static void help(const char* msg = NULL) { if (msg) { CE_LOGE("Error: %s\n", msg); } CE_LOGI( "Usage: crown [options]\n" "\n" "Options:\n" "\n" " -h --help Display this help.\n" " -v --version Display engine version.\n" " --source-dir <path> Use <path> as the source directory for resource compilation.\n" " --bundle-dir <path> Use <path> as the destination directory for compiled resources.\n" " --boot-dir <path> Boot the engine with the 'boot.config' from given <path>.\n" " --compile Do a full compile of the resources.\n" " --platform <platform> Compile resources for the given <platform>.\n" " linux\n" " windows\n" " android\n" " --continue Run the engine after resource compilation.\n" " --console-port <port> Set port of the console.\n" " --wait-console Wait for a console connection before starting up.\n" " --parent-window <handle> Set the parent window <handle> of the main window.\n" ); }
void Device::init() { // Initialize CE_LOGI("Initializing Crown Engine %s...", version()); // Create resource manager CE_LOGD("Creating resource manager..."); _resource_manager = CE_NEW(_allocator, ResourceManager)(_fs); CE_LOGD("Creating material manager..."); material_manager::init(); debug_line::init(); _lua_environment = CE_NEW(_allocator, LuaEnvironment)(); _lua_environment->load_libs(); CE_LOGD("Crown Engine initialized."); CE_LOGD("Initializing Game..."); _is_init = true; _is_running = true; _last_time = os::clocktime(); _boot_package = create_resource_package(_boot_package_id); _boot_package->load(); _boot_package->flush(); _lua_environment->execute((LuaResource*)_resource_manager->get(SCRIPT_TYPE, _boot_script_id)); _lua_environment->call_global("init", 0); }
bool BundleCompiler::compile(const char* type, const char* name, const char* platform) { StringId64 _type(type); StringId64 _name(name); TempAllocator512 alloc; DynamicString path(alloc); TempAllocator512 alloc2; DynamicString src_path(alloc2); src_path += name; src_path += "."; src_path += type; char res_name[1 + 2*StringId64::STRING_LENGTH]; _type.to_string(res_name); res_name[16] = '-'; _name.to_string(res_name + 17); path::join(CROWN_DATA_DIRECTORY, res_name, path); CE_LOGI("%s <= %s.%s", res_name, name, type); bool success = true; jmp_buf buf; Buffer output(default_allocator()); array::reserve(output, 4*1024*1024); if (!setjmp(buf)) { CompileOptions opts(_source_fs, output, platform, &buf); compile(_type, src_path.c_str(), opts); File* outf =, FileOpenMode::WRITE); u32 size = array::size(output); u32 written = outf->write(array::begin(output), size); _bundle_fs.close(*outf); success = size == written; } else { success = false; } return success; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Device::init() { // Initialize CE_LOGI("Initializing Crown Engine %s...", version()); _resource_bundle = Bundle::create(_allocator, _fs); // Create resource manager CE_LOGD("Creating resource manager..."); _resource_manager = CE_NEW(_allocator, ResourceManager)(*_resource_bundle); // Create world manager CE_LOGD("Creating world manager..."); _world_manager = CE_NEW(_allocator, WorldManager)(); CE_LOGD("Creating material manager..."); material_manager::init(); CE_LOGD("Creating lua system..."); lua_system::init(); _lua_environment = CE_NEW(_allocator, LuaEnvironment)(lua_system::state()); CE_LOGD("Crown Engine initialized."); CE_LOGD("Initializing Game..."); _is_init = true; _is_running = true; _last_time = os::clocktime(); _boot_package = create_resource_package(_boot_package_id); _boot_package->load(); _boot_package->flush(); ResourceId bootid; bootid.type = LUA_TYPE; = _boot_script_id; _lua_environment->execute((LuaResource*) _resource_manager->get(bootid)); _lua_environment->call_global("init", 0); }
int DeviceOptions::parse() { CommandLine cl(_argc, _argv); if (cl.has_argument("help", 'h')) { help(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (cl.has_argument("version", 'v')) { CE_LOGI(CROWN_VERSION_STRING); return EXIT_FAILURE; } _bundle_dir = cl.get_parameter("bundle-dir"); _do_compile = cl.has_argument("compile"); if (_do_compile) { _platform = cl.get_parameter("platform"); if (_platform == NULL) { help("Platform must be specified."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (true && strcmp("android", _platform) != 0 && strcmp("linux", _platform) != 0 && strcmp("windows", _platform) != 0 ) { help("Unknown platform."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } _source_dir = cl.get_parameter("source-dir"); if (_source_dir == NULL) { help("Source dir must be specified."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } _bundle_dir = cl.get_parameter("bundle-dir"); if (_bundle_dir == NULL) { help("Bundle dir must be specified."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (_bundle_dir != NULL) { if (!path::is_absolute(_bundle_dir)) { help("Bundle dir must be absolute."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (_source_dir != NULL) { if (!path::is_absolute(_source_dir)) { help("Source dir must be absolute."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } _do_continue = cl.has_argument("continue"); _boot_dir = cl.get_parameter("boot-dir"); if (_boot_dir != NULL) { if (!path::is_relative(_boot_dir)) { help("Boot dir must be relative."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } _wait_console = cl.has_argument("wait-console"); const char* parent = cl.get_parameter("parent-window"); if (parent != NULL) { if (sscanf(parent, "%u", &_parent_window) != 1) { help("Parent window is invalid."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } const char* port = cl.get_parameter("console-port"); if (port != NULL) { if (sscanf(port, "%hu", &_console_port) != 1) { help("Console port is invalid."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Device::unpause() { _is_paused = false; CE_LOGI("Engine unpaused."); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Device::pause() { _is_paused = true; CE_LOGI("Engine paused."); }