Ejemplo n.º 1
int Bcorrectfilename(char *filename, int removefn)
	char *fn;
	const int MAXTOKARR = 64;
	char *tokarr[64], *first, *next, *token;
	int i, ntok = 0, leadslash = 0, trailslash = 0;
	fn = strdup(filename);
	if (!fn) return -1;
	// find the end of the string
	for (first=fn; *first; first++) {
#ifdef _WIN32
		// translating backslashes to forwardslashes on the way
		if (*first == '\\') *first = '/';
	leadslash = (*fn == '/');
	trailslash = (first>fn && first[-1] == '/');
	// carve up the string into pieces by directory, and interpret
	// the . and .. components
	first = fn;
	do {
		token = Bstrtoken(first, "/", &next, 1);
		first = NULL;
		if (!token) break;
		else if (token[0] == 0) continue;
		else if (token[0] == '.' && token[1] == 0) continue;
		else if (token[0] == '.' && token[1] == '.' && token[2] == 0) ntok = max(0,ntok-1);
		else tokarr[ntok++] = token;
	} while (ntok < MAXTOKARR);
	if (!trailslash && removefn) { ntok = max(0,ntok-1); trailslash = 1; }
	if (ntok == 0 && trailslash && leadslash) trailslash = 0;
	// rebuild the filename
	first = filename;
	if (leadslash) *(first++) = '/';
	for (i=0; i<ntok; i++) {
		if (i>0) *(first++) = '/';
		for (token=tokarr[i]; *token; token++)
			*(first++) = *token;
	if (trailslash) *(first++) = '/';
	*(first++) = 0;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int32_t Bcorrectfilename(char *filename, int32_t removefn)
    char *fn;
    char *tokarr[64], *first, *next = NULL, *token;
    int32_t i, ntok = 0, leadslash = 0, trailslash = 0;

    fn = Bstrdup(filename);
    if (!fn) return -1;

    for (first=fn; *first; first++)
#ifdef _WIN32
        if (*first == '\\') *first = '/';
    leadslash = (*fn == '/');
    trailslash = (first>fn && first[-1] == '/');

    first = fn;
        token = Bstrtoken(first, "/", &next, 1);
        first = NULL;
        if (!token) break;
        else if (token[0] == 0) continue;
        else if (token[0] == '.' && token[1] == 0) continue;
        else if (token[0] == '.' && token[1] == '.' && token[2] == 0) ntok = max(0,ntok-1);
        else tokarr[ntok++] = token;
    while (1);

    if (!trailslash && removefn) { ntok = max(0,ntok-1); trailslash = 1; }
    if (ntok == 0 && trailslash && leadslash) trailslash = 0;

    first = filename;
    if (leadslash) *(first++) = '/';
    for (i=0; i<ntok; i++)
        if (i>0) *(first++) = '/';
        for (token=tokarr[i]; *token; token++)
            *(first++) = *token;
    if (trailslash) *(first++) = '/';
    *(first++) = 0;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int Bcorrectfilename(char *filename, int removefn)
#ifdef _WIN32
	int r, trailslash=0;
	char path[256]="", fn[64]="", scratch[256], *ptr, *ptr2, ch;
	char cwd[256], *cwdp = cwd;
	char *tokarr[64];
	int ntok=0, i, j;

	int grpmode = 0;
	if (!Bstrncasecmp(filename,"GRP:",4)) {
		grpmode = 1;
		for (ptr=filename; *ptr; ptr++) if (*ptr == '\\') *ptr = '/';
#ifdef _WIN32
	if (!grpmode) {
		// Windows uses backslashes so translate all unix-like forwardslashes
		for (ptr=filename; *ptr; ptr++) if (*ptr == '/') *ptr = '\\';
		if (*(ptr-1) == '\\') trailslash = 1;

		r = GetFullPathName(filename, 256, path, &ptr);
		if (r > 256) return -1;
		if (r == 0) return -1;
		if (!trailslash && removefn && ptr) *ptr=0;
		if (trailslash) {
			if (path[ strlen(path) - 1 ] != '\\')
				strcat(path, "\\");

		for (ptr=path; *ptr; ptr++) if (*ptr == '\\') *ptr = '/';
	} else {
#ifndef _WIN32
		if (!grpmode) {
			Bgetcwd(cwd, 256);
			Bstrcat(cwd, "/");
		} else {
		cwd[0] = '/';
		cwd[1] = 0;
#ifndef _WIN32

		ptr2 = filename;
		if (grpmode) {
			ptr2 += 3;
			if (ptr2[1] != '/')
				*ptr2 = '/';
			else ptr2++;

		if (removefn) {
			ptr = Bstrrchr(ptr2, '/');
			if (ptr) ptr[1] = 0;
			else if (!grpmode) ptr2[0] = 0;

		// now we have all the bits and pieces, clean it all up
		scratch[0] = 0;

		if (ptr2[0] != '/') {
			// relative path, which means prepend the current dir to the path
			Bstrcat(scratch, cwdp);

		Bstrcat(scratch, ptr2);

		ptr2 = scratch;
		while ((ptr = Bstrtoken(ptr2==scratch?scratch:NULL,"/",&ptr2,1)) != NULL) {
			if (!Bstrcmp(ptr,".")) continue;
			else if (!Bstrcmp(ptr,"..")) {
				if (ntok>0) ntok--;
			} else {
				tokarr[ntok++] = ptr;

		ptr2 = filename;
		if (grpmode) {
			ptr2 += 4;
		} else filename[0] = 0;
		*(ptr2++) = '/';
		for (i=0; i<ntok; i++) {
			ptr = tokarr[i];
			if (i>0) *(ptr2++) = '/';
			while (*ptr) *(ptr2++) = *(ptr++);
		if (removefn) if (*(ptr2-1) != '/') *(ptr2++) = '/';
		*(ptr2) = 0;

#ifdef _WIN32

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void baselayer_setupopengl()
	char *p,*p2,*p3;
	static int warnonce = 0;
	int i;

	bglShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); //GL_FLAT
	bglClearColor(0,0,0,0.5); //Black Background

	glinfo.vendor     = bglGetString(GL_VENDOR);
	glinfo.renderer   = bglGetString(GL_RENDERER);
	glinfo.version    = bglGetString(GL_VERSION);
	glinfo.extensions = bglGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
	glinfo.maxanisotropy = 1.0;
	glinfo.bgra = 0;
	glinfo.texcompr = 0;
	// process the extensions string and flag stuff we recognize
	p = strdup(glinfo.extensions);
	p3 = p;
	while ((p2 = Bstrtoken(p3 == p ? p : NULL, " ", (char **) &p3, 1)) != NULL) {
		if (!Bstrcmp(p2, "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic")) {
				// supports anisotropy. get the maximum anisotropy level
			bglGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &glinfo.maxanisotropy);
		} else if (!Bstrcmp(p2, "GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp") ||
			   !Bstrcmp(p2, "GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp")) {
			glinfo.clamptoedge = 1;
		} else if (!Bstrcmp(p2, "GL_EXT_bgra")) {
				// support bgra textures
			glinfo.bgra = 1;
		} else if (!Bstrcmp(p2, "GL_ARB_texture_compression")) {
				// support texture compression
			glinfo.texcompr = 1;
		} else if (!Bstrcmp(p2, "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two")) {
				// support non-power-of-two texture sizes
			glinfo.texnpot = 1;
		} else if (!Bstrcmp(p2, "WGL_3DFX_gamma_control")) {
				// 3dfx cards have issues with fog
			glinfo.hack_nofog = 1;
			if (!(warnonce&1)) initprintf("3dfx card detected: OpenGL fog disabled\n");
			warnonce |= 1;
		} else if (!Bstrcmp(p2, "GL_ARB_multisample")) {
				// supports multisampling
			glinfo.multisample = 1;
		} else if (!Bstrcmp(p2, "GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint")) {
				// supports nvidia's multisample hint extension
			glinfo.nvmultisamplehint = 1;
		} else if (!strcmp(p2, "GL_ARB_multitexture")) {
			glinfo.multitex = 1;
		} else if (!strcmp(p2, "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine")) {
			glinfo.envcombine = 1;