void * CBBlockChainStorageLoadUnspentOutput(void * validator, uint8_t * txHash, uint32_t outputIndex, bool * coinbase, uint32_t * outputHeight){
	CBFullValidator * validatorObj = validator;
	CBDatabase * database = (CBDatabase *)validatorObj->storage;
	// First read data for the unspent output key.
	memcpy(CB_UNSPENT_OUTPUT_KEY + 2, txHash, 32);
	CBInt32ToArray(CB_UNSPENT_OUTPUT_KEY, 34, outputIndex);
	if (NOT CBDatabaseReadValue(database, CB_UNSPENT_OUTPUT_KEY, CB_DATA_ARRAY, 8, 0)) {
		CBLogError("Cannot read unspent output information from the block chain database");
		return NULL;
	uint32_t outputPosition = CBArrayToInt32(CB_DATA_ARRAY, CB_UNSPENT_OUTPUT_REF_POSITION);
	uint32_t outputLength = CBArrayToInt32(CB_DATA_ARRAY, CB_UNSPENT_OUTPUT_REF_LENGTH);
	// Now read data for the transaction
	memcpy(CB_TRANSACTION_INDEX_KEY + 2, txHash, 32);
	if (NOT CBDatabaseReadValue(database, CB_TRANSACTION_INDEX_KEY, CB_DATA_ARRAY, 14, 0)) {
		CBLogError("Cannot read a transaction reference from the transaction index.");
		return NULL;
	uint32_t outputBlockIndex = CBArrayToInt32(CB_DATA_ARRAY, CB_TRANSACTION_REF_BLOCK_INDEX);
	// Set coinbase
	// Set output height
	*outputHeight = validatorObj->branches[outputBranch].startHeight + outputBlockIndex;
	// Get the output from storage
	CB_BLOCK_KEY[2] = outputBranch;
	CBInt32ToArray(CB_BLOCK_KEY, 3, outputBlockIndex);
	// Get output data
	CBByteArray * outputBytes = CBNewByteArrayOfSize(outputLength);
	if (NOT outputBytes) {
		CBLogError("Could not create  CBByteArray for an unspent output.");
		return NULL;
	if (NOT CBDatabaseReadValue(database, CB_BLOCK_KEY, CBByteArrayGetData(outputBytes), outputLength, CB_BLOCK_START + outputPosition)) {
		CBLogError("Could not read an unspent output");
		return NULL;
	// Create output object
	CBTransactionOutput * output = CBNewTransactionOutputFromData(outputBytes);
	if (NOT output) {
		CBLogError("Could not create an object for an unspent output");
		return NULL;
	if (NOT CBTransactionOutputDeserialise(output)) {
		CBLogError("Could not deserialise an unspent output");
		return NULL;
	return output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
uint32_t CBTransactionDeserialise(CBTransaction * self){
	CBByteArray * bytes = CBGetMessage(self)->bytes;
	if (NOT bytes) {
		CBLogError("Attempting to deserialise a CBTransaction with no bytes.");
		return 0;
	if (bytes->length < 10) {
		CBLogError("Attempting to deserialise a CBTransaction with less than 10 bytes.");
		return 0;
	self->version = CBByteArrayReadInt32(bytes, 0);
	CBVarInt inputOutputLen = CBVarIntDecode(bytes, 4);
	if (NOT inputOutputLen.val
		|| inputOutputLen.val * 41 > bytes->length - 10) {
		CBLogError("Attempting to deserialise a CBTransaction with a bad var int for the number of inputs.");
		return 0;
	uint32_t cursor = 4 + inputOutputLen.size;
	self->inputNum = (uint32_t)inputOutputLen.val;
	self->inputs = malloc(sizeof(*self->inputs) * self->inputNum);
	if (NOT self->inputs) {
		CBLogError("Cannot allocate %i bytes of memory in CBTransactionDeserialise for inputs.\n", sizeof(*self->inputs) * self->inputNum);
		return 0;
	for (uint32_t x = 0; x < self->inputNum; x++) {
		CBByteArray * data = CBByteArraySubReference(bytes, cursor, bytes->length-cursor);
		if (NOT data) {
			CBLogError("Cannot create a new CBByteArray in CBTransactionDeserialise for the input number %u.", x);
			return 0;
		CBTransactionInput * input = CBNewTransactionInputFromData(data);
		if (NOT input) {
			CBLogError("Cannot create a new CBTransactionInput in CBTransactionDeserialise for the input number %u.", x);
			return 0;
		uint32_t len = CBTransactionInputDeserialise(input);
		if (NOT len){
			CBLogError("CBTransaction cannot be deserialised because of an error with the input number %u.", x);
			return 0;
		// The input was deserialised correctly. Now adjust the length and add it to the transaction.
		data->length = len;
		self->inputs[x] = input;
		cursor += len; // Move along to next input
	if (bytes->length < cursor + 5) { // Needs at least 5 more for the output CBVarInt and the lockTime
		CBLogError("Attempting to deserialise a CBTransaction with not enough bytes for the outputs and lockTime.");
		return 0;
	inputOutputLen = CBVarIntDecode(bytes, cursor);
	if (NOT inputOutputLen.val
		|| inputOutputLen.val * 9 > bytes->length - 10) {
		CBLogError("Attempting to deserialise a CBTransaction with a bad var int for the number of outputs.");
		return 0;
	cursor += inputOutputLen.size; // Move past output CBVarInt
	self->outputNum = (uint32_t)inputOutputLen.val;
	self->outputs = malloc(sizeof(*self->outputs) * self->outputNum);
	if (NOT self->outputs) {
		CBLogError("Cannot allocate %i bytes of memory in CBTransactionDeserialise for outputs.\n", sizeof(sizeof(*self->outputs) * self->outputNum));
		return 0;
	for (uint32_t x = 0; x < self->outputNum; x++) {
		CBByteArray * data = CBByteArraySubReference(bytes, cursor, bytes->length-cursor);
		if (NOT data) {
			CBLogError("Cannot create a new CBByteArray in CBTransactionDeserialise for the output number %u.", x);
			return 0;
		CBTransactionOutput * output = CBNewTransactionOutputFromData(data);
		if (NOT output) {
			CBLogError("Cannot create a new CBTransactionOutput in CBTransactionDeserialise for the output number %u.", x);
			return 0;
		uint32_t len = CBTransactionOutputDeserialise(output);
		if (NOT len){
			CBLogError("CBTransaction cannot be deserialised because of an error with the output number %u.", x);
			return 0;
		// The output was deserialised correctly. Now adjust the length and add it to the transaction.
		data->length = len;
		self->outputs[x] = output;
		cursor += len; // Move along to next output
	if (bytes->length < cursor + 4) { // Ensure 4 bytes are available for lockTime
		CBLogError("Attempting to deserialise a CBTransaction with not enough bytes for the lockTime.");
		return 0;
	self->lockTime = CBByteArrayReadInt32(bytes, cursor);
	return cursor + 4;