Ejemplo n.º 1
bool SpecialCaseList::Matcher::insert(std::string Regexp,
                                      unsigned LineNumber,
                                      std::string &REError) {
  if (Regexp.empty()) {
    REError = "Supplied regexp was blank";
    return false;

  if (Regex::isLiteralERE(Regexp)) {
    Strings[Regexp] = LineNumber;
    return true;

  // Replace * with .*
  for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = Regexp.find('*', pos)) != std::string::npos;
       pos += strlen(".*")) {
    Regexp.replace(pos, strlen("*"), ".*");

  Regexp = (Twine("^(") + StringRef(Regexp) + ")$").str();

  // Check that the regexp is valid.
  Regex CheckRE(Regexp);
  if (!CheckRE.isValid(REError))
    return false;

      std::make_pair(make_unique<Regex>(std::move(CheckRE)), LineNumber));
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
BlackList::BlackList(const StringRef Path) {
  // Validate and open blacklist file.
  if (Path.empty()) return;
  OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> File;
  if (error_code EC = MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path, File)) {
    report_fatal_error("Can't open blacklist file: " + Path + ": " +

  // Iterate through each line in the blacklist file.
  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> Lines;
  SplitString(File.take()->getBuffer(), Lines, "\n\r");
  StringMap<std::string> Regexps;
  for (SmallVector<StringRef, 16>::iterator I = Lines.begin(), E = Lines.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    // Ignore empty lines and lines starting with "#"
    if (I->empty() || I->startswith("#"))
    // Get our prefix and unparsed regexp.
    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> SplitLine = I->split(":");
    StringRef Prefix = SplitLine.first;
    std::string Regexp = SplitLine.second;
    if (Regexp.empty()) {
      // Missing ':' in the line.
      report_fatal_error("malformed blacklist line: " + SplitLine.first);

    // Replace * with .*
    for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = Regexp.find("*", pos)) != std::string::npos;
         pos += strlen(".*")) {
      Regexp.replace(pos, strlen("*"), ".*");

    // Check that the regexp is valid.
    Regex CheckRE(Regexp);
    std::string Error;
    if (!CheckRE.isValid(Error)) {
      report_fatal_error("malformed blacklist regex: " + SplitLine.second +
          ": " + Error);

    // Add this regexp into the proper group by its prefix.
    if (!Regexps[Prefix].empty())
      Regexps[Prefix] += "|";
    Regexps[Prefix] += Regexp;

  // Iterate through each of the prefixes, and create Regexs for them.
  for (StringMap<std::string>::iterator I = Regexps.begin(), E = Regexps.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    Entries[I->getKey()] = new Regex(I->getValue());
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool SpecialCaseList::parse(const MemoryBuffer *MB, std::string &Error) {
  // Iterate through each line in the blacklist file.
  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> Lines;
  SplitString(MB->getBuffer(), Lines, "\n\r");
  int LineNo = 1;
  for (auto I = Lines.begin(), E = Lines.end(); I != E; ++I, ++LineNo) {
    // Ignore empty lines and lines starting with "#"
    if (I->empty() || I->startswith("#"))
    // Get our prefix and unparsed regexp.
    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> SplitLine = I->split(":");
    StringRef Prefix = SplitLine.first;
    if (SplitLine.second.empty()) {
      // Missing ':' in the line.
      Error = (Twine("malformed line ") + Twine(LineNo) + ": '" +
               SplitLine.first + "'").str();
      return false;

    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> SplitRegexp = SplitLine.second.split("=");
    std::string Regexp = SplitRegexp.first;
    StringRef Category = SplitRegexp.second;

    // See if we can store Regexp in Strings.
    auto &Entry = Entries[Prefix][Category];
    if (Regex::isLiteralERE(Regexp)) {

    // Replace * with .*
    for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = Regexp.find('*', pos)) != std::string::npos;
         pos += strlen(".*")) {
      Regexp.replace(pos, strlen("*"), ".*");

    // Check that the regexp is valid.
    Regex CheckRE(Regexp);
    std::string REError;
    if (!CheckRE.isValid(REError)) {
      Error = (Twine("malformed regex in line ") + Twine(LineNo) + ": '" +
               SplitLine.second + "': " + REError).str();
      return false;

    // Add this regexp into the proper group by its prefix.
    if (!Regexps[Prefix][Category].empty())
      Regexps[Prefix][Category] += "|";
    Regexps[Prefix][Category] += "^" + Regexp + "$";
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool SpecialCaseList::Matcher::insert(std::string Regexp,
                                      std::string &REError) {
  if (Regex::isLiteralERE(Regexp)) {
    return true;

  // Replace * with .*
  for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = Regexp.find('*', pos)) != std::string::npos;
       pos += strlen(".*")) {
    Regexp.replace(pos, strlen("*"), ".*");

  // Check that the regexp is valid.
  Regex CheckRE(Regexp);
  if (!CheckRE.isValid(REError))
    return false;

  if (!UncompiledRegEx.empty())
    UncompiledRegEx += "|";
  UncompiledRegEx += "^(" + Regexp + ")$";
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool SpecialCaseList::parse(const MemoryBuffer *MB, std::string &Error) {
  // Iterate through each line in the blacklist file.
  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> Lines;
  SplitString(MB->getBuffer(), Lines, "\n\r");
  StringMap<StringMap<std::string> > Regexps;
  assert(Entries.empty() &&
         "parse() should be called on an empty SpecialCaseList");
  int LineNo = 1;
  for (SmallVectorImpl<StringRef>::iterator I = Lines.begin(), E = Lines.end();
       I != E; ++I, ++LineNo) {
    // Ignore empty lines and lines starting with "#"
    if (I->empty() || I->startswith("#"))
    // Get our prefix and unparsed regexp.
    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> SplitLine = I->split(":");
    StringRef Prefix = SplitLine.first;
    if (SplitLine.second.empty()) {
      // Missing ':' in the line.
      Error = (Twine("Malformed line ") + Twine(LineNo) + ": '" +
               SplitLine.first + "'").str();
      return false;

    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> SplitRegexp = SplitLine.second.split("=");
    std::string Regexp = SplitRegexp.first;
    StringRef Category = SplitRegexp.second;

    // Backwards compatibility.
    if (Prefix == "global-init") {
      Prefix = "global";
      Category = "init";
    } else if (Prefix == "global-init-type") {
      Prefix = "type";
      Category = "init";
    } else if (Prefix == "global-init-src") {
      Prefix = "src";
      Category = "init";

    // See if we can store Regexp in Strings.
    if (Regex::isLiteralERE(Regexp)) {

    // Replace * with .*
    for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = Regexp.find("*", pos)) != std::string::npos;
         pos += strlen(".*")) {
      Regexp.replace(pos, strlen("*"), ".*");

    // Check that the regexp is valid.
    Regex CheckRE(Regexp);
    std::string REError;
    if (!CheckRE.isValid(REError)) {
      Error = (Twine("Malformed regex in line ") + Twine(LineNo) + ": '" +
               SplitLine.second + "': " + REError).str();
      return false;

    // Add this regexp into the proper group by its prefix.
    if (!Regexps[Prefix][Category].empty())
      Regexps[Prefix][Category] += "|";
    Regexps[Prefix][Category] += "^" + Regexp + "$";

  // Iterate through each of the prefixes, and create Regexs for them.
  for (StringMap<StringMap<std::string> >::const_iterator I = Regexps.begin(),
                                                          E = Regexps.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    for (StringMap<std::string>::const_iterator II = I->second.begin(),
                                                IE = I->second.end();
         II != IE; ++II) {
      Entries[I->getKey()][II->getKey()].RegEx = new Regex(II->getValue());
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool SpecialCaseList::parse(const MemoryBuffer *MB,
                            StringMap<size_t> &SectionsMap,
                            std::string &Error) {
  // Iterate through each line in the blacklist file.
  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> Lines;
  MB->getBuffer().split(Lines, '\n');

  unsigned LineNo = 1;
  StringRef Section = "*";

  for (auto I = Lines.begin(), E = Lines.end(); I != E; ++I, ++LineNo) {
    *I = I->trim();
    // Ignore empty lines and lines starting with "#"
    if (I->empty() || I->startswith("#"))

    // Save section names
    if (I->startswith("[")) {
      if (!I->endswith("]")) {
        Error = (Twine("malformed section header on line ") + Twine(LineNo) +
                 ": " + *I).str();
        return false;

      Section = I->slice(1, I->size() - 1);

      std::string REError;
      Regex CheckRE(Section);
      if (!CheckRE.isValid(REError)) {
        Error =
            (Twine("malformed regex for section ") + Section + ": '" + REError)
        return false;


    // Get our prefix and unparsed regexp.
    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> SplitLine = I->split(":");
    StringRef Prefix = SplitLine.first;
    if (SplitLine.second.empty()) {
      // Missing ':' in the line.
      Error = (Twine("malformed line ") + Twine(LineNo) + ": '" +
               SplitLine.first + "'").str();
      return false;

    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> SplitRegexp = SplitLine.second.split("=");
    std::string Regexp = SplitRegexp.first;
    StringRef Category = SplitRegexp.second;

    // Create this section if it has not been seen before.
    if (SectionsMap.find(Section) == SectionsMap.end()) {
      std::unique_ptr<Matcher> M = make_unique<Matcher>();
      std::string REError;
      if (!M->insert(Section, LineNo, REError)) {
        Error = (Twine("malformed section ") + Section + ": '" + REError).str();
        return false;

      SectionsMap[Section] = Sections.size();

    auto &Entry = Sections[SectionsMap[Section]].Entries[Prefix][Category];
    std::string REError;
    if (!Entry.insert(std::move(Regexp), LineNo, REError)) {
      Error = (Twine("malformed regex in line ") + Twine(LineNo) + ": '" +
               SplitLine.second + "': " + REError).str();
      return false;
  return true;