Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Captures a preview that won't be stored on the camera but returned in 
 * supplied file. 
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param file a #CameraFile
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
 * For example, you could use gp_capture_preview() for taking some sample
 * pictures before calling gp_capture().
gp_camera_capture_preview (Camera *camera, CameraFile *file, GPContext *context)
	char *xname;
	C_PARAMS (camera && file);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CR (camera, gp_file_clean (file), context);

	if (!camera->functions->capture_preview) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera can "
			"not capture previews."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->capture_preview (
					camera, file, context), context);
	gp_file_get_name_by_type (file, "capture_preview", GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, &xname);
	/* FIXME: Marcus ... will go away, just keep compatible now. */
	gp_file_set_name (file, xname);
	free (xname);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Reads a file partially from the #Camera.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param folder a folder
 * @param file the name of a file
 * @param type the #CameraFileType
 * @param offset the offset into the camera file
 * @param data the buffer receiving the data
 * @param size the size to be read and that was read
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_file_read (Camera *camera, const char *folder, const char *file,
		    CameraFileType type,
		    uint64_t offset, char *buf, uint64_t *size,
		    GPContext *context)
	GP_LOG_D ("Getting file '%s' in folder '%s'...", file, folder);

	C_PARAMS (camera && folder && file && buf && size);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	/* Did we get reasonable foldername/filename? */
	if (strlen (folder) == 0) {
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	if (strlen (file) == 0) {
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_read_file (camera->fs,
			folder, file, type, offset, buf, size, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Retrieves a file from the #Camera.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param folder a folder
 * @param file the name of a file
 * @param type the #CameraFileType
 * @param camera_file a #CameraFile
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_file_get (Camera *camera, const char *folder, const char *file,
		    CameraFileType type, CameraFile *camera_file,
		    GPContext *context)
	gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "gphoto2-camera", "Getting file '%s' in "
		"folder '%s'...", file, folder);

	CHECK_NULL (camera && folder && file && camera_file);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CR (camera, gp_file_clean (camera_file), context);

	/* Did we get reasonable foldername/filename? */
	if (strlen (folder) == 0) {
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	if (strlen (file) == 0) {
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_get_file (camera->fs,
			folder, file, type, camera_file, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Removes an (empty) directory called \c name from the given \c folder.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param folder the folder from which to remove the directory
 * @param name the name of the directory to be removed
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_folder_remove_dir (Camera *camera, const char *folder,
			     const char *name, GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera && folder && name);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_remove_dir (camera->fs,
					folder, name, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Sets some file properties like name or permissions.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param folder a folder
 * @param file the name of a file
 * @param info the #CameraFileInfo
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_file_set_info (Camera *camera, const char *folder, 
			 const char *file, CameraFileInfo info,
			 GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera && folder && file);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_set_info (camera->fs,
					folder, file, info, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Deletes the file from \c folder.
 * \param camera a #Camera
 * \param folder a folder
 * \param file the name of a file
 * \param context a #GPContext
 * \return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_file_delete (Camera *camera, const char *folder, const char *file,
		       GPContext *context)
	GP_LOG_D ("Deleting file '%s' in folder '%s'...", file, folder);

	C_PARAMS (camera && folder && file);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_delete_file (
				camera->fs, folder, file, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Deletes all files in a given \c folder.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param folder a folder
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_folder_delete_all (Camera *camera, const char *folder,
			     GPContext *context)
	GP_LOG_D ("Deleting all files in '%s'...", folder);

	C_PARAMS (camera && folder);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_delete_all (camera->fs,
						folder, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Uploads a file into given \c folder.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param folder a folder
 * @param file a #CameraFile
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_folder_put_file (Camera *camera, const char *folder,
			   CameraFile *file, GPContext *context)
	gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "gphoto2-camera", "Uploading file into '%s'...",

	CHECK_NULL (camera && folder && file);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_put_file (camera->fs,
					folder, file, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Deletes the file from \c folder.
 * \param camera a #Camera
 * \param folder a folder
 * \param file the name of a file
 * \param context a #GPContext
 * \return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_file_delete (Camera *camera, const char *folder, const char *file,
		       GPContext *context)
	gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "gphoto2-camera", "Deleting file '%s' in "
		"folder '%s'...", file, folder);

	CHECK_NULL (camera && folder && file);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_delete_file (
				camera->fs, folder, file, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * Triggers capture of one or more images.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
 * This functions just remotely causes the shutter release and returns
 * immediately. You will want to run #gp_camera_wait_event until a image
 * is added which can be downloaded using #gp_camera_file_get.
gp_camera_trigger_capture (Camera *camera, GPContext *context)
	C_PARAMS (camera);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (!camera->functions->trigger_capture) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera can not trigger capture."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->trigger_capture (camera,
						context), context);
	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Lists the folders in supplied \c folder.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param folder a folder
 * @param list a #CameraList
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_folder_list_folders (Camera *camera, const char* folder, 
			       CameraList *list, GPContext *context)
	GP_LOG_D ("Listing folders in '%s'...", folder);

	C_PARAMS (camera && folder && list);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);
	CR (camera, gp_list_reset (list), context);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_list_folders (
				camera->fs, folder, list, context), context);

	CR (camera, gp_list_sort (list), context);
	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
        return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * \brief Gets information on the camera attached storage.
 * \param camera a #Camera
 * \param sifs Pointer to receive a pointer to/array of storage info items
 * \param nrofsifs Pointer to receive number of array entries
 * \param context a #GPContext
 * \return a gphoto2 error code
 * Retrieves the storage information, like maximum and free space, for
 * the specified filesystem, if supported by the device. The storage
 * information is returned in an newly allocated array of
 * #CameraStorageInformation objects, to which the pointer pointed to
 * by #sifs will be set.
 * The variable pointed to by #nrofsifs will be set to the number of
 * elements in that array.
 * It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory of the array.
gp_camera_get_storageinfo (
	Camera *camera, CameraStorageInformation **sifs,
	int *nrofsifs, GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera && sifs && nrofsifs);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

		gp_filesystem_get_storageinfo (
			camera->fs, sifs, nrofsifs, context
	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * Lists the files in supplied \c folder.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param folder a folder
 * @param list a #CameraList
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_folder_list_files (Camera *camera, const char *folder, 
			     CameraList *list, GPContext *context)
	gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "gphoto2-camera", "Listing files in '%s'...",

	CHECK_NULL (camera && folder && list);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);
	CR (camera, gp_list_reset (list), context);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_list_files (camera->fs,
					folder, list, context), context);

	CR (camera, gp_list_sort (list), context);
	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
        return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Uploads a file into given \c folder.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param folder a folder
 * @param file a #CameraFile
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
gp_camera_folder_put_file (Camera *camera,
			   const char *folder, const char *filename,
			   CameraFileType type,
			   CameraFile *file, GPContext *context)
	GP_LOG_D ("Uploading file into '%s'...",

	C_PARAMS (camera && folder && file);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, gp_filesystem_put_file (camera->fs,
					folder, filename, type, file, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * Wait for an event from the camera.
 * @param camera a Camera
 * @param timeout amount of time to wait in 1/1000 seconds
 * @param eventtype received CameraEventType [out]
 * @param eventdata received event specific data [out]
 * @param context a GPContext
 * @return gphoto2 error code
 * This function blocks and waits for an event to come from the camera.  If
 * timeout occurs before an event is received then
 * *eventtype==GP_EVENT_TIMEOUT and eventdata is left unchanged.
 * If an event is received then eventtype is set to the type of event, and
 * eventdata is set to event specific data.  See the CameraEventType enum
 * to see which eventtype's match to which types of eventdata.
gp_camera_wait_for_event (Camera *camera, int timeout,
		          CameraEventType *eventtype, void **eventdata,
			  GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (!camera->functions->wait_for_event) {
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->wait_for_event (
					camera, timeout, eventtype, eventdata,
					context), context);
	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Retrieve a configuration \c window for the \c camera.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param window a #CameraWidget
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return gphoto2 error code
 * This \c window can be used for construction of a configuration dialog.
gp_camera_get_config (Camera *camera, CameraWidget **window, GPContext *context)
	C_PARAMS (camera);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (!camera->functions->get_config) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera does "
			"not provide any configuration options."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->get_config (
					camera, window, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * Captures an image, movie, or sound clip depending on the given \c type.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param type a #CameraCaptureType
 * @param path a #CameraFilePath
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
 * The resulting file will be stored on the camera. The location gets stored
 * in \c path. The file can then be downloaded using #gp_camera_file_get.
gp_camera_capture (Camera *camera, CameraCaptureType type,
		   CameraFilePath *path, GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (!camera->functions->capture) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera can not capture."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->capture (camera,
						type, path, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * Retrieves the \c manual for given \c camera.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param manual a #CameraText
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
 * This manual typically contains information about using the camera.
gp_camera_get_manual (Camera *camera, CameraText *manual, GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera && manual);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (!camera->functions->manual) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera "
			"does not offer a manual."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->manual (camera,
						manual, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 * Retrieves information about the camera driver.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param about a #CameraText
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
 * Typically, this information contains name and address of the author,
 * acknowledgements, etc.
gp_camera_get_about (Camera *camera, CameraText *about, GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera && about);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (!camera->functions->about) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera does "
			"not provide information about the driver."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->about (camera,
						about, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * Retrieves a camera summary.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param summary a #CameraText
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
 * This summary typically contains information like manufacturer, pictures
 * taken, or generally information that is not configurable.
gp_camera_get_summary (Camera *camera, CameraText *summary, GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera && summary);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (!camera->functions->summary) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera does "
				  "not support summaries."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->summary (camera,
						summary, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Sets the configuration.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param window a #CameraWidget
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
 * Typically, a \c window is retrieved using #gp_camera_get_config and passed 
 * to this function in order to adjust the settings on the camera.
gp_camera_set_config (Camera *camera, CameraWidget *window, GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera && window);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (!camera->functions->set_config) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera does "
			"not support setting configuration options."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->set_config (camera,
						window, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * Captures a preview that won't be stored on the camera but returned in 
 * supplied file. 
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param file a #CameraFile
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return a gphoto2 error code
 * For example, you could use #gp_capture_preview for taking some sample
 * pictures before calling #gp_capture.
gp_camera_capture_preview (Camera *camera, CameraFile *file, GPContext *context)
	CHECK_NULL (camera && file);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	CR (camera, gp_file_clean (file), context);

	if (!camera->functions->capture_preview) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera can "
			"not capture previews."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
                return (GP_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);

	CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->capture_preview (
					camera, file, context), context);

	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return (GP_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 23
gp_camera_list_config (Camera *camera, CameraList *list, GPContext *context)
	CameraWidget		*rootwidget;
	int			ret;
	C_PARAMS (camera);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (camera->functions->list_config) {
		CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->list_config (
						camera, list, context), context);

		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return GP_OK;
	if (!camera->functions->get_config) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera does not provide any configuration options."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	/* emulate it ... */
	CHECK_OPEN (camera, context);

	ret = camera->functions->get_config ( camera, &rootwidget, context);
	if (ret != GP_OK) {
		CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return ret;

	_get_widget_names (rootwidget, list);

	gp_widget_free (rootwidget);
	CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * Retrieve a single configuration \c widget for the \c camera.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param name the name of a configuration widget
 * @param widget a #CameraWidget
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return gphoto2 error code
 * This \c widget will then contain the current and the possible values and the type.
gp_camera_get_single_config (Camera *camera, const char *name, CameraWidget **widget, GPContext *context)
	CameraWidget		*rootwidget, *child;
	CameraWidgetType	type;
	const char		*label;
	int			ret, ro;

	C_PARAMS (camera);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (camera->functions->get_single_config) {
		CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->get_single_config (
						camera, name, widget, context), context);

		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return GP_OK;

	if (!camera->functions->get_config) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera does not provide any configuration options."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	/* emulate it ... */
	CHECK_OPEN (camera, context);

	ret = camera->functions->get_config ( camera, &rootwidget, context);
	if (ret != GP_OK) {
		CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return ret;
	ret = gp_widget_get_child_by_name (rootwidget, name, &child);
	if (ret != GP_OK) {
		gp_widget_free (rootwidget);
		CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return ret;

	/* We need to duplicate the widget, as we will free the widgettree */
	gp_widget_get_type (child, &type);
	gp_widget_get_label (child, &label);
	gp_widget_get_readonly (child, &ro);

	ret = gp_widget_new (type, label, widget);
	if (ret != GP_OK)
		goto out;
	gp_widget_set_name (*widget, name);
	gp_widget_set_readonly (*widget, ro);

	switch (type) {
        case GP_WIDGET_MENU:
        case GP_WIDGET_RADIO: {
		char *value;
		int i, nrofchoices;

		nrofchoices = gp_widget_count_choices (child);
		for (i = 0; i < nrofchoices; i++) {
			const char *choice;

			gp_widget_get_choice (child, i, &choice);
			gp_widget_add_choice (*widget, choice);
		gp_widget_get_value (child, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (*widget, value);
        case GP_WIDGET_TEXT: {
		char *value;

		gp_widget_get_value (child, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (*widget, value);
        case GP_WIDGET_RANGE: {
		float value, rmin, rmax, rstep;

		gp_widget_get_range (child, &rmin, &rmax, &rstep);
		gp_widget_set_range (*widget, rmin, rmax, rstep);
		gp_widget_get_value (child, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (*widget, &value);
        case GP_WIDGET_TOGGLE:
        case GP_WIDGET_DATE: {
		int value;

		gp_widget_get_value (child, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (*widget, &value);
        case GP_WIDGET_BUTTON:
        case GP_WIDGET_SECTION:
        case GP_WIDGET_WINDOW:
                ret = GP_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS;
	gp_widget_free (rootwidget);
	CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Set a single configuration \c widget for the \c camera.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param name the name of a configuration widget
 * @param widget a #CameraWidget
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return gphoto2 error code
 * This \c widget contains the new value of the widget to set.
gp_camera_set_single_config (Camera *camera, const char *name, CameraWidget *widget, GPContext *context)
	CameraWidget		*rootwidget, *child;
	CameraWidgetType	type;
	int			ret;

	C_PARAMS (camera);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (camera->functions->set_single_config) {
		CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->set_single_config (
						camera, name, widget, context), context);

		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return GP_OK;

	if (!camera->functions->set_config) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera does not provide any configuration options."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	/* emulate single config with the full tree */
	CHECK_OPEN (camera, context);

	ret = camera->functions->get_config ( camera, &rootwidget, context);
	if (ret != GP_OK) {
		CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return ret;
	ret = gp_widget_get_child_by_name (rootwidget, name, &child);
	if (ret != GP_OK) {
		gp_widget_free (rootwidget);
		CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return ret;

	gp_widget_get_type (child, &type);
	ret = GP_OK;
	switch (type) {
        case GP_WIDGET_MENU:
        case GP_WIDGET_RADIO:
        case GP_WIDGET_TEXT: {
		char *value;

		gp_widget_get_value (widget, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (child, value);
        case GP_WIDGET_RANGE: {
		float value;

		gp_widget_get_value (widget, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (child, &value);
        case GP_WIDGET_TOGGLE:
        case GP_WIDGET_DATE: {
		int value;

		gp_widget_get_value (widget, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (child, &value);
        case GP_WIDGET_BUTTON:
        case GP_WIDGET_SECTION:
        case GP_WIDGET_WINDOW:
                ret = GP_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS;
	gp_widget_set_changed (child, 1);

	if (ret == GP_OK)
		ret = camera->functions->set_config (camera, rootwidget, context);
	gp_widget_free (rootwidget);
	CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return ret;