Ejemplo n.º 1
ClusterSet::ClusterSet(const FeatureSetPtr &fs, const std::vector<int> & clusters)

  if (fs->getNumberOfFeatures() != clusters.size())
    ROS_ERROR("[ClusterSet::ClusterSet] Number of Features in the Set and the number of Id's in the vector of integers does NOT match. Number of features: "
        "%d Number of Id's: %d", fs->getNumberOfFeatures(), clusters.size());
    throw std::string(
                      "[ClusterSet::ClusterSet] Number of Features in the Set and the number of Id's in the vector of integers does NOT match.");

  std::map<int, ClusterPtr> clusters_map;
  std::vector<int>::const_iterator int_it = clusters.begin();
  std::vector<int>::const_iterator int_it_end = clusters.end();
  FeatureSet::iterator fs_it = fs->begin();
  FeatureSet::iterator fs_it_end = fs->end();

  for (; int_it != int_it_end && fs_it != fs_it_end; int_it++, fs_it++)
    if ((*int_it) != -1)
      std::map<int, ClusterPtr>::iterator cs_find = clusters_map.find(*(int_it));
      if (cs_find == clusters_map.end())
        ClusterPtr new_cluster = ClusterPtr(new Cluster(fs->getFrame(), *(int_it)));
        clusters_map[*(int_it)] = new_cluster;

  std::map<int, ClusterPtr>::iterator c_map_it = clusters_map.begin();
  std::map<int, ClusterPtr>::iterator c_map_it_end = clusters_map.end();
  for (; c_map_it != c_map_it_end; c_map_it++)
Ejemplo n.º 2
int nnClustering( vector<PointPtr>& points, double threshold , vector<ClusterPtr>& clusters_nn)
	/* Note to myself:
		The make_pair STL (Standard Template Library) function creates a pair structure that contains two data elements of any type
	//Create empty point associations
// 	ros::Time tic = ros::Time::now();
	vector<pair<ClusterPtr,bool> > point_association;
	point_association.resize( points.size(), make_pair(ClusterPtr(), false));  
	int idc = 0;
	//Determining the number of clusters	
	for(uint idx = 1; idx < points.size(); idx++)
		//If the point wasn't yet associated with any cluster
		if( point_association[idx].second == false )
			//Create new cluster_nn
			ClusterPtr cluster_nn(new Cluster);
			cluster_nn->id = idc;
			point_association[idx].first = cluster_nn;
			point_association[idx].second = true;
		//Go though all the other points and see which ones associate with this measurement	
		recursiveClustering(points, point_association , threshold , idx );
	} //end for
	for(uint m=0; m<clusters_nn.size() ;m++)
		clusters_nn[m]->centroid = calculateClusterCentroid(clusters_nn[m]->support_points);
		clusters_nn[m]->central_point = calculateClusterMedian( clusters_nn[m]->support_points );
// 	ros::Time toc = ros::Time::now();
// 	double duration = (toc-tic).toSec();

// 	stringstream ss;
// 	ss << "src/durations/SNN_DUR.txt";
// 	ofstream fpc(ss.str().c_str(), ios::app);
// 	if (!fpc.is_open()) 
// 	{
// 		cout << "Couldn't open fpc" << endl;
// 		return 1;
// 	}
// 	fpc<< duration << endl;			
// 	fpc.close();	
	//cout<<"number of clusters nearest neighbour: "<<clusters_nn.size()<<endl;
	return clusters_nn.size();
} //end function