Ejemplo n.º 1
FlareAntlion::FlareAntlion(int addCost, float runSpeed, float hitPoints, Attack* attack, Armour* armour, std::list<Skill*> skills,
		float mana, float manaRegPerSeconds) :
		MoveAbleUnit(addCost, "flare_antlion_attack0001.png", 80, runSpeed, hitPoints, attack, armour, skills, mana, manaRegPerSeconds) {
	initAnimations(); //loading the pictures and set the animations
	_hitBox = BW_Rect(30, 70);

	_normalButtonImage = "pFlareAntlion1.png";
	_selectedButtonImage = "pFlareAntlion2.png";
	_disabledButtonImage = "pFlareAntlion3.png";
	_unitName = "Antlion";
	_attackEffectSound = "sound_attack_antlion";
Ejemplo n.º 2
BW_Sprite::BW_Sprite(std::string image, float height, bool initLable, bool fadeIn) {

	_doNotKillSprite = false;
	_isUnit = false;
	_redColorCounter = 0;
	_greenColorCounter = 0;
	_blueColorCounter = 0;
	_currentColor = ccc3(255, 255, 255);

	_numMoveAnimationPictures = 0;
	_numIdleAnimationPictures = 0;
	_numAttackAnimationPicture = 0;
	_animationDoDmgPicture = 0;

	this->_sprite = CCSprite_touch::createWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(image.c_str()));
	_currentScale = height / getContentSize().getHeight();
	//standard value if not replaced
	_hitBox = BW_Rect(getContentSize().getWidth() * _currentScale, getContentSize().getHeight() * _currentScale);
	this->_image = image;
	this->_height = height;
	this->_lookingTo = RIGHT;
	if (initLable) {
		_currentLabelScale = 0.8 / _currentScale;
		_labelHitpoints = Healthbar::create();
		_labelHitpoints->setPosition(CCPoint(_sprite->getContentSize().width / 2, _sprite->getContentSize().height + _labelHitpoints->getHeigth()));
	} else {
		this->_labelHitpoints = NULL;
		_currentLabelScale = 1;
	_sprite->setTag(HASACTION); //we set the tag to detect stopped actions
	if (fadeIn)

	_movingTo = BW_Point(-124.123, -124.123); //just set a random point

	//we will never use in the game
	_moveAnimationSpeed = 0.2; //standard values, should be overwritten at fillMoveAnimationPictures
	_moveAnimationSpeedUsed = 0.2; //standard values, should be overwritten at fillMoveAnimationPictures
	_idleAnimationSpeed = 0.2; //standard values, should be overwritten at fillIdleAnimationPictures
	_attackAnimationSpeed = 0.2; //standard values, should be overwritten at fillAttackAnimationPictures

	//speed = 2.8f / 14.0f This animation contains 14 frames, will continuous 2.8 seconds.
Ejemplo n.º 3
BW_Rect BW_Sprite::getRectangular() {
	float leftDownX = this->getPositionBW().x - (this->getContentSize().getWidth() / 2.0);
	float leftDownY = this->getPositionBW().y - (this->getContentSize().getHeight() / 2.0f);
	return BW_Rect(BW_Point(leftDownX, leftDownY), BW_Point(leftDownX + this->getContentSize().getWidth(), leftDownY + this->getContentSize().getHeight()));