Ejemplo n.º 1

Save the console contents out to a file
void Con_Dump_f( void )
	int          l;
	fileHandle_t f;
	char         name[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];

	l = Cmd_Argc();

	if ( l > 2 )
		Cmd_PrintUsage(_("[<filename>]"), NULL);

	if ( l == 1 )
		time_t now = time( NULL );
		strftime( name, sizeof( name ), "condump/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S%z.txt",
		          localtime( &now ) );
		Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "condump/%s", Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );

	f = FS_FOpenFileWrite( name );

	if ( !f )
		Com_Log(LOG_ERROR, _( "couldn't open." ));

	Com_Printf(_( "Dumped console text to %s.\n"), name );

	// skip empty lines
	for ( l = consoleState.currentLine - consoleState.maxScrollbackLengthInLines + 1; l <= consoleState.currentLine; l++ )
		if ( consoleState.text[ CON_LINE( l ) ].ch )

	// write the remaining lines
	for ( ; l <= consoleState.currentLine; l++ )
		const char *buffer = Con_LineToString( l, qtrue );
		FS_Write( buffer, strlen( buffer ), f );

	FS_FCloseFile( f );
Ejemplo n.º 2

Save the console contents out to a file
void Con_Dump_f( void )
	int          l;
	fileHandle_t f;

	if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 )
		Com_Printf("%s", _( "usage: condump <filename>\n" ));

	Com_Printf(_( "Dumped console text to %s.\n"), Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );

	f = FS_FOpenFileWrite( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );

	if ( !f )
		Com_Printf("%s", _( "ERROR: couldn't open.\n" ));

	// skip empty lines
	for ( l = con.current - con.totallines + 1; l <= con.current; l++ )
		if ( con.text[ CON_LINE( l ) ].ch )

	// write the remaining lines
	for ( ; l <= con.current; l++ )
		const char *buffer = Con_LineToString( l, qtrue );
		FS_Write( buffer, strlen( buffer ), f );

	FS_FCloseFile( f );
Ejemplo n.º 3

Scroll up to the first console line containing a string
void Con_Search_f( void )
	int   l, i;
	int   direction;
	int   c = Cmd_Argc();

	if ( c < 2 )
		Cmd_PrintUsage(_("<string>…"), NULL);

	direction = Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "searchDown" ) ? -1 : 1;

	// check the lines
	for ( l = consoleState.scrollLineIndex - 1 + direction; l <= consoleState.currentLine && consoleState.currentLine - l < consoleState.maxScrollbackLengthInLines; l += direction )
		const char *buffer = Con_LineToString( l, qtrue );

		// Don't search commands
		for ( i = 1; i < c; i++ )
			if ( Q_stristr( buffer, Cmd_Argv( i ) ) )
				consoleState.scrollLineIndex = l + 1;

				if ( consoleState.scrollLineIndex > consoleState.currentLine )
					consoleState.bottomDisplayedLine = consoleState.currentLine;

Ejemplo n.º 4

Scroll up to the first console line containing a string
void Con_Search_f( void )
	int   l, i;
	int   direction;
	int   c = Cmd_Argc();

	if ( c < 2 )
		Com_Printf(_( "usage: %s <string1> <string2> <…>\n"), Cmd_Argv( 0 ) );

	direction = Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "searchDown" ) ? -1 : 1;

	// check the lines
	for ( l = con.display - 1 + direction; l <= con.current && con.current - l < con.totallines; l += direction )
		const char *buffer = Con_LineToString( l, qtrue );

		// Don't search commands
		for ( i = 1; i < c; i++ )
			if ( Q_stristr( buffer, Cmd_Argv( i ) ) )
				con.display = l + 1;

				if ( con.display > con.current )
					con.display = con.current;

Ejemplo n.º 5

Find all console lines containing a string
void Con_Grep_f( void )
	int    l;
	char  *search;
	char  *printbuf = NULL;
	size_t pbAlloc = 0, pbLength = 0;

	if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 )
		Cmd_PrintUsage(_("<string>"), NULL);

	// skip empty lines
	for ( l = consoleState.currentLine - consoleState.maxScrollbackLengthInLines + 1; l <= consoleState.currentLine; l++ )
		if ( consoleState.text[ CON_LINE( l ) ].ch )

	// check the remaining lines
	search = Cmd_Argv( 1 );

	for ( ; l <= consoleState.currentLine; l++ )
		const char *buffer = Con_LineToString( l, qfalse );

		if ( Q_stristr( buffer, search ) )
			size_t i;

			buffer = Con_LineToColouredString( l, qtrue );
			i = strlen( buffer );

			if ( pbLength + i >= pbAlloc )
				char *nb;
				// allocate in 16K chunks - more than adequate
				pbAlloc = ( pbLength + i + 1 + 16383) & ~16383;
				nb = (char*) Z_Malloc( pbAlloc );
				if( printbuf )
					strcpy( nb, printbuf );
					Z_Free( printbuf );
				printbuf = nb;
			Q_strcat( printbuf, pbAlloc, buffer );
			pbLength += i;

	if( printbuf )
		char tmpbuf[ MAXPRINTMSG ];
		int i;

		// print out in chunks so we don't go over the MAXPRINTMSG limit
		for ( i = 0; i < pbLength; i += MAXPRINTMSG - 1 )
			Q_strncpyz( tmpbuf, printbuf + i, sizeof( tmpbuf ) );
			Com_Printf( "%s", tmpbuf );

		Z_Free( printbuf );
Ejemplo n.º 6

Find all console lines containing a string
void Con_Grep_f( void )
	int    l;
	int    lastcolor;
	char  *search;
	char  *printbuf = NULL;
	size_t pbAlloc = 0, pbLength = 0;

	if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 )
		Com_Printf("%s", _( "usage: grep <string>\n" ));

	// skip empty lines
	for ( l = con.current - con.totallines + 1; l <= con.current; l++ )
		if ( con.text[ CON_LINE( l ) ].ch )

	// check the remaining lines
	search = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
	lastcolor = 7;

	for ( ; l <= con.current; l++ )
		const char *buffer = Con_LineToString( l, qfalse );

		if ( Q_stristr( buffer, search ) )
			size_t i;

			buffer = Con_LineToColouredString( l, qtrue );
			i = strlen( buffer );

			if ( pbLength + i >= pbAlloc )
				char *nb;
				// allocate in 16K chunks - more than adequate
				pbAlloc = ( pbLength + i + 1 + 16383) & ~16383;
				nb = Z_Malloc( pbAlloc );
				if( printbuf ) 
					strcpy( nb, printbuf );
					Z_Free( printbuf );
				printbuf = nb;
			Q_strcat( printbuf, pbAlloc, buffer );
			pbLength += i;
	if( printbuf ) 
		Com_Printf( "%s", printbuf );
		Z_Free( printbuf );