void Sprite::drawBox() { glLineWidth(6); if (_pos_state == CORRECT) drawBox(Color8u(0,255,0)); else if (_pos_state == HALF) drawBox(Color8u(255,0,0), 3); }
Circle::Circle(){ radius = 0.0f; center_x = 0.0f; center_y = 0.0f; Color8u color = Color8u(0,0,0); dataArray = NULL; }
VerticalLine::VerticalLine(){ dataArray = NULL; y1 = 0; y2 = 0; x = 0; color = Color8u(0,0,0); }
void homework2App::generateShapes(){ ListNode* currentNode; Color8u color; Shape* s; srand(time(NULL)); color = Color8u(rand()%255,rand()%255,rand()%255); s = new Square(100,100,rand()%100,color); headNode_ = new ListNode(s); currentNode = headNode_; for(int iShape=0; iShape<NUM_SHAPES; ++iShape){ color = Color8u(255*rand(),255*rand(),255*rand()); s = new Square(rand()%780,rand()%580,rand()%100+20,color); currentNode->addAfter(new ListNode(s)); currentNode = currentNode->next_; } }
void RoyalSocietyApp::setup() { mySurface_ = new Surface(appWidth, appHeight, false); help_ = true; helpMenu(); my_List_ = new List; // Creates sentinel_ node my_List_->sentinel_ = new Node; my_List_->sentinel_->next_ = my_List_->sentinel_; my_List_->sentinel_->prev_ = my_List_->sentinel_; // Inserts new nodes Node* lastNode; Rect* r; r = new Rect(100, 100, 50, 50, Color8u(255, 0, 0)); lastNode = my_List_->insertAfter(my_List_->sentinel_, r); r = new Rect(100, 100, 50, 50, Color8u(0, 255, 0)); lastNode = my_List_->insertAfter(lastNode, r); r = new Rect(100, 100, 50, 50, Color8u(0, 0, 255)); lastNode = my_List_->insertAfter(lastNode, r); }
ColorT<uint8_t> svgNameToRgb( const char *name, bool *found ) { std::string value = boost::to_lower_copy( std::string( name ) ); int minIdx = 0, maxIdx = sTotalColors - 1; while( minIdx <= maxIdx ) { int curIdx = ( minIdx + maxIdx ) / 2; int cmp = strcmp( value.c_str(), sColorNames[curIdx] ); if( cmp == 0 ) { if( found ) *found = true; return Color8u( sColorValues[curIdx][0], sColorValues[curIdx][1], sColorValues[curIdx][2] ); } else if( cmp < 0 ) maxIdx = curIdx - 1; else minIdx = curIdx + 1; } if( found ) *found = false; return Color8u( 0, 0, 0 ); }
void Circle::draw(int frameCount) { if(is_hole_) { gl::color(Color8u(55,55,55)); gl::drawSolidCircle(pos_, radius_-3); } else { //This layer adds the glowing animation to the lights using transparency gl::color(ColorA(color_.r, color_.g, color_.b, .25f)); gl::drawSolidCircle(pos_, radius_-2+sin(frameCount*.1)*2); gl::color(ColorA(color_.r, color_.g, color_.b, .5f)); gl::drawSolidCircle(pos_, radius_*.75); gl::color(ColorA(color_.r, color_.g, color_.b, .75f)); gl::drawSolidCircle(pos_, radius_*.5); gl::color(color_); gl::drawSolidCircle(pos_, radius_*.25); } }
Color8u getBodyColor( uint64_t index ) { switch ( index ) { case 0: return Color8u::black(); case 1: return Color8u( 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 ); case 2: return Color8u( 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 ); case 3: return Color8u( 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF ); case 4: return Color8u( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 ); case 5: return Color8u( 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF ); case 6: return Color8u( 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF ); default: return Color8u::white(); } }
locationMarker::locationMarker(){ center_ = Vec2f(0,0); color_ = Color8u(0,0,0); radius_ = 0; }
void Shape::draw(){ gl::color(Color8u(255,215,0)); gl::drawSolidCircle(center_, radius_); gl::color(Color8u(255,0,0)); gl::drawSolidCircle(center_, radius_-8); }