Ejemplo n.º 1
  lval => rval

  in the form (lval,type,range)

  If the type is cf_body then the range is a pointer to another array of pairs,
  like in a body "sub-routine"

static const char *POLICY_ERROR_WRONG_RESOURCE_FOR_DATA_SELECT = "Constraint report_data_select is allowed only for 'query' resource_type";

static bool AccessParseTreeCheck(const Promise *pp, Seq *errors);

static const ConstraintSyntax report_data_select_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("classes_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for class names to be included into class report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("classes_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for class names to be excluded from class report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("variables_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for variable full qielified path to be included into variables report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("variables_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for variable full qielified path to be excluded from variables report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_notkept_log_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for handle name to be included into promise not kept log report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_notkept_log_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for handle name to be excluded from promise not kept log report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_repaired_log_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for handle name to be included into promise repaired log report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_repaired_log_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for handle name to be excluded from promise repaired log report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("monitoring_include", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for slot name to be included from monitoring report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("monitoring_exclude", CF_ANYSTRING, "List of regex filters for slot name to be excluded from monitoring report", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax report_data_select_body = BodySyntaxNew("report_data_select", report_data_select_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

const ConstraintSyntax CF_REMACCESS_BODIES[] =
Ejemplo n.º 2
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("sensible_size", CF_VALRANGE, "Minimum size in bytes that should be used on a sensible-looking storage device", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("sensible_count", CF_VALRANGE, "Minimum number of files that should be defined on a sensible-looking storage device", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("scan_arrivals", "true/false generate pseudo-periodic disk change arrival distribution. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax volume_body = BodySyntaxNew("volume", volume_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax mount_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("edit_fstab", "true/false add or remove entries to the file system table (\"fstab\"). Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("mount_type", "nfs,nfs2,nfs3,nfs4", "Protocol type of remote file system", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("mount_source", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Path of remote file system to mount", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("mount_server", "", "Hostname or IP or remote file system server", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("mount_options", "", "List of option strings to add to the file system table (\"fstab\")", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("unmount", "true/false unmount a previously mounted filesystem. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax mount_body = BodySyntaxNew("mount", mount_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax storage_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("mount", &mount_body, "Criteria for mounting foreign file systems", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("volume", &volume_body, "Criteria for monitoring/probing mounted volumes", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

const PromiseTypeSyntax CF_STORAGE_PROMISE_TYPES[] =
Ejemplo n.º 3
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA

  To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Enterprise
  versions of CFEngine, the applicable Commercial Open Source License
  (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See
  included file COSL.txt.

#include <mod_process.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax process_count_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("in_range_define", "", "List of classes to define if the matches are in range", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("match_range", CF_VALRANGE, "Integer range for acceptable number of matches for this process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("out_of_range_define", "", "List of classes to define if the matches are out of range", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax process_count_body = BodySyntaxNew("process_count", process_count_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax process_select_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("command", "", "Regular expression matching the command/cmd field of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("pid", CF_VALRANGE, "Range of integers matching the process id of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("pgid", CF_VALRANGE, "Range of integers matching the parent group id of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("ppid", CF_VALRANGE, "Range of integers matching the parent process id of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewIntRange("priority", "-20,+20", "Range of integers matching the priority field (PRI/NI) of a process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Ejemplo n.º 4
static const ConstraintSyntax database_server_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_server_owner", "", "User name for database connection", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_server_password", "", "Clear text password for database connection", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_server_host", "", "Hostname or address for connection to database, blank means localhost", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("db_server_type", "postgres,mysql,sqlite", "The dialect of the database server. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_server_connection_db", "", "The name of an existing database to connect to in order to create/manage other databases", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("db_embedded_directory_path", "", "The root directory in which to store embedded database files", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax database_server_body = BodySyntaxNew("database_server", database_server_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax databases_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("database_server", &database_server_body, "Credentials for connecting to a local/remote database server", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("database_type", "sql,ms_registry", "The type of database that is to be manipulated. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("database_operation", "create,delete,drop,cache,verify,restore", "The nature of the promise - to be or not to be", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("database_columns", ".*", "A list of column definitions to be promised by SQL databases", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("database_rows", ".*,.*", "An ordered list of row values to be promised by SQL databases", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("registry_exclude", "", "A list of regular expressions to ignore in key/value verification", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

const PromiseTypeSyntax CF_DATABASES_PROMISE_TYPES[] =
    PromiseTypeSyntaxNew("agent", "databases", databases_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Ejemplo n.º 5
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_kept", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value attributed to keeping this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_repaired", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value attributed to reparing this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_notkept", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value (possibly negative) attributed to not keeping this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("audit", "true/false switch for detailed audit records of this promise. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("background", "true/false switch for parallelizing the promise repair. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("report_level", "inform,verbose,error,log", "The reporting level for standard output for this promise. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("measurement_class", "", "If set performance will be measured and recorded under this identifier", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax action_body = BodySyntaxNew("action", action_constraints, ActionCheck, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax classes_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("scope", "namespace,bundle", "Scope of the contexts set by this body", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_repaired", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repair_failed", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repair_denied", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repair_timeout", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("promise_kept", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be defined globally", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("cancel_kept", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be cancelled if the promise is kept", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("cancel_repaired", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be cancelled if the promise is repaired", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("cancel_notkept", CF_IDRANGE, "A list of classes to be cancelled if the promise is not kept for any reason", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("kept_returncodes", CF_INTLISTRANGE, "A list of return codes indicating a kept command-related promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("repaired_returncodes", CF_INTLISTRANGE,"A list of return codes indicating a repaired command-related promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("failed_returncodes", CF_INTLISTRANGE, "A list of return codes indicating a failed command-related promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("persist_time", CF_VALRANGE, "A number of minutes the specified classes should remain active", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("timer_policy", "absolute,reset", "Whether a persistent class restarts its counter when rediscovered. Default value: reset", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Ejemplo n.º 6
#include "syntax.h"

static const ConstraintSyntax printfile_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("file_to_print", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Path name to the file that is to be sent to standard output", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("number_of_lines", CF_VALRANGE, "Integer maximum number of lines to print from selected file", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax printfile_body = BodySyntaxNew("printfile", printfile_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

const const ConstraintSyntax CF_REPORT_BODIES[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("friend_pattern", "", "Regular expression to keep selected hosts from the friends report list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("intermittency", "0,1", "Real number threshold [0,1] of intermittency about current peers, report above. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("lastseen", CF_VALRANGE, "Integer time threshold in hours since current peers were last seen, report absence", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("printfile", &printfile_body, "Quote part of a file to standard output", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("report_to_file", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "The path and filename to which output should be appended", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("bundle_return_value_index", CF_IDRANGE, "The promiser is to be interpreted as a literal value that the caller can accept as a result for this bundle, i.e. a return value with array index defined by this attribute.", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("showstate", "", "List of services about which status reports should be reported to standard output", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

const PromiseTypeSyntax CF_REPORT_PROMISE_TYPES[] =
    /* Body lists belonging to "reports:" type in Agent */

    PromiseTypeSyntaxNew("agent", "reports", CF_REPORT_BODIES, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Ejemplo n.º 7
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("freespace", "[0-9]+[MBkKgGmb%]", "Absolute or percentage minimum disk space that should be available before warning", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("sensible_size", CF_VALRANGE, "Minimum size in bytes that should be used on a sensible-looking storage device", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("sensible_count", CF_VALRANGE, "Minimum number of files that should be defined on a sensible-looking storage device", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("scan_arrivals", "true/false generate pseudo-periodic disk change arrival distribution", "false"),

static const BodyTypeSyntax volume_body = BodyTypeSyntaxNew("volume_method", ConstraintSetSyntaxNew(volume_constraints, NULL));

static const ConstraintSyntax mount_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("edit_fstab", "true/false add or remove entries to the file system table (\"fstab\")", "false"),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("mount_type", "nfs,nfs2,nfs3,nfs4", "Protocol type of remote file system", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("mount_source", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Path of remote file system to mount", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("mount_server", "", "Hostname or IP or remote file system server", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("mount_options", "", "List of option strings to add to the file system table (\"fstab\")"),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("unmount", "true/false unmount a previously mounted filesystem", "false"),

static const BodyTypeSyntax mount_body = BodyTypeSyntaxNew("mount", ConstraintSetSyntaxNew(mount_constraints, NULL));

static const ConstraintSyntax storage_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("mount", &mount_body, "Criteria for mounting foreign file systems"),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("volume", &volume_body, "Criteria for monitoring/probing mounted volumes"),

const PromiseTypeSyntax CF_STORAGE_PROMISE_TYPES[] =
Ejemplo n.º 8
static const BodySyntax replace_with_body = BodySyntaxNew("replace_with", replace_with_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax select_region_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("include_start_delimiter", "Whether to include the section delimiter. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("include_end_delimiter", "Whether to include the section delimiter. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("select_start", CF_ANYSTRING, "Regular expression matching start of edit region", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("select_end", CF_ANYSTRING, "Regular expression matches end of edit region from start", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax select_region_body = BodySyntaxNew("select_region", select_region_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax delete_select_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("delete_if_startwith_from_list", CF_ANYSTRING, "Delete line if it starts with a string in the list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("delete_if_not_startwith_from_list", CF_ANYSTRING, "Delete line if it DOES NOT start with a string in the list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("delete_if_match_from_list", CF_ANYSTRING, "Delete line if it fully matches a regex in the list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("delete_if_not_match_from_list", CF_ANYSTRING,"Delete line if it DOES NOT fully match a regex in the list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("delete_if_contains_from_list", CF_ANYSTRING, "Delete line if a regex in the list match a line fragment", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("delete_if_not_contains_from_list", CF_ANYSTRING,"Delete line if a regex in the list DOES NOT match a line fragment", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax delete_select_body = BodySyntaxNew("delete_select", delete_select_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax insert_select_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("insert_if_startwith_from_list", CF_ANYSTRING, "Insert line if it starts with a string in the list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("insert_if_not_startwith_from_list", CF_ANYSTRING,"Insert line if it DOES NOT start with a string in the list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("insert_if_match_from_list", CF_ANYSTRING, "Insert line if it fully matches a regex in the list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Ejemplo n.º 9
  To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Enterprise
  versions of CFEngine, the applicable Commercial Open Source License
  (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See
  included file COSL.txt.

#include <mod_knowledge.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax association_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("forward_relationship", "", "Name of forward association between promiser topic and associates", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("backward_relationship", "", "Name of backward/inverse association from associates to promiser topic", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("associates", "", "List of associated topics by this forward relationship", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),

static const BodySyntax association_body = BodySyntaxNew("association", association_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED);

static const ConstraintSyntax topics_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("association", &association_body, "Declare associated topics", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("synonyms", "", "A list of words to be treated as equivalents in the defined context", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("generalizations", "", "A list of words to be treated as super-sets for the current topic, used when reasoning", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),

static const ConstraintSyntax occurrences_constraints[] =
Ejemplo n.º 10
  (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See
  included file COSL.txt.

#include "mod_packages.h"

#include "syntax.h"

static const ConstraintSyntax package_method_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_add_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to install a package to the system", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_arch_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package architecture string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("package_changes", "individual,bulk", "Menu option - whether to group packages into a single aggregate command", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_delete_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to remove a package from the system", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_delete_convention", "", "This is how the package manager expects the package to be referred to in the deletion part of a package update, e.g. $(name)", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("package_file_repositories", "", "A list of machine-local directories to search for packages"),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_installed_regex", "", "Regular expression which matches packages that are already installed", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_default_arch_command", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Command to detect the default packages' architecture", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_arch_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package architecture string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to obtain a list of available packages", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_name_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package name string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_update_command", "", "Command to update the list of available packages (if any)", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("package_list_update_ifelapsed", CF_INTRANGE, "The ifelapsed locking time in between updates of the package list", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_version_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package version string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_name_convention", "", "This is how the package manager expects the package to be referred to, e.g. $(name).$(arch)", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_name_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package name string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_noverify_regex", "", "Regular expression to match verification failure output", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("package_noverify_returncode", CF_INTRANGE, "Integer return code indicating package verification failure", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_patch_arch_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update architecture string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_patch_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to update to the latest patch release of an installed package", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_patch_installed_regex", "", "Regular expression which matches packages that are already installed", NULL),