Ejemplo n.º 1
CPLXMLNode *GDALPamRasterBand::SerializeToXML( const char *pszUnused )

    if( psPam == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup root node and attributes.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString oFmt;

    CPLXMLNode *psTree;

    psTree = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL, CXT_Element, "PAMRasterBand" );

    if( GetBand() > 0 )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "#band", oFmt.Printf( "%d", GetBand() ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Serialize information of interest.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( strlen(GetDescription()) > 0 )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "Description", GetDescription() );

    if( psPam->bNoDataValueSet )
        if (CPLIsNan(psPam->dfNoDataValue))
            CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue",  "nan" );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue", 
                            oFmt.Printf( "%.14E", psPam->dfNoDataValue ) );

        /* hex encode real floating point values */
        if( psPam->dfNoDataValue != floor(psPam->dfNoDataValue) 
            || psPam->dfNoDataValue != atof(oFmt) )
            double dfNoDataLittleEndian;

            dfNoDataLittleEndian = psPam->dfNoDataValue;
            CPL_LSBPTR64( &dfNoDataLittleEndian );

            char *pszHexEncoding = 
                CPLBinaryToHex( 8, (GByte *) &dfNoDataLittleEndian );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue.#le_hex_equiv",pszHexEncoding);
            CPLFree( pszHexEncoding );

    if( psPam->pszUnitType != NULL )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "UnitType", psPam->pszUnitType );

    if( psPam->dfOffset != 0.0 )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "Offset", 
                        oFmt.Printf( "%.16g", psPam->dfOffset ) );

    if( psPam->dfScale != 1.0 )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "Scale", 
                        oFmt.Printf( "%.16g", psPam->dfScale ) );

    if( psPam->eColorInterp != GCI_Undefined )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "ColorInterp", 
                        GDALGetColorInterpretationName( psPam->eColorInterp ));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Category names.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psPam->papszCategoryNames != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psCT_XML = CPLCreateXMLNode( psTree, CXT_Element, 
                                                 "CategoryNames" );

        for( int iEntry=0; psPam->papszCategoryNames[iEntry] != NULL; iEntry++)
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psCT_XML, "Category", 
                                         psPam->papszCategoryNames[iEntry] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Color Table.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psPam->poColorTable != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psCT_XML = CPLCreateXMLNode( psTree, CXT_Element, 
                                                 "ColorTable" );

        for( int iEntry=0; iEntry < psPam->poColorTable->GetColorEntryCount(); 
             iEntry++ )
            GDALColorEntry sEntry;
            CPLXMLNode *psEntry_XML = CPLCreateXMLNode( psCT_XML, CXT_Element, 
                                                        "Entry" );

            psPam->poColorTable->GetColorEntryAsRGB( iEntry, &sEntry );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psEntry_XML, "#c1", oFmt.Printf("%d",sEntry.c1) );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psEntry_XML, "#c2", oFmt.Printf("%d",sEntry.c2) );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psEntry_XML, "#c3", oFmt.Printf("%d",sEntry.c3) );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psEntry_XML, "#c4", oFmt.Printf("%d",sEntry.c4) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Min/max.                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psPam->bHaveMinMax )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "Minimum", 
                        oFmt.Printf( "%.16g", psPam->dfMin ) );
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "Maximum", 
                        oFmt.Printf( "%.16g", psPam->dfMax ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Statistics                                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psPam->bHaveStats )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "Mean", 
                        oFmt.Printf( "%.16g", psPam->dfMean ) );
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "StandardDeviation", 
                        oFmt.Printf( "%.16g", psPam->dfStdDev ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Histograms.                                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psPam->psSavedHistograms != NULL )
        CPLAddXMLChild( psTree, CPLCloneXMLTree( psPam->psSavedHistograms ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Raster Attribute Table                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psPam->poDefaultRAT != NULL )
        CPLAddXMLChild( psTree, psPam->poDefaultRAT->Serialize() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Metadata.                                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psMD;

    psMD = oMDMD.Serialize();
    if( psMD != NULL )
        if( psMD->psChild == NULL )
            CPLDestroyXMLNode( psMD );
            CPLAddXMLChild( psTree, psMD );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We don't want to return anything if we had no metadata to       */
/*      attach.                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psTree->psChild == NULL || psTree->psChild->psNext == NULL )
        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psTree );
        psTree = NULL;

    return psTree;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static CPLXMLNode *
GetDictionaryItem( char **papszGMLMetadata, const char *pszURN )

    char *pszLabel;
    const char *pszFragmentId = NULL;
    int i;

    if( EQUALN(pszURN,"urn:jp2k:xml:", 13) )
        pszLabel = CPLStrdup( pszURN + 13 );
    else if( EQUALN(pszURN,"urn:ogc:tc:gmljp2:xml:", 22) )
        pszLabel = CPLStrdup( pszURN + 22 );
    else if( EQUALN(pszURN,"gmljp2://xml/",13) )
        pszLabel = CPLStrdup( pszURN + 13 );
        pszLabel = CPLStrdup( pszURN );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Split out label and fragment id.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( i = 0; pszLabel[i] != '#'; i++ )
        if( pszLabel[i] == '\0' )
            return NULL;

    pszFragmentId = pszLabel + i + 1;
    pszLabel[i] = '\0';

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Can we find an XML box with the desired label?                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszDictionary = 
        CSLFetchNameValue( papszGMLMetadata, pszLabel );

    if( pszDictionary == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try and parse the dictionary.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psDictTree = CPLParseXMLString( pszDictionary );

    if( psDictTree == NULL )
        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psDictTree );
        return NULL;

    CPLStripXMLNamespace( psDictTree, NULL, TRUE );

    CPLXMLNode *psDictRoot = CPLSearchXMLNode( psDictTree, "=Dictionary" );
    if( psDictRoot == NULL )
        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psDictTree );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Search for matching id.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psEntry, *psHit = NULL;
    for( psEntry = psDictRoot->psChild; 
         psEntry != NULL && psHit == NULL; 
         psEntry = psEntry->psNext )
        const char *pszId;

        if( psEntry->eType != CXT_Element )

        if( !EQUAL(psEntry->pszValue,"dictionaryEntry") )
        if( psEntry->psChild == NULL )

        pszId = CPLGetXMLValue( psEntry->psChild, "id", "" );

        if( EQUAL(pszId, pszFragmentId) )
            psHit = CPLCloneXMLTree( psEntry->psChild );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( pszLabel );
    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psDictTree );

    return psHit;
Ejemplo n.º 3
CPLErr GDALPamRasterBand::XMLInit( CPLXMLNode *psTree, const char *pszUnused )


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Apply any dataset level metadata.                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    oMDMD.XMLInit( psTree, TRUE );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect various other items of metadata.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALMajorObject::SetDescription( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "Description", "" ) );
    if( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue", NULL ) != NULL )
        const char *pszLEHex = 
            CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue.le_hex_equiv", NULL );
        if( pszLEHex != NULL )
            int nBytes;
            GByte *pabyBin = CPLHexToBinary( pszLEHex, &nBytes );
            if( nBytes == 8 )
                CPL_LSBPTR64( pabyBin );
                GDALPamRasterBand::SetNoDataValue( *((double *) pabyBin) );
                    atof(CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue", "0" )) );
            CPLFree( pabyBin );
                atof(CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue", "0" )) );

        atof(CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "Offset", "0.0" )) );
        atof(CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "Scale", "1.0" )) );

    GDALPamRasterBand::SetUnitType( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "UnitType", NULL));

    if( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "ColorInterp", NULL ) != NULL )
        const char *pszInterp = CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "ColorInterp", NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Category names.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "CategoryNames" ) != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psEntry;
        char **papszCategoryNames = NULL;

        for( psEntry = CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "CategoryNames" )->psChild;
             psEntry != NULL; psEntry = psEntry->psNext )
            /* Don't skeep <Category> tag with empty content */
            if( psEntry->eType != CXT_Element 
                || !EQUAL(psEntry->pszValue,"Category") 
                || (psEntry->psChild != NULL && psEntry->psChild->eType != CXT_Text) )
            papszCategoryNames = CSLAddString( papszCategoryNames, 
                                 (psEntry->psChild) ? psEntry->psChild->pszValue : "" );
        GDALPamRasterBand::SetCategoryNames( papszCategoryNames );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect a color table.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "ColorTable" ) != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psEntry;
        GDALColorTable oTable;
        int        iEntry = 0;

        for( psEntry = CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "ColorTable" )->psChild;
             psEntry != NULL; psEntry = psEntry->psNext )
            GDALColorEntry sCEntry;

            sCEntry.c1 = (short) atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psEntry, "c1", "0" ));
            sCEntry.c2 = (short) atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psEntry, "c2", "0" ));
            sCEntry.c3 = (short) atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psEntry, "c3", "0" ));
            sCEntry.c4 = (short) atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psEntry, "c4", "255" ));

            oTable.SetColorEntry( iEntry++, &sCEntry );
        GDALPamRasterBand::SetColorTable( &oTable );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have a complete set of stats?                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "Minimum" ) != NULL 
        && CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "Maximum" ) != NULL )
        psPam->bHaveMinMax = TRUE;
        psPam->dfMin = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "Minimum","0"));
        psPam->dfMax = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "Maximum","0"));

    if( CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "Mean" ) != NULL 
        && CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "StandardDeviation" ) != NULL )
        psPam->bHaveStats = TRUE;
        psPam->dfMean = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "Mean","0"));
        psPam->dfStdDev = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psTree,"StandardDeviation","0"));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Histograms                                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psHist = CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "Histograms" );
    if( psHist != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psNext = psHist->psNext;
        psHist->psNext = NULL;

        psPam->psSavedHistograms = CPLCloneXMLTree( psHist );
        psHist->psNext = psNext;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Raster Attribute Table                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psRAT = CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "GDALRasterAttributeTable" );
    if( psRAT != NULL )
        psPam->poDefaultRAT = new GDALRasterAttributeTable();
        psPam->poDefaultRAT->XMLInit( psRAT, "" );

    return CE_None;
Ejemplo n.º 4
CPLXMLNode *VRTRasterBand::SerializeToXML( const char *pszVRTPath )

    CPLXMLNode *psTree;

    psTree = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL, CXT_Element, "VRTRasterBand" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Various kinds of metadata.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psMD;

    CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "#dataType", 
                    GDALGetDataTypeName( GetRasterDataType() ) );

    if( nBand > 0 )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "#band", CPLSPrintf( "%d", GetBand() ) );

    psMD = oMDMD.Serialize();
    if( psMD != NULL )
        CPLAddXMLChild( psTree, psMD );

    if( strlen(GetDescription()) > 0 )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "Description", GetDescription() );

    if( bNoDataValueSet )
        if (CPLIsNan(dfNoDataValue))
            CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue", "nan");
            CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue", 
                            CPLSPrintf( "%.14E", dfNoDataValue ) );
    if( bHideNoDataValue )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "HideNoDataValue", 
                        CPLSPrintf( "%d", bHideNoDataValue ) );

    if( pszUnitType != NULL )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "UnitType", pszUnitType );

    if( dfOffset != 0.0 )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "Offset", 
                        CPLSPrintf( "%.16g", dfOffset ) );

    if( dfScale != 1.0 )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "Scale", 
                        CPLSPrintf( "%.16g", dfScale ) );

    if( eColorInterp != GCI_Undefined )
        CPLSetXMLValue( psTree, "ColorInterp", 
                        GDALGetColorInterpretationName( eColorInterp ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Category names.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( papszCategoryNames != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psCT_XML = CPLCreateXMLNode( psTree, CXT_Element, 
                                                 "CategoryNames" );
        CPLXMLNode* psLastChild = NULL;

        for( int iEntry=0; papszCategoryNames[iEntry] != NULL; iEntry++ )
            CPLXMLNode *psNode = CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( NULL, "Category",
                                         papszCategoryNames[iEntry] );
            if( psLastChild == NULL )
                psCT_XML->psChild = psNode;
                psLastChild->psNext = psNode;
            psLastChild = psNode;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Histograms.                                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psSavedHistograms != NULL )
        CPLAddXMLChild( psTree, CPLCloneXMLTree( psSavedHistograms ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Color Table.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poColorTable != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psCT_XML = CPLCreateXMLNode( psTree, CXT_Element, 
                                                 "ColorTable" );
        CPLXMLNode* psLastChild = NULL;

        for( int iEntry=0; iEntry < poColorTable->GetColorEntryCount(); 
             iEntry++ )
            GDALColorEntry sEntry;
            CPLXMLNode *psEntry_XML = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL, CXT_Element,
                                                        "Entry" );
            if( psLastChild == NULL )
                psCT_XML->psChild = psEntry_XML;
                psLastChild->psNext = psEntry_XML;
            psLastChild = psEntry_XML;

            poColorTable->GetColorEntryAsRGB( iEntry, &sEntry );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psEntry_XML, "#c1", CPLSPrintf("%d",sEntry.c1) );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psEntry_XML, "#c2", CPLSPrintf("%d",sEntry.c2) );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psEntry_XML, "#c3", CPLSPrintf("%d",sEntry.c3) );
            CPLSetXMLValue( psEntry_XML, "#c4", CPLSPrintf("%d",sEntry.c4) );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Overviews                                                       */
/* ==================================================================== */

    for( int iOvr = 0; iOvr < (int)apoOverviews.size(); iOvr ++ )
        CPLXMLNode *psOVR_XML = CPLCreateXMLNode( psTree, CXT_Element,
                                                 "Overview" );

        int              bRelativeToVRT;
        const char      *pszRelativePath;
        VSIStatBufL sStat;

        if( VSIStatExL( apoOverviews[iOvr].osFilename, &sStat, VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG ) != 0 )
            pszRelativePath = apoOverviews[iOvr].osFilename;
            bRelativeToVRT = FALSE;
            pszRelativePath =
                CPLExtractRelativePath( pszVRTPath, apoOverviews[iOvr].osFilename,
                                        &bRelativeToVRT );

        CPLSetXMLValue( psOVR_XML, "SourceFilename", pszRelativePath );

            CPLCreateXMLNode( CPLGetXMLNode( psOVR_XML, "SourceFilename" ),
                            CXT_Attribute, "relativeToVRT" ),
            CXT_Text, bRelativeToVRT ? "1" : "0" );

        CPLSetXMLValue( psOVR_XML, "SourceBand",
                        CPLSPrintf("%d",apoOverviews[iOvr].nBand) );
/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Mask band (specific to that raster band)                        */
/* ==================================================================== */

    if( poMaskBand != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psBandTree =

        if( psBandTree != NULL )
            CPLXMLNode *psMaskBandElement = CPLCreateXMLNode( psTree, CXT_Element, 
                                                              "MaskBand" );
            CPLAddXMLChild( psMaskBandElement, psBandTree );

    return psTree;
Ejemplo n.º 5
CPLErr VRTRasterBand::XMLInit( CPLXMLNode * psTree, 
                               const char *pszVRTPath )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Validate a bit.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psTree == NULL || psTree->eType != CXT_Element
        || !EQUAL(psTree->pszValue,"VRTRasterBand") )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "Invalid node passed to VRTRasterBand::XMLInit()." );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the band if provided as an attribute.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char* pszBand = CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "band", NULL);
    if( pszBand != NULL )
        nBand = atoi(pszBand);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the band if provided as an attribute.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszDataType = CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "dataType", NULL);
    if( pszDataType != NULL )
        eDataType = GDALGetDataTypeByName(pszDataType);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Apply any band level metadata.                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    oMDMD.XMLInit( psTree, TRUE );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect various other items of metadata.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    SetDescription( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "Description", "" ) );
    if( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue", NULL ) != NULL )
        SetNoDataValue( CPLAtofM(CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "NoDataValue", "0" )) );

    if( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "HideNoDataValue", NULL ) != NULL )
        bHideNoDataValue = CSLTestBoolean( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "HideNoDataValue", "0" ) );

    SetUnitType( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "UnitType", NULL ) );

    SetOffset( atof(CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "Offset", "0.0" )) );
    SetScale( atof(CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "Scale", "1.0" )) );

    if( CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "ColorInterp", NULL ) != NULL )
        const char *pszInterp = CPLGetXMLValue( psTree, "ColorInterp", NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Category names.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "CategoryNames" ) != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psEntry;

        CSLDestroy( papszCategoryNames );
        papszCategoryNames = NULL;

        CPLStringList oCategoryNames;

        for( psEntry = CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "CategoryNames" )->psChild;
             psEntry != NULL; psEntry = psEntry->psNext )
            if( psEntry->eType != CXT_Element 
                || !EQUAL(psEntry->pszValue,"Category") 
                || (psEntry->psChild != NULL && psEntry->psChild->eType != CXT_Text) )
                                (psEntry->psChild) ? psEntry->psChild->pszValue : "");

        papszCategoryNames = oCategoryNames.StealList();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect a color table.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "ColorTable" ) != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psEntry;
        GDALColorTable oTable;
        int        iEntry = 0;

        for( psEntry = CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "ColorTable" )->psChild;
             psEntry != NULL; psEntry = psEntry->psNext )
            GDALColorEntry sCEntry;

            sCEntry.c1 = (short) atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psEntry, "c1", "0" ));
            sCEntry.c2 = (short) atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psEntry, "c2", "0" ));
            sCEntry.c3 = (short) atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psEntry, "c3", "0" ));
            sCEntry.c4 = (short) atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psEntry, "c4", "255" ));

            oTable.SetColorEntry( iEntry++, &sCEntry );
        SetColorTable( &oTable );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Histograms                                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psHist = CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "Histograms" );
    if( psHist != NULL )
        CPLXMLNode *psNext = psHist->psNext;
        psHist->psNext = NULL;

        psSavedHistograms = CPLCloneXMLTree( psHist );
        psHist->psNext = psNext;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Overviews                                                       */
/* ==================================================================== */
    CPLXMLNode *psNode;

    for( psNode = psTree->psChild; psNode != NULL; psNode = psNode->psNext )
        if( psNode->eType != CXT_Element
            || !EQUAL(psNode->pszValue,"Overview") )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Prepare filename.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        char *pszSrcDSName = NULL;
        CPLXMLNode* psFileNameNode=CPLGetXMLNode(psNode,"SourceFilename");
        const char *pszFilename = 
            psFileNameNode ? CPLGetXMLValue(psFileNameNode,NULL, NULL) : NULL;

        if( pszFilename == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                      "Missing <SourceFilename> element in Overview." );
            return CE_Failure;

        if (EQUALN(pszFilename, "MEM:::", 6) && pszVRTPath != NULL &&
            !CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("VRT_ALLOW_MEM_DRIVER", "NO")))
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "<SourceFilename> points to a MEM dataset, which is rather suspect! "
                    "If you know what you are doing, define the VRT_ALLOW_MEM_DRIVER configuration option to YES" );
            return CE_Failure;

        if( pszVRTPath != NULL
            && atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psFileNameNode, "relativetoVRT", "0")) )
            pszSrcDSName = CPLStrdup(
                CPLProjectRelativeFilename( pszVRTPath, pszFilename ) );
            pszSrcDSName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the raster band.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        int nSrcBand = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psNode,"SourceBand","1"));

        apoOverviews.resize( apoOverviews.size() + 1 );
        apoOverviews[apoOverviews.size()-1].osFilename = pszSrcDSName;
        apoOverviews[apoOverviews.size()-1].nBand = nSrcBand;
        CPLFree( pszSrcDSName );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Mask band (specific to that raster band)                        */
/* ==================================================================== */
    CPLXMLNode* psMaskBandNode = CPLGetXMLNode(psTree, "MaskBand");
    if (psMaskBandNode)
        psNode = psMaskBandNode->psChild;
        psNode = NULL;
    for( ; psNode != NULL; psNode = psNode->psNext )
        if( psNode->eType != CXT_Element
            || !EQUAL(psNode->pszValue,"VRTRasterBand") )

        if( ((VRTDataset*)poDS)->poMaskBand != NULL)
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                       "Illegal mask band at raster band level when a dataset mask band already exists." );

        const char *pszSubclass = CPLGetXMLValue( psNode, "subclass",
                                                    "VRTSourcedRasterBand" );
        VRTRasterBand  *poBand = NULL;

        if( EQUAL(pszSubclass,"VRTSourcedRasterBand") )
            poBand = new VRTSourcedRasterBand( GetDataset(), 0 );
        else if( EQUAL(pszSubclass, "VRTDerivedRasterBand") )
            poBand = new VRTDerivedRasterBand( GetDataset(), 0 );
        else if( EQUAL(pszSubclass, "VRTRawRasterBand") )
            poBand = new VRTRawRasterBand( GetDataset(), 0 );
        else if( EQUAL(pszSubclass, "VRTWarpedRasterBand") )
            poBand = new VRTWarpedRasterBand( GetDataset(), 0 );
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "VRTRasterBand of unrecognised subclass '%s'.",
                        pszSubclass );

        if( poBand->XMLInit( psNode, pszVRTPath ) == CE_None )


    return CE_None;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static CPLErr Resolve( CPLXMLNode * psNode,
                CPLXMLNode *** ppapsRoot,
                char *** ppapszResourceHREF,
                char ** papszSkip,
                const int bStrict )

    //for each sibling
    CPLXMLNode *psSibling = NULL;
    CPLXMLNode *psResource = NULL;
    CPLXMLNode *psTarget = NULL;
    CPLErr eReturn = CE_None, eReturned;
    for( psSibling = psNode; psSibling != NULL; psSibling = psSibling->psNext )
        if( psSibling->eType != CXT_Element )

        CPLXMLNode *psChild = psSibling->psChild;
        while( psChild != NULL &&
               !( psChild->eType == CXT_Attribute &&
                  EQUAL( psChild->pszValue, "xlink:href" ) ) )
            psChild = psChild->psNext;

        //if a child has a "xlink:href" attribute
        if( psChild != NULL && psChild->psChild != NULL )
            if( CSLFindString( papszSkip, psSibling->pszValue ) >= 0 )
            {//Skipping a specified element
                eReturn = CE_Warning;

            static int i = 0;
            if( i-- == 0 )
            {//a way to track progress
                i = 256;
                CPLDebug( "GML",
                          "Resolving xlinks... (currently %s)",
                          psChild->psChild->pszValue );

            char **papszTokens;
            papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString2( psChild->psChild->pszValue, "#",
                                              CSLT_ALLOWEMPTYTOKENS |
                                              CSLT_STRIPLEADSPACES |
                                              CSLT_STRIPENDSPACES );
            if( CSLCount( papszTokens ) != 2 || strlen(papszTokens[1]) <= 0 )
                CPLError( bStrict ? CE_Failure : CE_Warning,
                          "Error parsing the href %s.%s",
                          bStrict ? "" : " Skipping..." );
                CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
                if( bStrict )
                    return CE_Failure;
                eReturn = CE_Warning;

            //look for the resource with that URL
            psResource = FindTreeByURL( ppapsRoot,
                                        papszTokens[0] );
            if( psResource == NULL )
                CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
                if( bStrict )
                    return CE_Failure;
                eReturn = CE_Warning;

            //look for the element with the ID
            psTarget = FindElementByID( psResource, papszTokens[1] );
            if( psTarget != NULL )
                //remove the xlink:href attribute
                CPLRemoveXMLChild( psSibling, psChild );
                CPLDestroyXMLNode( psChild );

                //make a copy of psTarget
                CPLXMLNode *psCopy = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL,
                                                       psTarget->pszValue );
                psCopy->psChild = CPLCloneXMLTree( psTarget->psChild );
                RemoveIDs( psCopy );
                //correct empty URLs in URL#id pairs
                if( CPLStrnlen( papszTokens[0], 1 ) > 0 )
                    CorrectURLs( psCopy, papszTokens[0] );
                CPLAddXMLChild( psSibling, psCopy );
                CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
                //element not found
                CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
                CPLError( bStrict ? CE_Failure : CE_Warning,
                          "Couldn't find the element with id %s.",
                          psChild->psChild->pszValue );
                if( bStrict )
                    return CE_Failure;
                eReturn = CE_Warning;

        //Recurse with the first child
        eReturned=Resolve( psSibling->psChild,
                           bStrict );

        if( eReturned == CE_Failure )
            return CE_Failure;

        if( eReturned == CE_Warning )
                eReturn = CE_Warning;
    return eReturn;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CPLXMLSchemaResolveInclude( const char* pszMainSchemaLocation,
                                 CPLXMLNode *psSchemaNode )
    std::set<CPLString> osAlreadyIncluded;

    bool bTryAgain;
        CPLXMLNode *psLast = NULL;
        bTryAgain = false;

        CPLXMLNode *psThis = psSchemaNode->psChild;
        for( ; psThis != NULL; psThis = psThis->psNext )
            if( psThis->eType == CXT_Element &&
                EQUAL(psThis->pszValue,"include") )
                const char* pszSchemaLocation =
                        CPLGetXMLValue(psThis, "schemaLocation", NULL);
                if( pszSchemaLocation != NULL &&
                    osAlreadyIncluded.count( pszSchemaLocation) == 0 )
                    osAlreadyIncluded.insert( pszSchemaLocation );

                    if( !STARTS_WITH(pszSchemaLocation, "http://") &&
                        !STARTS_WITH(pszSchemaLocation, "https://") &&
                        CPLIsFilenameRelative(pszSchemaLocation ) )
                        pszSchemaLocation = CPLFormFilename(
                            CPLGetPath(pszMainSchemaLocation), pszSchemaLocation, NULL );

                    CPLXMLNode *psIncludedXSDTree =
                                GMLParseXMLFile( pszSchemaLocation );
                    if( psIncludedXSDTree != NULL )
                        CPLStripXMLNamespace( psIncludedXSDTree, NULL, TRUE );
                        CPLXMLNode *psIncludedSchemaNode =
                                CPLGetXMLNode( psIncludedXSDTree, "=schema" );
                        if( psIncludedSchemaNode != NULL )
                            /* Substitute de <include> node by its content */
                            CPLXMLNode* psFirstChildElement =
                            if( psFirstChildElement != NULL )
                                CPLXMLNode* psCopy = CPLCloneXMLTree(psFirstChildElement);
                                if( psLast != NULL )
                                    psLast->psNext = psCopy;
                                    psSchemaNode->psChild = psCopy;
                                CPLXMLNode* psNext = psThis->psNext;
                                psThis->psNext = NULL;
                                psThis = CPLGetLastNode(psCopy);
                                psThis->psNext = psNext;

                                /* In case the included schema also contains */
                                /* includes */
                                bTryAgain = true;

                        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psIncludedXSDTree );

            psLast = psThis;
    } while( bTryAgain );

    const char* pszSchemaOutputName =
        CPLGetConfigOption("GML_SCHEMA_OUTPUT_NAME", NULL);
    if( pszSchemaOutputName != NULL )
        CPLSerializeXMLTreeToFile( psSchemaNode, pszSchemaOutputName );
Ejemplo n.º 8
CPLErr GDALPamDataset::TryLoadXML()

    CPLXMLNode *psTree = NULL;


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Clear dirty flag.  Generally when we get to this point is       */
/*      from a call at the end of the Open() method, and some calls     */
/*      may have already marked the PAM info as dirty (for instance     */
/*      setting metadata), but really everything to this point is       */
/*      reproducable, and so the PAM info shouldn't really be           */
/*      thought of as dirty.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nPamFlags &= ~GPF_DIRTY;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try reading the file.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !BuildPamFilename() )
        return CE_None;

    VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;

    if( VSIStatL( psPam->pszPamFilename, &sStatBuf ) == 0 
        && VSI_ISREG( sStatBuf.st_mode ) )
        CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
        psTree = CPLParseXMLFile( psPam->pszPamFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we are looking for a subdataset, search for it's subtree     */
/*      now.                                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psTree && psPam->osSubdatasetName.size() )
        CPLXMLNode *psSubTree;
        for( psSubTree = psTree->psChild; 
             psSubTree != NULL;
             psSubTree = psSubTree->psNext )
            if( psSubTree->eType != CXT_Element
                || !EQUAL(psSubTree->pszValue,"Subdataset") )

            if( !EQUAL(CPLGetXMLValue( psSubTree, "name", "" ),
                       psPam->osSubdatasetName) )

            psSubTree = CPLGetXMLNode( psSubTree, "PAMDataset" );
        if( psSubTree != NULL )
            psSubTree = CPLCloneXMLTree( psSubTree );

        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psTree );
        psTree = psSubTree;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we fail, try .aux.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psTree == NULL )
        return TryLoadAux();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize ourselves from this XML tree.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLErr eErr;

    CPLString osVRTPath(CPLGetPath(psPam->pszPamFilename));
    eErr = XMLInit( psTree, osVRTPath );

    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psTree );

    if( eErr != CE_None )

    return eErr;