Ejemplo n.º 1
 * KillRepeatWindow - just like it says
void KillRepeatWindow( void )
    if( repeatWindow != NO_WINDOW ) {
        CloseAWindow( repeatWindow );
        repeatWindow = NO_WINDOW;
Ejemplo n.º 2
vi_rc PromptForString( char *prompt, char *buffer, int buffer_length, history_data *h )
    window_id           wid;
    vi_rc               rc;

    if( !EditFlags.NoInputWindow ) {
        rc = NewWindow2( &wid, &cmdlinew_info );
        if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
            return( rc );
    } else {
        wid = NO_WINDOW;

    if( !EditFlags.NoInputWindow &&
        strlen( prompt ) >= WindowAuxInfo( wid, WIND_INFO_TEXT_COLS ) ) {
        rc = ERR_PROMPT_TOO_LONG;
    } else {
        rc = NO_VALUE_ENTERED;
        if( ReadStringInWindow( wid, 1, prompt, buffer, buffer_length, h ) ) {
            rc = ERR_NO_ERR;

    if( !EditFlags.NoInputWindow ) {
        CloseAWindow( wid );
    } else {
        EditFlags.NoInputWindow = false;
    return( rc );

} /* PromptForString */
Ejemplo n.º 3
vi_rc GetNewValueDialog( char *value )
    bool        ret;
    vi_rc       rc;
    char        st[MAX_STR];
    window_id   clw;
    static char prompt[] = "New:";

    rc = NewWindow2( &clw, &setvalw_info );
    if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        return( rc );
    WPrintfLine( clw, 1, "Old: %s", value );
    ret = ReadStringInWindow( clw, 2, prompt, st, MAX_STR - 1, NULL );
    CloseAWindow( clw );
    if( !ret ) {
        return( NO_VALUE_ENTERED );
    if( st[0] == 0 ) {
        return( NO_VALUE_ENTERED );
    Expand( st, NULL );
    strcpy( value, st );
    return( ERR_NO_ERR );

} /* GetNewValueDialog */
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * NewMessageWindow - create a new Message window
vi_rc NewMessageWindow( void )
    if( !EditFlags.WindowsStarted ) {
        return( ERR_NO_ERR );
    if( MessageWindow != NO_WINDOW ) {
        CloseAWindow( MessageWindow );
        MessageWindow = NO_WINDOW;
    return( NewWindow2( &MessageWindow, &messagew_info ) );

} /* NewMessageWindow */
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * NewMessageWindow - create a new Message window
vi_rc NewMessageWindow( void )
    if( !EditFlags.WindowsStarted ) {
        return( ERR_NO_ERR );
    if( !BAD_ID( message_window_id ) ) {
        CloseAWindow( message_window_id );
        message_window_id = NO_WINDOW;
    return( NewWindow2( &message_window_id, &messagew_info ) );

} /* NewMessageWindow */
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * LineNumbersSetup - set up line number window
vi_rc LineNumbersSetup( void )
    int         j;
    int         x1, x2;
    window_info wi;
    vi_rc       rc;

    if( EditFlags.LineNumbers ) {
        if( editw_info.x2 - editw_info.x1 < EditVars.LineNumWinWidth ) {
            return( ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_LINENUM_WIND );
        if( !linenumw_info.has_border ) {
            j = 1;
        } else {
            j = 0;
        memcpy( &wi, &linenumw_info, sizeof( window_info ) );
        x1 = WindowAuxInfo( CurrentWindow, WIND_INFO_X1 );
        x2 = WindowAuxInfo( CurrentWindow, WIND_INFO_X2 );
        wi.y1 = WindowAuxInfo( CurrentWindow, WIND_INFO_Y1 );
        wi.y2 = WindowAuxInfo( CurrentWindow, WIND_INFO_Y2 );
        if( !EditFlags.LineNumsOnRight ) {
            rc = ResizeWindowRelative( CurrentWindow, EditVars.LineNumWinWidth, 0, 0, 0, FALSE );
            if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                return( rc );
            wi.x1 = x1;
            wi.x2 = x1 + EditVars.LineNumWinWidth - 1 - j;
        } else {
            rc = ResizeWindowRelative( CurrentWindow, 0, 0, -EditVars.LineNumWinWidth, 0, FALSE );
            if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                return( rc );
            wi.x1 = x2 - EditVars.LineNumWinWidth + 1;
            wi.x2 = x2 - j;
        rc = NewWindow2( &CurrNumWindow, &wi );
        if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
            return( rc );
    } else {
        CloseAWindow( CurrNumWindow );
        rc = ResizeWindow( CurrentWindow, editw_info.x1, editw_info.y1,
                          editw_info.x2, editw_info.y2, FALSE );
        if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
            return( rc );
    return( ERR_NO_ERR );

} /* LineNumbersSetup */
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * NewStatusWindow - create a new status window
vi_rc NewStatusWindow( void )
    vi_rc   rc = ERR_NO_ERR;

    if( !EditFlags.WindowsStarted ) {
        return( ERR_NO_ERR );
    if( !BAD_ID( status_window_id ) ) {
        CloseAWindow( status_window_id );
        status_window_id = NO_WINDOW;
    if( EditFlags.StatusInfo ) {
        rc = NewWindow2( &status_window_id, &statusw_info );
    return( rc );

} /* NewStatusWindow */
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * NewStatusWindow - create a new status window
vi_rc NewStatusWindow( void )
    vi_rc   rc = ERR_NO_ERR;

    if( !EditFlags.WindowsStarted ) {
        return( ERR_NO_ERR );
    if( StatusWindow != NO_WINDOW ) {
        CloseAWindow( StatusWindow );
        StatusWindow = NO_WINDOW;
    if( EditFlags.StatusInfo ) {
        rc = NewWindow2( &StatusWindow, &statusw_info );
    return( rc );

} /* NewStatusWindow */
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * EditFileFromList - edit from file in current active list
vi_rc EditFileFromList( void )
    int         i, tmp, j, n = 0, fcnt;
    window_id   optwin;
    bool        repeat = true;
    info        *cinfo;
    char        **list, modchar;
    vi_key      evlist[4] = { VI_KEY( F1 ), VI_KEY( F2 ), VI_KEY( F3 ), VI_KEY( DUMMY ) };
    bool        show_lineno;
    window_info wi;
    selectitem  si;
    vi_rc       rc;

     * set up options for file list
    memcpy( &wi, &extraw_info, sizeof( window_info ) );
    wi.x1 = 2;
    wi.x2 = 19;
    rc = DisplayExtraInfo( &wi, &optwin, fileOpts, NUM_OPTS );
    if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        return( rc );

    while( repeat ) {

         * set up for this pass
        repeat = false;
        MoveWindowToFrontDammit( optwin, false );

         * allocate a buffer for strings, add strings
        list = (char **) MemAlloc( GimmeFileCount() * sizeof( char * ) );
        for( j = 0, cinfo = InfoHead; cinfo != NULL; cinfo = cinfo->next, ++j ) {
            list[j] = MemAlloc( strlen( cinfo->CurrentFile->name ) + 3 );
            if( cinfo->CurrentFile->modified ) {
                modchar = '*';
            } else {
                modchar = ' ';
            MySprintf( list[j], "%c %s", modchar, cinfo->CurrentFile->name );
        fcnt = j;
        tmp = filelistw_info.y2;
        i = filelistw_info.y2 - filelistw_info.y1 + 1;
        if( filelistw_info.has_border ) {
            i -= 2;
        if( j < i ) {
            filelistw_info.y2 -= ( i - j );
        show_lineno = true;

         * get file
        if( n + 1 > j ) {
            n = j - 1;
        memset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) );
        si.wi = &filelistw_info;
        si.title = "Current Files";
        si.list = list;
        si.maxlist = j;
        si.num = n;
        si.retevents = evlist;
        si.event = VI_KEY( DUMMY );
        si.show_lineno = show_lineno;
        si.cln = n + 1;
        si.eiw = optwin;
        rc = SelectItem( &si );
        n = si.num;
        if( rc == ERR_NO_ERR ) {
            if( n >= 0 ) {
                cinfo = InfoHead;
                for( j = 0; j < n; ++j ) {
                    cinfo = cinfo->next;
                BringUpFile( cinfo, true );
                switch( si.event ) {
                case VI_KEY( DUMMY ):
                case VI_KEY( F1 ):
                case VI_KEY( F2 ):
                    rc = NextFile();
                    if( rc <= ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                        repeat = true;
                case VI_KEY( F3 ):
                    rc = SaveAndExit( NULL );
                    if( rc <= ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                        repeat = true;

        filelistw_info.y2 = tmp;
        MemFreeList( fcnt, list );


     * get rid of option stuff
    CloseAWindow( optwin );
    return( rc );

} /* EditFileFromList */
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * EditFile - read a file into text
vi_rc EditFile( char *name, bool dammit )
    char        *fn, **list, *currfn;
    int         i, cnt, ocnt;
    int         j, len;
    window_id   wn = NO_WINDOW;
    char        cdir[FILENAME_MAX];
    info        *ci, *il;
    bool        usedir = false;
    char        mask[FILENAME_MAX];
    bool        reset_dir;
    int         index;
    char        *altname = NULL;
    vi_rc       rc;

    fn = MemAlloc( FILENAME_MAX );

     * get file name
    strcpy( cdir, CurrentDirectory );
    reset_dir = false;
    RemoveLeadingSpaces( name );
    if( name[0] == '$' ) {
        EliminateFirstN( name, 1 );
        usedir = true;
    fn[0] = 0;
//    if( NextWord1( name, fn ) <= 0 )
    if( GetStringWithPossibleQuote2( name, fn, false ) != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        usedir = true;
        mask[0] = '*';
        mask[1] = 0;
    if( usedir ) {
        if( EditFlags.ExMode ) {
            MemFree( fn );
            return( ERR_INVALID_IN_EX_MODE );
        len = strlen( fn );
        if( len > 0 ) {
            i = len - 1;
            strcpy( mask, fn );
            cnt = 0;
            while( i >= 0 ) {
                if( fn[i] == FILE_SEP ) {
                    for( j = i + 1; j <= len; j++ ) {
                        mask[j - (i + 1)] = fn[j];
                    cnt = i;
            fn[cnt] = 0;
        if( fn[0] != 0 ) {
            rc = SelectFileOpen( fn, &fn, mask, true );
        } else {
#ifdef __WIN__
            if( name[0] == '\0' ) {
                altname = MemAlloc( 1000 );
                rc = SelectFileOpen( CurrentDirectory, &altname, mask, true );
                NextWord1( altname, fn );  // if multiple, kill path
                if( isMultipleFiles( altname ) ) {
                    NextWord1( altname, fn ); // get 1st name
            } else {
                rc = SelectFileOpen( CurrentDirectory, &fn, mask, true );
            rc = SelectFileOpen( CurrentDirectory, &fn, mask, true );
        if( altname ) {
            name = altname;

        if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR || fn[0] == 0 ) {
            MemFree( fn );
            SetCWD( cdir );
            return( rc );

     * loop through all files
    rc = ERR_NO_ERR;
    EditFlags.WatchForBreak = true;
#ifdef __WIN__
    ToggleHourglass( true );
    do {
        if( IsDirectory( fn ) ) {
            if( EditFlags.ExMode ) {
                rc = ERR_INVALID_IN_EX_MODE;
                reset_dir = true;
            rc = SelectFileOpen( fn, &fn, "*", false );
            if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                reset_dir = true;
            if( fn[0] == 0 ) {
                reset_dir = true;
                rc = ERR_NO_ERR;
        currfn = fn;
        ocnt = cnt = ExpandFileNames( currfn, &list );
        if( !cnt ) {
            cnt = 1;
        } else {
            currfn = list[0];

         * loop through all expanded files
        index = 1;
        while( cnt > 0 ) {
             * quit current file if ! specified, else just save current state
            if( dammit ) {
                ci = InfoHead;
                if( CurrentInfo == ci ) {
                    ci = ci->next;
#ifdef __WIN__
                CloseAChildWindow( CurrentWindow );
                CloseAWindow( CurrentWindow );
                FreeEntireFile( CurrentFile );
                MemFree( DeleteLLItem( (ss **)&InfoHead, (ss **)&InfoTail,
                         (ss *)CurrentInfo ) );
                CurrentInfo = NULL;
                CurrentWindow = NO_WINDOW;
            } else {
                ci = CurrentInfo;
                wn = CurrentWindow;

             * see if new file is already being edited
            for( il = InfoHead; il != NULL; il = il->next ) {
                if( SameFile( il->CurrentFile->name, currfn ) ) {
                if( strcmp( CurrentDirectory, il->CurrentFile->home ) ) {
                    /* directory has changed -- check with full path
                     * note that this will fail if an absolute path
                     * was specified thus we do the regular check first */
                    char path[FILENAME_MAX];
                    char drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
                    char dir[_MAX_DIR];
                    char fname[_MAX_FNAME];
                    char ext[_MAX_EXT];

                    _splitpath( il->CurrentFile->name, drive, dir, fname, ext );
                    if( !strlen( drive ) ) {
                        _splitpath( il->CurrentFile->home, drive, NULL, NULL, NULL );
                    if( !strlen( dir ) ) {
                        _splitpath( il->CurrentFile->home, NULL, dir, NULL, NULL );
                    } else if( dir[0] != '\\' ) {
                        char dir2[_MAX_DIR];
                        _splitpath( il->CurrentFile->home, NULL, dir2, NULL, NULL );
                        strcat( dir2, dir );
                        strcpy( dir, dir2 );
                    _makepath( path, drive, dir, fname, ext );

                    if( SameFile( path, currfn ) ) {

            if( il != NULL ) {
                BringUpFile( il, true );
            } else {
                 * file not edited, go get it
                rc = NewFile( currfn, false );
                if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR && rc != NEW_FILE ) {
                    RestoreInfo( ci );
                if( !dammit ) {
                    InactiveWindow( wn );
                if( EditFlags.BreakPressed ) {
            if( cnt > 0 ) {
                currfn = list[index];

        if( ocnt > 0 ) {
            MemFreeList( ocnt, list );
        if( EditFlags.BreakPressed ) {

    } while( NextWord1( name, fn ) > 0 );

    if( altname ) {
        MemFree( altname );
    MemFree( fn );

#ifdef __WIN__
    ToggleHourglass( false );
    EditFlags.WatchForBreak = false;
    if( reset_dir ) {
        SetCWD( cdir );
    return( rc );

} /* EditFile */
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * SelectLineInFile - select a line in a given file
vi_rc SelectLineInFile( selflinedata *sfd )
    int         i, winflag;
    int         leftcol = 0, key2;
    bool        done = FALSE, redraw = TRUE;
    bool        hiflag = FALSE, drawbord = FALSE;
    int         farx, text_lines;
    linenum     pagetop = 1, lln = 1;
    char        tmp[MAX_STR];
    hilst       *ptr;
    linenum     cln;
    linenum     endline;
    vi_rc       rc;
    vi_key      key;

     * create the window
    cln = sfd->cln;
    endline = sfd->f->fcbs.tail->end_line;
    farx = sfd->wi->x2;
    if( sfd->show_lineno ) {
    if( sfd->hilite != NULL ) {
        hiflag = TRUE;
    rc = NewWindow2( &cWin, sfd->wi );
    if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        return( rc );
    if( !sfd->is_menu ) {
        WindowAuxUpdate( cWin, WIND_INFO_HAS_SCROLL_GADGETS, TRUE );
        DrawBorder( cWin );
    oWin = sfd->eiw;
    isMenu = sfd->is_menu;
    PushMouseEventHandler( SelectLineMouseHandler );
    text_lines = WindowAuxInfo( cWin, WIND_INFO_TEXT_LINES );
    sfd->sl = -1;
    if( sfd->title != NULL ) {
        WindowTitle( cWin, sfd->title );
    pagetop = text_lines * (cln / text_lines);
    if( cln % text_lines != 0 ) {
    key = 0;
    if( LastEvent == VI_KEY( MOUSEEVENT ) ) {
        DisplayMouse( TRUE );

     * now, allow free scrolling and selection
    while( !done ) {

        if( redraw ) {
            if( sfd->show_lineno ) {
                MySprintf(tmp, "%l/%l", cln, endline );
                i = sfd->wi->x2 - sfd->wi->x1;
                WindowBorderData( cWin, tmp, i - strlen( tmp ) );
                drawbord = TRUE;
            if( hiflag ) {
                ptr = sfd->hilite;
                ptr += cln - 1;
                if( ptr->_char == (char)-1 ) {
                    if( cln > lln ) {
                    } else if( cln < lln ) {
            if( drawbord ) {
                DrawBorder( cWin );
            displayGenericLines( sfd->f, pagetop, leftcol, cln, &(sfd->wi->hilight), sfd->hilite, sfd->vals, sfd->valoff );
        lln = cln;
        redraw = TRUE;
        drawbord = FALSE;
        mouseLine = -1;
        rlMenu = FALSE;
        if( key == VI_KEY( MOUSEEVENT ) ) {
            DisplayMouse( TRUE );
        key = GetNextEvent( TRUE );
        if( hiflag && ((key >= VI_KEY( ALT_A ) && key <= VI_KEY( ALT_Z )) ||
                       (key >='a' && key <= 'z') || (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z') ||
                       (key >= '1' && key <= '9')) ) {
            i = 0;
            if( key >= VI_KEY( ALT_A ) && key <= VI_KEY( ALT_Z ) ) {
                key2 = key - VI_KEY( ALT_A ) + 'A';
            } else if( key >= 'a' && key <= 'z' ) {
                key2 = key - 'a' + 'A';
            } else {
                key2 = key;
            ptr = sfd->hilite;
            while( ptr->_char != '\0' ) {
                if( toupper( ptr->_char ) == key2 ) {
                    cln = i + 1;
                    key = VI_KEY( ENTER );

         * check if a return-event has been selected
        if( sfd->retevents != NULL ) {
            i = 0;
            if( key == VI_KEY( MOUSEEVENT ) ) {
                if( mouseWin == oWin && LastMouseEvent == MOUSE_PRESS ) {
                    DisplayMouse( FALSE );
                    sfd->event = sfd->retevents[mouseLine];
                    key = VI_KEY( ENTER );
            } else {
                while( sfd->retevents[i] != 0 ) {
                    if( key == sfd->retevents[i] ) {
                        sfd->event = key;
                        key = VI_KEY( ENTER );

         * process key stroke
        switch( key ) {
        case VI_KEY( MOUSEEVENT ):
            DisplayMouse( FALSE );
            if( hiflag ) {
                ptr = sfd->hilite;
                ptr += mouseLine;
                if( ptr->_char == (char) -1 ) {
            if( rlMenu && sfd->allow_rl != NULL ) {
                *(sfd->allow_rl) = rlMenuNum;
                done = TRUE;
            if( mouseScroll != MS_NONE ) {
                switch( mouseScroll ) {
                case MS_UP: goto evil_up;
                case MS_DOWN: goto evil_down;
                case MS_PAGEUP: goto evil_pageup;
                case MS_PAGEDOWN: goto evil_pagedown;
                case MS_EXPOSEDOWN:
                    adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, pagetop + text_lines - cln - 1, endline, text_lines );
                    adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, 1, endline, text_lines );
                    drawbord = TRUE;
                case MS_EXPOSEUP:
                    adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, pagetop - cln, endline, text_lines );
                    adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, -1, endline, text_lines );
                    drawbord = TRUE;

            switch( LastMouseEvent ) {
            case MOUSE_DRAG:
                if( mouseWin != cWin ) {
                cln = mouseLine + pagetop;
            case MOUSE_RELEASE:
                if( !sfd->is_menu ) {
                if( mouseWin == cWin ) {
                    cln = mouseLine + pagetop;
                    if( cln <= endline ) {
                        goto evil_enter;
            case MOUSE_DCLICK:
                if( mouseWin != cWin ) {
                    done = TRUE;
                } else {
                    cln = mouseLine + pagetop;
                    if( cln <= endline ) {
                        goto evil_enter;
            case MOUSE_PRESS_R:
                if( mouseWin != cWin ) {
                    done = TRUE;
            case MOUSE_PRESS:
                if( mouseWin != cWin ) {
                    done = TRUE;
                } else {
                    cln = mouseLine + pagetop;

        case VI_KEY( ESC ):
            done = TRUE;

        case VI_KEY( ENTER ):
        case ' ':
             * see if we need to do a callback for this
            if( sfd->checkres != NULL ) {
                line    *cline;
                fcb     *cfcb;
                char    data[64];

                i = cln - 1;
                GimmeLinePtr( cln, sfd->f, &cfcb, &cline );
                strcpy( data, cline->data );
                RemoveLeadingSpaces( data );
                winflag = FALSE;
                strcpy( tmp, sfd->vals[i] );
                rc = sfd->checkres( data, tmp, &winflag );
                if( winflag ) {
                    if( winflag == 2 ) {
                        winflag = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        winflag = FALSE;
                if( winflag ) {
                    MoveWindowToFront( cWin );
                if( rc == ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                    AddString2( &(sfd->vals[i]), tmp );
                    redraw = TRUE;

             * no value window, so just return line selected
            } else {
                if( isMenu && InvokeMenuHook( CurrentMenuNumber, cln ) == -1 ) {
                sfd->sl = cln;
                done = TRUE;

        case VI_KEY( LEFT ):
        case 'h':
            if( sfd->allow_rl != NULL ) {
                *(sfd->allow_rl) = -1;
                done = TRUE;

        case VI_KEY( RIGHT ):
        case 'l':
            if( sfd->allow_rl != NULL ) {
                *(sfd->allow_rl) = 1;
                done = TRUE;

        case VI_KEY( UP ):
        case 'k':
            drawbord = adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, -1, endline, text_lines );

        case VI_KEY( DOWN ):
        case 'j':
            drawbord = adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, 1, endline, text_lines );

        case VI_KEY( CTRL_PAGEUP ):
            drawbord = adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, -cln + 1, endline, text_lines );

        case VI_KEY( CTRL_PAGEDOWN ):
            drawbord = adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, endline - cln, endline, text_lines );

        case VI_KEY( PAGEUP ):
        case VI_KEY( CTRL_B ):
            drawbord = adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, -text_lines, endline, text_lines );

        case VI_KEY( PAGEDOWN ):
        case VI_KEY( CTRL_F ):
            drawbord = adjustCLN( &cln, &pagetop, text_lines, endline, text_lines );

        case VI_KEY( HOME ):
            drawbord = TRUE;
            cln = 1;
            pagetop = 1;

        case VI_KEY( END ):
            drawbord = TRUE;
            cln = endline;
            pagetop = endline - text_lines + 1;
            if( pagetop < 1 ) {
                pagetop = 1;

            redraw = FALSE;


    CloseAWindow( cWin );
    return( rc );

} /* SelectLineInFile */
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * createNewFile - create new file entry
static vi_rc createNewFile( char *name, bool same_file )
    int         height;
    window_id   cw;
    info        *tmp;
    vi_rc       rc;

     * test that we can create this file
    tmp = NULL;
    if( !same_file ) {
        rc = FileExists( name );
        if( !(rc == ERR_READ_ONLY_FILE || rc == ERR_NO_ERR || rc == ERR_FILE_EXISTS) ) {
            return( rc );
    } else {
        if( name != NULL ) {
            for( tmp = InfoHead; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next ) {
                if( !strcmp( tmp->CurrentFile->name, name ) ) {
        if( tmp == NULL )  {
            return( ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND );
        if( tmp->CurrentFile->dup_count > MAX_DUPLICATE_FILES ) {
            return( ERR_WIND_NO_MORE_WINDOWS );

     * get new window
    rc = NewWindow2( &cw, &editw_info );
    if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        return( rc );
#ifdef __WIN__
    if( !strncmp( name, "untitled", 8 ) ) {
        // better yet, pass normal/maximize flag to NewWindow2...
        ShowWindow( cw, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED );
    SetBorderGadgets( cw, EditFlags.WindowGadgets );

     * get new file entry, and read the data

    if( same_file ) {
        CurrentFile = tmp->CurrentFile;
        SetFileWindowTitle( CurrentWindow, CurrentInfo, true );
        tmp = CurrentInfo;
        CurrentInfo = MemAlloc( sizeof( *CurrentInfo ) );
        FTSRunCmds( name );

        rc = ERR_NO_ERR;
    } else {
        bool crlf_reached;

        crlf_reached = false;
        tmp = CurrentInfo;
        CurrentInfo = MemAlloc( sizeof( *CurrentInfo ) );
        FTSRunCmds( name );
        height = editw_info.y2 - editw_info.y1 + 1;

        CurrentFile = FileAlloc( name );
        rc = OpenFcbData( CurrentFile );
        for( ; rc == ERR_NO_ERR; ) {
            rc = ReadFcbData( CurrentFile, &crlf_reached );
            if( rc == ERR_NO_ERR && !CurrentFile->is_stdio ) {
                if( EditFlags.BreakPressed || !EditFlags.ReadEntireFile ) {
                    if( CurrentFile->fcbs.tail->end_line > height ) {
        if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR && rc != ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && rc != END_OF_FILE ) {
            MemFree( CurrentInfo );
            CurrentInfo = tmp;
            FileFree( CurrentFile );
            CloseAWindow( cw );
            return( rc );
        if( rc == ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) {
            rc = NEW_FILE;
            EditFlags.NewFile = true;
            CurrentFile->write_crlf = FileSysNeedsCR( CurrentFile->handle );
#ifdef __UNIX__
            CurrentFile->attr = PMODE_RW;
        } else {
            rc = ERR_NO_ERR;
            CurrentFile->write_crlf = crlf_reached;
            EditFlags.NewFile = false;
#ifdef __UNIX__
                struct stat     sb;
                stat( name, &sb );
                CurrentFile->attr = sb.st_mode & ~S_IFMT;
        CurrentFile->check_readonly = true;

     * create info entry
    CurrentPos.line = 0;
    CurrentPos.column = 1;
    VirtualColumnDesired = 1;
    LeftTopPos.line = 1;
    LeftTopPos.column = 0;
    if( !same_file ) {
    CurrentWindow = cw;
    CurrentInfo->DuplicateID = CurrentFile->dup_count;
    CurrentInfo->CurrentWindow = cw;
    LangInit( CurrentInfo->fsi.Language );
#ifdef __WIN__
        window_data     *wd;
        wd = DATA_FROM_ID( cw );
        wd->info = CurrentInfo;
    SetFileWindowTitle( CurrentWindow, CurrentInfo, true );

     * set current file info
    CurrentFcb = CurrentFile->fcbs.head;
    CurrentLine = CurrentFcb->lines.head;

    if( EditFlags.LineNumbers ) {

    if( tmp != NULL ) {
        InsertLLItemAfter( (ss **)&InfoTail, (ss *)tmp, (ss *)CurrentInfo );
    } else {
        AddLLItemAtEnd( (ss **)&InfoHead, (ss **)&InfoTail, (ss *)CurrentInfo );

    return( rc );

} /* createNewFile */
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * doGREP - perform GREP on a specified file
static vi_rc doGREP( char *dirlist )
    int         i, clist, n = 0;
    window_id   wn, optwin;
    char        **list;
    window_info tw, wi;
    vi_key      evlist[4] = { VI_KEY( F1 ), VI_KEY( F2 ), VI_KEY( F3 ), VI_KEY( DUMMY ) };
    int         s, e, cnt;
    bool        show_lineno;
    selectitem  si;
    vi_rc       rc;

     * prepare list array
    list = (char **) MemAlloc( sizeof( char *) * MAX_FILES );

     * create info. window
    rc = NewWindow( &wn, dirw_info.x1, dirw_info.y1 + 4, dirw_info.x2,
        dirw_info.y1 + 6, 1, dirw_info.border_color1, dirw_info.border_color2,
        &dirw_info.text );
    if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        MemFree( list );
        return( rc );
    WindowTitle( wn, "File Being Searched" );

    clist = initList( wn, dirlist, list );
     * got list of matches, so lets select an item, shall we?
    CloseAWindow( wn );
    rc = ERR_NO_ERR;
    if( clist ) {

         * define display window dimensions
        memcpy( &tw, &dirw_info, sizeof( window_info ) );
        tw.x1 = 14;
        tw.x2 = EditVars.WindMaxWidth - 2;
        i = tw.y2 - tw.y1 + 1;
        if( tw.has_border ) {
            i -= 2;
        if( clist < i ) {
            tw.y2 -= ( i - clist );
        if( clist > i ) {
            show_lineno = TRUE;
        } else {
            show_lineno = FALSE;

         * build options window
        memcpy( &wi, &extraw_info, sizeof( window_info ) );
        wi.x1 = 0;
        wi.x2 = 13;
        rc = DisplayExtraInfo( &wi, &optwin, EditOpts, NumEditOpts );
        if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
            return( rc );

         * process selections
        for( ;; ) {

            if( n + 1 > clist ) {
                n = clist - 1;
            memset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) );
            si.wi = &tw;
            si.title = "Files With Matches";
            si.list = list;
            si.maxlist = clist;
            si.num = n;
            si.retevents = evlist;
            si.event = VI_KEY( DUMMY );
            si.show_lineno = show_lineno;
            si.cln = n + 1;
            si.eiw = optwin;

            rc = SelectItem( &si );
            n = si.num;

            if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR || n < 0 ) {
            if( si.event == VI_KEY( F3 ) ) {
                s = 0;
                e = clist - 1;
            } else {
                s = e = n;
            for( cnt = s; cnt <= e; cnt++ ) {
                rc = getFile( list[cnt] );
                if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
            if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR || si.event == VI_KEY( DUMMY ) ||
                si.event == VI_KEY( F1 ) || si.event == VI_KEY( F3 ) ) {
            MemFree( list[n] );
            for( i = n; i < clist - 1; i++ ) {
                list[i] = list[i + 1];
            if( clist == 0 ) {
            MoveWindowToFrontDammit( optwin, FALSE );
        CloseAWindow( optwin );

    } else if( rc == ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        Message1( "String \"%s\" not found", sString );

     * cleanup
    MemFreeList( clist, list );
    return( rc );

} /* DoFGREP */
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * EditFile - read a file into text
vi_rc EditFile( const char *name, bool dammit )
    char        *fn, **list, *currfn;
    int         i, cnt, ocnt;
    int         j, len;
    window_id   wid = NO_WINDOW;
    char        cdir[FILENAME_MAX];
    info        *ci, *il;
    bool        usedir = false;
    char        mask[FILENAME_MAX];
    bool        reset_dir;
    int         index;
#ifdef __WIN__
    char        *altname = NULL;
    vi_rc       rc;

    fn = MemAlloc( FILENAME_MAX );

     * get file name
    strcpy( cdir, CurrentDirectory );
    reset_dir = false;
    name = SkipLeadingSpaces( name );
    if( name[0] == '$' ) {
        usedir = true;
    fn[0] = '\0';
//    if( NextWord1FN( name, fn ) <= 0 )
    if( GetStringWithPossibleQuote2( &name, fn, false ) != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        usedir = true;
        mask[0] = '*';
        mask[1] = '\0';
    if( usedir ) {
        if( EditFlags.ExMode ) {
            MemFree( fn );
            return( ERR_INVALID_IN_EX_MODE );
        len = strlen( fn );
        if( len > 0 ) {
            strcpy( mask, fn );
            cnt = 0;
            for( i = len; i-- > 0; ) {
                if( fn[i] == FILE_SEP ) {
                    for( j = i + 1; j <= len; j++ ) {
                        mask[j - (i + 1)] = fn[j];
                    cnt = i;
            fn[cnt] = '\0';
        if( fn[0] != '\0' ) {
            rc = SelectFileOpen( fn, &fn, mask, true );
        } else {
#ifdef __WIN__
            if( name[0] == '\0' ) {
                altname = MemAlloc( 1000 );
                rc = SelectFileOpen( CurrentDirectory, &altname, mask, true );
                name = GetNextFileName( altname, fn );  // if multiple, kill path
                if( isMultipleFiles( name ) ) {
                    name = GetNextFileName( name, fn ); // get 1st name
            } else {
                rc = SelectFileOpen( CurrentDirectory, &fn, mask, true );
            rc = SelectFileOpen( CurrentDirectory, &fn, mask, true );

        if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR || fn[0] == '\0' ) {
            MemFree( fn );
            SetCWD( cdir );
            return( rc );

     * loop through all files
    rc = ERR_NO_ERR;
    EditFlags.WatchForBreak = true;
#ifdef __WIN__
    ToggleHourglass( true );
    do {
        if( IsDirectory( fn ) ) {
            if( EditFlags.ExMode ) {
                rc = ERR_INVALID_IN_EX_MODE;
                reset_dir = true;
            rc = SelectFileOpen( fn, &fn, "*", false );
            if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                reset_dir = true;
            if( fn[0] == '\0' ) {
                reset_dir = true;
                rc = ERR_NO_ERR;
        currfn = fn;
        ocnt = cnt = ExpandFileNames( currfn, &list );
        if( !cnt ) {
            cnt = 1;
        } else {
            currfn = list[0];

         * loop through all expanded files
        index = 1;
        while( cnt > 0 ) {
             * quit current file if ! specified, else just save current state
            if( dammit ) {
                ci = InfoHead;
                if( CurrentInfo == ci ) {
                    ci = ci->next;
#ifdef __WIN__
                CloseAChildWindow( current_window_id );
                CloseAWindow( current_window_id );
                FreeEntireFile( CurrentFile );
                MemFree( DeleteLLItem( (ss **)&InfoHead, (ss **)&InfoTail,
                         (ss *)CurrentInfo ) );
                CurrentInfo = NULL;
                current_window_id = NO_WINDOW;
            } else {
                ci = CurrentInfo;
                wid = current_window_id;

             * see if new file is already being edited
            for( il = InfoHead; il != NULL; il = il->next ) {
                if( SameFile( il->CurrentFile->name, currfn ) ) {
                if( strcmp( CurrentDirectory, il->CurrentFile->home ) ) {
                    /* directory has changed -- check with full path
                     * note that this will fail if an absolute path
                     * was specified thus we do the regular check first */
                    char path[FILENAME_MAX];
                    char drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
                    char dir[_MAX_DIR];
                    char fname[_MAX_FNAME];
                    char ext[_MAX_EXT];
                    size_t path_len;

                    _splitpath( il->CurrentFile->name, drive, dir, fname, ext );
                    if( drive[0] == '\0' ) {
                        _splitpath( il->CurrentFile->home, drive, NULL, NULL, NULL );
                    strcpy( path, il->CurrentFile->home );
                    path_len = strlen( path );
                    if( path_len-- > 0 ) {
#ifdef __UNIX__
                        if( path[path_len] != FILE_SEP ) {
                        if( path[path_len] != DRV_SEP && path[path_len] != FILE_SEP ) {
                            strcat( path, FILE_SEP_STR );
                    if( dir[0] == '\0' ) {
                        _splitpath( path, NULL, dir, NULL, NULL );
                    } else if( dir[0] != FILE_SEP ) {
                        char dir2[_MAX_DIR];
                        _splitpath( path, NULL, dir2, NULL, NULL );
                        strcat( dir2, dir );
                        strcpy( dir, dir2 );
                    _makepath( path, drive, dir, fname, ext );

                    if( SameFile( path, currfn ) ) {

            if( il != NULL ) {
                BringUpFile( il, true );
            } else {
                 * file not edited, go get it
                rc = NewFile( currfn, false );
                if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR && rc != NEW_FILE ) {
                    RestoreInfo( ci );
                if( !dammit ) {
                    InactiveWindow( wid );
                if( EditFlags.BreakPressed ) {
            if( cnt > 0 ) {
                currfn = list[index];

        if( ocnt > 0 ) {
            MemFreeList( ocnt, list );
        if( EditFlags.BreakPressed ) {
        name = GetNextFileName( name, fn );
    } while( *fn != '\0' );

#ifdef __WIN__
    if( altname != NULL ) {
        MemFree( altname );
    MemFree( fn );

#ifdef __WIN__
    ToggleHourglass( false );
    EditFlags.WatchForBreak = false;
    if( reset_dir ) {
        SetCWD( cdir );
    return( rc );

} /* EditFile */

#ifndef __WIN__

static const char *fileOpts[] =  {
    (const char *)"<F1> Go To",
    (const char *)"<F2> Quit",
    (const char *)"<F3> Save & Quit"

static const vi_key     fileopts_evlist[] = {
    VI_KEY( F1 ),
    VI_KEY( F2 ),
    VI_KEY( F3 ),

 * EditFileFromList - edit from file in current active list
vi_rc EditFileFromList( void )
    int         i, tmp, j, n = 0, fcnt;
    window_id   wid;
    bool        repeat = true;
    info        *cinfo;
    char        **list, modchar;
    bool        show_lineno;
    window_info wi;
    selectitem  si;
    vi_rc       rc;

     * set up options for file list
    memcpy( &wi, &extraw_info, sizeof( window_info ) );
    wi.area.x1 = 2;
    wi.area.x2 = 19;
    rc = DisplayExtraInfo( &wi, &wid, fileOpts, sizeof( fileOpts ) / sizeof( fileOpts[0] ) );
    if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        return( rc );

    while( repeat > 0 ) {

         * set up for this pass
        repeat = false;
        MoveWindowToFrontDammit( wid, false );

         * allocate a buffer for strings, add strings
        list = (char **) MemAlloc( GimmeFileCount() * sizeof( char * ) );
        for( j = 0, cinfo = InfoHead; cinfo != NULL; cinfo = cinfo->next, ++j ) {
            list[j] = MemAlloc( strlen( cinfo->CurrentFile->name ) + 3 );
            if( cinfo->CurrentFile->modified ) {
                modchar = '*';
            } else {
                modchar = ' ';
            MySprintf( list[j], "%c %s", modchar, cinfo->CurrentFile->name );
        fcnt = j;
        tmp = filelistw_info.area.y2;
        i = filelistw_info.area.y2 - filelistw_info.area.y1 + 1;
        if( filelistw_info.has_border ) {
            i -= 2;
        if( j < i ) {
            filelistw_info.area.y2 -= ( i - j );
        show_lineno = true;

         * get file
        if( n + 1 > j ) {
            n = j - 1;
        memset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) );
        si.wi = &filelistw_info;
        si.title = "Current Files";
        si.list = list;
        si.maxlist = j;
        si.num = n;
        si.retevents = fileopts_evlist;
        si.event = VI_KEY( DUMMY );
        si.show_lineno = show_lineno;
        si.cln = n + 1;
        si.eiw = wid;
        rc = SelectItem( &si );
        n = si.num;
        if( rc == ERR_NO_ERR ) {
            if( n >= 0 ) {
                cinfo = InfoHead;
                for( j = 0; j < n; ++j ) {
                    cinfo = cinfo->next;
                BringUpFile( cinfo, true );
                switch( si.event ) {
                case VI_KEY( DUMMY ):
                case VI_KEY( F1 ):
                case VI_KEY( F2 ):
                    rc = NextFile();
                    if( rc <= ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                        repeat = true;
                case VI_KEY( F3 ):
                    rc = SaveAndExit( NULL );
                    if( rc <= ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                        repeat = true;

        filelistw_info.area.y2 = tmp;
        MemFreeList( fcnt, list );


     * get rid of option stuff
    CloseAWindow( wid );
    return( rc );

} /* EditFileFromList */