Ejemplo n.º 1
char TWI_SendAddress ( char Address, char TWI_RW )
	char twst;
	int timer;

	TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWSTA)|(1<<TWEN);

	timer = CLOCK_RegisterCoundowntimer();
	if( timer == CLOCK_FAILED )
		return FALSE;
	CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer( timer , TWITIMEOUT, MSECOUND );

	while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)))
		if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( timer ) == 0 )
			CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
			return FALSE;
	CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );

	twst = TWSR & 0xF8;
	if ((twst != TWI_START) && (twst != TWI_REP_START)) return FALSE;

	TWDR = (Address<<1) + TWI_RW;
	TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN);

	timer = CLOCK_RegisterCoundowntimer();
	if( timer == CLOCK_FAILED )
		return FALSE;
	CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer( timer , TWITIMEOUT, MSECOUND );

	while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)))
		if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( timer ) == 0 )
			CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
			return FALSE;
	CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );

	twst = TWSR & 0xF8;
	if ((twst != TWI_MTX_ADR_ACK) && (twst != TWI_MRX_ADR_ACK)) return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void TWI_SendStart(void)
	int timer;

	TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWSTA)|(1<<TWEN); //make start

	timer = CLOCK_RegisterCoundowntimer();
	if( timer == CLOCK_FAILED )
	CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer( timer , TWITIMEOUT, MSECOUND );

	while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)))
		if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( timer ) == 0 )
			CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
	CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );

	if (( TWSR != TWI_START) && ( TWSR != TWI_REP_START))

Ejemplo n.º 3
char TWI_Write ( char Data )
	int timer;
	char twst;

	TWDR = Data;
	TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN);

	timer = CLOCK_RegisterCoundowntimer();
	if( timer == CLOCK_FAILED )
		return FALSE;
	CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer( timer , TWITIMEOUT, MSECOUND );

	while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)))
		if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( timer ) == 0 )
			CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
			return FALSE;
	CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );

	twst = TWSR & 0xF8;
	if (twst != TWI_MTX_DATA_ACK) return 1;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void TWI_SendStop ( void )
	int timer;

	TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWSTO);

	timer = CLOCK_RegisterCoundowntimer();
	if( timer == CLOCK_FAILED )
	CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer( timer , TWITIMEOUT, MSECOUND );

	while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)))
		if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( timer ) == 0 )
			CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
	CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );

Ejemplo n.º 5
char TWI_ReadNack ( void )
	int timer;

	TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN);

	timer = CLOCK_RegisterCoundowntimer();
	if( timer == CLOCK_FAILED )
		return FALSE;
	CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer( timer , TWITIMEOUT, MSECOUND );

	while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)))
		if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( timer ) == 0 )
			CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
			return FALSE;
	CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
	return TWDR;
Ejemplo n.º 6
unsigned int NTP_GetTime( unsigned long IP, char * dnsbuffer, char timedif )
		char buffer[ NTP_SIZE ];
		int i=0, socket, timer, retval = NTP_ERROR;

#if defined(NTP_DEBUG)
		char String[30];
		union DATE ZeitInSek;
		struct TIME time;

#if defined(NTP_DEBUG)
		printf_P( PSTR("Oeffne neues Socket.\r\n") );
		if ( IP == 0 )
#ifdef UDP
	#ifdef DNS
			if ( dnsbuffer != 0 )
				// Host nach IP auflösen
				IP = DNS_ResolveName( dnsbuffer );
				// könnte er aufgelöst werden ?
				if ( IP == DNS_NO_ANSWER ) return( NTP_ERROR );
			return( NTP_ERROR );
		// UDP-socket aufmachen für Bootp
		socket = UDP_RegisterSocket( IP , 37 , NTP_SIZE , buffer);
		// Wenn Fehler aufgetretten, return
		if ( socket == UDP_SOCKET_ERROR ) 
			return ( NTP_ERROR );

#if defined(NTP_DEBUG)
			printf_P( PSTR("UDP-Socket aufgemacht zur %s.\r\n"), iptostr( IP, String ) );
		// leeres UDP-Packet an Time-server senden
		UDP_SendPacket( socket, 0 , buffer);

#if defined(NTP_DEBUG)
		printf_P( PSTR("UDP-Packet gesendet.\r\n"));
		// Timeout-counter reservieren und starten
		timer = CLOCK_RegisterCountdowntimer();
		if ( timer == CLOCK_FAILED ) return ( NTP_ERROR );

		CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer( timer , 500, MSECOUND );

#if defined(NTP_DEBUG)
		printf_P( PSTR("Warte auf Antwort."));
		// Auf Antwort des Timer-Servers warten
		while( 1 )
			// Wenn Time-Server geantwortet hat inerhalb des Timeouts, hier weiter
			if ( UDP_GetSocketState( socket ) == UDP_SOCKET_BUSY && ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( timer ) != 0 ) )
				// Sind 4 Bytes empfangen worden, wenn ja okay, sonst fehler
				if ( UDP_GetByteInBuffer( socket ) >= 4 )
					// Daten kopieren und Zeit ausrechnen
					for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) 
						ZeitInSek.DateByte[ i ] = buffer[ 3 - i ];

					CLOCK_GetTime( &time );

					time.time = ZeitInSek.Date;
					time.timezone = timedif;
					CLOCK_decode_time( &time );

					CLOCK_SetTime( &time );
					retval = NTP_OK;
#if defined(NTP_DEBUG)
					printf_P( PSTR("Antwort erhalten.\r\n"));
					// fertisch
#if defined(NTP_DEBUG)
					printf_P( PSTR("Falsches Format der Antwort.\r\n"));
					retval = NTP_ERROR;
			// Timeout erreicht ? Wenn ja Fehler.
			if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( timer ) == 0 )
#if defined(NTP_DEBUG)
				printf_P( PSTR("Timeout beun warten auf Antwort.\r\n"));
				retval = NTP_ERROR;
		// timer freigeben und UDP-Socket schliessen
		CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
		UDP_CloseSocket( socket );
#if defined(NTP_DEBUG)
		printf_P( PSTR("UDP-Socket geschlossen.\r\n"));
		return( retval );
Ejemplo n.º 7
int mp3client_pharseheader ( unsigned int socket )
	char pharsebuffer[256], Data;
	int pharsebufferpos=0;
	int REQUEST = 0;
	metaint = 0;
	if ( verboselevel != 0 ) printf_P( PSTR("\r\n\r\nGet Headerinformation\r\n---------------------\r\n") );

	while( 1 )

		while ( GetBytesInSocketData( MP3_SOCKET ) == 0 && CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( mp3timer ) != 0)
			if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( mp3timer ) == 0 )
				return( -1 );			
		Data = GetByteFromSocketData ( socket );
 		if ( verboselevel != 0 ) printf_P( PSTR("%c"), Data);
		if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( mp3timer ) == 0 )
			return( -1 );
		if ( Data != 0x0a )
			if ( pharsebufferpos < 255 )
				if ( Data != 0x0d )
					pharsebuffer[ pharsebufferpos++ ] = Data;
					pharsebuffer[ pharsebufferpos ] = '\0';
			if ( Data == 0x0d )
				if ( !memcmp( &pharsebuffer[0] , "ICY" , 3 ) )
					REQUEST = atoi( &pharsebuffer[4] );
					if ( REQUEST != 200 ) return( REQUEST );
				else if ( !memcmp( &pharsebuffer[0] , "HTTP/1.1" , 8 ) )
					REQUEST = atoi( &pharsebuffer[9] );
					if ( REQUEST != 200 ) return( REQUEST );
				else if ( !memcmp( &pharsebuffer[0] , "icy-metaint:" , 11 ) )
					metaint = atoi( &pharsebuffer[12] );
				else if ( !memcmp( &pharsebuffer[0] , "icy-name" , 8 ) )
					mp3clientupdateNAME( &pharsebuffer[9] );
				else if ( !memcmp( &pharsebuffer[0] , "icy-url" , 7 ) )
					mp3clientupdateMETAURL( &pharsebuffer[8] );
				else if ( !memcmp( &pharsebuffer[0] , "icy-genre" , 9 ) )
					mp3clientupdateGENRE( &pharsebuffer[10] );
				else if ( !memcmp( &pharsebuffer[0] , "icy-br" , 6 ) )
					mp3clientupdateBITRATE( atoi( &pharsebuffer[7] ) );

				if ( pharsebuffer[0] == '\0' )
					Data = GetByteFromSocketData ( socket );
					pharsebufferpos = 0;
					pharsebuffer[0] = '\0';
	if ( verboselevel != 0 ) printf_P( PSTR("----------\r\nHeader End\r\n") );

	return( REQUEST );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void mp3client_thread( void )
	#define bandwidthhis	16
	unsigned char i;
	static unsigned long totalbytesold[bandwidthhis],bandwidth;
	static unsigned char y;	
	static unsigned int temp;
	STDOUT_Set_RS232 ();
		// keine Verbindung offen? Trafficcounter zurücksetzen
		slowstart = 1;
		// Verbindung wirklich noch offen
		if( CheckSocketState( MP3_SOCKET ) == SOCKET_NOT_USE )
			CloseTCPSocket( MP3_SOCKET );
			// Wenn Puffer auf unter 1/8 gelaufen ist slowstart setzen 
			if ( Get_Bytes_in_FIFO ( MP3_FIFO ) < mp3_buffer_size / 8 ) slowstart = 1;			
/*			// Datenpuffer auffrischen mit neuen daten von TCP-Verbindung
			while ( GetBytesInSocketData( MP3_SOCKET ) >= MP3TCPtranslen && Get_FIFOrestsize ( MP3_FIFO ) > MP3TCPtranslen && metainfolen == 0 )
				// Wenn die transferlänge zum nächsten Metaint kleiner als translen zwischen tcp und mp3 buffer ist, nur diese
				// kopieren damit danach der metaint eingelesen werden kann
				if ( metaint - ( metaintcounter%metaint ) < MP3TCPtranslen && metaint != 0)
					temp = GetSocketDataToFIFO ( MP3_SOCKET, MP3_FIFO, metaint - ( metaintcounter%metaint ) );
					totalbytes = totalbytes + temp;
					metaintcounter = metaintcounter + temp;
					temp = GetSocketDataToFIFO ( MP3_SOCKET, MP3_FIFO, MP3TCPtranslen );
					totalbytes = totalbytes + temp;
					metaintcounter = metaintcounter + temp;
				if ( metaintcounter%metaint == 0 && metaint != 0 )
					// checkt und wartet ob mehr als 1 Byte im Puffer ist
					while ( GetBytesInSocketData( MP3_SOCKET ) <= 0 );
					// lese Byte und errechne die metalänge
					metainfolen = GetByteFromSocketData ( MP3_SOCKET ) * 16 ;
			// Wenn der metaintcounter auf einen metaint steht, den metaint lesen und ausgeben
			if ( metainfolen != 0 )
				mp3client_readmetainfo( MP3_SOCKET, metainfolen );
				metainfolen = 0;

			// Counter schon bei 0, wenn ja stats updaten
			if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer ( mp3timer ) == 0 )
				bandwidth = 0;	

				// traffic aufaddieren
				for ( i = 0 ; i < bandwidthhis ; i++)
					bandwidth = bandwidth + totalbytesold[ i ];	
				// bandwidth berechnen alle 0,5 sekunden
				bandwidth = ( bandwidth / bandwidthhis ) * 2;
				// stats sichern
				mp3clientupdate( bandwidth, GetBytesInSocketData( MP3_SOCKET ) , Get_Bytes_in_FIFO ( MP3_FIFO ), VS10xx_get_decodetime( ), verboselevel );		

				// wenn verboselevel gesetzt ausgeben
				if ( verboselevel != 0)
					printf_P( PSTR("\r%5d(TCP %4d)Bytes on FIFO, bandwidth:%3ldkbit/s(%2dkb/s)"), Get_Bytes_in_FIFO ( MP3_FIFO ), GetBytesInSocketData( MP3_SOCKET ), ( bandwidth * 8 ) / 1024, ( bandwidth * 8 ) / 8192 );	

				// zähler für bandwidth zurücksetzten
				if ( y < bandwidthhis )
					totalbytesold[y] = totalbytes;
					y = 0;
					totalbytesold[y] = totalbytes;
				totalbytes = 0;	

				// Counter neu starten 0,5 Sekunden
				CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer ( mp3timer, 47, MSECOUND );
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* Download CEPT-Hypertext Page from Ulm */
int applicationBtxHttpGet(char *url, unsigned long ulmIp ,char *data, int *status)
	volatile unsigned int httpServerSocket = NO_SOCKET_USED;
	char dataByte;
	char *dataPointer = data;
	unsigned char timeoutTimerHandle;
	int dataCount = 0;							/* Counter to prevent buffer overflows */

	/* Pass 1: Establish server connection */
	httpServerSocket = Connect2IP(ulmIp,BTX_ULM_PORT);			/* Connect http-server (Ulm) */

	if(httpServerSocket == NO_SOCKET_USED)
		return -1;							/* Connection failed */

	/* Pass 2: Perform HTTP-Request */
	printf_P(PSTR("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " BTX_ULM_HOST "\r\n\r\n"),url);

	if(httpServerSocket == NO_SOCKET_USED)
		return -1;							/* Connection closed unexpectetly */

	timeoutTimerHandle = CLOCK_RegisterCoundowntimer();			/* Register timer */

	while(GetBytesInSocketData(httpServerSocket) == 0);			/* Trigger on incoming data */

	while(GetBytesInSocketData(httpServerSocket) > 0)

		dataByte = GetByteFromSocketData(httpServerSocket);

			*dataPointer = dataByte;

		/* Handle connection timeout (3 retrys) */
		if(GetBytesInSocketData(httpServerSocket) == 0)
			CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer (timeoutTimerHandle, 8, MSECOUND );
			while(CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer(timeoutTimerHandle) > 0);

			if(GetBytesInSocketData(httpServerSocket) == 0)
				CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer (timeoutTimerHandle, 16, MSECOUND );
				while(CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer(timeoutTimerHandle) > 0);

				if(GetBytesInSocketData(httpServerSocket) == 0)
					CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer (timeoutTimerHandle, 32, MSECOUND );
					while(CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer(timeoutTimerHandle) > 0);

					if(GetBytesInSocketData(httpServerSocket) == 0)

	CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer(timeoutTimerHandle);	/* Free timer */

	*dataPointer = '\0';					/* Add a 0 to make the string functions happy */
	*status = atoi(&data[8]);				/* Calculate status code */

	CloseTCPSocket (httpServerSocket);			/* Close connection */

	STDOUT_Set_RS232();					/* Set STDOUT to console */
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/*! \brief Holt von einen Hostname die IP-Adressen
 * \warning Es ist drauf zu achten das genug Speicher vorgesehen ist fuer die Anworten und das auch Packete mit entsprechender groesse
 * vom Ethernetmodul empfagen werden koennen und nicht verworfen werden. Siehe MAX_FRAMELEN in enc28j60.h .
 * \param	HOSTNAME	Zeiger auf den Hostnamestring der mit 0 teminiert ist.
 * \retval	IP		Die IP des Hostname, wenn IP = DNS_NO_ANSWER ist war die Anfrage nicht erfolgreich. Es sollte der DNSserver Eintrag ueberprueft werden
 * oder die richtigkeit des Hostname.
unsigned long DNS_ResolveName( char * HOSTNAME )
		int i,UDP_socket;
		int timer;
		// udp-puffer anlegen
		unsigned char * udpbuffer;
		udpbuffer = (unsigned char*) __builtin_alloca (( size_t ) DNS_BUFFER_LENGHT );
		// DNS-struct in udp-puffer anlegen
		struct DNS_header * DNS_question;
		DNS_question = ( struct DNS_header *) udpbuffer;
		// DNS anfrage bauen
		DNS_question->TransactionID = 0x1acd;
		DNS_question->Flags = ChangeEndian16bit( 0x0100 );
		DNS_question->Questions = ChangeEndian16bit( 1 );
		DNS_question->Answer_RRs = 0;
		DNS_question->Authority_RRs = 0;
		DNS_question->Additional_RRs = 0;
		// Hostename für DNS umwandeln, in i steht die länge des neuen strings
		i = DNS_convertHostName( HOSTNAME, DNS_question->Queries );
		DNS_question->Queries[i + 1] = '\0';
		DNS_question->Queries[i + 2] = 1;
		DNS_question->Queries[i + 3] = '\0';
		DNS_question->Queries[i + 4] = 1;

		i = i + 5;
		// Antwortstruct anlegen
		struct DNS_answer * DNS_ans;
		DNS_ans = ( void * ) &DNS_question->Queries[i];
		// UDP-Paccket senden
		UDP_socket = UDP_RegisterSocket( DNSserver , DNS_SERVER_PORT, DNS_BUFFER_LENGHT , udpbuffer);
		if ( UDP_socket == UDP_SOCKET_ERROR )
				return( DNS_NO_ANSWER );
		UDP_SendPacket( UDP_socket, DNS_HEADER_LENGHT + i , udpbuffer);

		// empfang des der DNS-Atwort abwarten
		timer = CLOCK_RegisterCoundowntimer();
		if ( timer == CLOCK_FAILED ) return ( DNS_NO_ANSWER );

		CLOCK_SetCountdownTimer ( timer, DNS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, MSECOUND );

		while ( 1 )
			if ( UDP_GetSocketState( UDP_socket ) == UDP_SOCKET_BUSY )
				CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
				UDP_CloseSocket( UDP_socket );
				if ( ( ChangeEndian16bit( DNS_question->Flags ) & 0x000f ) != 0 ) return ( DNS_NO_ANSWER );
			if ( CLOCK_GetCountdownTimer( timer ) == 0 ) 
				CLOCK_ReleaseCountdownTimer( timer );
				UDP_CloseSocket( UDP_socket );
				return( DNS_NO_ANSWER );

		// Antwortpacket auseinander nehmen
		while ( 1 )
			// Wenn noch nicht der Hosteintrag dann nächsten DNS-Answer Datensatz
			if ( ChangeEndian16bit( DNS_ans->Type ) != A_HOSTNAME )
				i = i + ChangeEndian16bit( DNS_ans->Datalenght ) + DNS_ANSWER_HEADER_LENGHT;
				DNS_ans = ( void * ) &DNS_question->Queries[i];
			else break;
		return( DNS_ans->Adress );		