Ejemplo n.º 1
void MissionInformation_Draw( centity_t *cent )
	int		i,totalY;

	missionInfo_Updated = qfalse;		// This will stop the text from flashing
	cg.missionInfoFlashTime = 0;

	// Frame
	char text[1024]={0};
	cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( "INGAME_OBJECTIVES", text, sizeof(text) );
	cgi_R_Font_DrawString (96, missionYpos-23, text, colorTable[CT_WHITE], cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f);

	int missionYcnt = 0;

	obj_graphics[0] = obj_graphics[1] = obj_graphics[2] = obj_graphics[3] = qfalse;

	// Print active objectives
	for (i=0;i<MAX_OBJECTIVES;++i)
		if (cent->gent->client->sess.mission_objectives[i].display)
			totalY = missionYpos + (18 * (missionYcnt))+9;
			if (obj_graphics[0])
				totalY += 32 + 4;
			if (obj_graphics[1])
				totalY += 32 + 4;
			if (obj_graphics[2])
				totalY += 32 + 4;
			if (obj_graphics[3])
				totalY += 32 + 4;

			CG_DrawPic( 88,   totalY,   16,  16, cgs.media.messageObjCircle);	// Circle in front
			if (cent->gent->client->sess.mission_objectives[i].status == OBJECTIVE_STAT_SUCCEEDED)
				CG_DrawPic( 88,   totalY,   16,  16, cgs.media.messageLitOn);	// Center Dot
			MissionPrint_Line(CT_BLUE3, i, missionYcnt );

	if (!missionYcnt)
		cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( "INGAME_OBJNONE", text, sizeof(text) );
		CG_DrawProportionalString(108, missionYpos, text, CG_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_LTBLUE1] );
Ejemplo n.º 2

Print a single mission objective
static void ObjectivePrint_Line(const int color, const int objectIndex, int &missionYcnt)
	char *str,*strBegin;
	int y,pixelLen,charLen,i;
	const int maxHoldText = 1024;
	char holdText[maxHoldText];
	char finalText[2048];
	qhandle_t	graphic;

	int iYPixelsPerLine = cgi_R_Font_HeightPixels(cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f);

	cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( va("OBJECTIVES_%s",objectiveTable[objectIndex].name) , finalText, sizeof(finalText) );

	// A hack to be able to count prisoners 
	if (objectIndex==T2_RANCOR_OBJ5)
		char value[64];
		int	currTotal, minTotal;

		currTotal = atoi(value);
		minTotal = atoi(value);

		Q_strncpyz(finalText, va(finalText,currTotal,minTotal), sizeof(finalText));

	pixelLen = cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(finalText, cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f);

	str = finalText;

	if (cgi_Language_IsAsian())
		// this is execrable, and should NOT have had to've been done now, but...
		extern const char *CG_DisplayBoxedText(	int iBoxX, int iBoxY, int iBoxWidth, int iBoxHeight, 
												const char *psText, int iFontHandle, float fScale,
												const vec4_t v4Color);
		extern int giLinesOutput;
		extern float gfAdvanceHack;

		gfAdvanceHack = 1.0f;	// override internal vertical advance
		y = objectiveStartingYpos + (iYPixelsPerLine * missionYcnt);

		// Advance line if a graphic has printed
		for (i=0;i<MAX_OBJ_GRAPHICS;i++)
			if (obj_graphics[i])
				y += OBJ_GRAPHIC_SIZE + 4;

			finalText,	// int iBoxX, int iBoxY, int iBoxWidth, int iBoxHeight, const char *psText
			cgs.media.qhFontMedium,		// int iFontHandle, 
			1.0f,						// float fScale,
			colorTable[color]			// const vec4_t v4Color

		gfAdvanceHack = 0.0f;	// restore
		missionYcnt += giLinesOutput;
		// western...
		if (pixelLen < objectiveTextBoxWidth)	// One shot - small enough to print entirely on one line
			y =objectiveStartingYpos + (iYPixelsPerLine * (missionYcnt));

			cgi_R_Font_DrawString (

		// Text is too long, break into lines.
			char holdText2[2];
			pixelLen = 0;
			charLen = 0;
			holdText2[1] = '\0';
			strBegin = str;

			while( *str ) 
				holdText2[0] = *str;
				pixelLen += cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(holdText2, cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f);

				pixelLen += 2; // For kerning

				if (pixelLen > objectiveTextBoxWidth ) 
				{	//Reached max length of this line
					//step back until we find a space
					while ((charLen>10) && (*str != ' ' ))

					if (*str==' ')
						++str;	// To get past space

					assert( charLen<maxHoldText );	// Too big?

					Q_strncpyz( holdText, strBegin, charLen);
					holdText[charLen] = '\0';
					strBegin = str;
					pixelLen = 0;
					charLen = 1;

					y = objectiveStartingYpos + (iYPixelsPerLine * missionYcnt);

						colorTable[color] );

				else if (*(str+1) == '\0')

					assert( charLen<maxHoldText );	// Too big?

					y = objectiveStartingYpos + (iYPixelsPerLine * missionYcnt);

					Q_strncpyz( holdText, strBegin, charLen);
						y, holdText, 
						colorTable[color] );



	if (objectIndex == T3_BOUNTY_OBJ1)
		y =objectiveStartingYpos + (iYPixelsPerLine * missionYcnt);
		if (obj_graphics[1])
			y += OBJ_GRAPHIC_SIZE + 4;
		if (obj_graphics[2])
			y += OBJ_GRAPHIC_SIZE + 4;
		graphic = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("textures/system/viewscreen1");
		CG_DrawPic( 355, 50, OBJ_GRAPHIC_SIZE, OBJ_GRAPHIC_SIZE, graphic );
		obj_graphics[3] = qtrue;

Ejemplo n.º 3
void CG_DrawInformation( void ) {
	const char	*s;
	const char	*info;
	const char	*sysInfo;
	int			y;
	int			value, valueNOFP;
	qhandle_t	levelshot;
	char		buf[1024];
	int			iPropHeight = 18;	// I know, this is total crap, but as a post release asian-hack....  -Ste

	char sDownLoading[256];
	char sEstimatedTimeLeft[256];
	char sTransferRate[256];
	char sOf[20];
	char sCopied[256];
	char sSec[20];
	int downloadSize, downloadCount, downloadTime;
	char dlSizeBuf[64], totalSizeBuf[64], xferRateBuf[64], dlTimeBuf[64];
	int xferRate;
	int leftWidth;
	int centerPoint = 320;
	int yStart = 130;
    float scale = 1.0f;
	const char *downloadName = cgs.dlname;

	vec4_t colorLtGreyAlpha = {0, 0, 0, .5};

	if(cgs.is_downloading!=0) {
		char motdString[1024];
		char dlInfo[MAX_INFO_VALUE];
		extern int startt,t;
		levelshot = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/art/unknownmap_mp" );
		trap->R_SetColor( NULL );
		CG_DrawPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, levelshot );
		dlInfo[0] = '\0';
		if( CG_GetConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO, dlInfo, sizeof(dlInfo) ) ) {
		//if ( info = CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO ) ) {
			const char *psLoading = CG_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "LOADING_MAPNAME");
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, 128-32, va( (char *)psLoading, Info_ValueForKey( dlInfo, "mapname" )),
		} else {
			const char *psAwaitingSnapshot = CG_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "AWAITING_SNAPSHOT");
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, 128-32, psAwaitingSnapshot,

		// don't print server lines if playing a local game
		trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "sv_running", buf, sizeof( buf ) );
		if ( !atoi( buf ) ) {
			trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "cl_motdString", motdString, sizeof( motdString ) );

			if (motdString[0]) {
				CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, 425, motdString,

		CG_FillRect( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, colorLtGreyAlpha );

    	s = GetCRDelineatedString("MENUS","DOWNLOAD_STUFF", 0);	// "Downloading:"
		Q_strncpyz(sDownLoading,s?s:"", sizeof(sDownLoading));
    	s = GetCRDelineatedString("MENUS","DOWNLOAD_STUFF", 1);	// "Estimated time left:"
		Q_strncpyz(sEstimatedTimeLeft,s?s:"", sizeof(sEstimatedTimeLeft));
    	s = GetCRDelineatedString("MENUS","DOWNLOAD_STUFF", 2);	// "Transfer rate:"
		Q_strncpyz(sTransferRate,s?s:"", sizeof(sTransferRate));
    	s = GetCRDelineatedString("MENUS","DOWNLOAD_STUFF", 3);	// "of"
		Q_strncpyz(sOf,s?s:"", sizeof(sOf));
    	s = GetCRDelineatedString("MENUS","DOWNLOAD_STUFF", 4);	// "copied"
		Q_strncpyz(sCopied,s?s:"", sizeof(sCopied));
	    s = GetCRDelineatedString("MENUS","DOWNLOAD_STUFF", 5);	// "sec."
		Q_strncpyz(sSec,s?s:"", sizeof(sSec));

		downloadSize = cgs.dltotal;
		if( downloadSize == 0 ) return;
		downloadCount = cgs.dlnow;
		if(!t)t = trap->Milliseconds();
		downloadTime = t - startt;
		leftWidth = 320;


		#define Text_PaintCenter(x,y,scale,color,text,adjust,iMenuFont) \
		Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart + 112, scale, colorWhite, sDownLoading, 0, iMenuFont);
		Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart + 192, scale, colorWhite, sEstimatedTimeLeft, 0, iMenuFont);
		Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart + 248, scale, colorWhite, sTransferRate, 0, iMenuFont);

		if (downloadSize > 0) {
			s = va("%s (%d%%)", downloadName, (int)((float)downloadCount * 100.0f / downloadSize));
		} else {
			s = downloadName;

		Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart+136, scale, colorWhite, s, 0, iMenuFont);

		CG_ReadableSize( dlSizeBuf,		sizeof dlSizeBuf,		downloadCount );
		CG_ReadableSize( totalSizeBuf,	sizeof totalSizeBuf,	downloadSize );
		if (downloadCount < 4096 || !downloadTime) {
			Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+216, scale, colorWhite, "estimating", 0, iMenuFont);
			Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+160, scale, colorWhite, va("(%s %s %s %s)", dlSizeBuf, sOf, totalSizeBuf, sCopied), 0, iMenuFont);
		} else {
			if ((downloadTime) / 1000) {
				xferRate = downloadCount / ((downloadTime) / 1000);
			} else {
				xferRate = 0;
			CG_ReadableSize( xferRateBuf, sizeof xferRateBuf, xferRate );
			// Extrapolate estimated completion time
			if (downloadSize && xferRate) {
				int n = downloadSize / xferRate; // estimated time for entire d/l in secs

				// We do it in K (/1024) because we'd overflow around 4MB
				UI_PrintTime ( dlTimeBuf, sizeof dlTimeBuf, 
					(n - (((downloadCount/1024) * n) / (downloadSize/1024))) * 1000);
				Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+216, scale, colorWhite, dlTimeBuf, 0, iMenuFont);
				Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+160, scale, colorWhite, va("(%s %s %s %s)", dlSizeBuf, sOf, totalSizeBuf, sCopied), 0, iMenuFont);
			} else {
				Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+216, scale, colorWhite, "estimating", 0, iMenuFont);
				if (downloadSize) {
					Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+160, scale, colorWhite, va("(%s %s %s %s)", dlSizeBuf, sOf, totalSizeBuf, sCopied), 0, iMenuFont);
				} else {
					Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+160, scale, colorWhite, va("(%s %s)", dlSizeBuf, sCopied), 0, iMenuFont);
			if (xferRate) {
				Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+272, scale, colorWhite, va("%s/%s", xferRateBuf,sSec), 0, iMenuFont);
	info = CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO );
	sysInfo = CG_ConfigString( CS_SYSTEMINFO );

	s = Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" );
	levelshot = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( va( "levelshots/%s", s ) );
	if ( !levelshot ) {
		levelshot = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/art/unknownmap_mp" );
	trap->R_SetColor( NULL );
	CG_DrawPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, levelshot );


	// draw the icons of things as they are loaded
//	CG_DrawLoadingIcons();

	// the first 150 rows are reserved for the client connection
	// screen to write into
	if ( cg.infoScreenText[0] ) {
		const char *psLoading = CG_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "LOADING_MAPNAME");
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, 128-32, va(/*"Loading... %s"*/ psLoading, cg.infoScreenText), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
	} else {
		const char *psAwaitingSnapshot = CG_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "AWAITING_SNAPSHOT");
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, 128-32, /*"Awaiting snapshot..."*/psAwaitingSnapshot, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );

	// draw info string information

	y = 180-32;

	// don't print server lines if playing a local game
	trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "sv_running", buf, sizeof( buf ) );
	if ( !atoi( buf ) ) {
		// server hostname
		Q_strncpyz(buf, Info_ValueForKey( info, "sv_hostname" ), sizeof( buf ) );
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, buf, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;

		// pure server
		s = Info_ValueForKey( sysInfo, "sv_pure" );
		if ( s[0] == '1' ) {
			const char *psPure = CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "PURE_SERVER");
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, psPure, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		// server-specific message of the day
		s = CG_ConfigString( CS_MOTD );
		if ( s[0] ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		{	// display global MOTD at bottom (mirrors ui_main UI_DrawConnectScreen
			char motdString[1024];
			trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "cl_motdString", motdString, sizeof( motdString ) );

			if (motdString[0])
				CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, 425, motdString, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );

		// some extra space after hostname and motd
		y += 10;

	// map-specific message (long map name)
	s = CG_ConfigString( CS_MESSAGE );
	if ( s[0] ) {
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;

	// cheats warning
	s = Info_ValueForKey( sysInfo, "sv_cheats" );
	if ( s[0] == '1' ) {
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "CHEATSAREENABLED"), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;

	// game type
	s = BG_GetGametypeString( cgs.gametype );
	CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
	y += iPropHeight;

	if (cgs.gametype != GT_SIEGE)
		value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "timelimit" ) );
		if ( value ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "TIMELIMIT"), value ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		if (cgs.gametype < GT_CTF ) {
			value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "fraglimit" ) );
			if ( value ) {
				CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "FRAGLIMIT"), value ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
				y += iPropHeight;

			if (cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL)
				value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "duel_fraglimit" ) );
				if ( value ) {
					CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "WINLIMIT"), value ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
					y += iPropHeight;

	if (cgs.gametype >= GT_CTF) {
		value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "capturelimit" ) );
		if ( value ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "CAPTURELIMIT"), value ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

	if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM)
		value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_forceBasedTeams" ) );
		if ( value ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "FORCEBASEDTEAMS"), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

    if (cgs.gametype != GT_SIEGE)
		valueNOFP = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_forcePowerDisable" ) );

		value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_maxForceRank" ) );
		if ( value && !valueNOFP && (value < NUM_FORCE_MASTERY_LEVELS) ) {
			char fmStr[1024];

			trap->SE_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_MAXFORCERANK",fmStr, sizeof(fmStr));

			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %s", fmStr, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", forceMasteryLevels[value]) ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;
		else if (!valueNOFP)
			char fmStr[1024];
			trap->SE_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_MAXFORCERANK",fmStr, sizeof(fmStr));

			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %s", fmStr, (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", forceMasteryLevels[7]) ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		if (cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL)
			value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_duelWeaponDisable" ) );
			value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_weaponDisable" ) );
		if ( cgs.gametype != GT_JEDIMASTER && value ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SABERONLYSET") ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		if ( valueNOFP ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "NOFPSET") ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

	// Display the rules based on type
		y += iPropHeight;
	switch ( cgs.gametype ) {
	case GT_FFA:
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_FFA_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_HOLO_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_HOLO_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_JEDI_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_JEDI_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
	case GT_DUEL:
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_DUEL_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_DUEL_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_POWERDUEL_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_POWERDUEL_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
	case GT_TEAM:
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_TEAM_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_TEAM_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
	case GT_SIEGE:
	case GT_CTF:
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_CTF_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_CTF_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
	case GT_CTY:
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_CTY_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_CTY_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void MissionPrint_Line(const int color, const int objectIndex, int &missionYcnt)
	char *str,*strBegin;
	int y,pixelLen,charLen;
	char holdText[1024] ;
	char finalText[2048];
	qhandle_t	graphic;

	cgi_SP_GetStringText( PACKAGE_OBJECTIVES<<8|objectIndex , finalText, sizeof(finalText) );

	pixelLen = cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(finalText, cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f);

	str = finalText;

/*	CG_DisplayBoxedText(70,50,500,300,finalText,
	if (pixelLen < 500)	// One shot - small enough to print entirely on one line
		y =missionYpos + (18 * (missionYcnt));
		if (obj_graphics[0])
			y += 32 + 4;
		if (obj_graphics[1])
			y += 32 + 4;
		if (obj_graphics[2])
			y += 32 + 4;
		CG_DrawProportionalString(108, y,str, CG_SMALLFONT, colorTable[color] );
	// Text is too long, break into lines.
		char holdText2[2];
		pixelLen = 0;
		charLen = 0;
		holdText2[1] = NULL;
		strBegin = str;

		while( *str ) 
			holdText2[0] = *str;
			pixelLen += cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(holdText2, cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f);

			pixelLen += 2; // For kerning

			if (pixelLen > 500 ) 
			{	//Reached max length of this line
				//step back until we find a space
				while ((charLen) && (*str != ' ' ))

				if (*str==' ')
					++str;	// To get past space

				Q_strncpyz( holdText, strBegin, charLen);
				holdText[charLen] = NULL;
				strBegin = str;
				pixelLen = 0;
				charLen = 1;

				y = missionYpos + (18 * missionYcnt);

				CG_DrawProportionalString(108, y, holdText, CG_SMALLFONT, colorTable[color] );
			else if (*(str+1) == NULL)

				y = missionYpos + (18 * missionYcnt);

				Q_strncpyz( holdText, strBegin, charLen);
				CG_DrawProportionalString(108, y, holdText, CG_SMALLFONT, colorTable[color] );


	// Special case hack
	if (objectIndex == DOOM_COMM_OBJ4)
		y = missionYpos + (18 * missionYcnt);
		graphic = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("textures/system/securitycode");
		CG_DrawPic( 320 - (128/2), y+8, 128, 32, graphic );
		obj_graphics[0] = qtrue;
	else if (objectIndex == KEJIM_POST_OBJ3)
		y = missionYpos + (18 * missionYcnt);
		graphic = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("textures/system/securitycode_red");
		CG_DrawPic( 320 - (32/2), y+8, 32, 32, graphic );
		obj_graphics[1] = qtrue;
	else if (objectIndex == KEJIM_POST_OBJ4)
		y =missionYpos + (18 * missionYcnt);
		if (obj_graphics[1])
			y += 32 + 4;
		graphic = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("textures/system/securitycode_green");
		CG_DrawPic( 320 - (32/2), y+8, 32, 32, graphic );
		obj_graphics[2] = qtrue;
	else if (objectIndex == KEJIM_POST_OBJ5)
		y =missionYpos + (18 * missionYcnt);
		if (obj_graphics[1])
			y += 32 + 4;
		if (obj_graphics[2])
			y += 32 + 4;
		graphic = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("textures/system/securitycode_blue");
		CG_DrawPic( 320 - (32/2), y+8, 32, 32, graphic );
		obj_graphics[3] = qtrue;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CG_DrawInformation( void ) {
	const char	*s;
	const char	*info;
	const char	*sysInfo;
	int			y;
	int			value, valueNOFP;
	qhandle_t	levelshot;
	char		buf[1024];
	int			iPropHeight = 18;	// I know, this is total crap, but as a post release asian-hack....  -Ste
	info = CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO );
	sysInfo = CG_ConfigString( CS_SYSTEMINFO );

	s = Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" );
	levelshot = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( va( "levelshots/%s", s ) );
	if ( !levelshot ) {
		levelshot = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/art/unknownmap_mp" );
	trap->R_SetColor( NULL );
	CG_DrawPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, levelshot );


	// draw the icons of things as they are loaded
//	CG_DrawLoadingIcons();

	// the first 150 rows are reserved for the client connection
	// screen to write into
	if ( cg.infoScreenText[0] ) {
		const char *psLoading = CG_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "LOADING_MAPNAME");
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, 128-32, va(/*"Loading... %s"*/ psLoading, cg.infoScreenText), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );		
	} else {
		const char *psAwaitingSnapshot = CG_GetStringEdString("MENUS", "AWAITING_SNAPSHOT");
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, 128-32, /*"Awaiting snapshot..."*/psAwaitingSnapshot, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );			

	// draw info string information

	y = 180-32;

	// don't print server lines if playing a local game
	trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "sv_running", buf, sizeof( buf ) );
	if ( !atoi( buf ) ) {
		// server hostname
		Q_strncpyz(buf, Info_ValueForKey( info, "sv_hostname" ), sizeof( buf ) );
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, buf, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;

		// pure server
		s = Info_ValueForKey( sysInfo, "sv_pure" );
		if ( s[0] == '1' ) {
			const char *psPure = CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "PURE_SERVER");
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, psPure, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		// server-specific message of the day
		s = CG_ConfigString( CS_MOTD );
		if ( s[0] ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		{	// display global MOTD at bottom (mirrors ui_main UI_DrawConnectScreen
			char motdString[1024];
			trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "cl_motdString", motdString, sizeof( motdString ) );

			if (motdString[0])
				CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, 425, motdString, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );

		// some extra space after hostname and motd
		y += 10;

	// map-specific message (long map name)
	s = CG_ConfigString( CS_MESSAGE );
	if ( s[0] ) {
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;

	// cheats warning
	s = Info_ValueForKey( sysInfo, "sv_cheats" );
	if ( s[0] == '1' ) {
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "CHEATSAREENABLED"), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;

	// game type
	s = BG_GetGametypeString( cgs.gametype );
	CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, s, UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
	y += iPropHeight;
	if (cgs.gametype != GT_SIEGE)
		value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "timelimit" ) );
		if ( value ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "TIMELIMIT"), value ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		if (cgs.gametype < GT_CTF ) {
			value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "fraglimit" ) );
			if ( value ) {
				CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "FRAGLIMIT"), value ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
				y += iPropHeight;

			if (cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL)
				value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "duel_fraglimit" ) );
				if ( value ) {
					CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "WINLIMIT"), value ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
					y += iPropHeight;

	if (cgs.gametype >= GT_CTF) {
		value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "capturelimit" ) );
		if ( value ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %i", CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "CAPTURELIMIT"), value ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

	if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM)
		value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_forceBasedTeams" ) );
		if ( value ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "FORCEBASEDTEAMS"), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

    if (cgs.gametype != GT_SIEGE)
		valueNOFP = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_forcePowerDisable" ) );

		value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_maxForceRank" ) );
		if ( value && !valueNOFP && (value < NUM_FORCE_MASTERY_LEVELS) ) {
			char fmStr[1024]; 

			trap->SE_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_MAXFORCERANK",fmStr, sizeof(fmStr));

			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %s", fmStr, CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", forceMasteryLevels[value]) ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;
		else if (!valueNOFP)
			char fmStr[1024];
			trap->SE_GetStringTextString("MP_INGAME_MAXFORCERANK",fmStr, sizeof(fmStr));

			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s %s", fmStr, (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", forceMasteryLevels[7]) ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		if (cgs.gametype == GT_DUEL || cgs.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL)
			value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_duelWeaponDisable" ) );
			value = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_weaponDisable" ) );
		if ( cgs.gametype != GT_JEDIMASTER && value ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "SABERONLYSET") ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

		if ( valueNOFP ) {
			CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "NOFPSET") ), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
			y += iPropHeight;

	// Display the rules based on type
		y += iPropHeight;
	switch ( cgs.gametype ) {
	case GT_FFA:					
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_FFA_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_HOLO_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_HOLO_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_JEDI_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_JEDI_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
	case GT_DUEL:
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_DUEL_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_DUEL_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_POWERDUEL_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_POWERDUEL_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
	case GT_TEAM:
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_TEAM_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_TEAM_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
	case GT_SIEGE:
	case GT_CTF:
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_CTF_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_CTF_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
	case GT_CTY:
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_CTY_1")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;
		CG_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, va( "%s", (char *)CG_GetStringEdString("MP_INGAME", "RULES_CTY_2")), UI_CENTER|UI_INFOFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorWhite );
		y += iPropHeight;