Ejemplo n.º 1
std::vector<TautomerTransform> readTautomers(std::istream& inStream,
                                             int nToRead) {
  std::vector<TautomerTransform> tautomers;
  if (inStream.bad()) {
    throw BadFileException("Bad stream contents.");
  const int MAX_LINE_LEN = 512;
  char inLine[MAX_LINE_LEN];
  std::string tmpstr;
  int nRead = 0;
  while (!inStream.eof() && (nToRead < 0 || nRead < nToRead)) {
    inStream.getline(inLine, MAX_LINE_LEN, '\n');
    tmpstr = inLine;
    // parse the molpair on this line (if there is one)
    TautomerTransform* transform = getTautomer(tmpstr);
    if (transform != nullptr) {
      //			std::cout << MolToSmiles(*(transform->Mol) ) <<
  return tautomers;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  TDTMolSupplier::TDTMolSupplier(const std::string &fileName,
                                 const std::string &nameRecord,
                                 int confId2D,
                                 int confId3D,
                                 bool sanitize){
    // FIX: this binary moe of opening file is here because of a bug in VC++ 6.0
    // the function "tellg" does not work correctly if we do not open it this way
    // Need to check if this has been fixed in VC++ 7.0
    std::istream *tmpStream=0;
    tmpStream = static_cast<std::istream *>(new std::ifstream(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary));
    if (!tmpStream || (!(*tmpStream)) || (tmpStream->bad()) ) {
      std::ostringstream errout;
      errout << "Bad input file " << fileName;
      throw BadFileException(errout.str());

    dp_inStream = tmpStream;
    df_owner = true;
    df_sanitize = sanitize;
Ejemplo n.º 3
SmilesMolSupplier::SmilesMolSupplier(const std::string &fileName,
                                     const std::string &delimiter,
                                     int smilesColumn, int nameColumn,
                                     bool titleLine, bool sanitize) {

  // FIX: this binary mode of opening file is here because of a bug in VC++ 6.0
  // the function "tellg" does not work correctly if we do not open it this way
  // Need to check if this has been fixed in VC++ 7.0
  std::ifstream *tmpStream =
      new std::ifstream(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);

  if (!tmpStream || (!(*tmpStream)) || (tmpStream->bad())) {
    std::ostringstream errout;
    errout << "Bad input file " << fileName;
    throw BadFileException(errout.str());
  dp_inStream = static_cast<std::istream *>(tmpStream);
  CHECK_INVARIANT(dp_inStream, "bad instream");
  CHECK_INVARIANT(!(dp_inStream->eof()), "early EOF");

  d_delim = delimiter;
  df_sanitize = sanitize;
  df_title = titleLine;
  d_smi = smilesColumn;
  d_name = nameColumn;
  df_end = false;

  // if(d_title) processTitleLine();
  POSTCONDITION(dp_inStream, "bad instream");
Ejemplo n.º 4
SDMolSupplier::SDMolSupplier(const std::string &fileName, bool sanitize,
                             bool removeHs, bool strictParsing) {
  // FIX: this binary mode of opening file is here because of a bug in VC++ 6.0
  // the function "tellg" does not work correctly if we do not open it this way
  //   Jan 2009: Confirmed that this is still the case in visual studio 2008
  std::istream *tmpStream = 0;
  tmpStream = static_cast<std::istream *>(
      new std::ifstream(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary));
  if (!tmpStream || (!(*tmpStream)) || (tmpStream->bad())) {
    std::ostringstream errout;
    errout << "Bad input file " << fileName;
    throw BadFileException(errout.str());

  // dp_inStream = static_cast<std::istream *>(tmpStream);
  dp_inStream = tmpStream;
  df_owner = true;
  df_sanitize = sanitize;
  df_removeHs = removeHs;
  df_strictParsing = strictParsing;
  if (df_end) {
    // checkForEnd() sets d_len if we're at EOF. undo that (was GitHub issue
    // 19):
    d_len = 0;
  POSTCONDITION(dp_inStream, "bad instream");
Ejemplo n.º 5
std::vector<TautomerTransform> readTautomers(std::string fileName) {
  std::ifstream inStream(fileName.c_str());
  if ((!inStream) || (inStream.bad())) {
    std::ostringstream errout;
    errout << "Bad input file " << fileName;
    throw BadFileException(errout.str());
  std::vector<TautomerTransform> tautomers = readTautomers(inStream);
  return tautomers;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 MOL_SPTR_VECT readFuncGroups(std::string fileName) {
   std::ifstream inStream(fileName.c_str());
   if ((!inStream) || (inStream.bad()) ) {
     std::ostringstream errout;
     errout << "Bad input file " << fileName;
     throw BadFileException(errout.str());
   MOL_SPTR_VECT funcGroups;
   return funcGroups;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  void MolToTPLFile(const ROMol &mol,std::string fName,
                    std::string partialChargeProp,
                    bool writeFirstConfTwice){
    std::ofstream *outStream = new std::ofstream(fName.c_str());
      std::ostringstream errout;
      errout << "Bad output file " << fName;
      throw BadFileException(errout.str());

    std::string outString = MolToTPLText(mol,partialChargeProp,
    *outStream  << outString;
    delete outStream;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 SDWriter::SDWriter(std::string fileName) {
   if(fileName!= "-"){
     std::ofstream *tmpStream = new std::ofstream(fileName.c_str());
     if ( !tmpStream || !(*tmpStream) || (tmpStream->bad()) ) {
       std::ostringstream errout;
       errout << "Bad output file " << fileName;
       throw BadFileException(errout.str());
     dp_ostream = static_cast<std::ostream *>(tmpStream);
   } else {
     dp_ostream = static_cast<std::ostream *>(&std::cout);
   d_molid = 0;
sudokuBoardReader::sudokuBoardReader(std::string fileName){
                std::ifstream sudokuFile;
                std::string line;
                if (!sudokuFile) throw (BadFileException());
                std::getline(sudokuFile, line);
                int i = 0;
                while (i < this-> n && std::getline(sudokuFile, line)) {
			fillRow(i, line);
        } catch(std::ifstream::failure e) {
                std::cout << "Failed to read board file\n"; 

Ejemplo n.º 10
TDTWriter::TDTWriter(const std::string &fileName) {
  if (fileName != "-") {
    auto *tmpStream = new std::ofstream(fileName.c_str());
    if (!tmpStream || !(*tmpStream) || (tmpStream->bad())) {
      std::ostringstream errout;
      errout << "Bad output file " << fileName;
      throw BadFileException(errout.str());

    dp_ostream = static_cast<std::ostream *>(tmpStream);
    df_owner = true;
  } else {
    dp_ostream = static_cast<std::ostream *>(&std::cout);
    df_owner = false;
  d_molid = 0;
  d_numDigits = 4;
  df_write2D = false;
  df_writeNames = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  MOL_SPTR_VECT readFuncGroups(std::istream &inStream,int nToRead) {
    MOL_SPTR_VECT funcGroups;
    if (inStream.bad()) {
      throw BadFileException("Bad stream contents.");
    const int MAX_LINE_LEN = 512;
    char inLine[MAX_LINE_LEN];
    std::string tmpstr;
    int nRead=0;
    while (!inStream.eof() && (nToRead<0 || nRead<nToRead)) {
      inStream.getline(inLine, MAX_LINE_LEN,'\n');
      tmpstr = inLine;
      // parse the molecule on this line (if there is one)
      ROMol *mol = getSmarts(tmpstr);
      if (mol) {
    return funcGroups;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void Netlist::handle_line(const std::string& line) {
  // The first character defines if the line describes an element, a comment or
  // the simulation parameters
  try {
    switch (line[0]) {
      case '.': { // simulation parameters
      case '*': { // comment, do nothing
      default: { // regular elements
  } catch (const BadElementString& e) {
    throw BadFileException(to_str("Line: " << current_line <<
                                      " \"" << line << "\""));
Ejemplo n.º 13
// ============================================== //
// Load a mesh material from a file
t_error ResourceManager::LoadMeshMaterial (const char* filename, Mesh* mesh) {

	// load the mesh material file
	ifstream fileHandle( filename );
	if ( !fileHandle.is_open() ) {
		Log( str( format( "Error opening material file (%1%)" ) % filename ), LOG_ERROR );
		throw BadFileException(filename);

	// parse mtl file
	string buffer;
	while ( fileHandle.good() ) {
		getline( fileHandle, buffer );
		if ( buffer.empty() ) continue;
		// setup tokenizer
		CharSeparator tokenSeparator( " \t" );
		CharTokenizer tokens( buffer, tokenSeparator );
		CharTokenizer::iterator token = tokens.begin();
		CharTokenizer::iterator lastToken = tokens.end();

		// Log ( str( format( "buffer: %1%" ) % (buffer) ) );
		// Log ( str( format( "token: %1%" ) % (*token) ) );
		if ( (*token)[0] == '#' ) { continue; } // comment
		else if ( (*token) == "Ka" ) { // ambient colour
			float r = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float g = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float b = tokenToFloat(++token);
			Log( str( format( "Ka: %1%,%2%,%3%" ) % r % g % b ), LOG_DEBUG );
			mesh->color_ambient = fTriple( r, g, b );
		} else if ( (*token) == "Kd" ) { // diffuse colour
			float r = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float g = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float b = tokenToFloat(++token);
			Log( str( format( "Kd: %1%,%2%,%3%" ) % r % g % b ), LOG_DEBUG );
			mesh->color_diffuse = fTriple( r, g, b );
		} else if ( (*token) == "Ks" ) { // specular colour
			float r = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float g = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float b = tokenToFloat(++token);
			Log( str( format( "Ks: %1%,%2%,%3%" ) % r % g % b ), LOG_DEBUG );
			mesh->color_specular = fTriple( r, g, b );
		} else if ( (*token) == "map_Kd" ) { // texture

			// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
			// TODO: load texture in resource mgr; use a lookup table to find the gl id and point to that
			string texFilename = *(++token);
			mesh->loadTexture( texFilename.c_str(), MeshRenderData::MESH_RENDER_TEXTURE );
			// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

		} else if ( (*token) == "bump" ) { // bumpmap
			string texFilename = *(++token);
			mesh->loadTexture( texFilename.c_str(), MeshRenderData::MESH_RENDER_TEXBUMP );
		} else {
			Log ( str( format( "Unknown line: %1%" ) % buffer ) );

	return NO_ERROR;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// ============================================== //
// Load a mesh from a file
Entity* ResourceManager::LoadMesh (RenderGroup* renderer, const char* filename) {

	// load the mesh file
	ifstream fileHandle( filename );
	if ( !fileHandle.is_open() ) {
		Log( str( format( "Error opening mesh file (%1%)" ) % filename ), LOG_ERROR );
		throw BadFileException(filename);

	// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	// TODO: store mesh elsewhere
	Mesh* mesh;
	if (renderer) {
		mesh = new Mesh(true);
		mesh->renderData->gl = renderer->program->programid;
		glGenTextures(2, mesh->renderData->textures);
	} else {
		mesh = new Mesh(false);
	// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

	// parse obj file
	string buffer;
	while ( fileHandle.good() ) {
		getline( fileHandle, buffer );
		if ( buffer.empty() ) continue;
		// setup tokenizer
		CharSeparator tokenSeparator( " \t" );
		CharTokenizer tokens( buffer, tokenSeparator );
		CharTokenizer::iterator token = tokens.begin();
		CharTokenizer::iterator lastToken = tokens.end();

		// Log ( str( format( "buffer: %1%" ) % (buffer) ) );
		// Log ( str( format( "token: %1%" ) % (*token) ) );
		if ( (*token)[0] == '#' ) { continue; } // comment
		else if ( (*token) == "v" ) { // vertex
			float x = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float y = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float z = tokenToFloat(++token);
			mesh->addVertex( x, y, z );
		} else if ( (*token) == "vn" ) { // vertex normal
			float x = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float y = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float z = tokenToFloat(++token);
			mesh->addVertexNormal( x, y, z );
		} else if ( *token == "vt" ) { // vertex texcoord
			float s = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float t = tokenToFloat(++token);
			mesh->addVertexTex( s, t );
		} else if ( *token == "f" ) { // face
			/* each face contains 3 or more vertices
			 * Vertex only format is:  v1 v2 v3 ... 
			 * Vertex/Texture format:  v1/vt1 v2/vt2 v3/vt3 ...
			 * Vertex/Tex/Norm format: v1/vt1/vn1 v2/vt2/vn2 v3/vt3/vn3 ...
			 * Vertex/Normal format:   v1//vn1 v2//vn2 v3//vn3 ...

			ushort point_index = 0; // this helps with auto-face texcoord deciding (in case no UV mapping is specified)
			short v_index, n_index, t_index;
			do {

				// setup sub-tokenizer (vert, norm, texcoord)
				v_index = -1, n_index = -1, t_index = -1; // NOTE: -1 means nonexistent; do NOT use ushort since 0 is a legal index
				CharTokenizer v_indices( (*token), CharSeparator("/ ","",boost::keep_empty_tokens) );
				CharTokenizer::iterator index = v_indices.begin();

				for (uchar tokenIndex=0; (index) != v_indices.end() && tokenIndex <= 2 ; ++tokenIndex, ++index ) {
					if ( (*index).empty() ) continue;
					switch (tokenIndex) {
						case 0: // Vertex Index
							// Log( str( format( "Face Index: %1%" ) % tokenToUShort( index ) ) );
							v_index = tokenToUShort( index ) - 1; break;
						case 1: // Texcoord Index
							// Log( str( format( "Tex Index: %1%" ) % tokenToUShort( index ) ) );
							t_index = tokenToUShort( index ) -1; break;
						case 2: // Norm Index
							// Log( str( format( "Norm Index: %1%" ) % tokenToUShort( index ) ) );
							n_index = tokenToUShort( index ) -1; break;

				// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
				// if no texcoord specified then create one
				// TODO: this assumes we're running quads, provide a NON-HARDCODED solution
				if ( t_index == -1 ) {
					if ( mesh->texcoords.empty() ) {

						float top = 0.0f, bottom = 1.0f; // TODO: test st coords for correct top/bottom
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( 1.0f ); // bottom right
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( bottom );

						mesh->texcoords.push_back( 1.0f ); // top right
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( top );

						mesh->texcoords.push_back( 0.0f ); // top left
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( top );

						mesh->texcoords.push_back( 0.0f ); // bottom left
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( bottom );


					t_index = point_index % 4;
				// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

				mesh->pushVertex( v_index, t_index, n_index );

			} while( (++token) != tokens.end() );
			if ( point_index == 3 ) {
				// tri-face; since we're expecting quads just overlap the 2 end points
				mesh->pushVertex( v_index, t_index, n_index );

		} else if ( *token == "mtllib" ) { // material file

			// TODO: test that this will work on Windows (\\ path end could return only \ which may break the mtl filename)
			ushort path_ending = string( filename ).find_last_of( "/\\" ) + 1; // works for /home/user/.. or c:\\programfiles\\..
			string mtlFilename = string( filename ).substr( 0, path_ending ).append( *(++token) );
			// load material file
			if ( LoadMeshMaterial( mtlFilename.c_str(), mesh ) & ERROR ) {
				Log( str( format( "Error opening material file (%1%)" ) % mtlFilename ), LOG_ERROR );
				throw BadFileException(mtlFilename);
			Log( str( format( "Loaded material file (%1%)" ) % mtlFilename ), LOG_INFO );

		} else {
			Log ( str( format( "Unknown line: %1%" ) % buffer ) );


	// finish the entity construction
	Entity* entity = new Entity();
	entity->mesh = mesh;
	if (renderer) renderer->entities.push_back(entity);

	return entity;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void FPBReader::init() {
  PRECONDITION(dp_istrm, "no stream");
  dp_impl = new detail::FPBReader_impl;
  dp_impl->istrm = dp_istrm;
  dp_impl->df_lazy = df_lazyRead;

  char magic[detail::magicSize];
  dp_istrm->read(magic, detail::magicSize);
  if (detail::FPB_MAGIC != std::string(magic, detail::magicSize)) {
    throw BadFileException("Invalid FPB magic");
  while (1) {
    if (dp_istrm->eof()) throw BadFileException("EOF hit before FEND record");
    std::string chunkNm;
    boost::uint64_t chunkSz;
    boost::uint8_t *chunk = NULL;
    detail::readChunkDetails(*dp_istrm, chunkNm, chunkSz);
    // std::cerr << " Chunk: " << chunkNm << " " << chunkSz << std::endl;
    if (!df_lazyRead || (chunkNm != "AREN" && chunkNm != "FPID")) {
      detail::readChunkData(*dp_istrm, chunkSz, chunk);
      if (chunkNm == "FEND") {
      } else if (chunkNm == "POPC") {
        detail::extractPopCounts(dp_impl, chunkSz, chunk);
      } else if (chunkNm == "AREN") {
        detail::extractArena(dp_impl, chunkSz, chunk);
        chunk = NULL;
      } else if (chunkNm == "FPID") {
        detail::extractIds(dp_impl, chunkSz, chunk);
        chunk = NULL;
      } else if (chunkNm == "META") {
        // currently ignored
      } else if (chunkNm == "HASH") {
        // currently ignored
      } else {
        BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Unknown chunk: " << chunkNm << " ignored."
                                << std::endl;
      delete[] chunk;
    } else {
      // we are reading the AREN or FPID chunk in lazy mode, just get our
      // position in
      // the file.
      if (chunkNm == "AREN") {
        detail::extractArenaDetails(dp_impl, chunkSz);
      } else if (chunkNm == "FPID") {
        detail::extractIdsDetails(dp_impl, chunkSz);
  if ((!df_lazyRead && !dp_impl->dp_arenaChunk) ||
      (df_lazyRead && !dp_impl->fpDataOffset))
    throw BadFileException("No AREN record found");
  if ((!df_lazyRead && !dp_impl->dp_idChunk) ||
      (df_lazyRead && !dp_impl->idDataOffset))
    throw BadFileException("No FPID record found");

  df_init = true;