Ejemplo n.º 1
int EXP_LVL7 CS_ips (csFILE *strm,short rs,long32_t eofPos,int (*comp)(Const void *pp,Const void *qq))
	int st;
	size_t rec_cnt;	/* Record count */
	size_t buf_siz;	/* Buffer size */
	size_t rd_cnt;	/* Read check. */
	size_t wr_cnt;	/* Write check. */

	long32_t beg;		/* File position of the beginning of
					   the portion of the file which we
					   are to sort but remains unsorted. */
	long32_t end;		/* File position of the end of the
					   portion of the file which we are
					   to sort but remains unsorted. */
	void *buff;		/* Pointer to malloc'ed sort buffer. */

	/* Prepare for a possible error. */
	buff = NULL;

	/* Establish the extrema of the sort.  We support
	   sorting only a portion of a file. */
	beg = CS_ftell (strm);
	if (beg < 0L)
		CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		goto error;
	if (eofPos <= 0L)
		st = CS_fseek (strm,0L,SEEK_END);
		if (st != 0)
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;
		end = CS_ftell (strm);
		if (end < 0L)
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;
		st = CS_fseek (strm,beg,SEEK_SET);
		if (st != 0)
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;
		end = eofPos;

	/* If there is nothing to sort, we done. */
	if (end <= beg)
		return 0;

	/* Set up our buffer area. */
	buf_siz = (size_t)(end - beg);
	buff = malloc (buf_siz);
	if (buff == NULL)
		CS_erpt (cs_NO_MEM);
		goto error;

	/* Compute some basic parameters for the sort. */
	rec_cnt = buf_siz / (unsigned short)rs;

	/* Read in the entire file. */
	rd_cnt = CS_fread (buff,1,buf_siz,strm);
	if (rd_cnt != buf_siz)
		if (ferror (strm)) CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		else               CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Sort it. */
	qsort (buff,rec_cnt,rs,(int (_cdecl *)(Const void *pp,Const void *qq))comp);								/*lint !e732 */

	/* Write it back out. */
	st = CS_fseek (strm,beg,SEEK_SET);
	if (st != 0)
		CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		goto error;
	wr_cnt = CS_fwrite (buff,1,buf_siz,strm);
	if (wr_cnt != buf_siz)
		if (ferror (strm)) CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		else               CS_erpt (cs_DISK_FULL);
		goto error;

	/* Clean up */
	CS_fseek (strm,beg,SEEK_SET);
	free (buff);
	return (1);

	if (buff != NULL) free (buff);
	return (-1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int EXP_LVL7 CS_bins (csFILE *strm,long32_t start,long32_t eofPos,int rs,Const void *rec,int (*comp)(Const void *pp,Const void *qq))
	int st;
	int flag = -1;						/* initialization to keep gcc happy */
	size_t rd_cnt;

	long32_t nrecs;
	long32_t hi_rec;
	long32_t lo_rec;
	long32_t test_rec;
	long32_t test_pos;

	char *buff;

	/* Prepare for a possible error. */
	buff = NULL;

	/* Get a buffer which we can use for record I/O. */
	buff = (char *)CS_malc ((unsigned)rs);
	if (buff == NULL)
		CS_erpt (cs_NO_MEM);
		goto error;

	/* Compute the portion of the file which is to be
	   searched.  Quite often, we don't want to
	   search the whole thing. */
	if (start < 0L)
		start = CS_ftell (strm);
		if (start < 0L)
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;
	if (eofPos <= 0L)
		st = CS_fseek (strm,0L,SEEK_END);
		if (st != 0)
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;
		eofPos = CS_ftell (strm);
		if (eofPos < 0L)
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;

	/* Compute the number of records in the file
	   which are to be searched. */
	nrecs = (eofPos - start) / rs;

	/* If there are no records, we don't have a match,
	   any any record would appear at the start. */
	if (nrecs <= 0)
		st = CS_fseek (strm,start,SEEK_SET);
		if (st != 0)
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;

		CS_free (buff);
		buff = NULL;

		return (0);

	/* Set the starting and ending record numbers, where
	   the first record is numbered zero. */
	hi_rec = nrecs - 1;
	lo_rec = 0;

	/* Continue to search the records until we have
	   exhausted all possibilities.  The equal part
	   of this test is nescessary so that the last
	   record in the search gets compared for a match
	   or not. */
	test_pos = start;					/* initialization to keep gcc happy */
	while (lo_rec <= hi_rec)
		/* Select the next record to be tested in terms
		   of record number. */
		test_rec = (hi_rec + lo_rec) / 2;

		/* Convert this to a file position. */
		test_pos = (long32_t)(test_rec * rs) + start;

		/* Read in the new test record. */
		st = CS_fseek (strm,test_pos,SEEK_SET);
		if (st != 0)
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;
		rd_cnt = CS_fread (buff,1,(unsigned)rs,strm);
		if (rd_cnt != (size_t)rs)
			if (ferror (strm)) CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			else			   CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
			goto error;

		/* Compare with our search record. */
		flag = (*comp)(buff,rec);
		if (flag > 0)
			/* Here if our test record is past where
			   our search record will be if it does
			   indeed exist.  We can exclude this
			   record (that we just read) and all
			   records past it from the search. */
			hi_rec = test_rec - 1;
		else if (flag < 0)
			/* Here if the test record is before where
			   our search record will be if it does
			   indeed exist.  We can exclude this
			   record and all which precede it from
			   the search. */
			lo_rec = test_rec + 1;
			/* We have found a matching record.  Before
			   we return, we need to make sure that if
			   there are duplicate records in the file,
			   we are returning with the file positioned
			   to read the first of such duplicates. */
				test_pos -= (long32_t)rs;
				if (test_pos < start)
					/* The last record tested is the
					   first in the search area.
					   Seek to search and break,
					   we're all done. */
					st = CS_fseek (strm,start,SEEK_SET);
					if (st != 0)
						CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
						goto error;

				/* Seek to the record just prior
				   to the last one tested and
				   read it in. */
				st = CS_fseek (strm,test_pos,SEEK_SET);
				if (st != 0)
					CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
					goto error;
				rd_cnt = CS_fread (buff,1,(unsigned)rs,strm);
				if (rd_cnt != (size_t)rs)
					if (ferror (strm)) CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
					else               CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
					goto error;

				/* See if this record also matches
				   our key.  NOTE, that the read
				   positions the file back to the
				   last record tested, which is the
				   desired file position if the
				   match test fails. */
				flag = (*comp)(buff,rec);
			} while (flag == 0);

			/* Reset flag to zero, i.e. we got here because
			   we found a matching record. */
			flag = 0;

			/* Now we can return. */

	/* If flag is negative here, the file is correctly
	   positioned since we have read the record in and
	   the file is positioned for the next.  If flag
	   is greater than zero, we need to move the file
	   pointer back one record so that the user will
	   be able to re-read the current record. */
	if (flag > 0)
		st = CS_fseek (strm,test_pos,SEEK_SET);
		if (st != 0)
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;

	/* OK, return and tell the user if we found the
	   desired record or not. */

	CS_free (buff);
	buff = NULL;
	return (flag == 0);

	if (buff != NULL) CS_free (buff);
	return (-1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
struct csGeoid99GridFile_* CSnewGeoid99GridFile (Const char *path,long32_t bufferSize,ulong32_t flags,double density)
	extern double cs_K360;
	extern char cs_DirsepC;
	extern char cs_ExtsepC;
	extern char csErrnam [];

	size_t readCount;
	long lngTmp;
	double lngMin, lngMax;
	char *cp1, *cp2;
	csFILE *fstr;
	struct csGeoid99GridFile_* __This;
	char cTemp [MAXPATH];
	struct csGeoid99Hdr_ geoid99Hdr;

	/* Prepare for an error. */
	__This = NULL;
	fstr = NULL;

	/* Malloc and initialize */
	__This = CS_malc (sizeof (struct csGeoid99GridFile_));
	if (__This == NULL)
		CS_erpt (cs_NO_MEM);
		goto error;
	CSinitGeoid99 (__This);

	/* Set default values for all members. */
	__This->bufferSize = bufferSize;
	if (__This->bufferSize < 0) __This->bufferSize = 0;

	/* Save file path/name. */
	CS_stncp (__This->filePath,path,sizeof (__This->filePath));
	CS_stncp (cTemp,path,sizeof (cTemp));

	/* Set up the type of file.  Get cp1 to point at the file
	   name, and cp2 to point at the extension.  We consider it
	   an error if we are not given a full path name.  Note,
	   we care not about the format of the drive specification.
	   But there must be at least one directory and there must
	   be an extension. */
	cp1 = strrchr (cTemp,cs_DirsepC);
	if (cp1 == NULL)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;
	cp1 += 1;
	cp2 = strchr (cp1,cs_ExtsepC);
	if (cp2 == NULL)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;
	*cp2++ = '\0';
	CS_stncp (__This->fileName,cp1,sizeof (__This->fileName));

	/* The thing should have a .bin extension to be processed by us. */
	if (CS_stricmp (cp2,"bin"))
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Get the file information header. */
	fstr = CS_fopen (__This->filePath,_STRM_BINRD);
	if (fstr == NULL)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_DTC_FILE);
		goto error;
	readCount = CS_fread (&geoid99Hdr,1,sizeof (geoid99Hdr),fstr);
	if (readCount != sizeof (geoid99Hdr))
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;
	if (CS_ferror (fstr))
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		goto error;

	/* Determine the size of the file. */
	if (CS_fseek (fstr,0L,SEEK_END))
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		goto error;
	__This->fileSize = CS_ftell (fstr);
	if (__This->fileSize < 0L)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		goto error;

	/* This constructor doesn't need the file any more. */
	CS_fclose (fstr);
	fstr = NULL;

	/* Swap the bytes if necessary.  In all the data files I've seen, iKind is 32
	   bit 1.  If it is a one in the structure, than the file is in the same byte
	   order as the machine we are running on, and swapping is unnecessary.  If
	   iKind is not a one, we assume that is because of byte order, and we do a
	   swap.  Note, however, that we preserve iKind as it was before swapping so
	   that we know whether to swap or not in the other functions in this code
	   module. */

	__This->iKind = geoid99Hdr.iKind;
	if (geoid99Hdr.iKind != 1L)
		/* CSbswap is a variation on CS_bswap.  CSbswap always swaps. */
		CSbswap (&geoid99Hdr,cs_BSWP_Geoid99Hdr);

	/* At this point, geoid99Hdr.iKind should be a one, or either the file
	   is corrupted, or we don't understand the file format properly. */

	if (geoid99Hdr.iKind != 1L)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Extract the important stuff from the header.  Note that the longitude in the header
	   is a zero thru 360 value, proceeding east from Greenwich.  This makes a lot of sense
	   since Alaska crosses the 190 degree crack.  However, it is inconsistent with
	   all the other stuff.  So, we do the following kludge, which is consistent with the
	   NADCON data files. */
	lngMin = geoid99Hdr.lngMin;
	lngMax = lngMin + (geoid99Hdr.lngDelta * (geoid99Hdr.lngCount - 1));
	if (lngMin >= 180.0 || lngMax > 180.0)
		__This->coverage.southWest [LNG] = geoid99Hdr.lngMin - cs_K360;
		__This->coverage.southWest [LNG] = geoid99Hdr.lngMin;
	__This->coverage.southWest [LAT] = geoid99Hdr.latMin;
	__This->deltaLng = geoid99Hdr.lngDelta;
	__This->deltaLat = geoid99Hdr.latDelta;
	__This->coverage.northEast [LNG] = __This->coverage.southWest [LNG] + (geoid99Hdr.lngDelta * (geoid99Hdr.lngCount - 1));
	__This->coverage.northEast [LAT] = __This->coverage.southWest [LAT] + (geoid99Hdr.latDelta * (geoid99Hdr.latCount - 1));
	__This->coverage.density = (__This->deltaLng < __This->deltaLat) ? __This->deltaLng : __This->deltaLat;
	if (density != 0.0) __This->coverage.density = density;
	__This->elementCount = geoid99Hdr.lngCount;
	__This->recordCount = geoid99Hdr.latCount;
	__This->recordSize = geoid99Hdr.lngCount * (int)sizeof (float);

	/* Verify the integrity of the file. */
	lngTmp = __This->recordCount * __This->recordSize + sizeof (geoid99Hdr);
	if (lngTmp != __This->fileSize)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Now that we know recordSize, we can adjust the bufferSize for maximum
	   efficiency. */
	if (__This->bufferSize > __This->fileSize)
		__This->bufferSize = __This->fileSize;
		if (__This->bufferSize > (3 * __This->recordSize))
			/* Maximum efficiency is obtained with a buffer size whch is
			   a multiple of the record size. */
			__This->bufferSize = (__This->bufferSize / __This->recordSize) * __This->recordSize;
			/* We require a minimum buffer size of 3 records. */
			__This->bufferSize = 3 * __This->recordSize;

	return (__This);
	CSdeleteGeoid99GridFile (__This);
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
struct csGeoid96GridFile_* CSnewGeoid96GridFile (Const char *path,long32_t bufferSize,ulong32_t flags,double density)
	extern char cs_DirsepC;
	extern char cs_ExtsepC;
	extern char csErrnam [];

	size_t readCount;
	long lngTmp;
	char *cp1, *cp2;
	csFILE *fstr;
	struct csGeoid96GridFile_* __This;
	char cTemp [MAXPATH];
	struct csNadconFileHdr_ nadconHdr;

	/* Prepare for an error. */
	__This = NULL;
	fstr = NULL;

	/* Malloc and initialize */
	__This = CS_malc (sizeof (struct csGeoid96GridFile_));
	if (__This == NULL)
		CS_erpt (cs_NO_MEM);
		goto error;
	CSinitGeoid96 (__This);

	/* Set default values for all members. */
	__This->bufferSize = bufferSize;
	if (__This->bufferSize < 0) __This->bufferSize = 0;

	/* Save file path/name. */
	CS_stncp (__This->filePath,path,sizeof (__This->filePath));
	CS_stncp (cTemp,path,sizeof (cTemp));

	/* Set up the type of file.  Get cp1 to point at the file
	   name, and cp2 to point at the extension.  We consider it
	   an error if we are not given a full path name.  Note,
	   we care not about the format of the drive specification.
	   But there must be at least one directory and there must
	   be an extension. */
	cp1 = strrchr (cTemp,cs_DirsepC);
	if (cp1 == NULL)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;
	cp1 += 1;
	cp2 = strchr (cp1,cs_ExtsepC);
	if (cp2 == NULL)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;
	*cp2++ = '\0';
	CS_stncp (__This->fileName,cp1,sizeof (__This->fileName));

	/* The thing should have a .geo extension to be processed by us. */
	if (CS_stricmp (cp2,"geo"))
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Get the file information header. */
	fstr = CS_fopen (__This->filePath,_STRM_BINRD);
	if (fstr == NULL)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_DTC_FILE);
		goto error;
	readCount = CS_fread (&nadconHdr,1,sizeof (nadconHdr),fstr);
	if (readCount != sizeof (nadconHdr))
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;
	if (CS_ferror (fstr))
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		goto error;

	/* Determine the size of the file. */
	if (CS_fseek (fstr,0L,SEEK_END))
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		goto error;
	__This->fileSize = CS_ftell (fstr);
	if (__This->fileSize < 0L)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		goto error;

	/* This constructor doesn't need the file any more. */
	CS_fclose (fstr);
	fstr = NULL;

	/* Swap the bytes if necessary. */
	CS_bswap (&nadconHdr,cs_BSWP_NadconFileHdr);

	/* The extra stuff here is required as conversions of floats to doubles
	   does not always provide precise results.  To get the precise results we
	   require, we assume that the value (which is in degrees) is an intergal
	   number of seconds. */
	lngTmp = (long)(((double)nadconHdr.del_lng * 3600.0) + 0.4);
	__This->deltaLng = ((double)lngTmp / 3600.0);
	lngTmp = (long)(((double)nadconHdr.del_lat * 3600.0) + 0.4);
	__This->deltaLat = ((double)lngTmp / 3600.0);

	/* Now we can do the rest of this stuff. */
	__This->coverage.southWest [LNG] = nadconHdr.min_lng;
	__This->coverage.southWest [LAT] = nadconHdr.min_lat;
	__This->coverage.northEast [LNG] = nadconHdr.min_lng + (__This->deltaLng * (nadconHdr.ele_cnt - 1));
	__This->coverage.northEast [LAT] = nadconHdr.min_lat + (__This->deltaLat * (nadconHdr.rec_cnt - 1));
	__This->coverage.density = (__This->deltaLng < __This->deltaLat) ? __This->deltaLng : __This->deltaLat;
	if (density != 0.0) __This->coverage.density = density;
	__This->elementCount = nadconHdr.ele_cnt;
	__This->recordCount = nadconHdr.rec_cnt;
	__This->recordSize = nadconHdr.ele_cnt * (int)sizeof (float) + (int)sizeof (long);

	/* Verify the integrity of the file. */
	lngTmp = (__This->recordCount + 1) * __This->recordSize;
	if (lngTmp != __This->fileSize)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,__This->filePath,MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Now that we know recordSize, we can adjust the bufferSize for maximum
	   efficiency. */
	if (__This->bufferSize > __This->fileSize)
		__This->bufferSize = __This->fileSize;
		if (__This->bufferSize > (3 * __This->recordSize))
			/* Maximum efficiency is obtained with a buffer size whch is
			   a multiple of the record size. */
			__This->bufferSize = (__This->bufferSize / __This->recordSize) * __This->recordSize;
			/* We require a minimum buffer size of 3 records. */
			__This->bufferSize = 3 * __This->recordSize;

	return (__This);
	CSdeleteGeoid96GridFile (__This);
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: CS_ntv2.c Proyecto: asir6/Colt
/* Interpolation Calculator
	The comment below is stale now that we store the entire grid file in memory,
	but is interesting nonetheless as it documents unusual properties of NTv2


	Due to a bust in the file format, we do not buffer up grid cells and stuff.
	There are a couple of sub-grids which overlap other grids in such a way that
	buffering can cause errors.  So, at least until (if ever) the data file is
	corrected, we do no buffering of the grid cells.

	Also, this file format is being adopted by others, such as the Australians.
	We don't know what they are going to do.  So to be safe, NO BUFFERING OF

	Also, due to the sub-grid nature of the data file, we do not buffer the
	data file in any special way; we simply use normal stream buffering.  We
	do, however, use a normal stream buffer of the size specified in the
	main object.
int CScalcNTv2 (struct cs_NTv2_* thisPtr,double deltaLL [2],Const double source [2])
	extern double cs_Zero;				/* 0.0 */
	extern double cs_LlNoise;			/* 1.0E-12 */
	extern char csErrnam [MAXPATH];

	short onLimit;
	unsigned short eleNbr, rowNbr;

	int rtnValue;
	int swapping;

	csFILE* stream = NULL;
	size_t readCnt;
	long32_t filePosition;
	struct csNTv2SubGrid_ *cvtPtr;

	double wpLL [2];
	double seCell [2];
	double nwCell [2];

	struct TcsCaNTv2Data southEast;
	struct TcsCaNTv2Data southWest;
	struct TcsCaNTv2Data northEast;
	struct TcsCaNTv2Data northWest;

	/* Until we know differently. */
	rtnValue = csGRIDI_ST_SYSTEM;
	thisPtr->CellIsValid = FALSE;

	/* In case of an error.  This saves duplication of this many many times. */
	CS_stncp (csErrnam,thisPtr->FilePath,MAXPATH);

	/* Remember, source is East Positive.  All NTv2 files are West Positive. */

	/* Locate the appropriate sub-grid.  If there is none, than there is no
	   coverage.  There are two algorithms:  the original one and one invented
	   to cater to the Spaniards (and maybe some others in the future).
	   In the original algorithm, we search through the top level of parent
	   grids looking for coverage.  The top level parents are those which have
	   no parent.  If none is found, there is no coverage.  If we locate a parent
	   which provides coverage, we examine all children of that parent looking
	   for a sub-grid; and so on.
	   In the Spanish algorithm, we search all grids, and choose the grid which
	   produces the smallest cell size.  This is necessary as the grids are
	   allowed to overlap in the Spanish variation. */
	cvtPtr = CSlocateSubNTv2 (thisPtr,source);
	/* OK, if cvtPtr is not NULL, its a pointer to the appropriate sub grid
	   for this conversion. */
	if (cvtPtr != NULL)
		/* NTv2 files consider west longitude to be positive. */
		wpLL [LNG] = -source [LNG];
		wpLL [LAT] =  source [LAT];

		/* Determine the status of onLimit.  This indicates if the point to be
		   converted actually resides on the northern or western edge of the
		   grid cell. */
		onLimit = 0;
		if (fabs (wpLL [LAT] - cvtPtr->NwReference [LAT]) <= cs_LlNoise) onLimit |= 1;
		if (fabs (wpLL [LNG] - cvtPtr->NwReference [LNG]) <= cs_LlNoise) onLimit |= 2;

		if (thisPtr->fileImage == NULL)
			stream = CS_fopen (thisPtr->FilePath,_STRM_BINRD);
			if (stream == NULL)
				CS_stncp (csErrnam,thisPtr->FilePath,MAXPATH);
				CS_erpt (cs_DTC_FILE);
				goto error;
			setvbuf (stream,NULL,_IOFBF,(size_t)thisPtr->BufferSize);

			// Determine the size of the file.
			if (CS_fseek (stream,0L,SEEK_END))
				CS_stncp (csErrnam,thisPtr->FilePath,MAXPATH);
				CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
				goto error;
			thisPtr->fileImageSize = CS_ftell (stream);
			if (thisPtr->fileImageSize < 0L)
				CS_stncp (csErrnam,thisPtr->FilePath,MAXPATH);
				CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
				goto error;
			if (CS_fseek (stream, 0L, SEEK_SET))
				CS_stncp (csErrnam,thisPtr->FilePath,MAXPATH);
				CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
				goto error;

			// Prepare memory
			thisPtr->fileImage = (char*)CS_malc(thisPtr->fileImageSize);
			if (thisPtr->fileImage == NULL)
				CS_erpt (cs_NO_MEM);
				goto error;

			// Copy everything into the memory
			readCnt = CS_fread(thisPtr->fileImage,
			if (CS_ferror(stream))
				CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
				goto error;

			CS_fclose (stream); stream = NULL;

		/* Compute onLimit for this point and the selected sub-grid regardless
		   of how we got here.  This should now only occur at the extreme edges
		   of the entire file coverage. */
		onLimit = 0;
		if (fabs (wpLL [LAT] - cvtPtr->NwReference [LAT]) <= cs_LlNoise) onLimit |= 1;
		if (fabs (wpLL [LNG] - cvtPtr->NwReference [LNG]) <= cs_LlNoise) onLimit |= 2;

		/* Compute the elements required for the file access.  This is common to
		   all cases of "onLimit". */
		eleNbr = (unsigned short)(((wpLL [LNG] - cvtPtr->SeReference [LNG]) / cvtPtr->DeltaLng) + cs_LlNoise);
		rowNbr = (unsigned short)(((wpLL [LAT] - cvtPtr->SeReference [LAT]) / cvtPtr->DeltaLat) + cs_LlNoise);

		/* Compute the boundaries of the specific cell we dealing with, assuming
		   onLimit is zero (which is the case 99.999% of the time). */
		seCell [LNG] = cvtPtr->SeReference [LNG] + cvtPtr->DeltaLng * (double)eleNbr;
		seCell [LAT] = cvtPtr->SeReference [LAT] + cvtPtr->DeltaLat * (double)rowNbr;
		nwCell [LNG] = seCell [LNG] + cvtPtr->DeltaLng;
		nwCell [LAT] = seCell [LAT] + cvtPtr->DeltaLng;

		/* Build the extent portions of the grid cells. */
		thisPtr->longitudeCell.seCorner [LNG] = seCell [LNG];
		thisPtr->longitudeCell.seCorner [LAT] = seCell [LAT];
		thisPtr->longitudeCell.nwCorner [LNG] = nwCell [LNG];
		thisPtr->longitudeCell.nwCorner [LAT] = nwCell [LAT];
		thisPtr->longitudeCell.deltaLng = cvtPtr->DeltaLng;
		thisPtr->longitudeCell.deltaLat = cvtPtr->DeltaLat;
		thisPtr->longitudeCell.density = cvtPtr->Density;

		thisPtr->latitudeCell.seCorner [LNG] = seCell [LNG];
		thisPtr->latitudeCell.seCorner [LAT] = seCell [LAT];
		thisPtr->latitudeCell.nwCorner [LNG] = nwCell [LNG];
		thisPtr->latitudeCell.nwCorner [LAT] = nwCell [LAT];
		thisPtr->latitudeCell.deltaLng = cvtPtr->DeltaLng;
		thisPtr->latitudeCell.deltaLat = cvtPtr->DeltaLat;
		thisPtr->latitudeCell.density = cvtPtr->Density;

		/* We could reduce the code complexity here by getting smart with the
		   onLimit thing.  However, this gets very tricky.  My excuse here is
		   that what is code below emulates the way the Canadians did it in
		   FORTRAN as best we can do in C. */
		if (onLimit == 0)
			/* The normal case, probably about 99.9999 percent of the time.
			   Read the data into my record buffer. */
			filePosition = cvtPtr->FirstRecord + rowNbr * cvtPtr->RowSize + eleNbr * thisPtr->RecSize;

			if ((filePosition + sizeof(southEast) + sizeof(southWest)) > thisPtr->fileImageSize)
				CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
				goto error;

			memcpy(&southEast, thisPtr->fileImage + filePosition, sizeof(southEast));
			/* Read southwest shifts. */
				   thisPtr->fileImage + filePosition + sizeof(southEast),

			/* Read northeast shifts. */
			filePosition += cvtPtr->RowSize;

			if ((filePosition + sizeof(northEast) + sizeof(northWest)) > thisPtr->fileImageSize)
				CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
				goto error;

			memcpy(&northEast, thisPtr->fileImage + filePosition, sizeof(northEast));

			/* Read northwest shifts. */
				   thisPtr->fileImage + filePosition + sizeof(northEast),

			/* Swap as necessary. */
			swapping = CS_bswap (&southEast,cs_BSWP_NTv2Data);
			if (swapping)
				CS_bswap (&southWest,cs_BSWP_NTv2Data);
				CS_bswap (&northEast,cs_BSWP_NTv2Data);
				CS_bswap (&northWest,cs_BSWP_NTv2Data);

			/* Build the grid cell AA, BB, CC, and DD values. */
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentAA = southEast.del_lng;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentBB = southWest.del_lng - southEast.del_lng;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentCC = northEast.del_lng - southEast.del_lng;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentDD = northWest.del_lng - southWest.del_lng - northEast.del_lng + southEast.del_lng;

			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentAA = southEast.del_lat;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentBB = southWest.del_lat - southEast.del_lat;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentCC = northEast.del_lat - southEast.del_lat;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentDD = northWest.del_lat - southWest.del_lat - northEast.del_lat + southEast.del_lat;
		else if (onLimit == 1)
			/* Point is on the extreme northern edge of the sub-grid.  This occurs
			   ocassionally.  In this case, the "northern" boundary of the grid cell
			   doesn't exist, and we must manufacture such.  This is called a
			   virtual cell in the Canadian documentation.  */
			filePosition = cvtPtr->FirstRecord + rowNbr * cvtPtr->RowSize + eleNbr * thisPtr->RecSize;

			if ((filePosition + sizeof(southEast) + sizeof(southWest)) > thisPtr->fileImageSize)
				CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
				goto error;

			memcpy(&southEast, thisPtr->fileImage + filePosition, sizeof(southEast));
			/* Read southwest shifts. */
				   thisPtr->fileImage + filePosition + sizeof(southEast),

			/* Swap as necessary. */
			swapping = CS_bswap (&southEast,cs_BSWP_NTv2Data);
			if (swapping)
				CS_bswap (&southWest,cs_BSWP_NTv2Data);

			/* Do not attempt to read the northern boundary, it ain't there.
			   Compute the AA, BB, CC, DD values. */
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentAA = southEast.del_lng;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentBB = southWest.del_lng - southEast.del_lng;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentCC = cs_Zero;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentDD = cs_Zero;

			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentAA = southEast.del_lat;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentBB = southWest.del_lat - southEast.del_lat;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentCC = cs_Zero;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentDD = cs_Zero;
			/* Adjust the grid cell boundaries to indicate that the northern
			   limits are the same as the southern limits.  I.e. a grid cell
			   that has zero height. */
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.nwCorner [LAT] = thisPtr->longitudeCell.seCorner [LAT] + cs_LlNoise;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.nwCorner [LAT]  = thisPtr->latitudeCell.seCorner [LAT] + cs_LlNoise;
		else if (onLimit == 2)
			/* Point is on the extreme western edge of the sub-grid. */
			filePosition = cvtPtr->FirstRecord + rowNbr * cvtPtr->RowSize + eleNbr * thisPtr->RecSize;

			if ((filePosition + sizeof(southEast)) > thisPtr->fileImageSize)
				CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
				goto error;

			memcpy(&southEast, thisPtr->fileImage + filePosition, sizeof(southEast));

			/* Don't read the south west, it ain't there. */

			filePosition += cvtPtr->RowSize;

			if ((filePosition + sizeof(northEast)) > thisPtr->fileImageSize)
				CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
				goto error;

			memcpy(&northEast, thisPtr->fileImage + filePosition, sizeof(northEast));
			/* Don't read the northwest, it ain't there. */
			swapping = CS_bswap (&southEast,cs_BSWP_NTv2Data);
			if (swapping)
				CS_bswap (&northEast,cs_BSWP_NTv2Data);

			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentAA = southEast.del_lng;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentBB = cs_Zero;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentCC = northEast.del_lng - southEast.del_lng;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentDD = cs_Zero;

			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentAA = southEast.del_lat;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentBB = cs_Zero;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentCC = northEast.del_lat - southEast.del_lat;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentDD = cs_Zero;

			/* Adjust the grid cell boundaries to indicate that the eastern
			   limits are the same as the western limits.  I.e. a grid cell
			   that has zero width. */
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.nwCorner [LNG] = thisPtr->longitudeCell.seCorner [LNG] + cs_LlNoise;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.nwCorner [LNG]  = thisPtr->latitudeCell.seCorner [LNG] + cs_LlNoise;
		else  /* onLimit == 3 */
			/* Point is actually the northwestern corner of the sub-grid. */
			filePosition = cvtPtr->FirstRecord + rowNbr * cvtPtr->RowSize + eleNbr * thisPtr->RecSize;

			if ((filePosition + sizeof(southEast)) > thisPtr->fileImageSize)
				CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
				goto error;

			memcpy(&southEast, thisPtr->fileImage + filePosition, sizeof(southEast));

			/* Don't read anything else.  There's nothing there. */
			CS_bswap (&southEast,cs_BSWP_NTv2Data);

			/* Compute the AA, BB, CC, DD values. */
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentAA = southEast.del_lng;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentBB = cs_Zero;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentCC = cs_Zero;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.currentDD = cs_Zero;

			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentAA = southEast.del_lat;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentBB = cs_Zero;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentCC = cs_Zero;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.currentDD = cs_Zero;

			/* Adjust the grid cell boundaries to indicate that the northeastern
			   limits are the same as the southwestern limits.  I.e. a grid cell
			   that has zero width and zero height. */
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.nwCorner [LNG] = thisPtr->longitudeCell.seCorner [LNG] + cs_LlNoise;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.nwCorner [LNG]  = thisPtr->latitudeCell.seCorner [LNG] + cs_LlNoise;
			thisPtr->longitudeCell.nwCorner [LAT] = thisPtr->longitudeCell.seCorner [LAT] + cs_LlNoise;
			thisPtr->latitudeCell.nwCorner [LAT]  = thisPtr->latitudeCell.seCorner [LAT] + cs_LlNoise;

		/* The cells are now valid, maybe.  We now work around a bust in the
		   Canadian NTV2_0.gsb grid data file. */
		thisPtr->CellIsValid = TRUE;

		/* Perform the interpolation calculation. */
		deltaLL [LNG] = CScalcNTv2GridCell (&thisPtr->longitudeCell,source);
		deltaLL [LAT] = CScalcNTv2GridCell (&thisPtr->latitudeCell,source);
		rtnValue = csGRIDI_ST_OK;
		/* We didn't find a sub-grid.  The return value is +1 to indicate no
		   coverage. */
		deltaLL [LNG] = cs_Zero;
		deltaLL [LAT] = cs_Zero;
		rtnValue = csGRIDI_ST_COVERAGE;
	csErrnam [0] = '\0';
	return rtnValue;
	if (stream != NULL)
		CS_fclose (stream); stream = NULL;
	return csGRIDI_ST_SYSTEM;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: CS_ntv2.c Proyecto: asir6/Colt
int CSinitNTv2 (struct cs_NTv2_* thisPtr,Const char *filePath,long32_t bufferSize,
															  ulong32_t flags,
															  double density)
	extern double cs_Sec2Deg;
	extern char cs_DirsepC;
	extern char csErrnam [];

	short idx;
	short parIdx;

	int overlap;
	int seekStat;

	size_t readCnt;
	size_t readCntRq;
	size_t malcCnt;
	long32_t skipAmount;

	char *cp;
	struct csNTv2SubGrid_* subPtr;
	struct csNTv2SubGrid_* kidPtr;
	struct csNTv2SubGrid_* parPtr;

	union csNtv2Hdrs_ fileHdr;
	struct csNTv2SubHdr_ fileSubHdr;

	char ctemp [MAXPATH];

	csFILE* stream = NULL;

	/* Try to prevent a likely crash. */
	if (thisPtr == NULL)
		CS_stncp (csErrnam,"CS_ntv2::1",MAXPATH);
		CS_erpt (cs_ISER);
		return -1;

	/* In the event of an error; this eliminates duplicating this many many
	   times. */
	CS_stncp (csErrnam,filePath,MAXPATH);

	/* Initialize the structure to harmless values. */
	thisPtr->SubGridDir = NULL;
	thisPtr->fileImage = NULL;
	thisPtr->fileImageSize = 0;
	thisPtr->HdrRecCnt = 0;
	thisPtr->SubCount = 0;
	thisPtr->RecSize = 16;
	thisPtr->CellIsValid = FALSE;
	thisPtr->SubOverlap = (short)((flags & 0x01) != 0);
	thisPtr->IntType = csNTv2TypeNone;
	thisPtr->BufferSize = bufferSize;
	thisPtr->sourceId [0] = '\0';
	if (thisPtr->BufferSize <= 0) thisPtr->BufferSize = csNTv2BufrSz;
	if (thisPtr->BufferSize <= 4096) thisPtr->BufferSize = 4096;
	CSinitNTv2GridCell (&thisPtr->longitudeCell);
	CSinitNTv2GridCell (&thisPtr->latitudeCell);

	/* Deal with the file path. */
	CS_stncp (thisPtr->FilePath,filePath,sizeof (thisPtr->FilePath));

	/* Extract and save last 15 characters of the data file name. */
	cp = strrchr (thisPtr->FilePath,cs_DirsepC);
	if (cp == NULL) cp = thisPtr->FilePath;
	CS_stncp (ctemp,cp,sizeof (ctemp));
	cp = strrchr (ctemp,'.');
	if (cp != NULL) *cp = '\0';
	cp = ctemp;
	if (strlen (ctemp) > 15)
		cp = ctemp + strlen (ctemp) - 15;
	CS_stncp (thisPtr->FileName,cp,sizeof (thisPtr->FileName));

	/* Open the file. */
	stream = CS_fopen (thisPtr->FilePath,_STRM_BINRD);
	if (stream == NULL)
		CS_erpt (cs_DTC_FILE);
		goto error;
	setvbuf (stream,NULL,_IOFBF,(size_t)thisPtr->BufferSize);

	/* We've got a file.  Read the header. */
	readCnt = CS_fread (&fileHdr,1,sizeof (fileHdr),stream);
	if (CS_ferror (stream))
		CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
		goto error;
	if (readCnt != sizeof (fileHdr))
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Verify that this is the kind of file we know how to deal with. */
	if (strncmp (fileHdr.Canadian.titl01,"NUM_OREC",8))
		/* Opps!!! Not a CaNTv2 file. */
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Determine the type/source of the file. */
	if (fileHdr.Canadian.titl02 [0] == 'N' &&
	    fileHdr.Canadian.titl02 [1] == 'U')
		/* It appears that the file is Canadian. */
		thisPtr->IntType = csNTv2TypeCanada;
		skipAmount = sizeof (struct csNTv2HdrCa_);
		CS_bswap (&fileHdr.Canadian,cs_BSWP_NTv2HdrCa);
	else if (fileHdr.Australian.titl02 [0] == 'N' &&
			 fileHdr.Australian.titl02 [1] == 'U')
		/* It appears to be an Australian file. */
		thisPtr->IntType = csNTv2TypeAustralia;
		skipAmount = sizeof (struct csNTv2HdrAu_);
		CS_bswap (&fileHdr.Australian,cs_BSWP_NTv2HdrAu);
		/* Opps!!! Don't know what kind of file it is. */
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Reposition the input file as is appropriate due to the
	   type of file.  A little hoeky, but it should be portable. */
	seekStat = CS_fseek (stream,skipAmount,SEEK_SET);
	if (seekStat != 0)
		CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
		goto error;

	/* Extract the valuable stuff. */
	if (thisPtr->IntType == csNTv2TypeCanada)
		thisPtr->HdrRecCnt = fileHdr.Canadian.num_orec;
		thisPtr->SubCount = fileHdr.Canadian.num_file;
		thisPtr->SubHdrRecCnt = fileHdr.Canadian.num_srec;
		thisPtr->HdrRecCnt = fileHdr.Australian.num_orec;
		thisPtr->SubCount = fileHdr.Australian.num_file;
		thisPtr->SubHdrRecCnt = fileHdr.Australian.num_srec;
	/* The rest of the header is pretty much useless. */

	/* Now, we deal with the sub-directories.  THese are very
	   important. */
	malcCnt = sizeof (struct csNTv2SubHdr_) * (ulong32_t)thisPtr->SubCount;
	thisPtr->SubGridDir = (struct csNTv2SubGrid_ *)CS_malc (malcCnt);
	if (thisPtr->SubGridDir == NULL)
		CS_erpt (cs_NO_MEM);
		goto error;

	/* Initialize (i.e. construct) each of the sub-grid items we just
	   allocated. */
	for (idx = 0;idx < thisPtr->SubCount;idx += 1)
		subPtr = &thisPtr->SubGridDir [idx];

		/* Initialize to a boundary which will not match anything. */
		subPtr->SouthWest [LNG] = 180.0;
		subPtr->SouthWest [LAT] = 90.0;
		subPtr->NorthEast [LNG] = -180.0;
		subPtr->NorthEast [LAT] = -90.0;

		/* Remember, these values as extracted from the file itself are
		   WEST positive. */
		subPtr->SeReference [LNG] =  180.0;
		subPtr->SeReference [LAT] =   90.0;
		subPtr->NwReference [LNG] = -180.0;
		subPtr->NwReference [LAT] =  -90.0;

		subPtr->DeltaLng  = 0.0;
		subPtr->DeltaLat  = 0.0;
		subPtr->Density   = 0.0;
		subPtr->FirstRecord = -1;
		subPtr->GridRecCnt = 0;
		subPtr->ParentIndex = -1;
		subPtr->ChildIndex = -1;
		subPtr->RowCount = 0;
		subPtr->ElementCount = 0;
		subPtr->RowSize = 0;
		subPtr->Cacheable = FALSE;
		subPtr->Name [0] = '\0';
		subPtr->Parent [0] = '\0';

	/* Once for each sub-grid in the file; read in the header.  At this point,
	   we just read them in.  Later on, we peruse the array and figure out
	   who the mamas and the papas are. */
	for (idx = 0;idx < thisPtr->SubCount;idx += 1)
		/* Kludge to handle the variation in format.  Doing this right
		   would require duplication of a whole bunch of code. So . . . */
		readCntRq = sizeof (fileSubHdr);
		if (thisPtr->IntType == csNTv2TypeAustralia) readCntRq -= 4;

		readCnt = CS_fread (&fileSubHdr,1,readCntRq,stream);
		if (CS_ferror (stream))
			CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
			goto error;
		if (readCnt != readCntRq)
			CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
			goto error;
		if (strncmp (fileSubHdr.titl01,"SUB_NAME",8))
			CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
			goto error;
		if (thisPtr->IntType == csNTv2TypeCanada)
			CS_bswap (&fileSubHdr,cs_BSWP_NTv2SubHdrCA);
			CS_bswap (&fileSubHdr,cs_BSWP_NTv2SubHdrAU);

		/* Collect the useful stuff. */		
		subPtr = &thisPtr->SubGridDir [idx];

		/* Data for each sub-grid immediately follows the sub-grid header. */
		subPtr->FirstRecord = CS_ftell (stream);

		/* These boundaries are rational east positive boundaries. */
		subPtr->SouthWest [LNG] = -fileSubHdr.w_long * cs_Sec2Deg;
		subPtr->SouthWest [LAT] =  fileSubHdr.s_lat  * cs_Sec2Deg;
		subPtr->NorthEast [LNG] = -fileSubHdr.e_long * cs_Sec2Deg;
		subPtr->NorthEast [LAT] =  fileSubHdr.n_lat  * cs_Sec2Deg;

		/* These boundaries are the screwy west positive ones used in the
		   NTv2 format. */
		subPtr->SeReference [LNG] = fileSubHdr.e_long * cs_Sec2Deg;
		subPtr->SeReference [LAT] = fileSubHdr.s_lat  * cs_Sec2Deg;
		subPtr->NwReference [LNG] = fileSubHdr.w_long * cs_Sec2Deg;
		subPtr->NwReference [LAT] = fileSubHdr.n_lat  * cs_Sec2Deg;

		/* The remainder of this is pretty rational. */
		subPtr->DeltaLng  = fileSubHdr.long_inc * cs_Sec2Deg;
		subPtr->DeltaLat  = fileSubHdr.lat_inc  * cs_Sec2Deg;

		/* We do not use Density in the calculations.  It is only used to
		   select one sub-grid over another in the case of overlap.  Yes,
		   I know.  The sub-grids at the same level are not suppoded to
		   overlap; but they do.  Call it job security for you an me. */
		subPtr->Density = (subPtr->DeltaLat < subPtr->DeltaLng) ? subPtr->DeltaLat : subPtr->DeltaLng;

		/* If the user has specified a default density value, we use it. */
		if (density != 0.0)
			subPtr->Density = density;

		/* Save the name for reporting purposes. */
		CS_stncp (subPtr->Name,fileSubHdr.sub_name,9);
		CS_stncp (subPtr->Parent,fileSubHdr.parent,9);

		subPtr->GridRecCnt = fileSubHdr.gs_count;
		/* WEST Positive, dummy.  The extra .01 is to eliminate possible fuzz
		   in the double portion of the calculations. */
		subPtr->RowCount = (unsigned short)(((subPtr->NwReference [LAT] - subPtr->SeReference [LAT]) / subPtr->DeltaLat) + 1.01);
		subPtr->ElementCount = (unsigned short)(((subPtr->NwReference [LNG] - subPtr->SeReference [LNG]) / subPtr->DeltaLng) + 1.01);
		subPtr->RowSize = (unsigned short)(subPtr->ElementCount * thisPtr->RecSize);

		/* Certain sub grids are not cacheable.  In the Canadian file, the region
		   which is not cacheable is rather small.  We use the csCaNTv2KludgeTable
		   to handle it.  The one Austrailian sub-grid we've seen is screwed up,
		   so we disable cacheing (at least for now), for all Australian files.
		   Australian, in this context, means file in the old Australian format,
		   not necessarily data files covering Australian geography.
		   In the case of the Spanish variation, parent grids overlap, and
		   therefore none of the sub-grids are cacheable. */
//???? 	subPtr->Cacheable = (short)((thisPtr->IntType == csNTv2TypeCanada) && (thisPtr->SubOverlap == 0));
		subPtr->Cacheable = FALSE;

		/* Skip over the data records in the file. */
		skipAmount = subPtr->GridRecCnt * thisPtr->RecSize;
		seekStat = CS_fseek (stream,skipAmount,SEEK_CUR);
		if (seekStat != 0)
			CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
			goto error;

	/* Now we figure out who the mammas and the pappas are.  Note, all we have
	   to work with are parent names.  Therefore, we have to work bassackwards.

	   End result of all of this, is that each child needs to have the index
	   of its parent; and each sub-grid that has a child needs to be so marked. */
	for (idx =  0;idx < thisPtr->SubCount;idx += 1)
		kidPtr = &thisPtr->SubGridDir [idx];
		if (CS_stricmp (kidPtr->Parent,"NONE    "))
			/* Its a child, find the parent. */
			for (parIdx = 0;parIdx < thisPtr->SubCount;parIdx += 1)
				parPtr = &thisPtr->SubGridDir [parIdx];
				if (!CS_stricmp (kidPtr->Parent,parPtr->Name))
					/* Save the index of the parent. */
					kidPtr->ParentIndex = parIdx;

					/* Mark the parent as having a child, if not already so marked. */
					if (parPtr->ChildIndex == -1 || parPtr->ChildIndex > idx)
						parPtr->ChildIndex = idx;

	/* To accomodate the Spanish (and perhaps others in the future, we check the
	   parent grids in the list of sub-grids for overlap.  If overlap exists,
	   we turn on the SubOverlap flag.  Of course, if this flag is already on,
	   we have nothing to do.  If we did indeed turn on the SubOverlap flag,
	   we need to cruise through all the sub-grids and set the Cacheable flag
	   to false to assure that no data from this file makes it to the grid cell
	   cache. */
	if (thisPtr->SubOverlap == 0)
		for (parIdx = 0;parIdx < thisPtr->SubCount && thisPtr->SubOverlap == 0;parIdx += 1)
			parPtr = &thisPtr->SubGridDir [parIdx];
			/* Top level grids only, we know the children overlap. */
			if (parPtr->ParentIndex >= 0) continue;

			overlap = FALSE;
			for (idx = 0;idx < thisPtr->SubCount;idx += 1)
				if (idx == parIdx) continue;
				subPtr = &thisPtr->SubGridDir [idx];
				if (subPtr->ParentIndex >= 0) continue;
				/* See if subPtr overlaps with parPtr. */
				overlap  = subPtr->SeReference [LNG] > parPtr->SeReference [LNG] &&
						   subPtr->SeReference [LAT] > parPtr->SeReference [LAT] &&
						   subPtr->SeReference [LNG] < parPtr->NwReference [LNG] &&
						   subPtr->SeReference [LAT] < parPtr->NwReference [LAT];
				overlap |= subPtr->NwReference [LNG] > parPtr->SeReference [LNG] &&
						   subPtr->NwReference [LAT] > parPtr->SeReference [LAT] &&
						   subPtr->NwReference [LNG] < parPtr->NwReference [LNG] &&
						   subPtr->NwReference [LAT] < parPtr->NwReference [LAT];
				if (overlap)
					thisPtr->SubOverlap = TRUE;		/* for testing ease */
		if (thisPtr->SubOverlap != 0)
			for (idx = 0;idx < thisPtr->SubCount;idx += 1)
				subPtr = &thisPtr->SubGridDir [idx];
				subPtr->Cacheable = FALSE;

	/* OK, we should be ready to rock and roll.  We close the Stream until
	   we actually need it.  Often, we get constructed just so there is a
	   record of the coverage afforded by the file. */
	if (stream != NULL)
		CS_fclose (stream);
		stream = NULL;
	csErrnam [0] = '\0';
	return 0;

	if (stream != NULL)
		CS_fclose (stream);
		stream = NULL;
	if (thisPtr->SubGridDir != NULL)
		CS_free (thisPtr->SubGridDir);
		thisPtr->SubGridDir = NULL;
	thisPtr->HdrRecCnt = 0;
	thisPtr->SubCount = 0;
	thisPtr->RecSize = 16;
	thisPtr->CellIsValid = FALSE;
	thisPtr->SubOverlap = (short)((flags & 0x01) != 0);
	thisPtr->IntType = csNTv2TypeNone;
	thisPtr->BufferSize = bufferSize;
	thisPtr->sourceId [0] = '\0';
	if (thisPtr->BufferSize <= 0) thisPtr->BufferSize = csNTv2BufrSz;
	if (thisPtr->BufferSize <= 4096) thisPtr->BufferSize = 4096;
	CSinitNTv2GridCell (&thisPtr->longitudeCell);
	CSinitNTv2GridCell (&thisPtr->latitudeCell);
	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int EXP_LVL3 CS_dtupd (struct cs_Dtdef_ *dtdef,int crypt)
    extern char csErrnam [];
    extern short cs_Protect;
    extern char cs_Unique;

    short cs_time;

    int st;
    int flag;
    int dummy;

    csFILE *strm;

    long fpos;

    char *cp;

    __ALIGNMENT__1		/* For some versions of Sun compiler. */

    struct cs_Dtdef_ my_dtdef;

    /* Capture the current time. For our purposes here, time is
       the number of days since (approx) January 1, 1990. If this
       record does get written, the protect field will indicate
       that it has changed. */

    cs_time = (short)((CS_time ((cs_Time_ *)0) - 630720000L) / 86400L);
    if (dtdef->protect >= 0)
        dtdef->protect = cs_time;

    /* Prepare for a possible error. */
    strm = NULL;

    /* Adjust the name and make sure it is all upper
       case.  By convention, datum names are case
       insensitive. */
    st = CS_nampp (dtdef->key_nm);
    if (st != 0) goto error;

    /* Open up the Datum Dictionary and verify its magic number. */
    strm = CS_dtopn (_STRM_BINUP);
    if (strm == NULL)
        goto error;

    /* See if we have a datum with this name already. */
    flag = CS_bins (strm,(long)sizeof (cs_magic_t),0L,sizeof (*dtdef),
                    (char *)dtdef,(CMPFUNC_CAST)CS_dtcmp);
    if (flag < 0) goto error;
    if (flag)
        /* Here when the datum already exists. See if we are
           allowed to change this definition. */
        if (cs_Protect >= 0)
            /* Distribution protection is enabled. */
            fpos = CS_ftell (strm);
            if (fpos < 0L)
                CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
                goto error;
            st = CS_dtrd (strm,&my_dtdef,&dummy);
            if (st == 0) CS_erpt (cs_INV_FILE);
            if (st <= 0)
                goto error;

            if (my_dtdef.protect == 1)
                CS_stncp (csErrnam,dtdef->key_nm,MAXPATH);
                CS_erpt (cs_DT_PROT);
                goto error;
            if (cs_Protect > 0 && my_dtdef.protect > 0)
                if (my_dtdef.protect < (cs_time - cs_Protect))		/*lint !e644 */
                    CS_stncp (csErrnam,dtdef->key_nm,MAXPATH);
                    CS_erpt (cs_DT_UPROT);
                    goto error;
            st  = CS_fseek (strm,fpos,SEEK_SET);
            if (st < 0L)
                CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
                goto error;

        /* If we're still here, it's OK to update this definition. */
        if (CS_dtwr (strm,dtdef,crypt))
            goto error;
        /* Here if the datum definition doesn't exist.  We
           have to add it. If cs_Unique is not zero, we
           require that a cs_Unique character be present
           in the key name before we'll allow it to be
           written. */
        if (cs_Unique != '\0')
            cp = strchr (dtdef->key_nm,cs_Unique);
            if (cp == NULL)
                csErrnam [0] = cs_Unique;
                csErrnam [1] = '\0';
                CS_erpt (cs_UNIQUE);
                goto error;

        /* Now we can add it. Write to the end of the file, and then
           sort the file. */
        st = CS_fseek (strm,0L,SEEK_END);
        if (st != 0)
            CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
            goto error;
        if (CS_dtwr (strm,dtdef,crypt))
            goto error;

        /* Sort the file into proper order, thereby
           moving the new datum to its proper place
           in the dictionary. */
        st = CS_fseek (strm,(long)sizeof (cs_magic_t),SEEK_SET);
        if (st != 0)
            CS_erpt (cs_IOERR);
            goto error;
        st = CS_ips (strm,sizeof (*dtdef),0L,(CMPFUNC_CAST)CS_dtcmp);
        if (st < 0) goto error;

    /* The Datum Dictionary has been updated. */
    CS_dtDictCls (strm);
    return (flag);

    if (strm != NULL) CS_dtDictCls (strm);
    return (-1);