Ejemplo n.º 1
void ClipLine( POINT &Start, POINT &End )
	INT32 ThisSector = GetSector( End ) ;
	switch ( CaseTable[(INT32)LastSector][(INT32)ThisSector] )
	case 01 : GenLineToBelowLeft()	; break ;
	case 02 : GenLineToBelowRight()	; break ;
	case 03 : GenLineToAboveLeft()	; break ;
	case 04 : GenLineToAboveRight()	; break ;
	case 05 : GenLine(Start)		;
			  GenLine(End)			; break ;
	case 06 : if ( OFirstPoint )
				  GenLine(Start) ;
			  GenLine(End)			; break ;
	case 07 :
		POINT Middle ;
		Middle.x = (Start.x+End.x) >> 1 ;
		Middle.y = (Start.y+End.y) >> 1 ;
		ClipLine( Start,Middle ) ;
		ClipLine( Middle,End ) ;
		return ;
	case 10 : GenLineToBelowLeft()	; GenLineToBelowRight()	; break ;
	case 11 : GenLineToBelowLeft()	; GenLineToAboveLeft()	; break ;
	case 12 : GenLineToBelowRight()	; GenLineToAboveRight()	; break ;
	case 13 : GenLineToBelowRight()	; GenLineToBelowLeft()	; break ;
	case 14 : GenLineToAboveLeft()	; GenLineToAboveRight()	; break ;
	case 15 : GenLineToAboveLeft()	; GenLineToBelowLeft()	; break ;
	case 16 : GenLineToAboveRight()	; GenLineToBelowRight()	; break ;
	case 17 : GenLineToAboveRight()	; GenLineToAboveLeft()	; break ;
	LastSector = ThisSector ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CGroundLine::Paint( )
	vgui::Panel *pPanel = GetParent();
	int wide, tall;
	pPanel->GetSize( wide, tall );
	float tPrev = 0;
	float xPrev, yPrev;
	CMinimapPanel::MinimapPanel()->WorldToMinimap( MINIMAP_NOCLIP, m_vStart, xPrev, yPrev );

	int nSegs = 20;
	for( int iSeg=1; iSeg <= nSegs; iSeg++ )
		float t = (float)iSeg / nSegs;

		Vector v3DPos;
		VectorLerp( m_vStart, m_vEnd, t, v3DPos );

		float x, y;
		CMinimapPanel::MinimapPanel()->WorldToMinimap( MINIMAP_NOCLIP, v3DPos, x, y );

		// Clip the line segment on X, then Y.
		if( ClipLine( xPrev, yPrev, x, y, 0,     1 ) &&
			ClipLine( xPrev, yPrev, x, y, wide, -1 ) &&
			ClipLine( yPrev, xPrev, y, x, 0,     1 ) &&
			ClipLine( yPrev, xPrev, y, x, tall, -1 ) )
			Vector vColor;
			VectorLerp( m_vStartColor, m_vEndColor, t, vColor );
			vColor *= 255.9f;

				(unsigned char)RoundFloatToInt( vColor.x ), 
				(unsigned char)RoundFloatToInt( vColor.y ), 
				(unsigned char)RoundFloatToInt( vColor.z ), 
				255 );

			vgui::surface()->DrawLine( xPrev, yPrev, x, y );

		tPrev = t;
		xPrev = x;
		yPrev = y;

	// Draw a marker at the endpoint.
	float xEnd, yEnd;
	if( CMinimapPanel::MinimapPanel()->WorldToMinimap( MINIMAP_NOCLIP, m_vEnd, xEnd, yEnd ) )
		int ix = RoundFloatToInt( xEnd );
		int iy = RoundFloatToInt( yEnd );
		int rectSize=1;

		vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
		vgui::surface()->DrawOutlinedRect( ix-rectSize, iy-rectSize, ix+rectSize, iy+rectSize );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void	ClipLine(ClipVertex* a, ClipVertex* b, const ViewState& s, int plane)
// Clips the line defined by the given vertices against the clipping
// plane of the given view state indexed by the 'plane' parameter.  Recurses
// on the next clipping plane, if there is one.  When it runs out of clip
// planes, it passes the line to DrawUnclippedLine().
	// Check to see if we're done clipping.
	if (plane >= s.ClipPlaneCount) {
		DrawUnclippedLine(a, b, s);

	// Figure out which side of the clipping plane each of the vertices is on.
	int	mask = 1 << plane;
	bool	aclip, bclip;
	aclip = a->GetOutcode() & mask ? true : false;
	bclip = b->GetOutcode() & mask ? true : false;
	int	clipcount = int(aclip) + int(bclip);

	// See if all the vertices are on the right side of the clipping plane.
	if (clipcount == 0) {
		// No clipping against this plane is needed.
		ClipLine(a, b, s, plane + 1);

	// See if all the vertices are on the wrong side of the clipping plane.
	if (clipcount == 2) {
		// line is not visible.

	// Sort so that a is on the right side.
	if (aclip) {
		ClipVertex* temp = a; a = b; b = temp;

	// Convenience variables.
	const vec3&	Normal = s.ClipPlane[plane].Normal;
	float	D = s.ClipPlane[plane].D;
	// Find the vertex at the intersection of clipped line.
	ClipVertex	c;
	FindIntersection(&c, *a, *b, Normal, D);
	// Draw the visible fragment.
	ClipLine(a, &c, s, plane + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
	void Line2(Array<unsigned>& pBuffer, Point pt1, Point pt2, int width, int height)
		int ecount;
		int x_step, y_step;
		Point sizeScaled(width*XY_ONE, height*XY_ONE);

		if (!ClipLine(sizeScaled, pt1, pt2))

		int dx = pt2.x - pt1.x;
		int dy = pt2.y - pt1.y;

		int j = dx < 0 ? -1 : 0;
		int ax = (dx ^ j) - j;
		int i = dy < 0 ? -1 : 0;
		int ay = (dy ^ i) - i;

		if (ax > ay)
			dx = ax;
			dy = (dy ^ j) - j;
			pt1.x ^= pt2.x & j;
			pt2.x ^= pt1.x & j;
			pt1.x ^= pt2.x & j;
			pt1.y ^= pt2.y & j;
			pt2.y ^= pt1.y & j;
			pt1.y ^= pt2.y & j;

			x_step = XY_ONE;
			y_step = (int)(((int64)dy << XY_SHIFT) / (ax | 1));
			ecount = (pt2.x - pt1.x) >> XY_SHIFT;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int ConvexVolume::LineOverlap(const Line3D& l, Real& tmin, Real& tmax) const
	Real oldTmin=tmin, oldTmax=tmax;
	for(size_t i=0; i<planes.size(); i++)
	  if(!ClipLine(l.source,l.direction,planes[i],tmin,tmax)) return EXCLUSION;
	if(tmin == oldTmin && tmax == oldTmax) return INCLUSION;
	return INTERSECT;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool ClipLine(const Vector2& x, const Vector2& v, const ConvexPolygon2D& p, Real& u1, Real& u2)
  Plane2D plane;
  for(size_t i=0; i<p.vertices.size(); i++) {
    if(!ClipLine(x,v,plane,u1,u2)) return false;
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void DrawRegistrationMarks( drawCmd_p d )
	long x, y, delta, divisor;
	coOrd p0, p1, qq, q0, q1;
	POS_T len;
	char msg[10];
	wFont_p fp;
	wFontSize_t fs;
	fp = wStandardFont( F_TIMES, FALSE, FALSE );
	if ( units==UNITS_METRIC ) {
		delta = 10;
		divisor = 100;
	} else {
		delta = 3;
		divisor = 12;
	for ( x=delta; (POS_T)x<PutDim(mapD.size.x); x+=delta ) {
		qq.x = p0.x = p1.x = (POS_T)GetDim(x);
		p0.y = 0.0;
		p1.y = mapD.size.y;
		if (!ClipLine( &p0, &p1, d->orig, d->angle, d->size ))
		for ( y=(long)(ceil(PutDim(p0.y)/delta)*delta); (POS_T)y<PutDim(p1.y); y+=delta ) {
			qq.y = (POS_T)GetDim(y);
			q0.x = q1.x = qq.x;
			if ( x%divisor == 0 && y%divisor == 0 ) {
				len = 0.25;
				fs = 12.0;
			} else {
				len = 0.125;
				fs = 8.0;
			q0.y = qq.y-len;
			q1.y = qq.y+len;
			DrawLine( d, q0, q1, 0, wDrawColorBlack );
			q0.y = q1.y = qq.y;
			q0.x = qq.x-len;
			q1.x = qq.x+len;
			DrawLine( d, q0, q1, 0, wDrawColorBlack );
			q0.x = qq.x + len/4;;
			q0.y = qq.y + len/4;;
			if (units == UNITS_METRIC)
				sprintf( msg, "%0.1fm", (DOUBLE_T)x/100.0 );
				sprintf( msg, "%ld\' %ld\"", x/12, x%12 );
			DrawString( d, q0, 0.0, msg, fp, fs, wDrawColorBlack );
			q0.y = qq.y - len*3/4;
			if (units == UNITS_METRIC)
				sprintf( msg, "%0.1fm", (DOUBLE_T)y/100.0 );
				sprintf( msg, "%ld\' %ld\"", y/12, y%12 );
			DrawString( d, q0, 0.0, msg, fp, fs, wDrawColorBlack );
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: graph.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
void NS_DIM_PREFIX UgInverseLine (COORD_POINT point1, COORD_POINT point2)
  SHORT_POINT out[2];
  INT reject,dummy;

        #ifdef ModelP
  if (me != master)

  if (ClipLine (point1,point2,&(out[0]),&(out[1]),&reject,&dummy,&dummy)) return;
  if (!reject) (*CurrentOutputDevice->InversePolyline)(out,2);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Bool DCClipLine(CDC *dc,I64 *x1,I64 *y1,I64 *x2,I64 *y2,I64 width=0,I64 height=0)
{ //also converts window to screen coordinates
  I64 left,top,right,bottom;
  CTask *win_task;
  if (GrLimits(dc,&left,&top,&right,&bottom,width,height)) {
    if (dc->flags & DCF_SCREEN_BITMAP) {
    return ClipLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,left,top,right,bottom);
  } else
    return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void	DrawClippedLine(ClipVertex* a, ClipVertex* b, const ViewState& s)
// Clips the line defined by the given vertices, projects the
// vertices if necessary, and passes any visible fragment to the
// renderer.
	// Make sure the outcodes are set.
	if (a->GetOutcode() == -1) a->Preprocess(s);
	if (b->GetOutcode() == -1) b->Preprocess(s);

	// Check for trivial cull.
	if ((a->GetOutcode() & b->GetOutcode()) != 0) {
		// All the vertices are on the wrong side of some clip plane.  Don't need to draw.

	ClipLine(a, b, s, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 11
ghid_draw_line (hidGC gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
    double dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;

    dx1 = Vx ((double) x1);
    dy1 = Vy ((double) y1);
    dx2 = Vx ((double) x2);
    dy2 = Vy ((double) y2);

    if (!ClipLine (0, 0, gport->width, gport->height,
                   &dx1, &dy1, &dx2, &dy2, gc->width / gport->zoom))

    USE_GC (gc);
    gdk_draw_line (gport->drawable, gport->u_gc, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: graph.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
void NS_DIM_PREFIX UgLine (COORD_POINT point1, COORD_POINT point2)
  SHORT_POINT out1,out2;
  INT reject,dummy;

        #ifdef ModelP
  if (me != master)

  if (ClipLine (point1,point2,&out1,&out2,&reject,&dummy,&dummy)) return;
  if (!reject)
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool Camera::TransformClip(Pointf3 a, Pointf3 b, Pointf& outa, Pointf& outb) const
	Pointf3 a1 = a * transform_matrix, b1 = b * transform_matrix;
	double az = a1.z + z_delta, bz = b1.z + z_delta;
	bool na = (az <= 0), nb = (bz <= 0);
	bool fa = (az >= 1), fb = (bz >= 1);
	if(na && nb || fa && fb)
		return false;
	/**/ if(na) a1 += (b1 - a1) * (0 - az) / (b1.z - a1.z);
	else if(nb) b1 += (a1 - b1) * (0 - bz) / (a1.z - b1.z);
	/**/ if(fa) a1 += (b1 - a1) * (1 - az) / (b1.z - a1.z);
	else if(fb) b1 += (a1 - b1) * (1 - bz) / (a1.z - b1.z);
	outa.x = a1.x / a1.z;
	outa.y = a1.y / a1.z;
	outb.x = b1.x / b1.z;
	outb.y = b1.y / b1.z;
	return ClipLine(outa, outb, Rectf(-view_px, -view_py, +view_px, +view_py));
Ejemplo n.º 14
ghid_draw_line (hidGC gc, Coord x1, Coord y1, Coord x2, Coord y2)
  double dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
  render_priv *priv = gport->render_priv;

  dx1 = Vx ((double) x1);
  dy1 = Vy ((double) y1);
  dx2 = Vx ((double) x2);
  dy2 = Vy ((double) y2);

  if (!ClipLine (0, 0, gport->width, gport->height,
		 &dx1, &dy1, &dx2, &dy2, gc->width / gport->view.coord_per_px))

  USE_GC (gc);
  gdk_draw_line (gport->drawable, priv->u_gc, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: graph.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
void NS_DIM_PREFIX UgPolyLine (COORD_POINT *points, INT n)
  SHORT_POINT out1,out2;
  INT reject,dummy,k;

        #ifdef ModelP
  if (me != master)

  for (k=1; k<n; k++)
    if (ClipLine ( points[k-1],points[k],&out1,&out2,&reject,&dummy,&dummy))
    else if (!reject)
Ejemplo n.º 16
bool DrawClipLine(RenderContext* render, int fromx, int fromy, int tox, int toy, UINT color, int lpitch)
	// this function draws a clipped line

	int clip_x_start, cilp_y_start,
		clip_x_end, clip_y_end;

	// clip and draw each line
	clip_x_start = fromx;
	cilp_y_start = fromy;
	clip_x_end = tox;
	clip_y_end = toy;

	// clip the line
	if (ClipLine(clip_x_start, cilp_y_start, clip_x_end, clip_y_end))
		DrawLine(render, clip_x_start, cilp_y_start, clip_x_end, clip_y_end, color, lpitch);

	// return success
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void CompositeVerticalLine(Bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y,int len,Pixel c,CompositionMode comp)
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: graph.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
static INT ClipPolygon (COORD_POINT *in, INT nin,
                        SHORT_POINT *out, INT *nout)
  INT i,FillupStart,side1,side2,FirstSide,reject,flag,left,leftmark,right,rightmark,orientation;
  SHORT_POINT out1,out2;
  COORD_POINT point[3];
  DOUBLE norm, lambda, ScalarPrd;

  /* initializations */
  *nout = 0;

  /* check if polygon is degenerated */
  if (nin<3) return (0);

  /* decide whether polygon is left or right handed */
  left = right = orientation = 0;
  for (i=0; i<nin; i++)
    if (((in[i].x-in[(i-1+nin)%nin].x)*(in[(i+1)%(nin)].y-in[i].y)) >=
      leftmark = i;

    if (((in[i].x-in[(i-1+nin)%nin].x)*(in[(i+1)%(nin)].y-in[i].y)) <=
      rightmark = i;
  if (left == nin)
    orientation = CLOCKWISE;
  else if (right == nin)
    orientation = COUNTERCLOCKWISE;
  else if (left == nin-1)
    if (norm < SMALL_C)
      lambda = 1.0;
      lambda = ScalarPrd/norm/norm;
    LinCombCoordPoint(1.0, in[(leftmark-1+nin)%nin], lambda, point[1], &(point[2]));
    in[leftmark] = point[2];
    orientation = CLOCKWISE;
  else if (right == nin-1)
    if (norm < SMALL_C)
      lambda = 1.0;
      lambda = ScalarPrd/norm/norm;
    LinCombCoordPoint(1.0, in[(rightmark-1+nin)%nin], lambda, point[1], &(point[2]));
    in[rightmark] = point[2];
    orientation = COUNTERCLOCKWISE;

  /* the main loop */
  FillupStart = -1;
  flag = 0;
  for(i=0; i<nin; i++)
    if (!reject)
      if (flag == 0)
        FirstSide = side1;
        flag = 1;
      if (FillupStart != -1)
        FillUp (FillupStart,side1,orientation,out,nout);
      FillupStart = side2;
      out[(*nout)++] = out1;
      if (side2 != -1)
        out[(*nout)++] = out2;
  if (flag && (FirstSide!=-1))
    FillUp (FillupStart,FirstSide,orientation,out,nout);
  if (!flag)
    /* test if zero vector is in the interior of the polygon */
    if (orientation==1)
      left  = 0;
      for (i=0; i<nin; i++)
        left += (in[(i+1)%(nin)].x*in[i].y >= in[i].x*in[(i+1)%(nin)].y);
      /*if (left == nin)
      right  = 0;
      for (i=0; i<nin; i++)
        right += (in[(i+1)%(nin)].x*in[i].y <= in[i].x*in[(i+1)%(nin)].y);
      /* if (right == nin)
              FillUpTot(out,nout); */
  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void DrawVerticalLine(Bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y,int len,Pixel c)
Ejemplo n.º 20
void DrawHorizontalLine(Bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y,int len,Pixel c)
Ejemplo n.º 21
UINT CEditView::PrintInsideRect(CDC* pDC, RECT& rectLayout,
	UINT nIndexStart, UINT nIndexStop)
	// worker function for laying out text in a rectangle.
	BOOL bWordWrap = (GetStyle() & ES_AUTOHSCROLL) == 0;

	// get buffer and real starting and ending postions
	UINT nLen = GetBufferLength();
	if (nIndexStart >= nLen)
		return nLen;
	LPCTSTR lpszText = LockBuffer();
	if (nIndexStop > nLen)
		nIndexStop = nLen;
	ASSERT(nIndexStart < nLen);

	// calculate text & tab metrics
	int cyChar = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
#ifndef _MAC
	int nTabStop = m_nTabStops *
		pDC->GetTabbedTextExtent(_T("\t"), 1, 0, NULL).cx / 8 / 4;
	int nTabStop = pDC->GetTextExtent(_T("\t"), 1).cx;
	int aCharWidths[256];
	pDC->GetCharWidth(0, 255, aCharWidths);

	int y = rectLayout.top;
	UINT cx = rectLayout.right - rectLayout.left;
	UINT nIndex = nIndexStart;

	VERIFY(pDC->SaveDC() != 0);
	BOOL bLayoutOnly = pDC->IntersectClipRect(&rectLayout) == NULLREGION;

		UINT nIndexEnd = EndOfLine(lpszText, nIndexStop, nIndex);
		if (nIndex == nIndexEnd)
			y += cyChar;
		else if (bWordWrap)
			// word-wrap printing
				UINT nIndexWrap = ClipLine(pDC, aCharWidths,
					cx, nTabStop, lpszText, nIndex, nIndexEnd);
				UINT nIndexWord = nIndexWrap;
				if (nIndexWord != nIndexEnd)
					while (nIndexWord > nIndex &&
					if (nIndexWord == nIndex)
						nIndexWord = nIndexWrap;
				CRect rect(rectLayout.left, y, rectLayout.right, y+cyChar);
				if (!bLayoutOnly && pDC->RectVisible(rect))
#ifndef _MAC
					pDC->TabbedTextOut(rect.left, y,
						(LPCTSTR)(lpszText+nIndex), nIndexWord-nIndex, 1,
						&nTabStop, rect.left);
					pDC->TextOut(rect.left, y,
						(LPCTSTR)(lpszText+nIndex), nIndexWord-nIndex);
				y += cyChar;
				nIndex = nIndexWord;
				while (nIndex < nIndexEnd && isspace(lpszText[nIndex]))
			} while (nIndex < nIndexEnd && y+cyChar <= rectLayout.bottom);

			nIndexEnd = nIndex;
			// non-word wrap printing (much easier and faster)
			CRect rect(rectLayout.left, y, rectLayout.right, y+cyChar);
			if (!bLayoutOnly && pDC->RectVisible(rect))
				UINT nIndexClip = ClipLine(pDC, aCharWidths, cx, nTabStop,
					lpszText, nIndex, nIndexEnd);
				if (nIndexClip < nIndexEnd)
					if (_istlead(*(lpszText+nIndexClip)))
#ifndef _MAC
				pDC->TabbedTextOut(rect.left, y,
					(LPCTSTR)(lpszText+nIndex), nIndexClip-nIndex, 1,
					&nTabStop, rect.left);
				pDC->TextOut(rect.left, y,
					(LPCTSTR)(lpszText+nIndex), nIndexClip-nIndex);
			y += cyChar;
		nIndex = NextLine(lpszText, nIndexStop, nIndexEnd);
	while (nIndex < nIndexStop && y+cyChar <= rectLayout.bottom);


	rectLayout.bottom = y;
	return nIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void CompositeHorizontalLine(Bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y,int len,Pixel c,CompositionMode comp)
Ejemplo n.º 23
Archivo: graph.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
void NS_DIM_PREFIX UgStyledLine (COORD_POINT point1, COORD_POINT point2, DOUBLE dash_length, DOUBLE space_length )
  SHORT_POINT out1,out2, end;
  INT reject,dummy;
  register double x1, y1, x2, y2;
  double dx_dash, dy_dash, dx_space, dy_space;

        #ifdef ModelP
  if (me != master)

  /* to avoid rounding errors if the same line is drawn twice, one time p1->p2
     and the other time p2->p1, order the points in a general way */
  if ( point1.x > point2.x )
    temp = point1;
    point1 = point2;
    point2 =  temp;

  if (ClipLine (point1,point2,&out1,&out2,&reject,&dummy,&dummy)) return;
  if (reject)

  /* adjust the dash- and spacelength to fit exactly into the line;
     the line will start and end with a dash */

  /* misuse of x1 and y1 as the slopes and x2 as linelength; y2 as temp */
  x1 = (double)(out2.x - out1.x); y1 = (double)(out2.y - out1.y);
  x2 = sqrt( x1*x1 + y1 * y1 );
  if( fabs(x2) < 1e-20 )
  {             /* linelength very small */

  /* adjust the dash- and spacelength to fit exactly into the line;
     the line will start and end with a dash! */
  dummy = x2 / (dash_length + space_length) + 0.5;              /* how many pairs of dash+space fit completely into the line? */
  y2 = x2 / ( (dummy+1)*dash_length + dummy*space_length );             /* scaling factor */
  dash_length *= y2;
  space_length *= y2;

  /* increments for dashes and spaces */
  dx_dash = x1 * dash_length / x2; dy_dash = y1 * dash_length / x2;
  dx_space = x1 * space_length / x2; dy_space = y1 * space_length / x2;

  x1 = out1.x; y1 = out1.y;
  end = out2;                   /* save end point */
  out2 = out1;          /* reset */

  while ( out2.x != end.x || out2.y != end.y )
    x2 = x1 + dx_dash; y2 = y1 + dy_dash;
    out2.x = (short)(x2 + 0.5 ); out2.y = (short)(y2 + 0.5 );             /* rounding */


    x1 = x2 + dx_space; y1 = y2 + dy_space;
    out1.x = (short)(x1 + 0.5 ); out1.y = (short)(y1 + 0.5 );             /* rounding */
Ejemplo n.º 24
bool ClipLine(const Vector3& x, const Vector3& v, const ConvexPolyhedron3D& p, Real& u1, Real& u2)
	for(int i=0; i<p.numPlanes; i++)
		if(!ClipLine(x,v,p.planes[i],u1,u2)) return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
static void ChangeDim( void )
	int x, y, x0, x1, y0, y1;
	coOrd p0;
	int size;
	bitmap_t tmpBm;
	BOOL_T selected;

	MapGrid( zero, mapD.size, 0.0, currPrintGrid.orig, currPrintGrid.angle, currPrintGrid.size.x, currPrintGrid.size.y,
		&x0, &x1, &y0, &y1 );
#ifdef LATER
	d0 = sqrt( mapD.size.x * mapD.size.x + mapD.size.y * mapD.size.y );

	Translate( &p1, currPrintGrid.orig, currPrintGrid.angle, d0 );
	p0 = currPrintGrid.orig;
	ClipLine( &p0, &p1, zero, 0.0, mapD.size );
	d1 = FindDistance( currPrintGrid.orig, p1 );
	y1 = (int)ceil(d1/currPrintGrid.size.y);

	Translate( &p1, currPrintGrid.orig, currPrintGrid.angle+180, d0 );
	p0 = currPrintGrid.orig;
	ClipLine( &p0, &p1, zero, 0.0, mapD.size );
	d1 = FindDistance( currPrintGrid.orig, p1 );
	y0 = -(int)floor(d1/currPrintGrid.size.y);

	Translate( &p1, currPrintGrid.orig, currPrintGrid.angle+90, d0 );
	p0 = currPrintGrid.orig;
	ClipLine( &p0, &p1, zero, 0.0, mapD.size );
	d1 = FindDistance( currPrintGrid.orig, p1 );
	x1 = (int)ceil(d1/currPrintGrid.size.x);

	Translate( &p1, currPrintGrid.orig, currPrintGrid.angle+270, d0 );
	p0 = currPrintGrid.orig;
	ClipLine( &p0, &p1, zero, 0.0, mapD.size );
	d1 = FindDistance( currPrintGrid.orig, p1 );
	x0 = -(int)floor(d1/currPrintGrid.size.x);

	if ( x0==bm.x0 && x1==bm.x1 && y0==bm.y0 && y1==bm.y1 )
	size = (x1-x0) * (y1-y0);
	if (size > bm0.memsize) {
		bm0.bm = MyRealloc( bm0.bm, size );
		bm0.memsize = size;
	bm0.x0 = x0; bm0.x1 = x1; bm0.y0 = y0; bm0.y1 = y1;
	memset( bm0.bm, 0, bm0.memsize );
	pageCount = 0;
	if (bm.bm) {
		for ( x=bm.x0; x<bm.x1; x++ ) {
			for ( y=bm.y0; y<bm.y1; y++ ) {
				selected = BITMAP( bm, x, y );
				if (selected) {
					p0.x = bm.orig.x + x * bm.size.x + bm.size.x/2.0;
					p0.y = bm.orig.y + y * bm.size.y + bm.size.y/2.0;
					Rotate( &p0, bm.orig, bm.angle );
					p0.x -= currPrintGrid.orig.x;
					p0.y -= currPrintGrid.orig.y;
					Rotate( &p0, zero, -currPrintGrid.angle );
					x0 = (int)floor(p0.x/currPrintGrid.size.x);
					y0 = (int)floor(p0.y/currPrintGrid.size.y);
					if ( x0>=bm0.x0 && x0<bm0.x1 && y0>=bm0.y0 && y0<bm0.y1 ) {
						if ( BITMAP( bm0, x0, y0 ) == FALSE ) {
							BITMAP( bm0, x0, y0 ) = TRUE;
	tmpBm = bm0;
	bm0 = bm;
	bm = tmpBm;
	bm.orig = currPrintGrid.orig;
	bm.size = currPrintGrid.size;
	bm.angle = currPrintGrid.angle;
	sprintf( message, _("%d pages"), pageCount );
	ParamLoadMessage( &printPG, I_PAGECNT, message );
	ParamDialogOkActive( &printPG, pageCount!=0 );
Ejemplo n.º 26
void DrawLine(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1,Uint32 color){
    if (ClipLine(x0, y0, x1, y1) == 0) {
    int pitchWidth = gSurface->pitch >> 2;
    int dx = x1 - x0;
    int dy = y1 - y0;
    // test x
    int x_inc;
    if (dx >= 0) {
        x_inc = 1;
        x_inc = -1;
        dx = -dx;
    // test y
    int y_inc;
    if (dy >= 0) {
        y_inc = pitchWidth;
        y_inc = -pitchWidth;
        dy = -dy;
    // compute (dx,dy) * 2
    int dx2 = dx << 1;
    int dy2 = dy << 1;
    // pre-compute first pixel address in video buffer based on 32bit data
    Uint32* vb_start = (Uint32 *)gSurface->pixels + x0 + y0 * pitchWidth;
    int error;
    // now based on which delta is greater we can draw the line
    if (dx > dy) {
        // initialize error term
        error = dy2 - dx;
        for (int index = 0; index <= dx; ++index) {
            // set pixel
            *vb_start = color;
            //test if error has overflowed
            if (error >= 0) {
                //move to next line
                vb_start += y_inc;
            // adjust the error term
            error += dy2;
            vb_start += x_inc;
        } // end for
        // initialize error term
        error = dx2 - dy;
        // draw the line
        for (int index=0; index <= dy; index++)
            // set the pixel
            *vb_start = color;
            // test if error overflowed
            if (error >= 0)
                // move to next line
            } // end if error overflowed
            // adjust the error term
            // move to the next pixel
        } // end for
Ejemplo n.º 27
LONG CutBlock2(struct InstData *data, BOOL Clipboard, BOOL NoCut, struct marking *newblock, BOOL update)
  LONG  tvisual_y, error;
  LONG  startx, stopx;
  LONG  res = 0;
  struct  line_node *startline, *stopline;


  startx    = newblock->startx;
  stopx     = newblock->stopx;
  startline = newblock->startline;
  stopline  = newblock->stopline;

  //D(DBF_STARTUP, "CutBlock2: %ld-%ld %lx-%lx %ld %ld", startx, stopx, startline, stopline, Clipboard, NoCut);

  if(startline != stopline)
    struct line_node *c_startline = startline->next;

    data->update = FALSE;

    if(Clipboard == TRUE)
      if(InitClipboard(data, IFFF_WRITE))
        D(DBF_CLIPBOARD, "writing FORM");
        error = PushChunk(data->iff, ID_FTXT, ID_FORM, IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN);

        ClipChars(startx, startline, startline->line.Length-startx, data);
        Clipboard = FALSE;

    while(c_startline != stopline)
      if(Clipboard == TRUE)
        ClipLine(c_startline, data);

      if(NoCut == FALSE)
        struct line_node *cc_startline = c_startline;

        MyFreePooled(data->mypool, c_startline->line.Contents);
        if(c_startline->line.Styles != NULL)
          MyFreePooled(data->mypool, c_startline->line.Styles);
        data->totallines -= c_startline->visual;
        c_startline = c_startline->next;

        //D(DBF_STARTUP, "FreeLine %08lx", cc_startline);

        FreeLine(cc_startline, data);
        c_startline = c_startline->next;

    if(Clipboard == TRUE)
      if(stopx != 0)
        ClipChars(0, stopline, stopx, data);


    if(NoCut == FALSE)
      startline->next = stopline;
      stopline->previous = startline;

      //D(DBF_STARTUP, "RemoveChars: %ld %ld %08lx %ld", startx, stopx, startline, startline->line.Length);

      if(startline->line.Length-startx-1 > 0)
        RemoveChars(startx, startline, startline->line.Length-startx-1, data);

      if(stopx != 0)
        RemoveChars(0, stopline, stopx, data);

      data->CPos_X = startx;
      data->actualline = startline;
      MergeLines(startline, data);
    if(Clipboard == TRUE)
      if(InitClipboard(data, IFFF_WRITE))
        D(DBF_CLIPBOARD, "writing FORM");
        error = PushChunk(data->iff, ID_FTXT, ID_FORM, IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN);

        ClipChars(startx, startline, stopx-startx, data);

      if(update == TRUE && NoCut == TRUE)
        MarkText(data->blockinfo.startx, data->blockinfo.startline, data->blockinfo.stopx, data->blockinfo.stopline, data);
          goto end;

    if(NoCut == FALSE)
      data->CPos_X = startx;
      RemoveChars(startx, startline, stopx-startx, data);
      if(update == TRUE)
        goto end;

  tvisual_y = LineToVisual(startline, data)-1;
  if(tvisual_y < 0 || tvisual_y > data->maxlines)
    //D(DBF_STARTUP, "ScrollIntoDisplay");
    tvisual_y = 0;

  if(update == TRUE)
    //D(DBF_STARTUP, "DumpText! %ld %ld %ld", data->visual_y, tvisual_y, data->maxlines);
    data->update = TRUE;
    DumpText(data->visual_y+tvisual_y, tvisual_y, data->maxlines, TRUE, data);
  res = tvisual_y;


  return res;
Ejemplo n.º 28
// edits the color table with the given stroke line
void QFunctionEditor::
  int &start_x,
  int &start_y,
  int &end_x,
  int &end_y)
  bool bChanged = false;
  ClipLine(end_x, end_y, start_x, start_y);
  int x1 = start_x;
  int x2 = end_x;
  Q_ASSERT((x1 >= 0) && (x1 < 256));
  Q_ASSERT((x2 >= 0) && (x2 < 256));
  float y1 = (float) start_y;
  float y2 = (float) end_y;
  int xstep = 1;
  int value;
  if(x1 > x2)
    xstep = -1;
  int i;
  float ystep = (y2-y1) / (float) (xstep * (x2-x1));
  for(int x = x1; x != x2+xstep; x+= xstep)

    value = 255 - (int) (y1+0.5);
    if(value > 255)
      value = 255;
    else if(value < 0)
      value = 0;

    i = 4*x;
    if(m_nInternalMode == INTERNAL_MODE_COLOR_TABLE)
      if(m_nMode & 1)
	m_pColorTableBuffer[i  ] = (unsigned char)value;
      if(m_nMode & 2)
	m_pColorTableBuffer[i+1] = (unsigned char)value;
      if(m_nMode & 4)
	m_pColorTableBuffer[i+2] = (unsigned char)value;
      if(m_nMode & 8)
	m_pColorTableBuffer[i+3] = (unsigned char)value;
      if(m_nMode & 1)
	m_pColorMapBuffer->set1Value(x*4, (float)value / 255.0F);
      if(m_nMode & 2)
	m_pColorMapBuffer->set1Value(x*4+1, (float)value / 255.0F);
      if(m_nMode & 4)
	m_pColorMapBuffer->set1Value(x*4+2, (float)value / 255.0F);
      if(m_nMode & 8)
	m_pColorMapBuffer->set1Value(x*4+3, (float)value / 255.0F);
    y1 += ystep;
    bChanged = true;

Ejemplo n.º 29
size_t FuzzyClip(
		PPOINT	IPoints,
		PBYTE	ITypes,
		size_t	ILength,
		BOOL	IsClosed,
		RECT	*InnerRect,
		RECT	*OuterRect,
		PPOINT	pOPoints,
		PBYTE	pOTypes,
		size_t	pOMaxLength
	IRect		= (GRECT*) InnerRect ;
	ORect		= (GRECT*) OuterRect ;
	OPoints		= pOPoints ;
	OTypes		= pOTypes ;
	OMaxLength	= pOMaxLength ;
	OLength		= 0 ;

	if ( ILength <= 0 )
		return 0 ;

	try {

		Index = 0 ;
		while ( Index<ILength )
			OFirstPoint = TRUE ;
			POINT StartPoint = IPoints[Index++] ;
			LastSector = GetSector( StartPoint ) ;
			LastPoint = StartPoint ;
			while ( Index<ILength && (IsLine(ITypes[Index]) || IsCurve(ITypes[Index])) )
				if ( IsLine(ITypes[Index]) )
					ClipLine( LastPoint,IPoints[Index] ) ;
					LastPoint = IPoints[Index++] ;
					ClipCurve( LastPoint,IPoints[Index],IPoints[Index+1],IPoints[Index+2] ) ;
					LastPoint = IPoints[Index+2] ;
					Index += 3 ;
			if ( IsClosed || (ITypes[Index-1] & PT_CLOSEFIGURE) )
				ClipLine( LastPoint,StartPoint ) ;
				if ( !OFirstPoint )
					*(OTypes-1) |= PT_CLOSEFIGURE ;
			if ( !OFirstPoint && IsMove(*(OTypes-1)) )
				OTypes-- ;
				OPoints-- ;
				OLength-- ;

	} catch ( INT32 ) {
		OLength = (size_t)-1 ;

	return OLength ;