Ejemplo n.º 1
  Notification event handler registered by CoreNotifyOnArchProtocolInstallation ().
  This notify function is registered for every architectural protocol. This handler
  updates mArchProtocol[] array entry with protocol instance data and sets it's
  present flag to TRUE. If any constructor is required it is executed. The EFI
  System Table headers are updated.

  @param  Event          The Event that is being processed, not used.
  @param  Context        Event Context, not used.

GenericProtocolNotify (
  IN  EFI_EVENT  Event,
  IN  VOID       *Context
  EFI_STATUS                      Status;
  VOID                            *Protocol;
  LIST_ENTRY                      *Link;
  LIST_ENTRY                      TempLinkNode;

  Protocol = NULL;

  // Get Entry from Context

  // See if the expected protocol is present in the handle database
  Status = CoreLocateProtocol (Entry->ProtocolGuid, Entry->Registration, &Protocol);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

  // Mark the protocol as present
  Entry->Present = TRUE;

  // Update protocol global variable if one exists. Entry->Protocol points to a global variable
  // if one exists in the DXE core for this Architectural Protocol
  if (Entry->Protocol != NULL) {
    *(Entry->Protocol) = Protocol;

  // Do special operations for Architectural Protocols

  if (CompareGuid (Entry->ProtocolGuid, &gEfiTimerArchProtocolGuid)) {
    // Register the Core timer tick handler with the Timer AP
    gTimer->RegisterHandler (gTimer, CoreTimerTick);

  if (CompareGuid (Entry->ProtocolGuid, &gEfiRuntimeArchProtocolGuid)) {
    // When runtime architectural protocol is available, updates CRC32 in the Debug Table
    CoreUpdateDebugTableCrc32 ();

    // Update the Runtime Architectural protocol with the template that the core was
    // using so there would not need to be a dependency on the Runtime AP

    // Copy all the registered Image to new gRuntime protocol
    for (Link = gRuntimeTemplate.ImageHead.ForwardLink; Link != &gRuntimeTemplate.ImageHead; Link = TempLinkNode.ForwardLink) {
      CopyMem (&TempLinkNode, Link, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY));
      InsertTailList (&gRuntime->ImageHead, Link);
    // Copy all the registered Event to new gRuntime protocol
    for (Link = gRuntimeTemplate.EventHead.ForwardLink; Link != &gRuntimeTemplate.EventHead; Link = TempLinkNode.ForwardLink) {
      CopyMem (&TempLinkNode, Link, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY));
      InsertTailList (&gRuntime->EventHead, Link);

    // Clean up gRuntimeTemplate
    gRuntimeTemplate.ImageHead.ForwardLink = &gRuntimeTemplate.ImageHead;
    gRuntimeTemplate.ImageHead.BackLink    = &gRuntimeTemplate.ImageHead;
    gRuntimeTemplate.EventHead.ForwardLink = &gRuntimeTemplate.EventHead;
    gRuntimeTemplate.EventHead.BackLink    = &gRuntimeTemplate.EventHead;

  // It's over kill to do them all every time, but it saves a lot of code.
  CalculateEfiHdrCrc (&gDxeCoreRT->Hdr);
  CalculateEfiHdrCrc (&gBS->Hdr);
  CalculateEfiHdrCrc (&gDxeCoreST->Hdr);
  CalculateEfiHdrCrc (&gDxeCoreDS->Hdr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
CoreInstallConfigurationTable (
  IN EFI_GUID *Guid,
  IN VOID     *Table

Routine Description:

  Boot Service called to add, modify, or remove a system configuration table from 
  the EFI System Table.


  Guid     -  Pointer to the GUID for the entry to add, update, or remove
  Table    -  Pointer to the configuration table for the entry to add, update, or
              remove, may be NULL.

  EFI_SUCCESS               Guid, Table pair added, updated, or removed.
  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     Input GUID not valid.
  EFI_NOT_FOUND             Attempted to delete non-existant entry
  EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES      Not enough memory available

  UINTN                   Index;
  EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE *EfiConfigurationTable;

  // If Guid is NULL, then this operation cannot be performed
  if (Guid == NULL) {

  EfiConfigurationTable = gST->ConfigurationTable;

  // Search all the table for an entry that matches Guid
  for (Index = 0; Index < gST->NumberOfTableEntries; Index++) {
    if (EfiCompareGuid (Guid, &(gST->ConfigurationTable[Index].VendorGuid))) {

  if (Index < gST->NumberOfTableEntries) {
    // A match was found, so this is either a modify or a delete operation
    if (Table != NULL) {
      // If Table is not NULL, then this is a modify operation.
      // Modify the table enty and return.
      gST->ConfigurationTable[Index].VendorTable = Table;

      // Signal Configuration Table change
      CoreNotifySignalList (Guid);

      return EFI_SUCCESS;

    // A match was found and Table is NULL, so this is a delete operation.

    // Copy over deleted entry
    EfiCommonLibCopyMem (
      &(gST->ConfigurationTable[Index + 1]),
      (gST->NumberOfTableEntries - Index) * sizeof (EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE)

  } else {

    // No matching GUIDs were found, so this is an add operation.

    if (Table == NULL) {
      // If Table is NULL on an add operation, then return an error.
      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

    // Assume that Index == gST->NumberOfTableEntries
    if ((Index * sizeof (EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE)) >= mSystemTableAllocateSize) {
      // Allocate a table with one additional entry.
      mSystemTableAllocateSize += (CONFIG_TABLE_SIZE_INCREASED * sizeof (EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE));
      EfiConfigurationTable = CoreAllocateRuntimePool (mSystemTableAllocateSize);
      if (EfiConfigurationTable == NULL) {
        // If a new table could not be allocated, then return an error.
        return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

      if (gST->ConfigurationTable != NULL) {
        // Copy the old table to the new table.
        EfiCommonLibCopyMem (
          Index * sizeof (EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE)

        // Free Old Table
        CoreFreePool (gST->ConfigurationTable);

      // Update System Table
      gST->ConfigurationTable = EfiConfigurationTable;

    // Fill in the new entry
    EfiConfigurationTable[Index].VendorGuid   = *Guid;
    EfiConfigurationTable[Index].VendorTable  = Table;

    // This is an add operation, so increment the number of table entries

  // Fix up the CRC-32 in the EFI System Table
  CalculateEfiHdrCrc (&gST->Hdr);

  // Signal Configuration Table change
  CoreNotifySignalList (Guid);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  Terminates all boot services.

  @param  ImageHandle            Handle that identifies the exiting image.
  @param  MapKey                 Key to the latest memory map.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Boot Services terminated
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  MapKey is incorrect.

CoreExitBootServices (
  IN EFI_HANDLE   ImageHandle,
  IN UINTN        MapKey
  EFI_STATUS                Status;

  // Disable Timer
  gTimer->SetTimerPeriod (gTimer, 0);

  // Terminate memory services if the MapKey matches
  Status = CoreTerminateMemoryMap (MapKey);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    // Notify other drivers that ExitBootServices fail 
    CoreNotifySignalList (&gEventExitBootServicesFailedGuid);
    return Status;

  gMemoryMapTerminated = TRUE;

  // Notify other drivers that we are exiting boot services.
  CoreNotifySignalList (&gEfiEventExitBootServicesGuid);

  // Report that ExitBootServices() has been called

  // Disable interrupt of Debug timer.
  SaveAndSetDebugTimerInterrupt (FALSE);

  // Disable CPU Interrupts
  gCpu->DisableInterrupt (gCpu);

  // Clear the non-runtime values of the EFI System Table
  gDxeCoreST->BootServices        = NULL;
  gDxeCoreST->ConIn               = NULL;
  gDxeCoreST->ConsoleInHandle     = NULL;
  gDxeCoreST->ConOut              = NULL;
  gDxeCoreST->ConsoleOutHandle    = NULL;
  gDxeCoreST->StdErr              = NULL;
  gDxeCoreST->StandardErrorHandle = NULL;

  // Recompute the 32-bit CRC of the EFI System Table
  CalculateEfiHdrCrc (&gDxeCoreST->Hdr);

  // Zero out the Boot Service Table
  ZeroMem (gBS, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SERVICES));
  gBS = NULL;

  // Update the AtRuntime field in Runtiem AP.
  gRuntime->AtRuntime = TRUE;

  return Status;