Ejemplo n.º 1
SVG::get_path_d(const MultiPoint &mp, bool closed) const
    std::ostringstream d;
    d << "M ";
    for (Points::const_iterator p = mp.points.begin(); p != mp.points.end(); ++p) {
        d << COORD(p->x - origin.x) << " ";
        d << COORD(p->y - origin.y) << " ";
    if (closed) d << "z";
    return d.str();
Ejemplo n.º 2
void SVG::draw_legend(const Point &pt, const char *text, const char *color)
        "<circle cx=\"%f\" cy=\"%f\" r=\"10\" fill=\"%s\"/>",
        "<text x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" font-family=\"sans-serif\" font-size=\"10px\" fill=\"%s\">%s</text>",
        COORD(pt.x-origin.x) + 20.f,
        "black", text);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
random_point (double x[], coord bin[], double *bin_vol,
              const coord box[], const double xl[], const double xu[],
              gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, gsl_rng * r)
  /* Use the random number generator r to return a random position x
     in a given box.  The value of bin gives the bin location of the
     random position (there may be several bins within a given box) */

  double vol = 1.0;

  size_t j;

  size_t dim = s->dim;
  size_t bins = s->bins;
  size_t boxes = s->boxes;

  DISCARD_POINTER(xu); /* prevent warning about unused parameter */

  for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
      /* box[j] + ran gives the position in the box units, while z
         is the position in bin units.  */

      double z = ((box[j] + gsl_rng_uniform_pos (r)) / boxes) * bins;

      int k = z;

      double y, bin_width;

      bin[j] = k;

      if (k == 0)
          bin_width = COORD (s, 1, j);
          y = z * bin_width;
          bin_width = COORD (s, k + 1, j) - COORD (s, k, j);
          y = COORD (s, k, j) + (z - k) * bin_width;

      x[j] = xl[j] + y * s->delx[j];

      vol *= bin_width;

  *bin_vol = vol;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void primRectSolidTexturedFullRectC2(rectangle *rect, color c)
    glColor4ub(colRed(c), colGreen(c), colBlue(c), colAlpha(c));


    COORD(0.0f, 0.0f, rect->x0, rect->y0);
    COORD(0.0f, 1.0f, rect->x0, rect->y1);
    COORD(1.0f, 1.0f, rect->x1, rect->y1);
    COORD(1.0f, 0.0f, rect->x1, rect->y0);

Ejemplo n.º 5
void hrRectSolidTextured2(rectangle *rect)
    glColor3ub(255, 255, 255);


    COORD(0.0f, 0.0f, rect->x0, rect->y0);
    COORD(0.0f, 1.0f, rect->x0, rect->y1 - 1);
    COORD(1.0f, 1.0f, rect->x1, rect->y1 - 1);
    COORD(1.0f, 0.0f, rect->x1, rect->y0);

Ejemplo n.º 6
static Imlib_Image regenerate_from_original(const char *filename, int size) {
	/* load image */

	Imlib_Load_Error err;
	Imlib_Image orig = imlib_load_image_with_error_return(filename, &err);

	if (orig == NULL) {
		const char *errmsg = imlib_load_error_string(err);
		warnx("couldn't load %s for thumbnailing: %s", filename, errmsg);
		return NULL; /* XXX do what with error message? extra param? */


	struct coord image_dim = COORD(

	/* make thumbnail, but without upscaling smaller images. */

	struct coord thumb_dim = coord_downscale_to_fit(image_dim, COORD(size, size));

	Imlib_Image thumb = imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(0, 0,
		image_dim.width, image_dim.height,
		thumb_dim.width, thumb_dim.height

	/* can free original image now */


	/* done */

	if (thumb == NULL) {
		warnx("error while downscaling %s for thumbnailing", filename);
		return NULL;

	return thumb;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool SVG::open(const char* afilename, const BoundingBox &bbox, const coord_t bbox_offset, bool aflipY)
    this->filename = afilename;
    this->origin   = bbox.min - Point(bbox_offset, bbox_offset);
    this->flipY    = aflipY;
    this->f        = boost::nowide::fopen(afilename, "w");
    if (f == NULL)
        return false;
    float w = COORD(bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x + 2 * bbox_offset);
    float h = COORD(bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y + 2 * bbox_offset);
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n"
        "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd\">\n"
        "<svg height=\"%f\" width=\"%f\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\">\n"
        "   <marker id=\"endArrow\" markerHeight=\"8\" markerUnits=\"strokeWidth\" markerWidth=\"10\" orient=\"auto\" refX=\"1\" refY=\"5\" viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\">\n"
        "      <polyline fill=\"darkblue\" points=\"0,0 10,5 0,10 1,5\" />\n"
        "   </marker>\n",
        h, w);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int pointSearch( ObjectDB *odb, float pos[ 3 ] )
   int lt = 0, rt = ARRAYSIZE - 1, x, key = KEY, ipos = IPOS;

   while ( rt >= lt ) {
      x = ( lt + rt ) / 2;
      if ( pos[ key ] < SORTVAL( x )) rt = x - 1; else lt = x + 1;
      if ( pos[ key ] == SORTVAL( x )) {
         lt = rt = x;
         while ( lt > 0 && pos[ key ] == SORTVAL( lt - 1 )) --lt;
         while ( rt < ARRAYSIZE - 1 && pos[ key ] == SORTVAL( rt + 1 )) ++rt;
         for ( x = lt; x <= rt; x++ )
            if ( pos[ 0 ] == COORD( x, 0 ) &&
                 pos[ 1 ] == COORD( x, 1 ) &&
                 pos[ 2 ] == COORD( x, 2 )) return ARRAY( x );
         return -1;
   return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void
init_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, double xl[], double xu[], size_t dim)
  size_t j;

  double vol = 1.0;

  s->bins = 1;

  for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
      double dx = xu[j] - xl[j];
      s->delx[j] = dx;
      vol *= dx;

      COORD (s, 0, j) = 0.0;
      COORD (s, 1, j) = 1.0;

  s->vol = vol;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void
resize_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s, unsigned int bins)
  size_t j, k;
  size_t dim = s->dim;

  /* weight is ratio of bin sizes */

  double pts_per_bin = (double) s->bins / (double) bins;

  for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
      double xold;
      double xnew = 0;
      double dw = 0;
      int i = 1;

      for (k = 1; k <= s->bins; k++)
          dw += 1.0;
          xold = xnew;
          xnew = COORD (s, k, j);

          for (; dw > pts_per_bin; i++)
              dw -= pts_per_bin;
              NEW_COORD (s, i) = xnew - (xnew - xold) * dw;

      for (k = 1 ; k < bins; k++)
          COORD(s, k, j) = NEW_COORD(s, k);

      COORD (s, bins, j) = 1;

  s->bins = bins;
void TerrainChunk::ComputeIndicesArray(unsigned int lod, unsigned int depth, ivec2 pos, ivec2 HMsize)
	assert(lod < TERRAIN_CHUNKS_LOD);

	ivec2 vHeightmapDataPos = pos;
	unsigned int offset = (unsigned int)pow(2.0f, (float)(lod));
	unsigned int div = (unsigned int)pow(2.0f, (float)(depth+lod));
	ivec2 vHeightmapDataSize = HMsize/(div) + ivec2(1,1);

	GLuint nHMWidth = (GLuint)vHeightmapDataSize.x;
	GLuint nHMHeight = (GLuint)vHeightmapDataSize.y;
	GLuint nHMOffsetX = (GLuint)vHeightmapDataPos.x;
	GLuint nHMOffsetY = (GLuint)vHeightmapDataPos.y;

	GLuint nHMTotalWidth = (GLuint)HMsize.x;
	GLuint nHMTotalHeight = (GLuint)HMsize.y;

	m_tIndOffsetW[lod] = nHMWidth*2;
	m_tIndOffsetH[lod] = nHMWidth-1;
	GLuint nIndice = (nHMWidth)*(nHMHeight-1)*2;
	m_tIndice[lod].reserve( nIndice );

	for(GLuint j=0; j<(GLuint)nHMHeight-1; j++)
		for(GLuint i=0; i<(GLuint)nHMWidth; i++)
			GLuint id0 = COORD(i*(offset) + nHMOffsetX+0, j*(offset) + nHMOffsetY+0);
			GLuint id1 = COORD(i*(offset) + nHMOffsetX+0, j*(offset) + nHMOffsetY+(offset));
			m_tIndice[lod].push_back( id0 );
			m_tIndice[lod].push_back( id1 );

	assert(nIndice == m_tIndice[lod].size());
Ejemplo n.º 12
void SVG::draw(const ThickLine &line, const std::string &fill, const std::string &stroke, coordf_t stroke_width)
    Pointf dir(line.b.x-line.a.x, line.b.y-line.a.y);
    Pointf perp(-dir.y, dir.x);
    coordf_t len = sqrt(perp.x*perp.x + perp.y*perp.y);
    coordf_t da  = coordf_t(0.5)*line.a_width/len;
    coordf_t db  = coordf_t(0.5)*line.b_width/len;
        "   <polygon points=\"%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f\" style=\"fill:%s; stroke: %s; stroke-width: %f\"/>\n",
        fill.c_str(), stroke.c_str(),
        (stroke_width == 0) ? 1.f : COORD(stroke_width));
Ejemplo n.º 13
SVG::path(const std::string &d, bool fill, coordf_t stroke_width, const float fill_opacity)
    float lineWidth = 0.f;
    if (! fill)
        lineWidth = (stroke_width == 0) ? 2.f : COORD(stroke_width);

        "   <path d=\"%s\" style=\"fill: %s; stroke: %s; stroke-width: %f; fill-type: evenodd\" %s fill-opacity=\"%f\" />\n",
        fill ? this->fill.c_str() : "none",
        (this->arrows && !fill) ? " marker-end=\"url(#endArrow)\"" : "",
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void	my_expulse_right(t_server *serv,
				 t_player *drone,
				 t_player *victim)
  int		x;
  int		y;
  char		buff[512];
  int		len;

  x = victim->pos % serv->width;
  y = victim->pos / serv->width;
  x += 1;
  adjust_coord(serv, &x, &y);
  move_player(serv, victim, victim->pos, COORD(x, y));
  len = snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "deplacement: %d\n",
		 get_direction(serv, drone, victim));
  buff_append(victim->wrbuff, buff, len);
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void
print_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * state, unsigned long dim)
  unsigned long i, j;
  int p = state->verbose;
  if (p < 1)

  for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
      fprintf (state->ostream, "\n axis %lu \n", j);
      fprintf (state->ostream, "      x   \n");
      for (i = 0; i <= state->bins; i++)
          fprintf (state->ostream, "%11.2e", COORD (state, i, j));
          if (i % 5 == 4)
            fprintf (state->ostream, "\n");
      fprintf (state->ostream, "\n");
  fprintf (state->ostream, "\n");
  fflush (state->ostream);

Ejemplo n.º 16
void	my_bct(t_server *serv, t_player *client, char *str)
  int	pos;
  char	*strx;
  char	*stry;
  int	i;

  strx = get_second_word(str);
  stry = get_second_word(strx);
  i = 0;
  while (strx[i] != '\0' && strx[i] != ' ')
    i += 1;
  strx[i] = '\0';
  if (my_valid_number(strx) == 0 || my_valid_number(stry) == 0)
    graphic_instr(serv, client, NULL, SBP);
      pos = COORD(atoi(strx), atoi(stry));
      if (pos > serv->width * serv->height || pos < 0)
	graphic_instr(serv, client, NULL, SBP);
	graphic_instr(serv, client, &pos, BCT);
Ejemplo n.º 17
static void draw_tile(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, struct clues *clues,
		      int x, int y, long tile)
    int w = clues->w /* , a = w*w */;
    int tx, ty, bg;
    char str[64];

    tx = COORD(x);
    ty = COORD(y);


    /* draw tower */
    if (ds->three_d && (tile & DF_PLAYAREA) && (tile & DF_DIGIT_MASK)) {
	int coords[8];
	int xoff = X_3D_DISP(tile & DF_DIGIT_MASK, w);
	int yoff = Y_3D_DISP(tile & DF_DIGIT_MASK, w);

	/* left face of tower */
	coords[0] = tx;
	coords[1] = ty - 1;
	coords[2] = tx;
	coords[3] = ty + TILESIZE - 1;
	coords[4] = coords[2] + xoff;
	coords[5] = coords[3] - yoff;
	coords[6] = coords[0] + xoff;
	coords[7] = coords[1] - yoff;
	draw_polygon(dr, coords, 4, bg, COL_GRID);

	/* bottom face of tower */
	coords[0] = tx + TILESIZE;
	coords[1] = ty + TILESIZE - 1;
	coords[2] = tx;
	coords[3] = ty + TILESIZE - 1;
	coords[4] = coords[2] + xoff;
	coords[5] = coords[3] - yoff;
	coords[6] = coords[0] + xoff;
	coords[7] = coords[1] - yoff;
	draw_polygon(dr, coords, 4, bg, COL_GRID);

	/* now offset all subsequent drawing to the top of the tower */
	tx += xoff;
	ty -= yoff;

    /* erase background */
    draw_rect(dr, tx, ty, TILESIZE, TILESIZE, bg);

    /* pencil-mode highlight */
    if (tile & DF_HIGHLIGHT_PENCIL) {
        int coords[6];
        coords[0] = tx;
        coords[1] = ty;
        coords[2] = tx+TILESIZE/2;
        coords[3] = ty;
        coords[4] = tx;
        coords[5] = ty+TILESIZE/2;
        draw_polygon(dr, coords, 3, COL_HIGHLIGHT, COL_HIGHLIGHT);

    /* draw box outline */
    if (tile & DF_PLAYAREA) {
        int coords[8];
        coords[0] = tx;
        coords[1] = ty - 1;
        coords[2] = tx + TILESIZE;
        coords[3] = ty - 1;
        coords[4] = tx + TILESIZE;
        coords[5] = ty + TILESIZE - 1;
        coords[6] = tx;
        coords[7] = ty + TILESIZE - 1;
        draw_polygon(dr, coords, 4, -1, COL_GRID);

    /* new number needs drawing? */
    if (tile & DF_DIGIT_MASK) {
	str[1] = '\0';
	str[0] = (tile & DF_DIGIT_MASK) + '0';
	draw_text(dr, tx + TILESIZE/2, ty + TILESIZE/2, FONT_VARIABLE,
		  (tile & DF_PLAYAREA ? TILESIZE/2 : TILESIZE*2/5),
		  (tile & DF_ERROR) ? COL_ERROR :
		  (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= w || y >= w) ? COL_GRID :
		  (tile & DF_IMMUTABLE) ? COL_GRID : COL_USER, str);
    } else {
        int i, j, npencil;
	int pl, pr, pt, pb;
	float bestsize;
	int pw, ph, minph, pbest, fontsize;

        /* Count the pencil marks required. */
        for (i = 1, npencil = 0; i <= w; i++)
            if (tile & (1L << (i + DF_PENCIL_SHIFT)))
	if (npencil) {

	    minph = 2;

	     * Determine the bounding rectangle within which we're going
	     * to put the pencil marks.
	    /* Start with the whole square, minus space for impinging towers */
	    pl = tx + (ds->three_d ? X_3D_DISP(w,w) : 0);
	    pr = tx + TILESIZE;
	    pt = ty;
	    pb = ty + TILESIZE - (ds->three_d ? Y_3D_DISP(w,w) : 0);

	     * We arrange our pencil marks in a grid layout, with
	     * the number of rows and columns adjusted to allow the
	     * maximum font size.
	     * So now we work out what the grid size ought to be.
	    bestsize = 0.0;
	    pbest = 0;
	    /* Minimum */
	    for (pw = 3; pw < max(npencil,4); pw++) {
		float fw, fh, fs;

		ph = (npencil + pw - 1) / pw;
		ph = max(ph, minph);
		fw = (pr - pl) / (float)pw;
		fh = (pb - pt) / (float)ph;
		fs = min(fw, fh);
		if (fs > bestsize) {
		    bestsize = fs;
		    pbest = pw;
	    assert(pbest > 0);
	    pw = pbest;
	    ph = (npencil + pw - 1) / pw;
	    ph = max(ph, minph);

	     * Now we've got our grid dimensions, work out the pixel
	     * size of a grid element, and round it to the nearest
	     * pixel. (We don't want rounding errors to make the
	     * grid look uneven at low pixel sizes.)
	    fontsize = min((pr - pl) / pw, (pb - pt) / ph);

	     * Centre the resulting figure in the square.
	    pl = pl + (pr - pl - fontsize * pw) / 2;
	    pt = pt + (pb - pt - fontsize * ph) / 2;

	     * Now actually draw the pencil marks.
	    for (i = 1, j = 0; i <= w; i++)
		if (tile & (1L << (i + DF_PENCIL_SHIFT))) {
		    int dx = j % pw, dy = j / pw;

		    str[1] = '\0';
		    str[0] = i + '0';
		    draw_text(dr, pl + fontsize * (2*dx+1) / 2,
			      pt + fontsize * (2*dy+1) / 2,
			      FONT_VARIABLE, fontsize,
Ejemplo n.º 18
void COORD::UnitTest() {
  assert(COORD(3, 3) + COORD(2, 2) == COORD(5, 5));
  COORD coord(5, 2);
  coord += COORD(2, 5);
  assert(coord == COORD(7, 7));
  assert(COORD(2, 2) + coord::North == COORD(2, 3));
  assert(COORD(2, 2) + coord::East == COORD(3, 2));
  assert(COORD(2, 2) + coord::South == COORD(2, 1));
  assert(COORD(2, 2) + coord::West == COORD(1, 2));
  assert(coord::Compass[coord::E_NORTH] == coord::North);
  assert(coord::Compass[coord::E_EAST] == coord::East);
  assert(coord::Compass[coord::E_WEST] == coord::West);
  assert(coord::Compass[coord::E_SOUTH] == coord::South);
  assert(coord::Clockwise(coord::E_NORTH) == coord::E_EAST);
  assert(coord::Clockwise(coord::E_EAST) == coord::E_SOUTH);
  assert(coord::Clockwise(coord::E_SOUTH) == coord::E_WEST);
  assert(coord::Clockwise(coord::E_WEST) == coord::E_NORTH);
  assert(coord::Opposite(coord::E_NORTH) == coord::E_SOUTH);
  assert(coord::Opposite(coord::E_EAST) == coord::E_WEST);
  assert(coord::Opposite(coord::E_SOUTH) == coord::E_NORTH);
  assert(coord::Opposite(coord::E_WEST) == coord::E_EAST);
  assert(coord::Anticlockwise(coord::E_NORTH) == coord::E_WEST);
  assert(coord::Anticlockwise(coord::E_EAST) == coord::E_NORTH);
  assert(coord::Anticlockwise(coord::E_SOUTH) == coord::E_EAST);
  assert(coord::Anticlockwise(coord::E_WEST) == coord::E_SOUTH);
  assert(coord::ManhattanDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7)) == 16);
  assert(coord::DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), coord::E_NORTH) == -9);
  assert(coord::DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), coord::E_EAST) == -7);
  assert(coord::DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), coord::E_SOUTH) == 9);
  assert(coord::DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), coord::E_WEST) == 7);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void main_loop(void)
	Doubly_linked_node *iterator;
	int direction, dx, dy, count;
	int x, y;

	uint32_t last_time;
	uint32_t current_time;
	uint32_t ellapsed_time;
	uint32_t start_time;

	Point *save_eye;
	float speed;

	last_time = SDL_GetTicks();
	while (!conf->key[SDLK_ESCAPE] && !conf->quit)
		start_time = SDL_GetTicks(); 
		save_eye = point_new(conf->eye->x, conf->eye->y, conf->eye->z);
		speed  = (conf->free_fly) ? 5 : 0.5;


		if (!conf->viewMode && conf->key[SDLK_F1])
			conf->key[SDLK_F1] = 0;
			conf->free_fly = !conf->free_fly;
			if (!conf->free_fly)
				save_eye->x = CELL_SIZE / 2;
				save_eye->y = CELL_SIZE / 2;
				save_eye->z = CHARACTER_SIZE;
			else {
				conf->jump_duration = 0;

		if (!conf->viewMode && (conf->key[SDLK_LSHIFT] || conf->key[SDLK_LALT]))
			if ( conf->jump_duration == 0 ) { /* j'ai du mal a courir quand je saute */
				speed = (conf->free_fly) ? 7.51337 : 0.91337;

		if (!conf->viewMode &&  conf->key[SDLK_LCTRL])
			speed = (conf->free_fly) ? 0.1 : 0.3;

		if (conf->key[SDLK_F2])
			conf->key[SDLK_F2] = 0;
			conf->time = !conf->time;

		if (conf->key[SDLK_F3])
			conf->key[SDLK_F3] = 0;
			conf->display = !conf->display;

		if (!conf->viewMode &&  conf->key[SDLK_F4])
			conf->key[SDLK_F4] = 0;
			conf->quadTreeView = !conf->quadTreeView;

		if (conf->key[SDLK_F5])
			conf->key[SDLK_F5] = 0;
			if (!strcmp(conf->music, "music/music2.mp3"))
				conf->music = "music/music.mp3";
			} else if (!strcmp(conf->music, "music/music.mp3")) {
				conf->music = "music/music2.mp3";
		if (!conf->viewMode && (conf->key[SDLK_UP] || conf->key[SDLK_z]))
			forward_move(save_eye, speed);

		if (!conf->viewMode && (conf->key[SDLK_DOWN] || conf->key[SDLK_s]))
			backward_move(save_eye, speed);

		if (!conf->viewMode && (conf->key[SDLK_RIGHT] || conf->key[SDLK_d]))
			right_move(save_eye, speed);

		if (!conf->viewMode && (conf->key[SDLK_LEFT] || conf->key[SDLK_q]))
			left_move(save_eye, speed);

		if (!conf->viewMode && conf->key[SDLK_a])
			conf->key[SDLK_a] = 0;
			conf->theta += 180;

		if (!conf->viewMode && conf->key[SDLK_r])
			conf->key[SDLK_r] = 0;
			conf->life = MAX_HEALTH;
			save_eye->x = CELL_SIZE / 2;
			save_eye->y = CELL_SIZE / 2;
			save_eye->z = CHARACTER_SIZE;
			portals->bleu->actif = 0;
			portals->orange->actif = 0;
			conf->timer = SDL_GetTicks();

		if (conf->key[SDLK_KP2] || (conf->key[SDLK_n]))
			if (conf->free_fly) {
				save_eye->z -= 3;
			} else if (conf->viewMode) {
				save_eye->z -= 10;

		if (conf->key[SDLK_KP8] || (conf->key[SDLK_SPACE]))
			if (!conf->free_fly && !conf->viewMode)
				conf->key[SDLK_KP8] = 0;
				conf->key[SDLK_SPACE] = 0;
				if ( !conf->viewMode && conf->jump_duration == 0 ) {
					conf->jump_duration = 120;
			else if (conf->free_fly){
				save_eye->z += 3;
			} else {
				save_eye->z += 10;
		conf->eye->z += jump(save_eye);
		if ( conf->key[SDLK_p] ) {
			conf->key[SDLK_p] = 0;
			if(Mix_PausedMusic() == 1) {
			else {
		if ( conf->key[SDLK_PLUS] || conf->key[SDLK_m] || conf->key[SDLK_KP_PLUS] ) {

		if ( conf->key[SDLK_MINUS] || conf->key[SDLK_l] || conf->key[SDLK_KP_MINUS] ) {
		if (!conf->mousebutton[SDL_BUTTON_LEFT] && !conf->mousebutton[SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT])
			conf->shoot = 0;

		if (!conf->viewMode && conf->mousebutton[SDL_BUTTON_LEFT])
			conf->mousebutton[SDL_BUTTON_LEFT] = 0;
			conf->mousebutton[SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT] = 0;
			conf->shoot = 1;

		if (!conf->viewMode && conf->mousebutton[SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT])
			conf->mousebutton[SDL_BUTTON_LEFT] = 0;
			conf->mousebutton[SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT] = 0;
			conf->shoot = 2;
		if (!conf->viewMode && portals->orange->actif && portals->bleu->actif ) {
			if ( abs(save_eye->x - portals->bleu->portail->x ) < TRIGGER_DISTANCE && abs(save_eye->y - portals->bleu->portail->y) < TRIGGER_DISTANCE) {
				save_eye->x = portals->orange->portail->x - (sin(portals->orange->rotation) * PUSH_DISTANCE);
				save_eye->y = portals->orange->portail->y + (cos(portals->orange->rotation) * PUSH_DISTANCE);
				conf->theta += 180 + ( portals->orange->rotation - portals->bleu->rotation);
			else if ( abs(save_eye->x - portals->orange->portail->x ) < TRIGGER_DISTANCE && abs(save_eye->y - portals->orange->portail->y) < TRIGGER_DISTANCE) {
				save_eye->x = portals->bleu->portail->x - (sin(portals->bleu->rotation) * PUSH_DISTANCE);
				save_eye->y = portals->bleu->portail->y + (cos(portals->bleu->rotation) * PUSH_DISTANCE);
				conf->theta += 180 + ( portals->bleu->rotation - portals->orange->rotation);

		if (COORD((int)(save_eye->x / CELL_SIZE), (int)(save_eye->y / CELL_SIZE))
				!= COORD((int)((conf->eye)->x / CELL_SIZE), (int)((conf->eye)->y / CELL_SIZE)))
			iterator = mwl->last;
			while (1)
				if ((iterator->object)->type == MOVING_WALL)
					x = (((int)((iterator->object)->anchor)->x ) / CELL_SIZE);
					y = (((int)((iterator->object)->anchor)->y ) / CELL_SIZE);

					count = 0;
					direction = rand() % 4;
					while (count < 4)
					 	dx = 0;
					 	dy = 0;
					 	switch (direction)
					 		case 0:
					 			dx = 1;
					 		case 1:
					 			dy = 1;
					 		case 2:
					 			dx = -1;
					 			dy = -1;
					 	if(COORD((x+dx),(y+dy)) == COORD(((int)save_eye->x / CELL_SIZE), ((int)save_eye->y / CELL_SIZE))
					 		|| !IS_PLAYABLE(COORD((x+dx),(y+dy)))
					 		|| (dx == 1 && END_RIGHT(COORD(x,y)))
					 		|| (dy == 1 && END_TOP(COORD(x,y)))
					 		|| (dx == -1 && END_LEFT(COORD(x,y)))
					 		|| (dy == -1 && END_BOTTOM(COORD(x,y)))
					 	) {
					 		direction = (direction + 1) % 4;
					 	} else {
					 		if(laby->matrix[COORD(x,y)] == SPIKES_MW) {
					 			laby->matrix[COORD(x,y)] = SPIKES;
					 		} else if (laby->matrix[COORD(x,y)] == MOVING_WALL) {
					 			laby->matrix[COORD(x,y)] = PASS;

							if(laby->matrix[COORD((x+dx),(y+dy))] == PASS)
								laby->matrix[COORD((x+dx),(y+dy))] = MOVING_WALL;
							} else if (laby->matrix[COORD((x+dx),(y+dy))] == SPIKES) {
								laby->matrix[COORD((x+dx),(y+dy))] = SPIKES_MW;

							((iterator->object)->anchor)->x += (dx * CELL_SIZE);
							((iterator->object)->anchor)->y += (dy * CELL_SIZE);
							count = 4;

				if (iterator->next != NULL)
					iterator = iterator->next;
				} else {

		/*fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", conf->mousex - SCREEN_MID_WIDTH, conf->mousey - SCREEN_MID_HEIGHT);*/
		if (!conf->viewMode && (( save_eye->x > 2 && save_eye->y > 2 
			&& save_eye->x < (CELL_SIZE * WIDTH) - 2 
			&& save_eye->y < (CELL_SIZE * HEIGHT) - 2 
			/*&& save_eye->z <= CHARACTER_SIZE 
			&& save_eye->z > CHARACTER_SIZE - 3*/
			&& IS_PLAYABLE(COORD((int)(save_eye->x / CELL_SIZE),(int)(save_eye->y / CELL_SIZE))) 
			&& IS_PLAYABLE(COORD((int)((save_eye->x + 2) / CELL_SIZE),(int)((save_eye->y) / CELL_SIZE))) 
			&& IS_PLAYABLE(COORD((int)((save_eye->x) / CELL_SIZE),(int)((save_eye->y + 2) / CELL_SIZE))) 
			&& IS_PLAYABLE(COORD((int)((save_eye->x - 2) / CELL_SIZE),(int)((save_eye->y) / CELL_SIZE))) 
			&& IS_PLAYABLE(COORD((int)((save_eye->x) / CELL_SIZE),(int)((save_eye->y - 2) / CELL_SIZE))) 
			) || conf->free_fly == 1
		)) {
			conf->eye->x = save_eye->x;
			conf->eye->y = save_eye->y;
			conf->eye->z = save_eye->z;

		/* Mouse motion */
			conf->theta -= (conf->mousex - SCREEN_MID_WIDTH) * SENSITIVITY;
			conf->phi -= (conf->mousey - SCREEN_MID_HEIGHT) * SENSITIVITY;
		} else {
			conf->eye->x = conf->center->x + CELL_SIZE * WIDTH * cos(conf->theta * M_PI / 180);
			conf->eye->y = conf->center->y + CELL_SIZE * HEIGHT * sin(conf->theta * M_PI / 180);
			conf->theta += 0.5;
			if (conf->theta >= 360)
				conf->theta = 0;

		if (conf->life <= 0)
			fprintf(stderr,"                          .,---.\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"                        ,/XM#MMMX;,\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"                      -%%##########M%%,\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"                     -@######%%  $###@=\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"      .,--,         -H#######$   $###M:\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"   ,;$M###MMX;     .;##########$;HM###X=\n");
			fprintf(stderr," ,/@##########H=      ;################+\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"-+#############M/,      %%##############+\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"%%M###############=      /##############:\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"H################      .M#############;.\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"@###############M      ,@###########M:.\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"X################,      -$=X#######@:\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"/@##################%%-     +######$-\n");
			fprintf(stderr,".;##################X     .X#####+,\n");
			fprintf(stderr," .;H################/     -X####+.\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"   ,;X##############,       .MM/\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"      ,:+$H@M#######M#$-    .$$=\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"           .,-=;+$@###X:    ;/=.\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"                  .,/X$;   .::,\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"                      .,    ..\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"Haw Haw ! You lose !\n");
			conf->quit = 1;

		if (IS_EXIT(COORD((int)(conf->eye->x / CELL_SIZE), (int)(conf->eye->y / CELL_SIZE))) && !conf->free_fly)
			if (!conf->win)
				fprintf(stderr, "\n                         #,\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                        ###\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                       ## ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                      ##  ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                       ####\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                         |\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                        #####\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                       ######\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                       ##  ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                       ##  ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                       ##  ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                       ##  ##########\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                       ##  #############\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "                  #######  ###############\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "              #############################\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "        .###################################\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "       #####################################;\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "       ##                                 ##.\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "       ##                                 ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "       #####################################\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "       ##                                 ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "       ##                                 ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "       ##                                 ###\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "    #####                                 #####\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "   ### ##################################### ###\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "  ###  ##                                 ##  ###\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "  ##   ## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ##   ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "   ##  #####################################  ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "    ##                                       ##\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "     ####                                 ####\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "       ######                         ######\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "          ###############################\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "The cake was not a lie !\n");
			if (strcmp(conf->music, "music/music3.mp3")) {
				conf->music = "music/music3.mp3";
			conf->win = 1;

		/* Display with FPS care */
		current_time = SDL_GetTicks();
		ellapsed_time = current_time - last_time;
		last_time = current_time;


		ellapsed_time = SDL_GetTicks() - start_time;
		if (ellapsed_time < 25)
			SDL_Delay(25 - ellapsed_time);

Ejemplo n.º 20
static void
refine_grid (gsl_monte_vegas_state * s)
  size_t i, j, k;
  size_t dim = s->dim;
  size_t bins = s->bins;

  for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
      double grid_tot_j, tot_weight;
      double * weight = s->weight;

      double oldg = VALUE (s, 0, j);
      double newg = VALUE (s, 1, j);

      VALUE (s, 0, j) = (oldg + newg) / 2;
      grid_tot_j = VALUE (s, 0, j);

      /* This implements gs[i][j] = (gs[i-1][j]+gs[i][j]+gs[i+1][j])/3 */

      for (i = 1; i < bins - 1; i++)
          double rc = oldg + newg;
          oldg = newg;
          newg = VALUE (s, i + 1, j);
          VALUE (s, i, j) = (rc + newg) / 3;
          grid_tot_j += VALUE (s, i, j);
      VALUE (s, bins - 1, j) = (newg + oldg) / 2;

      grid_tot_j += VALUE (s, bins - 1, j);

      tot_weight = 0;

      for (i = 0; i < bins; i++)
          weight[i] = 0;

          if (VALUE (s, i, j) > 0)
              oldg = grid_tot_j / VALUE (s, i, j);
              /* damped change */
              weight[i] = pow (((oldg - 1) / oldg / log (oldg)), s->alpha);

          tot_weight += weight[i];

#ifdef DEBUG
          printf("weight[%d] = %g\n", i, weight[i]);

        double pts_per_bin = tot_weight / bins;

        double xold;
        double xnew = 0;
        double dw = 0;
        i = 1;

        for (k = 0; k < bins; k++)
            dw += weight[k];
            xold = xnew;
            xnew = COORD (s, k + 1, j);

            for (; dw > pts_per_bin; i++)
                dw -= pts_per_bin;
                NEW_COORD (s, i) = xnew - (xnew - xold) * dw / weight[k];

        for (k = 1 ; k < bins ; k++)
            COORD(s, k, j) = NEW_COORD(s, k);

        COORD (s, bins, j) = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void COORD::UnitTest()
    assert(COORD(3, 3) + COORD(2, 2) == COORD(5, 5));
    COORD coord(5, 2);
    coord += COORD(2, 5);
    assert(coord == COORD(7, 7));
    assert(COORD(2, 2) + North == COORD(2, 3));
    assert(COORD(2, 2) + East == COORD(3, 2));
    assert(COORD(2, 2) + South == COORD(2, 1));
    assert(COORD(2, 2) + West == COORD(1, 2));
    assert(Compass[E_NORTH] == North);
    assert(Compass[E_EAST] == East);
    assert(Compass[E_WEST] == West);
    assert(Compass[E_SOUTH] == South);
    assert(Clockwise(E_NORTH) == E_EAST);
    assert(Clockwise(E_EAST) == E_SOUTH);
    assert(Clockwise(E_SOUTH) == E_WEST);
    assert(Clockwise(E_WEST) == E_NORTH);
    assert(Opposite(E_NORTH) == E_SOUTH);
    assert(Opposite(E_EAST) == E_WEST);
    assert(Opposite(E_SOUTH) == E_NORTH);
    assert(Opposite(E_WEST) == E_EAST);
    assert(Anticlockwise(E_NORTH) == E_WEST);
    assert(Anticlockwise(E_EAST) == E_NORTH);
    assert(Anticlockwise(E_SOUTH) == E_EAST);
    assert(Anticlockwise(E_WEST) == E_SOUTH);
    assert(ManhattanDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7)) == 16);
    assert(DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), E_NORTH) == -9);
    assert(DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), E_EAST) == -7);
    assert(DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), E_SOUTH) == 9);
    assert(DirectionalDistance(COORD(3, 2), COORD(-4, -7), E_WEST) == 7);
Ejemplo n.º 22
static char *interpret_move(game_state *state, game_ui *ui, const game_drawstate *ds,
			    int x, int y, int button)
    int w = state->par.w;
    int tx, ty;
    char buf[80];

    button &= ~MOD_MASK;

    tx = FROMCOORD(x);
    ty = FROMCOORD(y);

    if (ds->three_d) {
	 * In 3D mode, just locating the mouse click in the natural
	 * square grid may not be sufficient to tell which tower the
	 * user clicked on. Investigate the _tops_ of the nearby
	 * towers to see if a click on one grid square was actually
	 * a click on a tower protruding into that region from
	 * another.
	int dx, dy;
	for (dy = 0; dy <= 1; dy++)
	    for (dx = 0; dx >= -1; dx--) {
		int cx = tx + dx, cy = ty + dy;
		if (cx >= 0 && cx < w && cy >= 0 && cy < w) {
		    int height = state->grid[cy*w+cx];
		    int bx = COORD(cx), by = COORD(cy);
		    int ox = bx + X_3D_DISP(height, w);
		    int oy = by - Y_3D_DISP(height, w);
		    if (/* on top face? */
			(x - ox >= 0 && x - ox < TILESIZE &&
			 y - oy >= 0 && y - oy < TILESIZE) ||
			/* in triangle between top-left corners? */
			(ox > bx && x >= bx && x <= ox && y <= by &&
			 (by-y) * (ox-bx) <= (by-oy) * (x-bx)) ||
			/* in triangle between bottom-right corners? */
			(ox > bx && x >= bx+TILESIZE && x <= ox+TILESIZE &&
			 y >= oy+TILESIZE &&
			 (by-y+TILESIZE)*(ox-bx) >= (by-oy)*(x-bx-TILESIZE))) {
			tx = cx;
			ty = cy;

    if (tx >= 0 && tx < w && ty >= 0 && ty < w) {
        if (button == LEFT_BUTTON) {
	    if (tx == ui->hx && ty == ui->hy &&
		ui->hshow && ui->hpencil == 0) {
                ui->hshow = 0;
            } else {
                ui->hx = tx;
                ui->hy = ty;
		ui->hshow = !state->clues->immutable[ty*w+tx];
                ui->hpencil = 0;
            ui->hcursor = 0;
            return "";		       /* UI activity occurred */
        if (button == RIGHT_BUTTON) {
             * Pencil-mode highlighting for non filled squares.
            if (state->grid[ty*w+tx] == 0) {
                if (tx == ui->hx && ty == ui->hy &&
                    ui->hshow && ui->hpencil) {
                    ui->hshow = 0;
                } else {
                    ui->hpencil = 1;
                    ui->hx = tx;
                    ui->hy = ty;
                    ui->hshow = 1;
            } else {
                ui->hshow = 0;
            ui->hcursor = 0;
            return "";		       /* UI activity occurred */
    if (IS_CURSOR_MOVE(button)) {
        move_cursor(button, &ui->hx, &ui->hy, w, w, 0);
        ui->hshow = ui->hcursor = 1;
        return "";
    if (ui->hshow &&
        (button == CURSOR_SELECT)) {
        ui->hpencil = 1 - ui->hpencil;
        ui->hcursor = 1;
        return "";

    if (ui->hshow &&
	((button >= '0' && button <= '9' && button - '0' <= w) ||
	 button == CURSOR_SELECT2 || button == '\b')) {
	int n = button - '0';
	if (button == CURSOR_SELECT2 || button == '\b')
	    n = 0;

         * Can't make pencil marks in a filled square. This can only
         * become highlighted if we're using cursor keys.
        if (ui->hpencil && state->grid[ui->hy*w+ui->hx])
            return NULL;

	 * Can't do anything to an immutable square.
        if (state->clues->immutable[ui->hy*w+ui->hx])
            return NULL;

	sprintf(buf, "%c%d,%d,%d",
		(char)(ui->hpencil && n > 0 ? 'P' : 'R'), ui->hx, ui->hy, n);

        if (!ui->hcursor) ui->hshow = 0;

	return dupstr(buf);

    if (button == 'M' || button == 'm')
        return dupstr("M");

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 23
int main(){

SetTileTable(tiles);			//Set the tileset to use (set this first)
SetFontTilesIndex(TILES_SIZE);	//Set the tile number in the tilset that contains the first font
ClearVram();					//Clear the screen (fills the vram with tile zero)

long sectorStart;


sectorStart = sdCardFindFileFirstSectorFlash(fileName);

if(sectorStart == 0){
} else {





    // sdCardDirectReadSimple(uint8_t *dest, uint16_t count);
    // sdDirectRead(uint8_t *dest, uint16_t count, uint8_t span, uint8_t run);
    // Read 28 bytes of test straight to VRAM
    // sdCardDirectReadSimple(address, length) == sdDriectReadSimple(address, length, 0, 0)
    // That is SPAN = 0 RUN = 0

    sdCardDirectReadSimple(&vram[COORD(0,0)], 28);    // HELLO WORLD
    sdCardSkipBytes(1);                           // Skip the CR/LF

    // SPAN = 39
    // RUN = 1
    // Every 1 (RUN) byte skip 39 (SPAN) bytes
    // Screen width = 40 so 39 is screen width - 1

    sdCardDirectRead(&vram[COORD(0,2)], 13, 39, 1);   // VERTICAL TEXT
    sdCardSkipBytes(1);                           // Skip the CR/LF

    // SPAN = 1
    // RUN = 1
    // Every 1 (RUN) byte skip 1 (SPAN) bytes

    sdCardDirectRead(&vram[COORD(3,2)], 13, 1, 1);    // DOUBLE SPACES
    sdCardSkipBytes(1);                           // Skip the CR/LF

    // SPAN = 39
    // RUN = 80
    // Every 40 (RUN) bytes skip 39 (SPAN) bytes
    // 40 is one whole line of text
    // 39 is (40-1)

    sdCardDirectRead(&vram[COORD(0,17)], 80, 39, 40); // DOUBLE LINE SPACING
    sdCardSkipBytes(1);                           // Skip the CR/LF

    // 16 bit modes
    // SPAN = 38
    // RUN = 2
    // Every 2 (RUN) bytes skip 38 (SPAN) bytes
    // 2 bytes = 16 bits.  So modes with a 16 bit tile index could use this to fill in a column
    // 38 is (40-2)

    sdCardDirectRead(&vram[COORD(20,4)], 22, 38, 2);  // 16 BIT MODES


Ejemplo n.º 24
static void game_redraw(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, game_state *oldstate,
                 game_state *state, int dir, game_ui *ui,
                 float animtime, float flashtime)
    int i, pass, bgcolour;

    if (flashtime > 0) {
        int frame = (int)(flashtime / FLASH_FRAME);
        bgcolour = (frame % 2 ? COL_LOWLIGHT : COL_HIGHLIGHT);
    } else
        bgcolour = COL_BACKGROUND;

    if (!ds->started) {
        int coords[10];

	draw_rect(dr, 0, 0,
		  TILE_SIZE * state->w + 2 * BORDER,
		  TILE_SIZE * state->h + 2 * BORDER, COL_BACKGROUND);
	draw_update(dr, 0, 0,
		    TILE_SIZE * state->w + 2 * BORDER,
		    TILE_SIZE * state->h + 2 * BORDER);

         * Recessed area containing the whole puzzle.
        coords[0] = COORD(state->w) + HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH - 1;
        coords[1] = COORD(state->h) + HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH - 1;
        coords[2] = COORD(state->w) + HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH - 1;
        coords[3] = COORD(0) - HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH;
        coords[4] = coords[2] - TILE_SIZE;
        coords[5] = coords[3] + TILE_SIZE;
        coords[8] = COORD(0) - HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH;
        coords[9] = COORD(state->h) + HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH - 1;
        coords[6] = coords[8] + TILE_SIZE;
        coords[7] = coords[9] - TILE_SIZE;
        draw_polygon(dr, coords, 5, COL_HIGHLIGHT, COL_HIGHLIGHT);

        coords[1] = COORD(0) - HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH;
        coords[0] = COORD(0) - HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH;
        draw_polygon(dr, coords, 5, COL_LOWLIGHT, COL_LOWLIGHT);

        ds->started = TRUE;

     * Now draw each tile. We do this in two passes to make
     * animation easy.
    for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
        for (i = 0; i < state->n; i++) {
            int t, t0;
             * Figure out what should be displayed at this
             * location. It's either a simple tile, or it's a
             * transition between two tiles (in which case we say
             * -1 because it must always be drawn).

            if (oldstate && oldstate->tiles[i] != state->tiles[i])
                t = -1;
                t = state->tiles[i];

            t0 = t;

            if (ds->bgcolour != bgcolour ||   /* always redraw when flashing */
                ds->tiles[i] != t || ds->tiles[i] == -1 || t == -1) {
                int x, y;

                 * Figure out what to _actually_ draw, and where to
                 * draw it.
                if (t == -1) {
                    int x0, y0, x1, y1;
                    int j;

                     * On the first pass, just blank the tile.
                    if (pass == 0) {
                        x = COORD(X(state, i));
                        y = COORD(Y(state, i));
                        t = 0;
                    } else {
                        float c;

                        t = state->tiles[i];

                         * Don't bother moving the gap; just don't
                         * draw it.
                        if (t == 0)

                         * Find the coordinates of this tile in the old and
                         * new states.
                        x1 = COORD(X(state, i));
                        y1 = COORD(Y(state, i));
                        for (j = 0; j < oldstate->n; j++)
                            if (oldstate->tiles[j] == state->tiles[i])
                        assert(j < oldstate->n);
                        x0 = COORD(X(state, j));
                        y0 = COORD(Y(state, j));

                        c = (animtime / ANIM_TIME);
                        if (c < 0.0F) c = 0.0F;
                        if (c > 1.0F) c = 1.0F;

                        x = x0 + (int)(c * (x1 - x0));
                        y = y0 + (int)(c * (y1 - y0));

                } else {
                    if (pass == 0)
                    x = COORD(X(state, i));
                    y = COORD(Y(state, i));

                draw_tile(dr, ds, state, x, y, t, bgcolour);
            ds->tiles[i] = t0;
    ds->bgcolour = bgcolour;

     * Update the status bar.
	char statusbuf[256];

         * Don't show the new status until we're also showing the
         * new _state_ - after the game animation is complete.
        if (oldstate)
            state = oldstate;

	if (state->used_solve)
	    sprintf(statusbuf, "Moves since auto-solve: %d",
		    state->movecount - state->completed);
	    sprintf(statusbuf, "%sMoves: %d",
		    (state->completed ? "COMPLETED! " : ""),
		    (state->completed ? state->completed : state->movecount));

	status_bar(dr, statusbuf);
Ejemplo n.º 25
static void game_redraw(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, game_state *oldstate,
			game_state *state, int dir, game_ui *ui,
			float animtime, float flashtime)
    int w = state->par.w /*, a = w*w */;
    int i, x, y;

    if (!ds->started) {
	 * The initial contents of the window are not guaranteed and
	 * can vary with front ends. To be on the safe side, all
	 * games should start by drawing a big background-colour
	 * rectangle covering the whole window.
	draw_rect(dr, 0, 0, SIZE(w), SIZE(w), COL_BACKGROUND);

	draw_update(dr, 0, 0, SIZE(w), SIZE(w));

	ds->started = TRUE;

    check_errors(state, ds->errtmp);

     * Work out what data each tile should contain.
    for (i = 0; i < (w+2)*(w+2); i++)
	ds->tiles[i] = 0;	       /* completely blank square */
    /* The clue squares... */
    for (i = 0; i < 4*w; i++) {
	long tile = state->clues->clues[i];

	CLUEPOS(x, y, i, w);

	if (ds->errtmp[(y+1)*(w+2)+(x+1)])
	    tile |= DF_ERROR;

	ds->tiles[(y+1)*(w+2)+(x+1)] = tile;
    /* ... and the main grid. */
    for (y = 0; y < w; y++) {
	for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
	    long tile = DF_PLAYAREA;

	    if (state->grid[y*w+x])
		tile |= state->grid[y*w+x];
		tile |= (long)state->pencil[y*w+x] << DF_PENCIL_SHIFT;

	    if (ui->hshow && ui->hx == x && ui->hy == y)
		tile |= (ui->hpencil ? DF_HIGHLIGHT_PENCIL : DF_HIGHLIGHT);

	    if (state->clues->immutable[y*w+x])
		tile |= DF_IMMUTABLE;

            if (flashtime > 0 &&
                (flashtime <= FLASH_TIME/3 ||
                 flashtime >= FLASH_TIME*2/3))
                tile |= DF_HIGHLIGHT;  /* completion flash */

	    if (ds->errtmp[(y+1)*(w+2)+(x+1)])
		tile |= DF_ERROR;

	    ds->tiles[(y+1)*(w+2)+(x+1)] = tile;

     * Now actually draw anything that needs to be changed.
    for (y = 0; y < w+2; y++) {
	for (x = 0; x < w+2; x++) {
	    long tl, tr, bl, br;
	    int i = y*(w+2)+x;

	    tr = ds->tiles[y*(w+2)+x];
	    tl = (x == 0 ? 0 : ds->tiles[y*(w+2)+(x-1)]);
	    br = (y == w+1 ? 0 : ds->tiles[(y+1)*(w+2)+x]);
	    bl = (x == 0 || y == w+1 ? 0 : ds->tiles[(y+1)*(w+2)+(x-1)]);

	    if (ds->drawn[i*4] != tl || ds->drawn[i*4+1] != tr ||
		ds->drawn[i*4+2] != bl || ds->drawn[i*4+3] != br) {
		clip(dr, COORD(x-1), COORD(y-1), TILESIZE, TILESIZE);

		draw_tile(dr, ds, state->clues, x-1, y-1, tr);
		if (x > 0)
		    draw_tile(dr, ds, state->clues, x-2, y-1, tl);
		if (y <= w)
		    draw_tile(dr, ds, state->clues, x-1, y, br);
		if (x > 0 && y <= w)
		    draw_tile(dr, ds, state->clues, x-2, y, bl);

		draw_update(dr, COORD(x-1), COORD(y-1), TILESIZE, TILESIZE);

		ds->drawn[i*4] = tl;
		ds->drawn[i*4+1] = tr;
		ds->drawn[i*4+2] = bl;
		ds->drawn[i*4+3] = br;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void game_redraw(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, game_state *oldstate,
			game_state *state, int dir, game_ui *ui,
			float animtime, float flashtime)
    int i, bgcolour;
    struct rotation srot, *rot;
    int lastx = -1, lasty = -1, lastr = -1;
    int cx, cy, cmoved = 0, n = state->n;

    cx = ui->cur_visible ? ui->cur_x : -state->n;
    cy = ui->cur_visible ? ui->cur_y : -state->n;
    if (cx != ds->cur_x || cy != ds->cur_y)
        cmoved = 1;

    if (flashtime > 0) {
        int frame = (int)(flashtime / FLASH_FRAME);
        bgcolour = (frame % 2 ? COL_LOWLIGHT : COL_HIGHLIGHT);
    } else
        bgcolour = COL_BACKGROUND;

    if (!ds->started) {
        int coords[10];

	draw_rect(dr, 0, 0,
		  TILE_SIZE * state->w + 2 * BORDER,
		  TILE_SIZE * state->h + 2 * BORDER, COL_BACKGROUND);
	draw_update(dr, 0, 0,
		    TILE_SIZE * state->w + 2 * BORDER,
		    TILE_SIZE * state->h + 2 * BORDER);

         * Recessed area containing the whole puzzle.
        coords[0] = COORD(state->w) + HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH - 1;
        coords[1] = COORD(state->h) + HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH - 1;
        coords[2] = COORD(state->w) + HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH - 1;
        coords[3] = COORD(0) - HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH;
        coords[4] = coords[2] - TILE_SIZE;
        coords[5] = coords[3] + TILE_SIZE;
        coords[8] = COORD(0) - HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH;
        coords[9] = COORD(state->h) + HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH - 1;
        coords[6] = coords[8] + TILE_SIZE;
        coords[7] = coords[9] - TILE_SIZE;
        draw_polygon(dr, coords, 5, COL_HIGHLIGHT, COL_HIGHLIGHT);

        coords[1] = COORD(0) - HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH;
        coords[0] = COORD(0) - HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH;
        draw_polygon(dr, coords, 5, COL_LOWLIGHT, COL_LOWLIGHT);

        ds->started = TRUE;

     * If we're drawing any rotated tiles, sort out the rotation
     * parameters, and also zap the rotation region to the
     * background colour before doing anything else.
    if (oldstate) {
	float angle;
	float anim_max = game_anim_length(oldstate, state, dir, ui);

	if (dir > 0) {
	    lastx = state->lastx;
	    lasty = state->lasty;
	    lastr = state->lastr;
	} else {
	    lastx = oldstate->lastx;
	    lasty = oldstate->lasty;
	    lastr = -oldstate->lastr;

	rot = &srot;
	rot->cx = COORD(lastx);
	rot->cy = COORD(lasty);
	rot->cw = rot->ch = TILE_SIZE * state->n;
	rot->ox = rot->cx + rot->cw/2;
	rot->oy = rot->cy + rot->ch/2;
	angle = (float)((-PI/2 * lastr) * (1.0 - animtime / anim_max));
	rot->c = (float)cos(angle);
	rot->s = (float)sin(angle);

	 * Sort out the colours of the various sides of the tile.
	rot->lc = highlight_colour((float)PI + angle);
	rot->rc = highlight_colour(angle);
	rot->tc = highlight_colour((float)(PI/2.0) + angle);
	rot->bc = highlight_colour((float)(-PI/2.0) + angle);

	draw_rect(dr, rot->cx, rot->cy, rot->cw, rot->ch, bgcolour);
    } else
	rot = NULL;

     * Now draw each tile.
    for (i = 0; i < state->w * state->h; i++) {
	int t, cc = 0;
	int tx = i % state->w, ty = i / state->w;

	 * Figure out what should be displayed at this location.
	 * Usually it will be state->grid[i], unless we're in the
	 * middle of animating an actual rotation and this cell is
	 * within the rotation region, in which case we set -1
	 * (always display).
	if (oldstate && lastx >= 0 && lasty >= 0 &&
	    tx >= lastx && tx < lastx + state->n &&
	    ty >= lasty && ty < lasty + state->n)
	    t = -1;
	    t = state->grid[i];

        if (cmoved) {
            /* cursor has moved (or changed visibility)... */
            if (tx == cx || tx == cx+n-1 || ty == cy || ty == cy+n-1)
                cc = 1; /* ...we're on new cursor, redraw */
            if (tx == ds->cur_x || tx == ds->cur_x+n-1 ||
                ty == ds->cur_y || ty == ds->cur_y+n-1)
                cc = 1; /* ...we were on old cursor, redraw */

	if (ds->bgcolour != bgcolour ||   /* always redraw when flashing */
	    ds->grid[i] != t || ds->grid[i] == -1 || t == -1 || cc) {
	    int x = COORD(tx), y = COORD(ty);
            unsigned cedges = 0;

            if (tx == cx     && ty >= cy && ty <= cy+n-1) cedges |= CUR_LEFT;
            if (ty == cy     && tx >= cx && tx <= cx+n-1) cedges |= CUR_TOP;
            if (tx == cx+n-1 && ty >= cy && ty <= cy+n-1) cedges |= CUR_RIGHT;
            if (ty == cy+n-1 && tx >= cx && tx <= cx+n-1) cedges |= CUR_BOTTOM;

	    draw_tile(dr, ds, state, x, y, state->grid[i], bgcolour, rot, cedges);
            ds->grid[i] = t;
    ds->bgcolour = bgcolour;
    ds->cur_x = cx; ds->cur_y = cy;

     * Update the status bar.
	char statusbuf[256];

         * Don't show the new status until we're also showing the
         * new _state_ - after the game animation is complete.
        if (oldstate)
            state = oldstate;

	if (state->used_solve)
	    sprintf(statusbuf, "Moves since auto-solve: %d",
		    state->movecount - state->completed);
	else {
	    sprintf(statusbuf, "%sMoves: %d",
		    (state->completed ? "COMPLETED! " : ""),
		    (state->completed ? state->completed : state->movecount));
            if (state->movetarget)
                sprintf(statusbuf+strlen(statusbuf), " (target %d)",

	status_bar(dr, statusbuf);