Ejemplo n.º 1
Bit64u bx_get_realtime64_usec(void)
  Bit64u new_bottom = ((Bit64u) GetTickCount()) & BX_CONST64(0x0FFFFFFFF);
  if(new_bottom < last_realtime64_bottom) {
    last_realtime64_top += BX_CONST64(0x0000000100000000);
  last_realtime64_bottom = new_bottom;
  Bit64u interim_realtime64 =
    (last_realtime64_top & BX_CONST64(0xFFFFFFFF00000000)) |
    (new_bottom          & BX_CONST64(0x00000000FFFFFFFF));
  return interim_realtime64*(BX_CONST64(1000));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void BX_CPU_C::BSR_GqEq(bxInstruction_c *i)
  /* for 64 bit operand size mode */
  Bit64u op1_64, op2_64;

  /* op2_64 is a register or memory reference */
  if (i->modC0()) {
    op2_64 = BX_READ_64BIT_REG(i->rm());
  else {
    /* pointer, segment address pair */
    read_virtual_qword(i->seg(), RMAddr(i), &op2_64);

  if (op2_64 == 0) {
    assert_ZF(); /* op1_64 undefined */

  op1_64 = 63;
  while ( (op2_64 & BX_CONST64(0x8000000000000000)) == 0 ) {
    op2_64 <<= 1;

  /* now write result back to destination */
  BX_WRITE_64BIT_REG(i->nnn(), op1_64);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: tbm64.cpp Proyecto: iver6/BA
BX_INSF_TYPE BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1) BX_CPU_C::BEXTR_GqEqIdR(bxInstruction_c *i)
    Bit16u control = (Bit16u) i->Id();
    unsigned start = control & 0xff;
    unsigned len   = control >> 8;
    Bit64u op1_64 = 0;

    if (start < 64 && len > 0) {
        op1_64 = BX_READ_64BIT_REG(i->rm());
        op1_64 >>= start;

        if (len < 64) {
            Bit64u extract_mask = (BX_CONST64(1) << len) - 1;
            op1_64 &= extract_mask;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1) BX_CPU_C::FBSTP_PACKED_BCD(bxInstruction_c *i)
  BX_CPU_THIS_PTR prepareFPU(i);

   * The packed BCD integer indefinite encoding (FFFFC000000000000000H)
   * is stored in response to a masked floating-point invalid-operation
   * exception.
  Bit16u save_reg_hi = 0xFFFF;
  Bit64u save_reg_lo = BX_CONST64(0xC000000000000000);


  if (IS_TAG_EMPTY(0))
     BX_CPU_THIS_PTR FPU_exception(FPU_EX_Stack_Underflow);

     if (! (BX_CPU_THIS_PTR the_i387.is_IA_masked()))
     float_status_t status =
        FPU_pre_exception_handling(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR the_i387.get_control_word());

     floatx80 reg = BX_READ_FPU_REG(0);

     Bit64s save_val = floatx80_to_int64(reg, status);

     int sign = (reg.exp & 0x8000) != 0;
     if (sign)
        save_val = -save_val;

     if (save_val > BX_CONST64(999999999999999999))
        float_raise(status, float_flag_invalid);

     if (! (status.float_exception_flags & float_flag_invalid))
        save_reg_hi = (sign) ? 0x8000 : 0;
        save_reg_lo = 0;

        for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
           save_reg_lo += ((Bit64u)(save_val % 10)) << (4*i);
           save_val /= 10;

        save_reg_hi += (Bit16u)(save_val % 10);
        save_val /= 10;
        save_reg_hi += (Bit16u)(save_val % 10) << 4;

    /* check for fpu arithmetic exceptions */
    if (BX_CPU_THIS_PTR FPU_exception(status.float_exception_flags))

  // write packed bcd to memory
  write_virtual_qword(i->seg(), RMAddr(i),     save_reg_lo);
  write_virtual_word (i->seg(), RMAddr(i) + 8, save_reg_hi);

  BX_CPU_THIS_PTR the_i387.FPU_pop();
  BX_INFO(("FBSTP_PACKED_BCD: required FPU, configure --enable-fpu"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |

#include "exception.h"
#include "reg_constant.h"
#include "fpu_emu.h"
#include "fpu_system.h"
#include "control_w.h"
#include "poly.h"

#define	HIPOWER	11
static const u64 lterms[HIPOWER] =
  BX_CONST64(0x0000000000000000),  /* This term done separately as 12 bytes */

static const Xsig hiterm = MK_XSIG(0xb17217f7, 0xd1cf79ab, 0xc8a39194);

/* Four slices: 0.0 : 0.25 : 0.50 : 0.75 : 1.0,
Ejemplo n.º 6
void BX_CPU_C::long_mode_int(Bit8u vector, unsigned soft_int, bx_bool push_error, Bit16u error_code)
  bx_descriptor_t gate_descriptor, cs_descriptor;
  bx_selector_t cs_selector;

  // interrupt vector must be within IDT table limits,
  // else #GP(vector*8 + 2 + EXT)
  if ((vector*16 + 15) > BX_CPU_THIS_PTR idtr.limit) {
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): vector must be within IDT table limits, IDT.limit = 0x%x", BX_CPU_THIS_PTR idtr.limit));
    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, vector*8 + 2);

  Bit64u desctmp1 = system_read_qword(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR idtr.base + vector*16);
  Bit64u desctmp2 = system_read_qword(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR idtr.base + vector*16 + 8);

  if (desctmp2 & BX_CONST64(0x00001F0000000000)) {
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): IDT entry extended attributes DWORD4 TYPE != 0"));
    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, vector*8 + 2);

  Bit32u dword1 = GET32L(desctmp1);
  Bit32u dword2 = GET32H(desctmp1);
  Bit32u dword3 = GET32L(desctmp2);

  parse_descriptor(dword1, dword2, &gate_descriptor);

  if ((gate_descriptor.valid==0) || gate_descriptor.segment)
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): gate descriptor is not valid sys seg"));
    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, vector*8 + 2);

  // descriptor AR byte must indicate interrupt gate, trap gate,
  // or task gate, else #GP(vector*8 + 2 + EXT)
  if (gate_descriptor.type != BX_386_INTERRUPT_GATE &&
      gate_descriptor.type != BX_386_TRAP_GATE)
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): unsupported gate type %u",
        (unsigned) gate_descriptor.type));
    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, vector*8 + 2);

  // if software interrupt, then gate descripor DPL must be >= CPL,
  // else #GP(vector * 8 + 2 + EXT)
  if (soft_int && gate_descriptor.dpl < CPL)
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): soft_int && gate.dpl < CPL"));
    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, vector*8 + 2);

  // Gate must be present, else #NP(vector * 8 + 2 + EXT)
  if (! IS_PRESENT(gate_descriptor)) {
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): gate.p == 0"));
    exception(BX_NP_EXCEPTION, vector*8 + 2);

  Bit16u gate_dest_selector = gate_descriptor.u.gate.dest_selector;
  Bit64u gate_dest_offset   = ((Bit64u)dword3 << 32) |

  unsigned ist = gate_descriptor.u.gate.param_count & 0x7;

  // examine CS selector and descriptor given in gate descriptor
  // selector must be non-null else #GP(EXT)
  if ((gate_dest_selector & 0xfffc) == 0) {
    BX_ERROR(("int_trap_gate(long mode): selector null"));
    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, 0);

  parse_selector(gate_dest_selector, &cs_selector);

  // selector must be within its descriptor table limits
  // else #GP(selector+EXT)
  fetch_raw_descriptor(&cs_selector, &dword1, &dword2, BX_GP_EXCEPTION);
  parse_descriptor(dword1, dword2, &cs_descriptor);

  // descriptor AR byte must indicate code seg
  // and code segment descriptor DPL<=CPL, else #GP(selector+EXT)
  if (cs_descriptor.valid==0 || cs_descriptor.segment==0 ||
      IS_DATA_SEGMENT(cs_descriptor.type) ||
      cs_descriptor.dpl > CPL)
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): not accessible or not code segment"));
    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, cs_selector.value & 0xfffc);

  // check that it's a 64 bit segment
  if (! IS_LONG64_SEGMENT(cs_descriptor) || cs_descriptor.u.segment.d_b)
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): must be 64 bit segment"));
    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, cs_selector.value & 0xfffc);

  // segment must be present, else #NP(selector + EXT)
  if (! IS_PRESENT(cs_descriptor)) {
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): segment not present"));
    exception(BX_NP_EXCEPTION, cs_selector.value & 0xfffc);
  Bit64u RSP_for_cpl_x;

  Bit64u old_CS  = BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].selector.value;
  Bit64u old_RIP = RIP;
  Bit64u old_SS  = BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].selector.value;
  Bit64u old_RSP = RSP;

  // if code segment is non-conforming and DPL < CPL then
  if (IS_CODE_SEGMENT_NON_CONFORMING(cs_descriptor.type) && cs_descriptor.dpl < CPL)
    BX_DEBUG(("interrupt(long mode): INTERRUPT TO INNER PRIVILEGE"));

    // check selector and descriptor for new stack in current TSS
    if (ist > 0) {
      BX_DEBUG(("interrupt(long mode): trap to IST, vector = %d", ist));
      RSP_for_cpl_x = get_RSP_from_TSS(ist+3);
    else {
      RSP_for_cpl_x = get_RSP_from_TSS(cs_descriptor.dpl);

    // align stack
    RSP_for_cpl_x &= BX_CONST64(0xfffffffffffffff0);

    // push old stack long pointer onto new stack
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x -  8, cs_descriptor.dpl, old_SS);
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x - 16, cs_descriptor.dpl, old_RSP);
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x - 24, cs_descriptor.dpl, read_eflags());
    // push long pointer to return address onto new stack
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x - 32, cs_descriptor.dpl, old_CS);
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x - 40, cs_descriptor.dpl, old_RIP);
    RSP_for_cpl_x -= 40;

    if (push_error) {
      RSP_for_cpl_x -= 8;
      write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x, cs_descriptor.dpl, error_code);

    // load CS:RIP (guaranteed to be in 64 bit mode)
    branch_far64(&cs_selector, &cs_descriptor, gate_dest_offset, cs_descriptor.dpl);

    // set up null SS descriptor
    load_null_selector(&BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS], cs_descriptor.dpl);
  else if(IS_CODE_SEGMENT_CONFORMING(cs_descriptor.type) || cs_descriptor.dpl==CPL) 
    // if code segment is conforming OR code segment DPL = CPL then

    BX_DEBUG(("interrupt(long mode): INTERRUPT TO SAME PRIVILEGE"));

    // check selector and descriptor for new stack in current TSS
    if (ist > 0) {
      BX_DEBUG(("interrupt(long mode): trap to IST, vector = %d", ist));
      RSP_for_cpl_x = get_RSP_from_TSS(ist+3);
    else {
      RSP_for_cpl_x = RSP;

    // align stack
    RSP_for_cpl_x &= BX_CONST64(0xfffffffffffffff0);

    // push flags onto stack
    // push current CS selector onto stack
    // push return offset onto stack
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x - 8,  cs_descriptor.dpl, old_SS);
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x - 16, cs_descriptor.dpl, old_RSP);
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x - 24, cs_descriptor.dpl, read_eflags());
    // push long pointer to return address onto new stack
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x - 32, cs_descriptor.dpl, old_CS);
    write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x - 40, cs_descriptor.dpl, old_RIP);
    RSP_for_cpl_x -= 40;

    if (push_error) {
      RSP_for_cpl_x -= 8;
      write_new_stack_qword_64(RSP_for_cpl_x, cs_descriptor.dpl, error_code);

    // set the RPL field of CS to CPL
    branch_far64(&cs_selector, &cs_descriptor, gate_dest_offset, CPL);
  else {
    BX_ERROR(("interrupt(long mode): bad descriptor type %u (CS.DPL=%u CPL=%u)",
      (unsigned) cs_descriptor.type, (unsigned) cs_descriptor.dpl, (unsigned) CPL));
    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, cs_selector.value & 0xfffc);

  RSP = RSP_for_cpl_x;

  // if interrupt gate then set IF to 0
  if (!(gate_descriptor.type & 1)) // even is int-gate
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR clear_IF();
  BX_CPU_THIS_PTR clear_TF();
//BX_CPU_THIS_PTR clear_VM(); // VM is clear in long mode
  BX_CPU_THIS_PTR clear_RF();
  BX_CPU_THIS_PTR clear_NT();
Ejemplo n.º 7
int ftan(floatx80 &a, float_status_t &status)
    Bit64u aSig0, aSig1 = 0;
    Bit32s aExp, zExp, expDiff;
    int aSign, zSign; 
    int q = 0;

    // handle unsupported extended double-precision floating encodings
    if (floatx80_is_unsupported(a)) 
        goto invalid;

    aSig0 = extractFloatx80Frac(a);
    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp(a);
    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign(a);
    /* invalid argument */
    if (aExp == 0x7FFF) {
        if ((Bit64u) (aSig0<<1))
            a = propagateFloatx80NaN(a, status);
            return 0;

        float_raise(status, float_flag_invalid);
        a = floatx80_default_nan;
        return 0;

    if (aExp == 0) {
        if (aSig0 == 0) return 0;
        float_raise(status, float_flag_denormal);
        /* handle pseudo denormals */
        if (! (aSig0 & BX_CONST64(0x8000000000000000)))
            float_raise(status, float_flag_inexact | float_flag_underflow);
            return 0;
        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal(aSig0, &aExp, &aSig0);
    zSign = aSign;
    zExp = EXP_BIAS;
    expDiff = aExp - zExp;

    /* argument is out-of-range */
    if (expDiff >= 63) 
        return -1;

    float_raise(status, float_flag_inexact);

    if (expDiff < -1) {    // doesn't require reduction
        if (expDiff <= -68) {
            a = packFloatx80(aSign, aExp, aSig0);
            return 0;
        zExp = aExp;
    else {
        q = reduce_trig_arg(expDiff, zSign, aSig0, aSig1);

    /* **************************** */
    /* argument reduction completed */
    /* **************************** */

    /* using float128 for approximation */
    float128 r = normalizeRoundAndPackFloat128(0, zExp-0x10, aSig0, aSig1, status);

    float128 sin_r = poly_sin(r, status);
    float128 cos_r = poly_cos(r, status);

    if (q & 0x1) {
        r = float128_div(cos_r, sin_r, status);
        zSign = ! zSign;
    } else {
        r = float128_div(sin_r, cos_r, status);

    a = float128_to_floatx80(r, status);
    if (zSign)

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
the work is derivative, and (2) the source code includes prominent notice with
these four paragraphs for those parts of this code that are retained.

 * Written for Bochs (x86 achitecture simulator) by
 *            Stanislav Shwartsman [sshwarts at sourceforge net]
 * ==========================================================================*/ 

#define FLOAT128

#include "softfloatx80.h"
#include "softfloat-round-pack.h"
#include "fpu_constant.h"

static const floatx80 floatx80_one = packFloatx80(0, 0x3fff, BX_CONST64(0x8000000000000000));

/* reduce trigonometric function argument using 128-bit precision 
   M_PI approximation */
static Bit64u argument_reduction_kernel(Bit64u aSig0, int Exp, Bit64u *zSig0, Bit64u *zSig1)
    Bit64u term0, term1, term2;
    Bit64u aSig1 = 0;

    shortShift128Left(aSig1, aSig0, Exp, &aSig1, &aSig0);
    Bit64u q = estimateDiv128To64(aSig1, aSig0, FLOAT_PI_HI);
    mul128By64To192(FLOAT_PI_HI, FLOAT_PI_LO, q, &term0, &term1, &term2);
    sub128(aSig1, aSig0, term0, term1, zSig1, zSig0);
    while ((Bit64s)(*zSig1) < 0) {
        add192(*zSig1, *zSig0, term2, 0, FLOAT_PI_HI, FLOAT_PI_LO, zSig1, zSig0, &term2);
Ejemplo n.º 9
int FPU_u_mul(const FPU_REG *a, const FPU_REG *b, FPU_REG *c, u16 cw,
	      u_char sign, int expon)
  u64 mu, ml, mi;
  u32 lh, ll, th, tl;

  if ( ! (a->sigh & 0x80000000) || ! (b->sigh & 0x80000000) )

  ml = a->sigl;
  ml *= b->sigl;
  ll = ml;
  lh = ml >> 32;

  mu = a->sigh;
  mu *= b->sigh;

  mi = a->sigh;
  mi *= b->sigl;
  tl = mi;
  th = mi >> 32;
  lh += tl;
  if ( tl > lh )
    mu ++;
  mu += th;

  mi = a->sigl;
  mi *= b->sigh;
  tl = mi;
  th = mi >> 32;
  lh += tl;
  if ( tl > lh )
    mu ++;
  mu += th;

  ml = lh;
  ml <<= 32;
  ml += ll;

  expon -= EXP_BIAS-1;
  if ( expon <= EXP_WAY_UNDER )
    expon = EXP_WAY_UNDER;

  c->exp = expon;

  if ( ! (mu & BX_CONST64(0x8000000000000000)) )
      mu <<= 1;
      if ( ml & BX_CONST64(0x8000000000000000) )
	mu |= 1;
      ml <<= 1;
      c->exp --;

  ll = ml;
  lh = ml >> 32;

  if ( ll )
    lh |= 1;

  c->sigl = mu;
  c->sigh = mu >> 32;

  return FPU_round(c, lh, 0, cw, sign);
Ejemplo n.º 10
BX_INSF_TYPE BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1) BX_CPU_C::FBSTP_PACKED_BCD(bxInstruction_c *i)
  BX_CPU_THIS_PTR prepareFPU(i);

  RMAddr(i) = BX_CPU_CALL_METHODR(i->ResolveModrm, (i));


  Bit16u x87_sw = FPU_PARTIAL_STATUS;

   * The packed BCD integer indefinite encoding (FFFFC000000000000000H)
   * is stored in response to a masked floating-point invalid-operation
   * exception.
  Bit16u save_reg_hi = 0xFFFF;
  Bit64u save_reg_lo = BX_CONST64(0xC000000000000000);


  if (IS_TAG_EMPTY(0))

     if (! BX_CPU_THIS_PTR the_i387.is_IA_masked())
     float_status_t status =
        FPU_pre_exception_handling(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR the_i387.get_control_word());

     floatx80 reg = BX_READ_FPU_REG(0);

     Bit64s save_val = floatx80_to_int64(reg, status);

     int sign = (reg.exp & 0x8000) != 0;
     if (sign)
        save_val = -save_val;

     if (save_val > BX_CONST64(999999999999999999)) {
        status.float_exception_flags = float_flag_invalid; // throw away other flags

     if (! (status.float_exception_flags & float_flag_invalid))
        save_reg_hi = (sign) ? 0x8000 : 0;
        save_reg_lo = 0;

        for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
           save_reg_lo += ((Bit64u)(save_val % 10)) << (4*i);
           save_val /= 10;

        save_reg_hi += (Bit16u)(save_val % 10);
        save_val /= 10;
        save_reg_hi += (Bit16u)(save_val % 10) << 4;

    /* check for fpu arithmetic exceptions */
    if (FPU_exception(status.float_exception_flags, 1))

  // store to the memory might generate an exception, in this case origial FPU_SW must be kept
  swap_values16u(x87_sw, FPU_PARTIAL_STATUS);

  // write packed bcd to memory
  write_virtual_qword(i->seg(), RMAddr(i), save_reg_lo);
  write_virtual_word(i->seg(), (RMAddr(i) + 8) & i->asize_mask(), save_reg_hi);


  BX_CPU_THIS_PTR the_i387.FPU_pop();

Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: fpatan.cpp Proyecto: iver6/BA
floatx80 fpatan(floatx80 a, floatx80 b, float_status_t &status)
    // handle unsupported extended double-precision floating encodings
    if (floatx80_is_unsupported(a) || floatx80_is_unsupported(b)) {
        float_raise(status, float_flag_invalid);
        return floatx80_default_nan;

    Bit64u aSig = extractFloatx80Frac(a);
    Bit32s aExp = extractFloatx80Exp(a);
    int aSign = extractFloatx80Sign(a);
    Bit64u bSig = extractFloatx80Frac(b);
    Bit32s bExp = extractFloatx80Exp(b);
    int bSign = extractFloatx80Sign(b);

    int zSign = aSign ^ bSign;

    if (bExp == 0x7FFF)
        if ((Bit64u) (bSig<<1))
            return propagateFloatx80NaN(a, b, status);

        if (aExp == 0x7FFF) {
            if ((Bit64u) (aSig<<1))
                return propagateFloatx80NaN(a, b, status);

            if (aSign) {   /* return 3PI/4 */
                return roundAndPackFloatx80(80, bSign,
                        FLOATX80_3PI4_EXP, FLOAT_3PI4_HI, FLOAT_3PI4_LO, status);
            else {         /* return  PI/4 */
                return roundAndPackFloatx80(80, bSign,
                        FLOATX80_PI4_EXP, FLOAT_PI_HI, FLOAT_PI_LO, status);

        if (aSig && (aExp == 0))
            float_raise(status, float_flag_denormal);

        /* return PI/2 */
        return roundAndPackFloatx80(80, bSign, FLOATX80_PI2_EXP, FLOAT_PI_HI, FLOAT_PI_LO, status);
    if (aExp == 0x7FFF)
        if ((Bit64u) (aSig<<1))
            return propagateFloatx80NaN(a, b, status);

        if (bSig && (bExp == 0))
            float_raise(status, float_flag_denormal);


        if (aSign) {   /* return PI */
            return roundAndPackFloatx80(80, bSign, FLOATX80_PI_EXP, FLOAT_PI_HI, FLOAT_PI_LO, status);
        } else {       /* return  0 */
            return packFloatx80(bSign, 0, 0);
    if (bExp == 0)
        if (bSig == 0) {
             if (aSig && (aExp == 0)) float_raise(status, float_flag_denormal);
             goto return_PI_or_ZERO;

        float_raise(status, float_flag_denormal);
        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal(bSig, &bExp, &bSig);
    if (aExp == 0)
        if (aSig == 0)   /* return PI/2 */
            return roundAndPackFloatx80(80, bSign, FLOATX80_PI2_EXP, FLOAT_PI_HI, FLOAT_PI_LO, status);

        float_raise(status, float_flag_denormal);
        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal(aSig, &aExp, &aSig);

    float_raise(status, float_flag_inexact);

    /* |a| = |b| ==> return PI/4 */
    if (aSig == bSig && aExp == bExp)
        return roundAndPackFloatx80(80, bSign, FLOATX80_PI4_EXP, FLOAT_PI_HI, FLOAT_PI_LO, status);

    /* ******************************** */
    /* using float128 for approximation */
    /* ******************************** */

    float128 a128 = normalizeRoundAndPackFloat128(0, aExp-0x10, aSig, 0, status);
    float128 b128 = normalizeRoundAndPackFloat128(0, bExp-0x10, bSig, 0, status);
    float128 x;
    int swap = 0, add_pi6 = 0, add_pi4 = 0;

    if (aExp > bExp || (aExp == bExp && aSig > bSig))
        x = float128_div(b128, a128, status);
    else {
        x = float128_div(a128, b128, status);
        swap = 1;

    Bit32s xExp = extractFloat128Exp(x);

    if (xExp <= EXP_BIAS-40)
        goto approximation_completed;

    if (x.hi >= BX_CONST64(0x3ffe800000000000))        // 3/4 < x < 1
        arctan(x) = arctan((x-1)/(x+1)) + pi/4
        float128 t1 = float128_sub(x, float128_one, status);
        float128 t2 = float128_add(x, float128_one, status);
        x = float128_div(t1, t2, status);
        add_pi4 = 1;
        /* argument correction */
        if (xExp >= 0x3FFD)                     // 1/4 < x < 3/4
            arctan(x) = arctan((x*sqrt(3)-1)/(x+sqrt(3))) + pi/6
            float128 t1 = float128_mul(x, float128_sqrt3, status);
            float128 t2 = float128_add(x, float128_sqrt3, status);
            x = float128_sub(t1, float128_one, status);
            x = float128_div(x, t2, status);
            add_pi6 = 1;

    x = poly_atan(x, status);
    if (add_pi6) x = float128_add(x, float128_pi6, status);
    if (add_pi4) x = float128_add(x, float128_pi4, status);

    if (swap) x = float128_sub(float128_pi2, x, status);
    floatx80 result = float128_to_floatx80(x, status);
    if (zSign) floatx80_chs(result);
    int rSign = extractFloatx80Sign(result);
    if (!bSign && rSign)
        return floatx80_add(result, floatx80_pi, status);
    if (bSign && !rSign)
        return floatx80_sub(result, floatx80_pi, status);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: fpatan.cpp Proyecto: iver6/BA
 * Written for Bochs (x86 achitecture simulator) by
 *            Stanislav Shwartsman [sshwarts at sourceforge net]
 * ==========================================================================*/

#define FLOAT128

#include "softfloatx80.h"
#include "softfloat-round-pack.h"
#include "fpu_constant.h"

#define FPATAN_ARR_SIZE 11

static const float128 float128_one =
        packFloat128(BX_CONST64(0x3fff000000000000), BX_CONST64(0x0000000000000000));
static const float128 float128_sqrt3 =
        packFloat128(BX_CONST64(0x3fffbb67ae8584ca), BX_CONST64(0xa73b25742d7078b8));
static const floatx80 floatx80_pi  =
        packFloatx80(0, 0x4000, BX_CONST64(0xc90fdaa22168c235));

static const float128 float128_pi2 =
        packFloat128(BX_CONST64(0x3fff921fb54442d1), BX_CONST64(0x8469898CC5170416));
static const float128 float128_pi4 =
        packFloat128(BX_CONST64(0x3ffe921fb54442d1), BX_CONST64(0x8469898CC5170416));
static const float128 float128_pi6 =
        packFloat128(BX_CONST64(0x3ffe0c152382d736), BX_CONST64(0x58465BB32E0F580F));

static float128 atan_arr[FPATAN_ARR_SIZE] =
    PACK_FLOAT_128(0x3fff000000000000, 0x0000000000000000), /*  1 */
Ejemplo n.º 13
  if ( exponent(dest) <= EXP_UNDER )

  return 0;


#undef HIPOWER
#define	HIPOWER	10
static const u64 logterms[HIPOWER] =

static const u32 leadterm = 0xb8000000;

/*--- log2_kernel() ---------------------------------------------------------+
Ejemplo n.º 14
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

#include "bochs.h"
#include "cpu/cpu.h"


#include "softfloatx80.h"

const floatx80 Const_QNaN = packFloatx80(0, floatx80_default_nan_exp, floatx80_default_nan_fraction);
const floatx80 Const_Z    = packFloatx80(0, 0x0000, 0);
const floatx80 Const_1    = packFloatx80(0, 0x3fff, BX_CONST64(0x8000000000000000));
const floatx80 Const_L2T  = packFloatx80(0, 0x4000, BX_CONST64(0xd49a784bcd1b8afe));
const floatx80 Const_L2E  = packFloatx80(0, 0x3fff, BX_CONST64(0xb8aa3b295c17f0bc));
const floatx80 Const_PI   = packFloatx80(0, 0x4000, BX_CONST64(0xc90fdaa22168c235));
const floatx80 Const_LG2  = packFloatx80(0, 0x3ffd, BX_CONST64(0x9a209a84fbcff799));
const floatx80 Const_LN2  = packFloatx80(0, 0x3ffe, BX_CONST64(0xb17217f7d1cf79ac));
const floatx80 Const_INF  = packFloatx80(0, 0x7fff, BX_CONST64(0x8000000000000000));

/* A fast way to find out whether x is one of RC_DOWN or RC_CHOP
   (and not one of RC_RND or RC_UP).

BX_CPP_INLINE floatx80 FPU_round_const(const floatx80 &a, int adj)
  floatx80 result = a;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static floatx80 do_fprem(floatx80 a, floatx80 b, Bit64u &q, int rounding_mode, float_status_t &status)
    Bit32s aExp, bExp, zExp, expDiff;
    Bit64u aSig0, aSig1, bSig;
    int aSign;
    q = 0;

    // handle unsupported extended double-precision floating encodings
    if (floatx80_is_unsupported(a) || floatx80_is_unsupported(b))
        float_raise(status, float_flag_invalid);
        return floatx80_default_nan;

    aSig0 = extractFloatx80Frac(a);
    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp(a);
    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign(a);
    bSig = extractFloatx80Frac(b);
    bExp = extractFloatx80Exp(b);

    if (aExp == 0x7FFF) {
        if ((Bit64u) (aSig0<<1)
                || ((bExp == 0x7FFF) && (Bit64u) (bSig<<1)))
            return propagateFloatx80NaN(a, b, status);
        goto invalid;
    if (bExp == 0x7FFF) {
        if ((Bit64u) (bSig<<1)) return propagateFloatx80NaN(a, b, status);
        return a;
    if (bExp == 0) {
        if (bSig == 0) {
            float_raise(status, float_flag_invalid);
            return floatx80_default_nan;
        float_raise(status, float_flag_denormal);
        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal(bSig, &bExp, &bSig);
    if (aExp == 0) {
        if ((Bit64u) (aSig0<<1) == 0) return a;
        float_raise(status, float_flag_denormal);
        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal(aSig0, &aExp, &aSig0);
    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
    aSig1 = 0;

    if (expDiff >= 64) {
        int n = (expDiff & 0x1f) | 0x20;
        remainder_kernel(aSig0, bSig, n, &aSig0, &aSig1);
        zExp = aExp - n;
        q = (Bit64u) -1;
    else {
        zExp = bExp;

        if (expDiff < 0) {
            if (expDiff < -1)
                return (a.fraction & BX_CONST64(0x8000000000000000)) ?
                       packFloatx80(aSign, aExp, aSig0) : a;
            shift128Right(aSig0, 0, 1, &aSig0, &aSig1);
            expDiff = 0;

        if (expDiff > 0) {
            q = remainder_kernel(aSig0, bSig, expDiff, &aSig0, &aSig1);
        else {
            if (bSig <= aSig0) {
                aSig0 -= bSig;
                q = 1;

        if (rounding_mode == float_round_nearest_even)
            Bit64u term0, term1;
            shift128Right(bSig, 0, 1, &term0, &term1);

            if (! lt128(aSig0, aSig1, term0, term1))
                int lt = lt128(term0, term1, aSig0, aSig1);
                int eq = eq128(aSig0, aSig1, term0, term1);

                if ((eq && (q & 1)) || lt) {
                    aSign = !aSign;
                if (lt) sub128(bSig, 0, aSig0, aSig1, &aSig0, &aSig1);

    return normalizeRoundAndPackFloatx80(80, aSign, zExp, aSig0, aSig1, status);