Ejemplo n.º 1
| Bit2_get
|       Purpose:   Finds the element stored at the given location of the 
|                  specified Bit2
|       Arguments: a pointer to the 2D bit array, the matrix location as a pair
|                  of ints
|       Returns:   the value stored at the given matrix location of the 2D bit 
|                  array as an int
|       Fail cases:
|               - the pointer to the 2D bit array is null
|               - the given matrix location lies outside the bounds of the 2D
|                 bit array
int Bit2_get(Bit2_T bit2, int i, int j) {
        assert(bit2 != NULL);
        assert((i >= 0 && i < Bit2_width(bit2)) &&
               (j >= 0 && j < Bit2_height(bit2)));
        int index = get_index(i, j, Bit2_height(bit2));
        return Bit_get(bit2->bitmap, index);
Ejemplo n.º 2
| Bit2_put
|       Purpose:   Inserts the given value into the given Bit2 at the specified
|                  matrix location
|       Arguments: a pointer to the 2D array, the matrix location as a pair of 
|                  ints, the value to be inserted as an int
|       Returns:   returns the value previously stored at the given location as
|                  an int
|       Fail cases:
|               - the pointer to the 2D bit array is null
|               - the given matrix location lies outside the bounds of the 2D
|                 bit array
|               - the value to be inserted is not 0 or 1
int Bit2_put(Bit2_T bit2, int i, int j, int value) {
        assert(bit2 != NULL);
        assert((i >= 0 && i < Bit2_width(bit2)) && 
               (j >= 0 && j < Bit2_height(bit2)));
        assert(value == 0 || value == 1);
        int index = get_index(i, j, Bit2_height(bit2));
        return (Bit_put(bit2->bitmap, index, value));
Ejemplo n.º 3
| Bit2_map_row_major
|       Purpose:   maps the given function onto every element of the given Bit2 
|                  in row major order
|       Arguments: a pointer to the 2D bit array, a pointer to a void apply 
|                  function, the closure as a void *
|       Returns:   -
|       Fail cases:
|               - the pointer to the 2D bit array is null
|               - the pointer to the apply function is null
void Bit2_map_row_major(Bit2_T bit2, void apply(int i, int j, Bit2_T bit2, 
                        int value, void *cl), void *cl){
        assert(bit2 != NULL);
        assert(apply != NULL);
        int i;
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < Bit2_height(bit2); j++) {
                for (i = 0; i < Bit2_width(bit2); i++) { 
                        apply(i, j, bit2, Bit2_get(bit2, i, j), cl);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void unblack (Bit2_T bitmap, int cur_x, int cur_y) {
    int w_pixels = Bit2_width (bitmap);
    int h_pixels = Bit2_height (bitmap);
    Seq_T point_queue = Seq_new(w_pixels*h_pixels);

    assert(0 <= cur_x && cur_x < w_pixels);
    assert(0 <= cur_y && cur_y < h_pixels);

    if (Bit2_get(bitmap, cur_x, cur_y) != 1) { // if pixel is white

    } else {
        Seq_addhi(point_queue, (void*)makePoint(cur_x,cur_y));

        while (Seq_length(point_queue) > 0) {
            PointPair temp = (PointPair)Seq_remlo(point_queue);
            int i = temp->i;
            int j = temp->j;
            if (Bit2_get(bitmap, i, j) == 1) { // if current is black pixel
                Bit2_put(bitmap, i, j, 0);   // set current to white
                assert(0 <= i && i < w_pixels);
                assert(0 <= j && j < h_pixels);
                if (j != 0 && j != h_pixels-1) { // if not a top/bottom pixel
                    if (i+1 < w_pixels && Bit2_get(bitmap, i+1, j) == 1) { // if
                        Seq_addhi(point_queue, (void*)makePoint(i+1,j));
                    if (i > 0 && Bit2_get(bitmap, i-1, j) == 1) {
                        Seq_addhi(point_queue, (void*)makePoint(i-1,j));

                if (i != 0 && i != w_pixels-1) {
                    if (j+1 < h_pixels && Bit2_get(bitmap, i, j+1) == 1) {
                        Seq_addhi(point_queue, (void*)makePoint(i,j+1));
                    if (j > 0 && Bit2_get(bitmap, i, j-1) == 1) {
                        Seq_addhi(point_queue, (void*)makePoint(i,j-1));

Ejemplo n.º 5
void pbmwrite (Bit2_T bitmap) {
    int w_pixels = Bit2_width(bitmap);
    int h_pixels = Bit2_height(bitmap);
    printf("P1\n" "#\n" "%d %d", w_pixels, h_pixels);
    for (int j = 0; j < h_pixels; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < w_pixels; i++) {

            if ((i % 70) == 0) {
                printf("%d", Bit2_get(bitmap, i, j));
            else {
                printf("%d", Bit2_get(bitmap, i, j));
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main (int argc, char *argv[] )
    FILE *input;
    if (argc == 2) {
        input = fopen( argv[1], "rb");
        if (!input) {
    } else {
        input = stdin;

    Bit2_T bitmap = pbmread(input);
    if (input != stdin) {

    int w_pixels = Bit2_width(bitmap);
    int h_pixels = Bit2_height(bitmap);

    // call unblack on every edge pixel
    for (int i = 0; i < w_pixels; i++) {   // top + bottom edge, +4 corners
        unblack(bitmap, i, 0);
        unblack(bitmap, i, h_pixels-1);
    for (int j = 0; j < h_pixels; j++) {   // left + right edge, no corners
        unblack(bitmap, 0, j);
        unblack(bitmap, w_pixels-1, j);


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
main(int argc, char *argv[])

        Bit2_T test_array;
        bool OK = true;

        int x;

        test_array = Bit2_new(DIM1, DIM2);

        OK &= (Bit2_width(test_array) == DIM1);
        OK &= (Bit2_height(test_array) == DIM2);
//	Bit2_put(test_array, 0, 0, 1);
//	printf("(0, 0) = %d\n", Bit2_get(test_array, 0, 0));
//	printf("(0, 1) = %d\n", Bit2_get(test_array, 1, 0));

        /* Note: we are only setting a value on the corner of the array */
        Bit2_put(test_array, DIM1-1, DIM2-1, MARKER);
        OK &= (Bit2_get(test_array, DIM1-1, DIM2-1) == MARKER);

        x = Bit2_put(test_array, DIM1-1, DIM2-1, 0);
        OK &= (x == MARKER);     /* hint: put returns previous value */

        Bit2_put(test_array, DIM1-1, DIM2-1, MARKER);  /* for map test */
        printf("Trying column major\n");
        Bit2_map_col_major(test_array, check_and_print, &OK);

        printf("Trying row major\n");
        Bit2_map_row_major(test_array, check_and_print, &OK);


        printf("The array is %sOK!\n", (OK ? "" : "NOT "));
