Ejemplo n.º 1

  Synopsis    [Core procedure for simulation.]

  Description [Returns 1 if refinement has happened.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Cec_ManSimulationOne( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParSim_t * pPars )
    Cec_ManSim_t * pSim;
    int RetValue = 0, clkTotal = clock();
    pSim = Cec_ManSimStart( pAig, pPars );
    if ( (pAig->pReprs == NULL && (RetValue = Cec_ManSimClassesPrepare( pSim, -1 ))) ||
         (RetValue == 0 &&        (RetValue = Cec_ManSimClassesRefine( pSim ))) )
        Abc_Print( 1, "The number of failed outputs of the miter = %6d. (Words = %4d. Frames = %4d.)\n", 
            pSim->nOuts, pPars->nWords, pPars->nFrames );
    if ( pPars->fVerbose )
        Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", clock() - clkTotal );
    Cec_ManSimStop( pSim );
    return RetValue;
Ejemplo n.º 2

  Synopsis    [Core procedure for SAT sweeping.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Gia_Man_t * Cec_ManSatSweeping( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParFra_t * pPars, int fSilent )
    int fOutputResult = 0;
    Cec_ParSat_t ParsSat, * pParsSat = &ParsSat;
    Cec_ParSim_t ParsSim, * pParsSim = &ParsSim;
    Gia_Man_t * pIni, * pSrm, * pTemp;
    Cec_ManFra_t * p;
    Cec_ManSim_t * pSim;
    Cec_ManPat_t * pPat;
    int i, fTimeOut = 0, nMatches = 0;
    abctime clk, clk2, clkTotal = Abc_Clock();

    // duplicate AIG and transfer equivalence classes
    Gia_ManRandom( 1 );
    pIni = Gia_ManDup(pAig);
    pIni->pReprs = pAig->pReprs; pAig->pReprs = NULL;
    pIni->pNexts = pAig->pNexts; pAig->pNexts = NULL;

    // prepare the managers
    // SAT sweeping
    p = Cec_ManFraStart( pIni, pPars );
    if ( pPars->fDualOut )
        pPars->fColorDiff = 1;
    // simulation
    Cec_ManSimSetDefaultParams( pParsSim );
    pParsSim->nWords      = pPars->nWords;
    pParsSim->nFrames     = pPars->nRounds;
    pParsSim->fCheckMiter = pPars->fCheckMiter;
    pParsSim->fDualOut    = pPars->fDualOut;
    pParsSim->fVerbose    = pPars->fVerbose;
    pSim = Cec_ManSimStart( p->pAig, pParsSim );
    // SAT solving
    Cec_ManSatSetDefaultParams( pParsSat );
    pParsSat->nBTLimit = pPars->nBTLimit;
    pParsSat->fVerbose = pPars->fVeryVerbose;
    // simulation patterns
    pPat = Cec_ManPatStart();
    pPat->fVerbose = pPars->fVeryVerbose;

    // start equivalence classes
clk = Abc_Clock();
    if ( p->pAig->pReprs == NULL )
        if ( Cec_ManSimClassesPrepare(pSim, -1) || Cec_ManSimClassesRefine(pSim) )
            Gia_ManStop( p->pAig );
            p->pAig = NULL;
            goto finalize;
p->timeSim += Abc_Clock() - clk;
    // perform solving
    for ( i = 1; i <= pPars->nItersMax; i++ )
        clk2 = Abc_Clock();
        nMatches = 0;
        if ( pPars->fDualOut )
            nMatches = Gia_ManEquivSetColors( p->pAig, pPars->fVeryVerbose );
//            p->pAig->pIso = Cec_ManDetectIsomorphism( p->pAig );
//            Gia_ManEquivTransform( p->pAig, 1 );
        pSrm = Cec_ManFraSpecReduction( p ); 

//        Gia_AigerWrite( pSrm, "gia_srm.aig", 0, 0 );

        if ( pPars->fVeryVerbose )
            Gia_ManPrintStats( pSrm, NULL );
        if ( Gia_ManCoNum(pSrm) == 0 )
            Gia_ManStop( pSrm );
            if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
                Abc_Print( 1, "Considered all available candidate equivalences.\n" );
            if ( pPars->fDualOut && Gia_ManAndNum(p->pAig) > 0 )
                if ( pPars->fColorDiff )
                    if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
                        Abc_Print( 1, "Switching into reduced mode.\n" );
                    pPars->fColorDiff = 0;
                    if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
                        Abc_Print( 1, "Switching into normal mode.\n" );
                    pPars->fDualOut = 0;
clk = Abc_Clock();
        if ( pPars->fRunCSat )
            Cec_ManSatSolveCSat( pPat, pSrm, pParsSat ); 
            Cec_ManSatSolve( pPat, pSrm, pParsSat ); 
p->timeSat += Abc_Clock() - clk;
        if ( Cec_ManFraClassesUpdate( p, pSim, pPat, pSrm ) )
            Gia_ManStop( pSrm );
            Gia_ManStop( p->pAig );
            p->pAig = NULL;
            goto finalize;
        Gia_ManStop( pSrm );

        // update the manager
        pSim->pAig = p->pAig = Gia_ManEquivReduceAndRemap( pTemp = p->pAig, 0, pParsSim->fDualOut );
        if ( p->pAig == NULL )
            p->pAig = pTemp;
        Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
        if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
            Abc_Print( 1, "%3d : P =%7d. D =%7d. F =%6d. M = %7d. And =%8d. ", 
                i, p->nAllProved, p->nAllDisproved, p->nAllFailed, nMatches, Gia_ManAndNum(p->pAig) );
            Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk2 );
        if ( Gia_ManAndNum(p->pAig) == 0 )
            if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
                Abc_Print( 1, "Network after reduction is empty.\n" );
        // check resource limits
        if ( p->pPars->TimeLimit && (Abc_Clock() - clkTotal)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC >= p->pPars->TimeLimit )
            fTimeOut = 1;
//        if ( p->nAllFailed && !p->nAllProved && !p->nAllDisproved )
        if ( p->nAllFailed > p->nAllProved + p->nAllDisproved )
            if ( pParsSat->nBTLimit >= 10001 )
            if ( pPars->fSatSweeping )
                if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
                    Abc_Print( 1, "Exceeded the limit on the number of conflicts (%d).\n", pParsSat->nBTLimit );
            pParsSat->nBTLimit *= 10;
            if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
                if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
                    Abc_Print( 1, "Increasing conflict limit to %d.\n", pParsSat->nBTLimit );
                if ( fOutputResult )
                    Gia_AigerWrite( p->pAig, "gia_cec_temp.aig", 0, 0 );
                    Abc_Print( 1,"The result is written into file \"%s\".\n", "gia_cec_temp.aig" );
        if ( pPars->fDualOut && pPars->fColorDiff && (Gia_ManAndNum(p->pAig) < 100000 || p->nAllProved + p->nAllDisproved < 10) )
            if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
                Abc_Print( 1, "Switching into reduced mode.\n" );
            pPars->fColorDiff = 0;
//        if ( pPars->fDualOut && Gia_ManAndNum(p->pAig) < 20000 )
        else if ( pPars->fDualOut && (Gia_ManAndNum(p->pAig) < 20000 || p->nAllProved + p->nAllDisproved < 10) )
            if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
                Abc_Print( 1, "Switching into normal mode.\n" );
            pPars->fColorDiff = 0;
            pPars->fDualOut = 0;
    if ( p->pPars->fVerbose && p->pAig )
        Abc_Print( 1, "NBeg = %d. NEnd = %d. (Gain = %6.2f %%).  RBeg = %d. REnd = %d. (Gain = %6.2f %%).\n", 
            Gia_ManAndNum(pAig), Gia_ManAndNum(p->pAig), 
            Gia_ManRegNum(pAig), Gia_ManRegNum(p->pAig), 
            100.0*(Gia_ManRegNum(pAig)-Gia_ManRegNum(p->pAig))/(Gia_ManRegNum(pAig)?Gia_ManRegNum(pAig):1) );
        Abc_PrintTimeP( 1, "Sim ", p->timeSim, Abc_Clock() - (int)clkTotal );
        Abc_PrintTimeP( 1, "Sat ", p->timeSat-pPat->timeTotalSave, Abc_Clock() - (int)clkTotal );
        Abc_PrintTimeP( 1, "Pat ", p->timePat+pPat->timeTotalSave, Abc_Clock() - (int)clkTotal );
        Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", (int)(Abc_Clock() - clkTotal) );

    pTemp = p->pAig; p->pAig = NULL;
    if ( pTemp == NULL && pSim->iOut >= 0 )
        if ( !fSilent )
        Abc_Print( 1, "Disproved at least one output of the miter (zero-based number %d).\n", pSim->iOut );
        pPars->iOutFail = pSim->iOut;
    else if ( pSim->pCexes && !fSilent )
        Abc_Print( 1, "Disproved %d outputs of the miter.\n", pSim->nOuts );
    if ( fTimeOut && !fSilent )
        Abc_Print( 1, "Timed out after %d seconds.\n", (int)((double)Abc_Clock() - clkTotal)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC );

    pAig->pCexComb = pSim->pCexComb; pSim->pCexComb = NULL;
    Cec_ManSimStop( pSim );
    Cec_ManPatStop( pPat );
    Cec_ManFraStop( p );
    return pTemp;