Ejemplo n.º 1
// Executes commands within a adress range
void ExecuteFromStack(void) {
	uart_cmd_t *cmd = GetCmdPointer();
	stack_info_t *stack = GetStackPointer();
	timing_info_t *timing = GetTimerPointer();
	bool loop = stack->contExecution;
	int j = stack->stopIdx;

	// assign code entry point in stack
	// NB!: entry point is always valid
	// handled by cmdqueue commands
	stack->currIdx = stack->startIdx;
		// Execute code from stack, if user cancels execution
		// finish executing current function, before returning
		// cancel is handled from uart interrupt service routine
		while (stack->currIdx != j && stack->execFromStack) {
			// calculate usage if running a script
			timing->cmdStart = SysTickValueGet();
			// check if current stack i properly populated, skip overwise
			if (uartCmdStack[stack->currIdx].commandFound) {
				// copy command from stack to cmd
			else {
				// increment stack counter if command is not valid
			// loop forever if requested
			if (loop && stack->currIdx >= j) {
					stack->currIdx = stack->startIdx;
			// Get stop value for timing
			timing->cmdStop = SysTickValueGet();
	// reset stack control strucutre after
	// execution has been completed or 
	// canceled
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Calculate the number of bytes available for use
DWORD CConnection::TCPBandwidthMeter::CalculateLimit(DWORD tNow, bool bOut, bool bMaxMode ) const
	DWORD tCutoff = tNow - METER_SECOND;			// Time period for bytes
	if ( bMaxMode )
		tCutoff += METER_MINIMUM;					// Adjust time period for Max mode
	DWORD nData = CalculateUsage( tCutoff, true );	// #bytes in the time period

	// nLimit is the speed limit (bytes/second)
	DWORD nLimit = *pLimit;							// Get the speed limit
	if ( bOut && Settings.Live.BandwidthScaleOut < 100 )
		nLimit = nLimit * Settings.Live.BandwidthScaleOut / 100;	// Adjust limit based on the scale percentage
	else if ( ! bOut && Settings.Live.BandwidthScaleIn < 100 )		// The scale is turned down and we should use it
		nLimit = nLimit * Settings.Live.BandwidthScaleIn / 100;		// Adjust limit based on the scale percentage

	// nLimit - nData is the number of bytes still available for this time period
	// Set nData to this, or 0 if we're over the limit
	nData >= nLimit ? nData = 0 : nData = nLimit - nData;

	// Is this running in max mode
	if ( bMaxMode )
		// Adjust limit for the time elapsed since last time
		nLimit = nLimit * ( tNow - tLastLimit ) / 1000;

		// nData = speed limit in bytes per second - bytes we read in the last second
		// nLimit = speed limit in bytes per second * elapsed time
		// Return the smaller of the two
		nLimit = min( nLimit, nData );
		// Set limit to the number of bytes still available for this time period
		nLimit = nData;
	tLastLimit = tNow;	// The time of this limit calculation

	return nLimit;		// Return the new limit
Ejemplo n.º 3
// This is the main routine of the command line processor, this routine should
// ideally run in the while loop in the main(), but it also can be run in 
// a task/thread on a RTOS
// This function checks if enter key has been detected by the interrupt
// service routine and if it's true, the processing of the buffer and
// execution of the command will take place
void CMDLineScheduler (void) {

	uart_info_t *packet = GetUartPointer();
	uart_cmd_t *cmd = GetCmdPointer();
	timing_info_t *timing = GetTimerPointer();
	stack_info_t *stack = GetStackPointer();

	if(packet->enterFlag) {
		timing->cmdStart = SysTickValueGet();
		cmd->currentCmd = UARTEncodeCommand(packet); 
		UARTGetArguments(packet, cmd);
		if (!FindCommand(cmd)) {
			if (packet->rxCount >= MIN_CMD_LENGTH) {
		else {
			if (stack->execFromStack) {
		timing->cmdStop = SysTickValueGet();
		// display different input prompts based on mode
		// during scripting, show current stack position
		if (stack->saveCommands) {
			UARTprintf(STACK_PROMPT, stack->stackIdx);
		} else {