Ejemplo n.º 1
ImuRosI::ImuRosI(ros::NodeHandle nh, ros::NodeHandle nh_private):
  ROS_INFO ("Starting Phidgets IMU");

  // **** get parameters

  if (!nh_private_.getParam ("period", period_))
    period_ = 8; // 8 ms
  if (!nh_private_.getParam ("frame_id", frame_id_))
    frame_id_ = "imu";
  if (!nh_private_.getParam ("angular_velocity_stdev", angular_velocity_stdev_))
    angular_velocity_stdev_ = 0.02 * (M_PI / 180.0); // 0.02 deg/s resolution, as per manual
  if (!nh_private_.getParam ("linear_acceleration_stdev", linear_acceleration_stdev_))
    linear_acceleration_stdev_ = 300.0 * 1e-6 * G; // 300 ug as per manual

  bool has_compass_params =
      nh_private_.getParam ("cc_mag_field", cc_mag_field_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_offset0", cc_offset0_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_offset1", cc_offset1_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_offset2", cc_offset2_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_gain0", cc_gain0_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_gain1", cc_gain1_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_gain2", cc_gain2_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_t0", cc_T0_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_t1", cc_T1_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_t2", cc_T2_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_t3", cc_T3_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_t4", cc_T4_)
      && nh_private_.getParam ("cc_t5", cc_T5_);

  // **** advertise topics

  imu_publisher_ = nh_.advertise<ImuMsg>(
    "imu/data_raw", 5);
  mag_publisher_ = nh_.advertise<MagMsg>(
    "imu/mag", 5);
  cal_publisher_ = nh_.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>(
    "imu/is_calibrated", 5);

  // Set up the topic publisher diagnostics monitor for imu/data_raw
  // 1. The frequency status component monitors if imu data is published
  // within 10% tolerance of the desired frequency of 1.0 / period
  // 2. The timstamp status component monitors the delay between
  // the header.stamp of the imu message and the real (ros) time
  // the maximum tolerable drift is +- 100ms
  target_publish_freq_ = 1000.0 / static_cast<double>(period_);
  imu_publisher_diag_ptr_ = boost::make_shared<diagnostic_updater::TopicDiagnostic>(
        diagnostic_updater::FrequencyStatusParam(&target_publish_freq_, &target_publish_freq_, 0.1, 5),
        diagnostic_updater::TimeStampStatusParam(-0.1, 0.1)

  // **** advertise services

  cal_srv_ = nh_.advertiseService(
    "imu/calibrate", &ImuRosI::calibrateService, this);

  // **** initialize variables and device

  imu_msg_.header.frame_id = frame_id_;

  // build covariance matrices

  double ang_vel_var = angular_velocity_stdev_ * angular_velocity_stdev_;
  double lin_acc_var = linear_acceleration_stdev_ * linear_acceleration_stdev_;

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
    int idx = j*3 +i;

    if (i == j)
      imu_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[idx]    = ang_vel_var;
      imu_msg_.linear_acceleration_covariance[idx] = lin_acc_var;
      imu_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[idx]    = 0.0;
      imu_msg_.linear_acceleration_covariance[idx] = 0.0;

  // signal that we have no orientation estimate (see Imu.msg)
  imu_msg_.orientation_covariance[0] = -1;

  // init diagnostics, we set the hardware id properly when the device is connected
  diag_updater_.add("IMU Driver Status", this, &phidgets::ImuRosI::phidgetsDiagnostics);


  if (has_compass_params)
    int result = CPhidgetSpatial_setCompassCorrectionParameters(imu_handle_, cc_mag_field_,
          cc_offset0_, cc_offset1_, cc_offset2_, cc_gain0_, cc_gain1_, cc_gain2_,
          cc_T0_, cc_T1_, cc_T2_, cc_T3_, cc_T4_, cc_T5_);
    if (result)
      const char *err;
      CPhidget_getErrorDescription(result, &err);
      ROS_ERROR("Problem while trying to set compass correction params: '%s'.", err);
    ROS_INFO("No compass correction params found.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
int spatial_set_compass_correction_by_array(CPhidgetSpatialHandle phid, double *cc) {
  return report(CPhidgetSpatial_setCompassCorrectionParameters( phid,
    cc[0], cc[1], cc[2], cc[3], cc[4], cc[5], cc[6], cc[7], cc[8], cc[9], 
    cc[10], cc[11], cc[12] ));