Ejemplo n.º 1
int BotChat_HitNoKill(bot_state_t *bs) {
	char name[32], *weap;
	float rnd;
	aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;

	if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse;
	if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse;
	if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse;
	rnd = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_HITNOKILL, 0, 1);
	//don't chat in teamplay
	if (TeamPlayIsOn()) return qfalse;
	// don't chat in tournament mode
	if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse;
	//if fast chat is off
	if (!bot_fastchat.integer) {
		if (random() > rnd * 0.5) return qfalse;
	if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) return qfalse;
	if (BotVisibleEnemies(bs)) return qfalse;
	BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo);
	if (EntityIsShooting(&entinfo)) return qfalse;
	ClientName(bs->enemy, name, sizeof(name));
	weap = BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(g_entities[bs->enemy].client->lasthurt_mod);
	BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "hit_nokill", name, weap, NULL);
	bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime();
	bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL;
	return qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int BotChat_HitTalking(bot_state_t *bs) {
	char name[32], *weap;
	int lasthurt_client;
	float rnd;

	if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse;
	if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse;
	if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse;
	lasthurt_client = g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client;
	if (!lasthurt_client) return qfalse;
	if (lasthurt_client == bs->client) return qfalse;
	if (lasthurt_client < 0 || lasthurt_client >= MAX_CLIENTS) return qfalse;
	rnd = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_HITTALKING, 0, 1);
	//don't chat in teamplay
	if (TeamPlayIsOn()) return qfalse;
	// don't chat in tournament mode
	if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse;
	//if fast chat is off
	if (!bot_fastchat.integer) {
		if (random() > rnd * 0.5) return qfalse;
	if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) return qfalse;
	ClientName(g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client, name, sizeof(name));
	weap = BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_mod);
	BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "hit_talking", name, weap, NULL);
	bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime();
	bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL;
	return qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int BotChat_HitNoDeath( bot_state_t *bs ) {
	char name[32];
    const char* weap;
	float rnd;
	int lasthurt_client;
	aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;

	lasthurt_client = g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client;
	if ( !lasthurt_client ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( lasthurt_client == bs->client ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( lasthurt_client < 0 || lasthurt_client >= MAX_CLIENTS ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( bot_nochat.integer ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( bs->lastchat_time > trap_AAS_Time() - 3 ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1 ) {
		return qfalse;
	rnd = trap_Characteristic_BFloat( bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_HITNODEATH, 0, 1 );
	//don't chat in teamplay
	if ( TeamPlayIsOn() ) {
		return qfalse;
	//if fast chat is off
	if ( !bot_fastchat.integer ) {
		if ( random() > rnd * 0.5 ) {
			return qfalse;
	if ( !BotValidChatPosition( bs ) ) {
		return qfalse;
	//if the enemy is visible
	if ( BotEntityVisible( bs->client, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy ) ) {
		return qfalse;
	BotEntityInfo( bs->enemy, &entinfo );
	if ( EntityIsShooting( &entinfo ) ) {
		return qfalse;
	ClientName( lasthurt_client, name, sizeof( name ) );
	weap = BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_mod );
	BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "hit_nodeath", name, weap, NULL );
	bs->lastchat_time = trap_AAS_Time();
	bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL;
	return qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int BotChat_Death( bot_state_t *bs ) {
	char name[32];
	float rnd;

	if ( bot_nochat.integer ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( bs->lastchat_time > trap_AAS_Time() - 3 ) {
		return qfalse;
	rnd = trap_Characteristic_BFloat( bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_DEATH, 0, 1 );
	//if fast chatting is off
	if ( !bot_fastchat.integer ) {
		if ( random() > rnd ) {
			return qfalse;
	if ( BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1 ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( bs->lastkilledby >= 0 && bs->lastkilledby < MAX_CLIENTS ) {
		EasyClientName( bs->lastkilledby, name, 32 );
	} else {
		strcpy( name, "[world]" );
	if ( TeamPlayIsOn() && BotSameTeam( bs, bs->lastkilledby ) ) {
		if ( bs->lastkilledby == bs->client ) {
			return qfalse;
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_teammate", name, NULL );
		bs->chatto = CHAT_TEAM;
	} else
		//don't chat in teamplay
		if ( TeamPlayIsOn() ) {
			return qfalse;
		if ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_WATER ) {
			BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_drown", BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), NULL );
		} else if ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_SLIME ) {
			BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_slime", BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), NULL );
		} else if ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_LAVA ) {
			BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_lava", BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), NULL );
		} else if ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_FALLING ) {
			BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_cratered", BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), NULL );
		} else if ( bs->botsuicide || //all other suicides by own weapon
					bs->botdeathtype == MOD_CRUSH ||
					bs->botdeathtype == MOD_SUICIDE ||
					bs->botdeathtype == MOD_TARGET_LASER ||
					bs->botdeathtype == MOD_TRIGGER_HURT ||
					bs->botdeathtype == MOD_UNKNOWN ) {
			BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_suicide", BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), NULL );
		} else if ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_TELEFRAG ) {
			BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_telefrag", name, NULL );
		} else {
			if ( ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_GAUNTLET ||
				   bs->botdeathtype == MOD_RAILGUN ||
				   bs->botdeathtype == MOD_BFG ||
				   bs->botdeathtype == MOD_BFG_SPLASH ) && random() < 0.5 ) {

				if ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_GAUNTLET ) {
					BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_gauntlet",
										  name,                                 // 0
										  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
										  NULL );
				} else if ( bs->botdeathtype == MOD_RAILGUN ) {
					BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_rail",
										  name,                                 // 0
										  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
										  NULL );
				} else {
					BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_bfg",
										  name,                                 // 0
										  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
										  NULL );
			//choose between insult and praise
			else if ( random() < trap_Characteristic_BFloat( bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_INSULT, 0, 1 ) ) {
				BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_insult",
									  name,                                     // 0
									  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
									  NULL );
			} else {
				BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_praise",
									  name,                                     // 0
									  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
									  NULL );
		bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL;
	bs->lastchat_time = trap_AAS_Time();
	return qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void BotChatTest( bot_state_t *bs ) {

	char name[32];
	char *weap;
	int num, i;

	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "game_enter" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "game_enter",
							  EasyClientName( bs->client, name, 32 ), // 0
							  BotRandomOpponentName( bs ),  // 1
							  "[invalid var]",          // 2
							  "[invalid var]",          // 3
							  BotMapTitle(),                // 4
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "game_exit" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "game_exit",
							  EasyClientName( bs->client, name, 32 ), // 0
							  BotRandomOpponentName( bs ),  // 1
							  "[invalid var]",          // 2
							  "[invalid var]",          // 3
							  BotMapTitle(),                // 4
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "level_start" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "level_start",
							  EasyClientName( bs->client, name, 32 ), // 0
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "level_end_victory" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "level_end_victory",
							  EasyClientName( bs->client, name, 32 ), // 0
							  BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), // 1
							  BotFirstClientInRankings(), // 2
							  BotLastClientInRankings(), // 3
							  BotMapTitle(),            // 4
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "level_end_lose" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "level_end_lose",
							  EasyClientName( bs->client, name, 32 ), // 0
							  BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), // 1
							  BotFirstClientInRankings(), // 2
							  BotLastClientInRankings(), // 3
							  BotMapTitle(),            // 4
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "level_end" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "level_end",
							  EasyClientName( bs->client, name, 32 ), // 0
							  BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), // 1
							  BotFirstClientInRankings(), // 2
							  BotLastClientInRankings(), // 3
							  BotMapTitle(),            // 4
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	EasyClientName( bs->lastkilledby, name, sizeof( name ) );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_drown" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_drown", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_slime" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_slime", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_lava" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_lava", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_cratered" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_cratered", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_suicide" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_suicide", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_telefrag" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_telefrag", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_gauntlet" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_gauntlet",
							  name,                                 // 0
							  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_rail" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_rail",
							  name,                                 // 0
							  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_bfg" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_bfg",
							  name,                                 // 0
							  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_insult" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_insult",
							  name,                                     // 0
							  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "death_praise" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "death_praise",
							  name,                                     // 0
							  BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( bs->botdeathtype ), // 1
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	EasyClientName( bs->lastkilledplayer, name, 32 );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "kill_gauntlet" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "kill_gauntlet", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "kill_rail" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "kill_rail", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "kill_telefrag" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "kill_telefrag", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "kill_insult" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "kill_insult", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "kill_praise" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "kill_praise", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "enemy_suicide" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "enemy_suicide", name, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	ClientName( g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client, name, sizeof( name ) );
	weap = BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath( g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "hit_talking" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "hit_talking", name, weap, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "hit_nodeath" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "hit_nodeath", name, weap, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "hit_nokill" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "hit_nokill", name, weap, NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	if ( bs->lastkilledplayer == bs->client ) {
		strcpy( name, BotRandomOpponentName( bs ) );
	} else {
		EasyClientName( bs->lastkilledplayer, name, sizeof( name ) );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "random_misc" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "random_misc",
							  BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), // 0
							  name,             // 1
							  "[invalid var]", // 2
							  "[invalid var]", // 3
							  BotMapTitle(),    // 4
							  BotRandomWeaponName(), // 5
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
	num = trap_BotNumInitialChats( bs->cs, "random_insult" );
	for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
		BotAI_BotInitialChat( bs, "random_insult",
							  BotRandomOpponentName( bs ), // 0
							  name,             // 1
							  "[invalid var]", // 2
							  "[invalid var]", // 3
							  BotMapTitle(),    // 4
							  BotRandomWeaponName(), // 5
							  NULL );
		trap_BotEnterChat( bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_ALL );
Ejemplo n.º 6
int BotChat_Death(bot_state_t *bs) {
	char name[32];
	float rnd;

	if (bot_nochat.integer) return qfalse;
	if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) return qfalse;
	rnd = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_DEATH, 0, 1);
	// don't chat in tournament mode
	if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) return qfalse;
	//if fast chatting is off
	if (!bot_fastchat.integer) {
		if (random() > rnd) return qfalse;
	if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) return qfalse;
	if (bs->lastkilledby >= 0 && bs->lastkilledby < MAX_CLIENTS)
		EasyClientName(bs->lastkilledby, name, 32);
		strcpy(name, "[world]");
	if (TeamPlayIsOn() && BotSameTeam(bs, bs->lastkilledby)) {
		if (bs->lastkilledby == bs->client) return qfalse;
		BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_teammate", name, NULL);
		bs->chatto = CHAT_TEAM;
		if (TeamPlayIsOn()) {
			trap_EA_Command(bs->client, "vtaunt");
			return qtrue;
		if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_WATER)
			BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_drown", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL);
		else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_SLIME)
			BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_slime", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL);
		else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_LAVA)
			BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_lava", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL);
		else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_FALLING)
			BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_cratered", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL);
		else if (bs->botsuicide || //all other suicides by own weapon
				bs->botdeathtype == MOD_CRUSH ||
				bs->botdeathtype == MOD_SUICIDE ||
				bs->botdeathtype == MOD_TARGET_LASER ||
				bs->botdeathtype == MOD_TRIGGER_HURT ||
				bs->botdeathtype == MOD_UNKNOWN)
			BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_suicide", BotRandomOpponentName(bs), NULL);
		else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_TELEFRAG)
			BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_telefrag", name, NULL);
		else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_KAMIKAZE && trap_BotNumInitialChats(bs->cs, "death_kamikaze"))
			BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_kamikaze", name, NULL);
		else {
			if ((bs->botdeathtype == MOD_GAUNTLET ||
				bs->botdeathtype == MOD_RAILGUN ||
				bs->botdeathtype == MOD_BFG ||
				bs->botdeathtype == MOD_BFG_SPLASH) && random() < 0.5) {

				if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_GAUNTLET)
					BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_gauntlet",
							name,												// 0
							BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype),		// 1
				else if (bs->botdeathtype == MOD_RAILGUN)
					BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_rail",
							name,												// 0
							BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype),		// 1
					BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_bfg",
							name,												// 0
							BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype),		// 1
			//choose between insult and praise
			else if (random() < trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_INSULT, 0, 1)) {
				BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_insult",
							name,												// 0
							BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype),		// 1
			else {
				BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "death_praise",
							name,												// 0
							BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(bs->botdeathtype),		// 1
		bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL;
	bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime();
	return qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int BotChat_HitNoDeath(bot_state_t *bs) {
	char name[32], *weap;
	float rnd;
	int lasthurt_client;
	aas_entityinfo_t entinfo;

	lasthurt_client = g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_client;

	if (!lasthurt_client) {
		return qfalse;

	if (lasthurt_client == bs->client) {
		return qfalse;

	if (lasthurt_client < 0 || lasthurt_client >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
		return qfalse;

	if (bs->lastchat_time > FloatTime() - TIME_BETWEENCHATTING) {
		return qfalse;

	if (BotNumActivePlayers() <= 1) {
		return qfalse;

	rnd = trap_Characteristic_BFloat(bs->character, CHARACTERISTIC_CHAT_HITNODEATH, 0, 1);
	// don't chat in teamplay
	if (TeamPlayIsOn()) {
		return qfalse;
	// don't chat in tournament mode
	if (gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) {
		return qfalse;

	if (random() > rnd * 0.5) {
		return qfalse;

	if (!BotValidChatPosition(bs)) {
		return qfalse;

	if (BotVisibleEnemies(bs)) {
		return qfalse;

	if (bs->enemy >= MAX_CLIENTS) {
		return qfalse;

	if (bs->enemy >= 0) {
		// get the entity information
		BotEntityInfo(bs->enemy, &entinfo);

		if (EntityIsShooting(&entinfo)) {
			return qfalse;

	ClientName(lasthurt_client, name, sizeof(name));

	weap = BotWeaponNameForMeansOfDeath(g_entities[bs->client].client->lasthurt_mod);

	BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "hit_nodeath", name, weap, NULL);

	bs->lastchat_time = FloatTime();
	bs->chatto = CHAT_ALL;
	return qtrue;