Ejemplo n.º 1
  inline bool operator() (const double f1, const double f2) const

  { if (CoinIsnan(f1) || CoinIsnan(f2)) return false ;
    if (f1 == f2) return true ;
    if (!CoinFinite(f1) || !CoinFinite(f2)) return false ;

    double tol = (fabs(f1)>fabs(f2))?fabs(f1):fabs(f2) ;

    return (fabs(f1-f2) <= epsilon_*(1+tol)) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
  inline bool operator() (const double f1, const double f2) const

  { if (CoinIsnan(f1) || CoinIsnan(f2)) return false ;
    if (f1 == f2) return true ;
    return (fabs(f1-f2) < epsilon_) ; } 
Ejemplo n.º 3

  check_sol overload for CoinPostsolveMatrix. Parameters and functionality
  identical to check_sol immediately above, but we have to remember we're
  working with a threaded column-major representation.
void presolve_check_sol (const CoinPostsolveMatrix *postObj,
			 int chkColSol, int chkRowAct, int chkStatus)

  double *colels = postObj->colels_ ;
  int *hrow = postObj->hrow_ ;
  int *mcstrt = postObj->mcstrt_ ;
  int *hincol = postObj->hincol_ ;
  int *link = postObj->link_ ;

  int n	= postObj->ncols_ ;
  int m = postObj->nrows_ ;

  double *csol = postObj->sol_ ;
  double *acts = postObj->acts_ ;
  double *clo = postObj->clo_ ;
  double *cup = postObj->cup_ ;
  double *rlo = postObj->rlo_ ;
  double *rup = postObj->rup_ ;

  double tol = postObj->ztolzb_ ;

  double *rsol = 0 ;
  if (chkRowAct)
  { rsol = new double[m] ;
    memset(rsol,0,m*sizeof(double)) ; }

  Open a loop to scan each column. For each column, do the following:
    * Update the row solution (lhs value) by adding the contribution from
      this column.
    * Check for bogus values (NaN, infinity)
    * check that the status of the variable agrees with the value and with the
      lower and upper bounds. Free should have no bounds, superbasic should
      have at least one.
  for (int j = 0 ; j < n ; ++j)
  { CoinBigIndex v = mcstrt[j] ;
    int colLen = hincol[j] ;
    double xj = csol[j] ;
    double lj = clo[j] ;
    double uj = cup[j] ;

    if (chkRowAct)
    { for (int u = 0 ; u < colLen ; ++u)
      { int i = hrow[v] ;
	  double aij = colels[v] ;
	  v = link[v] ;
	  rsol[i] += aij*xj ; } }
    if (chkColSol)
    { if (CoinIsnan(xj))
      { printf("NaN CSOL: %d  : lb = %g x = %g ub = %g\n",j,lj,xj,uj) ; }
      if (xj <= -PRESOLVE_INF || xj >= PRESOLVE_INF)
      { printf("Inf CSOL: %d  : lb = %g x = %g ub = %g\n",j,lj,xj,uj) ; }
      if (chkColSol > 1)
      { if (xj < lj-tol)
	{ printf("low CSOL: %d  : lb = %g x = %g ub = %g\n",j,lj,xj,uj) ; }
	if (xj > uj+tol)
	{ printf("high CSOL: %d  : lb = %g x = %g ub = %g\n",
		 j,lj,xj,uj) ; } } }
    if (chkStatus && postObj->colstat_)
    { CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::Status statj = postObj->getColumnStatus(j) ;
      switch (statj)
      { case CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound:
	{ if (uj >= PRESOLVE_INF || fabs(xj-uj) > tol)
	  { printf("Bad status CSOL: %d : status atUpperBound : ",j) ;
	    printf("lb = %g x = %g ub = %g\n",lj,xj,uj) ; }
	  break ; }
        case CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound:
	{ if (lj <= -PRESOLVE_INF || fabs(xj-lj) > tol)
	  { printf("Bad status CSOL: %d : status atLowerBound : ",j) ;
	    printf("lb = %g x = %g ub = %g\n",lj,xj,uj) ; }
	  break ; }
        case CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::isFree:
	{ if (lj > -PRESOLVE_INF || uj < PRESOLVE_INF)
	  { printf("Bad status CSOL: %d : status isFree : ",j) ;
	    printf("lb = %g x = %g ub = %g\n",lj,xj,uj) ; }
	  break ; }
        case CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::superBasic:
	{ if (!(lj > -PRESOLVE_INF || uj < PRESOLVE_INF))
	  { printf("Bad status CSOL: %d : status superBasic : ",j) ;
	    printf("lb = %g x = %g ub = %g\n",lj,xj,uj) ; }
	  break ; }
        case CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic:
	{ /* Nothing to do here. */
	  break ; }
	{ printf("Bad status CSOL: %d : status unrecognized : ",j) ;
	  break ; } } } }
  Now check the row solution. acts[i] is what presolve thinks we have, rsol[i]
  is what we've just calculated while scanning the columns. CoinPostsolveMatrix
  does not contain hinrow_, so we can't check for trivial rows (cf. check_sol
  for CoinPresolveMatrix).  For each row,
    * Check for bogus values (NaN, infinity)
  tol *= 1.0e4;
  if (chkRowAct)
  { for (int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i)
    { double lhsi = acts[i] ;
      double evali = rsol[i] ;
      double li = rlo[i] ;
      double ui = rup[i] ;
      if (CoinIsnan(evali) || CoinIsnan(lhsi))
      { printf("NaN RSOL: %d  : lb = %g eval = %g (expected %g) ub = %g\n",
	       i,li,evali,lhsi,ui) ; }
      if (evali <= -PRESOLVE_INF || evali >= PRESOLVE_INF ||
	  lhsi <= -PRESOLVE_INF || lhsi >= PRESOLVE_INF)
      { printf("Inf RSOL: %d  : lb = %g eval = %g (expected %g) ub = %g\n",
	       i,li,evali,lhsi,ui) ; }
      if (chkRowAct > 1)
      { if (fabs(evali-lhsi) > tol)
	{ printf("Inacc RSOL: %d : lb = %g eval = %g (expected %g) ub = %g\n",
		 i,li,evali,lhsi,ui) ; }
        if (evali < li-tol || lhsi < li-tol)
	{ printf("low RSOL: %d : lb = %g eval = %g (expected %g) ub = %g\n",
		 i,li,evali,lhsi,ui) ; }
	if (evali > ui+tol || lhsi > ui+tol)
	{ printf("high RSOL: %d : lb = %g eval = %g (expected %g) ub = %g\n",
		 i,li,evali,lhsi,ui) ; } } }
  delete [] rsol ; }
  return ; }