Ejemplo n.º 1
   @routine    CCTKi_CommandLineFinished
   @date       Fri Jul 23 12:55:39 1999
   @author     Tom Goodale
               Subroutine to do anything which has to be done based upon the
               commandline, but needs to be have a default.
void CCTKi_CommandLineFinished (void)
  int myproc;
  char fname[256];

  /* Are we in a paramcheck run ? */
  if (! paramchecking)
    cctki_paramchecking = 0;

  /* Redirect output from sub-processors ... */
  myproc = CCTK_MyProc (NULL);
  if (myproc)
    if (redirectsubs)
      sprintf (fname, "CCTK_Proc%d.out", myproc);
      sprintf (fname, NULL_DEVICE);
    freopen (fname, "w", stdout);
Ejemplo n.º 2
   @routine    CCTKi_CommandLineHelp
   @date       Fri Jul 23 12:57:23 1999
   @author     Tom Goodale
               Prints a help message.
   @calls      CCTK_CommandLine
void CCTKi_CommandLineHelp (void)
  char **argv;
  const char *commandline_options_description =
    "-h, -help                           : gets this help.\n"
    "-O, -describe-all-parameters        : describes all the parameters.\n"
    "-o, -describe-parameter <paramname> : describe the given parameter.\n"
    "-x, -test-parameters [nprocs]       : does a quick test of the parameter file\n"
    "                                      pretending to be on nprocs processors, \n"
    "                                      or 1 if not given.\n"
    "-W, -warning-level <n>              : Sets the warning level to n.\n"
    "-E, -error-level <n>                : Sets the error level to n.\n"
    "-r, -redirect-stdout                : Redirects standard output to files.\n"
    "-T, -list-thorns                    : Lists the compiled-in thorns.\n"
    "-t, -test-thorn-compiled <name>     : Tests for the presence of thorn <name>.\n"
    "    -parameter-level <level>        : Sets the amount of parameter checking, \n"
    "                                      level can be script, normal, relaxed.\n"
    "-v, -version                        : Prints the version.\n"
    "-i, -ignore-next                    : Ignores the next argument.\n";

  if (CCTK_MyProc (NULL) == 0)
    CCTK_CommandLine (&argv);

    printf ("%s, compiled on %s at %s\n",
            argv[0], CCTK_CompileDate(), CCTK_CompileTime());
    printf ("Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], CACTUS_COMMANDLINE_OPTIONS);
    printf ("\nValid options:\n%s", commandline_options_description);

  CCTK_Exit (NULL, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
   @routine    CCTKi_CommandLineDescribeParameter
   @date       Tue Apr 18 15:00:33 2000
   @author     Tom Goodale
               Describe a particular parameter.
   @calls      Util_SplitString

   @var        argument
   @vdesc      option argument
   @vtype      const char *
   @vio        in
void CCTKi_CommandLineDescribeParameter (const char *argument)
  char *thorn, *param;
  const char *cthorn;
  const cParamData *properties;

  if (CCTK_MyProc (NULL) == 0)
    Util_SplitString (&thorn, &param, argument, "::");

    if (! param)
      properties = CCTK_ParameterData (argument, NULL);
      properties = CCTK_ParameterData (param, thorn);
      if (! properties)
        cthorn = CCTK_ImplementationThorn (thorn);
        properties = CCTK_ParameterData (param, cthorn);

      free (thorn);
      free (param);

    CommandLinePrintParameter (properties);

  CCTK_Exit (NULL, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
   @routine    CactusDefaultShutdown
   @date       Tue Sep 29 12:45:04 1998
   @author     Tom Goodale 
   Default shutdown routine.
   @history introducing CCTK_SHUTDOWN scheduling [03/00  Gerd Lanfermann]

int CactusDefaultShutdown(tFleshConfig *config)
  int myproc;
  unsigned int conv_level;

  myproc = CCTK_MyProc(config->GH[0]);

  /* Execute termination for all convergence levels */
  for(conv_level = 0 ; conv_level < config->nGHs;  conv_level++) 
    CCTK_Traverse(config->GH[conv_level], "CCTK_TERMINATE"); 
  /* Execute shutdown for all convergence levels */
  for(conv_level = 0 ; conv_level < config->nGHs;  conv_level++) 
    CCTK_Traverse(config->GH[conv_level], "CCTK_SHUTDOWN"); 
#ifdef CCTK_MPI

  if(myproc == 0)

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
   @routine    CCTKi_CommandLineListThorns
   @date       Tue Apr 18 15:05:00 2000
   @author     Tom Goodale
               List the thorns which are compiled in.
   @calls      CCTKi_PrintThorns
void CCTKi_CommandLineListThorns (void)
  if (CCTK_MyProc (NULL) == 0)
    printf ("\n---------------Compiled Thorns-------------\n");
    CCTKi_PrintThorns (stdout, "  %s\n", 0);
    printf ("-------------------------------------------\n\n");

  CCTK_Exit (NULL, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
   @routine    CCTKi_CommandLineTestThorncompiled
   @date       Wed Feb 17 10:25:30 1999
   @author     Gabrielle Allen
               Tests if a given thorn has been compiled.
               At the moment the given thorn must be in the format
               <arrangement name>/<thorn name>
   @calls      CCTK_IsThornCompiled

   @var        argument
   @vdesc      option argument
   @vtype      const char *
   @vio        in
void CCTKi_CommandLineTestThornCompiled (const char *argument)
  int retval;

  retval = CCTK_IsThornCompiled (argument);
  if (CCTK_MyProc (NULL) == 0)
    printf ("Thorn '%s' %savailable.\n", argument, retval ? "" : "un");

  CCTK_Exit (NULL, retval);
Ejemplo n.º 7
   @routine    CCTKi_CommandLineUsage
   @date       Fri Jul 23 12:57:04 1999
   @author     Tom Goodale
               Prints a usage message.
   @calls      CCTK_CommandLine
void CCTKi_CommandLineUsage (void)
  char **argv;

  if (CCTK_MyProc (NULL) == 0)
    CCTK_CommandLine (&argv);

    printf ("Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], CACTUS_COMMANDLINE_OPTIONS);

  CCTK_Exit (NULL, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
   @routine    CCTKi_CommandLineVersion
   @date       Fri Jul 23 12:57:45 1999
   @author     Tom Goodale
               Prints version info.
   @calls      CCTK_FullVersion
void CCTKi_CommandLineVersion(void)
  char **argv;
  const char *version;

  if (CCTK_MyProc (NULL) == 0)
    CCTK_CommandLine (&argv);
    version = CCTK_FullVersion ();

    printf ("%s: Version %s.  Compiled on %s at %s\n", argv[0], version,
            CCTK_CompileDate (), CCTK_CompileTime ());

  CCTK_Exit (NULL, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
   @routine    CCTKi_CommandLineDescribeAllParameters
   @date       Tue Apr 18 15:00:12 2000
   @author     Tom Goodale
               Describe all the parameters
   @calls      CCTK_NumCompiledThorns

   @var        argument
   @vdesc      option argument
   @vtype      const char *
   @vio        in
void CCTKi_CommandLineDescribeAllParameters (const char *argument)
  int first, n_thorns, thorn;
  char *param;
  const char *thornname;
  const cParamData *properties;

  if (CCTK_MyProc (NULL) == 0)
    n_thorns = CCTK_NumCompiledThorns ();

    for (thorn = 0; thorn < n_thorns; thorn++)
      thornname = CCTK_CompiledThorn (thorn);
      printf ("\nParameters of thorn '%s' providing implementation '%s':\n",
              thornname, CCTK_ThornImplementation (thornname));

      first = 1;
      while (CCTK_ParameterWalk (first, thornname, &param, &properties) == 0)
        if (argument)
          switch (*argument)
            case 'v':
              CommandLinePrintParameter (properties);
            default :
              fprintf (stderr, "Unknown verbosity option %s\n", argument);
              CCTK_Exit (NULL, 2);
          printf ("%s\n", param);

        free (param);
        first = 0;

  CCTK_Exit (NULL, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
CCTK_INT Hyperslab_DefineGlobalMappingByIndex (
           const cGH *GH,
           CCTK_INT vindex,
           CCTK_INT dim,
           const CCTK_INT *direction  /* vdim*dim */,
           const CCTK_INT *origin     /* vdim */,
           const CCTK_INT *extent     /* dim */,
           const CCTK_INT *downsample /* dim */,
           CCTK_INT table_handle,
           CCTK_INT target_proc,
           t_hslabConversionFn conversion_fn,
           CCTK_INT *hsize            /* dim */)
  unsigned int vdim, hdim, num_dirs;
  int retval;
  int stagger_index;
  int myproc;
  int npoints;
  hslab_mapping_t *mapping;
  const char *error_msg;
  const pGH *pughGH;              /* pointer to the current pGH */
  const pGA *GA;                  /* the variable's GA structure from PUGH */
  cGroup vinfo;

  /* PUGHSlab doesn't use table information */
  if (table_handle >= 0)
    CCTK_WARN (1, "Hyperslab_DefineGlobalMappingByIndex: table information is "

  /* check parameter consistency */
  retval = 0;
  error_msg = NULL;
  if (CCTK_GroupData (CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (vindex), &vinfo) < 0)
    error_msg = "invalid variable index given";
    retval = -1;
  else if (vinfo.grouptype != CCTK_GF && vinfo.grouptype != CCTK_ARRAY)
    error_msg = "invalid variable group type given "
                "(not a CCTK_GF or CCTK_ARRAY type)";
    retval = -2;
  else if (dim < 0 || dim > vinfo.dim)
    error_msg = "invalid hyperslab dimension given";
    retval = -2;
  else if (! direction || ! origin || ! extent || ! hsize)
    error_msg = "NULL pointer(s) passed for direction/origin/extent/hsize "
    retval = -3;
  else if (target_proc >= CCTK_nProcs (GH))
    error_msg = "invalid target procesor ID given";
    retval = -4;
  else if ((pughGH = (const pGH *) PUGH_pGH (GH)) == NULL)
    error_msg = "no PUGH GH extension registered (PUGH not activated ?)";
    retval = -4;
    for (vdim = 0; vdim < (unsigned int) vinfo.dim; vdim++)
      retval |= origin[vdim] < 0;
      if (vdim < (unsigned int) dim)
        retval |= extent[vdim] <= 0;
        if (downsample)
          retval |= downsample[vdim] <= 0;
    if (retval)
      error_msg = "invalid hyperslab origin/extent/downsample vectors given";
      retval = -5;
  if (! retval)
    mapping = (hslab_mapping_t *) malloc (sizeof (hslab_mapping_t));
    if (mapping)
      mapping->vectors = (int *) malloc ((6*vinfo.dim + 2*dim) * sizeof (int));
    if (mapping == NULL || mapping->vectors == NULL)
      if (mapping)
        free (mapping);
      error_msg = "couldn't allocate hyperslab mapping structure";
      retval = -6;

  /* return in case of errors */
  if (retval)
                "Hyperslab_DefineGlobalMappingByIndex: %s", error_msg);
    return (retval);

  mapping->hdim = (unsigned int) dim;
  mapping->vinfo = vinfo;
  mapping->target_proc = target_proc;
  mapping->conversion_fn = conversion_fn;

  /* assign memory for the other vectors */
  mapping->local_startpoint  = mapping->vectors + 0*vinfo.dim;
  mapping->local_endpoint    = mapping->vectors + 1*vinfo.dim;
  mapping->global_startpoint = mapping->vectors + 2*vinfo.dim;
  mapping->global_endpoint   = mapping->vectors + 3*vinfo.dim;
  mapping->do_dir            = mapping->vectors + 4*vinfo.dim;
  mapping->downsample        = mapping->vectors + 5*vinfo.dim;
  mapping->local_hsize       = mapping->vectors + 6*vinfo.dim + 0*dim;
  mapping->global_hsize      = mapping->vectors + 6*vinfo.dim + 1*dim;

  /* check direction vectors */
  for (hdim = 0; hdim < mapping->hdim; hdim++)
    num_dirs = 0;
    for (vdim = 0; vdim < (unsigned int) vinfo.dim; vdim++)
      if (direction[hdim*vinfo.dim + vdim])
    if (num_dirs == 0)
      free (mapping->vectors); free (mapping);
      CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
                  "Hyperslab_DefineGlobalMappingByIndex: %d-direction vector "
                  "is a null vector", hdim);
      return (-7);

    mapping->is_diagonal_in_3D = num_dirs == 3 && mapping->hdim == 1;
    if (num_dirs != 1 && ! mapping->is_diagonal_in_3D)
      free (mapping->vectors); free (mapping);
      CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
                  "Hyperslab_DefineGlobalMappingByIndex: %d-direction vector "
                  "isn't axis-orthogonal", hdim);
      return (-7);

  /* diagonals can be extracted from non-staggered 3D variables only */ 
  if (mapping->is_diagonal_in_3D && vinfo.stagtype != 0)
    free (mapping->vectors); free (mapping);
                "Hyperslab_DefineGlobalMappingByIndex: diagonals can be "
                "extracted from non-staggered 3D variables only");
    return (-7);

  for (vdim = 0; vdim < (unsigned int) vinfo.dim; vdim++)
    mapping->do_dir[vdim] = 0;
    for (hdim = 0; hdim < mapping->hdim; hdim++)
      if (direction[hdim*vinfo.dim + vdim])
    if (mapping->do_dir[vdim] > 1)
      free (mapping->vectors); free (mapping);
      CCTK_WARN (1, "Hyperslab_DefineGlobalMappingByIndex: duplicate direction "
                    "vectors given");
      return (-8);

  /* get the pGH pointer and the variable's GA structure */
  GA     = (const pGA *) pughGH->variables[vindex][0];
  myproc = CCTK_MyProc (GH);

  /* check extent */
  for (vdim = hdim = 0; vdim < (unsigned int) vinfo.dim; vdim++)
    if (mapping->do_dir[vdim] && hdim < mapping->hdim)
      if (origin[vdim] + extent[hdim] > GA->extras->nsize[vdim])
        free (mapping->vectors); free (mapping);
        CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
                    "Hyperslab_DefineGlobalMappingByIndex: extent in "
                    "%d-direction exceeds grid size", hdim);
        return (-8);
    else if (mapping->is_diagonal_in_3D &&
             origin[vdim] + extent[0] > GA->extras->nsize[vdim])
      free (mapping->vectors); free (mapping);
      CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
                  "Hyperslab_DefineGlobalMappingByIndex: extent in "
                  "%d-direction exceeds grid size", vdim);
      return (-8);

  /* now fill out the hyperslab mapping structure */
  for (vdim = hdim = 0; vdim < (unsigned int) vinfo.dim; vdim++)
    mapping->downsample[vdim] = 1;

    if (mapping->do_dir[vdim] && hdim < mapping->hdim)
      if (downsample)
        mapping->downsample[vdim] = downsample[hdim];
      mapping->global_hsize[hdim] = extent[hdim] / mapping->downsample[vdim];
      if (extent[hdim] % mapping->downsample[vdim])
      /* subtract ghostzones for periodic BC */
      if (GA->connectivity->perme[vdim])
        mapping->global_hsize[hdim] -= 2 * GA->extras->nghostzones[vdim];
    else if (mapping->is_diagonal_in_3D)
      mapping->totals = extent[0] / mapping->downsample[0];
      if (extent[0] % mapping->downsample[0])
      /* subtract ghostzones for periodic BC */
      if (GA->connectivity->perme[vdim])
        mapping->totals -= 2 * GA->extras->nghostzones[vdim];
      if ((unsigned int) mapping->global_hsize[0] > mapping->totals)
        mapping->global_hsize[0] = mapping->totals;

  /* check whether the full local data patch was requested as hyperslab */
  mapping->is_full_hyperslab = IsFullHyperslab (GA, origin, extent, mapping);
  if (mapping->is_full_hyperslab)
    memset (mapping->local_startpoint, 0, vinfo.dim * sizeof (int));
    memcpy (mapping->local_endpoint, GA->extras->lnsize, vinfo.dim*sizeof(int));
    mapping->totals = GA->extras->npoints;
  else if (mapping->is_diagonal_in_3D)
    /* just initialize the downsample and global_startpoint vectors */
    for (vdim = 0; vdim < (unsigned int) vinfo.dim; vdim++)
      mapping->downsample[vdim] = mapping->downsample[0];
      mapping->global_startpoint[vdim] = origin[vdim];
    /* compute the global endpoint */
    for (vdim = hdim = 0; vdim < (unsigned int) vinfo.dim; vdim++)
      mapping->global_endpoint[vdim] = origin[vdim] +
                                   (mapping->do_dir[vdim] ? extent[hdim++] : 1);

    /* compute this processor's global startpoint from the global ranges */
    for (vdim = 0; vdim < (unsigned int) vinfo.dim; vdim++)
      stagger_index = CCTK_StaggerDirIndex (vdim, vinfo.stagtype);

      if (origin[vdim] < MY_GLOBAL_EP (GA->extras, myproc, stagger_index, vdim))
        mapping->global_startpoint[vdim] = origin[vdim];
        if (origin[vdim] < MY_GLOBAL_SP (GA->extras, myproc,stagger_index,vdim))
          npoints = (MY_GLOBAL_SP (GA->extras, myproc, stagger_index, vdim)
                     - origin[vdim]) / mapping->downsample[vdim];
          if ((MY_GLOBAL_SP (GA->extras, myproc, stagger_index, vdim)
               - origin[vdim]) % mapping->downsample[vdim])
          mapping->global_startpoint[vdim] += npoints*mapping->downsample[vdim];
        mapping->global_startpoint[vdim] = -1;

    /* compute the local start- and endpoint from the global ranges */
    mapping->totals = 1;
    for (vdim = hdim = 0; vdim < (unsigned int) vinfo.dim; vdim++)
      stagger_index = CCTK_StaggerDirIndex (vdim, vinfo.stagtype);

      if (mapping->global_startpoint[vdim] >= 0 &&
          mapping->global_startpoint[vdim] <  MY_GLOBAL_EP (GA->extras, myproc,
        mapping->local_startpoint[vdim] = mapping->global_startpoint[vdim] -
        mapping->local_startpoint[vdim] = -1;

      if (mapping->global_endpoint[vdim] > MY_GLOBAL_SP (GA->extras, myproc,
                                                         stagger_index, vdim))
        mapping->local_endpoint[vdim] =
          MIN (MY_LOCAL_EP (GA->extras, stagger_index, vdim),
                            mapping->global_endpoint[vdim] -
        mapping->local_endpoint[vdim] = -1;

#ifdef DEBUG
      printf ("direction %d: global ranges [%d, %d), local ranges[%d, %d)\n",
              mapping->global_startpoint[vdim], mapping->global_endpoint[vdim],
              mapping->local_startpoint[vdim], mapping->local_endpoint[vdim]);

      if (mapping->local_endpoint[vdim] < 0 ||
          mapping->local_startpoint[vdim] < 0)
        mapping->totals = 0;
        mapping->local_endpoint[vdim] = mapping->local_startpoint[vdim];

      if (mapping->do_dir[vdim])
        /* compute the local size in each hyperslab dimension */
        mapping->local_hsize[hdim] = (mapping->local_endpoint[vdim] -
                                   mapping->local_startpoint[vdim]) /
        if ((mapping->local_endpoint[vdim] - mapping->local_startpoint[vdim]) %
        mapping->totals *= mapping->local_hsize[hdim];
  } /* end of else branch for 'if (mapping->is_full_hyperslab)' */

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf ("total number of hyperslab data points: %d\n", mapping->totals);

#if 0
  if (mapping->totals > 0)
    /* if requested, compute the offsets into the global hyperslab */
    if (hoffset_global)
      for (i = hdim = 0; i < vinfo.dim; i++)
        if (mapping->do_dir[i])
          if (mapping->is_full_hyperslab)
            hoffset_global[hdim] = GA->extras->lb[myproc][i];
            hoffset_global[hdim] = (mapping->global_startpoint[i] -
                                    origin[i]) / mapping->downsample[i];
            if (GA->connectivity->perme[i])
              hoffset_global[hdim] -= GA->extras->nghostzones[i];
#ifdef DEBUG
          printf ("hoffset_global, hsize in direction %d: %d, %d\n",
                  hdim, hoffset_global[hdim], mapping->local_hsize[hdim]);

  /* add this mapping to the mapping list */
  if (mapping_list)
    mapping_list->prev = mapping;
  mapping->prev = NULL;
  mapping->next = mapping_list;
  mapping_list = mapping;

  mapping->handle = nmapping_list++;

  /* set the global hsize in the return arguments */
  if (hsize)
    for (hdim = 0; hdim < mapping->hdim; hdim++)
      hsize[hdim] = mapping->global_hsize[hdim];

  return (mapping->handle);