Ejemplo n.º 1
** Name: CS_cp_mbx_create	- mailbox creation and initialization
** Description:
**	This subroutine is called from CSinitiate().
**	It does the following:
**	    a) establishes a mailbox, with the name II_CPRES_xx_pid, where
**		xx is the (optional) installation code, and pid is the
**		process ID in hex.
**	    b) queues a read on the mailbox, with completion routine set to
**		CS_cp_mbx_complete
**	    c) deletes the mailbox, so it'll go away when the process dies.
** Inputs:
**	num_sessions    - Number of sessions for the process.
** Outputs:
**	sys_err		- reason for error
** Returns:
**	OK, !OK
** Side Effects:
**	Sets cpres_mbx_chan to the mailbox's channel
**	Defines the system-wide logical name II_CPRES_xx_pid
** History:
**	Summer, 1992 (bryanp)
**	    Working on the new portable logging and locking system.
**	08-Nov-2007 (jonj)
**	    Use of "num_sessions" is totally bogus. CS_cp_mbx_create() is called
**	    before the startup parms are determined from config.dat (where we'd
**	    find "connect_limit"), so SCD hard-codes num_sessions = 32, resulting
**	    in CS_CP_MIN_MSGS == 5 always being used, which is way too small.
**	    Instead, default to the (configurable) VMS sysgen parameter
**	    Also, create mailbox as read-only. Writers will assign write-only
**	    channels.
CS_cp_mbx_create(i4 num_sessions, CL_ERR_DESC	*sys_err)
    struct	dsc$descriptor_s    name_desc;
    i4		vms_status;
    char	mbx_name[100];
    char	*inst_id;
    PID		pid;

    ** Build the mailbox logical name:
    NMgtAt("II_INSTALLATION", &inst_id);
    if (inst_id && *inst_id)
	STprintf(mbx_name, "II_CPRES_%s_%x", inst_id, (i4)pid);
	STprintf(mbx_name, "II_CPRES_%x", (i4)pid);

    name_desc.dsc$a_pointer = mbx_name;
    name_desc.dsc$w_length = STlength(mbx_name);
    name_desc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
    name_desc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;

    vms_status = sys$crembx(
		1,		    /* Mailbox is "permanent" */
		&cpres_mbx_chan,    /* where to put channel */
				    /* maximum message size */
		0,		    /* buffer quota (DEFMBXBUFQUO) */
		0,		    /* prot mask = all priv */
		PSL$C_USER,	    /* acmode */
		&name_desc,	    /* logical name descriptor */
		CMB$M_READONLY,	    /* flags */
		0);		    /* nullarg */

    if ( vms_status != SS$_NORMAL )
	sys_err->error = vms_status;
	if (vms_status == SS$_NOPRIV)
	    return (E_CS00F8_CSMBXCRE_NOPRIV);
	    return (E_CS00F7_CSMBXCRE_ERROR);

    /* Hang a read */

    /* Mark for deletion, so it disappears when we exit. */


    cpres_channels_sem = 0;

    cpres_num_channels_assigned = 0;

    return (OK);
Ejemplo n.º 2
** Name: II_GetIngresErrorMessage - Lookup error message from message file
** Description:
**  Return the text associated with the Ingres status.
**  The function returns the text associated with the Ingres status including
**  the decoded facility representation of the status in the text.
** Inputs:
**  ingres_status           Retrieve the text message associated with this
**                          value.
**  message_length          Length of the buffer area to write the message
**                          including additional space for the end of string
**                          marker.
**  message                 Pointer to the memory area where the retrieved
**                          message is to be written.
** Outputs:
**  message_length          If the function returns II_SUCCESSFUL the
**                          message_length field contains the number of
**                          storage octets in the message area that were used.
**  message                 The message text associated with the Ingres
**                          status.
** Returns:
**  II_SUCCESSFUL           The message was retrieved successfully
**  II_NULL_PARAM           The parameters passed are invalid; no output
**                          fields are updated.
**  II_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER  A larger message area is required.
**  II_GET_MESSAGE_ERROR    An error orccured during the execution of this
**                          function.
** Example:
**  # include "tngapi.h"
**  II_INT4 status;
**  II_INT4 ingres_status = 0xC0132;
**  II_INT4 message_length = 20;
**  II_CHAR message[MAX_IIERR_LEN + 1;
**  status = II_GetIngresMessage( ingres_status, &message_length, message );
**  if (status != II_SUCCESSFUL)
**  {
**      if (status == II_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
**      {
**          printf( "A larger buffer is required\n" );
**      }
**  }
**  message_length = MAX_IIERR_LEN + 1;
**  status = II_GetIngresMessage( ingres_status, &message_length, message );
**  if (status != II_SUCCESSFUL)
**  {
**      printf( "II_GetIngresMessage failed\n" );
**  }
** History:
**      20-Jan-2005 (fanra01)
**          Created.
    unsigned int ingres_status,
    int* message_length,
    char* message )
    i4          status;
    CL_ERR_DESC clerror;
    i4          flags;
    i4          msglen = 0;

    CL_CLEAR_ERR( &clerror );
        ** If any of the parameters are not valid, stop.
        if ((message == NULL) || (message_length == NULL) ||
            (*message_length == 0))
            status = II_NULL_PARAM;
        ** Call ERslookup to get the message text from the message file.
        ** Let the value of flags be:
        **      ~ER_TEXTONLY    is not set, the error is decoded to include
        **                      the error identifier.
        **      ER_NOPARAM      there are no parameter values provided to be
        **                      entered into the message string.
        ** Let the value of language be:
        **      -1              use the default language.
        flags = ER_NOPARAM;
        status = ERslookup( ingres_status, NULL, flags, NULL, message,
            *message_length, -1, &msglen, &clerror, 0, NULL );
            case OK:
                *message_length = STlength( message );
                status = II_SUCCESSFUL;
            case ER_TOOSMALL:
                status = II_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
                status = II_GET_MESSAGE_ERROR;
Ejemplo n.º 3
gcn_request( char *gcn_host, i4  *assoc_no, i4 *protocol )
    GCA_RQ_PARMS	request;
    STATUS		status = OK;
    char		tbuff[ GC_HOSTNAME_MAX + 12 ];
    char		*target;
    i4			len;

    ** Prepare for GCA_REQUEST service call 
    len = (gcn_host ? STlength( gcn_host ) + 2 : 0) + 10;
    target = (len <= sizeof( tbuff )) 
    	     ? tbuff : (char *)MEreqmem( 0, len, FALSE, NULL );

    if ( ! target )  return( E_GC0013_ASSFL_MEM );

    STprintf( target, "%s%s/IINMSVR", 
	      gcn_host ? gcn_host : "", gcn_host ? "::" : "" );

    MEfill( sizeof( request ), '\0', (PTR)&request );
    request.gca_peer_protocol = GCA_PROTOCOL_LEVEL_63;
    request.gca_partner_name = target;

    ** Make GCA_REQUEST service call 
    gca_call( &gcn_gca_cb, GCA_REQUEST, (GCA_PARMLIST *)&request,

    gcn_checkerr( "GCA_REQUEST", 
		  &status, request.gca_status, &request.gca_os_status );

    if ( status != OK )  goto done;

    if ( gcn_host  &&  request.gca_peer_protocol < GCA_PROTOCOL_LEVEL_50 )
        gcn_release( request.gca_assoc_id );
	CL_CLEAR_ERR( &request.gca_os_status );
	gcn_checkerr( "GCA_REQUEST", 
		      &status, E_GC000A_INT_PROT_LVL, &request.gca_os_status );
	goto done;

    *assoc_no = request.gca_assoc_id;
    *protocol = request.gca_peer_protocol;

  done :

    if ( target != tbuff )  MEfree( (PTR)target );
    return( status );
Ejemplo n.º 4
** Name: ERlog  - Send message to the error logger.
** Description:
**      This procedure sends a message to the system specific error
**      logger (currently an error log file). 
** Inputs:
**      message                         Address of buffer containing the message.
**      msg_length                      Length of the message.
** Outputs:
**      err_code                        Operating system error code.
**	Returns:
**	    OK
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**      29-sep-1992 (pholman)
**          First created, taken from original (6.4) version of ERsend
**	    CL Committee approved, 18-Sep-1992
ERlog(char *message, i4 msg_length, CL_ERR_DESC *err_code)
    static int		er_ifi = -2;
    auto LOCATION	loc;
    auto char		*fname;
    char		buf2 = '\n';
    struct iovec	iov[2];
    i4			iovlen = 2;
    /*	Check for bad paramters. */

    CL_CLEAR_ERR( err_code );

    if (message == 0 || msg_length == 0)
	return (ER_BADPARAM);

    if (er_ifi == -2)
	if (NMloc(LOG, FILENAME, "errlog.log", &loc) != OK)
	    er_ifi = -1;
	LOtos(&loc, &fname);
	er_ifi = open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0666);
	if (er_ifi == -1)
	    SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_open);

    iov[0].iov_base = (caddr_t)message;
    iov[0].iov_len = msg_length;
    iov[1].iov_base = (caddr_t)&buf2;
    iov[1].iov_len = 1;

    if( writev(er_ifi, iov, iovlen) != (msg_length + 1))
    if (write(er_ifi, message, msg_length) != msg_length ||
	write(er_ifi, "\n", 1) != 1)
	SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_write);

Ejemplo n.º 5
** Name: TMperfstat()   - Return performance statistics available from the OS.
** Description:
**      Returns available performance statistics available from the OS for
**      the current process.  As best as is possible, per platform, TMperfstat()
**      provides a snapshot of all performance statistics available and
**      returns the statistics by filling in the TM_PERFSTAT structure passed
**      in by the caller.  Implimentations of this function will attempt to
**      collect the data required with the minimum possible affect on the
**      state being measured (ie. will try to make a single system call vs.
**      multiple system calls where possible).
**      The members of the TM_PERFSTAT structure are public and are defined in
**      <tm.h>;  see <tm.h> for description of current members of TM_PERFSTAT
**      structure.
**      Some statistics may not be available on some operating systems, if
**      a statistic is not available then TMperfstat() will initialize the
**      field to the value "-1".  In the case of SYSTIME structure members
**      one must test both members of the structure for -1.
**      It is expected that over time new CL proposals will add members to
**      the TM_PERFSTAT structure as new OS performance statistics become
**      available.   Clients which access the structure members by name,
**      and do not make structure order assumptions will be upward compatible
**      with future structure definition changes.
** Inputs:
**      stat                            pointer to a TM_PERFSTAT structure.
** Outputs:
**      stat                            TM_PERFSTAT structure is filled in by
**                                      this routine with available OS
**                                      statistics.  Unavailable fields will be
**                                      set to -1.
**      sys_err
**      Returns:
**          OK - success.
**          TM_NOSUPPORT - no support for gathering system statistics.
**      Exceptions:
**          none
** Side Effects:
**          none
** History:
**      26-jul-93 (mikem)
**         Created.
**	29-aug-1995 (shero03)
**	    Obtain statistics from NT.
    TM_PERFSTAT *stat,
    CL_SYS_ERR  *sys_err)
    STATUS	status;


    if ((status = wnt_perfstat(stat, sys_err)) != OK)
	(void) default_perfstat(stat, sys_err);

Ejemplo n.º 6
** Name: LKcreate_list	- Create a lock list.
** Description:
**      This function associates a unique identifier with a list that can 
**      contain a list of locks.  Deadlock detection is performed between 
**      lists, as this is the way of identifying different threads of 
**      execution.  A lock list can be related to another list by passing 
**      the lock list identifier of the related list.  The related list
**      cannot be released until all dependent lists have been released. 
**      This mechanism can be used to associate locks in different lists
**      with the same thread.  This works if the same lock does not appear 
**      in the related lock list and the created lock list.  Only one
**      level of lock lists are supported currently, this means that 
**      a related lock list cannot be related to another list.
**	Using the LK_RECOVER flag an existing lock list can be searched for
**	and it's identifer returned.  Using the LK_ASSIGN flag a unique number
**	will be supplied for you and a lock identifer will be returned.
**	If the LK_SHARED flag is specified, then the lock list will be
**	shareable by other processes.  This means that other LK clients may
**	connect to the same lock list and make lock calls on it (release locks
**	already held on it, convert them, or request new locks).
**	If the caller specifies LK_CONNECT, then the request is to connect
**	to an already existing shared lock list.  The caller should not specify
**	the LK_ASSIGN flag, but should pass in the key of the shared list
**	in the 'unique_id' argument.  A lock list id will be returned to use
**	to reference the shared lock list.  The lock list attributes (maxlocks,
**	related list, interruptable ..) are ignored if LK_CONNECT is specified.
**	The lock list attributes are set when the list is actually created.
**	Note that two processes using a common shared lock list may use
**	different lock list id's to reference the same lock list.  Lock list
**	id's are unique to each connection to a shared list.
** Inputs:
**      flags                           Create list options:
**					LK_RECOVER - assume ownership of an
**					    already existing lock list.  This
**					    is used only by the recovery system.
**					LK_NONPROTECT - list holds locks that
**					    can be released without recovery.
**					LK_ASSIGN - assign a unique lock list
**					    key to the created list.  If not
**					    specified, then the caller supplies
**					    the key (unique_id argument).
**					LK_NOINTERRUPT - lock requests on this
**					    list are not interruptable.
**					LK_MASTER - lock list owned by recovery
**					    process.
**					LK_SHARED - create shared lock list.
**					LK_CONNECT - connect to existing shared
**					    lock list.
**      unique_id                       A unique value used to identify a 
**                                      lock domain.
**      related_lli                     The lock list identifier of the list 
**                                      that should be related to this list.
**	count				The maximum number of locks on the
**					lock list.
** Outputs:
**      lock_list_id                    The lock list identifier assigned to 
**                                      this list.
**	Returns:
**	    OK			Successful completion.
**	    LK_BADPARAM			Something wrong with a parameter.
**	    LK_NOLOCKS			No more lock resources available.
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** Implementation Notes:
**    Shared Lock Lists : Shared Lock Lists are lists that can be referenced
**	concurrently by multiple processes.  They are identified by a
**	llb_status of LLB_SHARED.
**	When a client creates a Shared Lock List, two lists are actually
**	created:
**	    - The actual shared list is created - this is the llb that
**	      all locks will be held on.  All of the information regarding
**	      the number of locks held, max number of locks, related lists,
**	      etc - are kept on this lock list.
**	    - A second lock list is created that is used as the creating
**	      process's handle to the shared lock list.  Its status type is
**	      LLB_PARENT_SHARED and its purpose is mainly to point to the
**	      shared lock list.  No locks are actually held on this list. The
**	      llb_pid, llb_ast, and llb_astp fields are set to the values that
**	      are specific to the creating process (the shared list cannot hold
**	      these values since they may be different for each process).  The
**	      llb_shared_llb field holds a pointer to the shared list.
**	The lock list id of the LLB_PARENT_SHARED list is returned to the
**	caller as the lock list id.  All lock requests should be made on
**	this lock list (the actual id of the shared list is unknown to the
**	calling process).
**	When a client connects to an already existing shared list, an
**	LLB_PARENT_SHARED handle is created and pointed at the shared list.
**	As in the create shared call, the id returned to the caller is the
**	id of the handle lock list.
**	All routines which recieve requests on a lock
**	list of the type LLB_PARENT_SHARED will handle the request as though
**	it were made on the shared list.  If the caller must be suspended then
**	the pid, ast, and ast parm are used from the PARENT_SHARED list.
**	The llb_connect_count of the shared lock list indicates the number of
**	handles that exist to the shared list.  Each time an LLB_PARENT_SHARED
**	list is deallocated, the reference count of the shared list must
**	be decremented.  When the last handle is released, the shared list
**	is released (and all locks released).
** History:
**	Summer, 1992 (bryanp)
**	    Working on the new portable logging and locking system.
**	1-Apr-1993 (daveb)
**	    Init the llb_sid field so it's always valid.
**	24-may-1993 (bryanp)
**	    Optimize away PCpid calls by using LK_my_pid global variable.
**	26-jul-1993 (bryanp)
**	    All lock lists created by the CSP get marked LLB_MASTER_CSP, even
**		if the caller forgot to pass in the LK_MASTER_CSP flag.
**	    Added some casts to pacify compilers.
**	23-aug-1993 (bryanp)
**	    When adopting ownership of a lock list using the LK_RECOVER flag,
**		we must free the new LLB we allocated so that we don't leak.
**	31-jan-1994 (rogerk)
**	    The RCP adopts ownership of transactions it needs to recover
**	    by calling this routine with the LK_RECOVER flag.  The routine
**	    always allocates a new llb, but in the LK_RECOVER mode, it ends
**	    up looking up the orphaned llb and updating it.  The newly
**	    allocated llb is discarded.  Fixed bug in this code which was
**	    storing the caller's session id into the llb_sid field of the
**	    about-to-be-discarded llb rather than the target orphan llb.
**	17-nov-1994 (medji01)
**	    Mutex Granularity Project
**		- Changed LK_xmutex() calls to pass the mutex address.
**		- Acquire LKD semaphore in LK_create_list() before
**		  searching active transaction chain for insertion point.
**		- Acquire LKD and LLB semaphores in LK_create_list()
**		  when a process-specific connection to an existing shared
**		  LLB is made.
**	28-mar-1995 (medji01)
**	    64K+ Lock Limit Project
**		- Removed references to id_instance in LK_ID.
**		- Changed error messages to reference id_id instead
**		  of id_instance.
**	19-jul-1995 (canor01)
**	    Mutex Granularity Project
**		- Acquire LKD semaphore before calling LK_deallocate_cb()
**	 4-sep-1995 (dougb)
**	    Init new llb_gsearch_count field.
**	12-Dec-1995 (jenjo02)
**	    Don't acquire LKD semaphore before calling LK_deallocate_cb();
**	    new mutex protection added to that function.
**	    Maintenance of lkd_llb_inuse moved to LK_allocate|deallocate_cb().
**	    A host of new queue/list mutexes (mutexi?) to reduce overabuse
**	    of lkd_mutex. Tried to be more sensible with mutex latching/
**	    unlatching, keeping the lock for as short a time as possible.
**	    Protect lkd_stat.next_id with lkd_mutex to prevent feeble
**	    but possible concurrent update by multiple processes.
**      10-jan-1996 (canor01)
**          Mutex granularization:
**              - acquire LKD semaphore before calling LK_allocate_cb()
**	12-Jan-1996 (jenjo02)
**	    Moved assignment of llb_name to LK_allocate_cb() where
**	    it's done under the protection of the lkb_mutex.
**	30-may-1996 (pchang)
**	    Added LLB as a parameter to the call to LK_allocate_cb() to enable
**	    the reservation of SBK table resource for use by the recovery
**	    process. (B76879)
**	11-Oct-1996 (jenjo02)
**	    When inheriting a lock list using LK_RECOVER, also update the
**	    pid and sid of its related lock list, if any.
**	28-Feb-2002 (jenjo02)
**	    LK_MULTITHREAD is now an attribute of a lock list, not just
**	    a run-time flag. It means a lock list is subject to being
**	    concurrently used by more than one thread, hence special
**	    care must be taken to prevent corruption of the list.
**	27-Apr-2007 (jonj)
**	    Mark shared LLB as MULTITHREAD as well as the sharers.
**	23-Sep-2010 (jonj) B124486
**	    If LK_RECOVER_LLID, scrutinize the lock list more 
**	    closely - must look like an LLB and match on id_instance.
i4			flags,
LK_LLID			related_lli,
LK_UNIQUE		*unique_id,
LK_LLID			*lock_list_id,
i4			count,
CL_ERR_DESC		*sys_err)
    LKD			*lkd = (LKD *)LGK_base.lgk_lkd_ptr;
    LLB                 *related_llb = NULL;
    LLB			*shared_llb = NULL;
    LLB                 *llb;
    LLB			*end;
    LLB			*next_llb;
    LLB			*prev_llb;
    LLB			*proc_next_llb;
    LLB_ID              *recov_list_id;
    LLB                 *recov_llb;
    LLB_ID		*input_related_lli = (LLB_ID *) &related_lli;
    STATUS		status;
    STATUS              return_status;
    SIZE_TYPE		*lbk_table;
    SIZE_TYPE		llb_offset;
    SIZE_TYPE		end_offset;
    i4		err_code;
    STATUS      	local_status;
    CL_ERR_DESC	        local_sys_err;
    i4		assigned_llbname[2];



    /* Must be within range, and not be related to another list. */

    if (input_related_lli->id_id)
	if (input_related_lli->id_id == 0 ||
	    (i4)input_related_lli->id_id > lkd->lkd_lbk_count)
			NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 2,
			0, input_related_lli->id_id, 0, lkd->lkd_lbk_count);
	    return (LK_BADPARAM);

	lbk_table = (SIZE_TYPE *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lkd->lkd_lbk_table);
	related_llb = (LLB *)

	if (related_llb->llb_type != LLB_TYPE ||
			    NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 3,
			    0, input_related_lli->id_id,
	    		    0, related_llb->llb_type,
			    0, related_llb->llb_id.id_id);
	    return (LK_BADPARAM);
	LGK_VERIFY_ADDR( related_llb, sizeof(LLB) );

    if (lock_list_id == (LK_LLID *) NULL)
			NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 0);

    **    The RCP may try to assume ownership of a lock list for which
    **    it has the lock list id only.
    if ( flags & LK_RECOVER_LLID)
	recov_list_id = (LLB_ID *)lock_list_id;
	if ((i4) recov_list_id->id_id > lkd->lkd_lbk_count)
			    NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 2,
			    0, recov_list_id->id_id, 0, lkd->lkd_lbk_count);
	   return (LK_BADPARAM);

	**  Change owner of lock list to new process. This is typically
	**  performed by the recovery process when it requests
	**  ownership of an orphaned lock list.
	**  Set the lock list block fields such as PID and SID to the
	**  new owner.
	lbk_table = (SIZE_TYPE *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lkd->lkd_lbk_table);
	recov_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lbk_table[recov_list_id->id_id]);
	LGK_VERIFY_ADDR( recov_llb, sizeof(LLB) );

	/* Must look like an LLB and match id_instance */
	if ( recov_llb->llb_type != LLB_TYPE ||
	     recov_llb->llb_id.id_instance != recov_list_id->id_instance )
			    NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 3,
			    0, recov_list_id->id_id,
	    		    0, recov_llb->llb_type,
			    0, recov_llb->llb_id.id_id);
	    return (LK_BADPARAM);
	recov_llb->llb_status |= LLB_RECOVER;
	recov_llb->llb_status &= ~LLB_NOINTERRUPT;

	** If there's a related llb, update its pid and sid as well.
	** dmxe_resume()'s about to inherit the related lock list
	** and it must reflect the inheriting session's process information.
	if (recov_llb->llb_related_llb)
	    related_llb = 
			(LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(recov_llb->llb_related_llb);
	    LGK_VERIFY_ADDR( related_llb, sizeof(LLB) );

	return (OK);

    ** Allocate a lock list block.
    ** This also results in the assignment of a unique llb_name
    ** and llb_cpid and the initialization of the LLB.

    if ((llb = (LLB *)LK_allocate_cb(LLB_TYPE, (LLB *)NULL)) == 0)
			    NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 0);
	return (LK_NOLOCKS);

    ** If not LK_ASSIGN, then unique id must be specified.  Normally
    ** the id cannot be zero, but if LK_CONNECT then let it be anything,
    ** the request will fail below if the specified id does not exist.
    if ((flags & LK_ASSIGN) == 0)
        if ((unique_id == 0) ||
	    ((unique_id->lk_uhigh == 0) && ((flags & LK_CONNECT) == 0)))
	    (VOID) LK_unmutex(&lkd->lkd_llb_q_mutex);
			NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 2,
			0, unique_id,
			0, (unique_id ? unique_id->lk_uhigh : -1));
	    LK_deallocate_cb( llb->llb_type, (PTR)llb, llb );
	    return (LK_BADPARAM);

	** Save the unique id assigned to the allocated LLB -
	** we may need it later.
	assigned_llbname[0] = llb->llb_name[0];
	assigned_llbname[1] = llb->llb_name[1];

        llb->llb_name[0] = unique_id->lk_uhigh;
        llb->llb_name[1] = unique_id->lk_ulow;

    **  Find the position in the sorted lock list that this
    **  lock list block should be placed.  The list is sorted
    **  by unique identifier in descending order.  Since unique
    **  identifiers are normally every increasing numbers, this
    **  search should terminate on the first comparison.

    if (local_status = LK_mutex(SEM_EXCL, &lkd->lkd_llb_q_mutex))
	uleFormat(NULL, local_status, &local_sys_err,
		    ULE_LOG, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &err_code, 0);
	STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO(local_sys_err, *sys_err);
	return (LK_NOLOCKS);

    end_offset = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(&lkd->lkd_llb_next);
    next_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lkd->lkd_llb_next);

    for (llb_offset = lkd->lkd_llb_next;
	llb_offset != end_offset;
	llb_offset = next_llb->llb_q_next)
	next_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(llb_offset);

        if (llb->llb_name[0] > next_llb->llb_name[0] ||
	    (llb->llb_name[0] == next_llb->llb_name[0] &&
	    llb->llb_name[1] > next_llb->llb_name[1]))

	if (llb->llb_name[0] == next_llb->llb_name[0] && 
	    llb->llb_name[1] == next_llb->llb_name[1])
	    /* Mutex the apparently matching list */
	    (VOID)LK_mutex(SEM_EXCL, &next_llb->llb_mutex);

	    ** Unique id already exists.  This is an error unless the 'flag'
	    ** argument is LK_CONNECT or LK_RECOVER.
	    ** If the request flag is LK_RECOVER, then this is the recovery
	    ** process requesting an orphaned lock list.
	    ** If the request flag is LK_CONNECT then the caller is requesting
	    ** to create a connection to a shared lock list.  In this case
	    ** the lock list must be a shared lock list.
	    if ((flags & LK_CONNECT) &&	(next_llb->llb_status & LLB_SHARED))
		** Save pointer to the shared list.  The llb will be formatted
		** below to serve as a reference to this lock list.
		shared_llb = next_llb;

		LGK_VERIFY_ADDR( shared_llb, sizeof(LLB) );

		** The llb_name field was assigned above to the key of the
		** shared lock list in order to find the list to connect to.
		** Now that it is found, reassign the unique llb_name
		** given when the LLB was allocated, then
		** research the list for the spot for this key.
		llb->llb_name[0] = assigned_llbname[0];
		llb->llb_name[1] = assigned_llbname[1];

		llb_offset = lkd->lkd_llb_next;
		next_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(llb_offset);
		next_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(next_llb->llb_q_prev);

		(VOID) LK_unmutex(&lkd->lkd_llb_q_mutex);
		LK_deallocate_cb( llb->llb_type, (PTR)llb, llb );

	    if (flags & LK_RECOVER)
		**  Change owner of lock list to new process. This is typically
		**  performed by the recovery process when it requests
		**  ownership of an orphaned lock list. We don't need the new
		**  lock list block we just allocated, so deallocate it.
		**  Set the lock list block fields such as PID and SID to the
		**  new owner. It might be nice to maintain both new and old,
		**  so you know who the old owner was, but we don't have the
		**  fields for this in the LLB.
		if ( CXconfig_settings( CX_HAS_MASTER_CSP_ROLE ) )
		    next_llb->llb_status |= LLB_MASTER_CSP;
		next_llb->llb_status |= LLB_RECOVER;
		next_llb->llb_status &= ~LLB_NOINTERRUPT;
		** If there's a related llb, update its session info as well.
		** dmxe_resume()'s about to inherit the related lock list
		** and it must reflect the inheriting session's process information.
		if (next_llb->llb_related_llb)
		    related_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(next_llb->llb_related_llb);

		*lock_list_id = *(LK_LLID *)&next_llb->llb_id;
		return (OK);

			NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 2,
			0, next_llb->llb_name[0], 0, next_llb->llb_name[1]);
	    return (LK_BADPARAM);

    ** Lock list not found.
    ** If this is a request to connect to an already existing list, then    
    ** return an error since the lock list did not exist.
    if ((flags & LK_RECOVER) ||
	((flags & LK_CONNECT) && (shared_llb == NULL)))
	(VOID) LK_unmutex(&lkd->lkd_llb_q_mutex);
			NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 3,
			0, llb->llb_name[0], 0, llb->llb_name[1],
			0, flags);
	LK_deallocate_cb( llb->llb_type, (PTR)llb, llb );
	return (LK_BADPARAM);

    ** We are now creating a new lock list.
    ** LLB has been removed from the free list 
    ** and initialized by LK_allocate_cb().
    ** Insert it in the active queue before the entry
    ** pointed to by "next".
    ** llb_cpid was filled in by the LLB allocation code.
    llb->llb_shared_llb = 0;
    llb->llb_related_llb = 0;

    llb->llb_max_lkb = lkd->lkd_max_lkb;
    if (count)
	/* Rather than using the default maximum logical locks. */

	llb->llb_max_lkb = count;

    /* Update the llb_status. */

    if (flags & LK_NONPROTECT)
        llb->llb_status |= LLB_NONPROTECT;
	llb->llb_max_lkb = lkd->lkd_max_lkb / 2;
    if (flags & LK_MASTER)
	llb->llb_status |= LLB_MASTER;
    if (flags & LK_MASTER_CSP)
	llb->llb_status |= LLB_MASTER_CSP;
    if (flags & LK_NOINTERRUPT)
	llb->llb_status |= LLB_NOINTERRUPT;
    if (flags & LK_MULTITHREAD)
	llb->llb_status |= LLB_MULTITHREAD;

    ** LLB_MASTER_CSP attribute is now only used by lock lists created
    ** by the master CSP during recovery.
    if ( CXconfig_settings( CX_HAS_MASTER_CSP_ROLE ) )
	llb->llb_status |= LLB_MASTER_CSP;
    ** Now insert LLB into the active queue before the
    ** entry pointed to by "next_llb":
    llb->llb_q_next = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(next_llb);
    llb->llb_q_prev = next_llb->llb_q_prev;
    prev_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(next_llb->llb_q_prev);
    prev_llb->llb_q_next = next_llb->llb_q_prev = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(llb);

    if (flags & LK_SHARED)
	** This is a request to create a shared lock list.  We have just
	** allocated the shared lock list, now create a list to use as the
	** caller's connection to the shared lock list.
	** The function of allocating an LLB also assigned a unique
	** llb_name, llb_cpid and initialized the remainder.
	return_status = OK;
	shared_llb = llb;

	if ((llb = (LLB *)LK_allocate_cb(LLB_TYPE, (LLB *)NULL)) == 0)
	    return_status = LK_NOLOCKS;
	    /* Look for spot of new lock list in sorted lock list. */
	    end_offset = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(&lkd->lkd_llb_next);

	    for (llb_offset = lkd->lkd_llb_next;
		llb_offset != end_offset;
		llb_offset = proc_next_llb->llb_q_next)
		proc_next_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(llb_offset);

		if (llb->llb_name[0] > proc_next_llb->llb_name[0] ||
		    (llb->llb_name[0] == proc_next_llb->llb_name[0] &&
		     llb->llb_name[1] > proc_next_llb->llb_name[1]))
		if (llb->llb_name[0] == proc_next_llb->llb_name[0] && 
		    llb->llb_name[1] == proc_next_llb->llb_name[1])
		    uleFormat(NULL, E_CL1051_LK_DUPLICATE_LOCK_ID,
			NULL, (char *)NULL, 0L, (i4 *)NULL, &err_code, 2,
			0, llb->llb_name[0], 0, llb->llb_name[1]);
		    return_status = LK_BADPARAM;

	** If an error was encountered, then we have to free the lock list
	** already allocated for the shared lock list.
	if (return_status != OK)
	    next_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(shared_llb->llb_q_next);
	    prev_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(shared_llb->llb_q_prev);
	    next_llb->llb_q_prev = shared_llb->llb_q_prev;
	    prev_llb->llb_q_next = shared_llb->llb_q_next;

	    (VOID) LK_unmutex(&lkd->lkd_llb_q_mutex);
	    LK_deallocate_cb( shared_llb->llb_type, (PTR)shared_llb, shared_llb );
	    return (return_status);

	** We are creating a shared lock list.  The list in 'shared_llb' which was
	** formatted above is the actual shared list.  The callers unique
	** handle to the list is llb.  This list is formatted with
	** the information from 'shared_llb' and assigned LLB_PARENT_SHARED status.
	/* Mark LLB as SHARED, leave NONPROTECT up to the caller */
	shared_llb->llb_status |= (LLB_SHARED | LLB_MULTITHREAD);
	shared_llb->llb_connect_count = 0;

	/* Insert PARENT_SHARED list into the active queue */
	llb->llb_q_next = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(proc_next_llb);
	llb->llb_q_prev = proc_next_llb->llb_q_prev;
	prev_llb = (LLB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(proc_next_llb->llb_q_prev);
	prev_llb->llb_q_next =
	proc_next_llb->llb_q_prev = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(llb);

	/* Fall thru to update the SHARED list */

    /* Release the active LLB queue */
    (VOID) LK_unmutex(&lkd->lkd_llb_q_mutex);
    if ( shared_llb )
	** We are allocating a process-specific connection to a shared lock
	** list.  Mark the proc llb as a shared reference and point it to the
	** real shared lock list.  Also increment the reference count.
	** The shared lock list has been mutexed.
	/* Mark LLB as PARENT_SHARED, NONPROTECT as it will contain no locks */
	llb->llb_status |= (LLB_PARENT_SHARED | LLB_NONPROTECT);
	llb->llb_status &= ~LLB_MULTITHREAD;
	llb->llb_shared_llb = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(shared_llb);

	/* Increment reference count to shared list */

	(VOID) LK_unmutex(&shared_llb->llb_mutex);
    if (related_llb)
	/*	Bump related count. */
	llb->llb_related_llb = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(related_llb);
	(VOID) LK_unmutex(&llb->llb_mutex);
	(VOID) LK_mutex(SEM_EXCL, &related_llb->llb_mutex);
	(VOID) LK_unmutex(&related_llb->llb_mutex);
	(VOID) LK_unmutex(&llb->llb_mutex);

    /*  Return the lock_list_id. */

    *lock_list_id = *(LK_LLID *)&llb->llb_id;
    return (OK);
Ejemplo n.º 7
** Name: DIrename - Renames a file. 
** Description:
**      The DIrename will change the name of a file. 
**	The file MUST be closed.  The file can be renamed
**      but the path cannot be changed.  A fully qualified
**      filename must be provided for old and new names.
**      This includes the type qualifier extension.
** Inputs:
**	di_io_unused	     UNUSED DI_IO pointer (always set to 0 by caller)
**      path                 Pointer to the path name.
**      pathlength           Length of path name.
**      oldfilename          Pointer to old file name.
**      oldlength            Length of old file name.
**      newfilename          Pointer to new file name.
**      newlength            Length of new file name.
** Outputs:
**      err_code             Pointer to a variable used
**                           to return operating system 
**                           errors.
**    Returns:
**        OK
**        DI_BADRNAME        Any i/o error during rename.
**        DI_BADPARAM        Parameter(s) in error.
**        DI_DIRNOTFOUND     Path not found.
**    Exceptions:
**        none
** Side Effects:
**        none
** History:
**    26-mar-87 (mmm)    
**          Created new for 6.0.
**    06-feb-89 (mikem)
**	    Clear the CL_ERR_DESC.
**	15-apr-1992 (bryanp)
**	    Remove DI_IO argument and no longer support renaming open files.
**    30-nov-1992 (rmuth)
**	    - Prototype.
**	    - DIlru error checking
**    17-sep-1994 (nanpr01)
**          - Needs to check for interrupted system calls specially for
**            SIGUSR2. Curren implementation of 1 more retry is optimistic.
**            In lot of UNIX systems, link, unlink, rename cannot be 
**            interrupted(HP-UX).But Solaris returns EINTR. Bug # 57938. 
**    10-oct-1994 (nanpr01)
**          - Wrong number of parameter in DIlru_flush. Bug # 64169
**	20-Feb-1998 (jenjo02)
**	    DIlru_flush() prototype changed, it now computes the number of
**	    FDs to close instead of being passed an arbitrary number.
**	    Cleaned up handling of errno, which will be invalid after calling
**	    DIlru_flush().
**  15-Apr-2004 (fanch01)
**      Force closing of LRU file descriptors when a rename error is
**      is encountered.  Only occurs on a rename failure and the only
**      file that is closed is the file associated with the error.
**      Relieves problems on filesystems which don't accomodate renaming
**      open files.  "Interesting" semaphore usage is consistent with other
**      DI usage.
**	21-Apr-2004 (schka24)
**	    retry declaration got misplaced somehow, fix so it compiles.
**	26-Jul-2005 (schka24)
**	    Don't flush fd's on any random rename failure.  Do a better job
**	    of re-verifying the fd and di-io after locking the fd when we're
**	    searching for a file-open conflict.
**	30-Sep-2005 (jenjo02)
**	    htb_fd_list_mutex, fd_mutex are now CS_SYNCH objects.
**	15-Nov-2010 (kschendel) SIR 124685
**	    Delete unused variables.
    DI_IO	   *di_io_unused,
    char           *path,
    u_i4          pathlength,
    char           *oldfilename,
    u_i4          oldlength,
    char           *newfilename,
    u_i4          newlength,
    CL_ERR_DESC     *err_code)
    char    oldfile[DI_FULL_PATH_MAX];
    char    newfile[DI_FULL_PATH_MAX];
    STATUS  ret_val;
    CL_ERR_DESC	    local_err;

    /* unix variables */
    int	    os_ret;

	/* retry variables */
	i4 retry = 0, failflag = 0;

    /* default returns */
    ret_val = OK;

    if ((pathlength > DI_PATH_MAX)	|| 
	(pathlength == 0)		||
	(oldlength > DI_FILENAME_MAX)	|| 
	(oldlength == 0)		|| 
	(newlength > DI_FILENAME_MAX)	||
	(newlength == 0))
	return (DI_BADPARAM);		

    /* get null terminated path and filename for old file */

    MEcopy((PTR) path, pathlength, (PTR) oldfile);
    oldfile[pathlength] = '/';
    MEcopy((PTR) oldfilename, oldlength, (PTR) &oldfile[pathlength + 1]);
    oldfile[pathlength + oldlength + 1] = '\0';

    /* get null terminated path and filename for new file */

    MEcopy((PTR) path, pathlength, (PTR) newfile);
    newfile[pathlength] = '/';
    MEcopy((PTR) newfilename, newlength, (PTR) &newfile[pathlength + 1]);
    newfile[pathlength + newlength + 1] = '\0';

		if (retry > 0 && failflag++ == 0)
			TRdisplay("%@ DIrename: retry on %t/%t\n",
					  pathlength, path, oldlength, oldfilename);
		retry = 0;
		CL_CLEAR_ERR( err_code );
#ifdef	xCL_035_RENAME_EXISTS
		/* Now rename the file. */    
		while  ((os_ret = rename(oldfile, newfile)) == -1) 
			SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_rename);
			if (err_code->errnum != EINTR)
#else /* xCL_035_RENAME_EXISTS */
		/* Now rename the file. */    
		while ((os_ret = link(oldfile, newfile)) == -1) 
			SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_rename);
			if (err_code->errnum != EINTR)
		if (os_ret != -1)
			while ((os_ret = unlink(oldfile)) == -1) 
				if (err_code->errnum != EINTR)
#endif /* xCL_035_RENAME_EXISTS */

		/* if the rename failed, see if we're holding the file open */
		if (os_ret == -1 && htb_initialized)
			QUEUE *p, *q, *next;
			q = &htb->htb_fd_list;
			for (p = q->q_prev; p != q; p = next)
				DI_FILE_DESC *di_file = (DI_FILE_DESC *) p;
				DI_IO *di_io = (DI_IO *) di_file->fd_uniq.uniq_di_file;
				next = p->q_prev;
				if (di_io != NULL && di_file->fd_state == FD_IN_USE
				  && di_io->io_type == DI_IO_ASCII_ID
				  && pathlength == di_io->io_l_pathname
				  && oldlength == di_io->io_l_filename)
					/* Make sure it's still the right
					** DI_IO and compare the filename */
					if ((DI_IO *) di_file->fd_uniq.uniq_di_file == di_io &&
					      di_file->fd_state == FD_IN_USE &&
					      di_file->fd_unix_fd != -1 &&
					      !(di_io->io_open_flags & DI_O_NOT_LRU_MASK) &&
						di_io->io_type == DI_IO_ASCII_ID &&
						pathlength == di_io->io_l_pathname &&
						MEcmp((PTR) di_io->io_pathname, path, pathlength) == 0
						&& oldlength == di_io->io_l_filename &&
						MEcmp((PTR) di_io->io_filename, oldfilename,
							  oldlength) == 0)
						/* have a match, print out stats */
						/* try to close it */
						DIlru_close(di_io, &local_err);
	} while (retry);

    if (os_ret == -1)
	if ((err_code->errnum == ENOTDIR) || (err_code->errnum == EACCES))
	    ret_val = DI_DIRNOTFOUND;
	    ret_val = DI_BADRNAME;
	CL_CLEAR_ERR( err_code );

Ejemplo n.º 8
** Name: LGK_initialize()	-  initialize the lg/lk shared mem segment.
** Description:
**	This routine is called by the LGinitialize or LKinitialize routine.  IT
**	assumes that a previous caller has allocated the shared memory segment.
**	If it discovers that the shared memory segment has not yet been
**	initialized, it calls the LG and LK initialize-memory routines to do so.
** Inputs:
**	flag		- bit mask of:
**			  LOCK_LGK_MEMORY to lock the shared data segment
**			  LGK_IS_CSP if process is CSP process this node.
** Outputs:
**	sys_err		- place for system-specific error information.
**	Returns:
**	    OK	- success
**	    !OK - failure (CS*() routine failure, segment not mapped, ...)
**  History:
**	Summer, 1992 (bryanp)
**	    Working on the new portable logging and locking system.
**	19-oct-1992 (bryanp)
**	    Check memory version number when attaching.
**	22-oct-1992 (bryanp)
**	    Change LGLKDATA.MEM to lglkdata.mem.
**	23-Oct-1992 (daveb)
**	    name the semaphore too.
**	13-feb-1993 (keving)
**	    Remove support for II_LGK_MEMORY_SIZE. If II_LG_MEMSIZE
**	    is not set then calculate memory size from PM values. 
**	24-may-1993 (bryanp)
**	    If the shared memory is the wrong version, don't install the
**	    at_exit handlers (the rundown routines won't be able to interpret
**	    the memory properly).
**	26-jul-1993 (jnash)
**	    Add 'flag' param lock the LGK data segment.
**	20-sep-1993 (bryanp)
**	    In addition to calling PCatexit, call (on VMS) sys$dclexh, since
**		there are some situations (image death and image rundown without
**		process rundown) which are caught neither by PCatexit (since
**		PCexit isn't run) nor by check-dead threads (since process
**		rundown never happened). This fixes a hole where an access-
**		violating ckpdb or auditdb command never got cleaned up.
**	31-jan-1994 (bryanp)
**	    Back out a few "features" which are proving countereffective:
**	    1) Don't bother checking mem_creator_pid to see if the previous
**		creator of the shared memory has died. This was an attempt to
**		gracefully re-use sticky shared memory following a system crash,
**		but it is suspected as being the culprit in a series of system
**		failures by re-initializing the shared memory at inopportune
**		times.
**	    2) Don't complain if the shared memory already exists but is of a
**		different size than you expected. Just go ahead and try to use
**		it anyway.
**	21-feb-1994 (bryanp)
**	    Reverse item (1) of the above 31-jan-1994 change and re-enable the
**		graceful re-use of shared memory. People weren't happy with
**		having to run ipcclean and csinstall all the time.
**	23-may-1994 (bryanp)
**	    On VMS, disable ^Y for LG/LK-aware processes. We don't want to allow
**		^Y because you might interrupt the process right in the middle
**		of an LG or LK operation, while holding the shared memory
**		semaphore, and this would then wedge the whole installation.
**      17-May-1994 (daveb) 59127
**          Attach lgk_mem semaphore if we're attaching to the segment.
**      30-jan-1995 (lawst01) bug 61984
**          Use memory needed calculation from the 'lgk_calculate_size'
**          function to determine the size of the shared memory pool for
**          locking and locking. If the II_LG_MEMSIZE variable is specified
**          with a value larger than needed use the supplied value. If
**          lgk_calculate_size is unable to calculate a size then use the
**          magic number of 400000.  In addition issue a warning message
**          and continue executing in the event the number of pages
**          allocated is less than the number requested. 
**	24-apr-1997 (nanpr01)
**	    Reinstate Bryanp's change. In the process of fixing bug 61984
**	    by Steve Lawrence and subsequent undo of Steve's fix by Nick
**	    Ireland on 25-jun-96 (nick) caused the if 0 code removed.
**	    Part of the Steve's change was not reinstated such as not returning
**	    the status and exit and continue.
**	    1. Don't complain if the shared memory already exists but is of a
**	    different size than you expected. Just go ahead and try to use
**	    it.
**     18-aug-1998 (hweho01)
**          Reclaim the kernel resource if LG/LK shared memory segment is  
**          reinitialized. If the shared segment is re-used (the previous creator 
**          of the shared segment has died), the cross-process semaphores get 
**          initialized more than once at the same locations. That cause the
**          kernel resource leaks on DG/UX (OS release 4.11MU04). To fix the 
**          problem, CS_cp_sem_cleanup() is called to destroy all the 
**          semaphores before LG/LK shraed segment get recreated. 
**          CS_cp_sem_cleanup() is made dependent on xCL_NEED_SEM_CLEANUP and
**          OS_THREADS_USED, it returns immediately for most platforms.  
**	27-Mar-2000 (jenjo02)
**	    Added test for crossed thread types, refuse connection
**	    to LGK memory with E_DMA811_LGK_MT_MISMATCH.
**	18-apr-2001 (devjo01)
**	    s103715 (Portable cluster support)
**	    - Add CX mem requirement calculations.
**	    - Add LGK_IS_CSP flag to indicate that LGK memory is being
**	      initialized for a CSP process.
**	    - Add basic CX initialization.
**      19-sep-2002 (devjo01)
**          If running NUMA clustered allocate memory out of local RAD.
**	30-Apr-2003 (jenjo02)
**	    Rearchitected to silence long-tolerated race conditions.
**	    BUG 110121.
**	27-feb-2004 (devjo01)
**	    Rework allocation of CX shared memory to be compatible
**	    with race condition fix introduced for bug 110121.
**	29-Dec-2008 (jonj)
**	    If lgk_calculate_size() returns FAIL, the total memory
**	    needed exceeds MAX_SIZE_TYPE and we can't continue, but
**	    tell what we can about the needs of the various bits of
**	    memory before quitting.
**	06-Aug-2009 (wanfr01)
**	    Bug 122418 - Return E_DMA812 if LOCK_LGK_MUST_ATTACH is
**	    is passed in and memory segment does not exist
**      20-Nov-2009 (maspa05) bug 122642
**          In order to synchronize creation of UUIDs across servers added
**          a semaphore and a 'last time' variable into LGK memory. 
**      14-Dec-2009 (maspa05) bug 122642
**          #ifdef out the above change for Windows. The rest of the change
**          does not apply to Windows so the variables aren't defined.
i4	  	flag,
CL_ERR_DESC	*sys_err,
char		*lgk_info)
    PTR		ptr;
    SIZE_TYPE	memleft;
    SIZE_TYPE	size;
    STATUS	ret_val;
    STATUS	mem_exists;
    char	mem_name[15];
    SIZE_TYPE	allocated_pages;
    i4		me_flags;
    i4		me_locked_flag;
    SIZE_TYPE	memory_needed;
    char	*nm_string;
    SIZE_TYPE	pages;
    LGK_MEM	*lgk_mem;
    i4		err_code;
    SIZE_TYPE   min_memory;
    i4		retries;
    i4		i;
    i4		attached;
    PID		*my_pid_slot;
    i4		clustered;
    u_i4	nodes;
    SIZE_TYPE	cxmemreq;
    PTR		pcxmem;
    LGLK_INFO	lgkcount;
    char	instid[4];


    ** if LGK_base is set then this routine has already been called.  It is
    ** set up so that both LGiniitalize and LKinitialize calls it, but only
    ** the first call does anything.

    if (LGK_base.lgk_mem_ptr)

    PCpid( &LGK_my_pid );

    memory_needed = 0;
    NMgtAt("II_LG_MEMSIZE", &nm_string);
    if (nm_string && *nm_string)
#if defined(LP64)
	if (CVal8(nm_string, (long*)&memory_needed))
	if (CVal(nm_string, (i4 *)&memory_needed))
#endif /* LP64 */
	    memory_needed = 0;

    /* Always calculate memory needed from PM resource settings  */
    /* and compare with supplied value, if supplied value is less */
    /* than minimum then use minimum                             */

    min_memory = 0;
    if ( OK == lgk_get_counts(&lgkcount, FALSE))
	if ( lgk_calculate_size(FALSE, &lgkcount, &min_memory) )
	    ** Memory exceeds MAX_SIZE_TYPE, can't continue.
	    ** Do calculation again, this time with "wordy"
	    ** so user can see allocation bits, then quit.
	    lgk_calculate_size(TRUE, &lgkcount, &min_memory);
	    return (E_DMA802_LGKINIT_ERROR); 
    if (min_memory)
       memory_needed = (memory_needed < min_memory) ? min_memory
                                                    : memory_needed;
       memory_needed = (memory_needed < 400000 ) ? 400000 
                                                 : memory_needed;

    clustered = (i4)CXcluster_enabled();
    cxmemreq = 0;
    if ( clustered )

	if ( OK != CXcluster_nodes( &nodes, NULL ) )
	    nodes = 0;
	cxmemreq = CXshm_required( 0, nodes, lgkcount.lgk_max_xacts,
		    lgkcount.lgk_max_locks, lgkcount.lgk_max_resources );
	if ( MAX_SIZE_TYPE - memory_needed < cxmemreq )
	    ** Memory exceeds MAX_SIZE_TYPE, can't continue.
	    ** Do calculation again, this time with "wordy"
	    ** so user can see allocation bits, then quit.
	    SIprintf("Total LG/LK/CX allocation exceeds max of %lu bytes by %lu\n"
	    	     "Adjust logging/locking configuration values and try again\n",
		         MAX_SIZE_TYPE, cxmemreq - (MAX_SIZE_TYPE - memory_needed));
	    lgk_calculate_size(TRUE, &lgkcount, &min_memory);
	    return (E_DMA802_LGKINIT_ERROR); 
	memory_needed += cxmemreq;

    if ( memory_needed < MAX_SIZE_TYPE - ME_MPAGESIZE )
	pages = (memory_needed + ME_MPAGESIZE - 1) / ME_MPAGESIZE;
        pages = memory_needed / ME_MPAGESIZE;

    ** Lock the LGK segment if requested to do so
    if (flag & LOCK_LGK_MEMORY)
	me_locked_flag = ME_LOCKED_MASK;
	me_locked_flag = 0;

    me_flags = (me_locked_flag | ME_MSHARED_MASK | ME_IO_MASK | 
    if (CXnuma_user_rad())
        me_flags |= ME_LOCAL_RAD;

    STcopy("lglkdata.mem", mem_name);

    ** In general, we just want to attach to the shared memory and detect if
    ** we are the first process to do so. However, there are ugly race
    ** conditions to consider, as well as complications because the shared
    ** memory may be left around following a system crash.
    ** First we attempt to create the shared memory. Usually it already exists,
    ** so we check for and handle the case of "already exists".

    ** (jenjo02)
    ** Restructured to better handle all those ugly race conditions
    ** which are easily reproduced by running two scripts, one that
    ** continuously executes "lockstat" while the other is starting
    ** and stopping Ingres.
    ** For example,
    **		lockstat A	acquires and init's the memory
    **		RCP		attaches to "A" memory
    **		lockstat A	terminates normally
    **		lockstat B	attaches to "A" memory, sees that
    **				"A"s pid is no longer alive, and
    **				reinitializes the memory, much to
    **				the RCP's chagrin.
    ** or (more commonly)
    **		lockstat A	acquires and begins to init the mem
    **		RCP		attaches to "A" memory which is
    **				still being zero-filled by lockstat,
    **				checks the version number (zero),
    **				and fails with a E_DMA434 mismatch.
    ** The fix utilizes the mem_ext_sem to synchronize multiple
    ** processes; if the semaphore hasn't been initialized or
    ** if mem_version_no is zero, we'll wait one second and retry,
    ** up to 60 seconds before giving up. This gives the creating
    ** process time to complete initialization of the memory.
    ** Up to LGK_MAX_PIDS are allowed to attach to the shared
    ** memory. When a process attaches it sets its PID in the
    ** first vacant slot in lgk_mem->mem_pid[]; if there are
    ** no vacant slots, the attach is refused. When the process
    ** terminates normally by calling LGK_rundown(), it zeroes
    ** its PID slot.
    ** When attaching to an existing segment, we check if  
    ** there are any live processes still using the memory;
    ** if so, we can't destroy it (no matter who created it).
    ** If there are no live processes attached to the memory,
    ** we destroy and reallocate it (based on current config.dat
    ** settings).

    for ( retries = 0; ;retries++ )
	LGK_base.lgk_mem_ptr = (PTR)NULL;
	/* Give up if unable to get memory in one minute */
#if defined(conf_CLUSTER_BUILD)
        if (retries > 1)
	if ( retries )
	    if ( retries < 60 )
		/* Another process has it blocked way too long */
				ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 0);
		/* Unable to attach allocated shared memory segment. */
		return (E_DMA802_LGKINIT_ERROR); 

	ret_val = MEget_pages(me_flags,
				pages, mem_name, (PTR*)&lgk_mem,
				&allocated_pages, sys_err);

	if ( mem_exists = ret_val )
	    if (ret_val == ME_ALREADY_EXISTS)
		ret_val = MEget_pages((me_locked_flag | 
				      pages, mem_name, (PTR*)&lgk_mem,
				      &allocated_pages, sys_err);
#if defined(conf_CLUSTER_BUILD)
                if (ret_val && !retries)
                    continue;  /* try one more time */
	    if (ret_val)
		uleFormat(NULL, ret_val, sys_err,
				ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 0);
				ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 0);
		/* Unable to attach allocated shared memory segment. */
		return (E_DMA802_LGKINIT_ERROR); 
	else if (flag & LOCK_LGK_MUST_ATTACH)
	    /* Do not use the shared segment you just allocated */
	    MEfree_pages((PTR)lgk_mem, allocated_pages, sys_err);
	    return (E_DMA812_LGK_NO_SEGMENT); 

	size = allocated_pages * ME_MPAGESIZE;

	/* Expose this process to the memory */
	LGK_base.lgk_mem_ptr = (PTR)lgk_mem;

	if ( mem_exists )
	    ** Memory exists.
	    ** Try to acquire the semaphore. If it's
	    ** uninitialzed, retry from the top.
	    ** If the version is zero, then another
	    ** process is initializing the memory;
	    ** keep retrying until the version is 
	    ** filled in.
	    if ( ret_val = CSp_semaphore(1, &lgk_mem->mem_ext_sem) )
		if ( ret_val != E_CS000A_NO_SEMAPHORE )
		    uleFormat(NULL, ret_val, sys_err,
				ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 0);
		    ret_val = E_DMA802_LGKINIT_ERROR;

	    /* Retry if still being init'd by another process */
	    if ( !lgk_mem->mem_version_no )

	    ** Check pids which appear to be attached to
	    ** the memory:
	    ** If any process is still alive, then we
	    ** assume the memory is consistent and use it.
	    ** If a process is now dead, it terminated
	    ** without going through LGK_rundown
	    ** to zero its PID slot, zero it now.
	    ** If there are no live PIDs attached to 
	    ** the memory, we destroy and recreate it.
	    my_pid_slot = (PID*)NULL;
	    attached = 0;

	    for ( i = 0; i < LGK_MAX_PIDS; i++ )
		if ( lgk_mem->mem_pid[i] && 
		     PCis_alive(lgk_mem->mem_pid[i]) )
		    /* Vacate the slot */
		    if (lgk_mem->mem_pid[i])
				ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 2,
				0, lgk_mem->mem_pid[i],
				0, lgk_mem->mem_info[i].info_txt);
		    lgk_mem->mem_pid[i] = (PID)0;
		    lgk_mem->mem_info[i].info_txt[0] = EOS;

		    /* Use first vacant slot for this process */
		    if ( !my_pid_slot )
			my_pid_slot = &lgk_mem->mem_pid[i];
			LGK_base.lgk_pid_slot = i;
		/* Quit when both questions answered */
		if ( attached && my_pid_slot )

	    /* If no living pids attached, destroy/reallocate */
	    if ( !attached )
		if ( LGK_destroy(allocated_pages, sys_err) )
		    ret_val = E_DMA802_LGKINIT_ERROR;

	    /* All attached pids alive? */
	    if ( !my_pid_slot )
		/* ... then there's no room for this process */
		    ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 1,
		    0, attached);
	        ret_val = E_DMA802_LGKINIT_ERROR;
	    else if (lgk_mem->mem_version_no != LGK_MEM_VERSION_CURRENT)
		    ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 2,
		    0, lgk_mem->mem_version_no, 0, LGK_MEM_VERSION_CURRENT);
	    ** Don't allow mixed connections of MT/non-MT processes.
	    ** Among other things, the mutexing mechanisms are 
	    ** incompatible!
	    else if ( (CS_is_mt() && (lgk_mem->mem_status & LGK_IS_MT) == 0) ||
		     (!CS_is_mt() &&  lgk_mem->mem_status & LGK_IS_MT) )
		    ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 2,
		    0, (lgk_mem->mem_status & LGK_IS_MT) ? "OS"
							 : "INTERNAL",
		    0, (CS_is_mt()) ? "OS"
				    : "INTERNAL");
		ret_val = E_DMA802_LGKINIT_ERROR;
		** CX memory (if any) will lie immediately past LGK header.
		pcxmem = (PTR)(lgk_mem + 1);
		pcxmem = (PTR)ME_ALIGN_MACRO(pcxmem, sizeof(ALIGN_RESTRICT));

		LGK_base.lgk_lkd_ptr = (char *)LGK_base.lgk_mem_ptr +
		LGK_base.lgk_lgd_ptr = (char *)LGK_base.lgk_mem_ptr +
		/* Stuff our pid in first vacant slot */
		*my_pid_slot = LGK_my_pid;
		STlcopy(lgk_info, lgk_mem->mem_info[i].info_txt, LGK_INFO_SIZE-1);

#if defined(VMS) || defined(UNIX)
	    /* set up pointers to reference the uuid mutex and last time
	     * variable */

	    if (!ID_uuid_sem_ptr)

	    if (!ID_uuid_last_time_ptr)

	    if (!ID_uuid_last_cnt_ptr)


	    /* Memory did not exist */
	    /* Zero the version to keep other processes out */
	    lgk_mem->mem_version_no = 0;

#if defined(VMS) || defined(UNIX)
	    /* set up the uuid mutex and last time pointers to
	     * reference the objects in shared memory */

	        STATUS id_stat;

	        ID_UUID_SEM_INIT(ID_uuid_sem_ptr,CS_SEM_MULTI,"uuid sem",

	    /* ... then initialize the mutex */
	    CSw_semaphore(&lgk_mem->mem_ext_sem, CS_SEM_MULTI,
	    			    "LGK mem ext sem" );

	    /* Record if memory created for MT or not */
	    if ( CS_is_mt() )
		lgk_mem->mem_status = LGK_IS_MT;

	    ** memory is as follows:
	    **	-----------------------------------------------------------|
	    **	| LGK_MEM struct (keep track of this mem)	           |
	    **	|							   |
	    **	-----------------------------------------------------------|
	    **	| If a clustered installation memory reserved for CX       |
	    **	|							   |
	    **	------------------------------------------------------------
	    **	| LKD - database of info for lk system			   |
	    **	|							   |
	    **	------------------------------------------------------------
	    **	| LGD - database of info for lg system			   |
	    **	|							   |
	    **	------------------------------------------------------------
	    **	| memory manipulated by LGKm_* routines for structures used |
	    **	| by both the lk and lg systems.			   |
	    **	|							   |
	    **	------------------------------------------------------------

	    /* put the LGK_MEM struct at head of segment leaving ptr pointing 
	    ** at next aligned piece of memory

	    ** CX memory (if any) will lie immediately past LGK header.
	    pcxmem = (PTR)(lgk_mem + 1);
	    pcxmem = (PTR)ME_ALIGN_MACRO(pcxmem, sizeof(ALIGN_RESTRICT));

	    LGK_base.lgk_lkd_ptr = pcxmem + cxmemreq;
	    LGK_base.lgk_lkd_ptr = (PTR) ME_ALIGN_MACRO(LGK_base.lgk_lkd_ptr,
	    lgk_mem->mem_lkd = (i4)((char *)LGK_base.lgk_lkd_ptr -
					 (char *)LGK_base.lgk_mem_ptr);

	    LGK_base.lgk_lgd_ptr = (PTR) ((char *) LGK_base.lgk_lkd_ptr +
	    LGK_base.lgk_lgd_ptr = (PTR) ME_ALIGN_MACRO(LGK_base.lgk_lgd_ptr,
	    lgk_mem->mem_lgd = (i4)((char *)LGK_base.lgk_lgd_ptr -
					 (char *)LGK_base.lgk_mem_ptr);

	    /* now initialize the rest of memory for allocation */

	    /* how much memory is left? */

	    ptr = ((char *)LGK_base.lgk_lgd_ptr + sizeof(LGD));
	    memleft = size - (((char *) ptr) - ((char *) LGK_base.lgk_mem_ptr));

	    if ( (ret_val = lgkm_initialize_mem(memleft, ptr)) == OK &&
		 (ret_val = LG_meminit(sys_err)) == OK &&
		 (ret_val = LK_meminit(sys_err)) == OK )
		/* Clear array of attached pids and pid info */
		for ( i = 0; i < LGK_MAX_PIDS; i++ )
		    lgk_mem->mem_pid[i] = (PID)0;
		    lgk_mem->mem_info[i].info_txt[0] = EOS;

		/* Set the creator pid */
		LGK_base.lgk_pid_slot = 0;
		lgk_mem->mem_creator_pid = LGK_my_pid;

		/* Set the version, releasing other processes */
		lgk_mem->mem_version_no = LGK_MEM_VERSION_CURRENT;
		uleFormat(NULL, ret_val, (CL_ERR_DESC *)NULL,
			    ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 0);
		ret_val = E_DMA802_LGKINIT_ERROR;

		/* Destroy the shared memory */
		LGK_destroy(allocated_pages, sys_err);

	if ( ret_val == OK )

	    if ( clustered )
		** Perform preliminary cluster connection and CX memory init.

		/* Get installation code */
		NMgtAt("II_INSTALLATION", &nm_string);
		if ( nm_string )
		    instid[0] = *(nm_string);
		    instid[1] = *(nm_string+1);
		    instid[0] = 'A';
		    instid[1] = 'A';
		instid[2] = '\0';
		ret_val = CXinitialize( instid, pcxmem, flag & LGK_IS_CSP );
		if ( ret_val )
		    /* Report error returned from CX */
		    uleFormat(NULL, ret_val, (CL_ERR_DESC *)NULL,
			ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 0 );

#ifdef VMS
	    static $EXHDEF	    exit_block;
	    i4			ctrl_y_mask = 0x02000000;

	    ** On VMS, programs like the dmfjsp and logstat run as images in
	    ** the shell process. That is, the system doesn't start and stop
	    ** a process for each invocation of the program, it just starts
	    ** and stops an image in the same process. This means that if
	    ** the program should die, the image may be rundown but the process
	    ** will remain, which means that the check-dead threads of other
	    ** processes in the installation will not feel that they need to
	    ** rundown this process, since it's still alive.
	    ** By declaring an exit handler, which will get a chance to run
	    ** even if PCexit isn't called, we improve our chances of getting
	    ** to perform rundown processing if we should die unexpectedly.
	    ** Furthermore, we ask DCL to disable its ^Y processing, which
	    ** lessens the chance that the user will interrupt us while we
	    ** are holding the semaphore.
	    exit_block.exh$g_func = LGK_rundown;
	    exit_block.exh$l_argcount = 1;
	    exit_block.exh$gl_value = &exit_block.exh$l_status;

	    if (sys$dclexh(&exit_block) != SS$_NORMAL)
		ret_val = FAIL;

	    lib$disable_ctrl(&ctrl_y_mask, 0);

    if ( ret_val )
	LGK_base.lgk_mem_ptr = NULL;

Ejemplo n.º 9
** Name: DIread - Read a page of a file.
** Description:
**      The DIread routine is used to read pages of a direct access 
**      file.   For the large block read option, the number of pages
**      to read is an input parameter to this routine.  It will
**      return the number of pages it read, since at
**      end of file it may read less pages than requested.
**      If multiple page reads are requested, the buffer is assumed
**      to be large enough to hold n pages.  The size of a page is 
**      determined at create.
**	The current mainline code (in the case of reading from a 
**	temporary file) expects that a DIread past logical
**	end of file, but within allocated end of file will return with
**	no error.  The value of the data retrieved is undefined.  To
**	make the current code work, DIread on unix has been changed to
**	meet these requirements, but it hoped that mainline code in the
**	future will be changed to not rely on this behaviour.
**	The buffer address into which the data is to be read is examined to
**	see if it is in shared memory. If so, we then instruct the slave to
**	read the page(s) directly into the target buffer. Otherwise, we read
**	the page(s) into the buffer in the server segment, and then copy the
**	data from the server segment to the target address.
** Inputs:
**      f                    Pointer to the DI file
**                           context needed to do I/O.
**      n                    Pointer to value of number of pages to read.
**      page                 Value indicating page to begin reading.
**      buf                  Pointer to the area to hold
**                           page(s) being read.
** Outputs:
**      n                    Number of pages read.
**      f                    Updates the file control block.
**      buf                  Pointer to the page read.
**      err_code             Pointer to a variable used
**                           to return operating system 
**                           errors.
**    Returns:
**          OK
**          DI_BADFILE       	Bad file context.
**          DI_BADREAD       	Error reading file.
**          DI_BADPARAM      	Parameter(s) in error.
**          DI_ENDFILE       	Not all blocks read.
**	    DI_BADLRU_RELEASE	Error releasing file.
**    Exceptions:
**        none
** Side Effects:
**        none
** History:
**    26-mar-87 (mmm)    
**          Created new for 6.0.
**    23-mar-89 (mmm)
**	    bug fix for b4854 (see bug fix workaround comments in header and
**	    in code.)
**	25-Apr-89 (GordonW)
**	    Don't use "bcopy" but use MECOPY macro call. bcopy is unportable.
**	07-may-89 (russ)
**	    Add missing semicolon to MECOPY_VAR_MACRO.
**	2-Feb-90 (anton)
**	    Don't always copy CL_ERR_DESC
**	6-Feb-90 (jkb)
**	    Add IIdio_read so direct io is available for Sequent.
**	5-aug-1991 (bryanp)
**	    Added support for I/O directly to server shared memory, bypassing
**	    the copy through the server segment if possible.
**	12-dec-1991 (bryanp)
**	    Added support for DIread on a raw log file for LG's use. In this
**	    case, all that had to happen was to replace the direct "lseek"
**	    call with a call to the IIdio code which supports file size
**	    determination for raw log files.
**      03-mar-1992 (jnash)
**          Fix LG slave problem noted when Sun mmap() support
**          introduced, change slave logic to send to the slave the
**          segment id "key" rather than "segid" (segid value not
**          the same in the slave).
**	30-October-1992 (rmuth)
**	    Prototype.
**	30-nov-1992 (rmuth)
**	    - Use DI_sense to find out the size of a file.
**	    - DIlru error checking
**      10-dec-1993 (rmuth)
**          If fail the past io_allocated_eof test then make sure that we
**          unset the errno value in CL_ERR_DESC set by SETCLERR. This was
**          causing confusion as we were logging random errno's to the
**          errlog.log
**      31-jan-94 (mikem)
**          sir #57671
**          The transfer size of slave I/O is now stored in
**          Cs_srv_block.cs_size_io_buf, rather than a constant
**          DI_FILE_BUF_SIZE.
**	20-jun-1995 (amo ICL)
**	    Added call on DI_async_read for async io
**	14-Oct-2005 (jenjo02)
**	    Chris's file descriptor properties now cached in io_fprop
**	    (file properties) and established on the first open, 
**	    not every open.
    DI_IO	   *f,
    i4        *n,
    i4        page,
    char           *buf,
    CL_ERR_DESC     *err_code )
    STATUS		small_status = OK, big_status = OK, r_status;
    i4		num_of_pages;
    i4		last_page_to_read;
    DI_OP		diop;
    CL_ERR_DESC         lerr_code ;

    /* default returns */
    CL_CLEAR_ERR( err_code );

    num_of_pages = *n;
    last_page_to_read = page + num_of_pages - 1;

    *n = 0;
    diop.di_flags = 0;
    if (num_of_pages <= 0)
	return (DI_BADPARAM);

    ** check file control block pointer, return if bad. 
    if (f->io_type != DI_IO_ASCII_ID)
	return( DI_BADFILE );

    /* Count another read */

    if (big_status = DIlru_open(f, FALSE, &diop, err_code))

    ** Sanity check to make sure we are reading within the bounds of
    ** the file. Note: we may still be reading garbage pages--it is
    ** up to the upper layers to guarantee that we are not doing this
    if (last_page_to_read > f->io_alloc_eof )
	i4 	real_eof;

	** DI_sense updates f->io_alloc_eof with the protection
	** of io_sem (OS_THREADS), so there's no need to
	** duplicate that update here.
	big_status = DI_sense(f, &diop, &real_eof, err_code);

	if (big_status == OK)
	    if (last_page_to_read > f->io_alloc_eof)
		small_status = DI_ENDFILE;
		SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_read);

		** The above sets errno as errno will be left over from
		** a previous call zero it out to avoid confusion.
		err_code->errnum = 0;

    if (big_status == OK && small_status == OK)
	if (Di_slave)
	    big_status = DI_slave_read( f, &diop, buf, page, num_of_pages,
					n, err_code );
# if defined(OS_THREADS_USED) || defined(xCL_ASYNC_IO)
	if (Di_async_io)
	    big_status = DI_async_read( f, &diop, buf, page, num_of_pages,
					 n, err_code );
# endif /* OS_THREADS_USED || xCL_ASYNC_IO */
	    big_status = DI_inproc_read( f, &diop, buf, page, num_of_pages,
					 n, err_code );

    r_status = DIlru_release(&diop, &lerr_code);

    if ( big_status )
	return( big_status );
    else if (small_status)
	return( small_status);

Ejemplo n.º 10
** Name: DIforce - Forces all pages to the disk.
** Description:
**      The DIforce routine is used to force all pages held by an operating 
**	system to disk.  This is not necessary on VMS so this routine will just
**	return.  This routine should wait for completion of all I/O to insure 
**	all pages are correctly on disk.  If an error occurs it should return 
** Inputs:
**      f                    Pointer to the DI file
**                           context needed to do I/O.
** Outputs:
**      err_code             Pointer to a variable used
**                           to return operating system 
**                           errors.
**    Returns:
**          OK
**          DI_BADFILE       Bad file context.
**          DI_BADWRITE      Error forcing pages to disk.
**    Exceptions:
**        none
** Side Effects:
**        none
** History:
**    26-mar-87 (mmm)    
**          Created new for 6.0.
**    21-jan-89 (mikem)
**	    DI_SYNC_MASK support (O_SYNC, fsync()).
**	06-feb-89 (mikem)
**	    Added better support for DI CL_ERR_DESC, including initializing to 
**	    zero and passing back DIlru_open() err_code info.  And ifdef'd
**	    variables only used by "FSYNC" case to shut up lint.
**	21-Apr-89 (GordonW)
**	    change "#ifdef FSYNC_EXISTS" -> it's correct xCL_xx define.
**	2-Feb-90 (anton)
**	    Don't always copy CL_ERR_DESC
**	25-sep-1991 (mikem) integrated following change: 27-jul-91 (mikem)
**	    DIopen() now sets the flag DI_O_FSYNC_MASK if fsync() should be
**	    used to sync a DIforce of a file.  Change the code to use 
**	    DI_O_FSYNC_MASK rather than DI_SYNC_MASK.
**	30-nov-1992 (rmuth)
**	    - Prototype.
**	    - Add error checking.
**      10-mar-1993 (mikem)
**          Changed the type of the first parameter to DI_send_ev_to_slave() and
**          the 2nd parameter to DI_slave_send(), so that DI_send_ev_to_slave()
**          could access the slave control block's status.
**          This routine will now initialize the status to DI_INPROGRESS, before
**          making the request and the slave will change the status once the
**          operation is complete.
**	18-apr-1994 (jnash)
**   	    fsync project.  DIforce() now calls fsync unconditionally
**	    (assuming that it exists).
**	14-Oct-2005 (jenjo02)
**	    Chris's file descriptor properties now cached in io_fprop
**	    (file properties) and established on the first open, 
**	    not every open.
**	11-Jan-2008 (kschendel) b122122
**	    Force has long been a no-op on unix, but that's incorrect.
**	    It should fsync or fdatasync the file unless the file is
**	    already open in sync mode.
    DI_IO          *f,
    CL_ERR_DESC     *err_code)
    STATUS			status = OK;

#ifdef xCL_010_FSYNC_EXISTS
    DI_OP			diop;
#endif /* FSYNC_EXISTS */

    /* default return values */
    CL_CLEAR_ERR( err_code );

    /* Check file control block pointer, return if bad. */

    if (f->io_type != DI_IO_ASCII_ID)

    /* Count a force */

    /* Don't do anything to the file if it's open O_SYNC or with direct
    ** IO.  Otherwise the caller wants the file sync'ed, so do it.

    if ( (f->io_open_flags & DI_O_OSYNC_MASK) == 0
      && (f->io_fprop & FPROP_DIRECT) == 0)
#if ! defined(xCL_010_FSYNC_EXISTS)
	/* Yarggh!  no fsync and file has no osync.  This must be some
	** obsolete or improperly ported platform.  Use global sync.


	    ** get file descriptor for this file 
	    status = DIlru_open(f, FALSE, &diop, err_code);
	    if ( status != OK )

	    status = DI_force( f, &diop, err_code );
	    if ( status != OK )
		CL_ERR_DESC lerr_code;

		(VOID) DIlru_release(&diop, &lerr_code);
		status = DIlru_release(&diop, err_code);

	} while (FALSE);
#endif /* FSYNC_EXISTS */

    return (status);
Ejemplo n.º 11
ERsend(i4 flag, char *message, i4 msg_length, CL_ERR_DESC *err_code)
# ifdef NT_GENERIC
    static bool		er_init = FALSE;
    static bool		is_w95 = FALSE;
# else /* !NT_GENERIC */
    static int		er_ifi = -2;
    static int          ar_ifi = -2;
# endif /* !NT_GENERIC */
    STATUS		status;
    char                tmp_buf[ER_MAX_LEN];
    char*               logmsg = message;

    /*	Check for bad paramters. */

    CL_CLEAR_ERR( err_code );

    if ((message == 0 || msg_length == 0) && flag != ER_AUDIT_MSG)
        return (ER_BADPARAM);

    if ((flag != ER_ERROR_MSG) && (flag != ER_AUDIT_MSG) &&
        ( flag != ER_OPER_MSG))
        return (ER_BADPARAM);

# ifndef NT_GENERIC
    if (flag & ER_AUDIT_MSG)
        key_t msg_key;
        char  *ipc_number;
            long    mtype;
            char    mtext[ER_MAX_LEN];
        }   msg;

        if (ar_ifi == -2)
            NMgtAt("II_AUDIT_IPC", &ipc_number);
            if (ipc_number && ipc_number[0])
                CVal(ipc_number, &msg_key);
                ar_ifi = msgget(msg_key, 0);
                if (ar_ifi == -1)
                    SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_open);
                SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_open);

        /*  Handle special case to connect only but not send message. */
        if (msg_length == 0 && message == 0)
                return (OK);

        MEcopy(message, msg_length, msg.mtext);
        msg.mtype = 1;
        if (msgsnd(ar_ifi, &msg, msg_length, 0))
            SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_open);
        return (OK);
# endif /* ! NT_GENERIC */
    if (flag & ER_OPER_MSG)
        char    hostname[GL_MAXNAME];
        STATUS  status;
        message[msg_length] = EOS;
        TRdisplay("ER Operator:\"%s\"\n",message);
	if (!ERsysinit)
# ifdef NT_GENERIC
        wchar_t *wmessage = NULL;

        ** Update the ReportEvent to report information in the event log.
        if ( ReportEvent( EventLog,
                        (WORD) EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
                        (WORD) 0,             /* event category */
                        (DWORD) I_ING_INFO,   /* event identifier */
                        (PSID) NULL,
                        (WORD) 1,             /* number of strings */
                        (DWORD) 0,
                        NULL ) == FALSE)   
                status = GetLastError();
	if ( !er_init )
	    char		VersionString[256];
	    FUNC_EXTERN BOOL	GVosvers(char *OSVersionString);

	    is_w95 = ( STstrindex(VersionString, "Microsoft Windows 9",
				  0, FALSE) != NULL ) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	    if ( !is_w95 ) /* netapi32 only on NT */
		HANDLE hDll;
                if ((hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("netapi32.dll"))) != NULL)
                    pNetMessageNameAdd = 
		     GetProcAddress(hDll, TEXT("NetMessageNameAdd"));
                    pNetMessageNameDel = 
		     GetProcAddress(hDll, TEXT("NetMessageNameDel"));
                    pNetMessageBufferSend = 
		      GetProcAddress(hDll, TEXT("NetMessageBufferSend"));
		/* if any problem, pretend we don't support it */
		if ( pNetMessageNameAdd == NULL ||
		     pNetMessageNameDel == NULL ||
		     pNetMessageBufferSend == NULL )
		    is_w95 = TRUE;

	if ( !is_w95 )
	    ** Now, send the message to the server console,
	    ** putting up a message box (if the messenger service
	    ** is running.  Everything must be in Unicode.

	    if ( whostname[0] == 0 )
		unsigned int len = sizeof(hostname);
		** get the hostname in Unicode format for use 
		** by messenger service 
                GetComputerName( (char *)hostname, &len );
		MultiByteToWideChar( GetACP(), 0,
				     hostname, sizeof(hostname),
				     whostname, sizeof(whostname) );
            /* initialize the messenger service */
            status = (*pNetMessageNameAdd)( whostname, msgname );
            if ( status != NERR_Success )
	        status = GetLastError();

	    /* Allocate a buffer for the Unicode */
	    wmessage = (wchar_t *) MEreqmem( 0, msg_length * sizeof(wchar_t), 
				             TRUE, &status );
	    if ( wmessage )
	        /* copy the message to the Unicode buffer */
		MultiByteToWideChar( GetACP(), 0,
				     message, msg_length,
				     wmessage, msg_length * sizeof(wchar_t) );
                status = (*pNetMessageBufferSend)( whostname, 
				               (LPBYTE) wmessage, 
					       msg_length*sizeof(wchar_t) );
                if ( status != NERR_Success )
	            status = GetLastError();
	        MEfree( (PTR)wmessage );

            /* re-initialize the messenger service */
            status = (*pNetMessageNameDel)( whostname, msgname );
            if ( status != NERR_Success )
	        status = GetLastError();

# elif defined(OS_THREADS_USED) && defined(any_aix)
	syslog_r( LOG_ALERT|LOG_ERR, message );
# else
	syslog( LOG_ALERT|LOG_ERR, message );
# endif /* NT_GENERIC */

    if (flag & ER_OPER_MSG)
        i4 msglen = 0;
	char* host = PMhost();

        MEfill( ER_MAX_LEN, 0, tmp_buf );

        ** Format the message string for the event log.  As the source is
        ** not known a fixed string of INGSYSLOG is used.
        TRformat( NULL, 0, tmp_buf, ER_MAX_LEN - 1,
            "%8.8t::[INGSYSLOG         , 00000000]: %@ ", STlength(host),
            host );
        msglen = STlength(tmp_buf);
        STcat( tmp_buf, message );  /* append original message */
        msg_length += msglen;
        logmsg = tmp_buf;
    status = ERlog( logmsg, msg_length, err_code );
    return( status );
Ejemplo n.º 12
** Name: LGadd	- Add Database.
** Description:
**	Add database to logging system for a process.
**      This routine adds a database to the logging system.  This service
**	is used to inform the logging system that records recorded in the log
**	file should be associated with this database.  A database can be 
**	marked as journaled by setting the LG_JOURNAL flag.  The fact that a
**	database is journaled is used by the logging system to recognize the
**	need to copy log records from the log file to a journal file.
** NOTE on adding databases that are being recovered:
**	When a database requires REDO recovery, the LDB for that database
**	is marked LDB_RECOVER.  This routine will return LG_DB_INCONSISTENT
**	(signifying that the database is inconsistent) if anyone tries
**	to add the db while it is being recovered.  This is not a very
**	on-line solution.
**	A better solution is to make sure that servers that want to open
**	a database that is currently being recovered are forced to wait
**	until the db is fully recovered, then they should be able to
**	proceed.
** Inputs:
**      lg_id                           Log identifier.
**	flag				Zero or
**					    LG_JOURNAL: if a journaled DB.
** 					    LG_NOTDB: not a DB; administrative
** 					    LG_PRETEND_CONSISTENT: used by verifydb
** 					    LG_FCT: fast commit
** 					    LG_READONLY: a readonly database
**	buffer				Database information buffer.
**      l_buffer                        Length of buffer.
** Outputs:
**      db_id                           Database identifier. Unique
**                                      identifier associated with this
**                                      instantiation of the logging/locking
**                                      server.  After logging/locking 
**                                      restarted, a database can have
**                                      a different id.
**      sys_err                         Reason for error return status.
**	Returns:
**	    OK				Success.
**	    LG_BADPARAM			Bad parameters to call.
**	    LG_DB_INCONSISTENT		Inconsistent database.
**	    LG_EXCEED_LIMIT		Out of LDB's.
**	    LG_SHUTTING_DOWN		Shutdown has occured (or pending).
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	Summer, 1992 (bryanp)
**	    Working on the new portable logging and locking system.
**	18-jan-1993 (rogerk)
**	    Removed LG_WILLING_COMMIT flag - now only LG_ADDONLY is used
**	    during recovery processing.  Add ldb_j_last_la, ldb_d_last_la
**	    fields.
**	15-mar-1993 (rogerk)
**	    Reduced Logging - Phase IV:
**	    Removed LG_ADDONLY flag.  Recovery processing now adds db with
**		a normal LGadd call and alters it via LG_A_DBCONTEXT to
**		reestablish its context.
**	26-apr-1993 (bryanp)
**	    6.5 Cluster Support:
**		Add ldb_sback_lsn field to the LDB.
**		Make sure that lpd_type is set so that LPDs can be deallocated
**		    properly upon error.
**	26-jul-1993 (bryanp)
**	    When adding a database which is associated with a remote log file,
**		do not signal a local opening of the database. This occurs
**		when the CSP process on one node is recovering the work
**		performed by another node; in this case we do NOT wish to
**		signal to the RCP that a local open is being performed, since
**		in fact no local access is implied by adding this database.
**	    When adding the notdb again, increment the ldb_lpd_count even if
**		the ldb_buffer info doesn't match. The notdb is always the notdb
**	26-jul-1993 (rogerk)
**	    Changed journal and dump window tracking in the logging system.
**	    Use new journal and dump log address fields.
**	12-oct-1993 (tad)
**	    Bug #56449
**	    Changed %x to %p for pointer values.
**	30-Jan-1996 (jenjo02)
**	    Reorganized LG_add() such that if NOTDB is wanted, 
**	    the search of the ldb queue is bypassed; after all,
**	    we know it's buried in the LGD and easy to find.
**	11-Sep-1996 (jenjo02)
**	    Fix a bug in LG_add() search of lgd_ldb_q which was looping
**	    if more that 2 LDBs were extant.
** 	13-jun-1997 (wonst02)
** 	    Added LG_READONLY and LDB_READONLY for readonly databases.
**	12-nov-1998 (kitch01)
**		Bug 90140. If the database is currently pending a close then
**		mark the open as in CLOSE_WAIT. This will ensure that the close
**		is processed before this open and prevent locking errors on the journals
**      7-oct-2004 (thaju02)
**          Use SIZE_TYPE to allow memory pools > 2Gig.
        21-Jun-2006 (hanal04) Bug 116272
**          Take the lgd_mutex before the ldb_mutex in order to ensure
**          the acquisition order is consistent with LG_archive_complete()
**          and LG_event(). Flag LG_signal_event() that we already have the
**          lgd_mutex.
**	01-Nov-2006 (jonj)
**	    Use consistent ldb_q_mutex, ldb_mutex ordering thoughout the code.
**	    Don't put LDB on queue until it's completely initialized.
**	15-Jan-2010 (jonj)
**	    SIR 121619 MVCC: Initialize new ldb_active_lxbq.
**      09-aug-2010 (maspa05) b123189, b123960
**          Pass flag to indicate a readonly database LDB_RODB, so that it
**          gets picked up by LGshow
LG_LGID             external_lg_id,
i4		    flag,
char		    *buffer,
i4		    l_buffer,
LG_DBID		    *external_db_id,
CL_ERR_DESC	    *sys_err)
    register LGD        *lgd = (LGD *)LGK_base.lgk_lgd_ptr;
    register LPB	*lpb;
    register LDB	*ldb;
    register LFB	*lfb;
    register LPD	*lpd;
    LDB			*next_ldb;
    LPD			*next_lpd;
    SIZE_TYPE		end_offset;
    SIZE_TYPE		ldb_offset;
    SIZE_TYPE		*lpbb_table;
    SIZE_TYPE		*ldbb_table;
    i4			err_code;
    bool		initialize_ldb = FALSE;
    STATUS		status;
    LG_I4ID_TO_ID	lg_id;
    LG_ID		*db_id = (LG_ID*)external_db_id;
    LFB			*cur_db_lfb;
    i4			SignalEvent = 0;

    ** If the logging system is already in "shutdown" mode, then no new
    ** LGadd calls are permitted


    if ((lgd->lgd_status & (LGD_START_SHUTDOWN | LGD_IMM_SHUTDOWN)) != 0)

    if (l_buffer == 0 ||
	l_buffer > sizeof(ldb->ldb_buffer))
		    ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 2,
		    0, l_buffer, 0, sizeof(ldb->ldb_buffer));
	return (LG_BADPARAM);

    /*	Check the lg_id. */

    lg_id.id_i4id = external_lg_id;
    if (lg_id.id_lgid.id_id == 0 || (i4)lg_id.id_lgid.id_id > lgd->lgd_lpbb_count)
		    ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 2,
		    0, lg_id.id_lgid.id_id, 0, lgd->lgd_lpbb_count);
	return (LG_BADPARAM);

    lpbb_table = (SIZE_TYPE *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lgd->lgd_lpbb_table);
    lpb = (LPB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lpbb_table[lg_id.id_lgid.id_id]);

    if (status = LG_mutex(SEM_EXCL, &lpb->lpb_mutex))

    if (lpb->lpb_type != LPB_TYPE ||
	lpb->lpb_id.id_instance != lg_id.id_lgid.id_instance)
		    ULE_LOG, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &err_code, 3,
		    0, lpb->lpb_type, 0, lpb->lpb_id.id_instance,
		    0, lg_id.id_lgid.id_instance);
	return (LG_BADPARAM);

    **  Allocate an LPD, causing lpd_type to be set to LPD_TYPE.

    if ((lpd = (LPD *)LG_allocate_cb(LPD_TYPE)) == 0) 
	return (LG_EXCEED_LIMIT);

    ** CLEANUP: error returns after this point must free the lpd before
    **		returning! 

    lfb = (LFB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lpb->lpb_lfb_offset);

    ** If this isn't a real user database, but is instead the "NOTDB"
    ** database which is used by system processes such as the DMFRCP and
    ** DMFACP daemons, then it has a special reserved LDB slot and does not
    ** get located by its database information buffer, therefore we
    ** can skip locking and scanning the ldb queue.
    end_offset = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(&lgd->lgd_ldb_next);

    ** When both the lgd_ldb_q and ldb must be mutexed, always take
    ** the lgd_ldb_q_mutex, then ldb_mutex.

    /* Lock and hold the ldb queue mutex */
    if (status = LG_mutex(SEM_EXCL, &lgd->lgd_ldb_q_mutex))

    if (flag & LG_NOTDB)
	ldbb_table = (SIZE_TYPE *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lgd->lgd_ldbb_table);
	ldb = (LDB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(ldbb_table[1]);

	if (status = LG_mutex(SEM_EXCL, &ldb->ldb_mutex))

	** IF the notdb has already been initialized, then we have some
	** caller who is adding the notdb with a different buffer, thus
	** we didn't match when we searched the database list for a
	** matching ldb_buffer field. Since we really don't care about the
	** ldb_buffer for the notdb (the notdb is the notdb, after all),
	** we'll treat this case as though the ldb buffer fields matched.
	if (ldb->ldb_type == LDB_TYPE)
	    /*  Count new reference to LDB. */
	    ** first use of NOTDB; initialize it.
	    initialize_ldb = TRUE;
	** Scan database list to see if this database is already known. Each
	** database is identified by a "database information buffer", which DMF
	** passes in. This buffer contains items such as the database name, owner
	** name, etc. If the database information buffer passed to LGadd exactly
	** matches the database information buffer of an existing LDB, then this
	** database is already known (has already been added by another logging
	** system process).

	for (ldb_offset = lgd->lgd_ldb_next;
	    ldb_offset != end_offset;)
	    ldb = (LDB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(ldb_offset);

	    if (ldb->ldb_l_buffer != l_buffer ||
		MEcmp(ldb->ldb_buffer, buffer, l_buffer))
		ldb_offset = ldb->ldb_next;

	    if ( CXcluster_enabled() )
		** Node recovery must use distinct ldb context per node log file
		cur_db_lfb = (LFB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(ldb->ldb_lfb_offset);

		if ((lfb->lfb_l_nodename || cur_db_lfb->lfb_l_nodename) &&
		    (lfb->lfb_l_nodename != cur_db_lfb->lfb_l_nodename ||
		    MEcmp(lfb->lfb_nodename, cur_db_lfb->lfb_nodename,
		    ldb_offset = ldb->ldb_next;
#ifdef xDEBUG
		    TRdisplay("%@ RCP-P1: Recovering %~t, ignore ldb for %~t %x\n",
			lfb->lfb_l_nodename, lfb->lfb_nodename,
			cur_db_lfb->lfb_l_nodename, cur_db_lfb->lfb_nodename,
			flag & LG_CSP_RECOVER);

	    if (status = LG_mutex(SEM_EXCL, &ldb->ldb_mutex))

	    ** Check again after semaphore wait.
	    ** If LDB is no longer a match (it was in the 
	    ** process of being eradicated while we waited for
	    ** the ldb_mutex), and start the search again from
	    ** the top of the queue.
	    if (ldb->ldb_type != LDB_TYPE ||
	        ldb->ldb_l_buffer != l_buffer ||
		MEcmp(ldb->ldb_buffer, buffer, l_buffer))
		ldb_offset = lgd->lgd_ldb_next;

	if (ldb_offset != end_offset)
	    **  LDB exists. If the database is already known to be inconsistent,
	    **  then no new adds of the database are permitted, unless the caller
	    **  acknowledges that it "knows" that the database is inconsistent by
	    **  passing the "pretend consistent" flag (used by verifydb).

	    if (ldb->ldb_status & LDB_INVALID)
		if ( (flag & LG_PRETEND_CONSISTENT) == 0 )
		    LG_deallocate_cb(LPD_TYPE, (PTR)lpd);
		    return (LG_DB_INCONSISTENT);	

	    ** If the database reference count is zero, then the database
	    ** must be opened by the RCP before the server can use it.
	    ** Mark the status opendb_pending - this will suspend any thread
	    ** making an LGwrite call on this database (note that the first
	    ** thing a server does after opening a database is to write an
	    ** OPENDB log record) until the RCP has finished opening it.
	    ** If the database reference count is not zero, but the database
	    ** is undergoing REDO recovery, then we cannot allow new servers
	    ** to access the database until recovery is complete.  Set the
	    ** database status to opendb_pending and opn_wait.
	    ** NOTE that if we begin to support READ-ONLY databases and servers
	    ** are able to open databases without writing an OPENDB record, then
	    ** we must come up with a new method of suspending database openers
	    ** until recovery is complete.
		/* Bug 90140. If the database is currently pending a close then
		** mark the open as in CLOSE_WAIT. This will ensure that the close
		** is processed before this open and prevent locking errors on the journals
	    if (ldb->ldb_lpd_count == 0)
		if ((ldb->ldb_status & LDB_PURGE) == 0)
		    if ((ldb->ldb_status & LDB_OPENDB_PEND) == 0)
			ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_OPENDB_PEND;
			if (ldb->ldb_status & LDB_CLOSEDB_PEND)
				ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_CLOSE_WAIT;
			    ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_PRETEND_CONSISTENT;
	    		if (flag & LG_READONLY)
			    ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_READONLY;
	    		if (flag & LG_RODB)
			    ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_RODB;
			SignalEvent = LGD_OPENDB;
		    ldb->ldb_status &= ~(LDB_PURGE);
	    else if (ldb->ldb_status & LDB_RECOVER)
		** The database is open, but is being recovered.
		** Set the opendb_pending and opn_wait flags - this will 
		** prevent any new transactions from proceeding on this 
		** database until recovery is complete.  Marking this
		** database as OPENDB_PEND will not cause the database to
		** be processed in count_opens because of the opn_wait flag.
		ldb->ldb_status |= (LDB_OPENDB_PEND | LDB_OPN_WAIT);
	    /*  Count new reference to LDB. */

	    ** This database is NOT known.
	    ** If the caller has passed special flags indicating that they
	    ** require that the newly-added database must have a particular DB_ID
	    ** assigned to it, then ensure that the new LDB gets the right ID.
	    ** Otherwise, just pick the next LDB off the free list.

	    **  Allocate a new LDB 
	    **  returning with the ldb_mutex held
	    **  and lgd_ldb_inuse incremented.
	    if ((ldb = (LDB *)LG_allocate_cb(LDB_TYPE)) == 0)
		LG_deallocate_cb(LPD_TYPE, (PTR)lpd);
		return (LG_EXCEED_LIMIT);
	    initialize_ldb = TRUE;

#ifdef xDEBUG
    ** For a while, we were having problems with corruption of the LFB/LDB
    ** large block queues, and this debugging code helped to track those
    ** problems down.
    if (ldb->ldb_id.id_id == 0)
	TRdisplay("%@ LGadd: args were:(%d,%d).%x.%p.%x.%p\n",
		lg_id.id_lgid.id_id, lg_id.id_lgid.id_instance,
		flag, buffer, l_buffer, db_id);
	LG_debug_wacky_ldb_found(lgd, ldb);
	return (LG_BADPARAM);

    ** NOTE: Be careful about adding error returns after this point,
    ** because any such error return must first free up BOTH the LPD AND
    ** the LDB, if an LDB was actually allocated.

    **  Initialize the LDB, if one was allocated
    **  or if first use of NOTDB LDB.
    if (initialize_ldb)
	MEcopy((PTR)buffer, l_buffer, (PTR)ldb->ldb_buffer);
	ldb->ldb_l_buffer = l_buffer;
	ldb->ldb_type = LDB_TYPE;
	ldb->ldb_status = LDB_ACTIVE;
	ldb->ldb_stat.read = 0;
	ldb->ldb_stat.write = 0;
	ldb->ldb_stat.begin = 0;
	ldb->ldb_stat.wait = 0;
	ldb->ldb_stat.force = 0;
	ldb->ldb_stat.end = 0;
	ldb->ldb_lxbo_count = 0;
	ldb->ldb_lxb_count = 0;
	ldb->ldb_lpd_count = 1;
	ldb->ldb_lfb_offset = lpb->lpb_lfb_offset;
	ldb->ldb_j_first_la.la_sequence = 0;
	ldb->ldb_j_first_la.la_block    = 0;
	ldb->ldb_j_first_la.la_offset   = 0;
	ldb->ldb_j_last_la.la_sequence  = 0;
	ldb->ldb_j_last_la.la_block     = 0;
	ldb->ldb_j_last_la.la_offset    = 0;
	ldb->ldb_d_first_la.la_sequence = 0;
	ldb->ldb_d_first_la.la_block    = 0;
	ldb->ldb_d_first_la.la_offset   = 0;
	ldb->ldb_d_last_la.la_sequence  = 0;
	ldb->ldb_d_last_la.la_block     = 0;
	ldb->ldb_d_last_la.la_offset    = 0;
	ldb->ldb_sbackup.la_sequence    = 0;
	ldb->ldb_sbackup.la_block       = 0;
	ldb->ldb_sbackup.la_offset      = 0;
	ldb->ldb_sback_lsn.lsn_high     = 0;
	ldb->ldb_sback_lsn.lsn_low      = 0;
	ldb->ldb_eback_lsn.lsn_high     = 0;
	ldb->ldb_eback_lsn.lsn_low      = 0;

	** Assume no simulated MVCC journal writes.
	** This may be changed by LGalter(LG_A_JFIB)
	MEfill(sizeof(ldb->ldb_jfib), 0, &ldb->ldb_jfib);

	** Set last_commit, last_lsn, and first_la to
	** the current values from the header.
	ldb->ldb_last_commit = lfb->lfb_header.lgh_last_lsn;
	ldb->ldb_last_lsn = lfb->lfb_header.lgh_last_lsn;
	ldb->ldb_first_la = lfb->lfb_header.lgh_end;

	** Initialize active transaction queue to empty.
	ldb->ldb_active_lxbq.lxbq_next = ldb->ldb_active_lxbq.lxbq_prev
		= LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(&ldb->ldb_active_lxbq.lxbq_next);

	ldb->ldb_lgid_low = 0;
	ldb->ldb_lgid_high = 0;

	** Extract the external Database Id from the info buffer to
	** put in an accessable place of the ldb.
	I4ASSIGN_MACRO(ldb->ldb_buffer[DB_DB_MAXNAME+DB_OWN_MAXNAME], ldb->ldb_database_id);

	if (flag & LG_NOTDB)
	    ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_NOTDB;
	    if (flag & LG_JOURNAL)
		ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_JOURNAL;
	    if (flag & LG_PRETEND_CONSISTENT)
		ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_PRETEND_CONSISTENT;
	    if (flag & LG_READONLY)
		ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_READONLY;
	    if (flag & LG_RODB)
	        ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_RODB;

	if ((ldb->ldb_status & LDB_NOTDB) == 0)
	    if ((lfb->lfb_status & LFB_USE_DIIO) == 0)
		** signal to the RCP that local use of this database is
		** beginning. The database remains in pending-open state
		** until the RCP acknowledges the open.
		ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_OPENDB_PEND;
		SignalEvent = LGD_OPENDB;

    ** The LPD (Logging system Process-Database connection block) contains
    ** pointers to its associated database and process blocks, and contains
    ** a list of all transactions which this process has begun within this
    ** database:

    lpd->lpd_ldb = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(ldb);
    lpd->lpd_lpb = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(lpb);

    lpd->lpd_lxbq.lxbq_next = lpd->lpd_lxbq.lxbq_prev =

    lpd->lpd_lxb_count = 0;

    /*	Change various counters. */


    /*	Queue LPD to the LPB. */

    lpd->lpd_next = lpb->lpb_lpd_next;
    lpd->lpd_prev = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(&lpb->lpb_lpd_next);

    next_lpd = (LPD *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lpb->lpb_lpd_next);
    next_lpd->lpd_prev    = 
	    lpb->lpb_lpd_next = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(lpd);

    ** If the adding process uses fast commit, then mark the database
    ** as open with FC protocols.  Should a crash occur, all updates to
    ** this db since the last Consistency Point will need to be redone.
    if ((flag & LG_FCT) && (lpb->lpb_status & LPB_FCT))
	ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_FAST_COMMIT;

    /* If opener wants MVCC, ensure that it is on, found or not */
    if ( flag & LG_MVCC )
	ldb->ldb_status |= LDB_MVCC;

    /*	Return identifier. */

    *db_id = lpd->lpd_id;

    if ( initialize_ldb )
	/* Lastly, insert LDB on the active queue. */

	ldb->ldb_next = lgd->lgd_ldb_next;
	ldb->ldb_prev = end_offset;
	next_ldb = (LDB *)LGK_PTR_FROM_OFFSET(lgd->lgd_ldb_next);
	next_ldb->ldb_prev    = 
	    lgd->lgd_ldb_next = LGK_OFFSET_FROM_PTR(ldb);

    ** Unwind the mutexes

    /* If any events to signal, do so */
    if ( SignalEvent )
	LG_signal_event(SignalEvent, 0, FALSE);

    return (OK);
Ejemplo n.º 13
** Name: SRopen - Opens a file.
** Description:
**      The SRopen routine is used to open a direct access file.  
**      It will open the file for write access and will
**      place no locks on the file.  If the create_flag is set 
**      it will create it and allocate the amount specified.
**      Additional space may be required to accomplish the sort.
**      An unlimited number of extensions must be allowed.
**      You can specify that nothing should be allocated at
**      create time.
**	SR files are allocated in SR_MIN_INCR-block chunks,
**	i.e. (SR_MIN_INCR/2) Kb chunks.  Ideally, one reads and
**	writes SR files using a constant page size;  but, it's
**	allowable to read with a larger page size as long as both
**	old and new page sizes are a power of 2 no larger than
**	(SR_MIN_INCR/2) Kb.  Likewise, it's allowable to read an
**	existing SR file with a smaller page size as long as it
**	divides evenly into the original page size.  In general there
**	is no burning need to flail around with SR file page sizes...
** Inputs:
**      f                    Pointer to the SR file
**                           context needed to do I/O.
**      path                 Pointer to the directory name
**                           for the file.
**      pathlength           Length of path name.
**      filename             Pointer to file name.
**      filelength           Length of file name.
**      pagesize             Value indicating size of page 
**                           in bytes.  Must be a multiple of
**				the VMS page size of 512 bytes.
**      create_flag          Value indicating if creation needed.
**                           Must be SR_IO_CREATE.
**      n                    Value indicating number of pages to
**                           pre-allocate.
** Outputs:
**      f                    Updates the file control block.
**      err_code             Pointer to a variable used
**                           to return operating system 
**                           errors.
**    Returns:
**          OK
**          SR_BADDIR		Error in path specification.
**          SR_BADOPEN		Error opening file.
**          SR_BADFILE		Bad file context.
**          SR_PADPARAM		Parameter(s) in error.
**	    SR_EXCEED_LIMIT	Too many open files, exceeding disk quota
**				or exceeding available disk space.
**    Exceptions:
**        none
** Side Effects:
**        none
** History:
**    30-sep-85 (jennifer)
**          Created new for 5.0.
**      02-apr-86 (jennifer)
**          Modified the system error returned from a i4 to
**          the type CL_ERR_DESC per CL request.
**	27-jul-87 (rogerk)
**	    Added return code SR_EXCEED_LIMIT.
**	17-aug-87 (rogerk)
**	    Save local return status after CSsuspend call before acting on
**	    its value.  We were losing the return status from the allocate
**	    call by seting the local return status from CSsuspend later on.
**	11-may-98 (kinte01)
**	    Added page size for 65536
SR_IO           *f,
char            *path,
u_i4		pathlength,
char            *filename,
u_i4	        filelength,
i4		pagesize,
u_i4		create_flag,
i4         n,
CL_ERR_DESC	*err_code)
    IOSB		local_iosb;         /* Operation return status. */
    i4 	        s;		    /* Request return status. */
    FIBDEF		*fib;
	i4	    count;
	char	    *pointer;
    }			descriptor;
    CS_SID		sid;


    if (SR_check_resume)

    /* Page size has to be a multiple of 512. */
    if ((pagesize & 511) != 0)
	return (SR_BADPARAM);

    /* Initialize file control block. */

    MEfill (sizeof(SR_IO), NULL, (PTR)f);
    f->io_type = SR_IO_ASCII_ID;

    /* Assign a channel for I/O. */

    descriptor.count = pathlength;
    descriptor.pointer = path;
    s = sys$assign(&descriptor, &f->io_channel, 0, 0);
    if ((s & 1) == 0)
        err_code->error = s;
	if ((s == SS$_EXQUOTA) || (s == SS$_EXDISKQUOTA) || (s == SS$_NOIOCHAN))
	    return (SR_EXCEED_LIMIT);
        return (SR_BADOPEN); 

    /* Access the file with no locking.*/

    fib = (FIBDEF *)f->io_fib;
    fib->fib$l_acctl = FIB$M_NOLOCK | FIB$M_WRITE;
    fib->fib$w_nmctl = 0;
    fib->fib$w_exctl = 0;
    f->io_fib_desc.str_len = sizeof(f->io_fib);
    f->io_fib_desc.str_str = f->io_fib;

    /*	Queue the Create call. */
    s = sr_qio(EFN$C_ENF, f->io_channel, 
		&local_iosb, sr_resume_fcn, sid,
		&f->io_fib_desc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    if (s & 1)
	/*  Successfully queued, wait for completion. */

	s = local_iosb.iosb$w_status;
	if (local_iosb.iosb$w_status & 1)
	    /*	Successful completion, setup the control block. */

	    fib->fib$l_acctl = 0;
	    f->io_block_size = pagesize;
	    f->io_blks = pagesize >> 9;

	    /* Don't bother with io_log2_blk, nothing uses it... */
	    if (n != 0)
		/*  Preallocate space for the file. */

		s = iiSRallocate(f, n, sid, err_code);
		if (s == OK)
		    return (OK);

		** If allocate returns an error, stuff the os errcode into
		** 's' for processing below.
		s = err_code->error;
		return (OK);
Ejemplo n.º 14
SR_IO		*f,
i4		delete_flag,
CL_ERR_DESC	*err_code)
    IOSB		local_iosb;         /*  Operation return status. */
    int			s;                  /*  Request return status. */
    CS_SID		sid;
#ifdef xDEBUG
    long		device_class;
    long		dvi_length;
    ILE3		itmlst = {4, DVI$_DEVCLASS, &device_class, &dvi_length};

    /*	Check for valid control block. */

    if (f->io_type != SR_IO_ASCII_ID) 
        return (SR_BADFILE);

    /*	Check that the file is open. */

    if (f->io_channel == 0)
        return (OK);
#ifdef xDEBUG
    ** Check that the channel we are deallocating is still connected
    ** to a disk device.  This will trap the errors where we are
    ** conflicting with GCF on IO channels.
    s = sr_getdvi(EFN$C_ENF, f->io_channel, 0, &itmlst, &local_iosb,
 	          sr_resume_fcn, sid, 0);
    if (s & 1)
	s = local_iosb.iosb$w_status;
    if (((s & 1) == 0) || (device_class != DC$_DISK))
	** This io channel is no longer any good, or is not what we
	** think it is.  Return BADCLOSE and either the system error
	** (if one was returned), or SS$_NOTFILEDEV.
	err_code->error = s;
	if (s & 1)
	    err_code->error = SS$_NOTFILEDEV;
	return (SR_BADCLOSE);

    /*	Queue request to close and delete the file. */
    s = sr_qio(EFN$C_ENF, f->io_channel, 
		IO$_DEACCESS, &local_iosb, sr_resume_fcn, sid,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    if (s & 1)
	/*  Successfully queued, wait for completion. */

	if (local_iosb.iosb$w_status & 1)
	    /*	Deassign the channel. */

	    s = sys$dassgn(f->io_channel);
	    if (s & 1)
		/*  Return successful. */

		f->io_channel = 0;
		f->io_type = 0;
		return (OK);
	    s = local_iosb.iosb$w_status;

    err_code->error = s;
    return (SR_BADCLOSE);
Ejemplo n.º 15
** Name: DIgalloc - Allocates N pages to a direct access file.
** Description:
**	The DIgalloc routine is used to add pages to a direct access
**	file, the disc space for these pages is guaranteed to exist
**	once the routine returns. The contents of the pages allocated
**	are undefined until a DIwrite to the page has happened.
**      This routine can add more than one page at a time by accepting 
**	a count of the number of pages to add.
** Inputs:
**      f                Pointer to the DI file
**                       context needed to do I/O.
**      n                The number of pages to allocate.
** Outputs:
**      page             Pointer to variable used to 
**                       return the page number of the
**                       first page allocated.
**      err_code         Pointer to a variable used
**                       to return operating system 
**                       errors.
**    Returns:
**        OK
**        DI_BADEXTEND      	Can't allocate disk space
**        DI_BADFILE        	Bad file context.
**        DI_EXCEED_LIMIT   	Too many open files.
**	  DI_BADLRU_RELEASE	Problem releasing open file.
**        If running with slaves  :
**	  DI_GENERAL_ERR	More info in the err_code.intern field.
**	  If running without slaves :
**	  DI_BADINFO	    	Error finding current end-of-file.
**    Exceptions:
**        none
** Side Effects:
**        none
** History:
**    30-October-1992 (rmuth)
**	Created.
**    30-nov-1992
**	    Call IIdio_get_file_eof instead of lseek as this can
**	    deal with both raw and ordinary files. Change some
**	    types accordingly.
**      10-mar-1993 (mikem)
**          Changed the type of the first parameter to DI_send_ev_to_slave() and
**          the 2nd parameter to DI_slave_send(), so that DI_send_ev_to_slave()
**          could access the slave control block's status.
**          This routine will now initialize the status to DI_INPROGRESS, before
**          making the request and the slave will change the status once the
**          operation is complete.
**	30-feb-1993 (rmuth)
**	    Use the global DIzero_buffer as opposed to the local
**	    zero_alloc.
**	23-jul-1996 (canor01)
**	    Semaphore protect the lseek/write combination when used with
**	    operating-system threads.
**	06-Jan-2005 (jenjo02)
**	    Fix inproc code to use proper version of write/pwrite/pwrite64
**	    instead of always IIdio_write. View bytes-to-be-written in
**	    page terms rather than bytes, expand DI_ZERO_BUFFER_SIZE.
**	30-Sep-2005 (jenjo02)
**	    Ok to use pwrite if FD_PER_THREAD.
**	14-Oct-2005 (jenjo02)
**	    Chris's file descriptor properties now cached in io_fprop
**	    (file properties) and established on the first open, 
**	    not every open.
** Design Details:
**	Since the only way that UNIX allows one to allocate space to a
**	file is to write to the file. This routine will write zero
**	filled data to file for the required number of pages.
**	If we are running with slaves we will request the slave process
**	to do the actual I/O otherwise it is done inline.
**	For more information on DI see di.h
    DI_IO         	*f,
    i4	        n,
    i4	        *page,
    CL_ERR_DESC		*err_code )
    i4		end_of_file;
    STATUS	status = OK;
    DI_OP	diop;

    CL_CLEAR_ERR( err_code );

    /* Check file control block pointer, return if bad. */

    if (f->io_type != DI_IO_ASCII_ID)

    /* Count a galloc */

	** get file descriptor for this file 
        status = DIlru_open(f, FALSE, &diop, err_code);
	if ( status != OK )

	status = DI_galloc( f, n,&diop, &end_of_file, err_code );

	if ( status != OK )
	    CL_ERR_DESC lerr_code;

	    (VOID) DIlru_release(&diop, &lerr_code);
	    status = DIlru_release(&diop, err_code);

	** If we failed to extend the table then do not update 
	** the following
	if (status == OK )
	    ** Return page number of first page allocated
	    *page = end_of_file + 1;

#ifdef xDEV_TST
		    "DIgalloc: file: %t/%t, alloc_eof: %d, first: %d, count: %d\n",
		      f->io_l_pathname, f->io_pathname,
		      f->io_l_filename, f->io_filename,
		      f->io_alloc_eof, *page, n);

    } while (FALSE);

    return( status );
Ejemplo n.º 16
** Name: DIwrite -  Writes  page(s) of a file to disk.
** Description:
**      The DIwrite routine is used to write pages of a direct access 
**      file.  This routine should be flexible enough to write multiple
**      contiguous pages.  The number of pages to write is indicated
**      as an input parameter,  This value is updated to indicate the
**      actual number of pages written.  A synchronous write is preferred
**      but not required.
**	The buffer address from which the data is to be written is examined
**	to see if it is in shared memory. If so, we then instruct the slave
**	to write the page(s) directly from the target buffer. Otherwise, we
**	copy the page(s) from the buffer into the server segment, and then
**	instruct the slave to write the page(s) from the server segment.
** Inputs:
**      f                    Pointer to the DI file
**                           context needed to do I/O.
**      n                    Pointer to value indicating number of pages to 
**			     write.
**      page                 Value indicating page(s) to write.
**      buf                  Pointer to page(s) to write.
** Outputs:
**      f                    Updates the file control block.
**      n                    Pointer to value indicating number of pages 
**			     written.
**      err_code             Pointer to a variable used
**                           to return operating system 
**                           errors.
**    Returns:
**          OK
**          DI_BADFILE          Bad file context.
**          DI_BADWRITE         Error writing.
**          DI_BADPARAM         Parameter(s) in error.
**          DI_ENDFILE          Write past end of file.
**	    DI_BADLRU_RELEASE	Error releasing open file.
**    Exceptions:
**        none
** Side Effects:
**        none
** History:
**    26-mar-87 (mmm)    
**          Created new for 6.0.
**    06-feb-89 (mikem)
**	    Return CL_ERR_DESC from DIlru_open().
**    23-mar-89 (mikem)
**	    update io_system_eof when necessary (bug 4854).
**    10-jul-89 (rogerk & mikem)
**	    When asked to write a page that is past our cached EOF marker, call
**	    DIsense to check the actual EOF before signalling an error.  The
**	    page may have been allocated by a different server and our copy of
**	    the EOF has just not been updated yet.
**	    This case can also come up in a single server case now, as we 
**	    continue to cache pages in the buffer manager even when the table 
**	    is closed.  This can result in a DIwrite() being performed on a
**	    newly opened file without ever doing a DIread() (where eof info
**	    was previously obtained).
**    10-jul-89 (mikem)
**	    Return DI_EXCEED_LIMIT if out of disk space, rather than
**	    BAD_WRITE.  Also add some debugging code to make it easier to
**	    test that the server handles out of disk space correctly (by
**	    returning out of disk space out of DIwrite based on a gloal set
**	    by DIalloc every N times called).
**    23-Jan-90 (anton)
**	    Call DI_sense instead of DIsense to prevent multiple DIlru_opens
**	    and use of two CSevcbs.
**	2-Feb-90 (anton)
**	    Don't always copy CL_ERR_DESC
**	6-Feb-90 (jkb)
**	    Change write to IIdio_write which combines the write and lseek
**	    commands and makes direct io available for Sequent
**	5-aug-1991 (bryanp)
**	    Added support for I/O directly from server shared memory,
**	    bypassing the copy through the server segment if possible.
**      03-mar-1992 (jnash)
**          Fix LG slave problem noted when Sun mmap() support
**          introduced, change slave logic to send to the slave the
**          segment id "key" rather than "segid" (segid value not
**          the same in the slave).
**	30-October-1992 (rmuth)
**	    Prototype and make sure we have opened the file before
**	    we close it.
**	30-nov-1992 (rmuth)
**	    - Include <cldio.h>
**	    - DIlru error checking, this was a major restructuring of the
**	      code. No Change in functionality.
**	10-dec-1993 (rmuth)
**	    If fail the past io_allocated_eof test then make sure that we
**	    unset the errno value in CL_ERR_DESC set by SETCLERR. This was
**	    causing confusion as we were logging random errno's to the
**	    errlog.log
**      31-jan-94 (mikem)
**          sir #57671
**          The transfer size of slave I/O is now stored in
**          Cs_srv_block.cs_size_io_buf, rather than a constant
**          DI_FILE_BUF_SIZE.
**	18-apr-1994 (jnash)
**	    fsync project.  Call DIforce() on systems where fsync() exists 
**	    but O_SYNC does not (hopefully never). 
**	20-jun-1995 (amo ICL)
**	    Added call on DI_async_write for async io
**	20-Apr-1998 (merja01)
**		Move "#" to column 1 to correct compile errors on axp_osf.
**	01-oct-1998 (somsa01)
**	    Return DI_NODISKSPACE when we are out of disk space.
**	29-Oct-1998 (schte01)
**		Move "#" to column 1 to correct compile errors on axp_osf.
**	14-Oct-2005 (jenjo02)
**	    Chris's file descriptor properties now cached in io_fprop
**	    (file properties) and established on the first open, 
**	    not every open.
    DI_IO	   *f,
    i4             *n,
    i4        page,
    char           *buf,
    CL_ERR_DESC    *err_code)
    STATUS			big_status = OK, small_status = OK, r_status;
    i4			num_of_pages;
    i4			last_page_to_write;
    CL_ERR_DESC    		lerr_code;
    DI_OP			diop;

    /* default returns */

    CL_CLEAR_ERR( err_code );

    num_of_pages = *n;
    *n = 0;
    if (num_of_pages <= 0)
	return (DI_BADPARAM);

    last_page_to_write = page + num_of_pages - 1;

    diop.di_flags = 0;

    if (f->io_type != DI_IO_ASCII_ID)

    if (f->io_mode != DI_IO_WRITE)

    /* Count another write */

    ** get open file descriptor for the file
    if (big_status = DIlru_open(f, FALSE, &diop, err_code))

    ** now check for write within bounds of the file 
    if (last_page_to_write > f->io_alloc_eof) 
	i4	real_eof;

	** DI_sense updates f->io_alloc_eof with the protection
	** of io_sem (OS_THREADS), so there's no need to
	** duplicate that update here.
	big_status = DI_sense(f, &diop, &real_eof, err_code);

	if (big_status == OK)
	    if (last_page_to_write > f->io_alloc_eof)
		small_status = DI_ENDFILE;
		SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_write);

		** The above sets errno as errno will be left over from
		** a previous call zero it out to avoid confusion.
		err_code->errnum = 0;

    if (big_status == OK && small_status == OK)
	if ((f->io_open_flags & DI_O_NODISKSPACE_DEBUG) &&
	    (last_page_to_write > f->io_logical_eof)    &&
	    (last_page_to_write <= f->io_alloc_eof))
	    f->io_open_flags &= ~DI_O_NODISKSPACE_DEBUG;

	    small_status = DI_NODISKSPACE;
	    SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_write);
	    err_code->errnum = ENOSPC;

		"DIwrite(): Returning false DI_NODISKSPACE, page %d\n", page);
#endif /* xOUT_OF_DISK_SPACE_TEST */
	    if (Di_slave)
		big_status = DI_slave_write( f, &diop, buf, page, num_of_pages,
					     err_code );
# if defined(OS_THREADS_USED) || defined(xCL_ASYNC_IO)
	    if (Di_async_io)
		big_status = DI_async_write( f, &diop, buf, page, num_of_pages,
					      err_code );
# endif /* OS_THREADS_USED || xCL_ASYNC_IO */
		big_status = DI_inproc_write( f, &diop, buf, page, num_of_pages,
					      err_code );

	    if (big_status == OK && small_status == OK)

# if defined(xCL_010_FSYNC_EXISTS) && !defined(O_SYNC)
		** Due to lru activity, this code assumes that a force on any 
		** file descriptor forces pages for all open files.  If not 
		** the case, fsync() logic must be installed in the slave.
		big_status = DIforce( f, err_code );
	    if (big_status == OK && small_status == OK)
# endif

		*n = num_of_pages;

    r_status = DIlru_release(&diop, &lerr_code);

    if (big_status)
	return( big_status );
    else if (small_status)
	return( small_status );


Ejemplo n.º 17
** Name: DIgather_write	- GatherWrite external interface.
** Description:
**	This routine is called by any thread that wants to write multiple pages 
**	The caller indicates via the op parameter whether the write request 
**	should be batched up or/and the batch list should be written to disc.
** Inputs:
**	i4 op 		- indicates what operation to perform:
**				DI_QUEUE_LISTIO - adds request to threads 
**						  gatherwrite queue.
**				DI_FORCE_LISTIO - causes do_writev() to be 
**						  called for queued GIOs.
**				DI_CHECK_LISTIO - checks if this thread has
**						  any outstanding I/O requests.
**      DI_IO *f        - Pointer to the DI file context needed to do I/O.
**      i4    *n        - Pointer to value indicating number of pages to  
**                        write.                                          
**      i4     page     - Value indicating page(s) to write.              
**      char *buf       - Pointer to page(s) to write.                    
**	(evcomp)()	- Ptr to callers completion handler.
**      PTR closure     - Ptr to closure details used by evcomp.
** Outputs:                                                                  
**      f               - Updates the file control block.                 
**      n               - Pointer to value indicating number of pages written.
**      err_code        - Pointer to a variable used to return operating system
**                        errors.                                         
**      Returns:
**          OK                         	Function completed normally. 
**          non-OK status               Function completed abnormally
**					with a DI error number.
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**      The completion handler (evcomp) will do unspecified work. 
** History:
**	19-May-1999 (jenjo02)
**	    Created.
**	20-jul-1999 (popri01)
**	    On Unixware (usl_us5), IOV MAX can only be determined
**	    at run-time, so use a hard-coded value of 16 (which
**	    guarantees portability).
**	    Also, add explicit cast for iov_base arithmetic.
**	03-Apr-2002 (bonro01)
**	    SGI is also missing IOV_MAX.  Re-wrote the routine to 
**	    determine IOV_MAX at run-time for SGI and Unixware.
**      26-Nov-2002 (inifa01)
**	    Crossed in and Ammended above change to fix compile
**	    problems.
**	09-Jan-2003 (bonro01)
**	    Unixware compiler could not generate variable size local
**	    structure for IOV_MAX.
**	25-Aug-2005 (schka24)
**	    Don't lru-open the file here, do it when we're going to
**	    really queue the request.
**	30-Sep-2005 (jenjo02)
**	    GWthreadsSem now a CS_SYNCH object.
**	15-Mar-2010 (smeke01) b119529
**	    DM0P_BSTAT fields bs_gw_pages and bs_gw_io are now u_i8s.
DIgather_write( i4 op, char *gio_p, DI_IO *f, i4 *n, i4 page, char *buf, 
  VOID (*evcomp)(), PTR closure, i4 *uqueued, u_i8 *gw_pages, u_i8 *io_count, 
  CL_ERR_DESC *err_code)
    STATUS	big_status = OK, small_status = OK;


    DI_GIO		*gio = (DI_GIO *)gio_p;
    i4			num_of_pages;
    i4			last_page_to_write;

    if ( GWSemsInit == FALSE )
	CS_synch_init( &GWthreadsSem );
	GWSemsInit = TRUE;

    /* default returns */
    if (err_code)
	CL_CLEAR_ERR( err_code );

    if ( op & DI_QUEUE_LISTIO )
        num_of_pages = *n;
        *n = 0;
        last_page_to_write = page + num_of_pages - 1;

        if (f->io_type != DI_IO_ASCII_ID)

        if (f->io_mode != DI_IO_WRITE)

	** now check for write within bounds of the file 
	if ( last_page_to_write > f->io_alloc_eof )
	    i4	real_eof;

	    ** There may be pending writes which haven't been forced
	    ** which would extend the file to a new eof.
	    ** Before sensing, make sure they have been forced.
	    if ( check_list() )
		big_status = force_list( err_code );

	    ** DIsense updates f->io_alloc_eof with the protection
	    ** of io_sem (OS_THREADS), so there's no need to
	    ** duplicate that update here.
	    if ( big_status == OK )
		big_status = DIsense(f, &real_eof, err_code);

	    if ( big_status == OK && last_page_to_write > f->io_alloc_eof )
		small_status = DI_ENDFILE;
		SETCLERR(err_code, 0, ER_write);

		** The above sets errno as errno will be left over from
		** a previous call zero it out to avoid confusion.
		err_code->errnum = 0;

	if ( big_status == OK && small_status == OK )
	    /* Record another write */
	    gio->gio_evcomp = evcomp;
	    gio->gio_data = closure;
	    gio->gio_f = f;
	    gio->gio_buf = buf;
	    gio->gio_offset = (OFFSET_TYPE)f->io_bytes_per_page * (OFFSET_TYPE)page;
	    gio->gio_len = f->io_bytes_per_page * num_of_pages;
	    gio->gio_gw_pages = gw_pages;
	    gio->gio_io_count = io_count;

	    big_status = gather_list( gio, uqueued, err_code );

	if ( big_status == OK && small_status == OK )
	    *n = num_of_pages;
    else if (op & DI_FORCE_LISTIO )
        return(force_list( err_code ));
        /* Won't return here until all requests have completed */
    else if (op & DI_CHECK_LISTIO )

#endif /* OS_THREADS_USED */

    return( big_status ? big_status : small_status );