bool CodeFormatter::AStyleBatchFOrmat(const std::vector<wxFileName>& files, const FormatOptions& options) { wxString fmtOptions = options.AstyleOptionsAsString(); wxProgressDialog dlg( _("Source Code Formatter"), _("Formatting files..."), (int)files.size(), m_mgr->GetTheApp()->GetTopWindow()); for(size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { wxString content; if(!FileUtils::ReadFileContent(, content)) { CL_WARNING("Failed to read file content. File: %s",; continue; } wxString msg; msg << "[ " << i << " / " << files.size() << " ] " <<; dlg.Update(i, msg); // determine indentation method and amount bool useTabs = m_mgr->GetEditorSettings()->GetIndentUsesTabs(); int tabWidth = m_mgr->GetEditorSettings()->GetTabWidth(); int indentWidth = m_mgr->GetEditorSettings()->GetIndentWidth(); fmtOptions << (useTabs && tabWidth == indentWidth ? wxT(" -t") : wxT(" -s")) << indentWidth; wxString output; AstyleFormat(content, fmtOptions, output); output << DoGetGlobalEOLString(); // Replace the content of the file if(!FileUtils::WriteFileContent(, output)) { CL_WARNING("Failed to write file content. File: %s",; } } return true; }
bool ValgrindMemcheckProcessor::Process(const wxString & outputLogFileName) { //CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("ValgrindMemcheckProcessor::Process()")); if (!outputLogFileName.IsEmpty()) m_outputLogFileName = outputLogFileName; CL_DEBUG(PLUGIN_PREFIX("Processing file '%s'", m_outputLogFileName)); wxXmlDocument doc; if (!doc.Load(m_outputLogFileName) || doc.GetRoot()->GetName() != wxT("valgrindoutput")) { CL_WARNING("Error while loading file '%s'", m_outputLogFileName); return false; } m_errorList.clear(); int i = 0; wxXmlNode *errorNode = doc.GetRoot()->GetChildren(); while (errorNode) { if (errorNode->GetName() == wxT("error")) { m_errorList.push_back(ProcessError(doc, errorNode)); } errorNode = errorNode->GetNext(); if (i < 1000) i++; else { i = 0; //ATTN m_mgr->GetTheApp() wxTheApp->Yield(); } } return true; }
void ClangDriver::CodeCompletion(IEditor* editor) { if(m_isBusy) { return; } CL_DEBUG(wxT(" ==========> ClangDriver::CodeCompletion() started <==============")); if(!editor) { CL_WARNING(wxT("ClangDriver::CodeCompletion() called with NULL editor!")); return; } m_activeEditor = editor; m_isBusy = true; ClangThreadRequest* request = DoMakeClangThreadRequest(m_activeEditor, GetContext()); // Failed to prepare request? if(request == NULL) { m_isBusy = false; m_activeEditor = NULL; return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Put a request on the parsing thread // m_pchMakerThread.Add(request); }
void MemCheckOutputView::ShowPageView(size_t page) { // CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("MemCheckOutputView::ShowPage()")); if(page < 1) m_currentPage = 1; else if(page > m_pageMax) m_currentPage = m_pageMax; else m_currentPage = page; if(m_currentPage == 0) m_textCtrlPageNumber->Clear(); else pageValidator.TransferToWindow(); // it sets m_textCtrlPageNumber m_currentPageIsEmptyView = true; m_currentItem = wxDataViewItem(0); m_onValueChangedLocked = false; m_markedErrorsCount = 0; m_dataViewCtrlErrorsModel->Clear(); if(m_totalErrorsView == 0) return; ErrorList& errorList = m_plugin->GetProcessor()->GetErrors(); long iStart = (long)(m_currentPage - 1) * m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetResultPageSize(); long iStop = (long)std::min(m_totalErrorsView - 1, m_currentPage * m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetResultPageSize() - 1); // CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("start - stop = %lu - %lu", iStart, iStop)); m_currentPageIsEmptyView = (iStop - iStart) < 0; // this should never happen if m_totalErrorsView > 0, but... if(m_currentPageIsEmptyView) return; wxWindowDisabler disableAll; wxBusyInfo wait(wxT(BUSY_MESSAGE)); m_mgr->GetTheApp()->Yield(); unsigned int flags = 0; if(m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetOmitNonWorkspace()) flags |= MC_IT_OMIT_NONWORKSPACE; if(m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetOmitDuplications()) flags |= MC_IT_OMIT_DUPLICATIONS; if(m_plugin->GetSettings()->GetOmitSuppressed()) flags |= MC_IT_OMIT_SUPPRESSED; size_t i = 0; MemCheckIterTools::ErrorListIterator it = MemCheckIterTools::Factory(errorList, m_workspacePath, flags); for(; i < iStart && it != errorList.end(); ++i, ++it) ; // skipping item before start // CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("items skiped")); m_mgr->GetTheApp()->Yield(); for(; i <= iStop; ++i, ++it) { if(it == errorList.end()) { CL_WARNING(PLUGIN_PREFIX("Some items skiped. Total errors count mismatches the iterator.")); break; } AddTree(wxDataViewItem(0), *it); // CL_DEBUG1(PLUGIN_PREFIX("adding %lu", i)); if(!(i % WAIT_UPDATE_PER_ITEMS)) m_mgr->GetTheApp()->Yield(); } }
void FileUtils::OSXOpenDebuggerTerminalAndGetTTY(const wxString& path, wxString& tty, long& pid) { tty.Clear(); wxString command; wxString tmpfile; wxString escapedPath = path; if(escapedPath.Contains(" ")) { escapedPath.Prepend("\"").Append("\""); } tmpfile << "/tmp/terminal.tty." << ::wxGetProcessId(); command << "osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\" to do script \"tty > " << tmpfile << " && clear && sleep 12345\"'"; CL_DEBUG("Executing: %s", command); long res = ::wxExecute(command); if(res == 0) { CL_WARNING("Failed to execute command:\n%s", command); return; } // Read the tty from the file, wait for it up to 10 seconds wxFileName ttyFile(tmpfile); pid = wxNOT_FOUND; for(size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if(!ttyFile.Exists()) { ::wxSleep(1); continue; } ReadFileContent(ttyFile, tty); tty.Trim().Trim(false); // Remove the file wxLogNull noLog; ::wxRemoveFile(ttyFile.GetFullPath()); // Get the parent process ID (we want the parent PID and not // the sleep command PID) wxString psCommand; psCommand << "ps -A -o ppid,command"; wxString psOutput = ProcUtils::SafeExecuteCommand(psCommand); CL_DEBUG("PS output:\n%s\n", psOutput); wxArrayString lines = ::wxStringTokenize(psOutput, "\n", wxTOKEN_STRTOK); for(size_t u = 0; u < lines.GetCount(); ++u) { wxString l = lines.Item(u); l.Trim().Trim(false); if(l.Contains("sleep") && l.Contains("12345")) { // we got a match CL_DEBUG("Got a match!"); wxString ppidString = l.BeforeFirst(' '); ppidString.ToCLong(&pid); break; } } break; } CL_DEBUG("PID is: %d\n", (int)pid); CL_DEBUG("TTY is: %s\n", tty); }
bool LLDBConnector::ConnectToRemoteDebugger(const wxString& ip, int port, LLDBConnectReturnObject& ret, int timeout) { m_socket.reset( NULL ); clSocketClient *client = new clSocketClient(); m_socket.reset( client ); CL_DEBUG("Connecting to codelite-lldb on %s:%d", ip, port); try { bool would_block = false; if ( !client->ConnectRemote( ip, port, would_block, true ) ) { // select the socket if ( !would_block ) { m_socket.reset( NULL ); return false; } try { if ( client->SelectWrite(timeout) == clSocketBase::kTimeout ) { m_socket.reset( NULL ); return false; } } catch (clSocketException &e) { CL_DEBUG("SelectWrite error: %s", e.what()); } } // Connected! // Read the negotiation packet (part of the protocol only when doing remote connection) wxString message; if ( m_socket->ReadMessage( message, 2 ) != clSocketBase::kSuccess ) { m_socket.reset( NULL ); return false; } LLDBRemoteHandshakePacket handshake( message ); ret.SetRemoteHostName( handshake.GetHost() ); ret.SetPivotNeeded( handshake.GetHost() != ::wxGetHostName() ); } catch (clSocketException &e) { CL_WARNING("LLDBConnector::ConnectToRemoteDebugger: %s", e.what()); m_socket.reset( NULL ); return false; } CL_DEBUG("Successfully connected to codelite-lldb"); return true; }
bool DbgGdb::WriteCommand(const wxString& command, DbgCmdHandler* handler) { wxString cmd; wxString id = MakeId(); cmd << id << command; // Support for reverse debugging if(IsReverseDebuggingEnabled() && m_reversableCommands.count(command)) { cmd << " --reverse"; } if(!ExecuteCmd(cmd)) { CL_WARNING("Failed to send command: %s", cmd); return false; } RegisterHandler(id, handler); return true; }
void PHPEntityFunctionAlias::Store(wxSQLite3Database& db) { try { wxSQLite3Statement statement = db.PrepareStatement( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO FUNCTION_ALIAS_TABLE VALUES(NULL, :SCOPE_ID, :NAME, :REALNAME, :FULLNAME, :SCOPE, " ":LINE_NUMBER, :FILE_NAME)"); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":SCOPE_ID"), Parent()->GetDbId()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":NAME"), GetShortName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":REALNAME"), GetRealname()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FULLNAME"), GetFullName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":SCOPE"), GetScope()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":LINE_NUMBER"), GetLine()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FILE_NAME"), GetFilename().GetFullPath()); statement.ExecuteUpdate(); SetDbId(db.GetLastRowId()); } catch(wxSQLite3Exception& exc) { CL_WARNING("PHPEntityFunctionAlias::Store: %s", exc.GetMessage()); } }
bool LLDBConnector::ConnectToLocalDebugger(LLDBConnectReturnObject& ret, int timeout) { #ifndef __WXMSW__ clSocketClient *client = new clSocketClient(); m_socket.reset( client ); CL_DEBUG("Connecting to codelite-lldb on %s", GetDebugServerPath()); long msTimeout = timeout * 1000; long retriesCount = msTimeout / 250; // We try every 250 ms to connect bool connected = false; for(long i=0; i<retriesCount; ++i) { if ( !client->ConnectLocal( GetDebugServerPath() ) ) { wxThread::Sleep(250); continue; } connected = true; break; } if ( !connected ) { return false; } // Start the lldb event thread // and start a listener thread which will read replies // from codelite-lldb and convert them into LLDBEvent socket_t fd = m_socket->GetSocket(); m_pivot.Clear(); m_thread = new LLDBNetworkListenerThread(this, m_pivot, fd); m_thread->Start(); CL_DEBUG("Successfully connected to codelite-lldb"); return true; #else CL_WARNING("LLDB Debugger: can't connect to local debugger - this is not support on MSW"); return false; #endif }
void PluginManager::Load() { wxString ext; #if defined(__WXGTK__) ext = wxT("so"); #elif defined(__WXMAC__) ext = wxT("dylib"); #else ext = wxT("dll"); #endif wxString fileSpec(wxT("*.") + ext); clConfig conf("plugins.conf"); conf.ReadItem(&m_pluginsData); // set the managers // this code assures us that the shared objects will see the same instances as the application // does LanguageST::Get()->SetTagsManager(GetTagsManager()); TagsManagerST::Get()->SetLanguage(LanguageST::Get()); // Plugin loading policy CodeLiteApp* app = static_cast<CodeLiteApp*>(GetTheApp()); CodeLiteApp::PluginPolicy pp = app->GetPluginLoadPolicy(); wxArrayString allowedPlugins; if(pp == CodeLiteApp::PP_None) { return; } else if(pp == CodeLiteApp::PP_FromList) allowedPlugins = app->GetAllowedPlugins(); wxString pluginsDir = clStandardPaths::Get().GetPluginsDirectory(); if(wxDir::Exists(pluginsDir)) { // get list of dlls wxArrayString files; wxDir::GetAllFiles(pluginsDir, &files, fileSpec, wxDIR_FILES); // Sort the plugins by A-Z std::sort(files.begin(), files.end()); for(size_t i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); i++) { wxString fileName(files.Item(i)); #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(NDEBUG) // Under MSW loading a release plugin while in debug mode will cause a crash if(!fileName.EndsWith("-dbg.dll")) { continue; } #elif defined(__WXMSW__) // filter debug plugins if(fileName.EndsWith("-dbg.dll")) { continue; } #endif #ifdef __WXGTK__ wxFileName fnDLL(fileName); if(fnDLL.GetFullName().StartsWith("lib")) { // don't attempt to load a library continue; } #endif clDynamicLibrary* dl = new clDynamicLibrary(); if(!dl->Load(fileName)) { CL_ERROR(wxT("Failed to load plugin's dll: ") + fileName); if(!dl->GetError().IsEmpty()) { CL_ERROR(dl->GetError()); } continue; } bool success(false); GET_PLUGIN_INFO_FUNC pfnGetPluginInfo = (GET_PLUGIN_INFO_FUNC)dl->GetSymbol(wxT("GetPluginInfo"), &success); if(!success) { continue; } // load the plugin version method // if the methods does not exist, handle it as if it has value of 100 (lowest version API) int interface_version(100); GET_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION_FUNC pfnInterfaceVersion = (GET_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION_FUNC)dl->GetSymbol(wxT("GetPluginInterfaceVersion"), &success); if(success) { interface_version = pfnInterfaceVersion(); } else { CL_WARNING(wxT("Failed to find GetPluginInterfaceVersion() in dll: ") + fileName); if(!dl->GetError().IsEmpty()) { CL_WARNING(dl->GetError()); } } if(interface_version != PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION) { CL_WARNING(wxString::Format(wxT("Version interface mismatch error for plugin '%s'. Plugin's interface " "version is '%d', CodeLite interface version is '%d'"), fileName.c_str(), interface_version, PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION)); continue; } // Check if this dll can be loaded PluginInfo pluginInfo = pfnGetPluginInfo(); wxString pname = pluginInfo.GetName(); pname.MakeLower().Trim().Trim(false); // Check the policy if(pp == CodeLiteApp::PP_FromList && allowedPlugins.Index(pname) == wxNOT_FOUND) { // Policy is set to 'from list' and this plugin does not match any plugins from // the list, don't allow it to be loaded continue; } // Add the plugin information m_pluginsData.AddPlugin(pluginInfo); // Can we load it? if(!m_pluginsData.CanLoad(pluginInfo.GetName())) { CL_WARNING(wxT("Plugin ") + pluginInfo.GetName() + wxT(" is not enabled")); continue; } // try and load the plugin GET_PLUGIN_CREATE_FUNC pfn = (GET_PLUGIN_CREATE_FUNC)dl->GetSymbol(wxT("CreatePlugin"), &success); if(!success) { CL_WARNING(wxT("Failed to find CreatePlugin() in dll: ") + fileName); if(!dl->GetError().IsEmpty()) { CL_WARNING(dl->GetError()); } m_pluginsData.DisablePlugin(pluginInfo.GetName()); continue; } // Construct the plugin IPlugin* plugin = pfn((IManager*)this); CL_DEBUG(wxT("Loaded plugin: ") + plugin->GetLongName()); m_plugins[plugin->GetShortName()] = plugin; // Load the toolbar clToolBar* tb = plugin->CreateToolBar((wxWindow*)clMainFrame::Get()); if(tb) { #if USE_AUI_TOOLBAR // When using AUI toolbars, use our own custom art-provider tb->SetArtProvider(new CLMainAuiTBArt()); #endif clMainFrame::Get()->GetDockingManager().AddPane(tb, wxAuiPaneInfo() .Name(plugin->GetShortName()) .LeftDockable(true) .RightDockable(true) .Caption(plugin->GetShortName()) .ToolbarPane() .Top() .Row(0)); // Add menu entry at the 'View->Toolbars' menu for this toolbar wxMenuItem* item = clMainFrame::Get()->GetMenuBar()->FindItem(XRCID("toolbars_menu")); if(item) { wxMenu* submenu = NULL; submenu = item->GetSubMenu(); // add the new toolbar entry at the end of this menu int id = wxNewId(); wxString text(plugin->GetShortName()); text << _(" ToolBar"); wxMenuItem* newItem = new wxMenuItem(submenu, id, text, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK); submenu->Append(newItem); clMainFrame::Get()->RegisterToolbar(id, plugin->GetShortName()); } } // Keep the dynamic load library m_dl.push_back(dl); } clMainFrame::Get()->GetDockingManager().Update(); // Let the plugins plug their menu in the 'Plugins' menu at the menu bar // the create menu will be placed as a sub menu of the 'Plugin' menu wxMenu* pluginsMenu = NULL; wxMenuItem* menuitem = clMainFrame::Get()->GetMenuBar()->FindItem(XRCID("manage_plugins"), &pluginsMenu); if(pluginsMenu && menuitem) { std::map<wxString, IPlugin*>::iterator iter = m_plugins.begin(); for(; iter != m_plugins.end(); ++iter) { IPlugin* plugin = iter->second; plugin->CreatePluginMenu(pluginsMenu); } } // save the plugins data conf.WriteItem(&m_pluginsData); } // Now that all the plugins are loaded, load from the configuration file // list of visible tabs static wxArrayString DefaultArray; if(DefaultArray.IsEmpty()) { DefaultArray.Add("NOT-FOUND"); } { const wxArrayString& tabs = GetWorkspaceTabs(); wxArrayString visibleTabs = clConfig::Get().Read("VisibleWorkspaceTabs", DefaultArray); if(!((visibleTabs.size() == 1) && (visibleTabs.Item(0) == "NOT-FOUND"))) { for(size_t i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) { if(visibleTabs.Index(tabs.Item(i)) == wxNOT_FOUND) { // hidden tab - post an event clCommandEvent eventHide(wxEVT_SHOW_WORKSPACE_TAB); eventHide.SetSelected(false).SetString(tabs.Item(i)); EventNotifier::Get()->AddPendingEvent(eventHide); } } } } { const wxArrayString& tabs = GetOutputTabs(); wxArrayString visibleTabs = clConfig::Get().Read("VisibleOutputTabs", DefaultArray); if(!((visibleTabs.size() == 1) && (visibleTabs.Item(0) == "NOT-FOUND"))) { for(size_t i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) { if(visibleTabs.Index(tabs.Item(i)) == wxNOT_FOUND) { // hidden tab - post an event clCommandEvent eventHide(wxEVT_SHOW_OUTPUT_TAB); eventHide.SetSelected(false).SetString(tabs.Item(i)); EventNotifier::Get()->AddPendingEvent(eventHide); } } } } }
void* LLDBNetworkListenerThread::Entry() { while ( !TestDestroy() ) { wxString msg; try { if ( m_socket->ReadMessage(msg, 1) == clSocketBase::kSuccess ) { LLDBReply reply(msg); reply.UpdatePaths( m_pivot ); switch( reply.GetReplyType() ) { case kReplyTypeDebuggerStartedSuccessfully: { // notify debugger started successfully LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_STARTED); event.SetSessionType( reply.GetDebugSessionType() ); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } case kReplyTypeDebuggerExited: { // notify debugger exited LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_EXITED); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } case kReplyTypeDebuggerStopped: { // notify debugger exited LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_STOPPED); event.SetFileName( reply.GetFilename() ); event.SetLinenumber( reply.GetLine() ); event.SetInterruptReason( reply.GetInterruptResaon() ); event.SetBacktrace( reply.GetBacktrace() ); event.SetThreads( reply.GetThreads() ); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } case kReplyTypeDebuggerRunning: { // notify debugger exited LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_RUNNING); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } case kReplyTypeDebuggerStoppedOnFirstEntry: { // notify debugger exited LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_STOPPED_ON_FIRST_ENTRY); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } case kReplyTypeAllBreakpointsDeleted: { LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_BREAKPOINTS_DELETED_ALL); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } case kReplyTypeBreakpointsUpdated: { LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_BREAKPOINTS_UPDATED); event.SetBreakpoints( reply.GetBreakpoints() ); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } case kReplyTypeLocalsUpdated: { LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_LOCALS_UPDATED); event.SetVariables( reply.GetVariables() ); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } case kReplyTypeVariableExpanded: { LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_VARIABLE_EXPANDED); event.SetVariables( reply.GetVariables() ); event.SetVariableId( reply.GetLldbId() ); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } case kReplyTypeExprEvaluated: { LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_EXPRESSION_EVALUATED); event.SetVariables( reply.GetVariables() ); event.SetExpression( reply.GetExpression() ); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); break; } } } } catch (clSocketException &e) { CL_WARNING("Seems like we lost conneciton to codelite-lldb (probably crashed): %s", e.what().c_str()); LLDBEvent event(wxEVT_LLDB_CRASHED); m_owner->AddPendingEvent( event ); // exit the main loop break; } } return NULL; }
PhpPlugin::PhpPlugin(IManager* manager) : IPlugin(manager) , m_clangOldFlag(false) , m_browser(NULL) , m_debuggerPane(NULL) , m_xdebugLocalsView(NULL) , m_xdebugEvalPane(NULL) , m_showWelcomePage(false) { m_longName = wxT("PHP Plugin for the codelite IDE"); m_shortName = wxT("PHP"); // Instantiate the bitmaps, we do this so they will be populated in wxXmlResource // Sigleton class PHPImages images; PHPWorkspace::Get()->SetPluginManager(m_mgr); XDebugManager::Initialize(this); // Add our UI // create tab (possibly detached) Notebook* book = m_mgr->GetWorkspacePaneNotebook(); if(IsWorkspaceViewDetached()) { // Make the window child of the main panel (which is the grand parent of the notebook) DockablePane* cp = new DockablePane( book->GetParent()->GetParent(), book, PHPStrings::PHP_WORKSPACE_VIEW_TITLE, wxNullBitmap, wxSize(200, 200)); m_workspaceView = new PHPWorkspaceView(cp, m_mgr); cp->SetChildNoReparent(m_workspaceView); } else { m_workspaceView = new PHPWorkspaceView(book, m_mgr); book->InsertPage(0, m_workspaceView, PHPStrings::PHP_WORKSPACE_VIEW_TITLE, true); } PHPCodeCompletion::Instance()->SetManager(m_mgr); PHPEditorContextMenu::Instance()->ConnectEvents(); PHPParserThread::Instance()->Start(); // Pass the manager class to the context menu manager PHPEditorContextMenu::Instance()->SetManager(m_mgr); // Connect events EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CC_SHOW_QUICK_OUTLINE, clCodeCompletionEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnShowQuickOutline), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_DBG_UI_DELTE_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, clDebugEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnXDebugDeleteAllBreakpoints), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_CREATE_NEW_WORKSPACE, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnNewWorkspace), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_NEW_PROJECT_WIZARD_SHOWING, clNewProjectEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnNewProject), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_NEW_PROJECT_WIZARD_FINISHED, clNewProjectEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnNewProjectFinish), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_IS_WORKSPACE_OPEN, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnIsWorkspaceOpen), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_CLOSE_WORKSPACE, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnCloseWorkspace), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_OPEN_WORKSPACE, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnOpenWorkspace), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_RELOAD_WORKSPACE, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnReloadWorkspace), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_OPEN_RESOURCE, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnOpenResource), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_GET_WORKSPACE_FILES, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnGetWorkspaceFiles), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_CMD_GET_CURRENT_FILE_PROJECT_FILES, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnGetCurrentFileProjectFiles), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_GET_ACTIVE_PROJECT_FILES, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnGetActiveProjectFiles), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_GET_FIND_IN_FILES_MASK, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnGetFiFMask), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_FILE_SAVED, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnFileSaved), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_PHP_LOAD_URL, PHPEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnLoadURL), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_ALL_EDITORS_CLOSED, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnAllEditorsClosed), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Bind(wxEVT_XDEBUG_CONNECTED, &PhpPlugin::OnDebugSatrted, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Bind(wxEVT_XDEBUG_SESSION_ENDED, &PhpPlugin::OnDebugEnded, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_GOING_DOWN, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnGoingDown), NULL, this); CallAfter(&PhpPlugin::DoCreateDebuggerPanes); // Extract all CC files from into the folder ~/.codelite/php-plugin/cc wxFileName phpResources(clStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir(), ""); if(phpResources.Exists()) { clZipReader zipReader(phpResources); wxFileName targetDir(clStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir(), ""); targetDir.AppendDir("php-plugin"); // Don't extract the zip if one of the files on disk is newer or equal to the zip timestamp wxFileName fnSampleFile(targetDir.GetPath(), "basic.php"); fnSampleFile.AppendDir("cc"); if(!fnSampleFile.Exists() || // the sample file does not exists // Or the resource file ( is newer than the sample file (phpResources.GetModificationTime().GetTicks() > fnSampleFile.GetModificationTime().GetTicks())) { targetDir.Mkdir(wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL); zipReader.Extract("*", targetDir.GetPath()); // Make sure we add this path to the general PHP settings targetDir.AppendDir("cc"); // the CC files are located under an internal folder named "cc" (lowercase) PHPConfigurationData config; if(config.Load().GetCcIncludePath().Index(targetDir.GetPath()) == wxNOT_FOUND) { config.Load().GetCcIncludePath().Add(targetDir.GetPath()); config.Save(); } } } else { CL_WARNING("PHP: Could not locate PHP resources '' => '%s'", phpResources.GetFullPath()); } }
void CMake::StoreIntoDatabase() { if (!m_dbInitialized) { CL_WARNING("CMake: can't store data into database. Database was not initialized properly"); return; } try { /// Open database only for writing wxSQLite3Database db; // Open db.Open(GetDatabaseFileName().GetFullPath()); // Not opened if (!db.IsOpen()) return; db.Begin(); // Commands { db.ExecuteUpdate("DELETE FROM commands"); wxSQLite3Statement stmt = db.PrepareStatement("INSERT INTO commands (name, desc) VALUES(?, ?)"); for (HelpMap::const_iterator it = m_commands.begin(), ite = m_commands.end(); it != ite; ++it) { stmt.Bind(1, it->first); stmt.Bind(2, it->second); stmt.ExecuteUpdate(); } } // Modules { db.ExecuteUpdate("DELETE FROM modules"); wxSQLite3Statement stmt = db.PrepareStatement("INSERT INTO modules (name, desc) VALUES(?, ?)"); for (HelpMap::const_iterator it = m_modules.begin(), ite = m_modules.end(); it != ite; ++it) { stmt.Bind(1, it->first); stmt.Bind(2, it->second); stmt.ExecuteUpdate(); } } // Properties { db.ExecuteUpdate("DELETE FROM properties"); wxSQLite3Statement stmt = db.PrepareStatement("INSERT INTO properties (name, desc) VALUES(?, ?)"); for (HelpMap::const_iterator it = m_properties.begin(), ite = m_properties.end(); it != ite; ++it) { stmt.Bind(1, it->first); stmt.Bind(2, it->second); stmt.ExecuteUpdate(); } } // Variables { db.ExecuteUpdate("DELETE FROM variables"); wxSQLite3Statement stmt = db.PrepareStatement("INSERT INTO variables (name, desc) VALUES(?, ?)"); for (HelpMap::const_iterator it = m_variables.begin(), ite = m_variables.end(); it != ite; ++it) { stmt.Bind(1, it->first); stmt.Bind(2, it->second); stmt.ExecuteUpdate(); } } // Strings - Version { wxSQLite3Statement stmt = db.PrepareStatement("REPLACE INTO strings (name, desc) VALUES('version', ?)"); stmt.Bind(1, m_version); stmt.ExecuteUpdate(); } db.Commit(); } catch (wxSQLite3Exception &e) { CL_ERROR("An error occured while storing CMake data into database: %s", e.GetMessage()); } }
bool DebuggerMgr::LoadDebuggers() { wxString ext; #if defined(__WXMSW__) ext = wxT("dll"); #elif defined(__WXMAC__) ext = wxT("dylib"); #else ext = wxT("so"); #endif wxString fileSpec(wxT("*.") + ext); // get list of dlls wxArrayString files; #ifdef __WXGTK__ wxString debuggersPath(PLUGINS_DIR, wxConvUTF8); debuggersPath += wxT("/debuggers"); #elif defined(__WXMSW__) #ifdef USE_POSIX_LAYOUT wxString debuggersPath(clStandardPaths::Get().GetPluginsDirectory() + wxT("/debuggers")); #else wxString debuggersPath(m_baseDir + wxT("/debuggers")); #endif #else // OSX wxFileName debuggersFolder(clStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir(), ""); debuggersFolder.AppendDir("debuggers"); wxString debuggersPath(debuggersFolder.GetPath()); #endif CL_DEBUG("Loading debuggers from: %s", debuggersPath); wxDir::GetAllFiles(debuggersPath, &files, fileSpec, wxDIR_FILES); for(size_t i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); i++) { clDynamicLibrary* dl = new clDynamicLibrary(); wxString fileName(files.Item(i)); CL_DEBUG("Attempting to load debugger: %s", fileName); #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(NDEBUG) // Under MSW loading a release plugin while in debug mode will cause a crash if(!fileName.EndsWith("-dbg.dll")) { continue; } #elif defined(__WXMSW__) // filter debug plugins if(fileName.EndsWith("-dbg.dll")) { continue; } #endif if(!dl->Load(fileName)) { CL_WARNING("Failed to load debugger: %s", fileName); if(!dl->GetError().IsEmpty()) { CL_WARNING("%s", dl->GetError()); } delete dl; continue; } bool success(false); GET_DBG_INFO_FUNC pfn = (GET_DBG_INFO_FUNC)dl->GetSymbol(wxT("GetDebuggerInfo"), &success); if(!success) { wxLogMessage(wxT("Failed to find GetDebuggerInfo() in dll: ") + fileName); if(!dl->GetError().IsEmpty()) { wxLogMessage(dl->GetError()); } // dl->Unload(); delete dl; continue; } DebuggerInfo info = pfn(); // Call the init method to create an instance of the debugger success = false; GET_DBG_CREATE_FUNC pfnInitDbg = (GET_DBG_CREATE_FUNC)dl->GetSymbol(info.initFuncName, &success); if(!success) { wxLogMessage(wxT("Failed to find init function in dll: ") + fileName); if(!dl->GetError().IsEmpty()) { wxLogMessage(dl->GetError()); } dl->Detach(); delete dl; continue; } wxLogMessage(wxT("Loaded debugger: ") + + wxT(", Version: ") + info.version); IDebugger* dbg = pfnInitDbg(); // set the environment dbg->SetEnvironment(m_env); m_debuggers[] = dbg; // keep the dynamic load library m_dl.push_back(dl); } // Load all debuggers in the form of plugin (i.e. they dont implement the IDebugger interface) // and append them to a special list clDebugEvent queryPlugins(wxEVT_DBG_IS_PLUGIN_DEBUGGER); EventNotifier::Get()->ProcessEvent(queryPlugins); m_pluginsDebuggers.swap(queryPlugins.GetStrings()); return true; }
PhpPlugin::PhpPlugin(IManager* manager) : IPlugin(manager) , m_clangOldFlag(false) , m_browser(NULL) , m_debuggerPane(NULL) , m_xdebugLocalsView(NULL) , m_xdebugEvalPane(NULL) , m_showWelcomePage(false) , m_toggleToolbar(false) { m_lint.Reset(new PHPLint(this)); // Add new workspace type clWorkspaceManager::Get().RegisterWorkspace(new PHPWorkspace()); m_longName = _("PHP Plugin for the codelite IDE"); m_shortName = wxT("PHP"); // Instantiate the bitmaps, we do this so they will be populated in wxXmlResource // Sigleton class PHPWorkspace::Get()->SetPluginManager(m_mgr); XDebugManager::Initialize(this); // BitmapLoader::RegisterImage(FileExtManager::TypeWorkspacePHP, images.Bitmap("m_bmpPhpWorkspace")); // Add our UI // create tab (possibly detached) m_workspaceView = new PHPWorkspaceView(m_mgr->GetWorkspaceView()->GetBook(), m_mgr); m_mgr->GetWorkspaceView()->AddPage(m_workspaceView, PHPStrings::PHP_WORKSPACE_VIEW_LABEL); PHPCodeCompletion::Instance()->SetManager(m_mgr); PHPEditorContextMenu::Instance()->ConnectEvents(); PHPParserThread::Instance()->Start(); // Pass the manager class to the context menu manager PHPEditorContextMenu::Instance()->SetManager(m_mgr); // Connect events EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CC_SHOW_QUICK_OUTLINE, clCodeCompletionEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnShowQuickOutline), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_DBG_UI_DELTE_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, clDebugEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnXDebugDeleteAllBreakpoints), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_CREATE_NEW_WORKSPACE, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnNewWorkspace), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_NEW_PROJECT_WIZARD_SHOWING, clNewProjectEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnNewProject), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_NEW_PROJECT_WIZARD_FINISHED, clNewProjectEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnNewProjectFinish), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_IS_WORKSPACE_OPEN, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnIsWorkspaceOpen), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_CLOSE_WORKSPACE, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnCloseWorkspace), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_OPEN_WORKSPACE, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnOpenWorkspace), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_RELOAD_WORKSPACE, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnReloadWorkspace), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_OPEN_RESOURCE, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnOpenResource), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_GET_WORKSPACE_FILES, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnGetWorkspaceFiles), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_CMD_GET_CURRENT_FILE_PROJECT_FILES, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnGetCurrentFileProjectFiles), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_GET_ACTIVE_PROJECT_FILES, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnGetActiveProjectFiles), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_CMD_FIND_IN_FILES_DISMISSED, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnFindInFilesDismissed), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_FILE_SAVED, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnFileSaved), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Bind(wxEVT_FILES_MODIFIED_REPLACE_IN_FILES, &PhpPlugin::OnReplaceInFiles, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_PHP_LOAD_URL, PHPEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnLoadURL), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect( wxEVT_ALL_EDITORS_CLOSED, wxCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnAllEditorsClosed), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Bind(wxEVT_XDEBUG_SESSION_STARTED, &PhpPlugin::OnDebugStarted, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Bind(wxEVT_XDEBUG_SESSION_ENDED, &PhpPlugin::OnDebugEnded, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_GOING_DOWN, clCommandEventHandler(PhpPlugin::OnGoingDown), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Bind(wxEVT_FILE_SYSTEM_UPDATED, &PhpPlugin::OnFileSysetmUpdated, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Bind(wxEVT_SAVE_SESSION_NEEDED, &PhpPlugin::OnSaveSession, this); CallAfter(&PhpPlugin::FinalizeStartup); // Extract all CC files from into the folder ~/.codelite/php-plugin/cc wxFileName phpResources(clStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir(), ""); if(phpResources.Exists()) { clZipReader zipReader(phpResources); wxFileName targetDir(clStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir(), ""); targetDir.AppendDir("php-plugin"); // Don't extract the zip if one of the files on disk is newer or equal to the zip timestamp wxFileName fnSampleFile(targetDir.GetPath(), "basic.php"); fnSampleFile.AppendDir("cc"); PHPConfigurationData config; if(!fnSampleFile.Exists() || // the sample file does not exists // Or the resource file ( is newer than the sample file (phpResources.GetModificationTime().GetTicks() > fnSampleFile.GetModificationTime().GetTicks())) { targetDir.Mkdir(wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL); zipReader.Extract("*", targetDir.GetPath()); // Make sure we add this path to the general PHP settings targetDir.AppendDir("cc"); // the CC files are located under an internal folder named "cc" (lowercase) if(config.Load().GetCcIncludePath().Index(targetDir.GetPath()) == wxNOT_FOUND) { config.Load().GetCcIncludePath().Add(targetDir.GetPath()); config.Save(); } } else if(fnSampleFile.Exists()) { // Ensure that we have the core PHP code completion methods if(config.Load().GetCcIncludePath().Index(fnSampleFile.GetPath()) == wxNOT_FOUND) { config.Load().GetCcIncludePath().Add(fnSampleFile.GetPath()); config.Save(); } } } else { CL_WARNING("PHP: Could not locate PHP resources '' => '%s'", phpResources.GetFullPath()); } }