Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Create/Destroy Functions */
GncEntry *gncEntryCreate (QofBook *book)
    GncEntry *entry;
    gnc_numeric zero = gnc_numeric_zero ();

    if (!book) return NULL;

    entry = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_ENTRY, NULL);
    qof_instance_init_data (&entry->inst, _GNC_MOD_NAME, book);

    entry->desc = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    entry->action = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    entry->notes = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    entry->quantity = zero;

    entry->i_price = zero;
    entry->i_taxable = TRUE;
    entry->i_discount = zero;
    entry->i_disc_type = GNC_AMT_TYPE_PERCENT;
    entry->i_disc_how = GNC_DISC_PRETAX;

    entry->b_price = zero;
    entry->b_taxable = TRUE;
    entry->billto.type = GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER;
    entry->b_payment = GNC_PAYMENT_CASH;

    entry->values_dirty = TRUE;

    qof_event_gen (&entry->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);

    return entry;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Create/Destroy Functions */
GncCustomer *gncCustomerCreate (QofBook *book)
    GncCustomer *cust;

    if (!book) return NULL;

    cust = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_CUSTOMER, NULL);
    qof_instance_init_data (&cust->inst, _GNC_MOD_NAME, book);

    cust->id = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    cust->name = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    cust->notes = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    cust->addr = gncAddressCreate (book, &cust->inst);
    cust->taxincluded = GNC_TAXINCLUDED_USEGLOBAL;
    cust->active = TRUE;
    cust->jobs = NULL;

    cust->discount = gnc_numeric_zero();
    cust->credit = gnc_numeric_zero();
    cust->shipaddr = gncAddressCreate (book, &cust->inst);

    if (gs_address_event_handler_id == 0)
        gs_address_event_handler_id = qof_event_register_handler(listen_for_address_events, NULL);

    qof_event_gen (&cust->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);

    return cust;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(){	
	struct cache_manager *lru_manager;
	int i;

	lru_init(&lru_manager,"LRU", 500, 500, 1, 0);

	for(i =0;i < 1000000;i++){
		struct lru_node *ln = NULL;
		unsigned int blkno = RND(10000);

		ln = CACHE_SEARCH(lru_manager, blkno);
			ln = CACHE_REPLACE(lru_manager, 0, FCL_REPLACE_ANY);
			ln = CACHE_ALLOC(lru_manager, ln, blkno);
			CACHE_INSERT(lru_manager, ln);
			ln = CACHE_REMOVE(lru_manager, ln);
			CACHE_INSERT(lru_manager, ln);

	CACHE_PRINT(lru_manager, stdout);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Create/Destroy Functions */
GncEmployee *gncEmployeeCreate (QofBook *book)
    GncEmployee *employee;

    if (!book) return NULL;

    employee = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_EMPLOYEE, NULL);
    qof_instance_init_data (&employee->inst, _GNC_MOD_NAME, book);

    employee->id = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    employee->username = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    employee->language = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    employee->acl = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    employee->addr = gncAddressCreate (book, &employee->inst);
    employee->workday = gnc_numeric_zero();
    employee->rate = gnc_numeric_zero();
    employee->active = TRUE;

    if (gs_address_event_handler_id == 0)
        gs_address_event_handler_id = qof_event_register_handler(listen_for_address_events, NULL);

    qof_event_gen (&employee->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);

    return employee;
Ejemplo n.º 5
GncEmployee *
gncCloneEmployee (GncEmployee *from, QofBook *book)
    GncEmployee *employee;
    if (!book || !from) return NULL;

    employee = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_EMPLOYEE, NULL);
    qof_instance_init_data(&employee->inst, _GNC_MOD_NAME, book);
    qof_instance_gemini (&employee->inst, &from->inst);

    employee->id = CACHE_INSERT (from->id);
    employee->username = CACHE_INSERT (from->username);
    employee->language = CACHE_INSERT (from->language);
    employee->acl = CACHE_INSERT (from->acl);
    employee->addr = gncCloneAddress (from->addr, &employee->inst, book);
    employee->workday = from->workday;
    employee->rate = from->rate;
    employee->active = from->active;
    employee->currency = gnc_commodity_obtain_twin(from->currency, book);
    employee->ccard_acc =
        GNC_ACCOUNT(qof_instance_lookup_twin(QOF_INSTANCE(from->ccard_acc), book));

    qof_event_gen (&employee->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);

    return employee;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* Create/Destroy Functions */
GncBillTerm * gncBillTermCreate (QofBook *book)
    GncBillTerm *term;
    if (!book) return NULL;

    term = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_BILLTERM, NULL);
    qof_instance_init_data(&term->inst, _GNC_MOD_NAME, book);
    term->name = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    term->desc = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    term->discount = gnc_numeric_zero ();
    addObj (term);
    qof_event_gen (&term->inst,  QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
    return term;
Ejemplo n.º 7
GncBillTerm *
gncCloneBillTerm (GncBillTerm *from, QofBook *book)
    GList *node;
    GncBillTerm *term;

    if (!book || !from) return NULL;

    term = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_BILLTERM, NULL);
    qof_instance_init_data(&term->inst, _GNC_MOD_NAME, book);
    qof_instance_gemini (&term->inst, &from->inst);

    term->name = CACHE_INSERT (from->name);
    term->desc = CACHE_INSERT (from->desc);
    term->type = from->type;
    term->due_days = from->due_days;
    term->disc_days = from->disc_days;
    term->discount = from->discount;
    term->cutoff = from->cutoff;
    term->invisible = from->invisible;

    term->refcount = 0;

    /* Make copies of parents and children. Note that this can be
     * a recursive copy ... treat as doubly-linked list. */
    if (from->child)
        term->child = gncBillTermObtainTwin (from->child, book);
        term->child->parent = term;
    if (from->parent)
        term->parent = gncBillTermObtainTwin (from->parent, book);
        term->parent->child = term;
    for (node = g_list_last(from->children); node; node = node->next)
        GncBillTerm *btrm = node->data;
        btrm = gncBillTermObtainTwin (btrm, book);
        btrm->parent = term;
        term->children = g_list_prepend(term->children, btrm);

    addObj (term);
    qof_event_gen (&term->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
    return term;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: gncJob.c Proyecto: 573/gnucash
/* Create/Destroy Functions */
GncJob *gncJobCreate (QofBook *book)
    GncJob *job;

    if (!book) return NULL;

    job = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_JOB, NULL);
    qof_instance_init_data (&job->inst, _GNC_MOD_NAME, book);

    job->id = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    job->name = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    job->desc = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    job->active = TRUE;

    /* GncOwner not initialized */
    qof_event_gen (&job->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);

    return job;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/** Create a copy of a customer, placing the copy into a new book. */
GncCustomer *
gncCloneCustomer (GncCustomer *from, QofBook *book)
    GList *node;
    GncCustomer *cust;

    cust = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_CUSTOMER, NULL);

    qof_instance_init_data (&cust->inst, _GNC_MOD_NAME, book);
    qof_instance_gemini (&cust->inst, &from->inst);

    cust->id = CACHE_INSERT (from->id);
    cust->name = CACHE_INSERT (from->name);
    cust->notes = CACHE_INSERT (from->notes);
    cust->discount = from->discount;
    cust->credit = from->credit;
    cust->taxincluded = from->taxincluded;
    cust->active = from->active;
    cust->taxtable_override = from->taxtable_override;

    cust->addr = gncCloneAddress (from->addr, &cust->inst, book);
    cust->shipaddr = gncCloneAddress (from->shipaddr, &cust->inst, book);

    /* Find the matching currency in the new book, assumes
     * currency has already been copied into new book. */
    cust->currency = gnc_commodity_obtain_twin (from->currency, book);

    /* Find the matching bill term, tax table in the new book */
    cust->terms = gncBillTermObtainTwin(from->terms, book);
    cust->taxtable = gncTaxTableObtainTwin (from->taxtable, book);

    for (node = g_list_last(cust->jobs); node; node = node->next)
        GncJob *job = node->data;
        job = gncJobObtainTwin (job, book);
        cust->jobs = g_list_prepend(cust->jobs, job);

    qof_event_gen (&cust->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);

    return cust;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/* Create/Destroy Functions */
GncTaxTable *
gncTaxTableCreate (QofBook *book)
    GncTaxTable *table;
    if (!book) return NULL;

    table = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_TAXTABLE, NULL);
    qof_instance_init_data (&table->inst, _GNC_MOD_NAME, book);
    table->name = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    addObj (table);
    qof_event_gen (&table->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
    return table;
Ejemplo n.º 11
qof_instance_init_data (QofInstance *inst, QofIdType type, QofBook *book)
    QofInstancePrivate *priv;
    QofCollection *col;
    QofIdType col_type;

    priv = GET_PRIVATE(inst);

    priv->book = book;
    col = qof_book_get_collection (book, type);
    g_return_if_fail(col != NULL);

    /* XXX We passed redundant info to this routine ... but I think that's
     * OK, it might eliminate programming errors. */

    col_type = qof_collection_get_type(col);
    if (safe_strcmp(col_type, type))
        PERR ("attempt to insert \"%s\" into \"%s\"", type, col_type);
    priv = GET_PRIVATE(inst);
    inst->e_type = CACHE_INSERT (type);


        if (NULL == qof_collection_lookup_entity (col, &priv->guid))

        PWARN("duplicate id created, trying again");
    while (1);

    priv->collection = col;

    qof_collection_insert_entity (col, inst);
Ejemplo n.º 12
GncAddress *
gncAddressCreate (QofBook *book, QofInstance *prnt)
    GncAddress *addr;

    if (!book) return NULL;

    addr = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_ADDRESS, NULL);
    qof_instance_init_data(&addr->inst, GNC_ID_ADDRESS, book);
    addr->book = book;
    addr->dirty = FALSE;
    addr->parent = prnt;

    addr->name = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    addr->addr1 = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    addr->addr2 = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    addr->addr3 = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    addr->addr4 = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    addr->phone = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    addr->fax = CACHE_INSERT ("");
    addr->email = CACHE_INSERT ("");

    return addr;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void
gnc_quickfill_remove_recursive (QuickFill *qf, const gchar *text, gint depth,
                                QuickFillSort sort)
    QuickFill *match_qf;
    gchar *child_text;
    gint child_len;

    child_text = NULL;
    child_len = 0;

    if (depth < g_utf8_strlen (text, -1))
        /* process next letter */

        gchar *key_char;
        gunichar key_char_uc;
        guint key;

        key_char = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (text, depth);
        key_char_uc = g_utf8_get_char (key_char);
        key = g_unichar_toupper (key_char_uc);

        match_qf = g_hash_table_lookup (qf->matches, GUINT_TO_POINTER (key));
        if (match_qf)
            /* remove text from child qf */
            gnc_quickfill_remove_recursive (match_qf, text, depth + 1, sort);

            if (match_qf->text == NULL)
                /* text was the only word with a prefix up to match_qf */
                g_hash_table_remove (qf->matches, GUINT_TO_POINTER (key));
                gnc_quickfill_destroy (match_qf);

                /* remember remaining best child string */
                child_text = match_qf->text;
                child_len = match_qf->len;

    if (qf->text == NULL)

    if (strcmp (text, qf->text) == 0)
        /* the currently best text is about to be removed */

        gchar *best_text = NULL;
        gint best_len = 0;

        if (child_text != NULL)
            /* other children are pretty good as well */
            best_text = child_text;
            best_len = child_len;

            if (g_hash_table_size (qf->matches) != 0)
                /* otherwise search for another good text */
                struct _BestText bts;
                bts.text = NULL;
                bts.sort = sort;

                g_hash_table_foreach (qf->matches, (GHFunc) best_text_helper, &bts);
                best_text = bts.text;
                best_len = (best_text == NULL) ? 0 : g_utf8_strlen (best_text, -1);

        /* now replace or clear text */
        if (best_text != NULL)
            qf->text = CACHE_INSERT((gpointer) best_text);
            qf->len = best_len;
            qf->text = NULL;
            qf->len = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void
quickfill_insert_recursive (QuickFill *qf, const char *text, int depth,
                            QuickFillSort sort)
    guint key;
    char *old_text;
    QuickFill *match_qf;
    int len;
    char *key_char;
    gunichar key_char_uc;

    if (qf == NULL)

    if ((text == NULL) || (g_utf8_strlen (text, -1) <= depth))

    key_char = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (text, depth);

    key_char_uc = g_utf8_get_char (key_char);
    key = g_unichar_toupper (key_char_uc);

    match_qf = g_hash_table_lookup (qf->matches, GUINT_TO_POINTER (key));
    if (match_qf == NULL)
        match_qf = gnc_quickfill_new ();
        g_hash_table_insert (qf->matches, GUINT_TO_POINTER (key), match_qf);

    old_text = match_qf->text;

    switch (sort)
        if (old_text && (g_utf8_collate (text, old_text) >= 0))
        /* fall through */

        len = g_utf8_strlen (text, -1);

        /* If there's no string there already, just put the new one in. */
        if (old_text == NULL)
            match_qf->text = CACHE_INSERT((gpointer) text);
            match_qf->len = len;

        /* Leave prefixes in place */
        if ((len > match_qf->len) &&
                (strncmp(text, old_text, strlen(old_text)) == 0))

        match_qf->text = CACHE_INSERT((gpointer) text);
        match_qf->len = len;

    quickfill_insert_recursive (match_qf, text, ++depth, sort);