Ejemplo n.º 1
// return prefixCode+number if the string is of the form "<prefix><number>" and
// 0 if it isn't
// first and last parameter specify the valid domain for "number" part
static int
        IsNumberedAccelKey(const wxString& str,
                           const wxChar *prefix,
                           wxKeyCode prefixCode,
                           unsigned first,
                           unsigned last)
    const size_t lenPrefix = wxStrlen(prefix);
    if ( !CompareAccelString(str.Left(lenPrefix), prefix) )
        return 0;

    unsigned long num;
    if ( !str.Mid(lenPrefix).ToULong(&num) )
        return 0;

    if ( num < first || num > last )
        // this must be a mistake, chances that this is a valid name of another
        // key are vanishingly small
        wxLogDebug(_T("Invalid key string \"%s\""), str.c_str());
        return 0;

    return prefixCode + num - first;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* static */
wxAcceleratorEntry::ParseAccel(const wxString& text, int *flagsOut, int *keyOut)
    // the parser won't like trailing spaces
    wxString label = text;
    label.Trim(true);  // the initial \t must be preserved so don't strip leading whitespaces

    // check for accelerators: they are given after '\t'
    int posTab = label.Find(wxT('\t'));
    if ( posTab == wxNOT_FOUND )
        return false;

    // parse the accelerator string
    int accelFlags = wxACCEL_NORMAL;
    wxString current;
    for ( size_t n = (size_t)posTab + 1; n < label.length(); n++ )
        if ( (label[n] == '+') || (label[n] == '-') )
            if ( CompareAccelString(current, wxTRANSLATE("ctrl")) )
                accelFlags |= wxACCEL_CTRL;
            else if ( CompareAccelString(current, wxTRANSLATE("alt")) )
                accelFlags |= wxACCEL_ALT;
            else if ( CompareAccelString(current, wxTRANSLATE("shift")) )
                accelFlags |= wxACCEL_SHIFT;
            else // not a recognized modifier name
                // we may have "Ctrl-+", for example, but we still want to
                // catch typos like "Crtl-A" so only give the warning if we
                // have something before the current '+' or '-', else take
                // it as a literal symbol
                if ( current.empty() )
                    current += label[n];

                    // skip clearing it below
                    wxLogDebug(wxT("Unknown accel modifier: '%s'"),

        else // not special character
            current += (wxChar) wxTolower(label[n]);

    int keyCode;
    const size_t len = current.length();
    switch ( len )
        case 0:
            wxLogDebug(wxT("No accel key found, accel string ignored."));
            return false;

        case 1:
            // it's just a letter
            keyCode = current[0U];

            // if the key is used with any modifiers, make it an uppercase one
            // because Ctrl-A and Ctrl-a are the same; but keep it as is if it's
            // used alone as 'a' and 'A' are different
            if ( accelFlags != wxACCEL_NORMAL )
                keyCode = wxToupper(keyCode);

            keyCode = IsNumberedAccelKey(current, wxTRANSLATE("F"),
                                         WXK_F1, 1, 12);
            if ( !keyCode )
                for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(wxKeyNames); n++ )
                    const wxKeyName& kn = wxKeyNames[n];
                    if ( CompareAccelString(current, kn.name) )
                        keyCode = kn.code;

            if ( !keyCode )
                keyCode = IsNumberedAccelKey(current, wxTRANSLATE("KP_"),
                                             WXK_NUMPAD0, 0, 9);
            if ( !keyCode )
                keyCode = IsNumberedAccelKey(current, wxTRANSLATE("SPECIAL"),
                                             WXK_SPECIAL1, 1, 20);

            if ( !keyCode )
                wxLogDebug(wxT("Unrecognized accel key '%s', accel string ignored."),
                return false;

    wxASSERT_MSG( keyCode, wxT("logic error: should have key code here") );

    if ( flagsOut )
        *flagsOut = accelFlags;
    if ( keyOut )
        *keyOut = keyCode;

    return true;