Ejemplo n.º 1
void	CARingBuffer::Allocate(int nChannels, UInt32 bytesPerFrame, UInt32 capacityFrames)
	//capacityFrames = NextPowerOfTwo(capacityFrames);
	mNumberChannels = nChannels;
	mBytesPerFrame = bytesPerFrame;
	mCapacityFrames = capacityFrames;
	//mCapacityFramesMask = capacityFrames - 1;
	mCapacityBytes = bytesPerFrame * capacityFrames;

	// put everything in one memory allocation, first the pointers, then the deinterleaved channels
	UInt32 allocSize = (mCapacityBytes + sizeof(Byte *)) * nChannels;
	Byte *p = (Byte *)CA_malloc(allocSize);
	memset(p, 0, allocSize);
	mBuffers = (Byte **)p;
	p += nChannels * sizeof(Byte *);
	for (int i = 0; i < nChannels; ++i) {
		mBuffers[i] = p;
		p += mCapacityBytes;
	for (UInt32 i = 0; i<kGeneralRingTimeBoundsQueueSize; ++i)
		mTimeBoundsQueue[i].mStartTime = 0;
		mTimeBoundsQueue[i].mEndTime = 0;
		mTimeBoundsQueue[i].mUpdateCounter = 0;
	mTimeBoundsQueuePtr = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void	_ShowCF (FILE* file, CFStringRef str)
	if (CFGetTypeID(str) != CFStringGetTypeID()) {

	UInt32 len = CFStringGetLength(str);
	char* chars = (char*)CA_malloc (len * 2); // give us plenty of room for unichar chars
	if (CFStringGetCString (str, chars, len * 2, kCFStringEncodingUTF8))
		fprintf (file, "%s", chars);
		CFShow (str);

	free (chars);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool	AUScope::RestoreElementNames (CFDictionaryRef& inNameDict)
	static char string[32];

	//first we have to see if we have enough elements and if not create them
	bool didAddElements = false;
	unsigned int maxElNum = 0;
	int dictSize = CFDictionaryGetCount(inNameDict);
	CFStringRef * keys = (CFStringRef*)CA_malloc (dictSize * sizeof (CFStringRef));
	CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues (inNameDict, reinterpret_cast<const void**>(keys), NULL);
	for (int i = 0; i < dictSize; i++)
		unsigned int intKey;
		CFStringGetCString (keys[i], string, 32, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
		sscanf (string, "%u", &intKey);
		if (UInt32(intKey) > maxElNum)
			maxElNum = intKey;
	if (maxElNum >= GetNumberOfElements()) {
		SetNumberOfElements (maxElNum+1);
		didAddElements = true;
		// OK, now we have the number of elements that we need - lets restate their names
	for (int i = 0; i < dictSize; i++)
		CFStringRef elName = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue (inNameDict,  keys[i]));
		int intKey;
		CFStringGetCString (keys[i], string, 32, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
		sscanf (string, "%d", &intKey);
		GetElement (intKey)->SetName (elName);
	free (keys);
	return didAddElements;