Ejemplo n.º 1

Save the console contents out to a file
void Con_Dump_f( void )
	int          l;
	fileHandle_t f;
	char         name[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];

	l = Cmd_Argc();

	if ( l > 2 )
		Cmd_PrintUsage(_("[<filename>]"), NULL);

	if ( l == 1 )
		time_t now = time( NULL );
		strftime( name, sizeof( name ), "condump/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S%z.txt",
		          localtime( &now ) );
		Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "condump/%s", Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );

	f = FS_FOpenFileWrite( name );

	if ( !f )
		Com_Log(LOG_ERROR, _( "couldn't open." ));

	Com_Printf(_( "Dumped console text to %s.\n"), name );

	// skip empty lines
	for ( l = consoleState.currentLine - consoleState.maxScrollbackLengthInLines + 1; l <= consoleState.currentLine; l++ )
		if ( consoleState.text[ CON_LINE( l ) ].ch )

	// write the remaining lines
	for ( ; l <= consoleState.currentLine; l++ )
		const char *buffer = Con_LineToString( l, qtrue );
		FS_Write( buffer, strlen( buffer ), f );

	FS_FCloseFile( f );
Ejemplo n.º 2

Set up argc/argv for the given command
qboolean CL_GetServerCommand( int serverCommandNumber )
	const char  *s;
	char        *cmd;
	static char bigConfigString[ BIG_INFO_STRING ];
	int         argc;

	// if we have irretrievably lost a reliable command, drop the connection
	if ( serverCommandNumber <= clc.serverCommandSequence - MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS )
		// when a demo record was started after the client got a whole bunch of
		// reliable commands then the client never got those first reliable commands
		if ( clc.demoplaying )
			return qfalse;

		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "CL_GetServerCommand: a reliable command was cycled out" );

	if ( serverCommandNumber > clc.serverCommandSequence )
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "CL_GetServerCommand: requested a command not received" );

	s = clc.serverCommands[ serverCommandNumber & ( MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS - 1 ) ];
	clc.lastExecutedServerCommand = serverCommandNumber;

	if ( cl_showServerCommands->integer )
		// NERVE - SMF
		Com_Printf( "serverCommand: %i : %s\n", serverCommandNumber, s );

	Cmd_TokenizeString( s );
	cmd = Cmd_Argv( 0 );
	argc = Cmd_Argc();

	if ( !strcmp( cmd, "disconnect" ) )
		// NERVE - SMF - allow server to indicate why they were disconnected
		if ( argc >= 2 )
			Com_Error( ERR_SERVERDISCONNECT, "Server disconnected: %s", Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );
			Com_Error( ERR_SERVERDISCONNECT, "Server disconnected" );

	if ( !strcmp( cmd, "bcs0" ) )
		Com_sprintf( bigConfigString, BIG_INFO_STRING, "cs %s %s", Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Cmd_QuoteString( Cmd_Argv( 2 ) ) );
		return qfalse;

	if ( !strcmp( cmd, "bcs1" ) )
		s = Cmd_QuoteString( Cmd_Argv( 2 ) );

		if ( strlen( bigConfigString ) + strlen( s ) >= BIG_INFO_STRING )
			Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "bcs exceeded BIG_INFO_STRING" );

		strcat( bigConfigString, s );
		return qfalse;

	if ( !strcmp( cmd, "bcs2" ) )
		s = Cmd_QuoteString( Cmd_Argv( 2 ) );

		if ( strlen( bigConfigString ) + strlen( s ) + 1 >= BIG_INFO_STRING )
			Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "bcs exceeded BIG_INFO_STRING" );

		strcat( bigConfigString, s );
		strcat( bigConfigString, "\"" );
		s = bigConfigString;
		goto rescan;

	if ( !strcmp( cmd, "cs" ) )
		// reparse the string, because CL_ConfigstringModified may have done another Cmd_TokenizeString()
		Cmd_TokenizeString( s );
		return qtrue;

	if ( !strcmp( cmd, "map_restart" ) )
		// clear outgoing commands before passing
		// the restart to the cgame
		memset( cl.cmds, 0, sizeof( cl.cmds ) );
		return qtrue;

	if ( !strcmp( cmd, "popup" ) )
		// direct server to client popup request, bypassing cgame
//      trap_UI_Popup(Cmd_Argv(1));
//      if ( cls.state == CA_ACTIVE && !clc.demoplaying ) {
//          Menus_OpenByName(Cmd_Argv(1));
//      }
		return qfalse;

	if ( !strcmp( cmd, "pubkey_decrypt" ) )
		char         buffer[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] = "pubkey_identify ";
		unsigned int msg_len = MAX_STRING_CHARS - 16;
		mpz_t        message;

		if ( argc == 1 )
			Com_Log(LOG_ERROR, _( "Server sent a pubkey_decrypt command, but sent nothing to decrypt!" ));
			return qfalse;

		mpz_init_set_str( message, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), 16 );

		if ( rsa_decrypt( &private_key, &msg_len, ( unsigned char * ) buffer + 16, message ) )
			nettle_mpz_set_str_256_u( message, msg_len, ( unsigned char * ) buffer + 16 );
			mpz_get_str( buffer + 16, 16, message );
			CL_AddReliableCommand( buffer );

		mpz_clear( message );
		return qfalse;

	// we may want to put a "connect to other server" command here

	// cgame can now act on the command
	return qtrue;