Ejemplo n.º 1
action_t *
custom_action(resource_t * rsc, char *key, const char *task,
              node_t * on_node, gboolean optional, gboolean save_action,
              pe_working_set_t * data_set)
    action_t *action = NULL;
    GListPtr possible_matches = NULL;

    CRM_CHECK(key != NULL, return NULL);
    CRM_CHECK(task != NULL, return NULL);

    if (save_action && rsc != NULL) {
        possible_matches = find_actions(rsc->actions, key, on_node);

    if (possible_matches != NULL) {
        if (g_list_length(possible_matches) > 1) {
            pe_warn("Action %s for %s on %s exists %d times",
                    task, rsc ? rsc->id : "<NULL>",
                    on_node ? on_node->details->uname : "<NULL>", g_list_length(possible_matches));

        action = g_list_nth_data(possible_matches, 0);
        crm_trace("Found existing action (%d) %s for %s on %s",
                  action->id, task, rsc ? rsc->id : "<NULL>",
                  on_node ? on_node->details->uname : "<NULL>");

    if (action == NULL) {
        if (save_action) {
            crm_trace("Creating%s action %d: %s for %s on %s",
                      optional ? "" : " manditory", data_set->action_id, key,
                      rsc ? rsc->id : "<NULL>", on_node ? on_node->details->uname : "<NULL>");

        action = calloc(1, sizeof(action_t));
        if (save_action) {
            action->id = data_set->action_id++;
        } else {
            action->id = 0;
        action->rsc = rsc;
        CRM_ASSERT(task != NULL);
        action->task = strdup(task);
        if (on_node) {
            action->node = node_copy(on_node);
        action->uuid = strdup(key);

        pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_failure_is_fatal);
        pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
        if (optional) {
            pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
        } else {
            pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);

  Implied by calloc()...
  action->actions_before   = NULL;
  action->actions_after    = NULL;
  action->pseudo     = FALSE;
  action->dumped     = FALSE;
  action->processed  = FALSE;
  action->seen_count = 0;

        action->extra = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, free);

        action->meta = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, free);

        if (save_action) {
            data_set->actions = g_list_prepend(data_set->actions, action);

        if (rsc != NULL) {
            action->op_entry = find_rsc_op_entry_helper(rsc, key, TRUE);

            unpack_operation(action, action->op_entry, data_set);

            if (save_action) {
                rsc->actions = g_list_prepend(rsc->actions, action);

        if (save_action) {
            crm_trace("Action %d created", action->id);

    if (optional == FALSE) {
        crm_trace("Action %d (%s) marked manditory", action->id, action->uuid);
        pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);

    if (rsc != NULL) {
        enum action_tasks a_task = text2task(action->task);
        int warn_level = LOG_DEBUG_3;

        if (save_action) {
            warn_level = LOG_WARNING;

        if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_have_node_attrs) == FALSE
            && action->node != NULL && action->op_entry != NULL) {
            pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_have_node_attrs);
            unpack_instance_attributes(data_set->input, action->op_entry, XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS,
                                       action->extra, NULL, FALSE, data_set->now);

        if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) {
            /* leave untouched */

        } else if (action->node == NULL) {
            pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);

        } else if (is_not_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
                   && g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL) == NULL) {
            crm_debug("Action %s (unmanaged)", action->uuid);
            pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_optional);
/*   			action->runnable = FALSE; */

        } else if (action->node->details->online == FALSE) {
            pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
            do_crm_log(warn_level, "Action %s on %s is unrunnable (offline)",
                       action->uuid, action->node->details->uname);
            if (is_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)
                && save_action && a_task == stop_rsc) {
                do_crm_log(warn_level, "Marking node %s unclean", action->node->details->uname);
                action->node->details->unclean = TRUE;

        } else if (action->node->details->pending) {
            pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
            do_crm_log(warn_level, "Action %s on %s is unrunnable (pending)",
                       action->uuid, action->node->details->uname);

        } else if (action->needs == rsc_req_nothing) {
            crm_trace("Action %s doesnt require anything", action->uuid);
            pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
#if 0
             * No point checking this
             * - if we dont have quorum we cant stonith anyway
        } else if (action->needs == rsc_req_stonith) {
            crm_trace("Action %s requires only stonith", action->uuid);
            action->runnable = TRUE;
        } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE
                   && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_stop) {
            pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
            crm_debug("%s\t%s (cancelled : quorum)", action->node->details->uname, action->uuid);

        } else if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_have_quorum) == FALSE
                   && data_set->no_quorum_policy == no_quorum_freeze) {
            crm_trace("Check resource is already active");
            if (rsc->fns->active(rsc, TRUE) == FALSE) {
                pe_clear_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);
                crm_debug("%s\t%s (cancelled : quorum freeze)",
                          action->node->details->uname, action->uuid);

        } else {
            crm_trace("Action %s is runnable", action->uuid);
            pe_set_action_bit(action, pe_action_runnable);

        if (save_action) {
            switch (a_task) {
                case stop_rsc:
                    set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_stopping);
                case start_rsc:
                    clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_starting);
                    if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable)) {
                        set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_starting);

    return action;
Ejemplo n.º 2
process_graph_event(xmlNode * event, const char *event_node)
    int rc = -1;
    int status = -1;
    int callid = -1;

    int action = -1;
    int target_rc = -1;
    int transition_num = -1;
    char *update_te_uuid = NULL;

    gboolean stop_early = FALSE;
    gboolean passed = FALSE;
    const char *id = NULL;
    const char *desc = NULL;
    const char *magic = NULL;

    CRM_ASSERT(event != NULL);

<lrm_rsc_op id="rsc_east-05_last_0" operation_key="rsc_east-05_monitor_0" operation="monitor" crm-debug-origin="do_update_resource" crm_feature_set="3.0.6" transition-key="9:2:7:be2e97d9-05e2-439d-863e-48f7aecab2aa" transition-magic="0:7;9:2:7:be2e97d9-05e2-439d-863e-48f7aecab2aa" call-id="17" rc-code="7" op-status="0" interval="0" last-run="1355361636" last-rc-change="1355361636" exec-time="128" queue-time="0" op-digest="c81f5f40b1c9e859c992e800b1aa6972"/>

    id = crm_element_value(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
    crm_element_value_int(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC, &rc);
    crm_element_value_int(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_OPSTATUS, &status);
    crm_element_value_int(event, XML_LRM_ATTR_CALLID, &callid);

    magic = crm_element_value(event, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY);
    if (magic == NULL) {
        /* non-change */
        return FALSE;

    if (decode_transition_key(magic, &update_te_uuid, &transition_num, &action, &target_rc) ==
        FALSE) {
        crm_err("Invalid event %s.%d detected: %s", id, callid, magic);
        abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Bad event", event);
        return FALSE;

    if (status == PCMK_LRM_OP_PENDING) {
        goto bail;

    if (transition_num == -1) {
        desc = "initiated outside of the cluster";
        abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Unexpected event", event);

    } else if (action < 0 || crm_str_eq(update_te_uuid, te_uuid, TRUE) == FALSE) {
        desc = "initiated by a different node";
        abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Foreign event", event);
        stop_early = TRUE;      /* This could be an lrm status refresh */

    } else if (transition_graph->id != transition_num) {
        desc = "arrived really late";
        abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Old event", event);
        stop_early = TRUE;      /* This could be an lrm status refresh */

    } else if (transition_graph->complete) {
        desc = "arrived late";
        abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Inactive graph", event);

    } else if (match_graph_event(action, event, event_node, status, rc, target_rc) < 0) {
        desc = "unknown";
        abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Unknown event", event);

    } else if (rc == target_rc) {
        passed = TRUE;
        crm_trace("Processed update to %s: %s", id, magic);

    if (passed == FALSE) {
        if (update_failcount(event, event_node, rc, target_rc, transition_num == -1)) {
            /* Turns out this wasn't an lrm status refresh update aferall */
            stop_early = FALSE;
            desc = "failed";
        crm_info("Detected action (%d.%d) %s.%d=%s: %s", transition_num, action, id, callid,
                 services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc), desc);

    return stop_early;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
convert_ha_field(xmlNode * parent, void *msg_v, int lpc)
    int type = 0;
    const char *name = NULL;
    const char *value = NULL;
    xmlNode *xml = NULL;
    HA_Message *msg = msg_v;

    int rc = BZ_OK;
    size_t orig_len = 0;
    unsigned int used = 0;
    char *uncompressed = NULL;
    char *compressed = NULL;
    int size = orig_len * 10;

    CRM_CHECK(parent != NULL, return);
    CRM_CHECK(msg != NULL, return);

    name = msg->names[lpc];
    type = cl_get_type(msg, name);

    switch (type) {
        case FT_STRUCT:
            convert_ha_message(parent, msg->values[lpc], name);
        case FT_COMPRESS:
        case FT_UNCOMPRESS:
            convert_ha_message(parent, cl_get_struct(msg, name), name);
        case FT_STRING:
            value = msg->values[lpc];
            CRM_CHECK(value != NULL, return);
            crm_trace("Converting %s/%d/%s", name, type, value[0] == '<' ? "xml" : "field");

            if (value[0] != '<') {
                crm_xml_add(parent, name, value);

            /* unpack xml string */
            xml = string2xml(value);
            if (xml == NULL) {
                crm_err("Conversion of field '%s' failed", name);

            add_node_nocopy(parent, NULL, xml);

        case FT_BINARY:
            value = cl_get_binary(msg, name, &orig_len);
            size = orig_len * 10 + 1;   /* +1 because an exact 10x compression factor happens occasionally */

            if (orig_len < 3 || value[0] != 'B' || value[1] != 'Z' || value[2] != 'h') {
                if (strstr(name, "uuid") == NULL) {
                    crm_err("Skipping non-bzip binary field: %s", name);

            compressed = calloc(1, orig_len);
            memcpy(compressed, value, orig_len);

            crm_trace("Trying to decompress %d bytes", (int)orig_len);
            uncompressed = realloc_safe(uncompressed, size);
            memset(uncompressed, 0, size);
            used = size - 1;    /* always leave room for a trailing '\0'
                                 * BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress won't say anything if
                                 * the uncompressed data is exactly 'size' bytes

            rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(uncompressed, &used, compressed, orig_len, 1, 0);

            if (rc == BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL) {
                size = size * 2;
                /* don't try to allocate more memory than we have */
                if (size > 0) {
                    goto retry;

            if (rc != BZ_OK) {
                crm_err("Decompression of %s (%d bytes) into %d failed: %d",
                        name, (int)orig_len, size, rc);

            } else if (used >= size) {
                CRM_ASSERT(used < size);

            } else {
                CRM_LOG_ASSERT(uncompressed[used] == 0);
                uncompressed[used] = 0;
                xml = string2xml(uncompressed);

            if (xml != NULL) {
                add_node_copy(parent, xml);

Ejemplo n.º 4
GList *
    GList *units = NULL;
    DBusMessageIter args;
    DBusMessageIter unit;
    DBusMessage *msg = NULL;
    DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
    const char *method = "GetAllJobs";
    DBusError error;
    int lpc = 0;

    if (upstart_init() == FALSE) {
        return NULL;

  com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.GetAllJobs (out <Array of ObjectPath> jobs)

    msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(BUS_NAME, // target for the method call
                                       BUS_PATH, // object to call on
                                       UPSTART_06_API, // interface to call on
                                       method); // method name
    CRM_ASSERT(msg != NULL);

    reply = pcmk_dbus_send_recv(msg, upstart_proxy, &error, DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT);

    if(error.name) {
        crm_err("Call to %s failed: %s", method, error.name);
        return NULL;

    } else if (!dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &args)) {
        crm_err("Call to %s failed: Message has no arguments", method);
        return NULL;

    if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
        crm_err("Call to %s failed: Message has invalid arguments", method);
        return NULL;

    dbus_message_iter_recurse(&args, &unit);
    while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&unit) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) {
        DBusBasicValue value;
        const char *job = NULL;
        char *path = NULL;

        if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &unit, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {

        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&unit, &value);

        if(value.str) {
            int llpc = 0;
            path = value.str;
            job = value.str;
            while (path[llpc] != 0) {
                if (path[llpc] == '/') {
                    job = path + llpc + 1;
            crm_trace("%s -> %s\n", path, job);
            units = g_list_append(units, fix_upstart_name(job));
        dbus_message_iter_next (&unit);

    crm_trace("Found %d upstart jobs", lpc);
    return units;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * \internal
 * \brief handles the recv buffer and parsing out msgs.
 * \note new_data is owned by this function once it is passed in.
xmlNode *
crm_remote_parse_buffer(crm_remote_t * remote)
    xmlNode *xml = NULL;
    struct crm_remote_header_v0 *header = crm_remote_header(remote);

    if (remote->buffer == NULL || header == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    /* take ownership of the buffer */
    remote->buffer_offset = 0;

    /* Support compression on the receiving end now, in case we ever want to add it later */
    if (header->payload_compressed) {
        int rc = 0;
        unsigned int size_u = 1 + header->payload_uncompressed;
        char *uncompressed = calloc(1, header->payload_offset + size_u);

        crm_trace("Decompressing message data %d bytes into %d bytes",
                 header->payload_compressed, size_u);

        rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(uncompressed + header->payload_offset, &size_u,
                                        remote->buffer + header->payload_offset,
                                        header->payload_compressed, 1, 0);

        if (rc != BZ_OK && header->version > REMOTE_MSG_VERSION) {
            crm_warn("Couldn't decompress v%d message, we only understand v%d",
                     header->version, REMOTE_MSG_VERSION);
            return NULL;

        } else if (rc != BZ_OK) {
            crm_err("Decompression failed: %s (%d)", bz2_strerror(rc), rc);
            return NULL;

        CRM_ASSERT(size_u == header->payload_uncompressed);

        memcpy(uncompressed, remote->buffer, header->payload_offset);       /* Preserve the header */
        remote->buffer_size = header->payload_offset + size_u;

        remote->buffer = uncompressed;
        header = crm_remote_header(remote);

    CRM_LOG_ASSERT(remote->buffer[sizeof(struct crm_remote_header_v0) + header->payload_uncompressed - 1] == 0);

    xml = string2xml(remote->buffer + header->payload_offset);
    if (xml == NULL && header->version > REMOTE_MSG_VERSION) {
        crm_warn("Couldn't parse v%d message, we only understand v%d",
                 header->version, REMOTE_MSG_VERSION);

    } else if (xml == NULL) {
        crm_err("Couldn't parse: '%.120s'", remote->buffer + header->payload_offset);

    return xml;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void
operation_finished(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode)
    svc_action_t *op = mainloop_child_userdata(p);
    char *prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d", op->id, op->pid);

    op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
    CRM_ASSERT(op->pid == pid);

    crm_trace("%s %p %p", prefix, op->opaque->stderr_gsource, op->opaque->stdout_gsource);
    if (op->opaque->stderr_gsource) {
        /* Make sure we have read everything from the buffer.
         * Depending on the priority mainloop gives the fd, operation_finished
         * could occur before all the reads are done.  Force the read now.*/
        crm_trace("%s dispatching stderr", prefix);
        crm_trace("%s: %p", op->id, op->stderr_data);
        op->opaque->stderr_gsource = NULL;

    if (op->opaque->stdout_gsource) {
        /* Make sure we have read everything from the buffer.
         * Depending on the priority mainloop gives the fd, operation_finished
         * could occur before all the reads are done.  Force the read now.*/
        crm_trace("%s dispatching stdout", prefix);
        crm_trace("%s: %p", op->id, op->stdout_data);
        op->opaque->stdout_gsource = NULL;

    if (signo) {
        if (mainloop_child_timeout(p)) {
            crm_warn("%s - timed out after %dms", prefix, op->timeout);
            op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT;
            op->rc = PCMK_OCF_TIMEOUT;

        } else {
            do_crm_log_unlikely((op->cancel) ? LOG_INFO : LOG_WARNING,
                                "%s - terminated with signal %d", prefix, signo);
            op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
            op->rc = PCMK_OCF_SIGNAL;

    } else {
        op->rc = exitcode;
        crm_debug("%s - exited with rc=%d", prefix, exitcode);

    prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d:stderr", op->id, op->pid);
    crm_log_output(LOG_NOTICE, prefix, op->stderr_data);

    prefix = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%d:stdout", op->id, op->pid);
    crm_log_output(LOG_DEBUG, prefix, op->stdout_data);

Ejemplo n.º 7
char *
pcmk_message_common_cs(cpg_handle_t handle, uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *content,
                        uint32_t *kind, const char **from)
    char *data = NULL;
    AIS_Message *msg = (AIS_Message *) content;

    if(handle) {
        /* 'msg' came from CPG not the plugin
         * Do filtering and field massaging
        uint32_t local_nodeid = get_local_nodeid(handle);
        const char *local_name = get_local_node_name();

        if (msg->sender.id > 0 && msg->sender.id != nodeid) {
            crm_err("Nodeid mismatch from %d.%d: claimed nodeid=%u", nodeid, pid, msg->sender.id);
            return NULL;

        } else if (msg->host.id != 0 && (local_nodeid != msg->host.id)) {
            /* Not for us */
            crm_trace("Not for us: %u != %u", msg->host.id, local_nodeid);
            return NULL;
        } else if (msg->host.size != 0 && safe_str_neq(msg->host.uname, local_name)) {
            /* Not for us */
            crm_trace("Not for us: %s != %s", msg->host.uname, local_name);
            return NULL;

        msg->sender.id = nodeid;
        if (msg->sender.size == 0) {
            crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(nodeid, NULL);

            if (peer == NULL) {
                crm_err("Peer with nodeid=%u is unknown", nodeid);

            } else if (peer->uname == NULL) {
                crm_err("No uname for peer with nodeid=%u", nodeid);

            } else {
                crm_notice("Fixing uname for peer with nodeid=%u", nodeid);
                msg->sender.size = strlen(peer->uname);
                memset(msg->sender.uname, 0, MAX_NAME);
                memcpy(msg->sender.uname, peer->uname, msg->sender.size);

    crm_trace("Got new%s message (size=%d, %d, %d)",
              msg->is_compressed ? " compressed" : "",
              ais_data_len(msg), msg->size, msg->compressed_size);

    if (kind != NULL) {
        *kind = msg->header.id;
    if (from != NULL) {
        *from = msg->sender.uname;

    if (msg->is_compressed && msg->size > 0) {
        int rc = BZ_OK;
        char *uncompressed = NULL;
        unsigned int new_size = msg->size + 1;

        if (check_message_sanity(msg, NULL) == FALSE) {
            goto badmsg;

        crm_trace("Decompressing message data");
        uncompressed = calloc(1, new_size);
        rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(uncompressed, &new_size, msg->data, msg->compressed_size, 1, 0);

        if (rc != BZ_OK) {
            crm_err("Decompression failed: %d", rc);
            goto badmsg;

        CRM_ASSERT(rc == BZ_OK);
        CRM_ASSERT(new_size == msg->size);

        data = uncompressed;

    } else if (check_message_sanity(msg, data) == FALSE) {
        goto badmsg;

    } else if (safe_str_eq("identify", data)) {
        int pid = getpid();
        char *pid_s = crm_itoa(pid);

        send_cluster_text(crm_class_cluster, pid_s, TRUE, NULL, crm_msg_ais);
        return NULL;

    } else {
        data = strdup(msg->data);

    if (msg->header.id != crm_class_members) {
        /* Is this even needed anymore? */
        crm_get_peer(msg->sender.id, msg->sender.uname);

    if (msg->header.id == crm_class_rmpeer) {
        uint32_t id = crm_int_helper(data, NULL);

        crm_info("Removing peer %s/%u", data, id);
        reap_crm_member(id, NULL);
        return NULL;

    } else if (is_classic_ais_cluster()) {

    crm_trace("Payload: %.200s", data);
    return data;

    crm_err("Invalid message (id=%d, dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d):"
            " min=%d, total=%d, size=%d, bz2_size=%d",
            msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(msg->host.type),
            ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type),
            msg->sender.pid, (int)sizeof(AIS_Message),
            msg->header.size, msg->size, msg->compressed_size);

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static char *
convert_non_atomic_uuid(char *old_uuid, resource_t * rsc, gboolean allow_notify,
                        gboolean free_original)
    int interval = 0;
    char *uuid = NULL;
    char *rid = NULL;
    char *raw_task = NULL;
    int task = no_action;

    pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Processing %s", old_uuid);
    if (old_uuid == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    } else if (strstr(old_uuid, "notify") != NULL) {
        goto done;              /* no conversion */

    } else if (rsc->variant < pe_group) {
        goto done;              /* no conversion */

    CRM_ASSERT(parse_op_key(old_uuid, &rid, &raw_task, &interval));
    if (interval > 0) {
        goto done;              /* no conversion */

    task = text2task(raw_task);
    switch (task) {
        case stop_rsc:
        case start_rsc:
        case action_notify:
        case action_promote:
        case action_demote:
        case stopped_rsc:
        case started_rsc:
        case action_notified:
        case action_promoted:
        case action_demoted:
        case monitor_rsc:
        case shutdown_crm:
        case stonith_node:
            task = no_action;
            crm_err("Unknown action: %s", raw_task);
            task = no_action;

    if (task != no_action) {
        if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_notify) && allow_notify) {
            uuid = generate_notify_key(rid, "confirmed-post", task2text(task + 1));

        } else {
            uuid = generate_op_key(rid, task2text(task + 1), 0);
        pe_rsc_trace(rsc, "Converted %s -> %s", old_uuid, uuid);

    if (uuid == NULL) {
        uuid = strdup(old_uuid);

    if (free_original) {

    return uuid;
Ejemplo n.º 9
cib_config_changed(xmlNode * last, xmlNode * next, xmlNode ** diff)
    int lpc = 0, max = 0;
    gboolean config_changes = FALSE;
    xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = NULL;

    CRM_ASSERT(diff != NULL);

    if (*diff == NULL && last != NULL && next != NULL) {
        *diff = diff_xml_object(last, next, FALSE);

    if (*diff == NULL) {
        goto done;

    xpathObj = xpath_search(*diff, "//" XML_CIB_TAG_CONFIGURATION);
    if (numXpathResults(xpathObj) > 0) {
        config_changes = TRUE;
        goto done;

     * Do not check XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//" XML_TAG_CIB
     * This always contains every field and would produce a false positive
     * every time if the checked value existed
    xpathObj = xpath_search(*diff, "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_REMOVED "//" XML_TAG_CIB);
    max = numXpathResults(xpathObj);

    for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) {
        xmlNode *top = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc);

        if (crm_element_value(top, XML_ATTR_GENERATION) != NULL) {
            config_changes = TRUE;
            goto done;
        if (crm_element_value(top, XML_ATTR_GENERATION_ADMIN) != NULL) {
            config_changes = TRUE;
            goto done;

        if (crm_element_value(top, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION) != NULL) {
            config_changes = TRUE;
            goto done;
        if (crm_element_value(top, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION) != NULL) {
            config_changes = TRUE;
            goto done;
        if (crm_element_value(top, "remote-clear-port") != NULL) {
            config_changes = TRUE;
            goto done;
        if (crm_element_value(top, "remote-tls-port") != NULL) {
            config_changes = TRUE;
            goto done;

    return config_changes;
Ejemplo n.º 10
do_cib_control(long long action,
	       enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
	       enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
	       enum crmd_fsa_input current_input,
	       fsa_data_t *msg_data)
	struct crm_subsystem_s *this_subsys = cib_subsystem;
	long long stop_actions = A_CIB_STOP;
	long long start_actions = A_CIB_START;

	if(action & stop_actions) {

		if (fsa_cib_conn->state != cib_disconnected && last_resource_update != 0) {
		    crm_info("Waiting for resource update %d to complete", last_resource_update);

		crm_info("Disconnecting CIB");
		clear_bit_inplace(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED);
		CRM_ASSERT(fsa_cib_conn != NULL);

		    fsa_cib_conn, T_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY, do_cib_updated);

		if(fsa_cib_conn->state != cib_disconnected) {
				fsa_cib_conn, cib_scope_local);

	if(action & start_actions) {
		int rc = cib_ok;
		CRM_ASSERT(fsa_cib_conn != NULL);
		if(cur_state == S_STOPPING) {
			crm_err("Ignoring request to start %s after shutdown",

		rc = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->signon(
			fsa_cib_conn, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, cib_command);

		if(rc != cib_ok) {
			/* a short wait that usually avoids stalling the FSA */
			rc = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->signon(
				fsa_cib_conn, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, cib_command);
		if(rc != cib_ok){
			crm_info("Could not connect to the CIB service: %s", cib_error2string(rc));

		} else if(cib_ok != fsa_cib_conn->cmds->set_connection_dnotify(
				  fsa_cib_conn, crmd_cib_connection_destroy)) {
			crm_err("Could not set dnotify callback");
		} else if(cib_ok != fsa_cib_conn->cmds->add_notify_callback(
				  fsa_cib_conn, T_CIB_REPLACE_NOTIFY,
				  do_cib_replaced)) {
			crm_err("Could not set CIB notification callback");

		} else if(cib_ok != fsa_cib_conn->cmds->add_notify_callback(
			      fsa_cib_conn, T_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY, do_cib_updated)) {
		    crm_err("Could not set CIB notification callback");
		} else {
				fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED);
		if(is_set(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED) == FALSE) {
			crm_warn("Couldn't complete CIB registration %d"
				 " times... pause and retry",
			if(cib_retries < 30) {
			} else {
				crm_err("Could not complete CIB"
					" registration  %d times..."
					" hard error", cib_retries);
		} else {
			int call_id = 0;
			crm_info("CIB connection established");
			call_id = fsa_cib_conn->cmds->query(
				fsa_cib_conn, NULL, NULL, cib_scope_local);
			add_cib_op_callback(fsa_cib_conn, call_id, FALSE, NULL,
			cib_retries = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void
master_promotion_order(resource_t * rsc, pe_working_set_t * data_set)
    GListPtr gIter = NULL;
    node_t *node = NULL;
    node_t *chosen = NULL;
    clone_variant_data_t *clone_data = NULL;

    get_clone_variant_data(clone_data, rsc);

    if (clone_data->merged_master_weights) {
    clone_data->merged_master_weights = TRUE;
    crm_trace("Merging weights for %s", rsc->id);
    set_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging);

    gIter = rsc->children;
    for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
        resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;

        crm_trace("Sort index: %s = %d", child->id, child->sort_index);
    dump_node_scores(LOG_DEBUG_3, rsc, "Before", rsc->allowed_nodes);

    gIter = rsc->children;
    for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
        resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;

        chosen = child->fns->location(child, NULL, FALSE);
        if (chosen == NULL || child->sort_index < 0) {
            crm_trace("Skipping %s", child->id);

        node = (node_t *) pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, chosen->details->id);
        CRM_ASSERT(node != NULL);
        /* adds in master preferences and rsc_location.role=Master */
        crm_trace("Adding %s to %s from %s", score2char(child->sort_index), node->details->uname,
        node->weight = merge_weights(child->sort_index, node->weight);

    dump_node_scores(LOG_DEBUG_3, rsc, "Middle", rsc->allowed_nodes);

    gIter = rsc->rsc_cons;
    for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
        rsc_colocation_t *constraint = (rsc_colocation_t *) gIter->data;

        /* (re-)adds location preferences of resources that the
         * master instance should/must be colocated with
        if (constraint->role_lh == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
            crm_trace("RHS: %s with %s: %d", constraint->rsc_lh->id, constraint->rsc_rh->id,
            rsc->allowed_nodes =
                constraint->rsc_rh->cmds->merge_weights(constraint->rsc_rh, rsc->id,
                                                        constraint->score / INFINITY,
                                                        constraint->score ==
                                                        INFINITY ? FALSE : TRUE, FALSE);

    gIter = rsc->rsc_cons_lhs;
    for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
        rsc_colocation_t *constraint = (rsc_colocation_t *) gIter->data;

        /* (re-)adds location preferences of resource that wish to be
         * colocated with the master instance
        if (constraint->role_rh == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
            crm_trace("LHS: %s with %s: %d", constraint->rsc_lh->id, constraint->rsc_rh->id,
            rsc->allowed_nodes =
                constraint->rsc_lh->cmds->merge_weights(constraint->rsc_lh, rsc->id,
                                                        constraint->score / INFINITY, TRUE, TRUE);

    gIter = rsc->rsc_tickets;
    for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
        rsc_ticket_t *rsc_ticket = (rsc_ticket_t *) gIter->data;

        if (rsc_ticket->role_lh == RSC_ROLE_MASTER && rsc_ticket->ticket->granted == FALSE) {
            resource_location(rsc, NULL, -INFINITY, "__stateful_without_ticket__", data_set);

    dump_node_scores(LOG_DEBUG_3, rsc, "After", rsc->allowed_nodes);

    /* write them back and sort */

    gIter = rsc->children;
    for (; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
        resource_t *child = (resource_t *) gIter->data;

        chosen = child->fns->location(child, NULL, FALSE);
        if (is_not_set(child->flags, pe_rsc_managed) && child->next_role == RSC_ROLE_MASTER) {
            child->sort_index = INFINITY;

        } else if (chosen == NULL || child->sort_index < 0) {
            crm_trace("%s: %d", child->id, child->sort_index);

        } else {
            node = (node_t *) pe_hash_table_lookup(rsc->allowed_nodes, chosen->details->id);
            CRM_ASSERT(node != NULL);

            child->sort_index = node->weight;
        crm_trace("Set sort index: %s = %d", child->id, child->sort_index);

    rsc->children = g_list_sort_with_data(rsc->children, sort_master_instance, data_set);
    clear_bit(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_merging);
static gboolean
te_fence_node(crm_graph_t *graph, crm_action_t *action)
	const char *id = NULL;
	const char *uuid = NULL;
	const char *target = NULL;
	const char *type = NULL;
	stonith_ops_t * st_op = NULL;
	id = ID(action->xml);
	target = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
	uuid = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET_UUID);
	type = crm_meta_value(action->params, "stonith_action");
		  crm_log_xml_warn(action->xml, "BadAction");
		  return FALSE);
	CRM_CHECK(uuid != NULL,
		  crm_log_xml_warn(action->xml, "BadAction");
		  return FALSE);
	CRM_CHECK(type != NULL,
		  crm_log_xml_warn(action->xml, "BadAction");
		  return FALSE);
	CRM_CHECK(target != NULL,
		  crm_log_xml_warn(action->xml, "BadAction");
		  return FALSE);

		      "Executing %s fencing operation (%s) on %s (timeout=%d)",
		      type, id, target, transition_graph->stonith_timeout);

	/* Passing NULL means block until we can connect... */
	crm_malloc0(st_op, sizeof(stonith_ops_t));
	if(safe_str_eq(type, "poweroff")) {
		st_op->optype = POWEROFF;
	} else {
		st_op->optype = RESET;
	st_op->timeout = transition_graph->stonith_timeout;
	st_op->node_name = crm_strdup(target);
	st_op->node_uuid = crm_strdup(uuid);
	st_op->private_data = generate_transition_key(
	    transition_graph->id, action->id, 0, te_uuid);
	CRM_ASSERT(stonithd_input_IPC_channel() != NULL);
	if (ST_OK != stonithd_node_fence( st_op )) {
		crm_err("Cannot fence %s: stonithd_node_fence() call failed ",

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 13
do_election_count_vote(long long action,
                       enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
                       enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
                       enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
    struct timeval your_age;
    int age;
    int election_id = -1;
    int log_level = LOG_INFO;
    gboolean use_born_on = FALSE;
    gboolean done = FALSE;
    gboolean we_loose = FALSE;
    const char *op = NULL;
    const char *vote_from = NULL;
    const char *your_version = NULL;
    const char *election_owner = NULL;
    const char *reason = "unknown";
    crm_node_t *our_node = NULL, *your_node = NULL;
    ha_msg_input_t *vote = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg);

    static time_t last_election_loss = 0;

    /* if the membership copy is NULL we REALLY shouldnt be voting
     * the question is how we managed to get here.

    CRM_CHECK(msg_data != NULL, return);
    CRM_CHECK(crm_peer_cache != NULL, return);
    CRM_CHECK(vote != NULL, crm_err("Bogus data from %s", msg_data->origin); return);
    CRM_CHECK(vote->msg != NULL, crm_err("Bogus data from %s", msg_data->origin); return);

    your_age.tv_sec = 0;
    your_age.tv_usec = 0;

    op = crm_element_value(vote->msg, F_CRM_TASK);
    vote_from = crm_element_value(vote->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
    your_version = crm_element_value(vote->msg, F_CRM_VERSION);
    election_owner = crm_element_value(vote->msg, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER);
    crm_element_value_int(vote->msg, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, &election_id);
    crm_element_value_int(vote->msg, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_S, (int *)&(your_age.tv_sec));
    crm_element_value_int(vote->msg, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_US, (int *)&(your_age.tv_usec));

    CRM_CHECK(vote_from != NULL, vote_from = fsa_our_uname);

    your_node = crm_get_peer(0, vote_from);
    our_node = crm_get_peer(0, fsa_our_uname);

    if (voted == NULL) {
        crm_debug("Created voted hash");
        voted = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                      g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);

    if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
        use_born_on = TRUE;
    } else if (is_classic_ais_cluster()) {
        use_born_on = TRUE;

    age = crm_compare_age(your_age);

    if (cur_state == S_STARTING) {
        reason = "Still starting";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (our_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(our_node) == FALSE) {
        reason = "We are not part of the cluster";
        log_level = LOG_ERR;
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (election_id != current_election_id && crm_str_eq(fsa_our_uuid, election_owner, TRUE)) {
        log_level = LOG_DEBUG_2;
        reason = "Superceeded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (your_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(your_node) == FALSE) {
        /* Possibly we cached the message in the FSA queue at a point that it wasn't */
        reason = "Peer is not part of our cluster";
        log_level = LOG_WARNING;
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_NOVOTE, TRUE)) {
        char *op_copy = strdup(op);
        char *uname_copy = strdup(vote_from);

        CRM_ASSERT(crm_str_eq(fsa_our_uuid, election_owner, TRUE));

        /* update the list of nodes that have voted */
        g_hash_table_replace(voted, uname_copy, op_copy);
        reason = "Recorded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (crm_str_eq(vote_from, fsa_our_uname, TRUE)) {
        char *op_copy = strdup(op);
        char *uname_copy = strdup(vote_from);

        CRM_ASSERT(crm_str_eq(fsa_our_uuid, election_owner, TRUE));

        /* update ourselves in the list of nodes that have voted */
        g_hash_table_replace(voted, uname_copy, op_copy);
        reason = "Recorded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (compare_version(your_version, CRM_FEATURE_SET) < 0) {
        reason = "Version";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (compare_version(your_version, CRM_FEATURE_SET) > 0) {
        reason = "Version";

    } else if (age < 0) {
        reason = "Uptime";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (age > 0) {
        reason = "Uptime";

        /* TODO: Check for y(our) born < 0 */
    } else if (use_born_on && your_node->born < our_node->born) {
        reason = "Born";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (use_born_on && your_node->born > our_node->born) {
        reason = "Born";

    } else if (fsa_our_uname == NULL) {
        reason = "Unknown host name";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (strcasecmp(fsa_our_uname, vote_from) > 0) {
        reason = "Host name";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else {
        reason = "Host name";
        CRM_ASSERT(strcmp(fsa_our_uname, vote_from) != 0);
/* cant happen...
 *	} else if(strcasecmp(fsa_our_uname, vote_from) == 0) {
 * default...
 *	} else { // strcasecmp(fsa_our_uname, vote_from) < 0
 *		we win

    if (done) {
        do_crm_log(log_level + 1, "Election %d (current: %d, owner: %s): Processed %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, current_election_id, election_owner, op, vote_from, reason);

    } else if (we_loose) {
        xmlNode *novote = create_request(CRM_OP_NOVOTE, NULL, vote_from,
                                         CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, NULL);

        do_crm_log(log_level, "Election %d (owner: %s) lost: %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, election_owner, op, vote_from, reason);

        if (fsa_input_register & R_THE_DC) {
            crm_trace("Give up the DC to %s", vote_from);
            register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_RELEASE_DC, NULL);

        } else if (cur_state != S_STARTING) {
            crm_trace("We werent the DC anyway");
            register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_PENDING, NULL);

        crm_xml_add(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER, election_owner);
        crm_xml_add_int(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, election_id);

        send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, vote_from), crm_msg_crmd, novote, TRUE);

        fsa_cib_conn->cmds->set_slave(fsa_cib_conn, cib_scope_local);

        last_election_loss = time(NULL);

    } else {
        do_crm_log(log_level, "Election %d (owner: %s) pass: %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, election_owner, op, vote_from, reason);

        if (last_election_loss) {
            time_t tm_now = time(NULL);

            if (tm_now - last_election_loss < (time_t) loss_dampen) {
                crm_info("Election %d ignore: We already lost an election less than %ds ago (%s)",
                         election_id, loss_dampen, ctime(&last_election_loss));
            last_election_loss = 0;

        register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION, NULL);
        voted = NULL;
enum election_result
election_count_vote(election_t *e, xmlNode *vote, bool can_win)
    int age = 0;
    int election_id = -1;
    int log_level = LOG_INFO;
    gboolean use_born_on = FALSE;
    gboolean done = FALSE;
    gboolean we_loose = FALSE;
    const char *op = NULL;
    const char *from = NULL;
    const char *reason = "unknown";
    const char *election_owner = NULL;
    crm_node_t *our_node = NULL, *your_node = NULL;

    static int election_wins = 0;

    xmlNode *novote = NULL;
    time_t tm_now = time(NULL);
    static time_t expires = 0;
    static time_t last_election_loss = 0;

    /* if the membership copy is NULL we REALLY shouldn't be voting
     * the question is how we managed to get here.

    CRM_CHECK(vote != NULL, return election_error);

    if(e == NULL) {
        crm_info("Not voting in election: not initialized");
        return election_lost;

    } else if(crm_peer_cache == NULL) {
        crm_info("Not voting in election: no peer cache");
        return election_lost;

    op = crm_element_value(vote, F_CRM_TASK);
    from = crm_element_value(vote, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
    election_owner = crm_element_value(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER);
    crm_element_value_int(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, &election_id);

    your_node = crm_get_peer(0, from);
    our_node = crm_get_peer(0, e->uname);

    if (e->voted == NULL) {
        crm_debug("Created voted hash");
        e->voted = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                         g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);

    if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
        use_born_on = TRUE;
    } else if (is_classic_ais_cluster()) {
        use_born_on = TRUE;

    if(can_win == FALSE) {
        reason = "Not eligible";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (our_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(our_node) == FALSE) {
        reason = "We are not part of the cluster";
        log_level = LOG_ERR;
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (election_id != e->count && crm_str_eq(our_node->uuid, election_owner, TRUE)) {
        log_level = LOG_TRACE;
        reason = "Superseded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (your_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(your_node) == FALSE) {
        /* Possibly we cached the message in the FSA queue at a point that it wasn't */
        reason = "Peer is not part of our cluster";
        log_level = LOG_WARNING;
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_NOVOTE, TRUE)) {
        char *op_copy = strdup(op);
        char *uname_copy = strdup(from);

        CRM_ASSERT(crm_str_eq(our_node->uuid, election_owner, TRUE));

        /* update the list of nodes that have voted */
        g_hash_table_replace(e->voted, uname_copy, op_copy);
        reason = "Recorded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else {
        struct timeval your_age;
        const char *your_version = crm_element_value(vote, F_CRM_VERSION);
        int tv_sec = 0;
        int tv_usec = 0;

        crm_element_value_int(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_S, &tv_sec);
        crm_element_value_int(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_US, &tv_usec);

        your_age.tv_sec = tv_sec;
        your_age.tv_usec = tv_usec;

        age = crm_compare_age(your_age);
        if (crm_str_eq(from, e->uname, TRUE)) {
            char *op_copy = strdup(op);
            char *uname_copy = strdup(from);

            CRM_ASSERT(crm_str_eq(our_node->uuid, election_owner, TRUE));

            /* update ourselves in the list of nodes that have voted */
            g_hash_table_replace(e->voted, uname_copy, op_copy);
            reason = "Recorded";
            done = TRUE;

        } else if (compare_version(your_version, CRM_FEATURE_SET) < 0) {
            reason = "Version";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else if (compare_version(your_version, CRM_FEATURE_SET) > 0) {
            reason = "Version";

        } else if (age < 0) {
            reason = "Uptime";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else if (age > 0) {
            reason = "Uptime";

            /* TODO: Check for y(our) born < 0 */
        } else if (use_born_on && your_node->born < our_node->born) {
            reason = "Born";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else if (use_born_on && your_node->born > our_node->born) {
            reason = "Born";

        } else if (e->uname == NULL) {
            reason = "Unknown host name";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else if (strcasecmp(e->uname, from) > 0) {
            reason = "Host name";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else {
            reason = "Host name";
            CRM_ASSERT(strcasecmp(e->uname, from) < 0);
/* can't happen...
 *	} else if(strcasecmp(e->uname, from) == 0) {

    if (expires < tm_now) {
        election_wins = 0;
        expires = tm_now + STORM_INTERVAL;

    } else if (done == FALSE && we_loose == FALSE) {
        int peers = 1 + g_hash_table_size(crm_peer_cache);

        /* If every node has to vote down every other node, thats N*(N-1) total elections
         * Allow some leway before _really_ complaining
        if (election_wins > (peers * peers)) {
            crm_warn("Election storm detected: %d elections in %d seconds", election_wins,
            election_wins = 0;
            expires = tm_now + STORM_INTERVAL;
            crm_write_blackbox(0, NULL);

    if (done) {
        do_crm_log(log_level + 1, "Election %d (current: %d, owner: %s): Processed %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, e->count, election_owner, op, from, reason);
        return e->state;

    } else if(we_loose == FALSE) {
        do_crm_log(log_level, "Election %d (owner: %s) pass: %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, election_owner, op, from, reason);

        if (last_election_loss == 0
            || tm_now - last_election_loss > (time_t) loss_dampen) {

            last_election_loss = 0;

            /* Start a new election by voting down this, and other, peers */
            e->state = election_start;
            return e->state;

        crm_info("Election %d ignore: We already lost an election less than %ds ago (%s)",
                 election_id, loss_dampen, ctime(&last_election_loss));

    novote = create_request(CRM_OP_NOVOTE, NULL, from,
                            CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, NULL);

    do_crm_log(log_level, "Election %d (owner: %s) lost: %s from %s (%s)",
               election_id, election_owner, op, from, reason);


    crm_xml_add(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER, election_owner);
    crm_xml_add_int(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, election_id);

    send_cluster_message(your_node, crm_msg_crmd, novote, TRUE);

    last_election_loss = tm_now;
    e->state = election_lost;
    return e->state;
Ejemplo n.º 15
const char *
crm_ipc_name(crm_ipc_t * client)
    CRM_ASSERT(client != NULL);
    return client->name;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/* Exit code means? */
static int32_t
st_ipc_dispatch(qb_ipcs_connection_t * qbc, void *data, size_t size)
    uint32_t id = 0;
    uint32_t flags = 0;
    int call_options = 0;
    xmlNode *request = NULL;
    crm_client_t *c = crm_client_get(qbc);
    const char *op = NULL;

    if (c == NULL) {
        crm_info("Invalid client: %p", qbc);
        return 0;

    request = crm_ipcs_recv(c, data, size, &id, &flags);
    if (request == NULL) {
        crm_ipcs_send_ack(c, id, flags, "nack", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
        return 0;

    op = crm_element_value(request, F_CRM_TASK);
    if(safe_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_RM_NODE_CACHE)) {
        crm_xml_add(request, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG);
        crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op);
        crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, c->id);
        crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, crm_client_name(c));
        crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNODE, stonith_our_uname);

        send_cluster_message(NULL, crm_msg_stonith_ng, request, FALSE);
        return 0;

    if (c->name == NULL) {
        const char *value = crm_element_value(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME);

        if (value == NULL) {
            value = "unknown";
        c->name = crm_strdup_printf("%s.%u", value, c->pid);

    crm_element_value_int(request, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, &call_options);
    crm_trace("Flags %u/%u for command %u from %s", flags, call_options, id, crm_client_name(c));

    if (is_set(call_options, st_opt_sync_call)) {
        CRM_ASSERT(flags & crm_ipc_client_response);
        CRM_LOG_ASSERT(c->request_id == 0);     /* This means the client has two synchronous events in-flight */
        c->request_id = id;     /* Reply only to the last one */

    crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTID, c->id);
    crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, crm_client_name(c));
    crm_xml_add(request, F_STONITH_CLIENTNODE, stonith_our_uname);

    crm_log_xml_trace(request, "Client[inbound]");
    stonith_command(c, id, flags, request, NULL);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
crm_ipc_prepare(uint32_t request, xmlNode * message, struct iovec ** result, uint32_t max_send_size)
    static unsigned int biggest = 0;
    struct iovec *iov;
    unsigned int total = 0;
    char *compressed = NULL;
    char *buffer = dump_xml_unformatted(message);
    struct crm_ipc_response_header *header = calloc(1, sizeof(struct crm_ipc_response_header));

    CRM_ASSERT(result != NULL);


    if (max_send_size == 0) {
        max_send_size = ipc_buffer_max;

    CRM_LOG_ASSERT(max_send_size != 0);

    *result = NULL;
    iov = calloc(2, sizeof(struct iovec));

    iov[0].iov_len = hdr_offset;
    iov[0].iov_base = header;

    header->version = PCMK_IPC_VERSION;
    header->size_uncompressed = 1 + strlen(buffer);
    total = iov[0].iov_len + header->size_uncompressed;

    if (total < max_send_size) {
        iov[1].iov_base = buffer;
        iov[1].iov_len = header->size_uncompressed;

    } else {
        unsigned int new_size = 0;

        if (crm_compress_string
            (buffer, header->size_uncompressed, max_send_size, &compressed, &new_size)) {

            header->flags |= crm_ipc_compressed;
            header->size_compressed = new_size;

            iov[1].iov_len = header->size_compressed;
            iov[1].iov_base = compressed;


            biggest = QB_MAX(header->size_compressed, biggest);

        } else {
            ssize_t rc = -EMSGSIZE;

            crm_log_xml_trace(message, "EMSGSIZE");
            biggest = QB_MAX(header->size_uncompressed, biggest);

                ("Could not compress the message (%u bytes) into less than the configured ipc limit (%u bytes). "
                 "Set PCMK_ipc_buffer to a higher value (%u bytes suggested)",
                 header->size_uncompressed, max_send_size, 4 * biggest);


            return rc;

    header->qb.size = iov[0].iov_len + iov[1].iov_len;
    header->qb.id = (int32_t)request;    /* Replying to a specific request */

    *result = iov;
    CRM_ASSERT(header->qb.size > 0);
    return header->qb.size;
Ejemplo n.º 18
/* coverity[-alloc] Memory is referenced in one or both hashtables */
crm_node_t *
crm_get_peer(unsigned int id, const char *uname)
    crm_node_t *node = NULL;
    CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL);


    if (node == NULL && uname != NULL) {
        node = g_hash_table_lookup(crm_peer_cache, uname);

    if (node == NULL && id > 0) {
        node = g_hash_table_lookup(crm_peer_id_cache, GUINT_TO_POINTER(id));

        if (node && node->uname && uname) {
            crm_crit("Node %s and %s share the same cluster node id '%u'!", node->uname, uname, id);
            /* NOTE: Calling crm_new_peer() means the entry in 
             * crm_peer_id_cache will point to the new entity
             * TO-DO: Replace the old uname instead?
            node = NULL;

    if (node == NULL) {
        crm_debug("Creating entry for node %s/%u", uname, id);

        node = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_node_t));

    if (id > 0 && node->id != id) {
        node->id = id;
        crm_info("Node %s now has id: %u", crm_str(uname), id);
        g_hash_table_replace(crm_peer_id_cache, GUINT_TO_POINTER(node->id), node);

    if (uname && node->uname == NULL) {
        node->uname = strdup(uname);
        crm_info("Node %u is now known as %s", id, uname);
        g_hash_table_replace(crm_peer_cache, node->uname, node);
        if (crm_status_callback) {
            crm_status_callback(crm_status_uname, node, NULL);

    if (node && node->uname && node->uuid == NULL) {
        const char *uuid = get_node_uuid(id, node->uname);

        if(uuid) {
            node->uuid = strdup(uuid);
            crm_info("Node %u has uuid %s", id, node->uuid);
        } else {
            crm_warn("Cannot obtain a UUID for node %d/%s", id, node->uname);

    return node;
Ejemplo n.º 19
static void
action_synced_wait(svc_action_t * op, sigset_t mask)

    int status = 0;
    int timeout = op->timeout;
    int sfd = -1;
    time_t start = -1;
    struct pollfd fds[3];
    int wait_rc = 0;

    sfd = signalfd(-1, &mask, SFD_NONBLOCK);
    if (sfd < 0) {
        crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "signalfd() failed");

    fds[0].fd = op->opaque->stdout_fd;
    fds[0].events = POLLIN;
    fds[0].revents = 0;

    fds[1].fd = op->opaque->stderr_fd;
    fds[1].events = POLLIN;
    fds[1].revents = 0;

    fds[2].fd = sfd;
    fds[2].events = POLLIN;
    fds[2].revents = 0;

    crm_trace("Waiting for %d", op->pid);
    start = time(NULL);
    do {
        int poll_rc = poll(fds, 3, timeout);

        if (poll_rc > 0) {
            if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) {
                svc_read_output(op->opaque->stdout_fd, op, FALSE);

            if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) {
                svc_read_output(op->opaque->stderr_fd, op, TRUE);

            if (fds[2].revents & POLLIN) {
                struct signalfd_siginfo fdsi;
                ssize_t s;

                s = read(sfd, &fdsi, sizeof(struct signalfd_siginfo));
                if (s != sizeof(struct signalfd_siginfo)) {
                    crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Read from signal fd %d failed", sfd);

                } else if (fdsi.ssi_signo == SIGCHLD) {
                    wait_rc = waitpid(op->pid, &status, WNOHANG);

                    if (wait_rc < 0){
                        crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "waitpid() for %d failed", op->pid);

                    } else if (wait_rc > 0) {

        } else if (poll_rc == 0) {
            timeout = 0;

        } else if (poll_rc < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR) {
                crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "poll() failed");

        timeout = op->timeout - (time(NULL) - start) * 1000;

    } while ((op->timeout < 0 || timeout > 0));

    crm_trace("Child done: %d", op->pid);
    if (wait_rc <= 0) {
        int killrc = kill(op->pid, SIGKILL);

        op->rc = PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        if (op->timeout > 0 && timeout <= 0) {
            op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_TIMEOUT;
            crm_warn("%s:%d - timed out after %dms", op->id, op->pid, op->timeout);

        } else {
            op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;

        if (killrc && errno != ESRCH) {
            crm_err("kill(%d, KILL) failed: %d", op->pid, errno);
         * From sigprocmask(2):
         * It is not possible to block SIGKILL or SIGSTOP.  Attempts to do so are silently ignored.
         * This makes it safe to skip WNOHANG here
        waitpid(op->pid, &status, 0);

    } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
        op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE;
        op->rc = WEXITSTATUS(status);
        crm_info("Managed %s process %d exited with rc=%d", op->id, op->pid, op->rc);

    } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
        int signo = WTERMSIG(status);

        op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_ERROR;
        crm_err("Managed %s process %d exited with signal=%d", op->id, op->pid, signo);
    if (WCOREDUMP(status)) {
        crm_err("Managed %s process %d dumped core", op->id, op->pid);

    svc_read_output(op->opaque->stdout_fd, op, FALSE);
    svc_read_output(op->opaque->stderr_fd, op, TRUE);



Ejemplo n.º 20
 * Useful Examples:
 *    http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/Linux-PAM-html
 *    http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/CryptNoMore/index.html
static int
construct_pam_passwd(int num_msg, const struct pam_message **msg,
                     struct pam_response **response, void *data)
    int count = 0;
    struct pam_response *reply;
    char *string = (char *)data;

    CRM_CHECK(data, return PAM_CONV_ERR);
    CRM_CHECK(num_msg == 1, return PAM_CONV_ERR);       /* We only want to handle one message */

    reply = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pam_response));
    CRM_ASSERT(reply != NULL);

    for (count = 0; count < num_msg; ++count) {
        switch (msg[count]->msg_style) {
            case PAM_TEXT_INFO:
                crm_info("PAM: %s\n", msg[count]->msg);
            case PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF:
            case PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON:
                reply[count].resp_retcode = 0;
                reply[count].resp = string;     /* We already made a copy */
            case PAM_ERROR_MSG:
                /* In theory we'd want to print this, but then
                 * we see the password prompt in the logs
                /* crm_err("PAM error: %s\n", msg[count]->msg); */
                crm_err("Unhandled conversation type: %d", msg[count]->msg_style);
                goto bail;

    *response = reply;
    reply = NULL;

    return PAM_SUCCESS;

    for (count = 0; count < num_msg; ++count) {
        if (reply[count].resp != NULL) {
            switch (msg[count]->msg_style) {
                case PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON:
                case PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF:
                    /* Erase the data - it contained a password */
                    while (*(reply[count].resp)) {
                        *(reply[count].resp)++ = '\0';
            reply[count].resp = NULL;
    reply = NULL;

    return PAM_CONV_ERR;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * \internal
 * \brief Return whether a directory or file is writable by a user/group
 * \param[in] dir Directory to check or that contains file
 * \param[in] file File name to check (or NULL to check directory)
 * \param[in] user Name of user that should have write permission
 * \param[in] group Name of group that should have write permission
 * \param[in] need_both Whether both user and group must be able to write
 * \return TRUE if permissions match, FALSE if they don't or on error
crm_is_writable(const char *dir, const char *file,
                const char *user, const char *group, gboolean need_both)
    int s_res = -1;
    struct stat buf;
    char *full_file = NULL;
    const char *target = NULL;

    gboolean pass = TRUE;
    gboolean readwritable = FALSE;

    CRM_ASSERT(dir != NULL);
    if (file != NULL) {
        full_file = crm_concat(dir, file, '/');
        target = full_file;
        s_res = stat(full_file, &buf);
        if (s_res == 0 && S_ISREG(buf.st_mode) == FALSE) {
            crm_err("%s must be a regular file", target);
            pass = FALSE;
            goto out;

    if (s_res != 0) {
        target = dir;
        s_res = stat(dir, &buf);
        if (s_res != 0) {
            crm_err("%s must exist and be a directory", dir);
            pass = FALSE;
            goto out;

        } else if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) == FALSE) {
            crm_err("%s must be a directory", dir);
            pass = FALSE;

    if (user) {
        struct passwd *sys_user = NULL;

        sys_user = getpwnam(user);
        readwritable = (sys_user != NULL
                        && buf.st_uid == sys_user->pw_uid && (buf.st_mode & (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)));
        if (readwritable == FALSE) {
            crm_err("%s must be owned and r/w by user %s", target, user);
            if (need_both) {
                pass = FALSE;

    if (group) {
        struct group *sys_grp = getgrnam(group);

        readwritable = (sys_grp != NULL
                        && buf.st_gid == sys_grp->gr_gid && (buf.st_mode & (S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP)));
        if (readwritable == FALSE) {
            if (need_both || user == NULL) {
                pass = FALSE;
                crm_err("%s must be owned and r/w by group %s", target, group);
            } else {
                crm_warn("%s should be owned and r/w by group %s", target, group);

    return pass;
Ejemplo n.º 22
/* coverity[-alloc] Memory is referenced in one or both hashtables */
crm_node_t *
crm_get_peer(unsigned int id, const char *uname)
    GHashTableIter iter;
    crm_node_t *node = NULL;
    crm_node_t *by_id = NULL;
    crm_node_t *by_name = NULL;

    CRM_ASSERT(id > 0 || uname != NULL);


    if (uname != NULL) {
        g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache);
        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) {
            if(node->uname && strcasecmp(node->uname, uname) == 0) {
                crm_trace("Name match: %s = %p", node->uname, node);
                by_name = node;

    if (id > 0) {
        g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache);
        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &node)) {
            if(node->id == id) {
                crm_trace("ID match: %u = %p", node->id, node);
                by_id = node;

    node = by_id; /* Good default */
    if(by_id == by_name) {
        /* Nothing to do if they match (both NULL counts) */
        crm_trace("Consistent: %p for %u/%s", by_id, id, uname);

    } else if(by_id == NULL && by_name) {
        crm_trace("Only one: %p for %u/%s", by_name, id, uname);

        if(id && by_name->id) {
            crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_WARNING, __FUNCTION__);
            crm_crit("Node %u and %u share the same name '%s'",
                     id, by_name->id, uname);
            node = NULL; /* Create a new one */

        } else {
            node = by_name;

    } else if(by_name == NULL && by_id) {
        crm_trace("Only one: %p for %u/%s", by_id, id, uname);

        if(uname && by_id->uname) {
            crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_WARNING, __FUNCTION__);
            crm_crit("Node '%s' and '%s' share the same cluster nodeid %u: assuming '%s' is correct",
                     uname, by_id->uname, id, uname);

    } else if(uname && by_id->uname) {
        crm_warn("Node '%s' and '%s' share the same cluster nodeid: %u", by_id->uname, by_name->uname, id);

    } else if(id && by_name->id) {
        crm_warn("Node %u and %u share the same name: '%s'", by_id->id, by_name->id, uname);

    } else {
        /* Simple merge */

        /* Only corosync based clusters use nodeid's
         * The functions that call crm_update_peer_state() only know nodeid
         * so 'by_id' is authorative when merging
         * Same for crm_update_peer_proc()
        crm_dump_peer_hash(LOG_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__);

        crm_info("Merging %p into %p", by_name, by_id);
        g_hash_table_foreach_remove(crm_peer_cache, crm_hash_find_by_data, by_name);

    if (node == NULL) {
        char *uniqueid = crm_generate_uuid();

        node = calloc(1, sizeof(crm_node_t));

        crm_info("Created entry %s/%p for node %s/%u (%d total)",
                 uniqueid, node, uname, id, 1 + g_hash_table_size(crm_peer_cache));
        g_hash_table_replace(crm_peer_cache, uniqueid, node);

    if(id > 0 && uname && (node->id == 0 || node->uname == NULL)) {
        crm_info("Node %u is now known as %s", id, uname);

    if(id > 0 && node->id == 0) {
        node->id = id;

    if(uname && node->uname == NULL) {
        int lpc, len = strlen(uname);

        for (lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) {
            if (uname[lpc] >= 'A' && uname[lpc] <= 'Z') {
                crm_warn("Node names with capitals are discouraged, consider changing '%s' to something else",

        node->uname = strdup(uname);
        if (crm_status_callback) {
            crm_status_callback(crm_status_uname, node, NULL);

    if(node->uuid == NULL) {
        const char *uuid = crm_peer_uuid(node);

        if (uuid) {
            crm_info("Node %u has uuid %s", id, uuid);

        } else {
            crm_info("Cannot obtain a UUID for node %d/%s", id, node->uname);

    return node;
Ejemplo n.º 23
/* For a synchronous 'op', returns FALSE if 'op' fails */
upstart_job_exec(svc_action_t * op, gboolean synchronous)
    char *job = NULL;
    int arg_wait = TRUE;
    const char *arg_env = "pacemaker=1";
    const char *action = op->action;

    DBusError error;
    DBusMessage *msg = NULL;
    DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
    DBusMessageIter iter, array_iter;


    if (safe_str_eq(op->action, "meta-data")) {
        op->stdout_data = upstart_job_metadata(op->agent);
        op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
        goto cleanup;

    if(!upstart_job_by_name(op->agent, &job, op->timeout)) {
        crm_debug("Could not obtain job named '%s' to %s", op->agent, action);
        if (!g_strcmp0(action, "stop")) {
            op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;

        } else {
            op->rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED;
            op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_INSTALLED;
        goto cleanup;

    if (safe_str_eq(op->action, "monitor") || safe_str_eq(action, "status")) {

        char *path = get_first_instance(job, op->timeout);

        op->rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING;
        if(path) {
            DBusPendingCall *pending = NULL;
            char *state = pcmk_dbus_get_property(
                upstart_proxy, BUS_NAME, path, UPSTART_06_API ".Instance", "state",
                op->synchronous?NULL:upstart_job_check, op,
                op->synchronous?NULL:&pending, op->timeout);


            if(op->synchronous) {
                upstart_job_check("state", state, op);
                return op->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK;
            } else if (pending) {
                services_set_op_pending(op, pending);
                return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
        goto cleanup;

    } else if (!g_strcmp0(action, "start")) {
        action = "Start";
    } else if (!g_strcmp0(action, "stop")) {
        action = "Stop";
    } else if (!g_strcmp0(action, "restart")) {
        action = "Restart";
    } else {
        goto cleanup;

    crm_debug("Calling %s for %s on %s", action, op->rsc, job);

    msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(BUS_NAME, // target for the method call
                                       job, // object to call on
                                       UPSTART_JOB_IFACE, // interface to call on
                                       action); // method name
    CRM_ASSERT(msg != NULL);

    dbus_message_iter_init_append (msg, &iter);

    CRM_LOG_ASSERT(dbus_message_iter_open_container (&iter,

    CRM_LOG_ASSERT(dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&array_iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_env));
    CRM_LOG_ASSERT(dbus_message_iter_close_container (&iter, &array_iter));

    CRM_LOG_ASSERT(dbus_message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &arg_wait, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID));

    if (op->synchronous == FALSE) {
        DBusPendingCall* pending = pcmk_dbus_send(msg, upstart_proxy, upstart_async_dispatch, op, op->timeout);

        if(pending) {
            services_set_op_pending(op, pending);
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    reply = pcmk_dbus_send_recv(msg, upstart_proxy, &error, op->timeout);

    if(error.name) {
        if(!upstart_mask_error(op, error.name)) {
            crm_err("Could not issue %s for %s: %s (%s)", action, op->rsc, error.name, job);

    } else if (!g_strcmp0(op->action, "stop")) {
        /* No return vaue */
        op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;

    } else if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
        crm_warn("Call to %s passed but return type was unexpected", op->action);
        op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;

    } else {
        const char *path = NULL;

        dbus_message_get_args (reply, NULL,
                               DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &path,
        crm_info("Call to %s passed: %s", op->action, path);
        op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;

    if(msg) {

    if(reply) {

    if (op->synchronous == FALSE) {
        return operation_finalize(op);
    return op->rc == PCMK_OCF_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 24
crm_node_t *
crm_update_peer(const char *source, unsigned int id, uint64_t born, uint64_t seen, int32_t votes,
                uint32_t children, const char *uuid, const char *uname, const char *addr,
                const char *state)
    gboolean addr_changed = FALSE;
    gboolean votes_changed = FALSE;
    crm_node_t *node = NULL;

    id = get_corosync_id(id, uuid);
    node = crm_get_peer(id, uname);

    CRM_ASSERT(node != NULL);

    if (node->uuid == NULL) {
        if (is_openais_cluster()) {
            /* Yes, overrule whatever was passed in */

        } else if (uuid != NULL) {
            node->uuid = strdup(uuid);

    if (children > 0) {
        crm_update_peer_proc(source, node, children, state);

    if (state != NULL) {
        crm_update_peer_state(source, node, state, seen);
    if (born != 0) {
        node->born = born;

    /* These were only used by the plugin */
    if (born != 0) {
        node->born = born;

    if (votes > 0 && node->votes != votes) {
        votes_changed = TRUE;
        node->votes = votes;

    if (addr != NULL) {
        if (node->addr == NULL || crm_str_eq(node->addr, addr, FALSE) == FALSE) {
            addr_changed = TRUE;
            node->addr = strdup(addr);
    if (addr_changed || votes_changed) {
        crm_info("%s: Node %s: id=%u state=%s addr=%s%s votes=%d%s born=" U64T " seen=" U64T
                 " proc=%.32x", source, node->uname, node->id, node->state,
                 node->addr, addr_changed ? " (new)" : "", node->votes,
                 votes_changed ? " (new)" : "", node->born, node->last_seen, node->processes);

    return node;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * \internal
 * \brief Determine if a remote session has data to read
 * \retval 0, timeout occured.
 * \retval positive, data is ready to be read
 * \retval negative, session has ended
crm_remote_ready(crm_remote_t * remote, int timeout /* ms */ )
    struct pollfd fds = { 0, };
    int sock = 0;
    int rc = 0;
    time_t start;

    if (remote->tls_session) {
        void *sock_ptr = gnutls_transport_get_ptr(*remote->tls_session);

        sock = GPOINTER_TO_INT(sock_ptr);
    } else if (remote->tcp_socket) {
    if (remote->tcp_socket) {
        sock = remote->tcp_socket;
    } else {
        crm_err("Unsupported connection type");

    if (sock <= 0) {
        crm_trace("No longer connected");
        return -ENOTCONN;

    start = time(NULL);
    errno = 0;
    do {
        fds.fd = sock;
        fds.events = POLLIN;

        /* If we got an EINTR while polling, and we have a
         * specific timeout we are trying to honor, attempt
         * to adjust the timeout to the closest second. */
        if (errno == EINTR && (timeout > 0)) {
            timeout = timeout - ((time(NULL) - start) * 1000);
            if (timeout < 1000) {
                timeout = 1000;

        rc = poll(&fds, 1, timeout);
    } while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR);

    return rc;

 * \internal
 * \brief Read bytes off non blocking remote connection.
 * \note only use with NON-Blocking sockets. Should only be used after polling socket.
 *       This function will return once max_size is met, the socket read buffer
 *       is empty, or an error is encountered.
 * \retval number of bytes received
static size_t
crm_remote_recv_once(crm_remote_t * remote)
    int rc = 0;
    size_t read_len = sizeof(struct crm_remote_header_v0);
    struct crm_remote_header_v0 *header = crm_remote_header(remote);

    if(header) {
        /* Stop at the end of the current message */
        read_len = header->size_total;

    /* automatically grow the buffer when needed */
    if(remote->buffer_size < read_len) {
           remote->buffer_size = 2 * read_len;
        crm_trace("Expanding buffer to %u bytes", remote->buffer_size);

        remote->buffer = realloc_safe(remote->buffer, remote->buffer_size + 1);
        CRM_ASSERT(remote->buffer != NULL);

    if (remote->tls_session) {
        rc = gnutls_record_recv(*(remote->tls_session),
                                remote->buffer + remote->buffer_offset,
                                remote->buffer_size - remote->buffer_offset);
        if (rc == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED) {
            rc = -EINTR;
        } else if (rc == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN) {
            rc = -EAGAIN;
        } else if (rc < 0) {
            crm_debug("TLS receive failed: %s (%d)", gnutls_strerror(rc), rc);
            rc = -pcmk_err_generic;
    } else if (remote->tcp_socket) {
    if (remote->tcp_socket) {
        errno = 0;
        rc = read(remote->tcp_socket,
                  remote->buffer + remote->buffer_offset,
                  remote->buffer_size - remote->buffer_offset);
        if(rc < 0) {
            rc = -errno;

    } else {
        crm_err("Unsupported connection type");
        return -ESOCKTNOSUPPORT;

    /* process any errors. */
    if (rc > 0) {
        remote->buffer_offset += rc;
        /* always null terminate buffer, the +1 to alloc always allows for this. */
        remote->buffer[remote->buffer_offset] = '\0';
        crm_trace("Received %u more bytes, %u total", rc, remote->buffer_offset);

    } else if (rc == -EINTR || rc == -EAGAIN) {
        crm_trace("non-blocking, exiting read: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);

    } else if (rc == 0) {
        crm_debug("EOF encoutered after %u bytes", remote->buffer_offset);
        return -ENOTCONN;

    } else {
        crm_debug("Error receiving message after %u bytes: %s (%d)",
                  remote->buffer_offset, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);
        return -ENOTCONN;

    header = crm_remote_header(remote);
    if(header) {
        if(remote->buffer_offset < header->size_total) {
            crm_trace("Read less than the advertised length: %u < %u bytes",
                      remote->buffer_offset, header->size_total);
        } else {
            crm_trace("Read full message of %u bytes", remote->buffer_offset);
            return remote->buffer_offset;

    return -EAGAIN;

 * \internal
 * \brief Read data off the socket until at least one full message is present or timeout occures.
 * \retval TRUE message read
 * \retval FALSE full message not read

crm_remote_recv(crm_remote_t * remote, int total_timeout /*ms */ , int *disconnected)
    int rc;
    time_t start = time(NULL);
    int remaining_timeout = 0;

    if (total_timeout == 0) {
        total_timeout = 10000;
    } else if (total_timeout < 0) {
        total_timeout = 60000;
    *disconnected = 0;

    remaining_timeout = total_timeout;
    while ((remaining_timeout > 0) && !(*disconnected)) {

        /* read some more off the tls buffer if we still have time left. */
        crm_trace("waiting to receive remote msg, starting timeout %d, remaining_timeout %d",
                  total_timeout, remaining_timeout);
        rc = crm_remote_ready(remote, remaining_timeout);

        if (rc == 0) {
            crm_err("poll timed out (%d ms) while waiting to receive msg", remaining_timeout);
            return FALSE;

        } else if(rc < 0) {
            crm_debug("poll() failed: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);

        } else {
            rc = crm_remote_recv_once(remote);
            if(rc > 0) {
                return TRUE;
            } else if (rc < 0) {
                crm_debug("recv() failed: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc);

        if(rc == -ENOTCONN) {
            *disconnected = 1;
            return FALSE;

        remaining_timeout = remaining_timeout - ((time(NULL) - start) * 1000);

    return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void
expand_list(GListPtr list, char **rsc_list, char **node_list)
    GListPtr gIter = NULL;
    const char *uname = NULL;
    const char *rsc_id = NULL;
    const char *last_rsc_id = NULL;

    if (rsc_list) {
        *rsc_list = NULL;

    if (list == NULL) {
        if (rsc_list) {
            *rsc_list = strdup(" ");
        if (node_list) {
            *node_list = strdup(" ");

    if (node_list) {
        *node_list = NULL;

    for (gIter = list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
        notify_entry_t *entry = (notify_entry_t *) gIter->data;

        CRM_LOG_ASSERT(entry != NULL);
        CRM_LOG_ASSERT(entry && entry->rsc != NULL);

        if(entry == NULL || entry->rsc == NULL) {

        /* Uh, why? */
        CRM_LOG_ASSERT(node_list == NULL || entry->node != NULL);
        if(node_list != NULL && entry->node == NULL) {

        uname = NULL;
        rsc_id = entry->rsc->id;
        CRM_ASSERT(rsc_id != NULL);

        /* filter dups */
        if (safe_str_eq(rsc_id, last_rsc_id)) {
        last_rsc_id = rsc_id;

        if (rsc_list != NULL) {
            int existing_len = 0;
            int len = 2 + strlen(rsc_id);       /* +1 space, +1 EOS */

            if (rsc_list && *rsc_list) {
                existing_len = strlen(*rsc_list);

            crm_trace("Adding %s (%dc) at offset %d", rsc_id, len - 2, existing_len);
            *rsc_list = realloc_safe(*rsc_list, len + existing_len);
            sprintf(*rsc_list + existing_len, "%s%s", existing_len == 0 ? "":" ", rsc_id);

        if (entry->node != NULL) {
            uname = entry->node->details->uname;

        if (node_list != NULL && uname) {
            int existing_len = 0;
            int len = 2 + strlen(uname);

            if (node_list && *node_list) {
                existing_len = strlen(*node_list);

            crm_trace("Adding %s (%dc) at offset %d", uname, len - 2, existing_len);
            *node_list = realloc_safe(*node_list, len + existing_len);
            sprintf(*node_list + existing_len, "%s%s", existing_len == 0 ? "":" ", uname);

Ejemplo n.º 27
extern int
find_nvpair_attr_delegate(cib_t * the_cib, const char *attr, const char *section,
                          const char *node_uuid, const char *attr_set_type, const char *set_name,
                          const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, gboolean to_console,
                          char **value, const char *user_name)
    int offset = 0;
    static int xpath_max = 1024;
    int rc = pcmk_ok;

    char *xpath_string = NULL;
    xmlNode *xml_search = NULL;
    const char *set_type = NULL;
    const char *node_type = NULL;

    if (attr_set_type) {
        set_type = attr_set_type;
    } else {
        set_type = XML_TAG_ATTR_SETS;

    CRM_ASSERT(value != NULL);
    *value = NULL;

    if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG)) {
        node_uuid = NULL;
        set_type = XML_CIB_TAG_PROPSET;

    } else if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_OPCONFIG)
               || safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_RSCCONFIG)) {
        node_uuid = NULL;
        set_type = XML_TAG_META_SETS;

    } else if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS)) {
        node_uuid = NULL;
        section = XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS;
        node_type = XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS;

    } else if (node_uuid == NULL) {
        return -EINVAL;

    xpath_string = calloc(1, xpath_max);
    offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "%.128s", get_object_path(section));

    if (safe_str_eq(node_type, XML_CIB_TAG_TICKETS)) {
        offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//%s", node_type);

    } else if (node_uuid) {
        const char *node_type = XML_CIB_TAG_NODE;

        if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS)) {
            node_type = XML_CIB_TAG_STATE;
            set_type = XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS;
        offset +=
            snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//%s[@id='%s']", node_type,

    if (set_name) {
        offset +=
            snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//%s[@id='%.128s']", set_type,
    } else {
        offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//%s", set_type);

    offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "//nvpair[");
    if (attr_id) {
        offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "@id='%s'", attr_id);

    if (attr_name) {
        if (attr_id) {
            offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, " and ");
        offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "@name='%.128s'", attr_name);
    offset += snprintf(xpath_string + offset, xpath_max - offset, "]");
    CRM_LOG_ASSERT(offset > 0);

    rc = cib_internal_op(the_cib, CIB_OP_QUERY, NULL, xpath_string, NULL, &xml_search,
                         cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local | cib_xpath, user_name);

    if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
        crm_trace("Query failed for attribute %s (section=%s, node=%s, set=%s, xpath=%s): %s",
                  attr_name, section, crm_str(node_uuid), crm_str(set_name), xpath_string,
        goto done;

    crm_log_xml_debug(xml_search, "Match");
    if (xml_has_children(xml_search)) {
        xmlNode *child = NULL;

        rc = -ENOTUNIQ;
        attr_msg(LOG_WARNING, "Multiple attributes match name=%s", attr_name);

        for (child = __xml_first_child(xml_search); child != NULL; child = __xml_next(child)) {
            attr_msg(LOG_INFO, "  Value: %s \t(id=%s)",
                     crm_element_value(child, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE), ID(child));

    } else {
        const char *tmp = crm_element_value(xml_search, attr);

        if (tmp) {
            *value = strdup(tmp);

    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 28
const char *
crm_ipc_buffer(crm_ipc_t * client)
    CRM_ASSERT(client != NULL);
    return client->buffer + sizeof(struct crm_ipc_response_header);
Ejemplo n.º 29
static gboolean
te_rsc_command(crm_graph_t * graph, crm_action_t * action)
    /* never overwrite stop actions in the CIB with
     *   anything other than completed results
     * Writing pending stops makes it look like the
     *   resource is running again
    xmlNode *cmd = NULL;
    xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL;

    gboolean rc = TRUE;
    gboolean no_wait = FALSE;
    gboolean is_local = FALSE;

    char *counter = NULL;
    const char *task = NULL;
    const char *value = NULL;
    const char *on_node = NULL;
    const char *task_uuid = NULL;

    CRM_ASSERT(action != NULL);
    CRM_ASSERT(action->xml != NULL);

    action->executed = FALSE;
    on_node = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);

    CRM_CHECK(on_node != NULL && strlen(on_node) != 0,
              te_log_action(LOG_ERR, "Corrupted command(id=%s) %s: no node",
                            ID(action->xml), crm_str(task));
              return FALSE);

    rsc_op = action->xml;
    task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
    task_uuid = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
    on_node = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET);
    counter =
        generate_transition_key(transition_graph->id, action->id, get_target_rc(action), te_uuid);
    crm_xml_add(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_KEY, counter);

    if (safe_str_eq(on_node, fsa_our_uname)) {
        is_local = TRUE;

    value = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_ATTR_TE_NOWAIT);
    if (crm_is_true(value)) {
        no_wait = TRUE;

    crm_info("Initiating action %d: %s %s on %s%s%s",
             action->id, task, task_uuid, on_node,
             is_local ? " (local)" : "", no_wait ? " - no waiting" : "");

    cmd = create_request(CRM_OP_INVOKE_LRM, rsc_op, on_node,
                         CRM_SYSTEM_LRMD, CRM_SYSTEM_TENGINE, NULL);

    if (is_local) {
        /* shortcut local resource commands */
        ha_msg_input_t data = {
            .msg = cmd,
            .xml = rsc_op,

        fsa_data_t msg = {
            .id = 0,
            .data = &data,
            .data_type = fsa_dt_ha_msg,
            .fsa_input = I_NULL,
            .fsa_cause = C_FSA_INTERNAL,
            .actions = A_LRM_INVOKE,
            .origin = __FUNCTION__,

        do_lrm_invoke(A_LRM_INVOKE, C_FSA_INTERNAL, fsa_state, I_NULL, &msg);

    } else {
        rc = send_cluster_message(on_node, crm_msg_lrmd, cmd, TRUE);


    action->executed = TRUE;
    if (rc == FALSE) {
        crm_err("Action %d failed: send", action->id);
        return FALSE;

    } else if (no_wait) {
        action->confirmed = TRUE;
        update_graph(transition_graph, action);

    } else {
        if (action->timeout <= 0) {
            crm_err("Action %d: %s %s on %s had an invalid timeout (%dms).  Using %dms instead",
                    action->id, task, task_uuid, on_node, action->timeout, graph->network_delay);
            action->timeout = graph->network_delay;
        te_start_action_timer(graph, action);

    value = crm_meta_value(action->params, XML_OP_ATTR_PENDING);
    if (crm_is_true(value)) {
        /* write a "pending" entry to the CIB, inhibit notification */
        crm_info("Recording pending op %s in the CIB", task_uuid);
        cib_action_update(action, LRM_OP_PENDING, EXECRA_STATUS_UNKNOWN);

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 30
cib_process_command(xmlNode * request, xmlNode ** reply, xmlNode ** cib_diff, gboolean privileged)
    xmlNode *input = NULL;
    xmlNode *output = NULL;
    xmlNode *result_cib = NULL;
    xmlNode *current_cib = NULL;

    xmlNode *filtered_current_cib = NULL;

    int call_type = 0;
    int call_options = 0;
    int log_level = LOG_DEBUG_4;

    const char *op = NULL;
    const char *section = NULL;

    int rc = pcmk_ok;
    int rc2 = pcmk_ok;

    gboolean send_r_notify = FALSE;
    gboolean global_update = FALSE;
    gboolean config_changed = FALSE;
    gboolean manage_counters = TRUE;

    CRM_ASSERT(cib_status == pcmk_ok);

    *reply = NULL;
    *cib_diff = NULL;
    current_cib = the_cib;

    /* Start processing the request... */
    op = crm_element_value(request, F_CIB_OPERATION);
    crm_element_value_int(request, F_CIB_CALLOPTS, &call_options);
    rc = cib_get_operation_id(op, &call_type);

    if (rc == pcmk_ok && privileged == FALSE) {
        rc = cib_op_can_run(call_type, call_options, privileged, global_update);

    rc2 = cib_op_prepare(call_type, request, &input, &section);
    if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
        rc = rc2;

    if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
        crm_trace("Call setup failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));
        goto done;

    } else if (cib_op_modifies(call_type) == FALSE) {
        if (acl_enabled(config_hash) == FALSE
            || acl_filter_cib(request, current_cib, current_cib, &filtered_current_cib) == FALSE) {
            rc = cib_perform_op(op, call_options, cib_op_func(call_type), TRUE,
                                section, request, input, FALSE, &config_changed,
                                current_cib, &result_cib, NULL, &output);

        } else if (filtered_current_cib == NULL) {
            crm_debug("Pre-filtered the entire cib");
            rc = -EACCES;

        } else {
            crm_debug("Pre-filtered the queried cib according to the ACLs");
            rc = cib_perform_op(op, call_options, cib_op_func(call_type), TRUE,
                                section, request, input, FALSE, &config_changed,
                                filtered_current_cib, &result_cib, NULL, &output);
        rc = cib_perform_op(op, call_options, cib_op_func(call_type), TRUE,
                            section, request, input, FALSE, &config_changed,
                            current_cib, &result_cib, NULL, &output);


        CRM_CHECK(result_cib == NULL, free_xml(result_cib));
        goto done;

    /* Handle a valid write action */
    global_update = crm_is_true(crm_element_value(request, F_CIB_GLOBAL_UPDATE));
    if (global_update) {
        manage_counters = FALSE;
        call_options |= cib_force_diff;

        CRM_CHECK(call_type == 3 || call_type == 4, crm_err("Call type: %d", call_type);
                  crm_log_xml_err(request, "bad op"));
    if ((call_options & cib_inhibit_notify) == 0) {
        cib_pre_notify(call_options, op, the_cib, input);

    if (rc == pcmk_ok) {
        if (call_options & cib_inhibit_bcast) {
            /* skip */
            crm_trace("Skipping update: inhibit broadcast");
            manage_counters = FALSE;

        rc = cib_perform_op(op, call_options, cib_op_func(call_type), FALSE,
                            section, request, input, manage_counters, &config_changed,
                            current_cib, &result_cib, cib_diff, &output);

        if (acl_enabled(config_hash) == TRUE
            && acl_check_diff(request, current_cib, result_cib, *cib_diff) == FALSE) {
            rc = -EACCES;

        if (rc == pcmk_ok && config_changed) {
            time_t now;
            char *now_str = NULL;
            const char *validation = crm_element_value(result_cib, XML_ATTR_VALIDATION);

            if (validation) {
                int current_version = get_schema_version(validation);
                int support_version = get_schema_version("pacemaker-1.1");

                /* Once the later schemas support the "update-*" attributes, change "==" to ">=" -- Changed */
                if (current_version >= support_version) {
                    const char *origin = crm_element_value(request, F_ORIG);

                    crm_xml_replace(result_cib, XML_ATTR_UPDATE_ORIG,
                                    origin ? origin : cib_our_uname);
                    crm_xml_replace(result_cib, XML_ATTR_UPDATE_CLIENT,
                                    crm_element_value(request, F_CIB_CLIENTNAME));
                    crm_xml_replace(result_cib, XML_ATTR_UPDATE_USER,
                                    crm_element_value(request, F_CIB_USER));

            now = time(NULL);
            now_str = ctime(&now);
            now_str[24] = EOS;  /* replace the newline */
            crm_xml_replace(result_cib, XML_CIB_ATTR_WRITTEN, now_str);

        if (manage_counters == FALSE) {
            config_changed = cib_config_changed(current_cib, result_cib, cib_diff);

        /* Always write to disk for replace ops,
         * this negates the need to detect ordering changes
        if (config_changed == FALSE && crm_str_eq(CIB_OP_REPLACE, op, TRUE)) {
            config_changed = TRUE;

    if (rc == pcmk_ok && (call_options & cib_dryrun) == 0) {
        rc = activateCibXml(result_cib, config_changed, op);
        if (rc == pcmk_ok && cib_internal_config_changed(*cib_diff)) {
            cib_read_config(config_hash, result_cib);

        if (crm_str_eq(CIB_OP_REPLACE, op, TRUE)) {
            if (section == NULL) {
                send_r_notify = TRUE;

            } else if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_TAG_CIB)) {
                send_r_notify = TRUE;

            } else if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_NODES)) {
                send_r_notify = TRUE;

            } else if (safe_str_eq(section, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS)) {
                send_r_notify = TRUE;

        } else if (crm_str_eq(CIB_OP_ERASE, op, TRUE)) {
            send_r_notify = TRUE;

    } else if (rc == -pcmk_err_dtd_validation) {
        if (output != NULL) {
            crm_log_xml_info(output, "cib:output");
            xmlNode *filtered_result_cib = NULL;

            if (acl_enabled(config_hash) == FALSE
                || acl_filter_cib(request, current_cib, result_cib,
                                  &filtered_result_cib) == FALSE) {
                output = result_cib;

            } else {
                crm_debug("Filtered the result cib for output according to the ACLs");
                output = filtered_result_cib;
                if (result_cib != NULL) {
        output = result_cib;

    } else {

    if ((call_options & cib_inhibit_notify) == 0) {
        const char *call_id = crm_element_value(request, F_CIB_CALLID);
        const char *client = crm_element_value(request, F_CIB_CLIENTNAME);

        cib_post_notify(call_options, op, input, rc, the_cib);
        cib_diff_notify(call_options, client, call_id, op, input, rc, *cib_diff);

    if (send_r_notify) {
        const char *origin = crm_element_value(request, F_ORIG);

        cib_replace_notify(origin, the_cib, rc, *cib_diff);

    if (rc != pcmk_ok) {
        log_level = LOG_DEBUG_4;
        if (rc == -pcmk_err_dtd_validation && global_update) {
            log_level = LOG_WARNING;
            crm_log_xml_info(input, "cib:global_update");

    } else if (config_changed) {
        log_level = LOG_DEBUG_3;
        if (cib_is_master) {
            log_level = LOG_NOTICE;

    } else if (cib_is_master) {
        log_level = LOG_DEBUG_2;

    log_xml_diff(log_level, *cib_diff, "cib:diff");

    if ((call_options & cib_discard_reply) == 0) {
        *reply = cib_construct_reply(request, output, rc);
        crm_log_xml_trace(*reply, "cib:reply");
    if (filtered_current_cib != NULL) {

    if (call_type >= 0) {
        cib_op_cleanup(call_type, call_options, &input, &output);
    return rc;