Ejemplo n.º 1
void MultiplyAdjoint
( Scalar alpha, const Dense<Scalar>& A,
                const LowRank<Scalar>& B,
                      LowRank<Scalar>& C )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("hmat_tools::MultiplyAdjoint (F := D F^H)");
    if( A.Width() != B.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("Cannot multiply nonconformal matrices.");
    const int m = A.Height();
    const int n = B.Height();
    const int r = B.Rank();

    C.U.SetType( GENERAL ); C.U.Resize( m, r );
    C.V.SetType( GENERAL ); C.V.Resize( n, r );

    // C.U C.V^T := alpha A conj(B.V) B.U^H
    //                = (alpha A conj(B.V)) B.U^H
    Dense<Scalar> cBV;
    Conjugate( B.V, cBV );
    ( 'N', 'N', m, r, A.Width(),
      alpha, A.LockedBuffer(),   A.LDim(),
             cBV.LockedBuffer(), cBV.LDim(),
      0,     C.U.Buffer(),       C.U.LDim() );
    Conjugate( B.U, C.V );
Ejemplo n.º 2
Quaternion Quaternion::Inverse()
	if (ModulusSqr() == 1.0) {
		return Conjugate();
	} else {
		return Conjugate()/Modulus();
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SolveAfter
( Orientation orientation, 
  const Matrix<F>& A,
  const Matrix<F>& householderScalars, 
  const Matrix<Base<F>>& signature,
  const Matrix<F>& B,       
        Matrix<F>& X )
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    if( m > n )
        LogicError("Must have full row rank");

    // TODO: Add scaling
    auto AL = A( IR(0,m), IR(0,m) );
    if( orientation == NORMAL )
        if( m != B.Height() )
            LogicError("A and B do not conform");

        // Copy B into X
        X.Resize( n, B.Width() );
        auto XT = X( IR(0,m), ALL );
        auto XB = X( IR(m,n), ALL );
        XT = B;
        Zero( XB );

        // Solve against L (checking for singularities)
        Trsm( LEFT, LOWER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), AL, XT, true );

        // Apply Q' to X 
        lq::ApplyQ( LEFT, ADJOINT, A, householderScalars, signature, X );
    else // orientation in {TRANSPOSE,ADJOINT}
        if( n != B.Height() )
            LogicError("A and B do not conform");

        // Copy B into X
        X = B;

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( X );

        // Apply Q to X
        lq::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, A, householderScalars, signature, X );

        // Shrink X to its new height
        X.Resize( m, X.Width() );

        // Solve against L' (check for singularities)
        Trsm( LEFT, LOWER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, F(1), AL, X, true );

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( X );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void MultiplyAdjoint
( Scalar alpha, const LowRank<Scalar>& A,
                const LowRank<Scalar>& B,
  Scalar beta,        Dense<Scalar>& C )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("hmat_tools::MultiplyAdjoint (D := F F^H + D)");
    if( A.Height() != C.Height() )
        throw std::logic_error("The height of A and C are nonconformal.");
    if( B.Height() != C.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("The width of B and C are nonconformal.");
    Dense<Scalar> W( A.Rank(), B.Rank() );
    ( 'C', 'N', A.Rank(), B.Rank(), A.Width(),
      1, A.V.LockedBuffer(), A.V.LDim(), B.V.LockedBuffer(), B.V.LDim(),
      0, W.Buffer(), W.LDim() );
    Conjugate( W );
    Dense<Scalar> X( A.Height(), B.Rank() );
    ( 'N', 'N', A.Height(), B.Rank(), A.Rank(),
      1, A.U.LockedBuffer(), A.U.LDim(), W.LockedBuffer(), W.LDim(),
      0, X.Buffer(), X.LDim() );
    ( 'N', 'C', C.Height(), C.Width(), B.Rank(),
      alpha, X.LockedBuffer(), X.LDim(), B.U.LockedBuffer(), B.U.LDim(),
      beta,  C.Buffer(), C.LDim() );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void MultiplyAdjoint
( Scalar alpha, const LowRank<Scalar>& A,
                const Dense<Scalar>& B,
                      LowRank<Scalar>& C )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("hmat_tools::MultiplyAdjoint (F := F D^H)");
    if( A.Width() != B.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("Cannot multiply nonconformal matrices.");
    const int m = A.Height();
    const int n = B.Height();
    const int r = A.Rank();

    C.U.SetType( GENERAL ); C.U.Resize( m, r );
    C.V.SetType( GENERAL ); C.V.Resize( n, r );

    // C.U C.V^T := alpha A.U A.V^T B^H
    //            = A.U (alpha conj(B) A.V)^T
    // C.U := A.U
    // C.V := alpha conj(B) A.V
    Copy( A.U, C.U );
    Dense<Scalar> cB;
    Conjugate( B, cB );
    ( 'N', 'N', n, r, A.Width(),
      alpha, cB.LockedBuffer(),      cB.LDim(),
             A.V.LockedBuffer(), A.V.LDim(),
      0,     C.V.Buffer(),          C.V.LDim() );
Ejemplo n.º 6
	static Vector<T, 3> RotateVector(
		const Quaternion& q,
		const Vector<T, 3>& v
		return (q*Quaternion(T(0), v)*Conjugate(q)).Imag();
Ejemplo n.º 7
inline void
( UpperOrLower uplo, Orientation orientation, 
  const DistMatrix<F>& A, DistMatrix<F>& B )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("cholesky::SolveAfter");
    if( A.Grid() != B.Grid() )
        LogicError("{A,B} must be distributed over the same grid");
    if( A.Height() != A.Width() )
        LogicError("A must be square");
    if( A.Height() != B.Height() )
        LogicError("A and B must be the same height");
    if( B.Width() == 1 )
        if( uplo == LOWER )
            if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
                Conjugate( B );
            Trsv( LOWER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, A, B );
            Trsv( LOWER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, A, B );
            if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
                Conjugate( B );
            if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
                Conjugate( B );
            Trsv( UPPER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, A, B );
            Trsv( UPPER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, A, B );
            if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
                Conjugate( B );
        if( uplo == LOWER )
            if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
                Conjugate( B );
            Trsm( LEFT, LOWER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), A, B );
            Trsm( LEFT, LOWER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, F(1), A, B );
            if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
                Conjugate( B );
            if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
                Conjugate( B );
            Trsm( LEFT, UPPER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, F(1), A, B );
            Trsm( LEFT, UPPER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), A, B );
            if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
                Conjugate( B );
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /* inverse */
        void Inverse() {

          float fL = 1.f/Len2();

          cV *= fL;
          fScalar *= fL;
Ejemplo n.º 9
inline void
Conjugate( DistMatrix<T,U,V>& A )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("Conjugate (in-place)");
    Conjugate( A.Matrix() );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Quaternion::Invert(void)
  float lengthSq = LengthSq();

  if (Math::IsZero(lengthSq))
    ErrorIf(Math::IsZero(lengthSq), "Quaternion - Division by zero.");
  *this /= lengthSq;
Ejemplo n.º 11
inline void
Conjugate( const DistMatrix<T,U,V>& A, DistMatrix<T,W,Z>& B )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("Conjugate");
    B = A;
    Conjugate( B );
Ejemplo n.º 12
inline void
Conjugate( DistMatrix<T,U,V>& A )
#ifndef RELEASE
    PushCallStack("Conjugate (in-place)");
    Conjugate( A.LocalMatrix() );
#ifndef RELEASE
Ejemplo n.º 13
cVector3 cQuaternion::AppliedTo( const cVector3& v )
	cQuaternion vq, rq;
	vq.x = v.x;
	vq.y = v.y;
	vq.z = v.z;
	vq.w = 0.0f;
	rq = vq*Conjugate();
	rq = *this * rq;

	return cVector3( rq.x, rq.y, rq.z );
Ejemplo n.º 14
inline void
Conjugate( const DistMatrix<T,U,V>& A, DistMatrix<T,W,Z>& B )
#ifndef RELEASE
    B = A;
    Conjugate( B );
#ifndef RELEASE
Ejemplo n.º 15
  \brief Multiplying a quaternion q with a vector v applies the q-rotation to vec.
  \param vec Input vector.
  \return Output vector that's rotated by this Quaternion.
 Vec3 operator*( const Vec3& vec ) const
     // FIXME: vec was originally normalized here but I removed normalization because it caused
     //        too fast camera movement and errorneous movement at slow speeds. [2014-12-08]
     Quaternion vecQuat, resQuat;
     vecQuat.x = vec.x;
     vecQuat.y = vec.y;
     vecQuat.z = vec.z;
     vecQuat.w = 0.0f;
     resQuat = vecQuat * Conjugate();
     resQuat = *this * resQuat;
     return Vec3( resQuat.x, resQuat.y, resQuat.z );
Ejemplo n.º 16
void Covariance( const Matrix<F>& D, Matrix<F>& S )
    const Int numObs = D.Height();
    const Int n = D.Width();

    // Compute the average column
    Matrix<F> ones, xMean;
    Ones( ones, numObs, 1 );
    Gemv( TRANSPOSE, F(1)/F(numObs), D, ones, xMean );

    // Subtract the mean from each column of D
    Matrix<F> DDev( D );
    for( Int i=0; i<numObs; ++i )
        ( n, F(-1), xMean.LockedBuffer(), 1, DDev.Buffer(i,0), DDev.LDim() );

    // Form S := 1/(numObs-1) DDev DDev'
    Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Base<F>(1)/Base<F>(numObs-1), DDev, S );
    Conjugate( S );
    MakeHermitian( LOWER, S );
Ejemplo n.º 17
void MultiplyAdjoint
( Scalar alpha, const Dense<Scalar>& A,
                const LowRank<Scalar>& B,
  Scalar beta,        Dense<Scalar>& C )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry
    ("hmat_tools::MultiplyAdjoint (D := D F^H + D)");
    if( A.Width() != B.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("Cannot multiply nonconformal matrices.");
    if( A.Height() != C.Height() )
        throw std::logic_error("The height of A and C are nonconformal.");
    if( B.Height() != C.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("The width of B and C are nonconformal.");
    if( C.Symmetric() )
        throw std::logic_error("Update will probably not be symmetric.");
    const int m = C.Height();
    const int n = C.Width();
    const int r = B.Rank();

    // C := alpha (A conj(B.V)) B.U^H + beta C
    // W := A conj(B.V)
    // C := alpha W B.U^H + beta C

    Dense<Scalar> W( m, r ), cBV;
    Conjugate( B.V, cBV );
    ( 'N', 'N', m, r, B.Width(),
      1, A.LockedBuffer(),   A.LDim(),
         cBV.LockedBuffer(), cBV.LDim(),
      0, W.Buffer(),         W.LDim() );
    ( 'N', 'C', m, n, r,
      alpha, W.LockedBuffer(),   W.LDim(),
             B.U.LockedBuffer(), B.U.LDim(),
      beta,  C.Buffer(),         C.LDim() );
Ejemplo n.º 18
void Covariance
( const ElementalMatrix<F>& DPre, ElementalMatrix<F>& SPre )

      DProx( DPre );
      SProx( SPre );
    auto& D = DProx.GetLocked();
    auto& S = SProx.Get();

    const Grid& g = D.Grid();
    const Int numObs = D.Height();

    // Compute the average column
    DistMatrix<F> ones(g), xMean(g);
    Ones( ones, numObs, 1 );
    Gemv( TRANSPOSE, F(1)/F(numObs), D, ones, xMean );
    DistMatrix<F,MR,STAR> xMean_MR(g);
    xMean_MR.AlignWith( D );
    xMean_MR = xMean;

    // Subtract the mean from each column of D
    DistMatrix<F> DDev( D );
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<DDev.LocalHeight(); ++iLoc )
        ( DDev.LocalWidth(), F(-1), 
          xMean_MR.LockedBuffer(), 1, 
          DDev.Buffer(iLoc,0),     DDev.LDim() );

    // Form S := 1/(numObs-1) DDev DDev'
    Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Base<F>(1)/Base<F>(numObs-1), DDev, S );
    Conjugate( S );
    MakeHermitian( LOWER, S );
Ejemplo n.º 19
void Quat::Inverse()
Ejemplo n.º 20
Quaternion Quaternion::Inverse() const
	return Conjugate() / MagnitudeSquared();
Ejemplo n.º 21
void LLTUnb
( bool conjugate, const Matrix<F>& L, Matrix<F>& X, bool checkIfSingular )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int m = X.Height();
    const Int n = X.Width();

    const F* LBuf = L.LockedBuffer();
          F* XBuf = X.Buffer();
    const Int ldl = L.LDim();
    const Int ldx = X.LDim();

    if( conjugate )
        Conjugate( X );

    Int k=m-1;
    while( k >= 0 )
        const bool in2x2 = ( k>0 && LBuf[(k-1)+k*ldl] != F(0) );
        if( in2x2 )
            // Solve the 2x2 linear systems via a 2x2 LQ decomposition produced
            // by the Givens rotation
            //    | L(k,k) L(k,k+1) | | c -conj(s) | = | gamma11 0 |
            //                        | s    c     |
            // and by also forming the bottom two entries of the 2x2 resulting
            // lower-triangular matrix, say gamma21 and gamma22
            // Extract the 2x2 diagonal block, D
            const F delta11 = LBuf[   k +   k *ldl];
            const F delta12 = LBuf[   k +(k+1)*ldl];
            const F delta21 = LBuf[(k+1)+   k *ldl];
            const F delta22 = LBuf[(k+1)+(k+1)*ldl];
            // Decompose D = L Q
            Real c; F s;
            const F gamma11 = Givens( delta11, delta12, c, s );
            const F gamma21 =        c*delta21 + s*delta22;
            const F gamma22 = -Conj(s)*delta21 + c*delta22;
            if( checkIfSingular )
                // TODO: Instead check if values are too small in magnitude
                if( gamma11 == F(0) || gamma22 == F(0) )
                    LogicError("Singular diagonal block detected");
            for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
                F* xBuf = &XBuf[j*ldx];
                // Solve against Q^T
                const F chi1 = xBuf[k  ];
                const F chi2 = xBuf[k+1];
                xBuf[k  ] =        c*chi1 + s*chi2;
                xBuf[k+1] = -Conj(s)*chi1 + c*chi2;

                // Solve against R^T
                xBuf[k+1] /= gamma22;
                xBuf[k  ] -= gamma21*xBuf[k+1];
                xBuf[k  ] /= gamma11;

                // Update x0 := x0 - L10^T x1
                blas::Axpy( k, -xBuf[k  ], &LBuf[k  ], ldl, xBuf, 1 );
                blas::Axpy( k, -xBuf[k+1], &LBuf[k+1], ldl, xBuf, 1 );
            if( checkIfSingular )
                if( LBuf[k+k*ldl] == F(0) )
                    LogicError("Singular diagonal entry detected");
            for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
                F* xBuf = &XBuf[j*ldx];
                // Solve the 1x1 linear system
                xBuf[k] /= LBuf[k+k*ldl];

                // Update x0 := x0 - l10^T chi_1
                blas::Axpy( k, -xBuf[k], &LBuf[k], ldl, xBuf, 1 );
    if( conjugate )
        Conjugate( X );
Ejemplo n.º 22
 void InverseUnit() {
Ejemplo n.º 23
void LUTUnb
( bool conjugate, const Matrix<F>& U, const Matrix<F>& shifts, Matrix<F>& X )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int m = X.Height();
    const Int n = X.Width();

    if( conjugate )
        Conjugate( X );

    const F* UBuf = U.LockedBuffer();
          F* XBuf = X.Buffer();
    const Int ldU = U.LDim();
    const Int ldX = X.LDim();

    Int k=0;
    while( k < m )
        const bool in2x2 = ( k+1<m && UBuf[(k+1)+k*ldU] != F(0) );
        if( in2x2 )
            // Solve the 2x2 linear systems via 2x2 QR decompositions produced
            // by the Givens rotation
            //    | c        s | | U(k,  k)-shift | = | gamma11 | 
            //    | -conj(s) c | | U(k+1,k)       |   | 0       |
            // and by also forming the right two entries of the 2x2 resulting
            // upper-triangular matrix, say gamma12 and gamma22
            // Extract the constant part of the 2x2 diagonal block, D
            const F delta12 = UBuf[ k   +(k+1)*ldU];
            const F delta21 = UBuf[(k+1)+ k   *ldU];
            for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
                const F delta11 = UBuf[ k   + k   *ldU] - shifts.Get(j,0);
                const F delta22 = UBuf[(k+1)+(k+1)*ldU] - shifts.Get(j,0);
                // Decompose D = Q R
                Real c; F s;
                const F gamma11 = Givens( delta11, delta21, c, s );
                const F gamma12 =        c*delta12 + s*delta22;
                const F gamma22 = -Conj(s)*delta12 + c*delta22;

                F* xBuf = &XBuf[j*ldX];

                // Solve against R^T
                F chi1 = xBuf[k  ];
                F chi2 = xBuf[k+1];
                chi1 /= gamma11;
                chi2 -= gamma12*chi1;
                chi2 /= gamma22;

                // Solve against Q^T
                xBuf[k  ] = c*chi1 - Conj(s)*chi2;
                xBuf[k+1] = s*chi1 +       c*chi2;

                // Update x2 := x2 - U12^T x1
                ( m-(k+2), -xBuf[k  ],
                  &UBuf[ k   +(k+2)*ldU], ldU, &xBuf[k+2], 1 );
                ( m-(k+2), -xBuf[k+1],
                  &UBuf[(k+1)+(k+2)*ldU], ldU, &xBuf[k+2], 1 );
            k += 2;
            for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
                F* xBuf = &XBuf[j*ldX];
                xBuf[k] /= UBuf[k+k*ldU] - shifts.Get(j,0);
                ( m-(k+1), -xBuf[k], &UBuf[k+(k+1)*ldU], ldU, &xBuf[k+1], 1 );
            k += 1;
    if( conjugate )
        Conjugate( X );
Ejemplo n.º 24
float Quat::InverseAndNormalize()
	return Normalize();
Ejemplo n.º 25
void MultiplyAdjoint
( Scalar alpha, const LowRank<Scalar>& A,
                const LowRank<Scalar>& B,
                      LowRank<Scalar>& C )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("hmat_tools::MultiplyAdjoint (F := F F^H)");
    if( A.Width() != B.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("Cannot multiply nonconformal matrices.");
    const int m = A.Height();
    const int n = B.Height();
    const int Ar = A.Rank();
    const int Br = B.Rank();
    if( Ar <= Br )
        const int r = Ar;
        C.U.SetType( GENERAL ); C.U.Resize( m, r );
        C.V.SetType( GENERAL ); C.V.Resize( n, r );

        // C.U C.V^T = alpha (A.U A.V^T) (B.U B.V^T)^H
        //           = alpha A.U A.V^T conj(B.V) B.U^H
        //           = A.U (alpha conj(B.U) (B.V^H A.V)))^T
        //           = A.U (alpha conj(B.U) W)^T
        // C.U := A.U
        // W := B.V^H A.V
        // C.V := alpha conj(B.U) W
        Copy( A.U, C.U );
        Dense<Scalar> W( Br, Ar ), cBU;
        ( 'C', 'N', Br, Ar, A.Width(),
          1, B.V.LockedBuffer(), B.V.LDim(),
             A.V.LockedBuffer(), A.V.LDim(),
          0, W.Buffer(),         W.LDim() );
        Conjugate( B.U, cBU );
        ( 'N', 'N', n, Ar, Br,
          alpha, cBU.LockedBuffer(), cBU.LDim(),
                 W.LockedBuffer(),   W.LDim(),
          0,     C.V.Buffer(),       C.V.LDim() );
    else // B.r < A.r
        const int r = Br;
        C.U.SetType( GENERAL ); C.U.Resize( m, r );
        C.V.SetType( GENERAL ); C.V.Resize( n, r );

        // C.U C.V^T := alpha (A.U A.V^T) (B.U B.V^T)^H
        //            = alpha A.U A.V^T conj(B.V) B.U^H
        //            = (alpha A.U A.V^T conj(B.U)) conj(B.U)^T
        //            = (alpha A.U W) conj(B.U)^T
        // W := A.V^T conj(B.U)
        // C.U := alpha A.U W
        // C.V := conj(B.U)
        Dense<Scalar> W( Ar, Br ), cBU;
        Conjugate( B.U, cBU );
        ( 'T', 'N', Ar, Br, B.Height(),
          1, A.V.LockedBuffer(), A.V.LDim(),
             cBU.LockedBuffer(), cBU.LDim(),
          0, W.Buffer(),         W.LDim() );
        ( 'N', 'N', A.Height(), Br, Ar,
          alpha, A.U.LockedBuffer(), A.U.LDim(),
                       W.LockedBuffer(),   W.LDim(),
          0,           C.U.Buffer(),       C.U.LDim() );
        Conjugate( B.U, C.V );
Ejemplo n.º 26
cQuaternion cQuaternion::AppliedTo( const cQuaternion& q )
	return *this * ( q * Conjugate() );
Ejemplo n.º 27
inline void
PanelHouseholder( DistMatrix<F>& A, DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR>& t )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("lq::PanelHouseholder");
    if( A.Grid() != t.Grid() )
        LogicError("{A,t} must be distributed over the same grid");
    if( t.Height() != Min(A.Height(),A.Width()) || t.Width() != 1 )
        ("t must be a vector of height equal to the minimum dimension of A");
    if( !t.AlignedWithDiagonal( A, 0 ) )
        LogicError("t must be aligned with A's main diagonal");
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();

    // Matrix views
        ATL(g), ATR(g),  A00(g), a01(g),     A02(g),  aTopRow(g), ABottomPan(g),
        ABL(g), ABR(g),  a10(g), alpha11(g), a12(g),
                         A20(g), a21(g),     A22(g);
        tT(g),  t0(g),
        tB(g),  tau1(g),

    // Temporary distributions
    DistMatrix<F> aTopRowConj(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,MR  > aTopRowConj_STAR_MR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> z_MC_STAR(g);

    ( A, ATL, ATR,
         ABL, ABR, 0 );
    ( t, tT,
         tB, 0 );
    while( ATL.Height() < A.Height() && ATL.Width() < A.Width() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ a01,     A02,
         /*************/ /**********************/
               /**/       a10, /**/ alpha11, a12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ a21,     A22, 1 );

        ( tT,  t0,
         /**/ /****/
          tB,  t2, 1 );

        View1x2( aTopRow, alpha11, a12 );
        View1x2( ABottomPan, a21, A22 );

        aTopRowConj_STAR_MR.AlignWith( ABottomPan );
        z_MC_STAR.AlignWith( ABottomPan );
        // Compute the Householder reflector
        const F tau = Reflector( alpha11, a12 );
        tau1.Set( 0, 0, tau );

        // Apply the Householder reflector
        const bool myDiagonalEntry = ( g.Row() == alpha11.ColAlignment() &&
                                       g.Col() == alpha11.RowAlignment() );
        F alpha = 0;
        if( myDiagonalEntry )
            alpha = alpha11.GetLocal(0,0);
        Conjugate( aTopRow, aTopRowConj );
        aTopRowConj_STAR_MR = aTopRowConj;
        Zeros( z_MC_STAR, ABottomPan.Height(), 1 );
        ( NORMAL, F(1), ABottomPan, aTopRowConj_STAR_MR, F(0), z_MC_STAR );
        ( -Conj(tau),
          ABottomPan.Matrix() );
        if( myDiagonalEntry )

        ( tT,  t0,
         /**/ /****/
          tB,  t2 );

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, a01,     /**/ A02,
               /**/       a10, alpha11, /**/ a12,
         /*************/ /**********************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, a21,     /**/ A22 );
Ejemplo n.º 28
inline void UnblockedBidiagU
( DistMatrix<Complex<R> >& A, 
  DistMatrix<Complex<R>,MD,STAR>& tP,
  DistMatrix<Complex<R>,MD,STAR>& tQ )
#ifndef RELEASE
    const int tPHeight = std::max(A.Width()-1,0);
    const int tQHeight = A.Width();
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Grid() != tP.Grid() || tP.Grid() != tQ.Grid() )
        throw std::logic_error("Process grids do not match");
    if( A.Height() < A.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("A must be at least as tall as it is wide");
    if( tP.Viewing() && (tP.Height() != tPHeight || tP.Width() != 1) )
        throw std::logic_error("tP is the wrong height");
    if( tQ.Viewing() && (tQ.Height() != tQHeight || tQ.Width() != 1) )
        throw std::logic_error("tQ is the wrong height");
    typedef Complex<R> C;
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();

    if( !tP.Viewing() )
        tP.ResizeTo( tPHeight, 1 );
    if( !tQ.Viewing() )
        tQ.ResizeTo( tQHeight, 1 );

    // Matrix views 
        ATL(g), ATR(g),  A00(g), a01(g),     A02(g),  alpha12L(g), a12R(g),
        ABL(g), ABR(g),  a10(g), alpha11(g), a12(g),  aB1(g), AB2(g),
                         A20(g), a21(g),     A22(g);

    // Temporary matrices
    DistMatrix<C,STAR,MR  > a12_STAR_MR(g);
    DistMatrix<C,MC,  STAR> aB1_MC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<C,MR,  STAR> x12Adj_MR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<C,MC,  STAR> w21_MC_STAR(g);

    PushBlocksizeStack( 1 );
    ( A, ATL, ATR,
         ABL, ABR, 0 );
    while( ATL.Width() < A.Width() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ a01,     A02,
         /*************/ /**********************/
               /**/       a10, /**/ alpha11, a12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ a21,     A22 );

        ( aB1, alpha11,
               a21 );
        ( AB2, a12,
               A22 );

        aB1_MC_STAR.AlignWith( aB1 );
        a12_STAR_MR.AlignWith( a12 );
        x12Adj_MR_STAR.AlignWith( AB2 );
        w21_MC_STAR.AlignWith( A22 );
        Zeros( a12.Width(), 1, x12Adj_MR_STAR );
        Zeros( a21.Height(), 1, w21_MC_STAR );
        const bool thisIsMyRow = ( g.Row() == alpha11.ColAlignment() );
        const bool thisIsMyCol = ( g.Col() == alpha11.RowAlignment() );
        const bool nextIsMyCol = ( g.Col() == a12.RowAlignment() );

        // Find tauQ, u, and epsilonQ such that
        //     I - conj(tauQ) | 1 | | 1, u^H | | alpha11 | = | epsilonQ |
        //                    | u |            |    a21  |   |    0     |
        const C tauQ = Reflector( alpha11, a21 );
        tQ.Set(A00.Height(),0,tauQ );
        C epsilonQ=0;
        if( thisIsMyCol && thisIsMyRow )
            epsilonQ = alpha11.GetLocal(0,0);

        // Set aB1 = | 1 | and form x12^H := (aB1^H AB2)^H = AB2^H aB1
        //           | u |
        aB1_MC_STAR = aB1;
        ( ADJOINT, C(1), AB2, aB1_MC_STAR, C(0), x12Adj_MR_STAR );

        // Update AB2 := AB2 - conj(tauQ) aB1 x12
        //             = AB2 - conj(tauQ) aB1 aB1^H AB2 
        //             = (I - conj(tauQ) aB1 aB1^H) AB2
        internal::LocalGer( -Conj(tauQ), aB1_MC_STAR, x12Adj_MR_STAR, AB2 );

        // Put epsilonQ back instead of the temporary value, 1
        if( thisIsMyCol && thisIsMyRow )

        if( A22.Width() != 0 )
            // Due to the deficiencies in the BLAS ?gemv routines, this section
            // is easier if we temporarily conjugate a12
            Conjugate( a12 ); 

            // Expose the subvector we seek to zero, a12R
            PartitionRight( a12, alpha12L, a12R );

            // Find tauP, v, and epsilonP such that
            //     I - conj(tauP) | 1 | | 1, v^H | | alpha12L | = | epsilonP |
            //                    | v |            |  a12R^T  |   |    0     |
            const C tauP = Reflector( alpha12L, a12R );
            C epsilonP=0;
            if( nextIsMyCol && thisIsMyRow )
                epsilonP = alpha12L.GetLocal(0,0);

            // Set a12^T = | 1 | and form w21 := A22 a12^T = A22 | 1 |
            //             | v |                                 | v |
            a12_STAR_MR = a12;
            ( NORMAL, C(1), A22, a12_STAR_MR, C(0), w21_MC_STAR );

            // A22 := A22 - tauP w21 conj(a12)
            //      = A22 - tauP A22 a12^T conj(a12)
            //      = A22 (I - tauP a12^T conj(a12))
            //      = A22 conj(I - conj(tauP) a12^H a12)
            // which compensates for the fact that the reflector was generated
            // on the conjugated a12.
            internal::LocalGer( -tauP, w21_MC_STAR, a12_STAR_MR, A22 );

            // Put epsilonP back instead of the temporary value, 1
            if( nextIsMyCol && thisIsMyRow )

            // Undue the temporary conjugation
            Conjugate( a12 );

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, a01,     /**/ A02,
               /**/       a10, alpha11, /**/ a12,
         /*************/ /**********************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, a21,     /**/ A22 );
#ifndef RELEASE
Ejemplo n.º 29
void LUTUnb
( bool conjugate,
  const Matrix<F>& U,
        Matrix<F>& X,
  bool checkIfSingular )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int m = X.Height();
    const Int n = X.Width();
    if( conjugate )
        Conjugate( X );

    const F* UBuf = U.LockedBuffer();
          F* XBuf = X.Buffer();
    const Int ldu = U.LDim();
    const Int ldx = X.LDim();

    Int k=0;
    while( k < m )
        const bool in2x2 = ( k+1<m && UBuf[(k+1)+k*ldu] != F(0) );
        if( in2x2 )
            // Solve the 2x2 linear systems via a 2x2 QR decomposition produced
            // by the Givens rotation
            //    | c        s | | U(k,  k) | = | gamma11 | 
            //    | -conj(s) c | | U(k+1,k) |   | 0       |
            // and by also forming the right two entries of the 2x2 resulting
            // upper-triangular matrix, say gamma12 and gamma22
            // Extract the 2x2 diagonal block, D
            const F delta11 = UBuf[ k   + k   *ldu];
            const F delta12 = UBuf[ k   +(k+1)*ldu];
            const F delta21 = UBuf[(k+1)+ k   *ldu];
            const F delta22 = UBuf[(k+1)+(k+1)*ldu];
            // Decompose D = Q R
            Real c; F s;
            const F gamma11 = Givens( delta11, delta21, c, s );
            const F gamma12 =        c*delta12 + s*delta22;
            const F gamma22 = -Conj(s)*delta12 + c*delta22;
            if( checkIfSingular )
                // TODO: Check if sufficiently small instead
                if( gamma11 == F(0) || gamma22 == F(0) )
                    LogicError("Singular diagonal block detected");
            for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
                F* xBuf = &XBuf[j*ldx];

                // Solve against R^T
                xBuf[k  ] /= gamma11;
                xBuf[k+1] -= gamma12*xBuf[k];
                xBuf[k+1] /= gamma22;

                // Solve against Q^T
                const F chi1 = xBuf[k  ];
                const F chi2 = xBuf[k+1];
                xBuf[k  ] = c*chi1 - Conj(s)*chi2;
                xBuf[k+1] = s*chi1 +       c*chi2;

                // Update x2 := x2 - U12^T x1
                ( m-(k+2), -xBuf[k  ],
                  &UBuf[ k   +(k+2)*ldu], ldu, &xBuf[k+2], 1 );
                ( m-(k+2), -xBuf[k+1],
                  &UBuf[(k+1)+(k+2)*ldu], ldu, &xBuf[k+2], 1 );
            k += 2;
            if( checkIfSingular )
                // TODO: Check if sufficiently small instead
                if( UBuf[k+k*ldu] == F(0) )
                    LogicError("Singular diagonal entry detected");
            for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
                F* xBuf = &XBuf[j*ldx];
                xBuf[k] /= UBuf[k+k*ldu];
                ( m-(k+1), -xBuf[k], &UBuf[k+(k+1)*ldu], ldu, &xBuf[k+1], 1 );
            k += 1;
    if( conjugate )
        Conjugate( X );
Ejemplo n.º 30
inline void
PanelHouseholder( Matrix<F>& A, Matrix<F>& t )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("lq::PanelHouseholder");
    if( t.Height() != Min(A.Height(),A.Width()) || t.Width() != 1 )
        ("t must be a vector of height equal to the minimum dimension of A");
        ATL, ATR,  A00, a01,     A02,  aTopRow, ABottomPan,
        ABL, ABR,  a10, alpha11, a12,
                   A20, a21,     A22;
        tT,  t0,
        tB,  tau1,

    Matrix<F> z, aTopRowConj;

    ( A, ATL, ATR,
         ABL, ABR, 0 );
    ( t, tT,
         tB, 0 );
    while( ATL.Height() < A.Height() && ATL.Width() < A.Width() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ a01,     A02,
         /*************/ /**********************/
               /**/       a10, /**/ alpha11, a12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ a21,     A22, 1 );

        ( tT,  t0,
         /**/ /****/
          tB,  t2, 1 );

        View1x2( aTopRow, alpha11, a12 );
        View1x2( ABottomPan, a21, A22 );
        // Compute the Householder reflector
        const F tau = Reflector( alpha11, a12 );
        tau1.Set( 0, 0, tau );

        // Apply the Householder reflector
        const F alpha = alpha11.Get(0,0);
        Conjugate( aTopRow, aTopRowConj );
        Zeros( z, ABottomPan.Height(), 1 );
        Gemv( NORMAL, F(1), ABottomPan, aTopRowConj, F(0), z );
        Ger( -Conj(tau), z, aTopRowConj, ABottomPan );

        ( tT,  t0,
         /**/ /****/
          tB,  t2 );

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, a01,     /**/ A02,
               /**/       a10, alpha11, /**/ a12,
         /*************/ /**********************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, a21,     /**/ A22 );