Ejemplo n.º 1
void CAL_SetupGrFile()
    char fname[13];
    bstone::FileStream handle;
    Uint8* compseg;

    // load ???dict.ext (huffman dictionary for graphics files)

    strcpy(fname, gdictname);
    strcat(fname, extension);


    if (!handle.is_open())

    handle.read(&grhuffman, sizeof(grhuffman));

    // load the data offsets from ???head.ext
    int grstarts_size = (NUMCHUNKS + 1) * FILEPOSSIZE;

    grstarts = new Sint32[(grstarts_size + 3) / 4];

    strcpy(fname, gheadname);
    strcat(fname, extension);


    if (!handle.is_open())

    handle.read(grstarts, grstarts_size);

    // Open the graphics file, leaving it open until the game is finished

    // load the pic and sprite headers into the arrays in the data segment
    pictable = new pictabletype[NUMPICS];
    CAL_GetGrChunkLength(STRUCTPIC);		// position file pointer
    compseg = new Uint8[chunkcomplen];
    grhandle.read(compseg, chunkcomplen);

        NUMPICS * sizeof(pictabletype),

    delete [] compseg;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 Function: CAL_SetupGrFile() -Initialize graphic files and arrays.
 Parameters: extension -[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that 
                            specifies the file extension.
                            (must be in '.XXX' format).
 Returns: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
        Uses global variables grhandle and pictable.
        1. Open vgadict.XXX, read huffman dictionary data.
        2. Open vgahead.XXX, read data offsets.
        3. Open vgagraph.XXX, read pic and sprite header, expand data.
PRIVATE W8 CAL_SetupGrFile( const char *extension )
	void *compseg;
	FILE *handle;
	char filename[ 16 ];
	SW32 chunkcomplen; // chunk compressed length
// load vgadict.ext (huffman dictionary for graphics files)
	cs_strlcpy( filename, GFXDICTFNAME, sizeof( filename ) );
	cs_strlcat( filename, extension, sizeof( filename ) );
	if( ( handle = fopen( cs_strupr( filename ), "rb" ) ) ==  NULL )
		if( ( handle = fopen( cs_strlwr( filename ), "rb" ) ) ==  NULL )
			printf( "Could not open file (%s) for read!\n", filename );
			return 0;
	fread( grhuffman, sizeof( grhuffman ), 1, handle );
	fclose( handle );
// Open then load the data offsets from vgahead.ext
	cs_strlcpy( filename, GFXHEADFNAME, sizeof( filename ) );
	cs_strlcat( filename, extension, sizeof( filename ) );
	if( (handle = fopen( cs_strupr( filename ), "rb" )) ==  NULL )
		if( (handle = fopen( cs_strlwr( filename ), "rb" )) ==  NULL )
			printf( "Could not open file (%s) for read!\n", filename );
			return 0;
	if( grstarts == NULL )
		return 0;
	fread( grstarts, sizeof( long ), (NUMCHUNKS+1) * FILEPOSSIZE, handle );
	fclose( handle );
// Open the graphics file 'vgagraph.XXX'.
	cs_strlcpy( filename, GFXFNAME, sizeof( filename ) );
	cs_strlcat( filename, extension, sizeof( filename ) );
	if( ( grhandle = fopen( cs_strupr( filename ), "rb" ) ) ==  NULL )
		if( ( grhandle = fopen( cs_strlwr( filename ), "rb" ) ) ==  NULL )
			printf( "Could not open file (%s) for read!\n", filename );
			return 0;
// load the pic and sprite headers into the arrays.
	pictable = MM_MALLOC( NUMPICS * sizeof( pictabletype ) );
	if( pictable == NULL )
		return 0;
	chunkcomplen = CAL_GetGrChunkLength( STRUCTPIC );  // position file pointer
	compseg = MM_MALLOC( chunkcomplen );
	if( compseg == NULL )
		return 0;
	fread( compseg, chunkcomplen, 1, grhandle );
	CAL_HuffExpand( compseg, (PW8)pictable, 
	                NUMPICS * sizeof( pictabletype ), 
                    grhuffman );

	MM_FREE( compseg ); 
    return 1;                 