Ejemplo n.º 1
SEXP R_ExpectCovarInfluence(SEXP y, SEXP weights) {

    SEXP ans;
    int q, n;

    if (!isReal(y) || !isReal(weights))
        error("R_ExpectCovarInfluence: arguments are not of type REALSXP");

    n = nrow(y);
    q = ncol(y);

    if (LENGTH(weights) != n)
        error("R_ExpectCovarInfluence: vector of case weights does not have %d elements", n);

    /*  allocate storage for return values */
    PROTECT(ans = NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("ExpectCovarInfluence")));
    SET_SLOT(ans, coin_expectationSym,
             PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, q)));
    SET_SLOT(ans, coin_covarianceSym,
             PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, q, q)));
    SET_SLOT(ans, coin_sumweightsSym,
             PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, 1)));

    C_ExpectCovarInfluence(REAL(y), q, REAL(weights), n, ans);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void C_LinStatExpCov(const double *x, const int p,
                     const double *y, const int q,
                     const double *weights, const int n,
                     const int cexpcovinf, SEXP expcovinf, SEXP ans) {

    C_LinearStatistic(x, p, y, q, weights, n, 
                      REAL(GET_SLOT(ans, PL2_linearstatisticSym)));
    if (cexpcovinf)
        C_ExpectCovarInfluence(y, q, weights, n, expcovinf);
    C_ExpectCovarLinearStatistic(x, p, y, q, weights, n, 
                                 expcovinf, ans);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void C_surrogates(SEXP node, SEXP learnsample, SEXP weights, SEXP controls, 
                  SEXP fitmem) {

    SEXP x, y, expcovinf; 
    SEXP splitctrl, inputs; 
    SEXP split, thiswhichNA;
    int nobs, ninputs, i, j, k, jselect, maxsurr, *order, nvar = 0;
    double ms, cp, *thisweights, *cutpoint, *maxstat, 
           *splitstat, *dweights, *tweights, *dx, *dy;
    double cut, *twotab, *ytmp, sumw = 0.0;
    nobs = get_nobs(learnsample);
    ninputs = get_ninputs(learnsample);
    splitctrl = get_splitctrl(controls);
    maxsurr = get_maxsurrogate(splitctrl);
    inputs = GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_inputsSym);
    jselect = S3get_variableID(S3get_primarysplit(node));
    /* (weights > 0) in left node are the new `response' to be approximated */
    y = S3get_nodeweights(VECTOR_ELT(node, S3_LEFT));
    ytmp = Calloc(nobs, double);
    for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) {
        ytmp[i] = REAL(y)[i];
        if (ytmp[i] > 1.0) ytmp[i] = 1.0;

    for (j = 0; j < ninputs; j++) {
        if (is_nominal(inputs, j + 1)) continue;

    if (maxsurr != LENGTH(S3get_surrogatesplits(node)))
        error("nodes does not have %d surrogate splits", maxsurr);
    if (maxsurr > nvar)
        error("cannot set up %d surrogate splits with only %d ordered input variable(s)", 
              maxsurr, nvar);

    tweights = Calloc(nobs, double);
    dweights = REAL(weights);
    for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) tweights[i] = dweights[i];
    if (has_missings(inputs, jselect)) {
        thiswhichNA = get_missings(inputs, jselect);
        for (k = 0; k < LENGTH(thiswhichNA); k++)
            tweights[INTEGER(thiswhichNA)[k] - 1] = 0.0;

    /* check if sum(weights) > 1 */
    sumw = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) sumw += tweights[i];
    if (sumw < 2.0)
        error("can't implement surrogate splits, not enough observations available");

    expcovinf = GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_expcovinfssSym);
    C_ExpectCovarInfluence(ytmp, 1, tweights, nobs, expcovinf);
    splitstat = REAL(get_splitstatistics(fitmem));
    /* <FIXME> extend `TreeFitMemory' to those as well ... */
    maxstat = Calloc(ninputs, double);
    cutpoint = Calloc(ninputs, double);
    order = Calloc(ninputs, int);
    /* <FIXME> */
    /* this is essentially an exhaustive search */
    /* <FIXME>: we don't want to do this for random forest like trees 
    for (j = 0; j < ninputs; j++) {
         order[j] = j + 1;
         maxstat[j] = 0.0;
         cutpoint[j] = 0.0;

         /* ordered input variables only (for the moment) */
         if ((j + 1) == jselect || is_nominal(inputs, j + 1))

         x = get_variable(inputs, j + 1);

         if (has_missings(inputs, j + 1)) {

             /* update _tweights_ wrt missings in variable j + 1 */
             thisweights = C_tempweights(j + 1, tweights, fitmem, inputs);

             /* check if sum(weights) > 1 */
             sumw = 0.0;
             for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) sumw += thisweights[i];
             if (sumw < 2.0) continue;
             C_ExpectCovarInfluence(ytmp, 1, thisweights, nobs, expcovinf);
             C_split(REAL(x), 1, ytmp, 1, thisweights, nobs,
                     INTEGER(get_ordering(inputs, j + 1)), splitctrl,
                     GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_linexpcov2sampleSym),
                     expcovinf, 1, &cp, &ms, splitstat);
         } else {
             C_split(REAL(x), 1, ytmp, 1, tweights, nobs,
             INTEGER(get_ordering(inputs, j + 1)), splitctrl,
             GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_linexpcov2sampleSym),
             expcovinf, 1, &cp, &ms, splitstat);

         maxstat[j] = -ms;
         cutpoint[j] = cp;

    /* order with respect to maximal statistic */
    rsort_with_index(maxstat, order, ninputs);
    twotab = Calloc(4, double);
    /* the best `maxsurr' ones are implemented */
    for (j = 0; j < maxsurr; j++) {

        if (is_nominal(inputs, order[j])) continue;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) twotab[i] = 0.0;
        cut = cutpoint[order[j] - 1];
        /* this might give warnings about split being
           UNPROTECTed but is is since node is PROTECTed */
        PROTECT(split = allocVector(VECSXP, SPLIT_LENGTH));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(S3get_surrogatesplits(node), j, split);
        C_init_orderedsplit(split, 0);
        S3set_variableID(split, order[j]);
        REAL(S3get_splitpoint(split))[0] = cut;
        dx = REAL(get_variable(inputs, order[j]));
        dy = REAL(y);

        /* OK, this is a dirty hack: determine if the split 
           goes left or right by the Pearson residual of a 2x2 table.
           I don't want to use the big caliber here 
        for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) {
            twotab[0] += ((dy[i] == 1) && (dx[i] <= cut)) * tweights[i];
            twotab[1] += (dy[i] == 1) * tweights[i];
            twotab[2] += (dx[i] <= cut) * tweights[i];
            twotab[3] += tweights[i];
        S3set_toleft(split, (int) (twotab[0] - twotab[1] * twotab[2] / 
                     twotab[3]) > 0);