Ejemplo n.º 1
QFrame *AbstractController::discFrame()
    /** Disc and Menus handling */
    QFrame *discFrame = new QFrame( this );

    QHBoxLayout *discLayout = new QHBoxLayout( discFrame );
    discLayout->setSpacing( 0 ); discLayout->setMargin( 0 );

    QFrame *chapFrame = new QFrame( discFrame );
    QHBoxLayout *chapLayout = new QHBoxLayout( chapFrame );
    chapLayout->setSpacing( 0 ); chapLayout->setMargin( 0 );

    QToolButton *prevSectionButton = new QToolButton( chapFrame );
    setupButton( prevSectionButton );
    BUTTON_SET_BAR2( prevSectionButton, toolbar/dvd_prev,
            qtr("Previous Chapter/Title" ) );
    chapLayout->addWidget( prevSectionButton );

    QToolButton *nextSectionButton = new QToolButton( chapFrame );
    setupButton( nextSectionButton );
    BUTTON_SET_BAR2( nextSectionButton, toolbar/dvd_next,
            qtr("Next Chapter/Title" ) );
    chapLayout->addWidget( nextSectionButton );

    discLayout->addWidget( chapFrame );

    QFrame *menuFrame = new QFrame( discFrame );
    QHBoxLayout *menuLayout = new QHBoxLayout( menuFrame );
    menuLayout->setSpacing( 0 ); menuLayout->setMargin( 0 );

    QToolButton *menuButton = new QToolButton( menuFrame );
    setupButton( menuButton );
    menuLayout->addWidget( menuButton );
    BUTTON_SET_BAR2( menuButton, toolbar/dvd_menu, qtr( "Menu" ) );

    discLayout->addWidget( menuFrame );

    /* Change the navigation button display when the IM
       navigation changes */
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), chapterChanged( bool ),
            chapFrame, setVisible( bool ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), titleChanged( bool ),
            menuFrame, setVisible( bool ) );
    /* Changes the IM navigation when triggered on the nav buttons */
    CONNECT( prevSectionButton, clicked(), THEMIM->getIM(),
            sectionPrev() );
    CONNECT( nextSectionButton, clicked(), THEMIM->getIM(),
            sectionNext() );
    CONNECT( menuButton, clicked(), THEMIM->getIM(),
            sectionMenu() );

    return discFrame;
Ejemplo n.º 2
QFrame *AbstractController::telexFrame()
     * Telextext QFrame
    QFrame *telexFrame = new QFrame( this );
    QHBoxLayout *telexLayout = new QHBoxLayout( telexFrame );
    telexLayout->setSpacing( 0 ); telexLayout->setMargin( 0 );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextPossible( bool ),
             telexFrame, setVisible( bool ) );

    /* On/Off button */
    QToolButton *telexOn = new QToolButton;
    setupButton( telexOn );
    BUTTON_SET_BAR2( telexOn, toolbar/tv, qtr( "Teletext Activation" ) );
    telexOn->setEnabled( false );
    telexOn->setCheckable( true );

    telexLayout->addWidget( telexOn );

    /* Teletext Activation and set */
    CONNECT( telexOn, clicked( bool ),
             THEMIM->getIM(), activateTeletext( bool ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextPossible( bool ),
             telexOn, setEnabled( bool ) );

    /* Transparency button */
    QToolButton *telexTransparent = new QToolButton;
    setupButton( telexTransparent );
    BUTTON_SET_BAR2( telexTransparent, toolbar/tvtelx,
                     qtr( "Toggle Transparency " ) );
    telexTransparent->setEnabled( false );
    telexTransparent->setCheckable( true );
    telexLayout->addWidget( telexTransparent );

    /* Transparency change and set */
    CONNECT( telexTransparent, clicked( bool ),
            THEMIM->getIM(), telexSetTransparency( bool ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextTransparencyActivated( bool ),
             telexTransparent, setChecked( bool ) );

    /* Page setting */
    QSpinBox *telexPage = new QSpinBox( telexFrame );
    telexPage->setRange( 100, 899 );
    telexPage->setValue( 100 );
    telexPage->setAccelerated( true );
    telexPage->setWrapping( true );
    telexPage->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    telexPage->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
    telexPage->setEnabled( false );
    telexLayout->addWidget( telexPage );

    /* Contextual & Index Buttons */
    QSignalMapper *contextButtonMapper = new QSignalMapper( this );
    QToolButton *contextButton = NULL;
    int i_iconminsize = __MAX( 16, telexOn->minimumHeight() );
    QPixmap iconPixmap( i_iconminsize, i_iconminsize );
    iconPixmap.fill( Qt::transparent );
    QPainter iconPixmapPainter( &iconPixmap );
    QLinearGradient iconPixmapPainterGradient( iconPixmap.rect().center() / 2,
                                               iconPixmap.rect().center() );

#define CREATE_CONTEXT_BUTTON(color, key) \
    iconPixmapPainterGradient.setColorAt( 0, QColor( color ).lighter(150) );\
    iconPixmapPainterGradient.setColorAt( 1.0, QColor( color ) );\
    iconPixmapPainter.setBrush( iconPixmapPainterGradient );\
    iconPixmapPainter.drawEllipse( iconPixmap.rect().adjusted( 4, 4, -5, -5 ) );\
    contextButton = new QToolButton();\
    setupButton( contextButton );\
    contextButton->setIcon( iconPixmap );\
    contextButton->setEnabled( false );\
    contextButtonMapper->setMapping( contextButton, key << 16 );\
    CONNECT( contextButton, clicked(), contextButtonMapper, map() );\
    CONNECT( contextButtonMapper, mapped( int ),\
             THEMIM->getIM(), telexSetPage( int ) );\
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextActivated( bool ), contextButton, setEnabled( bool ) );\
    telexLayout->addWidget( contextButton )

    CREATE_CONTEXT_BUTTON("grey", 'i'); /* index */
    CREATE_CONTEXT_BUTTON("red", 'r');
    CREATE_CONTEXT_BUTTON("green", 'g');
    CREATE_CONTEXT_BUTTON("yellow", 'y');
    CREATE_CONTEXT_BUTTON("blue", 'b');


    /* Page change and set */
    CONNECT( telexPage, valueChanged( int ),
            THEMIM->getIM(), telexSetPage( int ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), newTelexPageSet( int ),
            telexPage, setValue( int ) );

    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextActivated( bool ), telexPage, setEnabled( bool ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextActivated( bool ), telexTransparent, setEnabled( bool ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextActivated( bool ), telexOn, setChecked( bool ) );
    return telexFrame;
Ejemplo n.º 3
QFrame *AbstractController::telexFrame()
     * Telextext QFrame
    QFrame *telexFrame = new QFrame( this );
    QHBoxLayout *telexLayout = new QHBoxLayout( telexFrame );
    telexLayout->setSpacing( 0 ); telexLayout->setMargin( 0 );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextPossible( bool ),
             telexFrame, setVisible( bool ) );

    /* On/Off button */
    QToolButton *telexOn = new QToolButton;
    setupButton( telexOn );
    BUTTON_SET_BAR2( telexOn, toolbar/tv, qtr( "Teletext Activation" ) );
    telexOn->setEnabled( false );
    telexOn->setCheckable( true );

    telexLayout->addWidget( telexOn );

    /* Teletext Activation and set */
    CONNECT( telexOn, clicked( bool ),
             THEMIM->getIM(), activateTeletext( bool ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextPossible( bool ),
             telexOn, setEnabled( bool ) );

    /* Transparency button */
    QToolButton *telexTransparent = new QToolButton;
    setupButton( telexTransparent );
    BUTTON_SET_BAR2( telexTransparent, toolbar/tvtelx,
                     qtr( "Toggle Transparency " ) );
    telexTransparent->setEnabled( false );
    telexTransparent->setCheckable( true );
    telexLayout->addWidget( telexTransparent );

    /* Transparency change and set */
    CONNECT( telexTransparent, clicked( bool ),
            THEMIM->getIM(), telexSetTransparency( bool ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextTransparencyActivated( bool ),
             telexTransparent, setChecked( bool ) );

    /* Page setting */
    QSpinBox *telexPage = new QSpinBox( telexFrame );
    telexPage->setRange( 0, 999 );
    telexPage->setValue( 100 );
    telexPage->setAccelerated( true );
    telexPage->setWrapping( true );
    telexPage->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
    telexPage->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
    telexPage->setEnabled( false );
    telexLayout->addWidget( telexPage );

    /* Page change and set */
    CONNECT( telexPage, valueChanged( int ),
            THEMIM->getIM(), telexSetPage( int ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), newTelexPageSet( int ),
            telexPage, setValue( int ) );

    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextActivated( bool ), telexPage, setEnabled( bool ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextActivated( bool ), telexTransparent, setEnabled( bool ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), teletextActivated( bool ), telexOn, setChecked( bool ) );
    return telexFrame;