ASTPtr ASTTableJoin::clone() const { auto res = std::make_shared<ASTTableJoin>(*this); res->children.clear(); CLONE(using_expression_list); CLONE(on_expression); return res; }
/* clone_graph: * Create two copies of the argument graph * One is a subgraph, the other is an actual copy since we will be * adding edges to it. */ static Agraph_t* clone_graph(Agraph_t* ing, Agraph_t** xg) { Agraph_t* clone; Agraph_t* xclone; Agnode_t* n; Agnode_t* xn; Agnode_t* xh; Agedge_t* e; Agedge_t* xe; char gname[SMALLBUF]; static int id = 0; sprintf (gname, "_clone_%d", id++); clone = agsubg(ing, gname); sprintf (gname, "_clone_%d", id++); xclone = agopen(gname, ing->kind); for(n = agfstnode(ing); n; n = agnxtnode(ing, n)) { aginsert (clone, n); xn = agnode (xclone, n->name); CLONE(n) = xn; } for(n = agfstnode(ing); n; n = agnxtnode(ing, n)) { xn = CLONE(n); for(e = agfstout(ing, n); e; e = agnxtout(ing, e)) { aginsert (clone, e); xh = CLONE(e->head); xe = agedge (xclone, xn, xh); ORIGE(xe) = e; DEGREE(xn) += 1; DEGREE(xh) += 1; } } *xg = xclone; #ifdef OLD clone = agopen("clone", root->kind); for(n = agfstnode(root); n; n = agnxtnode(root, n)) { cn = agnode(clone, n->name); ND_alg(cn) = DATA(n); BCDONE(cn) = 0; } for(n = agfstnode(root); n; n = agnxtnode(root, n)) { Agnode_t *t = agnode(clone, n); for(e = agfstout(root, n); e; e = agnxtout(root, e)) { Agnode_t *h = agnode(clone, e->head->name); agedge(clone, t, h); } } #endif return clone; }
ASTPtr ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement::clone() const { auto res = std::make_shared<ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement>(*this); res->children.clear(); CLONE(table_join); CLONE(table_expression); CLONE(array_join); return res; }
static struct Cookie *dup_cookie(struct Cookie *src) { struct Cookie *d = calloc(sizeof(struct Cookie), 1); if(d) { CLONE(expirestr); CLONE(domain); CLONE(path); CLONE(spath); CLONE(name); CLONE(value); CLONE(maxage); CLONE(version); d->expires = src->expires; d->tailmatch = src->tailmatch; d->secure = src->secure; d->livecookie = src->livecookie; d->httponly = src->httponly; d->creationtime = src->creationtime; } return d; fail: freecookie(d); return NULL; }
static int smt___index(lua_State *L ) { lua_pushvalue(L, -1 ); lua_rawget(L, -3 ); if(!lua_isnil(L, -1 ) ) return 1; lua_pop(L, 1 ); LOCKR(); lua_rawgeti(L_S_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (int )__SMT_CLONE_FUNC ); CLONE(L, L_S_, -1 ); lua_pushvalue(L_S_, -1 ); lua_rawget(L_S_, -3 ); lua_remove(L_S_, -3 ); if(lua_isnil(L_S_, -1 ) ) // 没有找到, 全局中查找 { lua_pop(L_S_, 1 ); lua_rawget(L_S_, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ); } else lua_remove(L_S_, -2 ); CLONE(L_S_, L, lua_gettop(L_S_ ) ); lua_pop(L_S_, 1 ); UNLOCK(); return 1; }
ASTPtr ASTArrayJoin::clone() const { auto res = std::make_shared<ASTArrayJoin>(*this); res->children.clear(); CLONE(expression_list); return res; }
static int smt___newindex(lua_State *L ) { int i; lua_pushvalue(L, -2 ); lua_rawget(L, -4 ); if(!lua_isnil(L, -1 ) ) { lua_pop(L, 1 ); lua_pushvalue(L, -1 ); lua_rawset(L, -4 ); return 0; } lua_pop(L, 1 ); LOCKW(); lua_rawseti(L_S_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (int )__SMT_CLONE_FUNC ); for(i= -2; -1>= i; ++i ) CLONE(L, L_S_, i ); lua_rawset(L_S_, -3 ); lua_pop(L_S_, 1 ); UNLOCK(); return 0; }
PDistribution TConditionalProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution::operator()(const TValue &condition) const { if (condition.varType == TValue::INTVAR) return probabilities->operator[](condition); else if (condition.varType == TValue::FLOATVAR) { if (condition.isSpecial()) raiseError("undefined attribute value for condition"); if (probabilities->varType != TValue::FLOATVAR) raiseError("invalid attribute value type for condition"); const float &x = condition.floatV; const TDistributionMap *dm = probabilities->continuous; TDistributionMap::const_iterator rb = dm->upper_bound(x); if (rb==dm->end()) rb = dm->begin(); TDistribution *result = CLONE(TDistribution, (*rb).second); PDistribution wresult = result; if ((rb==dm->begin()) && ((*rb).first!=x)) { (*result) *= 0; return wresult; } const float &x2 = (*rb).first; rb--; const float &x1 = (*rb).first; const PDistribution &y1 = (*rb).second; if (x1 == x2) { *result += y1; *result *= 0.5; return wresult; } // The normal formula for this is in the function above *result -= y1; *result *= (x-x1)/(x2-x1); *result += y1; return wresult; } raiseError("invalid attribute value for condition"); return PDistribution(); }
static int sth_run(lua_State *L ) { TH_STATE *th= (TH_STATE * )0; unsigned int i= ~0; pthread_mutex_lock(&MUTEX_S_ ); for(;;) { if(LUA_TFUNCTION!= lua_type(L, -1 ) ) break; //参数检测 for(i= 0; (TH_MAX> i )&& __th_state[i ]; ++i ); if(TH_MAX== i ) break; //没有空间了 __th_state[i ]= (TH_STATE * )malloc(sizeof(*th ) ); th= __th_state[i ]; memset(th, 0, sizeof(*th ) ); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&MUTEX_S_ ); if(th ) { th->L= lua_open(); luaL_openlibs(th->L ); //lua_getglobal(L, "_G" ); lua_xmove(L, th->L, 1 ); //lua_setglobal(th->L, "_G" ); LOCKW(); CLONE(L, th->L, -1 ); UNLOCK(); //创建线程, 传入参数 pthread_create(&(th->hTh ), NULL, proxy_ThFunc, (void * )i ); //lua 返回线程 ID lua_pushinteger(L, i ); return 1; //返回线程 ID } return 0; }
PDistribution TProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution::operator()() const { return CLONE(TDistribution, probabilities); }
PContingency TConditionalProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution::operator()() const { return CLONE(TContingency, probabilities); }
PConditionalProbabilityEstimator TConditionalProbabilityEstimatorConstructor_loess::operator()(PContingency frequencies, PDistribution, PExampleGenerator, const long &, const int &) const { if (frequencies->varType != TValue::FLOATVAR) if (frequencies->outerVariable) raiseError("attribute '%s' is not continuous", frequencies->outerVariable->get_name().c_str()); else raiseError("continuous attribute expected for condition"); if (!frequencies->continuous->size()) // This is ugly, but: if you change this, you should also change the code which catches it in // Bayesian learner raiseError("distribution (of attribute values, probably) is empty or has only a single value"); PContingency cont = CLONE(TContingency, frequencies); const TDistributionMap &points = *frequencies->continuous; /* if (frequencies->continuous->size() == 1) { TDiscDistribution *f = (TDiscDistribution *)(points.begin()->second.getUnwrappedPtr()); f->normalize(); f->variances = mlnew TFloatList(f->size(), 0.0); return mlnew TConditionalProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution(cont); } */ cont->continuous->clear(); vector<float> xpoints; distributePoints(points, nPoints, xpoints, distributionMethod); if (!xpoints.size()) raiseError("no points for the curve (check 'nPoints')"); if (frequencies->continuous->size() == 1) { TDiscDistribution *f = (TDiscDistribution *)(points.begin()->second.getUnwrappedPtr()); f->normalize(); f->variances = mlnew TFloatList(f->size(), 0.0); const_ITERATE(vector<float>, pi, xpoints) (*cont->continuous)[*pi] = f; return mlnew TConditionalProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution(cont); } TDistributionMap::const_iterator lowedge = points.begin(); TDistributionMap::const_iterator highedge = points.end(); bool needAll; map<float, PDistribution>::const_iterator from, to; vector<float>::const_iterator pi(xpoints.begin()), pe(xpoints.end()); float refx = *pi; from = lowedge; to = highedge; int totalNumOfPoints = frequencies->outerDistribution->abs; int needpoints = int(ceil(totalNumOfPoints * windowProportion)); if (needpoints<3) needpoints = 3; TSimpleRandomGenerator rgen(frequencies->outerDistribution->cases); if ((needpoints<=0) || (needpoints>=totalNumOfPoints)) { //points.size() needAll = true; from = lowedge; to = highedge; } else { needAll = false; /* Find the window */ from = points.lower_bound(refx); to = points.upper_bound(refx); if (from==to) if (to != highedge) to++; else from --; /* Extend the interval; we set from to highedge when it would go beyond lowedge, to indicate that only to can be modified now */ while (needpoints > 0) { if ((to == highedge) || ((from != highedge) && (refx - (*from).first < (*to).first - refx))) { if (from == lowedge) from = highedge; else { from--; needpoints -= (*from).second->cases; } } else { to++; if (to!=highedge) needpoints -= (*to).second->cases; else needpoints = 0; } } if (from == highedge) from = lowedge; /* else from++;*/ } int numOfOverflowing = 0; // This follows for(;;) { TDistributionMap::const_iterator tt = to; --tt; if (tt == from) { TDistribution *Sy = CLONE(TDistribution, (*tt).second); PDistribution wSy = Sy; Sy->normalize(); (*cont->continuous)[refx] = (wSy); ((TDiscDistribution *)(Sy)) ->variances = mlnew TFloatList(Sy->variable->noOfValues(), 0.0); } else { float h = (refx - (*from).first); if ((*tt).first - refx > h) h = ((*tt).first - refx); /* Iterate through the window */ tt = from; const float &x = (*tt).first; const PDistribution &y = (*tt).second; float cases = y->abs; float w = fabs(refx - x) / h; w = 1 - w*w*w; w = w*w*w; const float num = y->abs; // number of instances with this x - value float n = w * num; float Sww = w * w * num; float Sx = w * x * num; float Swwx = w * w * x * num; float Swwxx = w * w * x * x * num; TDistribution *Sy = CLONE(TDistribution, y); PDistribution wSy = Sy; *Sy *= w; float Sxx = w * x * x * num; TDistribution *Syy = CLONE(TDistribution, y); PDistribution wSyy = Syy; *Syy *= w; TDistribution *Sxy = CLONE(TDistribution, y); PDistribution wSxy = Sxy; *Sxy *= w * x; if (tt!=to) while (++tt != to) { const float &x = (*tt).first; const PDistribution &y = (*tt).second; cases += y->abs; w = fabs(refx - x) / h; w = 1 - w*w*w; w = w*w*w; const float num = y->abs; n += w * num; Sww += w * w * num; Sx += w * x * num; Swwx += w * w * x * num; Swwxx += w * w * x * x * num; Sxx += w * x * x * num; TDistribution *ty = CLONE(TDistribution, y); PDistribution wty = ty; *ty *= w; *Sy += wty; *Syy += wty; *ty *= x; *Sxy += wty; //*ty *= PDistribution(y); } float sigma_x2 = n<1e-6 ? 0.0 : (Sxx - Sx * Sx / n)/n; if (sigma_x2<1e-10) { *Sy *= 0; Sy->cases = cases; (*cont->continuous)[refx] = (wSy); } TDistribution *sigma_y2 = CLONE(TDistribution, Sy); PDistribution wsigma_y2 = sigma_y2; *sigma_y2 *= wsigma_y2; *sigma_y2 *= -1/n; *sigma_y2 += wSyy; *sigma_y2 *= 1/n; TDistribution *sigma_xy = CLONE(TDistribution, Sy); PDistribution wsigma_xy = sigma_xy; *sigma_xy *= -Sx/n; *sigma_xy += wSxy; *sigma_xy *= 1/n; // This will be sigma_xy / sigma_x2, but we'll multiply it by whatever we need TDistribution *sigma_tmp = CLONE(TDistribution, sigma_xy); PDistribution wsigma_tmp = sigma_tmp; //*sigma_tmp *= wsigma_tmp; if (sigma_x2 > 1e-10) *sigma_tmp *= 1/sigma_x2; const float difx = refx - Sx/n; // computation of y *sigma_tmp *= difx; *Sy *= 1/n; *Sy += *sigma_tmp; // probabilities that are higher than 0.9 normalize with a logistic function, which produces two positive // effects: prevents overfitting and avoids probabilities that are higher than 1.0. But, on the other hand, this // solution is rather unmathematical. Do the same for probabilities that are lower than 0.1. vector<float>::iterator syi(((TDiscDistribution *)(Sy))->distribution.begin()); vector<float>::iterator sye(((TDiscDistribution *)(Sy))->distribution.end()); for (; syi!=sye; syi++) { if (*syi > 0.9) { Sy->abs -= *syi; *syi = 1/(1+exp(-10*((*syi)-0.9)*log(9.0)-log(9.0))); Sy->abs += *syi; } if (*syi < 0.1) { Sy->abs -= *syi; *syi = 1/(1+exp(10*(0.1-(*syi))*log(9.0)+log(9.0))); Sy->abs += *syi; } } Sy->cases = cases; Sy->normalize(); (*cont->continuous)[refx] = (wSy); // now for the variance // restore sigma_tmp and compute the conditional sigma if ((fabs(difx) > 1e-10) && (sigma_x2 > 1e-10)) { *sigma_tmp *= (1/difx); *sigma_tmp *= wsigma_xy; *sigma_tmp *= -1; *sigma_tmp += wsigma_y2; // fct corresponds to part of (10) in the brackets (see URL above) // float fct = Sww + difx*difx/sigma_x2/sigma_x2 * (Swwxx - 2/n * Sx*Swwx + 2/n/n * Sx*Sx*Sww); float fct = 1 + difx*difx/sigma_x2; //n + difx*difx/sigma_x2+n*n --- add this product to the overall fct sum if you are estimating error for a single user and not for the line. *sigma_tmp *= fct/n; // fct/n/n; } ((TDiscDistribution *)(Sy)) ->variances = mlnew TFloatList(((TDiscDistribution *)(sigma_tmp))->distribution); } // on to the next point pi++; if (pi==pe) break; refx = *pi; // Adjust the window while (to!=highedge) { float dif = (refx - (*from).first) - ((*to).first - refx); if ((dif>0) || (dif==0) && rgen.randbool()) { if (numOfOverflowing > 0) { from++; numOfOverflowing -= (*from).second->cases; } else { to++; if (to!=highedge) numOfOverflowing += (*to).second->cases; } } else break; } } return mlnew TConditionalProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution(cont); }
static struct hash_instance * do_sha_copy(struct hash_instance *s) { return &CLONE(sha_instance, s)->super; }
PProbabilityEstimator TProbabilityEstimatorConstructor_m::operator()(PDistribution frequencies, PDistribution apriori, PExampleGenerator, const long &weightID, const int &) const { TProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution *pefd = mlnew TProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution(CLONE(TDistribution, frequencies)); PProbabilityEstimator estimator = pefd; TDiscDistribution *ddist = pefd->probabilities.AS(TDiscDistribution); if (ddist && (ddist->cases > 1e-20) && apriori) { TDiscDistribution *dapriori = apriori.AS(TDiscDistribution); if (!dapriori || (dapriori->abs < 1e-20)) raiseError("invalid apriori distribution"); float mabs = m/dapriori->abs; const float &abs = ddist->abs; const float &cases = ddist->cases; const float div = cases + m; if ((abs==cases) || !renormalize) { int i = 0; for(TDiscDistribution::iterator di(ddist->begin()), de(ddist->end()), ai(dapriori->begin()); di != de; di++, ai++, i++) ddist->setint(i, (*di+*ai*mabs)/div); } else { int i = 0; for(TDiscDistribution::iterator di(ddist->begin()), de(ddist->end()), ai(dapriori->begin()); di != de; di++, ai++, i++) ddist->setint(i, (*di / abs * cases + *ai*mabs)/div); } } else pefd->probabilities->normalize(); return estimator; }
PProbabilityEstimator TProbabilityEstimatorConstructor_Laplace::operator()(PDistribution frequencies, PDistribution, PExampleGenerator, const long &, const int &) const { TProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution *pefd = mlnew TProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution(CLONE(TDistribution, frequencies)); PProbabilityEstimator estimator = pefd; TDiscDistribution *ddist = pefd->probabilities.AS(TDiscDistribution); if (ddist) { const float &abs = ddist->abs; const float &cases = ddist->cases; const float div = cases + l * ddist->noOfElements(); int i = 0; if (div) { if ((cases == abs) || !renormalize || (abs<1e-20)) PITERATE(TDiscDistribution, di, ddist) ddist->setint(i++, (*di + l) / div); else PITERATE(TDiscDistribution, di, ddist) ddist->setint(i++, (*di / abs * cases + l) / div); } else pefd->probabilities->normalize(); } else pefd->probabilities->normalize(); return estimator; }
void vidTDeint::reset (void) { #define CLONE(x) x=_param->x CLONE(mode); CLONE(order); CLONE(field); CLONE(mthreshL); CLONE(mthreshC); CLONE(map); CLONE(type); CLONE(debug); CLONE(mtnmode); CLONE(sharp); CLONE(full); CLONE(cthresh); CLONE(blockx); CLONE(blocky); CLONE(chroma); CLONE(MI); CLONE(tryWeave); CLONE(link); CLONE(denoise); CLONE(AP); CLONE(APType); orderS=order; fieldS=field; mthreshLS= mthreshL; mthreshCS=mthreshC; xhalf = blockx >> 1; yhalf = blocky >> 1; xshift = blockx == 4 ? 2 : blockx == 8 ? 3 : blockx == 16 ? 4 : blockx == 32 ? 5 : blockx == 64 ? 6 : blockx == 128 ? 7 : blockx == 256 ? 8 : blockx == 512 ? 9 : blockx == 1024 ? 10 : 11; yshift = blocky == 4 ? 2 : blocky == 8 ? 3 : blocky == 16 ? 4 : blocky == 32 ? 5 : blocky == 64 ? 6 : blocky == 128 ? 7 : blocky == 256 ? 8 : blocky == 512 ? 9 : blocky == 1024 ? 10 : 11; if (((!full && mode == 0) || tryWeave) && mode >= 0) { int sz; sz=(((_info.width+xhalf)>>xshift)+1)*(((_info.height+yhalf)>>yshift)+1)*4; if(cArray) delete [] cArray; cArray = new int[sz];; }
PProbabilityEstimator TProbabilityEstimatorConstructor_relative::operator()(PDistribution frequencies, PDistribution, PExampleGenerator, const long &, const int &) const { TProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution *pefd = mlnew TProbabilityEstimator_FromDistribution(CLONE(TDistribution, frequencies)); PProbabilityEstimator estimator = pefd; pefd->probabilities->normalize(); return estimator; }
/** * Fetch a subset of the values of a field. * * @param (GPB::Message*) external pointer * @param field name or tag number of the field * @param index */ RPB_FUNCTION_3(SEXP, METHOD(get_field_values), Rcpp::XPtr<GPB::Message> message, SEXP field, Rcpp::IntegerVector index) { GPB::FieldDescriptor* field_desc = getFieldDescriptor(message, field); if (!field_desc->is_repeated()) { Rcpp_error("fetch can only be used on repeated fields"); } int n = index.size(); switch (field_desc->type()) { case TYPE_INT32: case TYPE_SINT32: case TYPE_SFIXED32: case TYPE_INT64: case TYPE_SINT64: case TYPE_SFIXED64: case TYPE_UINT32: case TYPE_FIXED32: case TYPE_UINT64: case TYPE_FIXED64: case TYPE_ENUM: { Rcpp::IntegerVector res(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { res[i] = MESSAGE_GET_REPEATED_INT(message, field_desc, index[i]); } return res; } case TYPE_DOUBLE: case TYPE_FLOAT: { Rcpp::NumericVector res(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { res[i] = MESSAGE_GET_REPEATED_DOUBLE(message, field_desc, index[i]); } return res; } case TYPE_BOOL: { Rcpp::LogicalVector res(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { res[i] = MESSAGE_GET_REPEATED_DOUBLE(message, field_desc, index[i]); } return res; } case TYPE_STRING: { const GPB::Reflection* ref = message->GetReflection(); Rcpp::CharacterVector res(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { res[i] = ref->GetRepeatedString(*message, field_desc, index[i]); } return res; } case TYPE_BYTES: { const GPB::Reflection* ref = message->GetReflection(); Rcpp::List res(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { std::string s = ref->GetRepeatedString(*message, field_desc, index[i]); res[i] = std::vector<Rbyte>(s.begin(), s.end()); } return res; } case TYPE_MESSAGE: case TYPE_GROUP: { const GPB::Reflection* ref = message->GetReflection(); Rcpp::List res(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { res[i] = S4_Message(CLONE(&ref->GetRepeatedMessage(*message, field_desc, i))); } return res; } default: throw std::range_error("unknown type"); } return R_NilValue; // Unreachable. For -Wall }
/* Spawn a new process executing PATH with the attributes describes in *ATTRP. Before running the process perform the actions described in FILE-ACTIONS. */ static int __spawnix (pid_t * pid, const char *file, const posix_spawn_file_actions_t * file_actions, const posix_spawnattr_t * attrp, char *const argv[], char *const envp[], int xflags, int (*exec) (const char *, char *const *, char *const *)) { pid_t new_pid; struct posix_spawn_args args; int ec; if (__pipe2 (args.pipe, O_CLOEXEC)) return errno; /* To avoid imposing hard limits on posix_spawn{p} the total number of arguments is first calculated to allocate a mmap to hold all possible values. */ ptrdiff_t argc = 0; /* Linux allows at most max (0x7FFFFFFF, 1/4 stack size) arguments to be used in a execve call. We limit to INT_MAX minus one due the compatiblity code that may execute a shell script (maybe_script_execute) where it will construct another argument list with an additional argument. */ ptrdiff_t limit = INT_MAX - 1; while (argv[argc++] != NULL) if (argc == limit) { errno = E2BIG; return errno; } int prot = (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | ((GL (dl_stack_flags) & PF_X) ? PROT_EXEC : 0)); /* Add a slack area for child's stack. */ size_t argv_size = (argc * sizeof (void *)) + 512; size_t stack_size = ALIGN_UP (argv_size, GLRO(dl_pagesize)); void *stack = __mmap (NULL, stack_size, prot, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_STACK, -1, 0); if (__glibc_unlikely (stack == MAP_FAILED)) { close_not_cancel (args.pipe[0]); close_not_cancel (args.pipe[1]); return errno; } /* Disable asynchronous cancellation. */ int cs = LIBC_CANCEL_ASYNC (); args.file = file; args.exec = exec; args.fa = file_actions; args.attr = attrp ? attrp : &(const posix_spawnattr_t) { 0 }; args.argv = argv; args.argc = argc; args.envp = envp; args.xflags = xflags; __sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &SIGALL_SET, &args.oldmask); /* The clone flags used will create a new child that will run in the same memory space (CLONE_VM) and the execution of calling thread will be suspend until the child calls execve or _exit. These condition as signal below either by pipe write (_exit with SPAWN_ERROR) or a successful execve. Also since the calling thread execution will be suspend, there is not need for CLONE_SETTLS. Although parent and child share the same TLS namespace, there will be no concurrent access for TLS variables (errno for instance). */ new_pid = CLONE (__spawni_child, STACK (stack, stack_size), stack_size, CLONE_VM | CLONE_VFORK | SIGCHLD, &args); close_not_cancel (args.pipe[1]); if (new_pid > 0) { if (__read (args.pipe[0], &ec, sizeof ec) != sizeof ec) ec = 0; else __waitpid (new_pid, NULL, 0); } else ec = -new_pid; __munmap (stack, stack_size); close_not_cancel (args.pipe[0]); if (!ec && new_pid) *pid = new_pid; __sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &args.oldmask, 0); LIBC_CANCEL_RESET (cs); return ec; } /* Spawn a new process executing PATH with the attributes describes in *ATTRP. Before running the process perform the actions described in FILE-ACTIONS. */ int __spawni (pid_t * pid, const char *file, const posix_spawn_file_actions_t * acts, const posix_spawnattr_t * attrp, char *const argv[], char *const envp[], int xflags) { return __spawnix (pid, file, acts, attrp, argv, envp, xflags, xflags & SPAWN_XFLAGS_USE_PATH ? __execvpe : __execve); }