Ejemplo n.º 1
int CalcTriangleCenter (const Point3d ** pts, Point3d & c)
  static DenseMatrix a(2), inva(2);
  static Vector rs(2), sol(2);
  double h = Dist(*pts[0], *pts[1]);

  Vec3d v1(*pts[0], *pts[1]);
  Vec3d v2(*pts[0], *pts[2]);

  rs.Elem(1) = v1 * v1;
  rs.Elem(2) = v2 * v2;

  a.Elem(1,1) = 2 * rs.Get(1);
  a.Elem(1,2) = a.Elem(2,1) = 2 * (v1 * v2);
  a.Elem(2,2) = 2 * rs.Get(2);

  if (fabs (a.Det()) <= 1e-12 * h * h)
      (*testout) << "CalcTriangleCenter: degenerated" << endl;
      return 1;

  CalcInverse (a, inva);
  inva.Mult (rs, sol);

  c = *pts[0];
  v1 *= sol.Get(1);
  v2 *= sol.Get(2);

  c += v1;
  c += v2;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 inline void CalcInverse (const Mat<3,2> & m, Mat<2,3> & inv)
   Mat<2,2> a = Trans (m) * m;
   Mat<2,2> ainv;
   CalcInverse (a, ainv);
   inv = ainv * Trans (m);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Get result of inverse kinematics (without controller)
void UndercarriageCtrlGeom::GetSteerDriveSetValues(std::vector<double> & vdVelGearDriveRadS, std::vector<double> & vdAngGearSteerRad)
	//LOG_OUT("Calculate Inverse for given Velocity Command");


	vdVelGearDriveRadS = m_vdVelGearDriveTarget1RadS;
	vdAngGearSteerRad = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad;
Ejemplo n.º 4
const DenseMatrix &ElementTransformation::EvalInverseJ()
   // TODO: compute as invJ = / adjJ/Weight,    if J is square,
   //                         \ adjJ/Weight^2,  otherwise.
   MFEM_ASSERT((EvalState & INVERSE_MASK) == 0, "");
   invJ.SetSize(dFdx.Width(), dFdx.Height());
   if (dFdx.Width() > 0) { CalcInverse(dFdx, invJ); }
   EvalState |= INVERSE_MASK;
   return invJ;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int IsoparametricTransformation::TransformBack(const Vector &pt,
                                               IntegrationPoint &ip)
   const int    max_iter = 16;
   const double  ref_tol = 1e-15;
   const double phys_tol = 1e-15*pt.Normlinf();

   const int dim = FElem->GetDim();
   const int sdim = PointMat.Height();
   const int geom = FElem->GetGeomType();
   IntegrationPoint xip, prev_xip;
   double xd[3], yd[3], dxd[3], Jid[9];
   Vector x(xd, dim), y(yd, sdim), dx(dxd, dim);
   DenseMatrix Jinv(Jid, dim, sdim);
   bool hit_bdr = false, prev_hit_bdr;

   // Use the center of the element as initial guess
   xip = Geometries.GetCenter(geom);
   xip.Get(xd, dim); // xip -> x

   for (int it = 0; it < max_iter; it++)
      // Newton iteration:    x := x + J(x)^{-1} [pt-F(x)]
      // or when dim != sdim: x := x + [J^t.J]^{-1}.J^t [pt-F(x)]
      Transform(xip, y);
      subtract(pt, y, y); // y = pt-y
      if (y.Normlinf() < phys_tol) { ip = xip; return 0; }
      CalcInverse(Jacobian(), Jinv);
      Jinv.Mult(y, dx);
      x += dx;
      prev_xip = xip;
      prev_hit_bdr = hit_bdr;
      xip.Set(xd, dim); // x -> xip
      // If xip is ouside project it on the boundary on the line segment
      // between prev_xip and xip
      hit_bdr = !Geometry::ProjectPoint(geom, prev_xip, xip);
      if (dx.Normlinf() < ref_tol) { ip = xip; return 0; }
      if (hit_bdr)
         xip.Get(xd, dim); // xip -> x
         if (prev_hit_bdr)
            prev_xip.Get(dxd, dim); // prev_xip -> dx
            subtract(x, dx, dx);    // dx = xip - prev_xip
            if (dx.Normlinf() < ref_tol) { return 1; }
   ip = xip;
   return 2;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  void CalcSchurComplement (const FlatMatrix<double> a, 
			    FlatMatrix<double> s,
			    const BitArray & used,
			    LocalHeap & lh)
    if (s.Height() == 0) return;
    if (s.Height() == a.Height())
        s = a;

    HeapReset hr(lh);

    int n = a.Height();
    Array<int> used_dofs(n, lh);
    Array<int> unused_dofs(n, lh);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      if (used[i])

    s = a.Rows(used_dofs).Cols(used_dofs);
    FlatMatrix<> b1 = a.Rows(unused_dofs).Cols(used_dofs) | lh;
    FlatMatrix<> b2 = a.Rows(used_dofs).Cols(unused_dofs) | lh;
    FlatMatrix<> c = a.Rows(unused_dofs).Cols(unused_dofs) | lh;
    FlatMatrix<> hb1 (b1.Height(), b1.Width(), lh);

    if (n > 10)
        LapackInverse (c);
        hb1 = c * b1 | Lapack;
        s -= b2 * hb1 | Lapack;
        CalcInverse (c);
        hb1 = c * b1;
        s -= b2 * hb1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  bool AdFront2 :: Inside (const Point<2> & p) const
    int cnt;
    Vec<2> n;
    Vec<3> v1;
    DenseMatrix a(2), ainv(2);
    Vector b(2), u(2);
    // quasi-random numbers:
    n(0) = 0.123871;
    n(1) = 0.15432;
    cnt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.Size(); i++)
      if (lines[i].Valid())
	  const Point<3> & p1 = points[lines[i].L().I1()].P();
	  const Point<3> & p2 = points[lines[i].L().I2()].P();
	  v1 = p2 - p1;
	  a(0, 0) = v1(0);
	  a(1, 0) = v1(1);
	  a(0, 1) = -n(0);
	  a(1, 1) = -n(1);

	  b(0) = p(0) - p1(0);
	  b(1) = p(1) - p1(1);
	  CalcInverse (a, ainv);
	  ainv.Mult (b, u);
	  if (u(0) >= 0 && u(0) <= 1 && u(1) > 0)
    return ((cnt % 2) != 0);
Ejemplo n.º 8
Polyhedra::Face::Face (int pi1, int pi2, int pi3,
		       const ARRAY<Point<3> > & points,
		       int ainputnr)
  inputnr = ainputnr;

  pnums[0] = pi1;
  pnums[1] = pi2;
  pnums[2] = pi3;

  bbox.Set (points[pi1]);
  bbox.Add (points[pi2]);
  bbox.Add (points[pi3]);

  v1 = points[pi2] - points[pi1];
  v2 = points[pi3] - points[pi1];

  n = Cross (v1, v2);

  nn = n;
  //  PseudoInverse (v1, v2, w1, w2);
  Mat<2,3> mat;
  Mat<3,2> inv;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      mat(0,i) = v1(i);
      mat(1,i) = v2(i);
  CalcInverse (mat, inv);
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      w1(i) = inv(i,0);
      w2(i) = inv(i,1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 void Solve (const Vec<H> & rhs, Vec<W> & sol) const
   Mat<W,H> inv;
   CalcInverse (*this, inv);
   sol = inv * rhs;
Ejemplo n.º 10
   // Vertices for Geometry::POINT
   GeomVert[0] = NULL; // No vertices, dimension is 0

   // Vertices for Geometry::SEGMENT
   GeomVert[1] = new IntegrationRule(2);

   GeomVert[1]->IntPoint(0).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[1]->IntPoint(1).x = 1.0;

   // Vertices for Geometry::TRIANGLE
   GeomVert[2] = new IntegrationRule(3);

   GeomVert[2]->IntPoint(0).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[2]->IntPoint(0).y = 0.0;

   GeomVert[2]->IntPoint(1).x = 1.0;
   GeomVert[2]->IntPoint(1).y = 0.0;

   GeomVert[2]->IntPoint(2).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[2]->IntPoint(2).y = 1.0;

   // Vertices for Geometry::SQUARE
   GeomVert[3] = new IntegrationRule(4);

   GeomVert[3]->IntPoint(0).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[3]->IntPoint(0).y = 0.0;

   GeomVert[3]->IntPoint(1).x = 1.0;
   GeomVert[3]->IntPoint(1).y = 0.0;

   GeomVert[3]->IntPoint(2).x = 1.0;
   GeomVert[3]->IntPoint(2).y = 1.0;

   GeomVert[3]->IntPoint(3).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[3]->IntPoint(3).y = 1.0;

   // Vertices for Geometry::TETRAHEDRON
   GeomVert[4] = new IntegrationRule(4);
   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(0).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(0).y = 0.0;
   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(0).z = 0.0;

   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(1).x = 1.0;
   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(1).y = 0.0;
   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(1).z = 0.0;

   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(2).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(2).y = 1.0;
   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(2).z = 0.0;

   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(3).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(3).y = 0.0;
   GeomVert[4]->IntPoint(3).z = 1.0;

   // Vertices for Geometry::CUBE
   GeomVert[5] = new IntegrationRule(8);

   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(0).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(0).y = 0.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(0).z = 0.0;

   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(1).x = 1.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(1).y = 0.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(1).z = 0.0;

   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(2).x = 1.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(2).y = 1.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(2).z = 0.0;

   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(3).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(3).y = 1.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(3).z = 0.0;

   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(4).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(4).y = 0.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(4).z = 1.0;

   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(5).x = 1.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(5).y = 0.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(5).z = 1.0;

   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(6).x = 1.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(6).y = 1.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(6).z = 1.0;

   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(7).x = 0.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(7).y = 1.0;
   GeomVert[5]->IntPoint(7).z = 1.0;

   GeomCenter[POINT].x = 0.0;
   GeomCenter[POINT].y = 0.0;
   GeomCenter[POINT].z = 0.0;

   GeomCenter[SEGMENT].x = 0.5;
   GeomCenter[SEGMENT].y = 0.0;
   GeomCenter[SEGMENT].z = 0.0;

   GeomCenter[TRIANGLE].x = 1.0 / 3.0;
   GeomCenter[TRIANGLE].y = 1.0 / 3.0;
   GeomCenter[TRIANGLE].z = 0.0;

   GeomCenter[SQUARE].x = 0.5;
   GeomCenter[SQUARE].y = 0.5;
   GeomCenter[SQUARE].z = 0.0;

   GeomCenter[TETRAHEDRON].x = 0.25;
   GeomCenter[TETRAHEDRON].y = 0.25;
   GeomCenter[TETRAHEDRON].z = 0.25;

   GeomCenter[CUBE].x = 0.5;
   GeomCenter[CUBE].y = 0.5;
   GeomCenter[CUBE].z = 0.5;

   PerfGeomToGeomJac[POINT]       = NULL;
   PerfGeomToGeomJac[SEGMENT]     = NULL;
   PerfGeomToGeomJac[TRIANGLE]    = new DenseMatrix(2);
   PerfGeomToGeomJac[SQUARE]      = NULL;
   PerfGeomToGeomJac[TETRAHEDRON] = new DenseMatrix(3);
   PerfGeomToGeomJac[CUBE]        = NULL;

      Linear2DFiniteElement TriFE;
      IsoparametricTransformation tri_T;
      GetPerfPointMat (TRIANGLE, tri_T.GetPointMat());
      CalcInverse(tri_T.Jacobian(), *PerfGeomToGeomJac[TRIANGLE]);
      Linear3DFiniteElement TetFE;
      IsoparametricTransformation tet_T;
      GetPerfPointMat (TETRAHEDRON, tet_T.GetPointMat());
      CalcInverse(tet_T.Jacobian(), *PerfGeomToGeomJac[TETRAHEDRON]);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  void OCCSurface :: DefineTangentialPlane (const Point<3> & ap1,
					    const PointGeomInfo & geominfo1,
					    const Point<3> & ap2,
					    const PointGeomInfo & geominfo2)
    if (projecttype == PLANESPACE)
	p1 = ap1; p2 = ap2;

	//cout << "p1 = " << p1 << endl;
	//cout << "p2 = " << p2 << endl;
	GetNormalVector (p1, geominfo1, ez);
	ex = p2 - p1;
	ex -= (ex * ez) * ez;
	ey = Cross (ez, ex); 

	GetNormalVector (p2, geominfo2, n2);
	nmid = 0.5*(n2+ez);
	ez = nmid;
	ex = (p2 - p1).Normalize();
	ez -= (ez * ex) * ex;
	ey = Cross (ez, ex);
	nmid = ez;
	//cout << "ex " << ex << " ey " << ey << " ez " << ez << endl;
	if ( (geominfo1.u < umin) ||
	     (geominfo1.u > umax) ||
	     (geominfo2.u < umin) ||
	     (geominfo2.u > umax) ||
	     (geominfo1.v < vmin) ||
	     (geominfo1.v > vmax) ||
	     (geominfo2.v < vmin) ||
	     (geominfo2.v > vmax) ) throw UVBoundsException();

	p1 = ap1; p2 = ap2;
	psp1 = Point<2>(geominfo1.u, geominfo1.v);
	psp2 = Point<2>(geominfo2.u, geominfo2.v);
	Vec<3> n;
	GetNormalVector (p1, geominfo1, n);

	gp_Pnt pnt;
	gp_Vec du, dv;
	occface->D1 (geominfo1.u, geominfo1.v, pnt, du, dv);

	DenseMatrix D1(3,2), D1T(2,3), DDTinv(2,2);
	D1(0,0) = du.X(); D1(1,0) = du.Y(); D1(2,0) = du.Z();
	D1(0,1) = dv.X(); D1(1,1) = dv.Y(); D1(2,1) = dv.Z();

	  (*testout) << "DefineTangentialPlane" << endl
	  << "---------------------" << endl;
	  (*testout) << "D1 = " << endl << D1 << endl;

	Transpose (D1, D1T);
	DenseMatrix D1TD1(3,3);

	D1TD1 = D1T*D1;
	if (D1TD1.Det() == 0) throw SingularMatrixException();
	CalcInverse (D1TD1, DDTinv);
	DenseMatrix Y(3,2);
	Vec<3> y1 = (ap2-ap1).Normalize();
	Vec<3> y2 = Cross(n, y1).Normalize();
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	    Y(i,0) = y1(i);
	    Y(i,1) = y2(i);

	DenseMatrix A(2,2);
	A = DDTinv * D1T * Y;
	DenseMatrix Ainv(2,2);

	if (A.Det() == 0) throw SingularMatrixException();

	CalcInverse (A, Ainv);

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
	  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
	      Amat(i,j) = A(i,j);
	      Amatinv(i,j) = Ainv(i,j);

	Vec<2> temp = Amatinv * (psp2-psp1);

	double r = temp.Length();
	//      double alpha = -acos (temp(0)/r);
	double alpha = -atan2 (temp(1),temp(0));
	DenseMatrix R(2,2);
	R(0,0) = cos (alpha);
	R(1,0) = -sin (alpha);
	R(0,1) = sin (alpha);
	R(1,1) = cos (alpha);

	A = A*R;

	if (A.Det() == 0) throw SingularMatrixException();

	CalcInverse (A, Ainv);

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
	  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
	      Amat(i,j) = A(i,j);
	      Amatinv(i,j) = Ainv(i,j);

	temp = Amatinv * (psp2-psp1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
inline int FindInnerPoint2 (POINTARRAY & points,
			    FACEARRAY & faces,
			    Point3d & p)
  static int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("FindInnerPoint2");
  NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg (timer);

  ARRAY<Vec3d> a;
  ARRAY<double> c;
  Mat<3> m, inv;
  Vec<3> rs, x, pmin;

  int nf = faces.Size();

  a.SetSize (nf);
  c.SetSize (nf);

  for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++)
      Point3d p1 = points.Get(faces[i][0]);
      a[i] = Cross (points.Get(faces[i][1]) - p1,
		    points.Get(faces[i][2]) - p1);
      a[i] /= a[i].Length();
      c[i] = - (a[i].X() * p1.X() + a[i].Y() * p1.Y() + a[i].Z() * p1.Z());

  x = 0;
  double hmax = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++)
      const Element2d & el = faces[i];
      for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
	  double hi = Dist (points.Get(el.PNumMod(j)),
	  if (hi > hmax) hmax = hi;

  double fmin = 0;

  for (int i1 = 1; i1 <= nf; i1++)
    for (int i2 = i1+1; i2 <= nf; i2++)
      for (int i3 = i2+1; i3 <= nf; i3++)
        for (int i4 = i3+1; i4 <= nf; i4++)
	    m(0, 0) = a.Get(i1).X() - a.Get(i2).X();
	    m(0, 1) = a.Get(i1).Y() - a.Get(i2).Y();
	    m(0, 2) = a.Get(i1).Z() - a.Get(i2).Z();
	    rs(0) = c.Get(i2) - c.Get(i1);

	    m(1, 0) = a.Get(i1).X() - a.Get(i3).X();
	    m(1, 1) = a.Get(i1).Y() - a.Get(i3).Y();
	    m(1, 2) = a.Get(i1).Z() - a.Get(i3).Z();
	    rs(1) = c.Get(i3) - c.Get(i1);

	    m(2, 0) = a.Get(i1).X() - a.Get(i4).X();
	    m(2, 1) = a.Get(i1).Y() - a.Get(i4).Y();
	    m(2, 2) = a.Get(i1).Z() - a.Get(i4).Z();
	    rs(2) = c.Get(i4) - c.Get(i1);

	    if (fabs (Det (m)) > 1e-10)
		CalcInverse (m, inv);
		x = inv * rs;

		double f = -1e10;
		for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++)
		    double hd = 
		      x(0) * a[i].X() + x(1) * a[i].Y() + x(2) * a[i].Z() + c[i];
		    if (hd > f) f = hd;
		    if (hd > fmin) break;

		if (f < fmin)
		    fmin = f;
		    pmin = x;

  p = Point3d (pmin(0), pmin(1), pmin(2));
  (*testout) << "fmin = " << fmin << endl;
  return (fmin < -1e-3 * hmax);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  void T_CalcInverse (FlatMatrix<T2> inv)
    // static Timer t("CalcInverse");
    // RegionTimer reg(t);

    // Gauss - Jordan - algorithm
    // Algorithm of Stoer, Einf. i. d. Num. Math, S 145
    // int n = m.Height();

    int n = inv.Height();

    ngstd::ArrayMem<int,100> p(n);   // pivot-permutation
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) p[j] = j;
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
	// pivot search
	double maxval = abs(inv(j,j));
	int r = j;

	for (int i = j+1; i < n; i++)
	  if (abs (inv(j, i)) > maxval)
	      r = i;
	      maxval = abs (inv(j, i));
        double rest = 0.0;
        for (int i = j+1; i < n; i++)
          rest += abs(inv(r, i));
	if (maxval < 1e-20*rest)
	    throw Exception ("Inverse matrix: Matrix singular");

	// exchange rows
	if (r > j)
	    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
	      swap (inv(k, j), inv(k, r));
	    swap (p[j], p[r]);

	// transformation
	T2 hr;
	CalcInverse (inv(j,j), hr);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
	    T2 h = hr * inv(j, i);
	    inv(j, i) = h;
	inv(j,j) = hr;

	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
	  if (k != j)
	      T2 help = inv(n*k+j);
	      T2 h = help * hr;   

	      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		  T2 h = help * inv(n*j+i); 
		  inv(n*k+i) -= h;

	      inv(k,j) = -h;

    // row exchange
    VectorMem<100,T2> hv(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) hv(p[k]) = inv(k, i);
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) inv(k, i) = hv(k);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  bool AdFront2 :: SameSide (const Point<2> & lp1, const Point<2> & lp2, 
                             const Array<int> * testfaces) const
    int cnt = 0;

    if (testfaces)
        for (int ii = 0; ii < testfaces->Size(); ii++)
          if (lines[(*testfaces)[ii]].Valid())
              int i = (*testfaces)[ii];
              const Point<3> & p13d = points[lines[i].L().I1()].P();
              const Point<3> & p23d = points[lines[i].L().I2()].P();
              Point<2> p1(p13d(0), p13d(1));
              Point<2> p2(p23d(0), p23d(1));
              // p1 + alpha v = lp1 + beta vl
              Vec<2> v = p2-p1;
              Vec<2> vl = lp2 - lp1;
              Mat<2,2> mat, inv;
              Vec<2> rhs, sol;
              mat(0,0) = v(0);
              mat(1,0) = v(1);
              mat(0,1) = -vl(0);
              mat(1,1) = -vl(1);
              rhs = lp1-p1;
              if (Det(mat) == 0) continue;
              CalcInverse (mat, inv);
              sol = inv * rhs;
              if (sol(0) >= 0 && sol(0) <= 1 & sol(1) >= 0 && sol(1) <= 1)
                { cnt++; }

        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Size(); i++)
          if (lines[i].Valid())
              const Point<3> & p13d = points[lines[i].L().I1()].P();
              const Point<3> & p23d = points[lines[i].L().I2()].P();
              Point<2> p1(p13d(0), p13d(1));
              Point<2> p2(p23d(0), p23d(1));
              // p1 + alpha v = lp1 + beta vl
              Vec<2> v = p2-p1;
              Vec<2> vl = lp2 - lp1;
              Mat<2,2> mat, inv;
              Vec<2> rhs, sol;
              mat(0,0) = v(0);
              mat(1,0) = v(1);
              mat(0,1) = -vl(0);
              mat(1,1) = -vl(1);
              rhs = lp1-p1;
              if (Det(mat) == 0) continue;
              CalcInverse (mat, inv);
              sol = inv * rhs;
              if (sol(0) >= 0 && sol(0) <= 1 & sol(1) >= 0 && sol(1) <= 1)
                { cnt++; }
    return ((cnt % 2) == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  void Do(LocalHeap & lh) {    
    // We proceed in three steps:
    // 1.  Compute the difference between Q and q
    // 2.  Compute the H(div) Schur complement 
    // 3.  Apply Schur complement to the difference

    // grid function with (interpolated) exact flux, grad(u) 
    BaseVector& vecQ = Q->GetVector();    
    // numerical flux q
    BaseVector& vecq = q->GetVector(); 
    // p.w. constant gridfunction to store element-wise error
    BaseVector& errvec = err->GetVector();   
    errvec.FV<double>() = 0.0;
    double sqer =0.0;   // this will contain the total error square
    for(int k=0; k<ma->GetNE(); k++)  {
      ElementId ei (VOL, k);
      double elndof = ext->GetFE(k,lh).GetNDof(); 
      Vector<SCAL> diff(elndof);           
      // dof nrs: global, global inner, local inner, local Schur
      Array<int>  Gn,     Ginn,         Linn,        Lsn;

      // compute the difference between Q and q
      ext->GetDofNrs(k,Gn);        // Global# of all dofs on element k
      diff = SCAL(0.0);
      for(int j=0; j<elndof; j++)
	diff[j] = vecQ.FV<SCAL>()[Gn[j]] - vecq.FV<SCAL>()[Gn[j]];
      // H(div) Gram matrix (given in two parts in pde file)
      Matrix<double> elmat(elndof), elmat2(elndof);
      elmat = 0.0; elmat2 = 0.0;
      elmat += elmat2;
      // compute the H(div) Schur complement 
      ext->GetInnerDofNrs(k,Ginn); // Global# of inner dofs on element k
      for(int j=0; j<elndof; j++)
	if (Ginn.Contains( Gn[j] ))
	  Linn.Append(j);          // Local#  of inner dofs on element k
	  Lsn.Append(j);           // Local#  of Schur dofs on element k

      int ielndof = Linn.Size();
      Matrix<double> elmati(ielndof),elmatiinv(ielndof);
      elmati = elmat.Rows(Linn).Cols(Linn);
      // apply Schur complement to the difference
      int selndof = elndof - ielndof;
      Vector<SCAL> diffs(selndof);
      Matrix<double> S(selndof), Asi(selndof,ielndof);
      diffs = diff(Lsn);

      //      S  =  A_ss  -  A_si  * inv(A_ii) *  A_is
      Asi = elmat.Rows(Lsn).Cols(Linn);
      S   = elmat.Rows(Lsn).Cols(Lsn);
      S  -= Asi  * elmatiinv * Trans(Asi);
      //      error  = (S * diffs, diffs)
      errvec.FVDouble()[k] = fabs(InnerProduct(diffs,  S * diffs));
      sqer += errvec.FVDouble()[k];
    cout<<"Discrete H^(-1/2) norm of error in q = "<<sqrt(sqer)<<endl;
    // write file (don't know what the last argument of AddVariable 
    // does, but 6 seems to be the value everywhere! It seems to intializes 
    // an object  of class IM (important message).
    GetPDE()->AddVariable (string("fluxerr.")+GetName()+".value", sqrt(sqer), 6);  

Ejemplo n.º 16
// Set desired value for Plattfrom Velocity to UndercarriageCtrl (Sollwertvorgabe)
void UndercarriageCtrlGeom::SetDesiredPltfVelocity(double dCmdVelLongMMS, double dCmdVelLatMMS, double dCmdRotRobRadS, double dCmdRotVelRadS)
	// declare auxiliary variables
	double dCurrentPosWheelRAD;
	double dtempDeltaPhi1RAD, dtempDeltaPhi2RAD;	// difference between possible steering angels and current steering angle
	double dtempDeltaPhiCmd1RAD, dtempDeltaPhiCmd2RAD;	// difference between possible steering angels and last target steering angle
	double dtempWeightedDelta1RAD, dtempWeightedDelta2RAD; // weighted Summ of the two distance values

	// copy function parameters to member variables
	m_dCmdVelLongMMS = dCmdVelLongMMS;
	m_dCmdVelLatMMS = dCmdVelLatMMS;
	m_dCmdRotRobRadS = dCmdRotRobRadS;
	m_dCmdRotVelRadS = dCmdRotVelRadS;


	// determine optimal Pltf-Configuration
	for (int i = 0; i<4; i++)
		// Normalize Actual Wheel Position before calculation
		dCurrentPosWheelRAD = m_vdAngGearSteerRad[i];
		// Calculate differences between current config to possible set-points
		dtempDeltaPhi1RAD = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad[i] - dCurrentPosWheelRAD;
		dtempDeltaPhi2RAD = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget2Rad[i] - dCurrentPosWheelRAD;
		// Calculate differences between last steering target to possible set-points
		dtempDeltaPhiCmd1RAD = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad[i] - m_vdAngGearSteerTargetRad[i];
		dtempDeltaPhiCmd2RAD = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget2Rad[i] - m_vdAngGearSteerTargetRad[i];
		// determine optimal setpoint value
		// 1st which set point is closest to current cinfog
		//     but: avoid permanent switching (if next target is about PI/2 from current config)
		// 2nd which set point is closest to last set point
		// "fitness criteria" to choose optimal set point:
		// calculate accumulted (+ weighted) difference between targets, current config. and last command
		dtempWeightedDelta1RAD = 0.6*fabs(dtempDeltaPhi1RAD) + 0.4*fabs(dtempDeltaPhiCmd1RAD);
		dtempWeightedDelta2RAD = 0.6*fabs(dtempDeltaPhi2RAD) + 0.4*fabs(dtempDeltaPhiCmd2RAD);

		// check which set point "minimizes fitness criteria"
		if (dtempWeightedDelta1RAD <= dtempWeightedDelta2RAD)
			// Target1 is "optimal"
			m_vdVelGearDriveTargetRadS[i] = m_vdVelGearDriveTarget1RadS[i];
			m_vdAngGearSteerTargetRad[i] = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad[i];
			// Target2 is "optimal"
			m_vdVelGearDriveTargetRadS[i] = m_vdVelGearDriveTarget2RadS[i];
			m_vdAngGearSteerTargetRad[i] = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget2Rad[i];
		// provisorial --> skip interpolation and always take Target1
		//m_vdVelGearDriveCmdRadS[i] = m_vdVelGearDriveTarget1RadS[i];
		//m_vdAngGearSteerCmdRad[i] = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad[i];

		/*// interpolate between last setpoint and theone of the new setpoint, which is closest to the current configuration
		if (fabs(dtempDeltaPhi1RAD) <= fabs(dtempDeltaPhi2RAD))
			// difference between new target orientation and last (interpolated) target orientation
			dtempDeltaPhi1RAD = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad[i] - m_vdAngGearSteerIntpRad[i];

			// calculate interpolation step sizes, to reach target at end of the cycle
			m_vdDeltaAngIntpRad[i] = dtempDeltaPhi1RAD;
			m_vdDeltaDriveIntpRadS[i] = (m_vdVelGearDriveTarget1RadS[i] - m_vdVelGearDriveIntpRadS[i]);

			// additionally calculate meen change in angular config for feedforward cmd
			//m_vdVelGearSteerIntpRadS[i] = dtempDeltaPhi1RAD/m_UnderCarriagePrms.dCmdRateS;
			// difference between new target orientation and last (interpolated) target orientation
			dtempDeltaPhi2RAD = m_vdAngGearSteerTarget2Rad[i] - m_vdAngGearSteerIntpRad[i];

			// calculate interpolation step sizes, to reach target at end of the cycle
			m_vdDeltaAngIntpRad[i] = dtempDeltaPhi2RAD;
			m_vdDeltaDriveIntpRadS[i] = (m_vdVelGearDriveTarget2RadS[i] - m_vdVelGearDriveIntpRadS[i]);

			// additionally calculate meen change in angular config for feedforward cmd
			//m_vdVelGearSteerIntpRadS[i] = dtempDeltaPhi2RAD/m_UnderCarriagePrms.dCmdRateS;

	/*// Logging for debugging	
	// get current time
	m_dNowTime = m_RawTime - m_StartTime;
	// Log out Pltf-Velocities
	fprintf(m_pfileDesVel, "%f %f %f %f \n", m_dNowTime, dCmdVelLongMMS, dCmdVelLatMMS, dCmdRotRobRadS);
	fprintf(m_pfileMeasVel, "%f %f %f %f \n", m_dNowTime, m_dVelLongMMS, m_dVelLatMMS, m_dRotRobRadS);
	// Log out corresponding Joint-Configuration
	fprintf(m_pfileSteerAngTarget1, "%f %f %f %f %f \n", m_dNowTime, m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad[0], m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad[1], m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad[2], m_vdAngGearSteerTarget1Rad[3]);
	fprintf(m_pfileSteerAngTarget2, "%f %f %f %f %f \n", m_dNowTime, m_vdAngGearSteerTarget2Rad[0], m_vdAngGearSteerTarget2Rad[1], m_vdAngGearSteerTarget2Rad[2], m_vdAngGearSteerTarget2Rad[3]);
	fprintf(m_pfileSteerAngTarget, "%f %f %f %f %f \n", m_dNowTime, m_vdAngGearSteerTargetRad[0], m_vdAngGearSteerTargetRad[1], m_vdAngGearSteerTargetRad[2], m_vdAngGearSteerTargetRad[3]);
	fprintf(m_pfileDriveVelTarget, "%f %f %f %f %f \n", m_dNowTime, m_vdVelGearDriveTargetRadS[0], m_vdVelGearDriveTargetRadS[1], m_vdVelGearDriveTargetRadS[2], m_vdVelGearDriveTargetRadS[3]);*/
Ejemplo n.º 17
IntersectTriangleLine (const Point<3> ** tri, const Point<3> ** line)
  Vec3d vl(*line[0], *line[1]);
  Vec3d vt1(*tri[0], *tri[1]);
  Vec3d vt2(*tri[0], *tri[2]);
  Vec3d vrs(*tri[0], *line[0]);

  static DenseMatrix a(3), ainv(3);
  static Vector rs(3), lami(3);
  int i;

  (*testout) << "Tri-Line inters: " << endl
	     << "tri = " << *tri[0] << ", " << *tri[1] << ", " << *tri[2] << endl
	     << "line = " << *line[0] << ", " << *line[1] << endl;
  for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
      a.Elem(i, 1) = -vl.X(i);
      a.Elem(i, 2) = vt1.X(i);
      a.Elem(i, 3) = vt2.X(i);
      rs.Elem(i) = vrs.X(i);

  double det = a.Det();

  double arel = vl.Length() * vt1.Length() * vt2.Length();
  double amax = 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
    if (fabs (a.Get(i)) > amax)
      amax = fabs(a.Get(i));
  // new !!!!
  if (fabs (det) <= 1e-10 * arel)
#ifdef DEVELOP      
      // line parallel to triangle !
      // cout << "ERROR: IntersectTriangleLine degenerated" << endl;
      //      (*testout) << "WARNING: IntersectTriangleLine degenerated\n";
      (*testout) << "lin-tri intersection: " << endl
		 << "line = " << *line[0] << " - " << *line[1] << endl
		 << "tri = " << *tri[0] << " - " << *tri[1] << " - " << *tri[2] << endl
		 << "lami = " << lami << endl
		 << "pc = " << ( *line[0] + lami.Get(1) * vl ) << endl
		 << "   = " << ( *tri[0] + lami.Get(2) * vt1 + lami.Get(3) * vt2) << endl
		 << " a = " << a << endl
		 << " ainv = " << ainv << endl
		 << " det(a) = " << det << endl
		 << " rs = " << rs << endl;
      return 0;

  CalcInverse (a, ainv);
  ainv.Mult (rs, lami);

  //  (*testout) << "lami = " << lami << endl;

  double eps = 1e-6;
  if (
      (lami.Get(1) >= -eps && lami.Get(1) <= 1+eps && 
       lami.Get(2) >= -eps && lami.Get(3) >= -eps && 
       lami.Get(2) + lami.Get(3) <= 1+eps)  && !
      (lami.Get(1) >= eps && lami.Get(1) <= 1-eps && 
       lami.Get(2) >= eps && lami.Get(3) >= eps && 
       lami.Get(2) + lami.Get(3) <= 1-eps) )

#ifdef DEVELOP
       //      cout << "WARNING: IntersectTriangleLine degenerated" << endl;
      (*testout) << "WARNING: IntersectTriangleLine numerical inexact" << endl;

      (*testout) << "lin-tri intersection: " << endl
		 << "line = " << *line[0] << " - " << *line[1] << endl
		 << "tri = " << *tri[0] << " - " << *tri[1] << " - " << *tri[2] << endl
		 << "lami = " << lami << endl
		 << "pc = " << ( *line[0] + lami.Get(1) * vl ) << endl
		 << "   = " << ( *tri[0] + lami.Get(2) * vt1 + lami.Get(3) * vt2) << endl
		 << " a = " << a << endl
		 << " ainv = " << ainv << endl
		 << " det(a) = " << det << endl
		 << " rs = " << rs << endl;

  if (lami.Get(1) >= 0 && lami.Get(1) <= 1 && 
      lami.Get(2) >= 0 && lami.Get(3) >= 0 && lami.Get(2) + lami.Get(3) <= 1)

      return 1;

  return 0;