Ejemplo n.º 1

  Check whether the input variable is an key option variable.

  @param   Name               Input variable name.
  @param   Guid               Input variable guid.
  @param   OptionNumber       The option number of this key option variable.

  @retval  TRUE               Input variable is a key option variable.
  @retval  FALSE              Input variable is not a key option variable.
BmIsKeyOptionVariable (
  CHAR16        *Name,
  EFI_GUID      *Guid,
  UINT16        *OptionNumber
  UINTN         Index;
  UINTN         Uint;

  if (!CompareGuid (Guid, &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid) ||
      (StrSize (Name) != sizeof (L"Key####")) ||
      (StrnCmp (Name, L"Key", 3) != 0)
     ) {
    return FALSE;

  *OptionNumber = 0;
  for (Index = 3; Index < 7; Index++) {
    Uint = BmCharToUint (Name[Index]);
    if (Uint == -1) {
      return FALSE;
    } else {
      *OptionNumber = (UINT16) Uint + *OptionNumber * 0x10;

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  Check whether the VariableName is a valid load option variable name
  and return the load option type and option number.

  @param VariableName The name of the load option variable.
  @param OptionType   Return the load option type.
  @param OptionNumber Return the load option number.

  @retval TRUE  The variable name is valid; The load option type and
                load option number is returned.
  @retval FALSE The variable name is NOT valid.
BmIsValidLoadOptionVariableName (
  IN CHAR16                             *VariableName,
  OUT UINT16                            *OptionNumber
  UINTN                             VariableNameLen;
  UINTN                             Index;
  UINTN                             Uint;

  VariableNameLen = StrLen (VariableName);

  if (VariableNameLen <= 4) {
    return FALSE;

  for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (mBmLoadOptionName) / sizeof (mBmLoadOptionName[0]); Index++) {
    if ((VariableNameLen - 4 == StrLen (mBmLoadOptionName[Index])) &&
        (StrnCmp (VariableName, mBmLoadOptionName[Index], VariableNameLen - 4) == 0)
        ) {

  if (Index == sizeof (mBmLoadOptionName) / sizeof (mBmLoadOptionName[0])) {
    return FALSE;

  *OptionNumber = 0;
  for (Index = VariableNameLen - 4; Index < VariableNameLen; Index++) {
    Uint = BmCharToUint (VariableName[Index]);
    if (Uint == -1) {
    } else {
      *OptionNumber = (UINT16) Uint + *OptionNumber * 0x10;

  return (BOOLEAN) (Index == VariableNameLen);