Ejemplo n.º 1
Boolean APSetKey(CFStringRef key)
    hash = CFSTR("");
    blacklist = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
    // Create a new key
    rsaKey = RSA_new();
    // Public exponent is always 3
    BN_hex2bn(&rsaKey->e, "3");
    CFMutableStringRef mutableKey = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, key);
    if (!mutableKey)
        return FALSE;
    CFIndex maximumCStringLength = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(CFStringGetLength(mutableKey), kCFStringEncodingMacRoman) + 1;
    char *keyCStringBuffer = malloc(maximumCStringLength);
    // Determine if we have a hex or decimal key
    CFStringLowercase(mutableKey, NULL);
    if (CFStringHasPrefix(mutableKey, CFSTR("0x"))) {
        CFStringTrim(mutableKey, CFSTR("0x"));
        CFStringGetCString(mutableKey, keyCStringBuffer, maximumCStringLength, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
        BN_hex2bn(&rsaKey->n, keyCStringBuffer);
    else {
        CFStringGetCString(mutableKey, keyCStringBuffer, maximumCStringLength, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
        BN_dec2bn(&rsaKey->n, keyCStringBuffer);
    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static CFDictionaryRef __DAMountMapCreate2( CFAllocatorRef allocator, struct vsdb * vs )
    CFStringRef            idAsString;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef map = NULL;

    idAsString = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, vs->vs_spec, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

    if ( idAsString )
        CFTypeRef id;

        id = _DAFileSystemCreateUUIDFromString( kCFAllocatorDefault, idAsString );

        if ( id )
            map = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );

            if ( map )
                CFMutableStringRef options;

                options = CFStringCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 );

                if ( options )
                    if ( ( vs->vs_ops & VSDB_PERM ) )
                        CFStringAppend( options, CFSTR( "owners" ) );
                        CFStringAppend( options, CFSTR( "," ) );
                        CFStringAppend( options, CFSTR( "noowners" ) );
                        CFStringAppend( options, CFSTR( "," ) );

                    if ( CFStringGetLength( options ) )
                        CFStringTrim( options, CFSTR( "," ) );

                        CFDictionarySetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountOptionsKey, options );

                    CFRelease( options );

                CFDictionarySetValue( map, kDAMountMapProbeIDKey, id );

            CFRelease( id );

        CFRelease( idAsString );

    return map;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void __DAFileSystemProbeCallbackStage1( int status, CFDataRef output, void * parameter )
     * Process the probe command's completion.

    __DAFileSystemProbeContext * context = parameter;

    if ( status == FSUR_RECOGNIZED )
         * Obtain the volume name.

        if ( output )
            CFStringRef string;

            string = CFStringCreateFromExternalRepresentation( kCFAllocatorDefault, output, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

            if ( string )
                if ( CFStringGetLength( string ) )
                    context->volumeName = CFStringCreateMutableCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, string );

                    if ( context->volumeName )
                        CFStringTrim( ( CFMutableStringRef ) context->volumeName, CFSTR( "\n" ) );

                CFRelease( string );

         * Execute the "get UUID" command.

        DACommandExecute( context->probeCommand,
                          CFSTR( "-k" ),
                          NULL );
        __DAFileSystemProbeCallback( status, context, NULL );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

getCleanedHeaderValue: read FITS header and return striped CFStringRef value.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
CFStringRef getCleanedHeaderValue(const char* filename, char* keyword) {
	char *headerValue = NULL;
	headerValue = qfits_query_hdr((const char*)filename, keyword);
//	printf("For keyword %s, headerValue is: %s\n", keyword, headerValue);
	if (headerValue != NULL) {
		CFStringRef cfvalue = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, headerValue, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
		CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength(cfvalue);
		CFMutableStringRef cfmvalue = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, length);
		CFStringAppend(cfmvalue, cfvalue);		
		CFStringTrim(cfmvalue, CFSTR("'"));
		return cfmvalue;
	} else {
		return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
_SC_trimDomain(CFStringRef domain)
	CFIndex	length;

	if (!isA_CFString(domain)) {
		return NULL;

	// remove any leading/trailing dots
	length = CFStringGetLength(domain);
	if ((length > 0) &&
				     CFRangeMake(0, 1),
				     NULL) ||
				     CFRangeMake(0, length),
				     NULL))) {
		     CFMutableStringRef	trimmed;

		     trimmed = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, domain);
		     CFStringTrim(trimmed, CFSTR("."));
		     domain = (CFStringRef)trimmed;
		     length = CFStringGetLength(domain);
	     } else {

	if (length == 0) {
		domain = NULL;

	return domain;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: parse_url.c Proyecto: aosm/smb
 * We need to separate the share name and any path component from the URL.
 *	URL "smb://*****:*****@server" no share name or path.
 *	URL "smb://*****:*****@server/"no share name or path.
 *	URL "smb://*****:*****@server/share" just a share name.
 *	URL "smb://*****:*****@server/share/path" share name and path.
 * The Share name and Path name will not begin with a slash.
 *		smb://server/ntfs  share = ntfs path = NULL
 *		smb://ntfs/dir1/dir2  share = ntfs path = dir1/dir2
 *		smb://server/OPEN%2fSPACE/dir1   share = OPEN%2fSPACE path = dir1
static int GetShareAndPathFromURL(CFURLRef url, CFStringRef *out_share, CFStringRef *out_path)
	Boolean isAbsolute;
	CFArrayRef userArray = NULL;
	CFMutableArrayRef userArrayM = NULL;
	CFStringRef share = CFURLCopyStrictPath(url, &isAbsolute);
	CFStringRef path = NULL;
	*out_share = NULL;
	*out_path = NULL;
	/* We have an empty share treat it like no share */
	if (share && (CFStringGetLength(share) == 0)) {
		share = NULL;
	/* Since there is no share name we have nothing left to do. */
	if (!share)
		return 0;
	userArray = CFStringCreateArrayBySeparatingStrings(NULL, share, CFSTR("/"));
	if (userArray && (CFArrayGetCount(userArray) > 1))
		userArrayM = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(NULL, CFArrayGetCount(userArray), userArray);
	if (userArray)
	if (userArrayM) {
		CFMutableStringRef newshare;	/* Just in case something goes wrong */
		newshare = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(userArrayM, 0));
		if (newshare) {
			CFStringTrim(newshare, CFSTR("/"));	/* Remove any trailing slashes */
			CreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapesUTF8((CFStringRef *) &newshare, CFSTR("/"));
		CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(userArrayM, 0);			
			/* Now remove any trailing slashes */
		path = CFStringCreateByCombiningStrings(NULL, userArrayM, CFSTR("/"));
		if (path && (CFStringGetLength(path) == 0)) {
			CFRelease(path);	/* Empty path remove it */
			path = NULL;
		if (path) {
			CFMutableStringRef newpath = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, path);
			if (newpath) {
				CFStringTrim(newpath, CFSTR("/")); 	/* Remove any trailing slashes */
				path = newpath;							
		if (path) {
			CreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapesUTF8(&path, CFSTR("/"));
			LogCFString(path, "Path", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);			

		/* Something went wrong use the original value */
		if (newshare) {
			share = newshare;
	} else
		CreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapesUTF8(&share, CFSTR("/"));

	 * The above routines will not un-precent escape out slashes. We only allow for the cases
	 * where the share name is a single slash. Slashes are treated as delemiters in the path name.
	 * So if the share name has a single 0x2f then make it a slash. This means you can't have
	 * a share name whos name is 0x2f, not likley to happen.
	if (share && ( kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare (share, CFSTR("0x2f"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) )) {
		share = CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, CFSTR("/"));		

	if (share && (CFStringGetLength(share) >= SMB_MAXSHARENAMELEN)) {
		if (path)
	*out_share = share;
	*out_path = path;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static CFDictionaryRef __DAMountMapCreate1( CFAllocatorRef allocator, struct fstab * fs )
    CFMutableDictionaryRef map = NULL;

    if ( strcmp( fs->fs_type, FSTAB_SW ) )
        char * idAsCString = fs->fs_spec;

        strsep( &idAsCString, "=" );

        if ( idAsCString )
            CFStringRef idAsString;

            idAsString = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, idAsCString, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

            if ( idAsString )
                CFTypeRef id = NULL;

                if ( strcmp( fs->fs_spec, "UUID" ) == 0 )
                    id = ___CFUUIDCreateFromString( kCFAllocatorDefault, idAsString );
                else if ( strcmp( fs->fs_spec, "LABEL" ) == 0 )
                    id = CFRetain( idAsString );
                else if ( strcmp( fs->fs_spec, "DEVICE" ) == 0 )
                    id = ___CFDictionaryCreateFromXMLString( kCFAllocatorDefault, idAsString );

                if ( id )
                    map = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );

                    if ( map )
                        CFMutableStringRef options;

                        options = CFStringCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 );

                        if ( options )
                            char *       argument  = NULL;
                            char *       arguments = fs->fs_mntops;
                            CFBooleanRef automatic = NULL;

                            while ( ( argument = strsep( &arguments, "," ) ) )
                                if ( strcmp( argument, "auto" ) == 0 )
                                    automatic = kCFBooleanTrue;
                                else if ( strcmp( argument, "noauto" ) == 0 )
                                    automatic = kCFBooleanFalse;
                                    CFStringAppendCString( options, argument, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );    
                                    CFStringAppendCString( options, ",", kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

                            if ( automatic )
                                CFDictionarySetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountAutomaticKey, automatic );

                            if ( CFStringGetLength( options ) )
                                CFStringTrim( options, CFSTR( "," ) );

                                CFDictionarySetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountOptionsKey, options );

                            CFRelease( options );

                        if ( strcmp( fs->fs_file, "none" ) )
                            CFURLRef path;

                            path = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation( kCFAllocatorDefault, ( void * ) fs->fs_file, strlen( fs->fs_file ), TRUE );

                            if ( path )
                                CFDictionarySetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountPathKey, path );

                                CFRelease( path );

                        if ( strcmp( fs->fs_vfstype, "auto" ) )
                            CFStringRef kind;

                            kind = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, fs->fs_vfstype, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

                            if ( kind )
                                CFDictionarySetValue( map, kDAMountMapProbeKindKey, kind );

                                CFRelease( kind );

                        CFDictionarySetValue( map, kDAMountMapProbeIDKey, id );

                    CFRelease( id );

                CFRelease( idAsString );

    return map;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void DAMountWithArguments( DADiskRef disk, CFURLRef mountpoint, DAMountCallback callback, void * callbackContext, ... )
     * Mount the specified volume.  A status of 0 indicates success.  All arguments in
     * the argument list shall be of type CFStringRef.  The argument list must be NULL
     * terminated.

    CFStringRef                argument   = NULL;
    va_list                    arguments;
    CFBooleanRef               automatic  = kCFBooleanTrue;
    CFBooleanRef               check      = NULL;
    __DAMountCallbackContext * context    = NULL;
    CFIndex                    count      = 0;
    DAFileSystemRef            filesystem = DADiskGetFileSystem( disk );
    Boolean                    force      = FALSE;
    CFIndex                    index      = 0;
    CFDictionaryRef            map        = NULL;
    CFMutableStringRef         options    = NULL;
    int                        status     = 0;

    DALogDebugHeader( "%s -> %s", gDAProcessNameID, gDAProcessNameID );

     * Initialize our minimal state.

    if ( mountpoint )
        CFRetain( mountpoint );

     * Prepare the mount context.

    context = malloc( sizeof( __DAMountCallbackContext ) );

    if ( context == NULL )
        status = ENOMEM;

        goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

     * Prepare the mount options.

    options = CFStringCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 );

    if ( options == NULL )
        status = ENOMEM;

        goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

    va_start( arguments, callbackContext );

    while ( ( argument = va_arg( arguments, CFStringRef ) ) )
        if ( CFEqual( argument, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentForce ) )
            force = TRUE;
        else if ( CFEqual( argument, CFSTR( "automatic" ) ) )
            automatic = NULL;

            check = kCFBooleanTrue;
            CFStringAppend( options, argument );
            CFStringAppend( options, CFSTR( "," ) );

    va_end( arguments );

    CFStringTrim( options, CFSTR( "," ) );
    context->automatic = ( automatic == NULL ) ? TRUE : FALSE;

     * Determine whether the volume is to be updated.

    if ( DAMountContainsArgument( options, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentUpdate ) )
        if ( mountpoint )
            status = EINVAL;

            goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

        mountpoint = DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumePathKey );

        if ( mountpoint == NULL )
            status = EINVAL;

            goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

        CFRetain( mountpoint );

     * Scan the mount map list.

    count = CFArrayGetCount( gDAMountMapList1 );

    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        map = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDAMountMapList1, index );

        if ( map )
            CFTypeRef   id;
            CFStringRef kind;

            id   = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapProbeIDKey );
            kind = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapProbeKindKey );

            if ( kind )
                 * Determine whether the volume kind matches.

                if ( CFEqual( kind, DAFileSystemGetKind( filesystem ) ) == FALSE )

            if ( CFGetTypeID( id ) == CFUUIDGetTypeID( ) )
                 * Determine whether the volume UUID matches.

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeUUIDKey, id ) == kCFCompareEqualTo )
            else if ( CFGetTypeID( id ) == CFStringGetTypeID( ) )
                 * Determine whether the volume name matches.

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNameKey, id ) == kCFCompareEqualTo )
            else if ( CFGetTypeID( id ) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID( ) )
                boolean_t match = FALSE;

                 * Determine whether the device description matches.

                IOServiceMatchPropertyTable( DADiskGetIOMedia( disk ), id, &match );

                if ( match )

     * Process the map.

    if ( index < count )
        CFStringRef string;

         * Determine whether the volume is to be mounted.

        if ( automatic == NULL )
            automatic = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountAutomaticKey );

            if ( automatic == kCFBooleanTrue )
                DADiskSetState( disk, _kDADiskStateMountAutomatic,        TRUE );
                DADiskSetState( disk, _kDADiskStateMountAutomaticNoDefer, TRUE );

         * Prepare the mount options.

        string = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountOptionsKey );

        if ( string )
            CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
            CFStringInsert( options, 0, string );

         * Prepare the mount point.

        if ( mountpoint == NULL )
            mountpoint = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountPathKey );

            if ( mountpoint )
                CFRetain( mountpoint );

     * Scan the mount map list.

    count = CFArrayGetCount( gDAMountMapList2 );

    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        map = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDAMountMapList2, index );

        if ( map )
            CFTypeRef id;

            id = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapProbeIDKey );

             * Determine whether the volume UUID matches.

            if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeUUIDKey, id ) == kCFCompareEqualTo )

     * Process the map.

    if ( index < count )
        CFStringRef string;

         * Prepare the mount options.

        string = CFDictionaryGetValue( map, kDAMountMapMountOptionsKey );

        if ( string )
            CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
            CFStringInsert( options, 0, string );

     * Determine whether the volume is to be mounted.

    if ( automatic == NULL )
        if ( DADiskGetState( disk, _kDADiskStateMountAutomatic ) )
            if ( DADiskGetState( disk, _kDADiskStateMountAutomaticNoDefer ) )
                automatic = kCFBooleanTrue;
            automatic = kCFBooleanFalse;

        if ( automatic == NULL )
            if ( gDAConsoleUserList == NULL )
                if ( DAMountGetPreference( disk, kDAMountPreferenceDefer ) )
                    automatic = kCFBooleanFalse;

    if ( automatic == kCFBooleanFalse )
        status = ECANCELED;

        goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

     * Prepare the mount options.

    if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey ) == kCFBooleanFalse )
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoWrite );

    if ( DAMountGetPreference( disk, kDAMountPreferenceTrust ) == FALSE )
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoSetUserID );

        CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoOwnership );

        CFStringInsert( options, 0, CFSTR( "," ) );
        CFStringInsert( options, 0, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoDevice );
    if ( CFEqual( DAFileSystemGetKind( filesystem ), CFSTR( "hfs" ) ) )
        ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-m=%o," ), 0755 );

        if ( DADiskGetUserGID( disk ) )
            ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-g=%d," ), DADiskGetUserGID( disk ) );
            ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-g=%d," ), ___GID_UNKNOWN );

        if ( DADiskGetUserUID( disk ) )
            ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-u=%d," ), DADiskGetUserUID( disk ) );
            ___CFStringInsertFormat( options, 0, CFSTR( "-u=%d," ), ___UID_UNKNOWN );

    CFStringTrim( options, CFSTR( "," ) );

     * Determine whether the volume is to be repaired.

    if ( check == NULL )
        if ( DAMountContainsArgument( options, kDAFileSystemMountArgumentNoWrite ) )
            check = kCFBooleanFalse;
            check = kCFBooleanTrue;

    if ( check == kCFBooleanFalse )
        if ( DADiskGetState( disk, kDADiskStateRequireRepair ) )
            if ( force == FALSE )
                status = ___EDIRTY;

                goto DAMountWithArgumentsErr;

    if ( check == kCFBooleanTrue )
        if ( DADiskGetState( disk, kDADiskStateRequireRepair ) == FALSE )
            check = kCFBooleanFalse;

     * Repair the volume.

    CFRetain( disk );

    context->assertionID     = kIOPMNullAssertionID;
    context->callback        = callback;
    context->callbackContext = callbackContext;
    context->disk            = disk;
    context->force           = force;
    context->mountpoint      = mountpoint;
    context->options         = options;

    if ( check == kCFBooleanTrue )
        DALogDebug( "  repaired disk, id = %@, ongoing.", disk );

        IOPMAssertionCreateWithDescription( kIOPMAssertionTypePreventUserIdleSystemSleep,
                                            CFSTR( _kDADaemonName ),
                                            &context->assertionID );

        DAFileSystemRepair( DADiskGetFileSystem( disk ),
                            DADiskGetDevice( disk ),
                            context );
        __DAMountWithArgumentsCallbackStage1( ECANCELED, context );


    if ( status )
        if ( context )
            free( context );

        if ( mountpoint )
            CFRelease( mountpoint );

        if ( options )
            CFRelease( options );

        if ( callback )
            ( callback )( status, NULL, callbackContext );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void DAFileSystemMountWithArguments( DAFileSystemRef      filesystem,
                                     CFURLRef             device,
                                     CFURLRef             mountpoint,
                                     uid_t                userUID,
                                     gid_t                userGID,
                                     DAFileSystemCallback callback,
                                     void *               callbackContext,
                                     ... )
     * Mount the specified volume.  A status of 0 indicates success.  All arguments in
     * the argument list shall be of type CFStringRef.  The argument list must be NULL
     * terminated.

    CFStringRef             argument       = NULL;
    va_list                 arguments;
    CFURLRef                command        = NULL;
    __DAFileSystemContext * context        = NULL;
    CFStringRef             devicePath     = NULL;
    CFStringRef             mountpointPath = NULL;
    CFMutableStringRef      options        = NULL;
    int                     status         = 0;

     * Prepare to mount the volume.

    command = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR( "/sbin/mount" ), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, FALSE );
    if ( command == NULL )  { status = ENOTSUP; goto DAFileSystemMountErr; }

    context = malloc( sizeof( __DAFileSystemContext ) );
    if ( context == NULL )  { status = ENOMEM; goto DAFileSystemMountErr; }

    devicePath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( device, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle );
    if ( devicePath == NULL )  { status = EINVAL; goto DAFileSystemMountErr; }

    mountpointPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( mountpoint, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle );
    if ( mountpointPath == NULL )  { status = EINVAL; goto DAFileSystemMountErr; }

    options = CFStringCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 );
    if ( options == NULL )  { status = ENOMEM; goto DAFileSystemMountErr; }

     * Prepare the mount options.

    va_start( arguments, callbackContext );

    while ( ( argument = va_arg( arguments, CFStringRef ) ) )
        CFStringAppend( options, argument );
        CFStringAppend( options, CFSTR( "," ) );

    va_end( arguments );

    CFStringTrim( options, CFSTR( "," ) );

     * Execute the mount command.

    context->callback        = callback;
    context->callbackContext = callbackContext;

    if ( CFStringGetLength( options ) )
        DACommandExecute( command,
                          CFSTR( "-t" ),
                          DAFileSystemGetKind( filesystem ),
                          CFSTR( "-o" ),
                          NULL );
        DACommandExecute( command,
                          CFSTR( "-t" ),
                          DAFileSystemGetKind( filesystem ),
                          NULL );


    if ( command        )  CFRelease( command        );
    if ( devicePath     )  CFRelease( devicePath     );
    if ( mountpointPath )  CFRelease( mountpointPath );
    if ( options        )  CFRelease( options        );

    if ( status )
        if ( context )  free( context );

        if ( callback )
            ( callback )( status, callbackContext );