Ejemplo n.º 1
void CgCallBackNewCtored(       // NEW OBJECT WAS CTOR'ED
    SE* se_del,                 // - state entry for delete during CTOR throw
    FN_CTL* fctl )              // - function information
    cg_name expr;               // - emitted expression
    patch_entry* pe;            // - entry when patching
    cg_type type;               // - not used

    CondInfoNewCtorBeg( fctl );
    expr = CgExprPopType( &type );
    CgCommaBefore( expr, type );
    pe = CarveAlloc( carve_patch_se );
    pe->se = se_del;
    expr = CgExprPopType( &type );
    expr = CgCallBackLeft( expr
                         , &callBackNewCtorBeg
                         , pe
                         , type );
    expr = CgComma( emitPatch( &pe->patch ), expr, type );
    CgExprPush( expr, type );
    CondInfoNewCtorEnd( fctl );
    expr = CgExprPopType( &type );
    CgCommaOptional( expr, type );
    pe = CarveAlloc( carve_patch_se );
    pe->se = se_del;
    expr = CgExprPopType( &type );
    expr = CgSideEffect( expr, emitPatch( &pe->patch ), type );
    expr = CgCallBackRight( expr
                          , &callBackNewCtorEnd
                          , pe
                          , type );
    CgExprPush( expr, type );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CgExprDtored(              // DTOR CG EXPRESSION
    cg_name expr,               // - expression
    cg_type type,               // - expression type
    DGRP_FLAGS pop_type,        // - type of popping destruction
    FN_CTL* fctl )              // - function control
#if 0
    cg_type type;               // - expression type

    switch( CgExprStackSize() ) {
      case 0 :
      case 1 :
      { boolean temp_dtoring = fctl->temp_dtoring;
        SYMBOL temp = getExprTempSym( &type, fctl, pop_type );
        if( temp_dtoring ) {
            if( fctl->ctor_test ) {
                pop_type |= DGRP_CTOR;
            CgDestructExprTemps( pop_type, fctl );
            if( NULL != temp ) {
                CgExprPush( CgFetchSym( temp ), type );
      } break;
      DbgDefault( "CgExprDtored -- too many temps" );
    SYMBOL temp;                // - NULL or copied temp

    DbgVerify( 0 == CgExprStackSize(), "CgExprDtored -- more than one expr" );
    if( expr != NULL ) {
        if( pop_type & DGRP_DONE ) {
            CGDone( expr );
            temp = NULL;
        } else if( pop_type & DGRP_TRASH ) {
            CGTrash( expr );
            temp = NULL;
        } else if( fctl->temp_dtoring ) {
            temp = CgVarTempTyped( type );
            CGDone( CGLVAssign( CgSymbol( temp ), expr, type ) );
        } else {
            CgExprPush( expr, type );
            temp = NULL;
        if( fctl->temp_dtoring ) {
            fctl->temp_dtoring = FALSE;
            if( fctl->ctor_test ) {
                pop_type |= DGRP_CTOR;
            CgDestructExprTemps( pop_type, fctl );
            if( NULL != temp ) {
                CgExprPush( CgFetchSym( temp ), type );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CgExprPushWithAttr(        // PUSH EXPR WITH ATTRIBUTES
    cg_name expr,               // - expression
    cg_type type,               // - expression type
    cg_sym_attr attr )          // - expression attribute
    CgExprPush( CGAttr( expr, attr ), type );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CondInfoSetFlag(           // SET FLAG FOR CONDITIONAL DTOR BLOCK
    FN_CTL* fctl,               // - function control
    bool set_flag )             // - true ==> set the flag; false ==> clear
    COND_STK* stk;              // - conditional entry
    cg_name op_flg;             // - expression for flag setting
    cg_name op_mask;            // - mask operand
    COND_INFO cond;             // - conditional information
    patch_handle patch;         // - handle for patch
    cg_op opcode;               // - opcode for set/clr

    stk = PstkTopElement( &stack_cond_blks );
    CondInfoSetup( stk->offset, &cond, fctl );
    patch = BEPatch();
    op_mask = CGPatchNode( patch, TY_UINT_1 );
    if( set_flag ) {
        stk->mask_set = cond.mask;
        stk->handle_set = patch;
        opcode = O_OR;
    } else {
        stk->mask_clr = NOT_BITARR_MASK( cond.mask );
        stk->handle_clr = patch;
        opcode = O_AND;
    op_flg = CgSymbolPlusOffset( cond.sym, cond.offset );
    op_flg = CGLVPreGets( opcode, op_flg, op_mask, TY_UINT_1 );
    CgExprPush( op_flg, TY_POINTER );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CgExprAttr(                // SET CONST/VOLATILE/etc. ATTRIBUTES FOR EXPR
    cg_sym_attr attr )          // - attribute
    cg_type type;                   // - expression type
    cg_name expr;                   // - top expression

    expr = CgExprPopType( &type );
    expr = CGAttr( expr, attr );
    CgExprPush( expr, type );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CgCommaWithTopExpr(        // PUSH COMMA'D EXPRESSION WITH TOP EXPR
    cg_name expr,               // - rhs expression
    cg_type type )              // - rhs type
    cg_name lhs;                // - lhs expression

    if( CgExprPopGarbage() ) {
        lhs = NULL;
    } else {
        lhs = CgExprPop();
    CgExprPush( CgComma( lhs, expr, type ), type );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CgCdArgDefine(             // DEFINE CDOPT VALUE
    unsigned value )            // - cdopt value
    cg_name expr;               // - expression under construction
    cg_type type;               // - expression type
    cdtor_entry* cd_entry;      // - cdopt entry

    type = CgTypeOffset();
    expr = CgOffset( value );
    cd_entry = RingCarveAlloc( carver_cdtors, &ring_cdtors );
    cd_entry->value = value;
    cd_entry->handle = CallStackTopHandle();
    CgExprPush( expr, type );
Ejemplo n.º 8
// when expr is non-null, top of stack is replaced by:
//                      COMMA
//                       | |
//             +---------+ +-------+
//             |                   |
//           COMMA               temp
//            | |
//       +----+ +----+
//       |           |
//    ASSIGN        expr
//      | |
//    +-+ +-+
//    |     |
//  temp   top
void CgCommaOptional(           // EMIT OPTIONAL COMMA'ED EXPRESSION
    cg_name expr,               // - expression or NULL
    cg_type type )              // - type of expression
    cg_name orig;               // - original expression
    cg_type orig_type;          // - original expression type

    if( expr != NULL ) {
        if( ! CgExprPopGarbage() ) {
            orig = CgExprPopType( &orig_type );
            expr = CgSideEffect( orig, expr, type );
        CgExprPush( expr, type );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void CgCommaBefore(             // EMIT COMMA'ED EXPRESSION BEFORE
    cg_name expr,               // - expression
    cg_type type )              // - type of above expression
    cg_name top_expr;           // - expression on top
    cg_type top_type;           // - type on top

    top_expr = CgExprPopType( &top_type );
    if( top_expr == NULL ) {
        if( expr != NULL ) {
            CgDone( expr, type );
    } else {
        CgExprPush( CgComma( expr, top_expr, top_type ), top_type );
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void condInfoCallBack(   // SET A CALL-BACK
    void (*rtn)( void* ),       // - call-back routine
    bool on_left )              // - true ==> call-back on left
    cg_name expr;               // - top expression
    cg_type type;               // - top type
    COND_STK* stk;              // - stack ptr

    stk = PstkTopElement( &stack_cond_blks );
    expr = CgExprPopType( &type );
    if( on_left ) {
        expr = CgCallBackLeft( expr, rtn, stk, type );
    } else {
        expr = CgCallBackRight( expr, rtn, stk, type );
    CgExprPush( expr, type );
Ejemplo n.º 11
SE* DtorForDelBeg(              // DTORING AREA TO BE DELETED: start
    FN_CTL* fctl,               // - function information
    target_size_t elem_size,    // - size of one element in area
    unsigned dlt1,              // - entry type when one arg
    unsigned dlt2,              // - entry type when two args
    SYMBOL op_del )             // - operator delete to be used
    SE* se_dlt;                 // - entry allocated
    SYMBOL var;                 // - var containing address of delete area
    cg_name top_expr;           // - top expression
    cg_type top_type;           // - type of top expression
    cg_name emit;               // - expression for state update
    patch_handle patch;         // - patch handle for area

    if( DtmTabular( fctl ) ) {
        if( 2 == SymFuncArgList( op_del )->num_args ) {
            se_dlt = SeAlloc( dlt2 );
            se_dlt->del_2_array.size = elem_size;
        } else {
            se_dlt = SeAlloc( dlt1 );
        se_dlt->del_1_array.op_del = op_del;
        var = CgVarRw( TY_POINTER, SC_AUTO );
        if( se_dlt->base.gen ) {
            AutoRelRegister( var, &se_dlt->del_1_array.offset );
        top_expr = CgExprPopType( &top_type );
        top_expr = CGLVAssign( CgSymbol( var ), top_expr, top_type );
        top_expr = CgFetchType( top_expr, top_type );
        emit = emitPatch( &patch );
        top_expr = emitPatchCallBack( top_expr
                                    , emit
                                    , top_type
                                    , &patchForDtorDelBeg
                                    , patch
                                    , se_dlt );
        CgExprPush( top_expr, top_type );
        DbgSetState( "patchForDtorDelBeg", se_dlt );
    } else {
        se_dlt = NULL;
    return se_dlt;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void DtorForDelEnd(             // DTORING AREA TO BE DELETED: end
    FN_CTL* fctl,               // - function information
    SE* se_dlt )                // - entry
    cg_name emit;               // - expression for state update
    patch_handle patch;         // - patch handle for area
    cg_name top_expr;           // - top expression
    cg_type top_type;           // - type of top expression

    if( DtmTabular( fctl ) ) {
        DbgVerify( se_dlt != NULL, "DtorForDelEnd -- NULL entry" );
        emit = emitPatch( &patch );
        top_expr = CgExprPopType( &top_type );
        top_expr = emitPatchCallBack( top_expr
                                    , emit
                                    , top_type
                                    , &patchForDtorDelEnd
                                    , patch
                                    , se_dlt );
        CgExprPush( top_expr, top_type );