Ejemplo n.º 1
void DCTFFTW::DCTBytes2D(const unsigned char *srcp, int src_pitch, unsigned char *dctp, int dct_pitch)
    _asm emms;
    Bytes2Float (srcp, src_pitch, fSrc);
    fftwf_execute_r2r_addr(dctplan, fSrc, fSrcDCT);
    Float2Bytes (dctp, dct_pitch, fSrcDCT);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// CommandDialog
// Prompts user for device commands and returns reply from device
int CommandDialog(ComPortHandle comPort, unsigned int command){

//  unsigned int command;
  unsigned char ccommand;
  int i=0;
  int size;
  Byte response[4096] = {0};

//  printf("\nEnter command in hexadecimal format, valid commands range from c1 to fe (00 to EXIT)\n");
//  printf("(SEE: 3DM-GX3® Data Communications Protocol Manual for more information):\n");

//  scanf("%x", &command);//takes 1 byte command in hexadecimal format
//  printf("%x 1\n", command);

//  command = 0xdf;
//  printf("%x 2\n", command);
  if(command==0x00)//command to exit program
    return FALSE;
    writeComPort(comPort, &ccommand, 1);//write command to port
  //getchar();//flush keyboard buffer
  Purge(comPort);//flush port

  size = readComPort(comPort, &response[0], 4096);

    printf("No data read from previous command.\n");
    return TRUE;
//    printf("Data returned from device:\n");
    while(size>0){//loop to read until no more bytes in read buffer
       printf("BAD READ\n");
       return TRUE;
	/* --------------------------Print Command 0xD2 Numerical Values------------------------------- */
	//Format: [stabAccelX],[stabAccelY],[stabAccelZ],[angRateX],[angRateY],[angRateZ],[stabMagX],[stabMagY],[stabMagZ],[heading],[timestamp]

	D2_Stab_AAM D2_Data;
		D2_Data.StabAccel[i] = Bytes2Float(&response[1 + i*4]);
		D2_Data.AngRate[i] = Bytes2Float(&response[13 + i*4]);
		D2_Data.StabMag[i] = Bytes2Float(&response[25 + i*4]);
	printf("%f,%f,%f,", D2_Data.StabAccel[0], D2_Data.StabAccel[1], D2_Data.StabAccel[2]);
	printf("%f,%f,%f,", (180.0/PI)*D2_Data.AngRate[0], (180.0/PI)*D2_Data.AngRate[1], (180.0/PI)*D2_Data.AngRate[2]);
	printf("%f,%f,%f,", D2_Data.StabMag[0], D2_Data.StabMag[1], D2_Data.StabMag[2]);

	float north;
	if(D2_Data.StabMag[1] > 0) {
		north = 90.0-(180.0/PI)*atan(D2_Data.StabMag[0]/D2_Data.StabMag[1]);

	if(D2_Data.StabMag[1] < 0) {
		north = 270.0-(180.0/PI)*atan(D2_Data.StabMag[0]/D2_Data.StabMag[1]);

	if(D2_Data.StabMag[1]==0 && D2_Data.StabMag[0]<0) {
		north = 180.0;

	if(D2_Data.StabMag[1]==0 && D2_Data.StabMag[0]>0) {
		north = 0.0;

	north = 360.0-north;

	D2_Data.timer = Bytes2Ulong(&response[37]);
	float sec;
	sec = (float) (D2_Data.timer/262144.0);
	printf("%f,", north);
	printf("%f\n", sec);
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

        return TRUE;
      size = readComPort(comPort, &response[0], 4096);