void CPlayerController::Update(const Vector &position, const Vector &velocity, float secondsToArrival, bool onground, IPhysicsObject *ground) {
	btVector3 bullTargetPosition, bullMaxVelocity;

	ConvertPosToBull(position, bullTargetPosition);
	ConvertPosToBull(velocity, bullMaxVelocity);

	// If the targets haven't changed, abort.
	if (bullMaxVelocity.distance2(m_maxVelocity) < FLT_EPSILON && bullTargetPosition.distance2(m_targetPosition) < FLT_EPSILON) {

	m_targetPosition = bullTargetPosition;
	m_maxVelocity = bullMaxVelocity;

	m_enable = true;

	// FYI: The onground stuff includes any props we may be standing on as well as the world.
	// The ground is valid only if it's significantly heavier than our object ("Rideable physics" > our mass * 2)
	m_onground = onground;

	if (velocity.LengthSqr() <= 0.001f) {
		m_enable = false;
		ground = NULL;
	} else {

	m_secondsToArrival = secondsToArrival;

	m_pGround = (CPhysicsObject *)ground;

	m_ticksSinceUpdate = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ConvertMatrixToBull(const matrix3x4_t& hl, btTransform& transform)
	Vector forward, left, up, pos;

	forward.x = hl[0][0];
	forward.y = hl[1][0];
	forward.z = hl[2][0];

	left.x = hl[0][1];
	left.y = hl[1][1];
	left.z = hl[2][1];

	up.x = hl[0][2];
	up.y = hl[1][2];
	up.z = hl[2][2];

	pos.x = hl[0][3];
	pos.y = hl[1][3];
	pos.z = hl[2][3];

	btVector3 bullForward, bullLeft, bullUp, origin;
	ConvertDirectionToBull(forward, bullForward);
	ConvertDirectionToBull(-left, bullLeft);
	ConvertDirectionToBull(up, bullUp);
	ConvertPosToBull(pos, origin);

	transform.setBasis(btMatrix3x3(bullForward.x(), bullUp.x(), bullLeft.x(), bullForward.y(), bullUp.y(), bullLeft.y(), bullForward.z(), bullUp.z(), bullLeft.z()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CPhysicsEnvironment::SetGravity(const Vector &gravityVector) {
	btVector3 temp;
	ConvertPosToBull(gravityVector, temp);

	m_softBodyWorldInfo.m_gravity = temp;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CShadowController::MaxSpeed(float maxSpeed, float maxAngularSpeed) {
	btRigidBody* body = btRigidBody::upcast(m_pObject->GetObject());

	btVector3 bullSpeed;
	ConvertPosToBull(maxSpeed, bullSpeed);
	btVector3 available = bullSpeed;

	m_currentSpeed = bullSpeed;

	float length = bullSpeed.length();

	float dot = bullSpeed.dot(body->getLinearVelocity());
	if (dot > 0) {
		bullSpeed *= dot * length;
		available -= bullSpeed;
	m_shadow.maxSpeed = available.absolute();

	btVector3 bullAngular;
	ConvertAngularImpulseToBull(maxAngularSpeed, bullAngular);
	btVector3 availableAngular;

	float lengthAngular = bullAngular.length();

	float dotAngular = bullAngular.dot(body->getAngularVelocity());
	if (dotAngular > 0) {
		bullAngular *= dotAngular * lengthAngular;
		availableAngular -= bullAngular;
	m_shadow.maxAngular = availableAngular.absolute();
Ejemplo n.º 5
CPhysicsObject* CreatePhysicsSphere(CPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, float radius, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic) {
	btSphereShape* shape = new btSphereShape(ConvertDistanceToBull(radius));
	btVector3 vector;
	btMatrix3x3 matrix;
	ConvertPosToBull(position, vector);
	ConvertRotationToBull(angles, matrix);
	btTransform transform(matrix, vector);

	float mass = pParams->mass;
	if (isStatic) mass = 0;

	btMotionState* motionstate = new btMassCenterMotionState(transform);
	btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo info(mass,motionstate,shape);

	btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(info);

	if (mass > 0)
		pEnvironment->GetBulletEnvironment()->addRigidBody(body, 2, ~2);

	float volume = pParams->volume;
	if (volume <= 0) {
		volume = 4.0f * radius * radius * radius * M_PI / 3.0f;

	CPhysicsObject *pObject = new CPhysicsObject();
	pObject->Init(pEnvironment, body, materialIndex, volume, 0, 0, NULL);

	return pObject;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CPhysicsObject::ApplyForceOffset(const Vector& forceVector, const Vector& worldPosition) {
	Vector local;
	WorldToLocal(&local, worldPosition);
	btVector3 force, offset;
	ConvertForceImpulseToBull(forceVector, force);
	ConvertPosToBull(local, offset);
	m_pObject->applyForce(force, offset);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CPhysicsObject::SetPosition(const Vector& worldPosition, const QAngle& angles, bool isTeleport) {
	btVector3 pos;
	btMatrix3x3 matrix;
	ConvertPosToBull(worldPosition, pos);
	ConvertRotationToBull(angles, matrix);
	btTransform transform(matrix, pos);
void CPlayerController::StepUp(float height) {
	btVector3 step;
	ConvertPosToBull(Vector(0, 0, height), step);

	btRigidBody *pObject = m_pObject->GetObject();
	btTransform transform = pObject->getWorldTransform();
	transform.setOrigin(transform.getOrigin() + step);

Ejemplo n.º 9
void CPhysicsObject::GetVelocityAtPoint(const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *pVelocity) const {
	if (!pVelocity) return;

	Vector localPos;
	WorldToLocal(&localPos, worldPosition);

	btVector3 vec;
	ConvertPosToBull(localPos, vec);
	ConvertPosToHL(m_pObject->getVelocityInLocalPoint(vec), *pVelocity);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void CPhysicsObject::AddVelocity(const Vector* velocity, const AngularImpulse* angularVelocity) {
	btVector3 btvelocity, btangular;
	if (velocity) {
		ConvertPosToBull(*velocity, btvelocity);
		m_pObject->setLinearVelocity(m_pObject->getLinearVelocity() + btvelocity);
	if (angularVelocity) {
		ConvertAngularImpulseToBull(*angularVelocity, btangular);
		m_pObject->setAngularVelocity(m_pObject->getAngularVelocity() + btangular);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CPhysicsObject::SetVelocity(const Vector* velocity, const AngularImpulse* angularVelocity) {
	btVector3 vel, angvel;
	if (velocity) {
		ConvertPosToBull(*velocity, vel);
	if (angularVelocity) {
		ConvertAngularImpulseToBull(*angularVelocity, angvel);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void ConvertShadowControllerToBull(const hlshadowcontrol_params_t &in, shadowcontrol_params_t &out) {
	ConvertPosToBull(in.targetPosition, out.targetPosition);
	ConvertRotationToBull(in.targetRotation, out.targetRotation);
	out.teleportDistance = ConvertDistanceToBull(in.teleportDistance);

	ConvertForceImpulseToBull(in.maxSpeed, out.maxSpeed);
	out.maxSpeed = out.maxSpeed.absolute();
	ConvertAngularImpulseToBull(in.maxAngular, out.maxAngular);
	out.maxAngular = out.maxAngular.absolute();
	out.dampFactor = in.dampFactor;
void ConvertShadowControllerToBull(const hlshadowcontrol_params_t &in, shadowcontrol_params_t &out) {
	ConvertPosToBull(in.targetPosition, out.targetPosition);
	ConvertRotationToBull(in.targetRotation, out.targetRotation);
	out.teleportDistance = ConvertDistanceToBull(in.teleportDistance);

	out.maxSpeed = ConvertDistanceToBull(in.maxSpeed);
	out.maxDampSpeed = ConvertDistanceToBull(in.maxDampSpeed);
	out.maxAngular = ConvertAngleToBull(in.maxAngular);
	out.maxDampAngular = ConvertAngleToBull(in.maxDampAngular);
	out.dampFactor = in.dampFactor;
Ejemplo n.º 14
CPhysicsObject* CreatePhysicsObject(CPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, const CPhysCollide *pCollisionModel, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle& angles, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic) {
	btCollisionShape* shape = (btCollisionShape*)pCollisionModel;
	btVector3 vector;
	btMatrix3x3 matrix;
	ConvertPosToBull(position, vector);
	ConvertRotationToBull(angles, matrix);
	btTransform transform(matrix, vector);

	PhysicsShapeInfo *shapeInfo = (PhysicsShapeInfo*)shape->getUserPointer();
	btTransform masscenter(btMatrix3x3::getIdentity());
	if (shapeInfo) masscenter.setOrigin(shapeInfo->massCenter);

	float mass = pParams->mass;
	if (isStatic) mass = 0;

	btVector3 inertia;

	shape->calculateLocalInertia(mass, inertia);
	btMotionState* motionstate = new btMassCenterMotionState(transform, masscenter);
	btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo info(mass,motionstate,shape,inertia);

	info.m_linearDamping = pParams->damping;
	info.m_angularDamping = pParams->rotdamping;
	//info.m_localInertia = btVector3(pParams->inertia, pParams->inertia, pParams->inertia);

	btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(info);

	if (mass > 0)
		pEnvironment->GetBulletEnvironment()->addRigidBody(body, 2, ~2);

	CPhysicsObject *pObject = new CPhysicsObject();
	pObject->Init(pEnvironment, body, materialIndex, pParams->volume, pParams->dragCoefficient, pParams->dragCoefficient, pParams->massCenterOverride);
	if (!isStatic && pParams->dragCoefficient != 0.0f) pObject->EnableDrag(true);

	/*if (mass > 0)
		btVector3 mins, maxs;
		shape->getAabb(btTransform::getIdentity(), mins, maxs);
		float maxradius = min(min(abs(maxs.getX()), abs(maxs.getY())), abs(maxs.getZ()));
		float minradius = min(min(abs(mins.getX()), abs(mins.getY())), abs(mins.getZ()));
		float radius = min(maxradius,minradius)/2.0f;
	return pObject;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void CShadowController::Update(const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, float timeOffset) {
	btVector3 targetPosition = m_shadow.targetPosition;
	btQuaternion targetRotation = m_shadow.targetRotation;

	ConvertPosToBull(position, m_shadow.targetPosition);
	m_secondsToArrival = timeOffset < 0 ? 0 : timeOffset;
	ConvertRotationToBull(angles, m_shadow.targetRotation);

	m_enable = true;

	if (IsEqual(targetPosition, m_shadow.targetPosition) && IsEqual(targetRotation, m_shadow.targetRotation)) return;

Ejemplo n.º 16
void CPhysicsObject::ApplyForceOffset(const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition) {
	if (!IsMoveable() || !IsMotionEnabled()) {

	Vector local;
	WorldToLocal(&local, worldPosition);

	btVector3 force, offset;
	ConvertForceImpulseToBull(forceVector, force);
	ConvertPosToBull(local, offset);
	m_pObject->applyImpulse(force, offset);
Ejemplo n.º 17
void CPhysicsObject::SetPosition(const Vector &worldPosition, const QAngle &angles, bool isTeleport) {
	btVector3 bullPos;
	btMatrix3x3 bullAngles;

	ConvertPosToBull(worldPosition, bullPos);
	ConvertRotationToBull(angles, bullAngles);
	btTransform trans(bullAngles, bullPos);

	m_pObject->setWorldTransform(trans * ((btMassCenterMotionState *)m_pObject->getMotionState())->m_centerOfMassOffset);

	// Assumed this is the behavior of IVP. If you teleport an object, you don't want it to be stupidly frozen in the air.
	// Change this if behavior of IVP is different!
	if (isTeleport)
void CPlayerController::MaxSpeed(const Vector &maxVelocity) {
	btVector3 bullVel;
	ConvertPosToBull(maxVelocity, bullVel);
	btVector3 available = bullVel;

	float length = bullVel.length();

	float dot = bullVel.dot(m_linVelocity);
	if (dot > 0) {
		bullVel *= dot * length;
		available -= bullVel;

	m_maxSpeed = available.absolute();
Ejemplo n.º 19
CPhysicsObject *CreatePhysicsObject(CPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, const CPhysCollide *pCollisionModel, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic) {
	if (!pCollisionModel) return NULL;

	// Some checks
	Assert(position.IsValid() && angles.IsValid());

	btCollisionShape *pShape = (btCollisionShape *)pCollisionModel->GetCollisionShape();

	btTransform massCenterTrans = btTransform::getIdentity();
	btMassCenterMotionState *pMotionState = new btMassCenterMotionState(massCenterTrans);

	btVector3 bullPos;
	btMatrix3x3 bullMatrix;
	ConvertPosToBull(position, bullPos);
	ConvertRotationToBull(angles, bullMatrix);

	btTransform initialWordTrans(bullMatrix, bullPos);

	// Grab some parameters
	btScalar mass = 0.f;
	btVector3 inertia(0, 0, 0);
	btVector3 inertiaCoeff(1, 1, 1);

	if (pParams && !isStatic) {
		mass = pParams->mass;

		// TODO: Grab massCenterOverride and set it up correctly.

		// Don't allow the inertia coefficient to be less than 0!
		if (pParams->inertia >= 0)
			inertiaCoeff.setValue(pParams->inertia, pParams->inertia, pParams->inertia);

		pShape->calculateLocalInertia(mass, inertia);
		//inertia = pCollisionModel->GetRotationInertia();
		//inertia *= inertiaCoeff * mass;

	btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo info(mass, pMotionState, pShape, inertia);
	btRigidBody *pBody = new btRigidBody(info);

	CPhysicsObject *pObject = new CPhysicsObject();
	pObject->Init(pEnvironment, pBody, materialIndex, pParams, isStatic);

	return pObject;
void CShadowController::MaxSpeed(float maxSpeed, float maxAngularSpeed) {
	btRigidBody *body = m_pObject->GetObject();

	// Linear

	btVector3 bullSpeed;
	ConvertPosToBull(Vector(maxSpeed), bullSpeed);
	btVector3 available = bullSpeed;

	// m_currentSpeed = bullSpeed;

	float length = bullSpeed.length();

	float dot = bullSpeed.dot(body->getLinearVelocity());
	if (dot > 0) {
		bullSpeed *= dot * length;
		available -= bullSpeed;

	// FIXME: This is wrong. Rewrite this later.
	m_shadow.maxSpeed = available.length();

	// Angular

	btVector3 bullAngular;
	ConvertAngularImpulseToBull(Vector(maxAngularSpeed), bullAngular);
	btVector3 availableAngular;

	float lengthAngular = bullAngular.length();

	float dotAngular = bullAngular.dot(body->getAngularVelocity());
	if (dotAngular > 0) {
		bullAngular *= dotAngular * lengthAngular;
		availableAngular -= bullAngular;

	// FIXME: This is wrong. Rewrite this later.
	m_shadow.maxAngular = availableAngular.length();
Ejemplo n.º 21
// Output passed to ApplyForceCenter/ApplyTorqueCenter
void CPhysicsObject::CalculateForceOffset(const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *centerForce, AngularImpulse *centerTorque) const {
	if (!centerForce && !centerTorque) return;

	btVector3 pos, force;
	ConvertPosToBull(worldPosition, pos);
	ConvertForceImpulseToBull(forceVector, force);

	pos = pos - m_pObject->getWorldTransform().getOrigin();

	btVector3 cross = pos.cross(force);

	if (centerForce) {
		ConvertForceImpulseToHL(force, *centerForce);

	if (centerTorque) {
		ConvertAngularImpulseToHL(cross, *centerTorque);
Ejemplo n.º 22
void CPhysicsDragController::Tick(btScalar dt)
    for(int i = 0; i < m_ents.Size(); i++)
        CPhysicsObject * object = (CPhysicsObject *)m_ents[i];

        Vector dragLinearFinal(0,0,0);
        AngularImpulse dragAngularFinal(0,0,0);

        Vector vel;
        AngularImpulse ang;
        object->GetVelocity(&vel, &ang);

        btVector3 bull_vel;

        ConvertPosToBull(vel, bull_vel);

        float dragForce = -0.5 * object->GetDragInDirection( &bull_vel ) * m_airDensity * dt;
        if ( dragForce < -1.0f )
            dragForce = -1.0f;
        if ( dragForce < 0 )
            Vector dragLinearFinal = vel * dragForce;
        btVector3 bull_angimpulse;
        ConvertAngularImpulseToBull(ang, bull_angimpulse);

        float angDragForce = -object->GetAngularDragInDirection(&bull_angimpulse) * m_airDensity * dt;
        if ( angDragForce < -1.0f )
            angDragForce = -1.0f;
        if( angDragForce < 0)
            dragAngularFinal = ang * angDragForce;
        object->AddVelocity(&dragLinearFinal, &dragAngularFinal);
Ejemplo n.º 23
void CPhysicsObject::AddVelocity(const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity) {
	if (!velocity && !angularVelocity) return;

	if (!IsMoveable() || !IsMotionEnabled()) {

	btVector3 bullvelocity, bullangular;
	if (velocity) {
		ConvertPosToBull(*velocity, bullvelocity);
		m_pObject->setLinearVelocity(m_pObject->getLinearVelocity() + bullvelocity);

	// Angular velocity is supplied in local space.
	if (angularVelocity) {
		ConvertAngularImpulseToBull(*angularVelocity, bullangular);
		bullangular = m_pObject->getWorldTransform().getBasis() * bullangular;

		m_pObject->setAngularVelocity(m_pObject->getAngularVelocity() + bullangular);
Ejemplo n.º 24
CPhysicsObject *CreatePhysicsSphere(CPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, float radius, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic) {
	if (!pEnvironment) return NULL;

	// Some checks
	Assert(position.IsValid() && angles.IsValid());

	// Conversion unnecessary as this is an exposed function.
	btSphereShape *shape = (btSphereShape *)g_PhysicsCollision.SphereToConvex(radius);
	btVector3 vector;
	btMatrix3x3 matrix;
	ConvertPosToBull(position, vector);
	ConvertRotationToBull(angles, matrix);
	btTransform transform(matrix, vector);

	float mass = 0;
	float volume = 0;

	if (pParams) {
		mass = isStatic ? 0 : pParams->mass;

		volume = pParams->volume;
		if (volume <= 0) {
			pParams->volume = (4 / 3) * M_PI * radius * radius * radius;

	btMassCenterMotionState *motionstate = new btMassCenterMotionState();
	btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo info(mass, motionstate, shape);

	btRigidBody *body = new btRigidBody(info);

	CPhysicsObject *pObject = new CPhysicsObject;
	pObject->Init(pEnvironment, body, materialIndex, pParams, isStatic, true);

	return pObject;
Ejemplo n.º 25
// Thrusters call this and pass output to AddVelocity
void CPhysicsObject::CalculateVelocityOffset(const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *centerVelocity, AngularImpulse *centerAngularVelocity) const {
	if (!centerVelocity && !centerAngularVelocity) return;

	btVector3 force, pos;
	ConvertForceImpulseToBull(forceVector, force);
	ConvertPosToBull(worldPosition, pos);

	pos = pos - m_pObject->getWorldTransform().getOrigin();

	btVector3 cross = pos.cross(force);

	// cross.set_pairwise_mult( &cross, core->get_inv_rot_inertia());

	// Linear velocity
	if (centerVelocity) {
		force *= m_pObject->getInvMass();
		ConvertForceImpulseToHL(force, *centerVelocity);

	if (centerAngularVelocity) {
		ConvertAngularImpulseToHL(cross, *centerAngularVelocity);
Ejemplo n.º 26
void CPhysicsObject::GetVelocityAtPoint(const Vector& worldPosition, Vector* pVelocity) const {
	btVector3 vec;
	ConvertPosToBull(worldPosition, vec);
	ConvertPosToHL(m_pObject->getVelocityInLocalPoint(vec), *pVelocity);
Ejemplo n.º 27
// FIXME: The API is confusing because we need to add the BT_DISABLE_WORLD_GRAVITY flag to the object
// by calling EnableGravity(false)
void CPhysicsObject::SetLocalGravity(const Vector &gravityVector) {
	btVector3 tmp;
	ConvertPosToBull(gravityVector, tmp);