Ejemplo n.º 1
void CPU_ProtectCommunicationGPIOs( BOOL On )

        case USART_TRANSPORT:
            CPU_USART_ProtectPins( ConvertCOM_ComPort(HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort), On );
            return ;
        case USB_TRANSPORT:
            CPU_USB_ProtectPins  ( ConvertCOM_UsbController(HalSystemConfig.DebugTextPort), On );
Ejemplo n.º 2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPU_USB_Initialize(int core)
    if (core >= MAX_USB_CORE || USB_ENABLED(core)) return S_FALSE;

    USB_CONTROLLER_STATE *State = CPU_USB_GetState(core);
    int epNum, ret;
    UINT32 queueId = 0;


    // Initialize physical layer
    if (!USB_ENABLED(1 - core))  // No other USB controllers enabled?
        LPC_CGU->PLL[CGU_USB_PLL].PLL_CTRL &= ~1; // Enable USB PLL
        while (!(LPC_CGU->PLL[CGU_USB_PLL].PLL_STAT & 1)); // Wait for USB PLL to lock
    LPC_CGU->BASE_CLK[USB_CLK[core]] &= ~1;  // Enable USBx base clock
    LPC_CREG->CREG0 &= ~(1 << 5); // Enable USB0 PHY
    if (core == 1) // Special init for USB1
        // Enable USB1_DP and USB1_DN on chip FS phy
        LPC_SCU->SFSUSB = 0x12; // USB device mode (0x16 for host mode)
        LPC_USB1->PORTSC1_D |= (1 << 24);

    // Set USB state
    USB_STATE(core) = State;
    USB_FLAGS(core) = 0;
    ep_out_count[core] = 0;
    ep_in_count[core] = 0;

    State->EndpointStatus = USB_EPSTATUS(core);
    State->EndpointCount = USB_MAX_EP_NUM;
    State->PacketSize = MAX_EP0_SIZE;

    // Initialize USB stack
    ret = USB_InitStack(core);
    if (ret != RET_OK) return S_FALSE; // Exit if not succesful

    // Set defaults for unused endpoints
    for (epNum = 1; epNum < State->EndpointCount; epNum++)
        State->IsTxQueue[epNum] = FALSE;
        State->MaxPacketSize[epNum] = MAX_EP_SIZE;

    // Get endpoint configuration
    while (USB_NextEndpoint(State, pEpDesc, pIfDesc))
        // Figure out which endpoint we are initializing
        epNum = pEpDesc->bEndpointAddress & 0x7F;

        // Check interface and endpoint numbers against hardware capability
        if (epNum >= State->EndpointCount || pIfDesc->bInterfaceNumber > 3)
            return S_FALSE;

        if (pEpDesc->bEndpointAddress & 0x80) State->IsTxQueue[epNum] = TRUE;

        // Set the maximum size of the endpoint hardware FIFO
        int endpointSize = pEpDesc->wMaxPacketSize;
        // Exit if the endpoint maximum size in the configuration list is bogus
        // or greater than USB_MAX_DATA_PACKET_SIZE (default=64)
        if ((endpointSize != 8 && endpointSize != 16 && endpointSize != 32 && endpointSize != 64
                && endpointSize != 128 && endpointSize != 256 && endpointSize != 512)
				|| endpointSize > USB_MAX_DATA_PACKET_SIZE)
            return S_FALSE;
        State->MaxPacketSize[epNum] = endpointSize;

        // Assign queues
        QueueBuffers[queueId].Initialize();           // Clear queue before use
        State->Queues[epNum] = &QueueBuffers[queueId];  // Attach queue to endpoint

        // Isochronous endpoints are currently not supported
        if ((pEpDesc->bmAttributes & 3) == USB_ENDPOINT_ATTRIBUTE_ISOCHRONOUS) return FALSE;

    // Configure CDC driver
    ret = CDC_Init(core);
    if (ret != RET_OK) return S_FALSE; // Exit if not succesful

    // Connect and enable interrupts
    CPU_USB_ProtectPins(core, FALSE);
    CPU_INTC_ActivateInterrupt(USB_IRQ[core], USB_ISR[core], 0);
    USB_ENABLED(core) = TRUE;
    State->DeviceState = USB_DEVICE_STATE_CONFIGURED; // Config done by ROM stack

    return S_OK;