint16_t data[1024];
	for(int x = 0; x < 1024; ++x)
		data[x] = x;
	for(int x = 0; x < (32*1024); ++x)
		source.Write(data, (x % 1024) * 2);

	// Straight compress from one stream to another
		CollectInBufferStream *poutput = new CollectInBufferStream;
		CompressStream compress(poutput, true /* take ownership */, false /* read */, true /* write */);
		// Check sizes
		TEST_THAT(poutput->GetSize() < source.GetSize());
		BOX_TRACE("compressed size = " << poutput->GetSize() <<
			", source size = " << source.GetSize());
		// Decompress the data
			CollectInBufferStream decompressed;
			CompressStream decompress(poutput, false /* don't take ownership */, true /* read */, false /* write */);
			TEST_THAT(decompressed.GetSize() == source.GetSize());
			TEST_THAT(::memcmp(decompressed.GetBuffer(), source.GetBuffer(), decompressed.GetSize()) == 0);
		// Don't delete poutput, let mem leak testing ensure it's deleted.

	// Set source to the beginning
	source.Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);

	// Test where the same stream compresses and decompresses, should be fun!
		CollectInBufferStream output;
		CopyInToOutStream copyer;
		CompressStream compress(&copyer, false /* no ownership */, true, true);

		bool done = false;
		int count = 0;
		int written = 0;
			bool do_sync = (count % 256) == 0;
			uint8_t buffer[4096];
			int r = source.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer), IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
			if(r == 0)
				done = true;
				compress.Write(buffer, r);
				written += r;

			int r2 = 0;
				r2 = compress.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer), IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
				if(r2 > 0)
					output.Write(buffer, r2);
			} while(r2 > 0);
			if(do_sync && r != 0)
				// Check that everything is synced
				TEST_THAT(output.GetSize() == written);
				TEST_THAT(::memcmp(output.GetBuffer(), source.GetBuffer(), output.GetSize()) == 0);
		// Test that it's the same
		TEST_THAT(output.GetSize() == source.GetSize());
		TEST_THAT(::memcmp(output.GetBuffer(), source.GetBuffer(), output.GetSize()) == 0);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    int returnCode = 0;




    // Filename for configuration file?
    std::string configFilename = BOX_GET_DEFAULT_BBACKUPD_CONFIG_FILE;

    // See if there's another entry on the command line
    int c;
    std::string options("c:");
    options += Logging::OptionParser::GetOptionString();
    Logging::OptionParser LogLevel;

    while((c = getopt(argc, (char * const *)argv, options.c_str())) != -1)
        case 'c':
            // store argument
            configFilename = optarg;

            int ret = LogLevel.ProcessOption(c);
            if(ret != 0)
    // Adjust arguments
    argc -= optind;
    argv += optind;

    // Check there's a command
    if(argc != 1)


    // Read in the configuration file
    BOX_INFO("Using configuration file " << configFilename);

    std::string errs;
    std::auto_ptr<Configuration> config(
        (configFilename, &BackupDaemonConfigVerify, errs));

    if(config.get() == 0 || !errs.empty())
        BOX_ERROR("Invalid configuration file: " << errs);
        return 1;
    // Easier coding
    const Configuration &conf(*config);

    // Check there's a socket defined in the config file
        BOX_ERROR("Daemon isn't using a control socket, "
                  "could not execute command.\n"
                  "Add a CommandSocket declaration to the "
                  "bbackupd.conf file.");
        return 1;

    // Connect to socket

#ifndef WIN32
    SocketStream connection;
#else /* WIN32 */
    WinNamedPipeStream connection;
#endif /* ! WIN32 */

#ifdef WIN32
        std::string socket = conf.GetKeyValue("CommandSocket");
        connection.Open(Socket::TypeUNIX, conf.GetKeyValue("CommandSocket").c_str());
        BOX_ERROR("Failed to connect to daemon control socket.\n"
                  "Possible causes:\n"
                  "  * Daemon not running\n"
                  "  * Daemon busy syncing with store server\n"
                  "  * Another bbackupctl process is communicating with the daemon\n"
                  "  * Daemon is waiting to recover from an error"

        return 1;

    // For receiving data
    IOStreamGetLine getLine(connection);

    // Wait for the configuration summary
    std::string configSummary;
    if(!getLine.GetLine(configSummary, false, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
        BOX_ERROR("Failed to receive configuration summary "
                  "from daemon");
        return 1;

    // Was the connection rejected by the server?
        BOX_ERROR("Server rejected the connection. Are you running "
                  "bbackupctl as the same user as the daemon?");
        return 1;

    // Decode it
    int autoBackup, updateStoreInterval, minimumFileAge, maxUploadWait;
    if(::sscanf(configSummary.c_str(), "bbackupd: %d %d %d %d", &autoBackup,
                &updateStoreInterval, &minimumFileAge, &maxUploadWait) != 4)
        BOX_ERROR("Config summary didn't decode.");
        return 1;
    // Print summary?
    BOX_TRACE("Daemon configuration summary:\n"
              "  AutomaticBackup = " <<
              (autoBackup?"true":"false") << "\n"
              "  UpdateStoreInterval = " << updateStoreInterval <<
              " seconds\n"
              "  MinimumFileAge = " << minimumFileAge << " seconds\n"
              "  MaxUploadWait = " << maxUploadWait << " seconds");

    std::string stateLine;
    if(!getLine.GetLine(stateLine, false, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) || getLine.IsEOF())
        BOX_ERROR("Failed to receive state line from daemon");
        return 1;

    // Decode it
    int currentState;
    if(::sscanf(stateLine.c_str(), "state %d", &currentState) != 1)
        BOX_ERROR("Received invalid state line from daemon");
        return 1;

    BOX_TRACE("Current state: " <<

    Command command = Default;
    std::string commandName(argv[0]);

    if(commandName == "wait-for-sync")
        command = WaitForSyncStart;
    else if(commandName == "wait-for-end")
        command = WaitForSyncEnd;
    else if(commandName == "sync-and-wait")
        command = SyncAndWaitForEnd;
    else if(commandName == "status")
        BOX_NOTICE("state " <<
        command = NoCommand;

    case WaitForSyncStart:
    case WaitForSyncEnd:
        // Check that it's in automatic mode,
        // because otherwise it'll never start

            BOX_ERROR("Daemon is not in automatic mode, "
                      "sync will never start!");
            return 1;

    case SyncAndWaitForEnd:
        // send a sync command
        commandName = "force-sync";
        std::string cmd = commandName + "\n";
        connection.Write(cmd, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

        if(currentState != 0)
            BOX_INFO("Waiting for current sync/error state "
                     "to finish...");

        // Normal case, just send the command given, plus a
        // quit command.
        std::string cmd = commandName + "\n";
        connection.Write(cmd, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
    // fall through

    case NoCommand:
        // Normal case, just send the command given plus a
        // quit command.
        std::string cmd = "quit\n";
        connection.Write(cmd, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    // Read the response
    std::string line;
    bool syncIsRunning = false;
    bool finished = false;

    while(command != NoCommand && !finished && !getLine.IsEOF() &&
            getLine.GetLine(line, false, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
        BOX_TRACE("Received line: " << line);

        if(line.substr(0, 6) == "state ")
            std::string state_str = line.substr(6);
            int state_num;
            if(sscanf(state_str.c_str(), "%d", &state_num) == 1)
                BOX_INFO("Daemon state changed to: " <<
                BOX_WARNING("Failed to parse line: " << line);

        case WaitForSyncStart:
            // Need to wait for the state change...
            if(line == "start-sync")
                // And we're done
                finished = true;

        case WaitForSyncEnd:
        case SyncAndWaitForEnd:
            if(line == "start-sync")
                BOX_TRACE("Sync started...");
                syncIsRunning = true;
            else if(line == "finish-sync")
                if (syncIsRunning)
                    // And we're done
                    BOX_TRACE("Sync finished.");
                    finished = true;
                    BOX_TRACE("Previous sync finished.");
                // daemon must still be busy

            // Is this an OK or error line?
            if(line == "ok")
                BOX_TRACE("Control command "
                          "sent: " <<
                finished = true;
            else if(line == "error")
                BOX_ERROR("Control command failed: " <<
                          commandName << ". Check "
                          "command spelling.");
                returnCode = 1;
                finished = true;

    // Send a quit command to finish nicely
    connection.Write("quit\n", 5, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);


#if defined WIN32 && ! defined BOX_RELEASE_BUILD

    return returnCode;
Ejemplo n.º 11
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    HTTPRequest::ParseHeaders(IOStreamGetLine &, int)
//		Purpose: Private. Parse the headers of the request
//		Created: 26/3/04
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void HTTPRequest::ParseHeaders(IOStreamGetLine &rGetLine, int Timeout)
	std::string header;
	bool haveHeader = false;
			// Header terminates unexpectedly
			THROW_EXCEPTION(HTTPException, BadRequest)		

		std::string currentLine;
		if(!rGetLine.GetLine(currentLine, false /* no preprocess */, Timeout))
			// Timeout
			THROW_EXCEPTION(HTTPException, RequestReadFailed)

		// Is this a continuation of the previous line?
		bool processHeader = haveHeader;
		if(!currentLine.empty() && (currentLine[0] == ' ' || currentLine[0] == '\t'))
			// A continuation, don't process anything yet
			processHeader = false;
		//TRACE3("%d:%d:%s\n", processHeader, haveHeader, currentLine.c_str());

		// Parse the header -- this will actually process the header
		// from the previous run around the loop.
			// Find where the : is in the line
			const char *h = header.c_str();
			int p = 0;
			while(h[p] != '\0' && h[p] != ':')
			// Skip white space
			int dataStart = p + 1;
			while(h[dataStart] == ' ' || h[dataStart] == '\t')

			std::string header_name(ToLowerCase(std::string(h,

			if (header_name == "content-length")
				// Decode number
				long len = ::strtol(h + dataStart, NULL, 10);	// returns zero in error case, this is OK
				if(len < 0) len = 0;
				// Store
				mContentLength = len;
			else if (header_name == "content-type")
				// Store rest of string as content type
				mContentType = h + dataStart;
			else if (header_name == "host")
				// Store host header
				mHostName = h + dataStart;

				// Is there a port number to split off?
				std::string::size_type colon = mHostName.find_first_of(':');
				if(colon != std::string::npos)
					// There's a port in the string... attempt to turn it into an int
					mHostPort = ::strtol(mHostName.c_str() + colon + 1, 0, 10);

					// Truncate the string to just the hostname
					mHostName = mHostName.substr(0, colon);

					BOX_TRACE("Host: header, hostname = " <<
						"'" << mHostName << "', host "
						"port = " << mHostPort);
			else if (header_name == "cookie")
				// Parse cookies
				ParseCookies(header, dataStart);
			else if (header_name == "connection")
				// Connection header, what is required?
				const char *v = h + dataStart;
				if(::strcasecmp(v, "close") == 0)
					mClientKeepAliveRequested = false;
				else if(::strcasecmp(v, "keep-alive") == 0)
					mClientKeepAliveRequested = true;
				// else don't understand, just assume default for protocol version
					h + dataStart));

			// Unset have header flag, as it's now been processed
			haveHeader = false;

		// Store the chunk of header the for next time round
			header += currentLine;
			header = currentLine;
			haveHeader = true;

		// End of headers?
			// All done!
Ejemplo n.º 12
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    HTTPRequest::Receive(IOStreamGetLine &, int)
//		Purpose: Read the request from an IOStreamGetLine (and
//			 attached stream).
//			 Returns false if there was no valid request,
//			 probably due to a kept-alive connection closing.
//		Created: 26/3/04
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool HTTPRequest::Receive(IOStreamGetLine &rGetLine, int Timeout)
	// Check caller's logic
	if(mMethod != Method_UNINITIALISED)
		THROW_EXCEPTION(HTTPException, RequestAlreadyBeenRead);

	// Read the first line, which is of a different format to the rest of the lines
	std::string requestLine;
	if(!rGetLine.GetLine(requestLine, false /* no preprocessing */, Timeout))
		// Didn't get the request line, probably end of connection which had been kept alive
		return false;
	BOX_TRACE("Request line: " << requestLine);

	// Check the method
	size_t p = 0;	// current position in string
	p = requestLine.find(' '); // end of first word

	if(p == std::string::npos)
		// No terminating space, looks bad
		p = requestLine.size();
		mHttpVerb = requestLine.substr(0, p);
		if (mHttpVerb == "GET")
			mMethod = Method_GET;
		else if (mHttpVerb == "HEAD")
			mMethod = Method_HEAD;
		else if (mHttpVerb == "POST")
			mMethod = Method_POST;
		else if (mHttpVerb == "PUT")
			mMethod = Method_PUT;
			mMethod = Method_UNKNOWN;

	// Skip spaces to find URI
	const char *requestLinePtr = requestLine.c_str();
	while(requestLinePtr[p] != '\0' && requestLinePtr[p] == ' ')

	// Check there's a URI following...
	if(requestLinePtr[p] == '\0')
		// Didn't get the request line, probably end of connection which had been kept alive
		return false;

	// Read the URI, unescaping any %XX hex codes
	while(requestLinePtr[p] != ' ' && requestLinePtr[p] != '\0')
		// End of URI, on to query string?
		if(requestLinePtr[p] == '?')
			// Put the rest into the query string, without escaping anything
			while(requestLinePtr[p] != ' ' && requestLinePtr[p] != '\0')
				mQueryString += requestLinePtr[p];
		// Needs unescaping?
		else if(requestLinePtr[p] == '+')
			mRequestURI += ' ';
		else if(requestLinePtr[p] == '%')
			// Be tolerant about this... bad things are silently accepted,
			// rather than throwing an error.
			char code[4] = {0,0,0,0};
			code[0] = requestLinePtr[++p];
			if(code[0] != '\0')
				code[1] = requestLinePtr[++p];

			// Convert into a char code
			long c = ::strtol(code, NULL, 16);

			// Accept it?
			if(c > 0 && c <= 255)
				mRequestURI += (char)c;
			// Simple copy of character
			mRequestURI += requestLinePtr[p];


	// End of URL?
	if(requestLinePtr[p] == '\0')
		// Assume HTTP 0.9
		mHTTPVersion = HTTPVersion_0_9;
		// Skip any more spaces
		while(requestLinePtr[p] != '\0' && requestLinePtr[p] == ' ')

		// Check to see if there's the right string next...
		if(::strncmp(requestLinePtr + p, "HTTP/", 5) == 0)
			// Find the version numbers
			int major, minor;
			if(::sscanf(requestLinePtr + p + 5, "%d.%d", &major, &minor) != 2)
					"Unable to parse HTTP version number: " <<

			// Store version
			mHTTPVersion = (major * HTTPVersion__MajorMultiplier) + minor;
			// Not good -- wrong string found
				"Unable to parse HTTP request line: " <<

	BOX_TRACE("HTTPRequest: method=" << mMethod << ", uri=" <<
		mRequestURI << ", version=" << mHTTPVersion);

	// If HTTP 1.1 or greater, assume keep-alive
	if(mHTTPVersion >= HTTPVersion_1_1)
		mClientKeepAliveRequested = true;

	// Decode query string?
	if((mMethod == Method_GET || mMethod == Method_HEAD) && !mQueryString.empty())
		HTTPQueryDecoder decoder(mQuery);
		decoder.DecodeChunk(mQueryString.c_str(), mQueryString.size());

	// Now parse the headers
	ParseHeaders(rGetLine, Timeout);

	std::string expected;
	if(GetHeader("Expect", &expected))
		if(expected == "100-continue")
			mExpectContinue = true;

	// Parse form data?
	if(mMethod == Method_POST && mContentLength >= 0)
		// Too long? Don't allow people to be nasty by sending lots of data
		if(mContentLength > MAX_CONTENT_SIZE)
			THROW_EXCEPTION(HTTPException, POSTContentTooLong);

		// Some data in the request to follow, parsing it bit by bit
		HTTPQueryDecoder decoder(mQuery);
		// Don't forget any data left in the GetLine object
		int fromBuffer = rGetLine.GetSizeOfBufferedData();
		if(fromBuffer > mContentLength) fromBuffer = mContentLength;
		if(fromBuffer > 0)
			BOX_TRACE("Decoding " << fromBuffer << " bytes of "
				"data from getline buffer");
			decoder.DecodeChunk((const char *)rGetLine.GetBufferedData(), fromBuffer);
			// And tell the getline object to ignore the data we just used
		// Then read any more data, as required
		int bytesToGo = mContentLength - fromBuffer;
		while(bytesToGo > 0)
			char buf[4096];
			int toRead = sizeof(buf);
			if(toRead > bytesToGo) toRead = bytesToGo;
			IOStream &rstream(rGetLine.GetUnderlyingStream());
			int r = rstream.Read(buf, toRead, Timeout);
			if(r == 0)
				// Timeout, just error
				THROW_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE(HTTPException, RequestReadFailed,
					"Failed to read complete request with the timeout");
			decoder.DecodeChunk(buf, r);
			bytesToGo -= r;
		// Finish off
	else if (mContentLength > 0)
		IOStream::pos_type bytesToCopy = rGetLine.GetSizeOfBufferedData();
		if (bytesToCopy > mContentLength)
			bytesToCopy = mContentLength;
		Write(rGetLine.GetBufferedData(), bytesToCopy);
		mpStreamToReadFrom = &(rGetLine.GetUnderlyingStream());

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    HousekeepStoreAccount::DoHousekeeping()
//		Purpose: Perform the housekeeping
//		Created: 11/12/03
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool HousekeepStoreAccount::DoHousekeeping(bool KeepTryingForever)
	BOX_TRACE("Starting housekeeping on account " <<

	// Attempt to lock the account
	std::string writeLockFilename;
	StoreStructure::MakeWriteLockFilename(mStoreRoot, mStoreDiscSet,
	NamedLock writeLock;
		0600 /* restrictive file permissions */))
			BOX_INFO("Failed to lock account for housekeeping, "
				"still trying...");
				0600 /* restrictive file permissions */))
			// Couldn't lock the account -- just stop now
			return false;

	// Load the store info to find necessary info for the housekeeping
	std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreInfo> info(BackupStoreInfo::Load(mAccountID,
		mStoreRoot, mStoreDiscSet, false /* Read/Write */));
	std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreInfo> pOldInfo(
		BackupStoreInfo::Load(mAccountID, mStoreRoot, mStoreDiscSet,
			true /* Read Only */));

	// If the account has a name, change the logging tag to include it
		std::ostringstream tag;
		tag << "hk=" << BOX_FORMAT_ACCOUNT(mAccountID) << "/" <<

	// Calculate how much should be deleted
	mDeletionSizeTarget = info->GetBlocksUsed() - info->GetBlocksSoftLimit();
	if(mDeletionSizeTarget < 0)
		mDeletionSizeTarget = 0;

	BackupStoreAccountDatabase::Entry account(mAccountID, mStoreDiscSet);
	mapNewRefs = BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::Create(account);

	// Scan the directory for potential things to delete
	// This will also remove eligible items marked with RemoveASAP
	bool continueHousekeeping = ScanDirectory(BACKUPSTORE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_ID,

		// The scan was incomplete, so the new block counts are
		// incorrect, we can't rely on them. It's better to discard
		// the new info and adjust the old one instead.
		info = pOldInfo;

		// We're about to reset counters and exit, so report what
		// happened now.
		BOX_INFO("Housekeeping on account " << 
			BOX_FORMAT_ACCOUNT(mAccountID) << " removed " <<
			(0 - mBlocksUsedDelta) << " blocks (" << 
			mFilesDeleted << " files, " <<
			mEmptyDirectoriesDeleted << " dirs) and the directory "
			"scan was interrupted");

	// If housekeeping made any changes, such as deleting RemoveASAP files,
	// the differences in block counts will be recorded in the deltas.

	// Reset the delta counts for files, as they will include 
	// RemoveASAP flagged files deleted during the initial scan.
	// keep removeASAPBlocksUsedDelta for reporting
	int64_t removeASAPBlocksUsedDelta = mBlocksUsedDelta;
	mBlocksUsedDelta = 0;
	mBlocksInOldFilesDelta = 0;
	mBlocksInDeletedFilesDelta = 0;

	// If scan directory stopped for some reason, probably parent
	// instructed to terminate, stop now.
	// We can only update the refcount database if we successfully
	// finished our scan of all directories, otherwise we don't actually
	// know which of the new counts are valid and which aren't
	// (we might not have seen second references to some objects, etc.).

		return false;

	// Report any UNexpected changes, and consider them to be errors.
	// Do this before applying the expected changes below.
	mErrorCount += info->ReportChangesTo(*pOldInfo);

	// Try to load the old reference count database and check whether
	// any counts have changed. We want to compare the mapNewRefs to
	// apOldRefs before we delete any files, because that will also change
	// the reference count in a way that's not an error.

		std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreRefCountDatabase> apOldRefs =
			BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::Load(account, false);
		mErrorCount += mapNewRefs->ReportChangesTo(*apOldRefs);
	catch(BoxException &e)
		BOX_WARNING("Reference count database was missing or "
			"corrupted during housekeeping, cannot check it for "

	// Go and delete items from the accounts
	bool deleteInterrupted = DeleteFiles(*info);

	// If that wasn't interrupted, remove any empty directories which 
	// are also marked as deleted in their containing directory
		deleteInterrupted = DeleteEmptyDirectories(*info);

	// Log deletion if anything was deleted
	if(mFilesDeleted > 0 || mEmptyDirectoriesDeleted > 0)
		BOX_INFO("Housekeeping on account " << 
			BOX_FORMAT_ACCOUNT(mAccountID) << " "
			"removed " <<
			(0 - (mBlocksUsedDelta + removeASAPBlocksUsedDelta)) <<
			" blocks (" << mFilesDeleted << " files, " <<
			mEmptyDirectoriesDeleted << " dirs)" <<
			(deleteInterrupted?" and was interrupted":""));

	// Make sure the delta's won't cause problems if the counts are 
	// really wrong, and it wasn't fixed because the store was 
	// updated during the scan.
	if(mBlocksUsedDelta < (0 - info->GetBlocksUsed()))
		mBlocksUsedDelta = (0 - info->GetBlocksUsed());
	if(mBlocksInOldFilesDelta < (0 - info->GetBlocksInOldFiles()))
		mBlocksInOldFilesDelta = (0 - info->GetBlocksInOldFiles());
	if(mBlocksInDeletedFilesDelta < (0 - info->GetBlocksInDeletedFiles()))
		mBlocksInDeletedFilesDelta = (0 - info->GetBlocksInDeletedFiles());
	if(mBlocksInDirectoriesDelta < (0 - info->GetBlocksInDirectories()))
		mBlocksInDirectoriesDelta = (0 - info->GetBlocksInDirectories());

	// Update the usage counts in the store

	// Save the store info back

	// force file to be saved and closed before releasing the lock below

	// Explicity release the lock (would happen automatically on 
	// going out of scope, included for code clarity)

	BOX_TRACE("Finished housekeeping on account " <<
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::refcount_t HousekeepStoreAccount::DeleteFile(
	int64_t InDirectory, int64_t ObjectID, BackupStoreDirectory &rDirectory,
	const std::string &rDirectoryFilename,
	BackupStoreInfo& rBackupStoreInfo)
	// Find the entry inside the directory
	bool wasDeleted = false;
	bool wasOldVersion = false;
	int64_t deletedFileSizeInBlocks = 0;
	// A pointer to an object which requires committing if the directory save goes OK
	std::auto_ptr<RaidFileWrite> padjustedEntry;
		BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::refcount_t refs =

		BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *pentry = rDirectory.FindEntryByID(ObjectID);
		if(pentry == 0)
			BOX_ERROR("Housekeeping on account " <<
				BOX_FORMAT_ACCOUNT(mAccountID) << " "
				"found error: object " <<
				BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(ObjectID) << " "
				"not found in dir " << 
				BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(InDirectory) << ", "
				"indicates logic error/corruption? Run "
				"bbstoreaccounts check <accid> fix");
			return refs;

		// Record the flags it's got set
		wasDeleted = pentry->IsDeleted();
		wasOldVersion = pentry->IsOld();
		// Check this should be deleted
		if(!wasDeleted && !wasOldVersion)
			// Things changed since we were last around
			return refs;

		// Record size
		deletedFileSizeInBlocks = pentry->GetSizeInBlocks();

		if(refs > 1)
			// Not safe to merge patches if someone else has a
			// reference to this object, so just remove the
			// directory entry and return.


			return refs - 1;

		// If the entry is involved in a chain of patches, it needs to be handled
		// a bit more carefully.
		if(pentry->GetDependsNewer() != 0 && pentry->GetDependsOlder() == 0)
			// This entry is a patch from a newer entry. Just need to update the info on that entry.
			BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *pnewer = rDirectory.FindEntryByID(pentry->GetDependsNewer());
			if(pnewer == 0 || pnewer->GetDependsOlder() != ObjectID)
				THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, PatchChainInfoBadInDirectory);
			// Change the info in the newer entry so that this no longer points to this entry
		else if(pentry->GetDependsOlder() != 0)
			BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *polder = rDirectory.FindEntryByID(pentry->GetDependsOlder());
			if(pentry->GetDependsNewer() == 0)
				// There exists an older version which depends on this one. Need to combine the two over that one.

				// Adjust the other entry in the directory
				if(polder == 0 || polder->GetDependsNewer() != ObjectID)
					THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, PatchChainInfoBadInDirectory);
				// Change the info in the older entry so that this no longer points to this entry
				// This entry is in the middle of a chain, and two patches need combining.

				// First, adjust the directory entries
				BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *pnewer = rDirectory.FindEntryByID(pentry->GetDependsNewer());
				if(pnewer == 0 || pnewer->GetDependsOlder() != ObjectID
					|| polder == 0 || polder->GetDependsNewer() != ObjectID)
					THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, PatchChainInfoBadInDirectory);
				// Remove the middle entry from the linked list by simply using the values from this entry

			// COMMON CODE to both cases

			// Generate the filename of the older version
			std::string objFilenameOlder;
			MakeObjectFilename(pentry->GetDependsOlder(), objFilenameOlder);
			// Open it twice (it's the diff)
			std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> pdiff(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, objFilenameOlder));
			std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> pdiff2(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, objFilenameOlder));
			// Open this file
			std::string objFilename;
			MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, objFilename);
			std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> pobjectBeingDeleted(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, objFilename));
			// And open a write file to overwrite the other directory entry
			padjustedEntry.reset(new RaidFileWrite(mStoreDiscSet,
				objFilenameOlder, mapNewRefs->GetRefCount(ObjectID)));
			padjustedEntry->Open(true /* allow overwriting */);

			if(pentry->GetDependsNewer() == 0)
				// There exists an older version which depends on this one. Need to combine the two over that one.
				BackupStoreFile::CombineFile(*pdiff, *pdiff2, *pobjectBeingDeleted, *padjustedEntry);
				// This entry is in the middle of a chain, and two patches need combining.
				BackupStoreFile::CombineDiffs(*pobjectBeingDeleted, *pdiff, *pdiff2, *padjustedEntry);
			// The file will be committed later when the directory is safely commited.

			// Work out the adjusted size
			int64_t newSize = padjustedEntry->GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
			int64_t sizeDelta = newSize - polder->GetSizeInBlocks();
			mBlocksUsedDelta += sizeDelta;
				mBlocksInDeletedFilesDelta += sizeDelta;
				mBlocksInOldFilesDelta += sizeDelta;

		// pentry no longer valid

	// Delete it from the directory

	// Save directory back to disc
		RaidFileWrite writeDir(mStoreDiscSet, rDirectoryFilename,
		writeDir.Open(true /* allow overwriting */);

		// Get the disc usage (must do this before commiting it)
		int64_t new_size = writeDir.GetDiscUsageInBlocks();

		// Commit directory

		// Adjust block counts if the directory itself changed in size
		int64_t original_size = rDirectory.GetUserInfo1_SizeInBlocks();
		int64_t adjust = new_size - original_size;
		mBlocksUsedDelta += adjust;
		mBlocksInDirectoriesDelta += adjust;

		UpdateDirectorySize(rDirectory, new_size);

	// Commit any new adjusted entry
	if(padjustedEntry.get() != 0)
		padjustedEntry.reset(); // delete it now

	// Drop reference count by one. Must now be zero, to delete the file.
	bool remaining_refs = mapNewRefs->RemoveReference(ObjectID);

	// Delete from disc
	BOX_TRACE("Removing unreferenced object " <<
	std::string objFilename;
	MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, objFilename);
	RaidFileWrite del(mStoreDiscSet, objFilename, mapNewRefs->GetRefCount(ObjectID));

	// Adjust counts for the file
	mBlocksUsedDelta -= deletedFileSizeInBlocks;

		mBlocksInDeletedFilesDelta -= deletedFileSizeInBlocks;

		mBlocksInOldFilesDelta -= deletedFileSizeInBlocks;

	// Delete the directory?
	// Do this if... dir has zero entries, and is marked as deleted in it's containing directory
	if(rDirectory.GetNumberOfEntries() == 0)
		// Candidate for deletion

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    HousekeepStoreAccount::DeleteFiles()
//		Purpose: Delete the files targeted for deletion, returning
//			 true if the operation was interrupted
//		Created: 15/12/03
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool HousekeepStoreAccount::DeleteFiles(BackupStoreInfo& rBackupStoreInfo)
	// Only delete files if the deletion target is greater than zero
	// (otherwise we delete one file each time round, which gradually deletes the old versions)
	if(mDeletionSizeTarget <= 0)
		// Not interrupted
		return false;

	// Iterate through the set of potential deletions, until enough has been deleted.
	// (there is likely to be more in the set than should be actually deleted).
	for(std::set<DelEn, DelEnCompare>::iterator i(mPotentialDeletions.begin()); i != mPotentialDeletions.end(); ++i)
#ifndef WIN32
		if((--mCountUntilNextInterprocessMsgCheck) <= 0)
			mCountUntilNextInterprocessMsgCheck = POLL_INTERPROCESS_MSG_CHECK_FREQUENCY;
			// Check for having to stop
			if(mpHousekeepingCallback && mpHousekeepingCallback->CheckForInterProcessMsg(mAccountID))	// include account ID here as the specified account is now locked
				// Need to abort now
				return true;

		// Load up the directory it's in
		// Get the filename
		std::string dirFilename;
		BackupStoreDirectory dir;
			MakeObjectFilename(i->mInDirectory, dirFilename);
			std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> dirStream(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, dirFilename));
			dir.ReadFromStream(*dirStream, IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);

		// Delete the file
		BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::refcount_t refs =
			DeleteFile(i->mInDirectory, i->mObjectID, dir,
				dirFilename, rBackupStoreInfo);
		if(refs == 0)
			BOX_INFO("Housekeeping removed " <<
				(i->mIsFlagDeleted ? "deleted" : "old") <<
				" file " << BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(i->mObjectID) <<
				" from dir " << BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(i->mInDirectory));
			BOX_TRACE("Housekeeping preserved " <<
				(i->mIsFlagDeleted ? "deleted" : "old") <<
				" file " << BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(i->mObjectID) <<
				" in dir " << BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(i->mInDirectory) <<
				" with " << refs << " references");

		// Stop if the deletion target has been matched or exceeded
		// (checking here rather than at the beginning will tend to reduce the
		// space to slightly less than the soft limit, which will allow the backup
		// client to start uploading files again)
		if((0 - mBlocksUsedDelta) >= mDeletionSizeTarget)

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void HousekeepStoreAccount::DeleteEmptyDirectory(int64_t dirId,
	std::vector<int64_t>& rToExamine, BackupStoreInfo& rBackupStoreInfo)
	// Load up the directory to potentially delete
	std::string dirFilename;
	BackupStoreDirectory dir;
	int64_t dirSizeInBlocks = 0;

		MakeObjectFilename(dirId, dirFilename);
		// Check it actually exists (just in case it gets
		// added twice to the list)
		if(!RaidFileRead::FileExists(mStoreDiscSet, dirFilename))
			// doesn't exist, next!
		// load
		std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> dirStream(
			RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, dirFilename));
		dirSizeInBlocks = dirStream->GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
		dir.ReadFromStream(*dirStream, IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);

	// Make sure this directory is actually empty
	if(dir.GetNumberOfEntries() != 0)
		// Not actually empty, try next one

	// Candidate for deletion... open containing directory
	std::string containingDirFilename;
	BackupStoreDirectory containingDir;
	int64_t containingDirSizeInBlocksOrig = 0;
		MakeObjectFilename(dir.GetContainerID(), containingDirFilename);
		std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> containingDirStream(
		containingDirSizeInBlocksOrig = 

	// Find the entry
	BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *pdirentry = 
	// TODO FIXME invert test and reduce indentation
	if((pdirentry != 0) && pdirentry->IsDeleted())
		// Should be deleted

		// Is the containing dir now a candidate for deletion?
		if(containingDir.GetNumberOfEntries() == 0)

		// Write revised parent directory
		RaidFileWrite writeDir(mStoreDiscSet, containingDirFilename,
		writeDir.Open(true /* allow overwriting */);

		// get the disc usage (must do this before commiting it)
		int64_t dirSize = writeDir.GetDiscUsageInBlocks();

		// Commit directory
		UpdateDirectorySize(containingDir, dirSize);

		// adjust usage counts for this directory
		if(dirSize > 0)
			int64_t adjust = dirSize - containingDirSizeInBlocksOrig;
			mBlocksUsedDelta += adjust;
			mBlocksInDirectoriesDelta += adjust;

		if (mapNewRefs->RemoveReference(dir.GetObjectID()))
			// Still referenced
			BOX_TRACE("Housekeeping spared empty deleted dir " <<
				BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(dirId) << " due to " <<
				mapNewRefs->GetRefCount(dir.GetObjectID()) <<
				"remaining references");

		// Delete the directory itself
		BOX_INFO("Housekeeping removing empty deleted dir " <<
		RaidFileWrite del(mStoreDiscSet, dirFilename,

		// And adjust usage counts for the directory that's
		// just been deleted
		mBlocksUsedDelta -= dirSizeInBlocks;
		mBlocksInDirectoriesDelta -= dirSizeInBlocks;

		// Update count