Ejemplo n.º 1
/* CFError equal checks for equality of domain, code, and userInfo. 
static Boolean __CFErrorEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
    CFErrorRef err1 = (CFErrorRef)cf1;
    CFErrorRef err2 = (CFErrorRef)cf2;
    // First do quick checks of code and domain (in that order for performance)
    if (CFErrorGetCode(err1) != CFErrorGetCode(err2)) return false;
    if (!CFEqual(CFErrorGetDomain(err1), CFErrorGetDomain(err2))) return false;

    // If those are equal, then check the dictionaries
    CFDictionaryRef dict1 = CFErrorCopyUserInfo(err1);
    CFDictionaryRef dict2 = CFErrorCopyUserInfo(err2);

    Boolean result = false;
    if (dict1 == dict2) {
        result = true;
    } else if (dict1 && dict2 && CFEqual(dict1, dict2)) {
        result = true;
    if (dict1) CFRelease(dict1);
    if (dict2) CFRelease(dict2);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
CFStreamError _CFStreamErrorFromCFError(CFErrorRef err) {
    CFStreamError error = { 0, 0 };
    error.error = CFErrorGetCode(err);
    CFStringRef domain = CFErrorGetDomain(err);
    if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainFTP, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainFTP;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainNetDB, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainNetDB;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainSystemConfiguration, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainSystemConfiguration;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainHTTP, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainHTTP;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainMach, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainMach;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainNetServices, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainNetServices;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainSSL, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainMacOSStatus, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainMacOSStatus;
    } else if (CFStringCompare(domain, CFStreamErrorDomainCustom, 0)) {
        error.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainCustom;
    return error;
Ejemplo n.º 3
__private_extern__ CFStreamError _CFStreamErrorFromError(CFErrorRef error) {
    CFStreamError result;
    Boolean canUpCall;
    if (!__CFBitIsSet(CFNetworkSupport.flags, kTriedToLoad)) initializeCFNetworkSupport();
    canUpCall = (CFNetworkSupport._CFStreamErrorFromCFError != NULL);

    if (canUpCall) {
        result = CFNETWORK_CALL(_CFStreamErrorFromCFError, (error));
    } else {
        CFStringRef domain = CFErrorGetDomain(error); 
        if (CFEqual(domain, kCFErrorDomainPOSIX)) {
            result.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX;
        } else if (CFEqual(domain, kCFErrorDomainOSStatus)) {
            result.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainMacOSStatus;
        } else if (CFEqual(domain, kCFErrorDomainMach)) {
            result.domain = 11; // kCFStreamErrorDomainMach, but that symbol is in CFNetwork
        } else {
            result.domain = kCFStreamErrorDomainCustom;
        result.error = CFErrorGetCode(error);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* The "debug" description, used by CFCopyDescription and -[NSObject description].
CFStringRef _CFErrorCreateDebugDescription(CFErrorRef err) {
    CFMutableStringRef result = CFStringCreateMutable(
        kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0);
        result, NULL,
        CFSTR("Error Domain=%@ Code=%d"),
        CFErrorGetDomain(err), (int)CFErrorGetCode(err));

    CFDictionaryRef userInfo = _CFErrorGetUserInfo(err);
    if (userInfo) {
        CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR(" UserInfo=%p"), userInfo);

    CFStringRef desc = CFErrorCopyDescription(err);
    if (desc) {
        CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR(" \"%@\""), desc);

    CFStringRef debugDesc = _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err, kCFErrorDebugDescriptionKey);
    if (debugDesc) {
        if (CFStringGetLength(debugDesc) > 0) {
            CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR(" (%@)"), debugDesc);

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void SocketStreamHandle::reportErrorToClient(CFErrorRef error)
    CFIndex errorCode = CFErrorGetCode(error);
    String description;


#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"

    if (CFEqual(CFErrorGetDomain(error), kCFErrorDomainOSStatus)) {
        const char* descriptionOSStatus = GetMacOSStatusCommentString(static_cast<OSStatus>(errorCode));
        if (descriptionOSStatus && descriptionOSStatus[0] != '\0')
            description = "OSStatus Error " + String::number(errorCode) + ": " + descriptionOSStatus;

#pragma clang diagnostic pop


    if (description.isNull()) {
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> descriptionCF(AdoptCF, CFErrorCopyDescription(error));
        description = String(descriptionCF.get());

    m_client->didFailSocketStream(this, SocketStreamError(static_cast<int>(errorCode), m_url.string(), description));
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Convert from securityd error codes to OSStatus for legacy API.
OSStatus SecErrorGetOSStatus(CFErrorRef error) {
    OSStatus status;
    if (error == NULL) {
        status = errSecSuccess;
    } else {
        CFStringRef domain = CFErrorGetDomain(error);
        if (domain == NULL) {
            secerror("No error domain for error: %@", error);
            status = errSecInternal;
        } else if (CFEqual(kSecErrorDomain, domain)) {
            status = (OSStatus)CFErrorGetCode(error);
        } else if (CFEqual(kSecDbErrorDomain, domain)) {
            status = osstatus_for_s3e((int)CFErrorGetCode(error));
        } else if (CFEqual(kSecErrnoDomain, domain)) {
            status = (OSStatus)CFErrorGetCode(error);
        } else if (CFEqual(kSecKernDomain, domain)) {
            status = osstatus_for_kern_return(CFErrorGetCode(error));
        } else if (CFEqual(sSecXPCErrorDomain, domain)) {
            status = osstatus_for_xpc_error(CFErrorGetCode(error));
        } else if (CFEqual(sSecDERErrorDomain, domain)) {
            status = osstatus_for_der_error(CFErrorGetCode(error));
        } else {
            secnotice("securityd", "unknown error domain: %@ for error: %@", domain, error);
            status = errSecInternal;
    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* The real guts of the description creation functionality. See the header file for the steps this function goes through to compute the description. This function can take a CF or NSError. It's called by NSError for the localizedDescription computation.
CFStringRef _CFErrorCreateLocalizedDescription(CFErrorRef err) {
    // First look for kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey; if non-NULL, return that as-is.
    CFStringRef localizedDesc = _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err, kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey);
    if (localizedDesc) return localizedDesc;

    // Cache the CF bundle since we will be using it for localized strings.
    CFBundleRef cfBundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.apple.CoreFoundation"));
    if (!cfBundle) {	// This should be rare, but has been observed in the wild, due to running out of file descriptors. Normally we might not go to such extremes, but since we want to be able to present reasonable errors even in the case of errors such as running out of file descriptors, why not. This is CFError after all. !!! Be sure to have the same logic here as below for going through various options for fetching the strings.
	CFStringRef result = NULL, reasonOrDesc;

	if ((reasonOrDesc = _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err, kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey))) {	    // First look for kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey
	    result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. %@"), reasonOrDesc);
	} else if ((reasonOrDesc = _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err, kCFErrorDescriptionKey))) {	    // Then try kCFErrorDescriptionKey
	    result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. (%@ error %ld - %@)"), CFErrorGetDomain(err), (long)CFErrorGetCode(err), reasonOrDesc);
	} else {	// Last resort, just the domain and code
	    result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. (%@ error %ld.)"), CFErrorGetDomain(err), (long)CFErrorGetCode(err));
	if (reasonOrDesc) CFRelease(reasonOrDesc);
	return result;

    // Then look for kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey; if there, create a full sentence from that.
    CFStringRef reason = _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err, kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey);
    if (reason) {
	CFStringRef operationFailedStr = CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. %@"), CFSTR("Error"), cfBundle, "A generic error string indicating there was a problem. The %@ will be replaced by a second sentence which indicates why the operation failed.");
        CFStringRef result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, operationFailedStr, reason);
	return result;

    // Otherwise, generate a semi-user presentable string from the domain, code, and if available, the presumably non-localized kCFErrorDescriptionKey.
    CFStringRef result;
    CFStringRef desc = _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err, kCFErrorDescriptionKey);
    CFStringRef localizedDomain = CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFErrorGetDomain(err), CFSTR("Error"), cfBundle, "These are localized in the comment above");
    if (desc) {     // We have kCFErrorDescriptionKey, so include that with the error domain and code
	CFStringRef operationFailedStr = CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. (%@ error %ld - %@)"), CFSTR("Error"), cfBundle, "A generic error string indicating there was a problem, followed by a parenthetical sentence which indicates error domain, code, and a description when there is no other way to present an error to the user. The first %@ indicates the error domain, %ld indicates the error code, and the second %@ indicates the description; so this might become '(Mach error 42 - Server error.)' for instance.");
	result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, operationFailedStr, localizedDomain, (long)CFErrorGetCode(err), desc);
    } else {        // We don't have kCFErrorDescriptionKey, so just use error domain and code
	CFStringRef operationFailedStr = CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. (%@ error %ld.)"), CFSTR("Error"), cfBundle, "A generic error string indicating there was a problem, followed by a parenthetical sentence which indicates error domain and code when there is no other way to present an error to the user. The %@ indicates the error domain while %ld indicates the error code; so this might become '(Mach error 42.)' for instance.");
	result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, operationFailedStr, localizedDomain, (long)CFErrorGetCode(err));
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void ResourceHandle::loadResourceSynchronously(NetworkingContext* context, const ResourceRequest& request, StoredCredentials storedCredentials, ResourceError& error, ResourceResponse& response, Vector<char>& vector)
    LOG(Network, "ResourceHandle::loadResourceSynchronously:%s allowStoredCredentials:%u", request.url().string().utf8().data(), storedCredentials);



    OwnPtr<WebCoreSynchronousLoaderClient> client = WebCoreSynchronousLoaderClient::create(response, error);
    client->setAllowStoredCredentials(storedCredentials == AllowStoredCredentials);

    RefPtr<ResourceHandle> handle = adoptRef(new ResourceHandle(request, client.get(), false /*defersLoading*/, true /*shouldContentSniff*/));

    handle->d->m_storageSession = context->storageSession();

    if (handle->d->m_scheduledFailureType != NoFailure) {
        error = context->blockedError(request);

    handle->createCFURLConnection(storedCredentials == AllowStoredCredentials, shouldRelaxThirdPartyCookiePolicy(context, request.url()), ResourceHandle::shouldContentSniffURL(request.url()));

    CFURLConnectionScheduleWithRunLoop(handle->connection(), CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), synchronousLoadRunLoopMode());
    CFURLConnectionScheduleDownloadWithRunLoop(handle->connection(), CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), synchronousLoadRunLoopMode());

    while (!client->isDone())
        CFRunLoopRunInMode(synchronousLoadRunLoopMode(), UINT_MAX, true);


    if (error.isNull() && response.mimeType().isNull())

    RetainPtr<CFDataRef> data = client->data();

    if (!error.isNull()) {
        response = ResourceResponse(request.url(), String(), 0, String(), String());

        CFErrorRef cfError = error;
        CFStringRef domain = CFErrorGetDomain(cfError);
        // FIXME: Return the actual response for failed authentication.
        if (domain == kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork)

    if (data) {
        vector.append(CFDataGetBytePtr(data.get()), CFDataGetLength(data.get()));
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* This function retrieves the value of the specified key from the userInfo, or from the callback. It works with a CF or NSError.
static CFStringRef _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(CFErrorRef err, CFStringRef key) {
    CFStringRef result = NULL;
    // First consult the userInfo dictionary   
    CFDictionaryRef userInfo = _CFErrorGetUserInfo(err);
    if (userInfo) result = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo, key);
    // If that doesn't work, consult the callback
    if (result) {
    } else {
        CFErrorUserInfoKeyCallBack callBack = CFErrorGetCallBackForDomain(CFErrorGetDomain(err));
        if (callBack) result = (CFStringRef)callBack(err, key);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void ResourceError::platformLazyInit()
    if (m_dataIsUpToDate)

    if (!m_platformError)

    CFStringRef domain = CFErrorGetDomain(m_platformError.get());
    if (domain == kCFErrorDomainMach || domain == kCFErrorDomainCocoa)
        m_domain ="NSCustomErrorDomain";
    else if (domain == kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork)
        m_domain = "CFURLErrorDomain";
    else if (domain == kCFErrorDomainPOSIX)
        m_domain = "NSPOSIXErrorDomain";
    else if (domain == kCFErrorDomainOSStatus)
        m_domain = "NSOSStatusErrorDomain";
    else if (domain == kCFErrorDomainWinSock)
        m_domain = "kCFErrorDomainWinSock";
        m_domain = domain;

    m_errorCode = CFErrorGetCode(m_platformError.get());

    RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> userInfo = adoptCF(CFErrorCopyUserInfo(m_platformError.get()));
    if (userInfo.get()) {
        CFStringRef failingURLString = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo.get(), failingURLStringKey);
        if (failingURLString)
            m_failingURL = String(failingURLString);
        else {
            CFURLRef failingURL = (CFURLRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo.get(), failingURLKey);
            if (failingURL) {
                RetainPtr<CFURLRef> absoluteURLRef = adoptCF(CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(failingURL));
                if (absoluteURLRef.get()) {
                    // FIXME: CFURLGetString returns a normalized URL which is different from what is actually used by CFNetwork.
                    // We should use CFURLGetBytes instead.
                    failingURLString = CFURLGetString(absoluteURLRef.get());
                    m_failingURL = String(failingURLString);
        m_localizedDescription = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo.get(), kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey);
        m_certificate = wkGetSSLPeerCertificateData(userInfo.get());

    m_dataIsUpToDate = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void ResourceError::platformLazyInit()
    if (m_dataIsUpToDate)

    if (!m_platformError)

    CFStringRef domain = CFErrorGetDomain(m_platformError.get());
    if (domain == kCFErrorDomainMach || domain == kCFErrorDomainCocoa)
        m_domain ="NSCustomErrorDomain";
    else if (domain == kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork)
        m_domain = "CFURLErrorDomain";
    else if (domain == kCFErrorDomainPOSIX)
        m_domain = "NSPOSIXErrorDomain";
    else if (domain == kCFErrorDomainOSStatus)
        m_domain = "NSOSStatusErrorDomain";
    else if (domain == kCFErrorDomainWinSock)
        m_domain = "kCFErrorDomainWinSock";

    m_errorCode = CFErrorGetCode(m_platformError.get());

    RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> userInfo(AdoptCF, CFErrorCopyUserInfo(m_platformError.get()));
    if (userInfo.get()) {
        CFStringRef failingURLString = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo.get(), failingURLStringKey);
        if (failingURLString)
            m_failingURL = String(failingURLString);
        else {
            CFURLRef failingURL = (CFURLRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo.get(), failingURLKey);
            if (failingURL) {
                RetainPtr<CFURLRef> absoluteURLRef(AdoptCF, CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(failingURL));
                if (absoluteURLRef.get()) {
                    failingURLString = CFURLGetString(absoluteURLRef.get());
                    m_failingURL = String(failingURLString);
        m_localizedDescription = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo.get(), kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey);
        m_certificate = wkGetSSLPeerCertificateData(userInfo.get());

    m_dataIsUpToDate = true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
CFStringRef _CFErrorCreateDebugDescription(CFErrorRef err) {
    CFStringRef desc = CFErrorCopyDescription(err);
    CFStringRef debugDesc = _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err, kCFErrorDebugDescriptionKey);
    CFDictionaryRef userInfo = _CFErrorGetUserInfo(err);
    CFMutableStringRef result = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0);
    CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("Error Domain=%@ Code=%d"), CFErrorGetDomain(err), (long)CFErrorGetCode(err));
    CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR(" \"%@\""), desc);
    if (debugDesc && CFStringGetLength(debugDesc) > 0) CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR(" (%@)"), debugDesc);
    if (userInfo) {
        CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR(" UserInfo=%p {"), userInfo);
	CFDictionaryApplyFunction(userInfo, userInfoKeyValueShow, (void *)result);
	CFIndex commaLength = (CFStringHasSuffix(result, CFSTR(", "))) ? 2 : 0;
	CFStringReplace(result, CFRangeMake(CFStringGetLength(result)-commaLength, commaLength), CFSTR("}"));
    if (debugDesc) CFRelease(debugDesc);
    if (desc) CFRelease(desc);
    return result;
static void RegressionsLogError(CFErrorRef error) {
    if (error == NULL) {
    CFDictionaryRef tempDictionary = CFErrorCopyUserInfo(error);
    CFIndex errorCode = CFErrorGetCode(error);
    CFStringRef errorDomain = CFErrorGetDomain(error);
    CFStringRef errorString = CFDictionaryGetValue(tempDictionary, kCFErrorDescriptionKey);
    CFErrorRef previousError = (CFErrorRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(tempDictionary, kCFErrorUnderlyingErrorKey);
    if (previousError != NULL) {
    char errorDomainStr[1024];
    char errorStringStr[1024];
    CFStringGetCString(errorDomain, errorDomainStr, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    CFStringGetCString(errorString, errorStringStr, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    printf("OTR: %s (%ld) -- %s\n", errorDomainStr, errorCode, errorStringStr);
Ejemplo n.º 14
void SocketStreamHandle::reportErrorToClient(CFErrorRef error)
    CFIndex errorCode = CFErrorGetCode(error);
    String description;

    if (CFEqual(CFErrorGetDomain(error), kCFErrorDomainOSStatus)) {
        const char* descriptionOSStatus = GetMacOSStatusCommentString(static_cast<OSStatus>(errorCode));
        if (descriptionOSStatus && descriptionOSStatus[0] != '\0')
            description = makeString("OSStatus Error ", String::number(errorCode), ": ", descriptionOSStatus);

    if (description.isNull()) {
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> descriptionCF(AdoptCF, CFErrorCopyDescription(error));
        description = String(descriptionCF.get());

    m_client->didFail(this, SocketStreamError(static_cast<int>(errorCode), m_url.string(), description));