Ejemplo n.º 1
	Vec3 BallManager::calculateRealWorldPosition(MoveBall* ball, Kalman& filter)
		float x,y,size;


		Vec3 position;


		return position;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	void VisualEngine::onPaintAlt(IDrawableArea* drawable)
#if 0
		Graphics ^g = e->Graphics;
		Pen ^p = gcnew Pen(Color::Red);

		int width = form->ClientRectangle.Width;
		int height = form->ClientRectangle.Height;
		if (backBuffer == nullptr)
			backBuffer = gcnew Bitmap(width, height);
		//Bitmap ^ localBitmap = gcnew Bitmap(width, height);
		//Graphics ^ bitmapGraphics = Graphics::FromImage( localBitmap );
		Graphics ^ bitmapGraphics = Graphics::FromImage(backBuffer);

		//	Begin drawing of scene
		Serpents::Serpent &serpent = engine->getSerpent();
		for (int i = 0; i<serpent.getLength(); i++)
			BodyPart * bodyPart = serpent.getBodyPart(i);
			if (bodyPart != NULL)
				bool vis = serpent.getBodyPart(i)->isSpawned();
				double x = (int)(serpent.getBodyPart(i)->getLocation().x - serpent.getBodyPart(i)->getSizeFromCenter());
				double y = (int)(serpent.getBodyPart(i)->getLocation().y - serpent.getBodyPart(i)->getSizeFromCenter());
				double w = (int)serpent.getBodyPart(i)->getSize().x;
				double h = (int)serpent.getBodyPart(i)->getSize().y;

				//System::Diagnostics::Trace::WriteLine("index=" + i + "; pos="
				//	+ x + ","
				//	+ y + ","
				//	+ w + ","
				//	+ h + ";"
				//	+ " visible=" + vis
				//	);
				if (vis)
					bitmapGraphics->DrawEllipse(p, (float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h);
					//bitmapGraphics->DrawRectangle(p, (float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h);

		for (int i = 0; i< serpent.path->getLength(); i++)
			PathStrip *myStrip = serpent.path->getStrip(i);

			p->Color = Color::Gray;
			bitmapGraphics->DrawLine(p, (float)myStrip->getHeadLocation().x, (float)myStrip->getHeadLocation().y,
				(float)myStrip->getTailLocation().x, (float)myStrip->getTailLocation().y);

			p->Color = Color::GreenYellow;
			DPOINT myPoint = serpent.path->getCoords(i);
			float x = (float)myPoint.x;
			float y = (float)myPoint.y;

			bitmapGraphics->DrawLine(p, x - 1, y - 1, x + 1, y + 1);
			bitmapGraphics->DrawLine(p, x - 1, y + 1, x + 1, y - 1);

		for (int i = 0; i<engine->getBonusController().getNumberOfItems(); i++)
			Bonus * myBonus = engine->getBonusController().getItemAt(i);
			double x = (int)(myBonus->getLocation().x - myBonus->getSizeFromCenter());
			double y = (int)(myBonus->getLocation().y - myBonus->getSizeFromCenter());
			double w = (int)myBonus->getSize().x;
			double h = (int)myBonus->getSize().y;

			//System::Diagnostics::Trace::WriteLine("bonus, index=" + i + "; pos="
			//	+ x + ","
			//	+ y + ","
			//	+ w + ","
			//	+ h + ";"
			//	);
			p->Color = Color::YellowGreen;
			bitmapGraphics->DrawRectangle(p, (float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h);

		//	End drawing of scene

		Brush ^ myBrush = System::Drawing::Brushes::Beige;
		System::Drawing::Font ^myfont = gcnew Font(System::Drawing::FontFamily::GenericSansSerif, 10);
		drawable->drawText("up/down = increase/decrease speed; left/right = turn left/right", ColorRgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0, 0);
		bitmapGraphics->DrawString("up/down = increase/decrease speed; left/right = turn left/right", myfont, myBrush, 0, 0);

		bitmapGraphics->SmoothingMode = System::Drawing::Drawing2D::SmoothingMode::AntiAlias;

		//g->DrawImage( localBitmap, 0, 0 );
		e->Graphics->DrawImageUnscaled(backBuffer, 0, 0);